Page Six ` 01 more than auu,Uuu over .\nq_I. ,yq._u. Initial ceremonies ot the Grotto, Mystic Order Veiled Prophets at the Enchanted Realm, neld in Masonic Temple, Toronto. I Miss J. Rolston, aged 76 years, serioueiy injured when struck down on the street by an auto in Toronto. 't`m-nntn rennrter submits himself street by auto in Lorunzu. Toronto reporter submits to diathermy--,new cure for pneu- monia. and co1ds-a.nd describes his sensations. m- 1.: at-finnsz. it is thought. ` Big legal actions, it thought, may develop over the settlement of the atfairs of the L. R. steel enter- prises in Canada. (".m-ztoms returns for scal year of in Uanaua. Customs ` port of Toronto amount to $54,404.- 105, an increase of nearly $11,000,- 000 over last year. ~ ` Purely accidental, is verdict of jury on the killing of Harry Wilcox,` the third fatality which has taken place on a. Grand Trunk level cross- ing near Port Credit. SATURDAY. Jewish Feast of the Passover opens , to-day. Alhinn. nezro with pure white skin Albina negro pure ; found at Egypt. Toronto Board of Trade com- pletes its 78th year. German mine owners will refuse to pay tax to French. Curling takes place at several clubs on Good Friday. France makes big haul of German money in Rhur district. Archbishop Zepliak gets reprieve, but vicar-general to die. Two Toronto teams in tie for the ' Canadian whlst championship. Montreal police called to calm dele- gations about daylight saving. British Government decides to lib- erate Zaghlone, Egyptian agitator. Premier Lenin of Russia is dying. Italian princess to wed on April 9. Christian Church in United States makes big advance during the year. Rum-runners founders on New Jersey coast with cargo valued at $7.500. 'l`wn wnmen arrested in Toronto, Two women ` charged with taking wagers for book- maker. n....o- nP nfnrin teachers. 480 in Party of Ontario teachers, ` number, go on annual visit to Wash- ington, D.C. nrinkinz on trains is not preva- lngton, l).U. Drinking on lent in Canada, says chairman of License Board. nm. rlnntnr and sixteen nurses sent] Board. One doctor and sixteen sent to Cochrane to aid ght against ty- phoid epidemic. Report at Sydney, N.S., that 35 warrants are prepared for steel workers on various charges. _ Tnftnr in v-pmnived from Premier workers various cnargeu. Letter is received from Poincare commending plan to build Canadian memorial church in Lens. ` Long-term loans to farmers by I Dominion Government asked for in % resolution of Canadian Council, of ~ Agriculture. Pnwm` mazznates centered in Mont- ---------------- l DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE ' of Trinity University amd also ` graduante of Edinburgh and Glms-i ` go-w. Specialty, stomach diseases.` Office, corner Bayeld and Wor- alevy Sts. Entrance off Worsley. .OEice open until 8 pm. Agriculture. Power magnates real ght great wanerways scheme, says F. H. Keefer, former member from Port Arthur. llrs vt\ I `V u.......,..-. Report of revolution in Roumania, with King and Queen in ight. I? av ,1 n Inns: H. HV'd6. 02127.01` Of and Queen 1u nu;uL. Rev. James S. Hyde, pastor Orton Methodist Circuit, dies in Tor- nnon onto. Body of unknown man encased in ice found. on Sunnyside Beach, To- ronto. m....on.- Qunnv in marked in T01`- Easter Sunday is marked in onto churches by special sermons and ue music. n..u-....m.-. far nnhinnt condemned tine music. Bulgarian War Cabinet condemned to imprisonment for entering conict on German side. 3 (`Inn wnvnnn ned $200 and C05t.5 German awe. One woman ned $200 and on being convicted of betting house charges at Toronto. ` hlnrrnv Baznet. mzed 10. knocked at Toronto. Murray Bagnet, aged 10, down and dragged thirty teet by motor car at Toronto. nnnualun Anfhm-A Asgoc1a_t_1on_ motor at '.l.'Ol'0nI0. Canadian Authors Association, Toronto Branch. holds annual meet- ing and election at otcers. n Qhnrf nh-cult of switches in sub- and election 0: omcers. Short circuit of switches station at Exhibition grounds, Tor- onto, plunges city in darkness and briey halts street car service. Jnnenh Edwards. mzed 40. struck DR. \V. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe, and no I) 1:` nrma halts street sarvxce. Joseph Edwards, aged 40, down by auto driven by George Mungher. who is arrested charged with criminal negligence at Toronto. `..{nT.nnuhlIn Mpmnrinl Maternitv wnn criminal negugeuce au. J.ul.`uu|.u. idcLaugl1lln Memorial Maternity Wing. presented to Oshawa General Hospital by George W. and R. S. McLaughlin. oiclaly opened on Saturday. TnHI'n Wndn. famous Javanese saturuay. Jujiro Wudn. mmous Japanese sourdough, on visit, to Toronto, says he finds the big cities lonesome places for man used to great open snacea of North. .. ..... MONDAY. The N01 thern Aflvance _GE'11`ING HORSES IN'lO SHAPE FOR SPRING WOIIIC As Ithe sprin-g planting season is short, farm operations must be rush- ed. This entails long hours, and with modern lIIl8JOh.l1'lel')' it also means heavy Wonk sor ufarm `horses. {Horses working on barrows, discs and man-_ ure spreaders are pulling heavy loads, and in vmavny acases `they are pulling them over broken ground. Because the work is hard and the hours are long the horses lllll`.-`It [be in good physical condition. This is only posilble rwhen horses are tted l for spring Wonk. `nf fhnv .havn:s been fed a liberal [or spring Iwurn. If they -have been fed a liberal grain allotwanvce they will {be fat and soft, and should get regular exercise to harden mheir muscles. If they have been carried through the win- ter mainly on roughage, with very little Igrain, they should be given` regular exercise and the grain rat- ion should :be increased to one rpound per -hundred `pounds oi live weight. Violent changes in either the diet or the haibi-ts of horses are injurious, and (for this reason the .t`a.1`.mer should begin getting his horses in shape a month, or Ipreferaibly six nveeks, be- fore heavy spring work zbegins, grad- ually increasing the grain and {work so that mhe honse will be in shape to perform a heavy day's {work when the rush season begins. The grain ration should fbe `increased to at least one and a quarter pounds per hundred [pounds live weight .when the heavy spring planting com- on nnznnu mences. - The hay .fed before and during the busy season should be eivher high grade timothy or a. mixture of bright, clean tiimovhy and clover. ` The grain -fed while -the horse is fbe~ inlg -rtted may consist wholly `of oat: or a. :mixtm'e of three vparts of outs to one part of tbran rto ve or six parts of oats should be -fed during the busy season except on Saturday night When a (bran mash is a.dvis~ a.b1e. .CnrrnnHn1nc LI hnrgn (`ORR l]'Ot Seem a.D1e. Sometimes a horse does not seem to be digesting |hiS food upmuperly, in :which case the teeth -should Fbe examined and any that are `long undl ragged oated smooth. Indeed it 151 a. good (practice to go -over all the horse's teeth each spring [before starting to prepare the animal ifori spring work. ; nv rm-nnpriv tting his ihorses -forl uJ.I'J2LAINvUrJ. UUWALV. Du' nor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. `Barrister, Sol!-clbor for obtaining pmbate of -wltll, gtmrdiansh-tp and ndtmlnslstratlon, and Geneml Sull- clbor, Notary, Conveyancer. etc. Money .to loan. Olces: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlocp street. spring `work. . By rproperly tting ~i"ox' spring work the :fa1`n1e1' will avo`d: sore shoulders, his horses will `finish the `season in good condition and they will render much more efficient service -than if -they had begun the`; spring work without being .properly| tted for it. l READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS.` tum: OI 14!-HJCIIUHII5, n...:. It was an epic of courage on the part of the sturdy Nova Scotiana and of the coolness and heroism of Brit~ ish seamanship in which Ch-ief Of- ficer E. W. McMu.rray, and Captain Kearley of the lost schooner played the leading roles. rt--.-n.. I...I..1..... :. - on-6:n um-rn lllc lcdulug Iulca. Totally helpless in a terrific storm, the "Clintonia" bound for Halifax from Fortune Bay. Newfoundland, was in a sinking condition when it was sighted by the "Empress." Cap- tain James Gillies, the line:- s com- mander, wzui compelled to abandon the lifeboat in which the schooner's crew was rescued because of the heavy seas. N13`..- LL..-` p-`nvnn ant` n:N`1c nun Inn!` ucavy 31-43. For three days and nights we had manned the pumps, Captain Kearley 5:ud..wc had given up hope and were completely exhausted when we sighted the steamer. We hoisted the digtresq signal, but__even z_1fte_r _we 211 sgxuuuu. d the s 1. : ! A DAIEITJC. RESCUE AT SEA I SLAVE TRAFFIC IN Revival of the slave `Africa, on which subject 1 of Nations has promised I September, is causing t iand British Government s I nnv-i\ | cern. - I It is said that thousands of human lbeings are being marketed in Aibyssinia, and it has been foundir that shipments of slaves are passing `through the port of Ladjoumh, in ?French Somaliland, and from thisit in-aic the Sultan receives 21 fee of $1 per head. ( . 'T`hn lnr-.n1 f`ren-r-.h authorities a1'e:l C lf G I451 per neau. ! g The local Fren-ch arei I trying to prevent the passing of ship- 1 DR. Ii. hi. l\/1113 Graduate of Toronto University I Phone 61. 03ce,;58 Collier St.| Oice Hours : ` B-9 a..m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 pm I - ` .u.l'.1.V.I..l'17\J.l` II. UUIUJ. ` 1.31.115 JJLUUIL, J.Iuu.J.a.v lNSURANCE-F`Ire, Life, Casualty. Plate Glass. Automobile. TICKET AGEN'1`-Ca.n~adian Pacic Railway and Steamship Lines. Likewise Cunard, Anchor and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. Bookings to every part of Uhe world. Service unexcelled. Travel C.P.R. DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS Telephones: Office 183, Residence 549 67 years of growh were sighted, did not believe that we could be saved before my ship sank. I cannot say too much of the bravery of Officer McMurray and his men when they took a desperate chance in effecting our rescue." A ._.1.._.--.. ......... .........-A 41.- I26..- HI CLICULIII5 Uul lC3\.la|C- A volunteer crew manned the life- boat, and several oars were broken by the waves when Officer McMu:- my put off for the Clintonia. urm_- ..-L,.....-- ....... ..:..l.:...- .--...:.L II] pun uu nun uu: \.IuyL\uun. The schooner was sinking rapid- f ly as we rowed for it," McMurray said. The crew were clinging to ropes, and every wave broke over the tiny craft. The sea was so heavy that we could not go alongside, and the men were compelled to jump in- to the swirling waves. We had some trouble in picking them up, and all were utterly exhausted and half dead from cold when we gm them in the lifeboat. 1'. __ _ A!,I_I2_I_ 1..-`- _-AL:__. 1.--`. TIIU IIlCU\)dh `It was a ticklish task getting back to the Empress." he continued. We nally gut alongside. but it was so rough we had .to abandon the life- boat. It was badly crushed before we could all get aboard, and was in splinters a few minutes later." The Clintonia meanwhile had sunk. $The crew of the schooner lost everything except the clothes they vyore, but _v3e_r__: milir1g_ and eager to HAMPTON E. J ORY King Block, Barrie ann A x'nw_12'l-an ijfl aminltv. Plate Glass. Automob BA1:L(IQE0NT0 INCE 1855 the history of The Bank of S Toronto has been one of constant expan- sion of banking service to meet the growing requirements of the public. These comparative gures of loans and investments are an indication of the service rendered to Canadian business through the sound and helpful methods of this Bank. You will ge't a friendly reception at an_y brancl1 of ,_.______._______ CAPT. J. F. ROLLIT, L.D.S., DEN- tlst. Ofce over Craig's Tailor Shop, No. 1 Dunlop St., Barrie, .0nt. Phones: Oice, 450; House .436. BRANCHES : ' -1 ALLANDALE ` 4;;-. .--;v.- 2 trafc in t the League 1 to act next the French . serious con- AFRICA 1857 1862 1872 1882 1892 1902 1912 1917 1922 Year BARRIE ` `E loads of slaves between the Island of Madagascar and the mainland. Dur- ing the last four months it is said that 300 slaves have :been carried . nwnnn HIUI \JDo Along the Red Sea. and Persian Gulf the British naval units are try- ing to stamp out the slave traic and ihave shelled villages along the Oman coast in a. campaign against ithey are meeting with some success. (I 1.. ............:.. ox... Lu-nf3n nlnnnr H-an slave running. In this connection` iL.ux:,v an: unccuug, nu... ..u...., ....\.....,.,.... As regards the tmic along the. Oman coast. it is understood that - these slaves are obtained from Persia I and Baluchistan. l IHTCC (lays OI CX[)0SUl'. Chief Officer McMurray, his bro- ther officers said, has play the part` of the rescuer in several sea disas-- ters, and received a silver loving cup from the Mikado of Japan for hav-:)- ing rescued the crew of a wrecked. Japanese steamship in the China Sea, several years ago. Other officers of. the liner also have been decorated. for bravery, both in war and peace. First Officer Ronald Stewant receiv-I ed the Victoria Cross for sinking a! German submarine while commander` of a mystery ship." ` Captain Gillies is Commander of: the Order of the British Empire.. , All of the wrecked schooner`: crew' ` are under 30 years of age and un- married, Capt. Kearley said. They were given $400 by the passengers. 1 of the steamer. The great Canadian Pacific liner is now cruising the Med-- iterranean carrying a large party of: - tourists from all over the United. States and Canada. In the early. summer she Will be back upon the . regular Canadian Pacific trans-Atlan-; tic route. The remarkable photos Oil the sinking schooner and the life-` boat were caught by a passenger on' the Scotland." -_: EDMUND HARDY, M~US. BAC., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, 01'- gan, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Cholunaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterdan Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conser- -vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsley street. Phone 663. Loans 2171-- Investmen_t - an-u Ann 1,103,078 1,395,472 5,524,075 7,156,661 11,008,794 19,181,925 48,126,011 61,737,340 \ 71.830546 A ELMVALE. D. F. MCCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Oreswicke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Omce, Ross Block. Barrie PROF. Piant ".'`-.- 5 V1ol1nTeacherl r'1pQ('\l I.` ..________________ JR. H. T. ARNALL, OFFICE and residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth streets. (Opposite `Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) -"I"n1nn1-annn 1 R7 gRoFEss16NAL CARDS '-J::11za.oetn D1,. Lu: `Telephone 16 7. -`o---__. __ _ _- , J. SHRUBSOI J`) 125 Collier lI-vet. 1 lI .__.__..___..____.__. OOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO ` _: 11013. D. E. WEIR,` TEACHER OF Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. 11 Sophia St. Phone 513. -43 ___________:_______ I. W. SYLVESTER. TEACHER OF! Plano, Violin and `Cello. 120 Bayelcl St. Phone 974w. L G. SMITH & CO. PHONE 82. Established 1869. Funeral Dlrec- tors. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. , _ n I \IO V V I nun.`--.r FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER day and night Open Phone 218. 47 Immboch St. :___?:..: FUNERAL DIRECTORS !:mW. REID A I, !\rI'!l41ll`l'\I'l AN LEGAL DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. ebc. Masonic Tem- ple Bullddug. Ban-rie. Money to lnnn, IVIEDIOAL DENTAL MUSICAL Phone 618.1 [News roving 0F WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Gare- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for Perussl by the Readers of Our TUESDAY. Sealing eet making larger kill in war on seals. 'I`urnntv fhnnunnd farm hands 20 on seam. Twenty thousand farm hands go strike In Great Britain. v........ n......ngn rrlrl in nhot dead strike In Great uruam. Young Canadian girl is shot dead by Sault Ste. Marie student. Qnvinf triblxnal sentences Roman B.AxDEN'H'U.R.ST Kc HAMMOND, xbarnlsters, Solicitors, etc. Omce, Slat oor Masonic Temple Bu11d- ling. Money -to loan at lowest rates. Catholic arcnbisnop to ueun. Amendments to Bankruptcy Act roreshadowed by Minister of Justice. United States exible tariff law threatens to raise duties still higher. Mr. Justice Cameron 0: Manitoba drops dead while on visit across line. (`.nrlv Wllahlir. Toronto. is award- by Sault Ste. mane ILUQUIIL. ` Soviet tribunal sentences Catholic archbishop to death. Amamlmnmn tn Rankruntcv Act drops dead wnue V1311 . Ecruaa uuu. Curly Wilihur, Toronto, ed decision over Bobby Eber, of Hamilton. n..I.-Inn nmmmn hnn dnnldnd to Hamilton. Oakviiio Council has decided to ` adopt daylight saving at the same time an Toronto. Gin Ynrnnr flnun lnh-ndnnnn txme Toronto. Sir Lomer Gouin introduces bill , In Commons to prevent publication or display of tips. wmum munh Meredith. momm- display or ups. Wllunm Ralph Meredith, promin- `ent barrister, died In London rol- lowlng heart attack. Allin: wm In-ant no nolltlcll con- lowlng near-L Iuucx. Allies will grant no political ceaslons to Turks, according to Lon- don contorenco declnlon. Mnnitnhn Tlnivnrnlfv wins name. Manitoba. University wins game, round sud Canadian Junior chum- ` pionship from Kitchener. Th!-an mamber: at Mlchiznn Cen- QOIJ. Coillllruucu ucclmuu. 1 `DIOIISUIP IFOID. .I\l|-CHULIUY. ` Three members at Mlchigun Cen- M tral tram are injured. tn minor neck dents near Windsor and st. Thomas. I 'T`nrnnn hnvv nd: that dead hI.bV dents wmusor Inc El. LDUIJIII. Toronto Jury fund: that dead baby i found wrapped in newnpnper wu smothered to death, person: as yet unknown. `II! `II Tfnnlnn T! (V AP Dnrf Avfhlir n STEWART & S'11EWAR 1`. BAR- rlnters. Solicitors, Notaries Pubmc, and Oonveyancem. Money ho loan in any sums at lsowrest current rates. ofce, 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stawazrt. UHIHUWD. F. H. Keefer, K.C., of Port Arthur, says northwestern Ontario is really seriously thinking of secedlng from old Ontario. `Dawn:-nun nlnnr run: down nwnnr om ununo. Revenue olcer runs down owner of new still shipped by express, which owner says he had made to hold coal 011. Una (Inn)-an Q I-Tony-V : hill nor- noiu com on. Hon. George S. Henry's bill per- mitting towns to have same rights as cities in enforcing the carrying of lights on horsedra.wu -vehicles is laid over for further discussion. WEDNESDAY. British to investigate radio across . fhn Aflanfln the Atlantic. Boom for Harding started by Re- ` pxmllcan leader. Wrangles over wages disturb in- dustrial Britain. Discovery of method to control high blood pressure. Wrnnna will nnf Ruhr till 1113!]. 01000 pressure. France will not evacuate Ruhr till reparations are paid. Granite hnckev team honored bv` IEDEFEEIODS are ptuu. I Granite hockey team honored by ; club and city of Toronto. 1 Nnflnnnl Railwnvn will anend ve cluu auu Buy UL .I.uL'uuLu. Natlonal Railways will spend five million dollars in Portland. Inalluh Auunnlann nuance an-1nnrI_ IPOITI. I115 DOFBB, DU.L li uuuurt. Montreal fur auctions open with wolf leading in demand from buyers. anndlnn nrpdifnr: n1 1'. R Rfpel. 1111111011 uouars In ruruuuu. 1 English Association passes amend- ment to soccer offside rule. I '1`!-an Drinna nf Wain: W94: H-ornxvnu E1811! [0 soccer UILBIUU rule. | The Prince of Wales was thrown from his horse, but is unhurt. Mnntrnnl Fur mu-Hnnu nnnn with ESTEN & ESTEN. BARRISTERS, Solicitors in -High Court of Justice, Naharies Pu1b'11c, Convey- ancers. Omce, 1st oor Masonic Temsple Building, Dam-la. Monevy to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Eaten and M. H. Eaten. W01]: leaumg H1 uemauu u`uLu. uuyuns. I Canadian creditors of L. R. Steel, Company to meet at Toronto on ADrll 12. Liberal and Prnzrmuzfva candidates x Ayru 1.6. 1 Liberal and Progressive candidates 5 are nominated for the Moose Jaw , Federal vacancy. Hnltnrl Qtnfm: fnriff r-ufn hlsr saline L"B(1E1'E'll VBUEHUX. United States tariff cuts big slice from prots when western cattle cross the border. Gnu!`-`nu Aannahu nnrl run-r-nnf Tnnnul CFOEI Elle uuruer. ] Savings deposits and current loans of Canadian chartered banks were higher in February. ` r`.nnarl:u s: mrnnrfn for Fnhrllnrv nlgner H1 1.<`eu1'ua.1'y. Canada's exports for February show large gains, notably in goods shipped to Germany. 'I`harnld fraternal orzanrzatlnna Buxpyeu. LU ucL' Thorold fraternal organizations may move to stop deportation of mother and four children, natives of Canada. Kllaanv-n Fay-nnnr-n nffnnrlina Fnnnnll I uanaaa. I Western farmers attending Council of Agriculture blame depressed con- ditions on lack of better trade rela- tions with the United States. ` Au-ohun (1 Bldg nf` Fnnnvqnn urn: I-IULLH WILLA LHU UL|lL!:u. DLGLCB. Arthur G. Wilde of Cocnrane, was sentenced to two for killing his a wife, whom he found in a. compro- mising situation with another man. (`ant `David (Iurnw nf Want Wnrf 111131115 BlLLl'cI.l.lUL1 WILLL KIHULLLUII llldhl. Capt. David Gerow of West Fort William re department was killed and two of the largest retail estab- ` llshments totally wiped out in one of the ercest res that have ever taken place in the business heart of Fort William nu:v-.-.n .. A Iv Ontario Golf Association is formed. Hon. W. S. Fielding tables his sup- plementary estimates. ' Hnittxrl Qlnhu I'(|lIllHiQQil`I in nrnhai 5:---j- AIJEXANDER COWAN. SUCCES- -Ar fn T.nnnnv nwan u. Rrnwn. jlll:LHl:l1|2.l.1'y |:`:3'LIlHiJ.LL'b. United Sl.aL(;s commission to probe causes 01' rise of sugar. Ii`nrI nl {`nrnv:|-v:u\ x:nI'f`nv-u rnlnnunl l Ui.I.ll5'JE5 UL 1131. UL b|J5i.l.l. | Earl 01 Uu.1`nLLrvun suffers relapse and his condition is serious. fhuhnnt (`F I).-Hnin uvill nut {mini I Ellll H13 CUHUILLUH I5 tSU1'lUUS. ` Cabinet of Britain will not inter- fere in Ruhr problem at present. flnvcxrnmoni hill nrnvirlrsq aid fnr! LUYU [H 1\.llX|l Lhlllllulll i./LL ]_JlL'tiUlll.. I Government bill provides aid for consolidut-ad cheese factory building in Ontario. 'l\n.-ntlnu Qnnh ni T23:-nh f`luPP ncnzul Hl Ul1L2LI`lU. Dorothy Smith of Birch Chtf, used three, fatally sculded when she falls into clothes boiler. hphaln ln Hnnun winds: Inn with- LIILU IQULHUB UUHUI. Debate in House winds up with- out. hoped-for second reading 01! Mr. Haney :-3 Blue Sky Bill. Rn!-lln nurnpn tn Anxvln-'l3`rnnnh gr- xtauuy 5 131115 Eh) Dill. Berlin agrees to Anglo-French ar- rangement for transport or French troops throuzh Cologne. Hand nf HHIA mrlnn girls: nrlmlt LFOUDB LIIFUUKIJ bUlUgllU. Band or little Regina girls admit they are long-sought depredators ct ` many private residences. Wnlllnwtnn Hnv nnnnnnnnn that Dl`1V8.Ie IGBIQGDCBS. Wellington Hay announces that Liberal party will countenance no tinkering with Ontario Temperance Act. i f`nnnl`Inn nuunnil n! An:-Innltnu-n ACE. Canadian Council 0! Agriculture decides that organization shall in future take no part in election cam- paigns. Grand 'I`rnnlr direntnrn hafnre re- BOYS & MURvOHISON, BARRIE- ters, Solicitors, Noba-rles Puzbibc, Convevylancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Omces 13 Owen street, in the premises tormerly ooowpled by the Bank of -Doronm. Bvamch Otce, E!.m.vva.1e, Onvtm-lo. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., D. C. Murchison. paugus. Grand Trunk directors before re- llngulshinz hold voted themselves handsome honorarlums from the rail- wa.y's funds. Mm-s-. nzmh nnntrlhutlnnn urzentlv Way's Iunus. More cash contributions urgently needed it bringing 01! 100 Armenian orphans to Canada is to be success- fully nanced. nntnrin nhareholdera in L. R. lull) IIIHUICBU. Ontario shareholders in L. R. Steele enterprises have formed. an association, and will hold meeting 111 Toronto this week. nnnnoannn on 'lNnnnrIn Mlninfnr at 111 'J.'0l`Ol1L0 U115 WGGK. Deputation to Finance Minister at \ Ottawa. will ask that contribution: to THURSDAY. benevolent objects be free from pro- \ uiainnn nf Innnlnn 1-ax. UQXIEYOIGRI ODJBCLS Ut: Ll visions of income tax. 1 .-...m.h Arnhnmhalllt. visions of Income tax. Joseph Archambault, K.C., M.P., addresses Moderation League on op- eration of liquor sale under Govern- ment auspices in the sister province. hnnntafinn from Sault Ste. Marie auspices in we slster prunucu. Deputgxtion from Sault and North Shore wait on Premier and Cabinet, insisting on some action to develop Northern Ontario :-1 resources. n 9: naval seaman sets example of Northern untano-s ruauuruuu. U. S. naval seaman coloaal nerve. While on leave buys three automobiles, lives in the best hotels and enjoys life before arrest is made. an Adam `Rank warmlv defends FDR. M RTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturdxary. Disea,ses---Eye, Ear, Nose -and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 to 5 p.u1., and by appoint- ment. Sir Adam Beck warmly the work of Hydro engineers in con- nection with Chippawa. development, Kn ahrinu evidence before Gregory with Cmppawa. ueveluplueuu, in giving evidence before Gregory ` Commission. ` nninnif \JUu.u.I..|AaaAvu.. FRIDAY. 0.A.L.A. annual convention takes place in Toronto. Ontarin lezislators made a. tour of Toronto. Ontario legislators the border cities. -`rum nu-nnlrvillp. men die from border cities. Two Brockvme men die drinking wood alcohol. wnmpr near Ottawa. reports see- ing herd of eight ueer. Paris pays last tribute to Sarah Bernhardt, the actress. Fear of Russo-French alliance is voiced in British Commons. France reduces term at military service to eighteen months. Russian executive is likely to put- don Roman Catholic priests. r_....ann rlnntnrs revive apparently drlnkmg W00(1 aluunun. Farmer near Ottawa. reports of eight deer. Dav-in navn last Catnonc prlest. London doctors revive apparently dead man by means or adrenalin, but he succumbs later. Germany now declares her readi- ness to negotiate on Ruhr issue with- out French evacuation. en-mars welcome new French evacuauon. a Ontario tnrmers welcome snowfall, which shelters wheat and clover trom extremely cold weather. null:-Una nnrmitn in TOl`OX1t.0 0!` extremely com weunur. Building permits in for March total $3,021,239, an increase than $800,000 over lea}: ye_n_.r. ceremonies DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE, `PHYSIC- lans, Surgeons. Oice and `Resi- dence, 47 Maple Ave. Olce hours: 1 to 3 `p.-m., 7 to 9 p.-m., .01 by appointment. A. T. Little, ;M.D., W. C. Little, M.B. Phone `113.