Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Mar 1923, p. 7

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"\ ) \ EXECUTOIVS SALE OF REAL ESTATE The Northern Advance 1 l1d5lIlAf-`,. ` I110 \\'iI Pic: Knight. : . `.1110 Country 1 e2u'1. Hz; Dz1u;.:hler. . Ihe Wisp. .u-:m.- no` 11- l|l\b. 01' the 'I`reuI_\' ' Book. - u I-Iislory 01' Zzmlen 4 Neil I1 "ilh the r\v1iv'u mu. x Tinm 1'01" filing tendeh`. is Im.v`eh_\'f extended for 4 we:-1~:s tn um `.\1':u'<,-11,; ].`)2.':, at 1 p.m., s pl`zu:e. 5 N.\'l.`H;\Nll~}L .\lll.LS, l*].\`ec11tm'.v rX.--__l the I the ORILLIA AGRICULVPURAL CLASS ENJOYS BANQUET AT FINISH I The three months short course in agriculture and domestic science held at Orillia, was ttingly terminated by a. banquet at the Y.M.C..-\., at which over fifty were present. Sup- per was served by the Orillia. Ladies` Auxiliary and an e_njo,\'a.ble evening spent by the students and others. M41`. A.`Hutchison, of Barrie, who was mainly responsible for the classes being held, was cliairnian. The spezikers were W. H. Tudhope, Mayor cit` Oriliia; J. B. Johnston. .\I.P.I .; Geo. .\. .\Ir-Lean. Oyillia; Mrs. M. Cooke, Orillia; .\Iiss I. N. Scott, l\'inca1'dine; Miss Enith Craiw- ford, Oro; Miss -'\m1:L `.\lcI{inley. Jurrait; .\Ir. Gerald Ego, Goldwater; M1`. (1. J. Thompson, Perth. Ont. .-\i the conclusion of the toasts and two musical nun1l)e1' 1'en(le1'ed b_\j (ieorge I'ILl`\ G_\' and I'I'.u`ol(l l~I2\\\'l{in.<.. Mr. Russel Hale presented the prizes to the fortunate winners. as follows : (ienerztl l mliciency_. Girls-~-~1, .\Iiss Anna .\Icl(inlty, .1111`:-ail; .\Ii.<.~ 0 H! .. Jean (}o\'.'z1nlocl:, Uhtlioil`; .\l i ss n,,..,.n r\..:n:.. a, \lk`.L|t'liLl 1 liIllL'1L`,llU_`,`; Lrlll: .\Ian`y Powell, Orillia. I_T,..\.n T\Tn.~oinn 1' \Ti up. I r: Do low. (`.11 .\l1ll'_V 1'U\V8ll, Ufllllil. | Home N11rsing- vi, Bliss I-Idithl Cmwford, Oro, R.R.; 2, Miss _\Izu'~I_ ion L:111`5.:m:u1. Orilliu, R.R.; 3, .\1iss V. Croydon, Orillia. Genoml 1 1'oI`1cion(~._v, Bo_vs4-1. Ger aid Ego, Cu1d\=.'ute1`; 2, Leslie John- ston, Orillia, 11.11.; 2), Irwin Rumor rord, Orillia. ` Essay, The B1`i_u'11ler Side 0!` lill"l1l Lire, Lwo pm /xes of $5.00 each, do-1 nuten by The Orillia` ] z1cket.---Clu. 1, Miss .\I1I12L :\Ic]{in1ey, Ju1'1`:1H;' Class 2, Wm. S. Burton, 1-`oxwlnead. 1`lUHl U. Jlil ('.x'a.\\'1<.- nndr `z:1n1z1nduim luil shot-30l'l' . Lil LE1`). U:1i`h()U1` --H:11'x'_\"s Isiand. 1-Is.-_V1i,:(>i'---1)zu1's 'I`0-m01`1'0v.'. 'l`n1'pen ---\V'his`.]in,; Jimps. Bzwhmii`-~-`(?:1.piz1i1\ Chub. I1'::nI-:zu1--- 1`h0 Lcwe Story (ii .\1ielIe Brunton. .\'<:1i\Vzn-1'/.---\'oi(-r- of Russia. .\l1n'ph_\'~-'I`he Black Czmdle. Milne - Ihxl 1AIo11:-c .\I_vsIe1'y. RiC`h`lH`0I1(1--~1"()llI`S(]l1i1I`(?. D21lryn1rp10-A]no1`S Hill. }Tlll(,`hiI1F0i1v--S('.`., W1'uck. 1')1n'nm I--R obi n. H111chinson~A-'I`his I1'eed0m. I r\1I-:;- I31: HRH! of Yzllnnhlc-, Itx-widvminl PI-up-.-rt_v tho E IL .-`L (I.\ `[ Ccnun',\_' `. (`nc-r-nrd null 1 I.` _`In*' JAI-Till!) un. mu; .1uAs.u I 1\vost Coast. ; 3 R04.pull]--\\'i1'(\less I`e!e::,I'a,p11_\' :lX1(1`; ! '[`(=10ph(m_\'. ! H:15,IIIL'l\ -~~~\\'(J0i1 1;`ini. Y!x':.h-.m,_ .| \lin-Irxtnru nf ri- ill Uh. ]I011in:.;'\\'n1'l h -- Chu1';1c-I01`. I Chi1)1)0l`f`lI3]d4 T _n\' bu 4 Box . \ ll lll"Ill 7l _-\ulobiog 1 uupuuu ( 'l`:1l'l J41 ` ference. ` l 1'y(1v--l 1 ljmr-nln ` l. i(-.1: t h 2117 \I7:r,. l1lll.C[XHl.`Ull1Hl. FICCUUIII. Le\\'is--- Babbit l. E\\'&\Il-A\\'iL.\ of Revelation. 'I`Im1`ne~--'|`1w Secret Tale. (:01-dun r-'I`he Second I-`1o\\'e1'inr.;. D(e11~- (i.'hu1`les Rex. .Jm'<}0:1- The Blue Circle. I}zn'(-1:1`\'A \\'z11l of [`z11'Ii1ion. \'\'i1lsie- Jlldith nl` 1110 Godle '..'ll..x- K I llllll. Dust oief1`s]\'y~ ment. 1.11....-us .11 n1} .Ir;hx1. Bedelle. - I.oB1:1nc--Tl1e 'I`remendous Event. CanI1e1L~-The Brinxming Cup. Rinnharl - The Bx'eukin:: Point. Stm('he_\` ---B0oks and C2'1z\mc1m's. 'l`h-.- ! 1()H)(*()1>' and \\`o1"id Re`.'0lu- Under and by \-irxue of sale contzuinorl 11101'1;;:1ge, \\'hvicl1 will ` 1.110 Linm of 5:110. 1h(-1'0 for sale by I'uhii(: .\ 1:1 _\ CU" '1\u|n.I yard Se1kirk`s ti..nan.n.t'4 "LII .\l2l('l(`Ull ' 'l)lIU`1\ Ul nu and. His Noble J(ni1_-his. Harri ---I`nc1c Remus, `um! ]-[is Su_vin_L;s. 1 -.\lu,<-:e11inc.k---Children's 4|... T1.\.. Jill! Hill- n. vuuuu;-'. Umn u \\'elho:`e1l -L S101-1922. .\1ex:um.lc1`- --13 11211 pe1'-r The ll:-rm-u,. .RnIn-1 l01'_V. Curl is~--Sr;ience and Human fairs. 1)...~.:1arm-:l_ .nn::ui:n1 \Vn:nI" L)I'illlhlUllI*"ltunaluu IVUll\Kl >2 L\.\4 public. Golxlonwoiser~- Ci\'i1i7.:1li0n. I.:1ndnn:11'lis 0|` C:um(1a; \V'1ml Art I121: lmno {or Cxmzuliam `I-IiVsLo1;\'. Cunudizux Aluxzmuc, 1923. 'lnnmp.~:nn Q".I:1-2' People. .. ch. Cuba!--- L:u)ru I'M. \- 7 .....,.....u.. (}ur1'ie-~S1ory 0-E Lzmm Secord. .-\usIr-n- I.m'o and I-`rimldship. \\'hiIL=head--.-\ucIion Britlge Stand- c-An I \ , .\"p_\'ri Heidi. l _\`1e- -.\I(-n 01' '1`homs(m-- Out (Hhhonsr --\'(>.ni: Hutlrin-li - Lilo \'211l(,-1' I-I. 1 z1g(-`. B1'_\ cvv-~In1n1'1m 1I..... 'l`I.,. `\f-',ll.`. 1-locking - .\!(-l\ (m11u-- .\I:x1~=Im11- 11.. 1 ihe p1'oporI_v descvibed as fo1l0\\'.<:l In the '1`0wns-hip of \ c-spm. in the? County 01' .\`i1nr-.00. and 1min:.1 c0vm-! posed of part of the east. hull` of 101; 1111-nrber t\vem_\-Iwo in the sixth con-` .m....:,... n!" mm mm '1`n\\'n, um!` Jldll \\' 0_\'u: (`Hun 1)l'lI.`Ul|IAU\l.'I `.\Illlt)(}\' ~ -.-\d\ o Pyle Mon 0|` L:unp1'c-,\'--- -In Euihl mm. , I-Iuzo,nr-- -.\Io(1m'n I~1u:'npeun Ilisungv. Iv`is11m'~ ~ Napoleon. I e111um- Outlines of Rmnzm His- I\Ib1O urs. Br:1i1sfo1- Worker's Re- nk'lIn . 3. Uaine pupe1'~~.\Irs. II'.15_-"an, nmiw the house with her` 1 uimf.n_;` direct at the skunk'sl at-301T its lmml. } sis: V The Book of Rmlio. ---Sulzuis. S:-.I1(i\`.'ichos Th` -3. IN-xIn0 u 1-~~'l`he Crimson Patch. 1---'1`l1e Slipper .I oin1 Mys- 11-`1.n\'c-as and I<`1'iom1s. `X: v--;\(1\'o11I111'os 01` n Bruwnio. , Iron. 1 1'r-y--- the Days 01E the` ~ \\'0n 1. ['11 l:`. v~Intm'nuIimm] R(>1:1ti0ns. Tho R0211 Robert Burns. -1-- -J ~'J_V('ho]0{..;_\'. :1` vChumi.,try. ogm,1)l1;.' of .\ndrew Can'- I 1 IHUFU llkuuuu lows: Cnmmt southerly lim ..r Inc nnmh. \"|\ll. ill Iron. ---0nl1ine of --\'enize10s. T Ifn n n :1 . .\ro.Iic Ex} ;~d.---v]Ienle:v'.< 1'mnle1.<. RPCL1 -'I`hn I. r0r!i<,: --S0!-i1orn1_\'. - I ippin. (\\'in'-tnn'u f .\lllllllh U) lllt.` :1 m it: SOH,1e111e111. Cnlonists. .... .~.I' {Ln '!\Tn l_!.,"(`. and Skill H\',I.-I U. .\nn:11s ..4.`r. u.o J `1.` * dc Lune. ] I. L1`.1)()l'. \\'..n.l Ill. Inn's Bunk. F` Il(\n1\ (`nu Jlllrs. and Letters: aunuuu.., ....... .. of 10-1, 11u.mhL~1' Lwox by an iron tube plu (lay of July, .-\.1). 1!} me inLer:~`e<:t.ion 01' limit by the line of : -. .. v\ vnxl` n 1-hinrl 111 pm" ILILLUII. I Godless 1|` l - `nod xpcx mun: l"\mnl,imh mpes znm Pm- ~unu;._.;. stars of Bri- ml Dzlllghlersf . the I\'o1'tl1~ and I unish ms 1 the Jury illlh. Country. ' Iiust Cun- 1111111. I)_\' 1110 HIM.` 1:: Lu cm. or p1`()dl1Chi(.`11 I1n~1-001' :1 six chains and twen1)'~ nleusuxod easterly along 5 erly limit from` an iron 1 N1 said ei;:111h (1z1_\' 01` .11 a..... mu mun: wn an l`m'Ih. l Art hm I)! S cntoioxoxnccuoucuzoc 15. _ in H1 s. u . cries-I-:1.1x.1n: COA Call'~ hIo1'.~'. : nl1`y. rt Plzu-0 )'n1n* M"1NNG'w1Ns FROM} snow) on LOCAL ICE. Minesing and S1130-11(1 11`0C1i(3_\ en~ thusiasts on Mondav and granted them :1 cold snap, which i11 turn pro- vided ice fcr their mm-ch which was staged in Barrie by the Minesing and Siroud hocke-_\'ists on .\10ndu_\* nhrhv Fickle fortune smiled on the` I i HIXU :3 night. Rut night. But to the liineslng iezini and` supporters i`0i'iune's smile resem-bledi 21. lau:.;h,.fo1` it, them she ::1';1x11: 211-1 so the lzuirel 01` Victory. The S1imi(i boys m'en t, positive they are _::1ud that 1110 cold snziip came. Perhaps the 5 to 1 score is iniiuencin}: Ihc-111.. 7\Tnn1nv-rune 1'-`nu and f".\I`IF\IIF\< IN-Ir 'du1`in3._: the gunie made their 1)1'es~' texponents from the neighboring vil-l U18 2) LU J. DCUIU lb u1uLu:uLtu;_ nun... Nume1'ous fztns and fanettes ac- oomtp-.1nied the tezums to town and once I-zno-wn by 1t1s!_\' cheeting. For the fans who had ztnticipztted` :1 real hard ti_z:i1t-to-the~Iinish _4zune.' t11oc0ntest.wus SOvl11e\V l12\L disap- pointing. but to the fzms who had anticipated :1 sing-t`est, intetpe1'. with i)ut'; ;t oi f_C()()t1 hoc.i<<=,_v, the ztffuir was quite s21tist'act0r_\'. The hockey, iuges showed plenty of e11e1'.L'v with the hicko1`y, but 115111111)` it \v used; on the other t'e1io\v's hickory and; not on the puck. It did not take` \I\\I\ nnnununnu, I the 1 nil 1 ` centre ice ahead. S11 efforts \\ (?1`4 Word tallied iod a.t'Ie1' 2 had brougl` in}: range. .\`i 1e1' Ih: '00\'.< um-m (I18 UHLUI` H3110 : uu;x\ux_y uuul `not pla.\'ers long 1,0 become accustonr`. `ed to the ice .<,u1'1':'..ce .111. the 1'ini<,! lwhir-h is 1:111:01` than their own two; lby four, but. wheii they did theyf s1mweL1 \'m')' Y-.111` hucliey. _\l`le1' thel `first period the _ nu \\'z1s quiwi gclose, but in the initial stun /.zi, thoi jorange and green bulged the t.wine_ ifor three goals. which was eitotigiii `to win the ,=:'. " I . in,..-.1 niqvimr rlnrnnon i'm"t meusuiett eziswriy utmu-,; .N;l.`.u ;~uu...-! t`rnm lube plztntt-g ed .lul_\', m:irl<- ing the s011it.l1 westerly un5_."le 01' that parcel of land C0ll\'(.`_\'0(1 to one: Charles ll. Cl:ll`liC, by an ins'trument 1'egis.tei'e:l as number 76541 in Book niivmlwr 92 for su.i(l Township, said south westerly angle being at the intersection of the e:1stt~1'l,v limit oil thalt parcel of land 1'.1.i(l out under 11 plan 1'ecm'(1o(l in the R(.f_fltSI.l'_\' Otllco for said County as num.be1- 190 with the smid sout.l1e1`l,v limit of Sztld oztsilj hmlf of lot. t.wen:ty-t.w0; tlionce in all direct line nortlwrly ei;:h~teen Cllillln. and seventy-six links to an iron tulw ])l`;lil't'l0(1 at the inttersecnti.nn of the` S()lltl.ll(l'1)' limit of the old Sunnizlzile roaul by the line of the said e.\:isut- lnp, fence and prmluction thereof, mm ox-i, fence betng the p1'es:onl to wm me \ .1-1. C1'u.\\'1'm'd, playing; defence for`; .`.1inesin:.;, \\'us me best stink handler! on the ice. \\'r`~:.;hI of Slmud \\'u:i a close .=c~c0n but owing to an in-R jm-_\' 1'ecei\'0d`ea1`1y in the gzulm, he; wuv: nn! Qhnv-'in'r HH1 hm~.1 vhl` if} I > I .|u1`_\ l'L`LTt`1\ULl`l:ll1_\ In nu: was not sh0\'-.'ing Hm 110014 <]0 01'. The others w 1i(-z1H_\' on .1 par, although ford, in H10 .\Ii11esin:: :;( (}01'dm1 >`.u111e1-land, the S11 can r\1nI'1\I| \I't`\\`I\ unnvn lifll I n 1 '(l(.'L'l|!'llll,` Men the why. H1 `in less than :1 11111111113, ;\(la:111s 5.001- `sl1uot'111_: of both 10211113 was \'e1`_\ `centre and put. .\linesin:; l\\'0 ll'U }_.|li\)\':. \\t`lL` unuu: llnunun 1...... smxte 01` their team 111atcs. The t`11`s1, per:-ml was .\li11e:~:in:.:`. best. Sta1'1in:_r out with 21 rush, the n1':1n_;'e and .;re-11 netted :1 001111101 111}; on :1. pass 110111 H. I-`ogston. The (?1`1'z1.lic. the only shot 111z1 on either goal in the 111-51 12 11111111105 was the one . by .-\d2111111.s. Tr)\\'211':ls 1116 end 01' the pe1'io(l .\dz11111:a shot 1'1`:)111 .\`t1`ou1l tried hz11' hut tlwr \\`e1`e HG`. `1`1`ui1I`11l. E. C'.z1\v- the last :40-111 of the pew. :1 three 1112111 co111l)i11z1tiun l)1'()11gl1t the 1`1t1l)11e1' \\'itl1i11 5901'-\ ll|xj< x;lu_=.'L'. .\`i'1e1' the intermission 1119 8 boys uncmked 21 boner hrzu lmcliey. Only hand luck urmm .\Iim>. not D`.`C\'(ani"1 Ihum scoring". The .\Iincsin_: :11 5.slm\Ve(i :_"0o(1 (-nmbhizltion und :1 5 when 21 l'01`w:_u'd znta. hvd he \\" `cnmpunmd by :u, }.u.:st one Inmate. The b1zu`k and while 1` lmu-n,\' 5.r1o\-:h1:.'; np1m1'11111i1ios 1: 21(`cxn'u1(` xz1zx1'l The ] n n ..,. -4. oh [ ..l'` : lnlwllt` \\`.x;~ nun: U`-CA uuu i1 looked as if no 1'u1'ther scoring.-Q 'v.'ou1d be i11du1Ag0d in when E. C1`z1\\'~ 1l'm'd IIDSPI the dope by Illzxlcinzi \.\I`nesin{:`s tom! four. C1`zLw`1`m'(1` kc-rmniml uI'1m' cl<:veri;' stick hrLndIin:_' . 1 l I 1xhrnu`:h the whole RHwo1ldn-\;un. qhl 1n:1dehin1self the \'i1I'.1g(: 41 mm. Inu1.'iI1(\- 4) 1.....,`.._..x ...u \\'1'i:4`hI mzule himself I hl'l'() by .~:cm`in:4 n1`Im- Sp0C121('111211' rush. He \\'( un:1ss:istod. The chem Slrolui s1mpr)1`1eI`s must -nnl?hI.. nu 1'-xv nu'n\' DH f i i r I 1 Successor to W. A. Longhurst AH Kinds of (i`;n'i`i115_1`, ]'3:19,`Q,`:1_;`(` T|`1';111.'<'l m-, ilih-. C`]1:11'_Q`(-S ]3C:1sm1;11)10. PHONE 887. COAL as SQARCE mg Iencu iuul plum said existing I 011101` any q1l:1mi1T}' Also all kinds The LAKEVHEW FUEL CO0 [I16 llI'SL 1.5 [l1luUlL'.> nun uu; red .1ie(l pm` .. .1". I\ .....n nnx\lH?x1zxtir\n OUR f.\I0'l"l7()-~-\U\L'UE AND SERVICE ROBINSON & CLARKSON, PROPS. PHONE 962 llHllSt ll tut: \llll;-'.\` ng xnzxking 21 Ish. won! lhr01I.:'h cheers M` the Hers have been 1' :L\\';1_\' as the pczlceful 'T`hn `\`Hnr)un<-- vnni ml`;- Ill ()\'H1_`\' 111 .111 111-1` `ly ; h0c.ke_\' ;h1\ isi ~ were pmc-= J. C1".1v.'-I tun.-:vur n-nn1 nnrl | 11 I. \4l(l\ "0211. andl 41 mud c(>11-l xseful than of green wood, sawn and split to order. l"l`.Il).\ Y, .\I.\ l{( `I Under and by virtue of the powers vested in the Executors herein and of the Devolution of Estates Act, there wti-Ll be offered for sale by tender, the following Lands, namiely: llLl|l(I|V,7`. u1\.'ny.~: \\'u.< em?- I\v1l\ v :\r\ nu Y S!1'0ud hranzl 01`- urrmml the`, .1....\. 55......` now, whilu ihu ]n'i(`-V0 is 1'ig;l11', :l:'0.1' ' of the l:'o1Io\\'in;_;` : BODY MAPLE, Dry TAMARACK, Dry BIRCH, Dry MIXED WOOD I'1e o1'io the end [U L!','iL-ll] V lnissed Q I~.~- In ` ii` am WEI] Chatham, Ont.- I took Lydia E. Pinl Vegetable Compound for a run-down condition after the birth of my baby boy. I had terrible pains and backache, and was tired and weak, not t to do my work and care for my three little children. One day I received your little book and read it, and gave up tak- ing the medicine I had and began taking the Vegetable Compound. I feel much better now and am not ashamed to tell what it has done for me. I recommend it to any woman I think feels as I do. -Mrs. J. R. MCMAHON, 153 Harvey t., Chatham, Ont. Lydia E. Pin'i s Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbs, has. fornearlylifty yearsbeenrestoringsick. ailing women to health and strength. It relieves the troubles which cause such ] sympioms as backache, painful periods, , iweggularities. = them; tired, worn-out feelings and nervousnarszs. This is sh: uwn again and again by such letters as Mrs. McMahon writes, as well as by one woman telling another. These women know, and are \villin;_: to tell others, what it did for thereore, it is surely` worth your trial. 7I\Y`I'\(1V\ uvlxn cnf'Fzn1~ elwnnlrl wvv-ifn fn tim- Mrs. *l'v1cVIa?rn-TelIs How __Sh( Found Reiief by Taking Lyiat E. Pia'kham's Vegetable Compound Barrio Hotel. I!` Alaska Bars 5c. mu l'u1'lhe1' exciielm-mt the game was roxlclmlod and pnssml into histm'_\'. Tim I~Iee1c_\' handled the bell. The I lI\'. \_/. l'U_\ EIUH, \\Hlf_',.\. 11. 1' U_\54Ull }:-.mI .\d:1m.=; sub, Priest. S1rond- (10211, M. Ro`be1'ts0n; do- I<>, I. Robertson and W. Su1hev'-- land; Centre, G. Sutl1e1'1:md; win::.. VV1'ight and Scudamore; subs, Y-.m< ;\' and C0n.s`in5=.. _y UUL LL Jan. Wnmen who suffer should write to the Lydia E.Pinkh:1m Medicine Co..(,`n`.m1::';:;, ` Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia Pini Private Text-B001: upon , Ai1m.<.\nts Peculiar to Women. (.2 QLENN Barrie Made and sold only by Bars of Rich Vanilla Ice Cream, coated with Sweet Chocolate. ED. BRYSON S Confectionery 12 THOMPSON ST. lllHl,'l'l) Hun 11u.mhL~ .... :..nn In n:.:-- 30:11, J. Can C1'z1.\\'l'01'd zm(l_ r\1'rvC nu - uvin n-:~ Page Seven r:1\\'.f0 rd ; d @- _G1".1nt: cen- Yl E`: 4 nn Mortgage Sale in (M (`nu mt- pzn*tic111u1`ly - (`.nmmm\'. 'I`()\\'.\' 0|" I`.\llIll ' 04` the p0w(\1`.~` } .1 ned in 21`5 I1 be D1'0(11l(`.3(l at - -. . will he ol'I'01`vd K 1 uhiic Auction on 5` U1 LIIU Pr l,won1y- n pI:l.n~t(.* n 1015`. (`ll 16th, 192:: nr. 1110 H Um 1'u\\'n U1 `oduclion lherool`, . In the 'I`ownship of Smmidale Parcel No. 1~-Lot Number 7, in the 16th Concession, 197 acres, more mu 10.60 I llilu |)l, !lllj.', ullvm-j 0 east. 101; con- ] '1`0\\'nshi_n mu!` Lloscrilwtl as fol-' u.L kl puint in the` hn L--I71] nun hzfi Lot 25, 11.9 zLc1 .\|.-nu` an \~ l\l1l\ `l_L', It'l|\?\`. (lislzmt [3 links} (1 L=()l1U1-I e Inn rl:-i 1 lUI n the` 1121.11" ..l-(ml HOUSE, OFFICE, STORE Oak or 'Ha1'd\vo0{1 Floors Cleaned, Polished or {\J`|,-..J [ZVio1inTeachera t,II)I'1rQr\I I.` ' . ' l \JLu(.I.1LuL,L, .1. u;;.uL;.u\.u. \.IJ. Oiled. Inside Paint Work Cleaned Apply Phone 944 {Box 810. R08. 84 Mary St. `l m'c(-1 N0. 2-~Pzm`t Lot Number 8 `OT 195-5. and the surplus thereof, in the 16th Concession, 75 acres, more! 01' less. Parcel No. 3 Lot Number 10, in the 16th Concession, except the South-ezLst, 50 acres thereof, and except also Lhm part of szuid Lot 10, subd-ivided and known as Beach. [`m'cel No. 4--Lot A, in the 16th Concession, 200 acres, more or less. l au'cel No. 5--West 3, 01` L01 N0. 7, [in uhc 15111 Co11cessio11, 100 acres, v\\ I\1Ir\ nu 1n.... Auto i_1g_ses ! E Debentures of th , 5% Per ( ii Good invo=st.ment. ` Iqlllll,` at Jug, UL ilppllta. I { The further followerl tho 1 )0l`(`.1l-i` Vipine to its (1011, and watched .\Ir;<.1 - Pmcupinn. and HIP children take 1h(-! lzrpples oft` the quills and store them"` :u\'ny for fulurr-> use. Then the pm`-3 i i cupine started buck for another 1o'.1zI.; 1 4 3 .-\ fariner 1i\`i1fg south of: '],`ohm~-V` `1m1'y, on the Bruce 1 enins~:u1:11'. tel1$. ,the following story. He noticed iszevernl tmie=, last, fall that his zip- pIes \\'r>rt-,- in_\'stet-ioiisly (lisa1)p<;-u1'in:.; `after they had fallen to the ;;1`oun:i. ThE.`I'O were D1lIC}1t`:;\` 01` have sp0t..< t under the trees \'.'hm`e the apples hzui min on the _`.:`I'Ull11lI and later (lis-i uppem`e(1. One moonlight. night he sat up to =wutr:h for the inzu'aude1'. .-Mbout mid- liiiglit, he noticed an :1ni~mz11 c1`eop-: `hing L0w:u'd the tree. It. \vus u poi`-t |c-upine and when it got. to the tapple patch it opened up its q1ti1ls,, irullen on the _:x'0und and picked up` quite ll jag of apples. 'l"hn (`:11-mm` fnllnxvorl thn TH`H`l".ll-i H111. ;.w;u-1--g .v....... . of Stouffvillo. elected head cf the Canadian E\'ati0na1 I3:;hibit"-.on. nix`. .\Ii11Cv: is said to `nave imporr.t_=d more pure-Met! live stock In Am- erica than :12\3' other mrtn. He is of t!::,~ third. _<. neratit;-:1 of f.'u`m<=r:<. in I --nr`- "~91: hzuzn 3| v`m=vv~`.n->1` Of |'}|I'1 \\'Ei1l*I>'u ()l 'l`Hl". \\ Il.D ;\!H~} .\l'..\l().`s"l` l'.\'Bl*}LlI`I\'.\lI.l`I E New I~Iump.~'I`.h'e p:1poI'~-I-`x'i '|gcneru1l_V.f:1i1*, pr0ba,b1_V 1'0l10~\v(.=d I ; S21t11x*(1n,\,.'. '(.'ll]Jiblll) UL |.llU ilzwt. mentioned i1 in (listzxnce of five `<:l\f\ 1:...u.,. .\.,.m-. 11110 E%ll.!llL`r uxuru U1 u:.~.:;. This pro;w1`t,\' e.\cI(mds to sixteen `:\.m*es~ more or less and tlwro is mem- ml on it, :1. 1z\1:L:(>.' brick (1`we11:in:.( house and 0ut.b11i:1(Lin::.<. This pnmerty was fm'mer1,\' known as the .\Ia1m- (1x'e11" property. The m'opm't_v ud- ijuins lxhe north west limizt of the )'l`<;A\-.'n (vf Bnwie. ` l`hm'o will be (L resewo bid. ` lv`um,11o1 1 )iL1`l.iC1llU`S will be made .. ..o nhn aimn nI' main and in UUDDIUIK U'L KIIU Du,-l\l L\J\V 11am :1: Srunn-idaolo. In `the 'l`(.m'n.~'.hip of Fins Pzu-col X0. 7r-~1":u`t. 01' North .1 Lot. 25, in the 81.11 Concession, acres, more or less. Parcel No. 8--P-.1rts of m... non mm. ,.m.,.:,... 1 1 u an! W- SMITH ||IL' o1~]_\' and ` 1.110 s I...H' \'k'l U1 undo -1` ".`l`.'1I- I\I|\)'\iIl (In. l'll\.o the mozultilno applicxm-i`on to `rm. 1 l.*.\1\... W. BELL, ISSUER (`nllior Street. C.N.E. s First Farmer President 7 OWEN STREET Masonic Temple Building Successor to J. Arnold Insurance .0 l|1I`2Lul|u1\- ma; pp1ic:1.H`on the 1);\.te(1 J-`0b1'u:11'y v\r\\v 1 `il.Ul Uh. HAL I :n-ccl the 9 th 1\\ .-u-.-. n :- 5|F(ll|\fl, UI HVL: blltltlll `l 0 links. nwu.<,u1'<~.(l ea;~'.I nueminnod sml-1hm'l~_v mm lube D1:KI1;lf;`(l lhv : ' 01` July :10 marl; the 1 V 21$-ale 01' lm. 1m1nl)e1' t . umler said plan numl) nnmh u-nulm-lv nnsrln r Mi} . ROBERT MILLEI-E 1"` Au, .a__.-.y 1.-.`; .c .4`L.i1`J and : J. SHRUIESOLE FOR SALE : the Town of Bnrrlel Cent. Issue On S:|l'(s Grouml |lJ Ill` 1| I\.'.`\,A nu n/Ax: )il1`l.i('.1lll!`S 1.110 mm) of sale and in Iinw may he 1o2n'11(\ on 1 1111t1orsi~;x1ed. v`0b1-11:1ry 21, 192:). DOXALD lI()!\'!-5, .\lo1't,;':|g'(*(,-'5 Solicitor. Jsarrio, Om. l aierly bountlary by or:-`E 0 :.-;mm01' and the said: 1 intc1`secl.i'0n bein:.: 11.! chu.ins and x1ix1o.~1_\'-1 dS\lI`(`.(1 ea:~;Ie1-l_\' alum}.-i 1 limit, frmn )1-almed s:1.i(1 ei_;111,h`; n north east- ..I\.-... nun ..:~ Inul Phone 618. H1 - n n.-. `LIIU Utll L;UllL}l1DDlUll, Ll.-J u4\.1 L*J,} more or less. Parcel No. 9-1 a.1't of North 2, of} Lot 12, in me -1t.h Concession, 10; acres (near Phelpston). In the '.l`o\\'nship of Xl)ttn\\'l5:lQ;:t Parcel No. 10--I zu`t of Lot Number, 32, in the let Concession, 17.`_. aores, and ' Parcel No. 11--Pzu1't of Lot Nmnbei 40, in the 11th Concession, 16 acres (So\1Lh-wesL of Colliingwuod). Tenders for any one or more OI: the above Parcels of lands will be; received, ziddressed to Nathaniel` Miilnls, Executoi`. to be tiled in his` oice in the Dominion SzL\'i11_;.=_; Btlilding. London, On'anio, before 1 o'clock p.m., on .\Izm'ch the Third. 1923. The liiighest or any tender not 11ecess;1ri1y accepted. PI! Av _......1.....,.4 \3(la5l,` ` . laud J and 1 NEW BOOKS AT BAR- ` RIE PUBLIC LIBRARY Arranged in the order in which they came. Resplacements and New Books Adult Dumas-The Conspimtols. Hurdy-~O11ange(1 Man. B1'uce--N`ota.ble Ex1g1isI1`\voa111en. Speer-AYo11ng Men Who Over- nnrn (3 llll. bill ,. Deland The Vehenient I~`1zmie. Si11c1uir---No1'ti1 oi` Fifty-th1'ee. Lincoln--~Zeziuh Coffin. Cm'won(1--~- I`i1e C()lll`Ilf-I0 of .\Ia1'ge O'D00ne. 1.incoin~--The ] ni'L_\~:.:e9. .Richm0n(1------.A\ Courl, of Inquiry. I :`li`I\'X'-4C2Ll`I\Z1C. (}I'{1I1t-*'7T\\'O-(;`1lI1 Sue. Nicholson-~-4Ot.he1wise Phyllis. \'\'ai'11e1'~-The Bridge of Time. T p... f`.1.1o.,. \luInv-in b.J\ _\'. . .\I`()11t}.',`0111e1'.\'- --Rainbow \'~u11e_\'. l30slw1`~---I'Iis l"ricml, Miss Me- 1"a1`1:1n(-. Lippn1zLn~--.\lu1`t 1111. D_\'-I.hc--D21y. I ` D0,\'1e---.r\d\'enlures of Sherlock 1 I-Io!m1e..==. ) Cu11x1m-~ Man in the Twili;.;ht. .\IcCutche0n--- Gl`ZLlXSll1l`1{. } Rinehz11`1-~L(m:; Live the King. ` Rim=h:u`1A K. 1 111v: .\r-n-I-L. Qnhun-1m~ i 1 I\'lIH`H2LI'l* ~l\. I..11z---~.\Ia1x`('i:L Sclxllylel`. (iihhsn The Yello-\\' l)u\'e. .\I:1,('(`.xutl1-r'[`1w `Ihxg_;e. lidge. ] nrke1'-- The \\'e:1vers. l z1cl 01 the Night. Uc~z1cl1-~--`1-10:11`! of 1110 Sunset. 0npenheim-- Jeanne of ; .\Iurshes. I-Iood-~-Tl1I: hi\'u11'_\' of [(6 Y .n.-.e6;n- Ehlllb`. ;C0dy-I1' Am` Man Sin. Cu11um-The \Vay 04' the Strong. De11-- I'he Rocks of \ 2L1.px'e. De11-The Hundrezh Chance. Ba1'nhm'dt--The Idol 01' Pzwis. J`nhns1.0n~Sil\'e1' Cross. Sinc1aix'~The Hidden Places. (`r1zLs:.:mv-One Man in His Time. 1"zn`n01--ATl1e ..\Ione_\' Moon. B1I1'1'm1-:.:}1. ;\Xucke1'. `.uc1u1n----I-[111.ng10\\'er. l`ox----EH10] Opens the Door. Cm'.<.\\ e11-~~-Tlm Cazmmnile. LuI7.--The City of Fire. l\'0I'1'iS`-4-L1l(`I'eIi21. Lombard. 1 u1'ke1=-- -.Iu r1L House. 0m1nm' -The Doctor. '1 ".ut1(`r\1 `I... \1HHnn Flnllu-~ .\x_\ ;L1it,\`. 1';lhl\H|L I i Houmed. I rftm \\zu`11e1' -~LH\~.' u1|u_:.',t: Leu-~-C111m-, Malone. Ridmnolul-~- l'nde1' 1 1-`- Ternls of Sale: pnice pa3'zL-hie wit} balance to be paid third day of .\pri IIUI Hil-l Mission. I-`lower \ nu...-Inun i I I l elC('Si 81'. 1`r_\de The l u1'1)l0 : Lincoln-V Cu:p'n I);\n':; .\IcKish11i<:--~\\`i11(;w. ll }'.11'cI:\,\`~ The I-`0]vl0\\'i1 I'xHI]L'L`l'S. l1m\'-2' (:m.(" II:xx'lm\'e`s Over- luml Ritlers un I1-.0 (:1'uzLl. American` D0s(-)1'l. "zLppun-~ImI)i11 Hood, I-[is Book. I .zwhm11`--- I`h0 l`\vin01' Twins. Noyos-- Sunshine Primer. Lrml Plzlys I'm` 141011001 and Camp. C:1n1`1e1d--What. Shall VVe Now? Sezunnn--The D1`n;;:0n's Secret. Iv: l')u;: Ilornm of Mzmy Lands. I ol10ok--The \V0nds Rider. SiI\'o1's~-At I-Iillsdule Higzh. Kmuptml V 4l h:1nt0n1 G011]. Cl`t`f..'()l' -~ I`h1'oo Sioux Scouts. 1.00 .\n(!,\' I`.!:1'.-:0 in .~\(lvo1'tisin_g.` P11!` 1.4 l.`nv-0 nun l.'n'n.. I. J'I(l\\t`l' `F101 1 lillIl\ 7 1\n|5uI. Rees M0011 Rock. Curwoml A- 1`he C()lH1lI'_\' Bey011d. .\I(-Culcheon --YaHup. London r'l`I1e \'z111t=_\' or the Moon, Ric-hm<>nd -R(~.1 I x.~pp<,-r Eurns. Bus11u1`-- .\I:11`y Cure) . (}il)1)s-- V:-m>liu11 L0\`L~1'.<. .\I_ver;~:on ~J<`rm11du1Em1s wt` 1 e1'sm1- I\.UI.H'.`l|r*"|ll |lI\,' .u-nu-un5.'. un .\Ih(-Hon S191:-1)irI::` l"i.1'es. .\`l>hnIl A1011)` .\lu! 3o1ie\'v ('_.`o:'n1Ii -I.i1 v I<.`\'(~1'121s1i11g. 1.1117. .\ \ig)i('(> in \\'iI(I` LL... `Jun win I. niu-hi Jxx-_\ llL >' .\ nx-\ mu >'uimsh1n_\'-- .\ Let 1 i(:kil::11l-- ~'I`he Bx b1`i11--1 sy-.ho:111u1; R(`iI1S(!]1+u\'OC1'eI. 1 Poole - Tho 1)u 1'l< 11... _-...n `inn \ i||'lll \ 0rc _v- r\,..n.~ um:/._\ I 'r_w1 e l.\'\|llLl7|l. T1-any IIo11.~c of Peril} 'I`2Lpp:`u1-----OM Ballads in Pros Jacobs-: --Iinglish Iuir_\' Tales. .IzLc0hs- .\Im'u I~}n(.'.lish l-`ztiry T (:mh:mI- - I`h(-,- Soul 01' John 131' T\..$l,u- \.'..1ur. n.l' I`n:\:} \lnnn I1il.!1l:'_' Dull-u Humi nun. AACUL .>;~u -._v u.\,-.\.,;.\.. 5% of purchzxse with the tende1', the paid on 01` be-fore the April, 1923. 1 Condinions of sale subject to; stzLnding conditions 0-1` the Supreme} i Court of 011l11I'i0. us. 1 ,,. .,L,.II ...\......1` 6`1n l lllllLlll:-',lUIl izmwxul Rock. . ~( `Jul \.aU11LlAx3. 1-I:1_\'e.<--~1 o1iIinul _zmd 31') of .\[nd(-rn ICllI`()[)( ' Gznwlinrzr - .\`Iu.1en1, s '.n:.:1a'n .\1a.hu1'|'_-v Hl1.'.llh1I).` zu ||..'\'L `- liiplinz SI rut I21 1n....a'n. ~'.u1-ran. 11- <-ludin rm` .\1n:He1Ir.<,. vrlip ~\\'h:\I Nexl, in Lurope? : Nicolette. Soz1I'l<:I. l impe1'11e!. e--rNi:;11I.l'z1]l. v---Winqs 01` the Morning. -----I3ul1d0_4 Czu'ne_\'. of the Royal rm---- (iomle Julia. ~In IIH) .\I0rnin;: nf L:..~|\:vnu* l.`iu-nu IE LlU\.'lUl . r-The Million .. Dollar I J lll I L'l ` -1-[ist()1'.\' >`u~1nmu'i. f:ni1a'. :ruI_.'.Axru r any uunn. :- Brown. (- of Good .\lz1xmers - `R1|::.s'i:u1 I end111um. His .\Iujus1_\"s SIo'0p.i\ `P8 of 'I'r:1\`o1. -1'- --The 1-`irn n 6' I I~r\r\r; cmnpenszmon. F111`Ll1m' pa.rli(*u1:u'.s may be had on appliczxtxion to N. Wills. Box 541, London. Ontario, or Ln John Hood, Esq., Barrister, Stayner. Ontario.

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