Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Mar 1923, p. 6

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Ul,|H`I' WHY I ('UHIIl`l'IlUlI \'VIlll |II|' :'ul.l,l~ imlu:sl,r_y; `hp lm-mlimf, I :-ml ing and Innr|wliu1,: -:1` Inumn |m;;2a; Hm dt-nmvmlrnliam of <|t-.-'.ir:n|h- mm. Inn lym-5 uml 1|m'|(ilI|,'_' uml <'unl.I'a- l.iun of lzmlh.-4; :14-nun :~.lruI|mm uml lmlIH`t-: pnu|I,ry ruI.~ will: Ilu-. en-llimg ml l');`|.'j:i fur huh-hing pun pnm-:4; Imliw w'uIIumI:' lcu'lIll't`r| um! I - . ... A. . . 1` ..l I...., 11 l Ill"l`,`1 `III IHIII 1-;;'p;: m ll1`lIIHll.`1'l.l'nllIH`( 1111':-:1 uml c-rluw fur ;,rirl.-s mul | 'l'|w llulvn `.1! frum IVIumln:., fnur Wm-Im, `I HI}; um: lllHlIxI`lIH1, In Ilulnn IIHKJ, :14-mm lrulunm lm Iur:-.1 nu fur wnm:-H uml luv- a-rlmnliuln mulium pi4-lurc-:1 gin" |m\': -m... u... an 4.. u.-- nu urill Inn Hull!` w4`I'|\:1, I l.|u~ hllll`. Illll-:- were fuluul vur lFT--'-_ :_" N Fier and There Hm: \ !\l;u'ry In lnmlu -I .n1'u Winnipe;:.--Sevon thouzszmd uf hnvn hnnn Ir.-uh--rl lud- \Vlmna um I .u \\/hlrh Alulu-:1 Prl. `V llHL.H1._" 1113 zonstructzolu of a In 3 number five fr(:i;;' Ham: v... (`......,1.. CAPT. J. 1-`. ROLLIT, L.D.S., DEN- tlst. Oice over Craig's I`u.i1or; Shop. N0. 1 Dunlap St... I3a.r.rie,i Ont. Phones: Office, 450; llousei arm ` I !un l II I. nun mmlul. :..: Illspvmm Uonm.-1 In Seven curs hum load-`rd h'.-twa-ml M22, and Feb. 1, ]f!2..`, '11 (`cast by the Cana- Yailway. This rrp1'e- '0 bushels of grain for "a12c011`. o1'. The :=.11ip- nrl (31771 I-nwb I-.6` u~Iun..b- n ry aulirs m'nlnn In uml [my run! ul The Northern Advance why you l||!\ I9l My llml hun \l _v\-nu .-sl'ur1nr_v. \`\'innipr=g. IL 0 walls whi<:h .<; into DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem- ple B\."ding, Bwrrie. Money to loan. ' H10 new shod ` is the prr-st-11%| ml of the slum]. I zu-ifio lira}!- l.......I|In.. ..6'. ;;`uL sxluu Paclflc an", Inn! yuur illuHlI'ulm' ul` `uinri will lm , nnwunl fur ..... ..v ..|...nI lc graln and 500 'T.'55,000 nr `.1-|r\\nn ll'll ulmul. wlurh l'dll-- `-11:11! nar I v for . 1- nus .pL,;;uu.uau.1o \Vl1at is now described as Law Enforcement Fund aoounted for $589,894, or 1nore than one-third of the whole administration item. A year ago the item Enfoiicim; O.T.A.," which proibwbly does not correspond exzictly, was $482,084. Salaries of pro\'i.11cial police for 1.`)21-22 amounted to $91,860. '1`lie total is not give in the accounts just brought down, but the list is twice as long: as before, and in uri- dition there is $85,270 for salaries` and expenses 01' "sund1`_\" oilicers.` The Board of License C'on11uis cos! over $-l0.000. T'n:ln-- Ohn ~nr\1I' 1-:1-`n I\x- nvhinh {no A 'U1llUll llltillf AB (POI).-alU 1UL h:llnlll\`h sund1`,\" oicors. Under the new plan by which jus- ttices of peace t1',\'*onl_v by-law cases `and CO`UI1'._\' 11121_t.:ist1'ute go-~o1` are `supposed t.o go--on r:i1'cuit, the cost has mounted a. bit. There is :1 classication now under Police Magistrate's, szilnries, tmvelling ex- penses and contingencies, $2",.)67. salaries an1om1tiug to $23,273 of this. In addition, salaries of police ma.gist1'utes in districts (as distinct. from counties) amounted to $27,322, an increase of $6,000. Th n n Imn rn-nu Q r-nnun\icc1'nnu D-I nln t t RADENH U RST `Dnvv-3-inv-c Qn itll l11U1Ui.\.-EU UL ~S`U,UUU. Q The nwnierous commission.'~`. came; under Mr. Raney s (1eI)Z1l`i`l)l0I1l, and for the year ended cost $18,406, as` compared with $16,961 the previous! year. The pmblic service (Gregory) coniniission got $11,345, and also cost $13,121 in the previous year. The Hastings enquiry cost $1,423.50. Gordon \Va.Id1'on, who is U.I<`.O. coun- sel, got $1,273 for representing the `ro\'ernmenL in the enqui1'_v into the death of Capt. Huston. I V. While statistics of the Attorney- General s are presented in the pub- Iic accounts somewhat differently from the previous scal year, ll11Lk- ing comxpzu-isons dimcult, it is ad- mitted that administrati-on of jus- tice in the province during the 12 Slusonths ending last October cost `$1,515,460.80, an increase of $456,- |668. Total cost of the Attorney- Gener:L1 s de1)a.1'tmc-nt `for the year was $1,9OG.070.73. V\Yhu+ Ga ~nn..:- (loan:-ihofl Inc Yun- J Sat.111'(Iays market showed \'0I`)'l rlittle chzmge in prices from the 1'0]- `lowing week. Butter sold as usual `at 38-40c. Eggs took a. drop, sell-I ` ing for 45:: dozen. Vegetable prices \\'m'n thp znmn nu 1hn nrm-imm \I>nnI.- i ILL`-45, LUI `t1)l3 UULUII. V! were the same as the 1 Poultry l)1`0ught27-f \Kha_\' and wood prices 1 Butter 38-10c 1b., 1 s Q nhn1-nu 0", `)0 . `IL. ` LILILLCIC -'JO"lUU ll)., L" C chicken 27-280 11).. fowl, 25c 1b.,! lbeof, front, 100 11)., beef, hind, 12c I i1b., pork, front`, 16c 1b., pork, hind,l !18c 1b., lamb, front. 25c 1b., 1z1n1b,l ,him1, 28c 1b., apples, russet, 35c! bz1sk., Lolman sweets 35c bask., spies 1-25c bask., potatoes 20c peck, beets,l 200, small bask., cznrrots 25c, parsnips 25c bzLsk., cabbage 5-10c each, onions 40 b:1sk., turnips Sc each, hay $13-$15 ton, hardwood `$12-$13 cord, mixed wood $9-$10| r-.m'd, I .;a1..-.;a cord. SATURDAY S MARKET JUSTICE IS COSTLIER IMFZZRIAL POLARINE. OIL ESTEN & B.-XRRISTERS, So1im'tors in High Court of Justice, Not.a.1'ies Public, C0m'e_v-` a.ncers. Omce, 1st floor Mzxsonic` Temple Building`, Barrie. Money! to loam at lowest current rzutes. H. Eslen and .\I. H. Esten. -.-.. ......--. -; \/Ana (1'.z'3I'-1.? Pvfcdium Body) is the Iulxriczmt recommended for your Ford. VCSCLLLIJAU pxnucb p1`e\'i0us week. '-2Sc lb. Meat, ; were as usual. eggs 45c doz., ITIHU1 9521: IH P Has a. marvellous effect on rough; Iskin. One or two applications will? Iremove the roughness, and by its? ioccasional use the skin acquires the5 `smoothness and softness of a's. 1G-lycedonia. is not sticky, and gloves lmay be worn a few moments after lusing it. Price 15c and 250. De- glightful after shaving. ` E DRUGGIST. MonkmTa,n s Glycedonia HAMPTON E. J ORY - King Block, Barrie lNSl l{.`\I\'(i`r[<}-Fire, Life, Fasllalty, Plate Glass, Automobile. T[Cl{ls] .l_` .\(.`l`}N'1`-Crmz1ri.i.a.n Pacic Raiiwziy and Steariisliip Linc.-s. Likewise Cunard, Anchor and Anch0r-Dona.1 Lines. Bookings to every part of the world. Service unexcelled. Travel C. .R. D().\lINIOI\' E.\ PI .l<)SS l\IO1\'EY OIKDIJRS Telephones: Oiw 183, Residence 5349 Makes Your Skin Like Velvet Phone GEO. MONKMAN What is the remedy ? Use Imperial Polarine Motor _ Oil (Light Medium Body), which is especially adapted to the mechanical requirements and operating conditions of your Ford engine. Have your crank case cleaned and relled today with Imperial Polarine Oil (Light Medium Body), and realize full Ford economy and efficiency. Briey, these are some of the results of using too heavy an oil for your Ford. (3) (4) (5) (5) (7) (3) (1) /n\ Engine drag and loss of power. Improper oil distribution. An overheated engine. Excess carbon deposit. Unnecessary friction and wear. Large repair bills. Rapid depreciation. Excess fuel and oil consumption. EDMUND HA RDY, L` VI` I" \l 'l`n....|u :\-1 BABRHE. ONT. Consuit our nearest Br:zncl1 Manager about N our rccuirerncmg. J 1 Capital - SS,- J')`),OOf) Reserves; - $7,C`.rI),OG .... `bits uluvl. uusuxlo, like any other business, require varying amounts of extra capital at par- ticular times. A farms:- s banking needs are regarded by the Ba:11< cf '1`orc1:to 3:; on 1.-re-.:isI_-Jy the same as thasrz of any other business. and receive the Farm Banking 'lV"'-n A -ix-nrr 1-5' E`4"`ARI`/I operations, _ [like Four generations of babies have been kept clean, fresh, fragrant, and free from skin troubles by the use of FOR BABY .-.\,;4,- ~.u.J culkl careful Safety First" ,,,J --..- considera- SURGE] J :OOOOO06000C60 3rO0OO60000OO| 30000696000OOOOOOOOOOOOOO: A4I\J\4IA-7: ; u y.u-., I LU or by appointment. A. T M.D., W. C. Little, MB. 91') )R. H. T. AR1\'_\LL. OFFICE` and residence corner of Toronto and Eli7.a.bra:.}1 streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) `Telephone 167. .._.4 Luna.-xnunn \L}\\ .'\.i, DUUUlDh" sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Imrrister, Solicitor for obtaining` probate of will, gu-zxrdiztnslx-ip zmdl adzlxinistmtion, and General Soli-` citor. Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hinds` Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. D BL. \'-ESL Ow:-n S Tcnqcnu, .|Jl.L`iLDL`E Throat. n nn in EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC., I`. I`.C.M. Tezuther of Piano, Or- gan. Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and of St. Andrew's; l`ro:ahylerla.n Church. Gold rnedzxllst. of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni-l vernlly of Toronm. 113 Worsleyv vstrrzot. Phone 663. l D. F. MCCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. . Money to Loan Omce. Ross Block, B:u'1'ie LIB! 436. I.."LJ.)Iy1V n u ma 1 :2 11A Am B rristers, So`.ici1m's, etc. 1s oor Mzusonic Temple ing. Money to loan at rates. Page Six ___.__.,._,, _._._,_ - , -.. I. W. SYI.VI'J.H I`Iu'l(, 'I`l'}ACHl`lM 01* Piano, Violin and `Cello. 120' Ila;/Iilzlli 5-II. I'hI:nta 974w. ` __ _ , t I. `I. .'7.Hl I`)mu.bl1:;h mm. Morsqlm Ilumrlce, ROI*`. 1). 1'}. VVJCIR, 'I`l'}A(,`IH'2H 01*` Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. `.7 Sophia SI. Hmnta 513. -43 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Speci21li:~:`r. in Emb:I.lm- ing: Owen St. I):I,r1-"us, 0111.. l lmm- i.5(3" . E. J. BYRNE `J o v v c -. u.-._a-.1; l"lJ.N'I'lI.\lA l)llUClT l'Ult A.'\'l)= 1:.\mAI,.m<:u ` (mm: day um! night Plmum 218. `I7 l'Jll'uL!mun Ht. Fl,'.'\'I'IltA I. l)llU`}(I'l'()l(H l)l .. [CRY I) : H`l'H I2 Cf). !'Hl)Nl'I `A2. .~;Imr1 M1213. l"um-.rul Dlymr Open day and nipzhl. '2 and 1:h..`1.[)hl in tzulmt-.r:H4m. Un?.a.r1u. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Ofce Hours: ., KJIAJIIL`, ?:\Cl`\ `L).LUlUi1)`. -I-lye, Ear, Nose and ` Consultation hours, `[1 u p.m., and by appoint-' MEDICAL l)E.\"I`A I; ` MUSICA L AND I)]SI3A.'\TES '\\'O.\IEI\' LEGAL and .-\. l.l`.'\\'IS BOYS & MURC.HISO.\', BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oices 13 Owen street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Oice, Elmvale,` Onmrio. \V. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., D. C. Murchison. ` Ii. IVES & HAMMOND, '*.i1nr: 9?!` Oman I.) unu- lowest guun u, Omce, Build- Inuvnno 4 `ed .u>v'v11 `bers of the fair sex. `ed sober minded adults most when `hearing these two young; men tell` luu`., nuuln Iuigx \`.Ull\L`U uuu _L',il\8 1153 an idea of the fusci11z1tin:.; luie oi!` the' pursuit when partial success had at-i tended their el`1a1`t.~,. Allislon never had 1'ez1s011s to 5-3,) anything detri- nientnl oi` Dr. Bantiitg. was characterized by tl1e 111iscl1ie-L" which must be inherent in any boy to mulie a man oi" him; his academic career was ittarked by hard work to which the teachers of the day testify, and his morals were ever above 1'ep1'ioach. Townspeople share with his parents and the 111e-iirbers of the i`zL111il_v their pride in the one who has at least laid the foundation: for tl1e conquest of diabetes. The opinion formed here Friday of Dr. 1 His _\'0uthi Banting s friend, Dr. Charles H. Best, was wl1oll_v favoravble to the fair young man whose sparkling eyes and engaging smile have left their iinpress 011 the younger mem- \Vl1at i111press- their 1`e111url story was their ex-1 treme 111ode.sty. Dr. Best careful` to state that the idem wl1ich rr.-.'.~".1l'- in procuring in:~:ulin originated} Th. T1...o:n.. L... _~. . LI]. 1`. H. LId.I1LlH_L:' L'L'_U35 I lsulin. his .='.pe(.-ic, is ;will not cure the ogre. Frmn the \'ex'_v lucid ation both he and Dr. Best of the method of procuring and the effect of diabetes human pancreas, one is unz understand why Dr. B2ml,in;.; emphatic in stating ihat. his disease. nf T .1. ;L.1,,L. ..n..n..I........ ,...,. .-;.u.. ,.; Mr` Hp:-:ul-.u~r, dnrlm; Hm wmsk rulml in ml of mdosr on Hm p,ruu|u1 Hm! :\.1r H:I]4'l'UW uln-,u.dy lnm IL nmlhm nu Hm order |m,|mr on Hm mum: mm pm, In min Mr` llulurnw ])I'u|mslu:d Haul Iiwru wn.--L nu aim: of Hm [)l`nuI 14-r I:ull1n;.; this urtlaar, whhth haul lmuu lhslmi uvur alum; Hm rm.-mum In: 1. ll. aI;u|:sIILlIuIIUll, lrlll. -1 With the medical journals all nis- cussing at great length Dr. F. G. Banting's discovery of insulin, :1 serurm which -greatly alleviates dia- betic conditions, an dthe metropoli-I tan papers publishing whatever they can get, some of them apparently not being ztbove putting into type imaginings, it was but natural that the people of Alliston should want to hear l'rom the lips of its illus- trious son just what he had proven, and what he expected of insulin. I`.`n21t Dr. Banting would f8l'lGI`01lS1_`~' respontl to an invitation and tell the people of the old home town all about insulin, nobody doubted. And no one was tlisnppointeti. D1`. Bant- ing bi'ou_:ht wilh him his collz1bol':1- `I01 , Dr. C. H. Besl, and between the NW) they gave the people of _\llis1on. it clear conception of their wonde1`- 1 ul (i;~"c()\'Pl'_\' which it, seems origin-v Jzited in ihe mind 01' D1`. Banting :111d_ Ewzts \\'0I`I{(.*(,1 out by him with the 215- sisiuiice ol Dr. l3e;~:r. `In nddiiion. line)` told u" ssnxiieiliing about the i 4 1 l(.`llj.f hours Iin'_\' woi'l(eti and :.'z1\'e u. Ii1efzi. the; nuinunii \\'Hnn rs- rii-.iI :nr\nn:L~ hurl no I. J`f:SS(:(l by In `prysitmn lust, iJ)rury nally d gwould be no rm `ordinary sunst.-, 'J`ht:r:: mipght, bu u.dded, hul. did what. is plzmnrad mm: innul I' DRS. LI'1"I`LE & LITTLE, PHYSIC-H ians. Stxrzeons. Ofce and Resi-` dance. 47 Maple Ave. Oice hours: 1 to 3 'p.m., 4 to 9 p.m., '1`. Little, If T`\ 11' f` T iO61n `\f T) 17$`:-nan l.`1`r:s!~:t:d by Immrlxers 01` the On- pmitmn .\Irmrlu_\', l`remiur .l)rury UL-l:1H.l`l:lI that I}mr.~ jwould r(, in the jurdinury at this .`$l:HSiUI1. an :.v.pc:rInu2nt, ht.- `J.ddl:d, not even t.-Iu,bor:u,(.- with 1-csperzt, to pro- I)f)I`U()!lZLl mnrr:st:11tuI,im1 and the single Lmnsmrzublc: votra. The prime min :ster prmni:a:<.| to crmdu in lhu: H0! (2 wlu-n hp Inzuln mu ......u..n... IlIEl.ll`l| Illhvzml. V.... :1 l)l.S'(I()\'l'Zl{I OF II\'SL'LI.\' HO.\'OREI) AT .>\LLlSTO.\' I :I.lH"lH | (lml., d:4,ip,1 mm H (I .. ` win: 4 lllill mu! l m'm aue::r!:te1' ;;:,nvu 2:. HUUI 1'4-.ully Ilka In :um4nd.uu.-n I. l(l...I ll. .`\'() ]'.l`Il'.`l.N"l'Rllil,". null l'I|l,L',l|`27hlV4t.`i. ul Hm (imnd HM I':u'ly," 111-- ml Hun. Huwurrl l":I1;u.-sun. J`::.4:| 1.-1' vvltlu-nl. !|m.|. manly In Hm lmy,l:.l::l:1:'v (in um um! u.|mul "l`.l(." um! wuuld In: In .-1,:-4: rmll.-strilmllrm. 'l`hu n-nl hy (.'ump, Hu,l4:mw lulullhm) In llm 1uMI`I::+.* want 1 In plum, Hm Ilmnsn nn H- :rHm.: rmH:sIrthulinn, lml. -r An.-1.... nu. ... -..I..rI )\3lll 111: , ll Bzmtinrh tn '|`.ocnu' ill U hope { DR. RIORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOCR; Ci \\'n;<+ 'T`nv`t\n`ru uv'H kn at (11 IlA(LHlC.3 llll.` U1 he pronoun I used by eithex -r.11rn-vr.'l- f` vonv\O w.Ln IL mzulls in HM: l4llmruI party, :1 1 wu.-5 qu17.zin,L; Mm. mu! 0:! HM: ITHHUII nun auuu UH_L'.I11i1Lt'u| but Dr. Banting!` on Dr. Best a3 . 1 cm 7I\n nv ]`\r\v- nL.;:L do. duushl Ihnl lln: h In wllhlmlnl H. 4.0" II... .;..m..... ILLIJCLCD U11 19 unable Bunting is seru l,..r.r.r.r. 11' 4 L . llldll. .LllUj can say withl urn!` n L....m I L) IIUH plzmk -. I u... u~ , ilh iLl\\il_ I.` developed in-` L man. And ` nan nntv ...:n.l STEVVART & STEWART, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan -in zury sums at lowest current rules. Oice. 13 Owen street, Barrio. D. M. Stewart. ."l'lI').\.' 01` la... ;IIIl l:1l' I P ml in-ly 4-:;n..;.l. -. -.u.z, . Ann 1.0 injrarrt} 0 do 1110` u ,`ln....,... V s that in- is not a :1 n\vv\'I:.n I In) I ` d0s1,m 1.7 uuL d. explan- nlrl tin lllullll: insulin: on the nnkln 9,.` sel-1 Hhgau-zlluu du nul mm! yuu .-so vnI`.\' mllczh Illnlmm yuu Inuvn an fuw I'1n:m l'l`luIuln who huvu uwmrn ull. wnen spcamng at motel Vancouver. Mr. Fave1'sham spoke of the won- : derful international dog races stragml at the winter carnival, and said that he had on special invitation visited the great motion picture plant at Banff. ALEXANDER COVV.-XN, SUCCES- cnr in Lnnnnv F`.-xumn I`. 1).-nmn Inveremere, of 8. depot at Lake \`.'indcrmere by the Canadian Pacific district. It enjoys the distinction of being the only station on the Lake Windermere branch between Goi- den and Fort Steele, which has en- jo_ved the benefit of an agent since December, 1914. A modest little portable depot. a box car on the` ground, has done duty all these years but with the proposed open- ing of the Banff-Windermere road 3 on the thirtieth of June, it is no doubt thought that it is time the old box car tool: a move. . B.C.-An app!`0pI`iz1- ; tion had been pns:: for the Luil ling` ` Rziilway. ` Lake Windermere is the depot for u the whole of the Lake Windermere ` Ottawa.--The Canadian National Parks Branch of the Department of i the Interior is commencing the con- struction of a liydro-electric gcm.-1`- ating station in Cascade crock in Banff National Park to supply light ` and power for the town of Banff. .` xvill be u;i(lr3rtaken by (lav Alberta. The dam at the outlet of Lake Miimcxvanlia con.=_t1`uctc in 1912 to provide stnx`a_.rzc facilities, will be utilized and will ensure a steady flow of water for pawn` pur- poses Without furll*.t-r impairing the scenic zlttractions of the local lilcctric, power for I-lzmff is at m \4- ent obtainccl from the steam pl.:m!. The \vo:'l< lu Uni`. of the B'dlli\ i!(``.(i Mine`-:. Ul }Il'2lHl llZl.\'C lN"("Il lO2l(.I"`(l l3L`l.\V(`C`l] September 1, 1922. for the western liun Pacific liailway. scnts 10.234,0()U export from \'z:1:c-(m`.'I.-r. ments comprised (5,175 cars of \\'lw:1t, 162 oats, 16 barley and 50 rye. Ex- ports from the western coast were destined as follows: The Orient, 806,880 bushels. and the United : Kingdom 987,905 bushels. As at January 3. there were 900,000 bushels of (,`am1(lian Pacific 5.-;1`ain in the elevator at \'anmuv(:r .".'7: HA II-nun In 4u-.n-.uH- ,.........i....- Fort Will i the I.- ` nI..,.n nnndn... l. Renfrew, Ont.--Mr. Ritchia, the station agent of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway, has received instruc- tions from headquarters to rigidly enforce the no trespassing order on the property of this company. This is particularly in reference to peo- ple walking down the railway trqgk. When accidents happen it always entails a trouble to the COn1]')Il}.' and lately there have been complaints that school children have been using the railway as a thoroughfare. Vanceuver.--I have been in the Alps and the P_\'renc~es, but I 1121:: never seen anything that can com- pare' with Banff, said William Fa- vorsham, I-3ng;lisl1 an-tor, when spcaking; at Hotel Vancouver. NH`, T7:n'm-zhnn-u cnr~`..-n nf-' Hun umn. (.'i1l'S In LX" bushels of wheat. ment west is aw day. II! II('\\' lI l('K Z(H)H_L: KIN` H[`\ V 1-1 1- will be of ('()n('!`t,`1,(`. II. [)r`('.`~2 `intention to use thv um] s lnt-arest the (.'zmarlizm ll 3 way subway for the liumlling lot-al freight in.~;t.(-;ul of the mid I14, i-sI; 1.l1c city subway dock at; was umh um mm 911...: H hue lx mg nuslnoss wltn mom. I)i. the new .-`.hr~ to-(lay, D. (3. Chisholm, division superinten- dent, said that the new structure, would he of frznne constructimx very`! muvh like the shed it will replace-.,. aside from the fire walls untl thd cornvrtetu wharf. lU"ill Jl'lflKIlL lH.`il,('}lU H] Llll`, l'H(I H'~`i1l` H :-st; !1m'l~: the I with the UM shvd. It. has; hm-n`. [rim-irlnd that the now urrzu1g-mmlt `will he Jnore sutisfzu-[my to com- pany officials and to mncerns hav- ing business with them. niunlluuivlrr Ihn nnw uzhnil In-dnv, DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE` of Trinity University `and also` graduate of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Oice, corner Bayeld and \Y0r-, sley Sts. I-Jnfrunce off Wors1ey.3 Office open until 8 p.m. i

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