Successor to J. Arnold 38 Elizabeth St.. Phone Barrie. 143. Next door to Singer Sewing Machine Co. If there are those who have \ thought that they could not \ take cod-liver oil nou1'ish- ` ment, there is a surprise in \ store for them when they take It is pleasing to the palate and is assimilated so readily that it is the ' exceptional person who cannot take it t easily. If you are run- l down in strength; l ake Scott s Emulsion .' -- nn -.1 Makes Your Skin Like Velvet Has a marvellous effect on rough skin, One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by lts occasional use the skin acqulres the smoothness and softness of a. baby's. Glycedonla. is not sticky. and gloves may be wom a. few moments after uslng it. Price 15c and 25c. De lightful after shqvlng. L509-V -ow--- - Scott & Bowue. Toronto. Ont. IT-_ C Monkma.n s Glycedonia DIIUGGIST. Sevemn ties r Houses ' HOUSES. STORES AND FARMS FOR RENT. @112Nnrthern Alumna 1QK1\ 111...... l\ REAL ESTATE MAN OPTODIEl`RIS -f GEO. MONKMAN has a number of good businbss `propor- tor ale. in all Qfecions of Ba!`- BARBIE. ONT. NOTES AND COMMENTS An a.g1'i.cu1.t1ma.'l editor (back tnoum Russia warns -mi: continent that Russia. will be win `the tworl-d market with lots of wheat in vbwo years tiime. But that shouldn't discourage the wheat g.I*owers `of `Canada. 'L`nere `Wits mun: IuuIm.uuu.5 u'uu<: `Au iin 1922 tman Ifor many years ~bef\o.1'e, `but there is every reason to `bl-ieve tha.`t .in 1923 `thre `Will be a shill g1`ea.te1' number of lbtuildings erected. The urieumnd for good hwomes is very acute and many are conte1npla.Limg erecuin-g their own homes this year. wrvs-`N- (Founded 1851) -2 Publighed very Thursday morn- 1 ing at the office, 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per year in Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 in United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rates on application. Morrison & McKenzie, Publishers. The fuel :pro4b1em has been a senious hard.s|11ip this winter, and much sufferin-g is being empe-nienced, especially in the large cities. In Bamrie the fuel deailers are doing eveI'y'thiing possible to keep the usu:p- ply up and most (people are able [0 get. enough to keep warm, with the mid of wood. It would `be mdvisaible to start now to -provide zfoer next WliI1LeI":S supaply. While the epidemic of tinuenzzz that( is in this dnistrict `is -fortunate- ly mot of the .se1~ious type of 21 few years `ago, it tis sufciently serious I10 warrant taking every precztutiion. Doctors report that the vpresent tynpe is've1'y mild. but the danger 1.ies in milling to recognize the fact t.ha.t tni-mug with a mild attack, which lowers the witality, leaves the victim an easy `prey to coom-p1'i`ca.ti0nis, which `often prove fatal. Much credit is due the pupils and 3 lstaff of `the VBiCaI. for the excellent entertainment given at the Opera House on Mond-ay and Wednesday or this week. That the people of Bar- rie appreciate the work ucarried on at the B.C.I. Was [manifested Iby the large attendance at both penfo1'm- unces. .Much credit also is due Dr. Arnall, the unusical director. That the doctor -must give much time to this work can not be doubted and this must intenfere with his own work. The annual Commenceinents are `always looked [forward to and the Iprimcipal, staff and all who took 1' part this year may rest assured that 2 their efforts were well worth whsile. There was more Ibuiilldling done -in .....:... in 1 nor) hhnn Ii-`m~ um-anv vnans I The Government of L. A. Tas- chereau, Lilberml, was again .return- ed to power at the elections on Monday, but with a greatly reduced majority. Instead of 76 Liberals there will be 62. While the gain made by the Conservatrives, headed by Arthur Sauve, is not what many expected, nevertheless, there is every reason for encouragement, and the l 1 a 4 influence exerted will be far reach-T` ing. For many years Quebec has` been solid Liberal and an opposition. of 22 will give the Liuberzul mlachline quite a jar. There were some not- able Conservat.ive gains llI1 Monday's electnions, particularly in the Island of .\lontreal, where thirteen strwight Conservatives were elected out of the_ fifteen urban and `sem,;-11rban 1'idings.| v 1 The Post Office Department again directs the attention of the mailing public to the fact that a large num-i ber of insufficiently prepaid letters} and post cards are still being u1a.i1e(1 to Great Britain, Newfoundland ands other British possessions, and foreign countries in general, upon which the addresses are called upon to pay a surcharge of double the deficiency -`,1; pyepayment when delivery 15 cr- fected. mm, V\II\"\1-;l| in again rnmrinded that I I fected. The public is again reminded that all such letters and post cards should be prepaid as follows: I-1---; n..:o..-.z.. `kTn.-nFnI1v\I`1!)`I'Ir` 311-IR Uu yAuyq.Lu Ian Avsnvvvu . Brmsh possessions in general, in- cluding GuIba--Let:Lem: 44: am: `ounce, 3c each additional ounce `or c..-,.H.n hharamf. Post harrdszt in Great Britain. Newfoundland and ounce, M: cum I Emotion uheroof. an aim amen. Foreiign oo`unh'ie&-Letters: 10: in-it ounce. Sc ewh additional ounce or fmotion thereof. Post cards: 2.. gunk _______:____j_ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1923 Nww that spring will soon -be here again and tho roulmuy problem ac- iug us as it mult, a. few suggestions on the mutter cf maintenance of gravel Nude may not be out of I11 IIEA uvcu plmce. 'l"h n plaice. The maintenance of a roadway is the keeping of it an nearly as pos- sible in the same condition as it was when originally made: the repair or a. roadway is the Wonk rendered necessary to bnimg it up to its 1 oniglnal condition aiter it has be- come deteri=ora.ied by neglect to it. It is here that a great dean of money is often wasted by engineers and road surpervisons. it u is cheaper and better to keep a. good 3 road up than to neglect it and then have to repair. nun` u-huntlexnna nf nr.-\.vr-,1 in this GRAVFIL R0'AD MAINTIBN A N CE have to repair. Vv"ll.h abundance of gmvel in this . county the gravel road must neces- sarily be almost wholly adopted, and there is no reason why we should not have good roudis at a. mininimn of cost. A ;.'ra.vel rozul is a.1nr0st, sumo lo bl`(':Lk up more or less in the-oa.x'1y spring, but it proper at- tention is given at the night. t-imo the road will soon come back to its original shzupe. Storzuge 1.:I`a.vel should be piled (Li'0n`1,' the road so that. it can be used in the spring at the "night time. T`n nrniininin :1. gravel road `:1 the `mgm. Lime. To IIl`AiI1Ul,in a. gravel patrol man should be appointed about every three miles and he should be supplied with a split-4log drag or small grader. Get the right kind of man interested. one who will devote -:1. little time at the proper time. and it will be surprising with what. littile effort :1 road can be kept in good slmpe. Too much gravel should not be put on an old gravel road at one time, about two inches 5 suflicient. Use the tmlc to roll out :1 road instead of a. road roller. I1\`s1`1`I7`1(3.1'EN`1` POST.-mm .(lu1L1OI1Wl ounce UK Post, bards: 2:: The maiin thnimg is to slralpe up the road pr-openly in the early spxrinig. It may be necessary to use a grader or sca.ri>er a. time or two, but it is more econonri-oa.1 to mIa.i` a. good road than to have to repair `it every dttle While. A entitled The Munici- pal Fnamlchzise Act, 1922, which passed the Ontario Legislature last session with little discussion. has not received so much attention as it de- serves. A few yeans ago the en- iiranchrisennent for rmunlicinpal (pur- poses of hundreds of thousands of women, which is the object of the Act, would have been regarded as revolutionary. To-day it follows logically the adoption of woman suffrage in Provincial and Federzu elections. There ,has been no rea~ son for the delay in extending this right to municipal elections except that the women, after their victories in the wider spheres, rested on their laureils for a time. They owe their latest triumph to the initiative of farmers wives. who demanded to know why .they could not go to the polls to vote for Reeves, Coulnncillors and School Tnustees where they were on an equal footing with the men in choosing members of the House of Coxnunons and the Legisla- ture. In .-.n`.-ml Hun neqocqnvxc nrn re- HUNICII .-`lL VOTES FOR WODIEN I Lure. In effect the assessors are re- quired to enter on, a. roll the names of the wives of owners and tenants, they shall be entitled to vote at municipal elections. In cities of 100,000 and over it will not be necessary as in other to bracket the names of husbands and wives-rwhere the husbands are entitled to be rated, may be enter- ed on sep-a.ra.te or supplexnentamy as- sessment roll by the `assessor or as- sistant assessor. The Act will en- tail :1 great deal of Work on asses- sors, who do the ennumerating, but the method appears to be bhe most convenient one. The new legiisl-ation en-franichlhses the wives, `but leaves the dang-hters out of the reckoning. It is inconsistent that a. young wo- man who is qualied to vote in Panlilmmentwry elections should be held inseligiible to take part in local affairs. Probably this a\norma.1y will soon be removed. On Friday, Jsamuary 26, there passed `away at his home `in Om af- ter un illness of t-hirteen months, one spected residents of the township, _,in the person of Wiu`ia.1n -Cecil W~i1- l nnn of the oldest -and most highly re-` son. , ` Dhe late Mr. Wilson was born at Lzmkeeld, near Hawkestone, on Nov. 4, 1842, the `second son of An- drew Wilson and J'iLIlB Eliza Mc- Vnity. Shortly after this wbimth he moved with his parents to lot 15, -on} the 10th Concession, -where the (pres-' {ent .hmuest.ead was hewn from the forest, where he spent \his entire 1'itl'0. - He was eduoitted 1in the -"publict .schoois and Bzu-1~,ie gmmmar `schoo1.f In 1866 he volunteered :f'01' `service `in the 35th ~bzL`tLzL1FLon S'u11coe Fores- I ters, attended `the MIi1.ita.1'y Co.l1e:.:c :. rr<.\...,..1m -,mA 1ntm- rm-_p1ivo_d hisl lters, attemteu the :\1n1.1ta.1'y `L)U11t'+ .U]u iin Toronto and later received his b; Tpomurission as `lieutenant of No. 6 ea gcom.panv_\'. He took a keen `interest $ and active part .in all such onganizw tions as tended tw0W`a.'I`d the `bette-r~]1 ment of the agniculturaldstu` lot from the Grange to the U.F.O. He was for `many yeans a. director, and at the time of his death, an .honora.r.y president -of -the 01-.o -A;gnicu1t;u'r'a] Swiety. and aerved for a number or years as dlmector on the board of the \Cntre Simone Society and the East`\ 5 Stmnooe Agrhcuttxtml Society, at one time being a. director on all three boards. _}He also took *2. pr-ominen-t part iii Famlers Institute zwork, re- 'pi`es'enL-inigz `hits |d1'LstIt'Lct 1011 the `Cen- ftra.1 Board at Toronto untsill that board was Kltsoontinued. `He was created a. -Justice of the Peace in 1906, rwh'i:ch -posltti-on he held until 1 his death. Early in We be rmwde at ' hobby or rpure bred ipoulury, and tin later yeans [was well known as u. e suocezsafxrl breeder of tmtre bred > cattle and other ltlve stock. a In religion the llnte Mr. Wilson was If an Angllooan, and a 1.119 long memlber, -f and was for some yezms Warden of St. Manks church. East 0-ro. [He 6 was a tmemlber and at one tllme seore !- wry of Loyal Orange ~IJod=ge, No. `S 904. Oro. .r: 1.. 11271 Thn rmn.1'.'nied Je-nnrie Semi- Oro. In 1871 he unarmed ers, who died in 1878, lenvting three children. He was ngalin married `in 1883 to Susan Hunt, who survives with six 'ch.'i1wdren {from this rrnarnizngc. Those left to rm-ourn his rdeatzh are hxis widow, mhree Ich* fby his first . mzxrrizwze. Mrs. C. Switzer and Clar- ence of Dm'onto, and Ceai.l H. `oxf W-hitby; and six chi.1d'rven by his ` second nmwrniznge, R:u)by -and Con- I stlzmce of `Toronto, Annie of Beach- - villle, and Devere, Ohernie and Grace 1 at home. He is also survived lby \ four brothers, John of 'Th`a.mesl ord, l I-Ien-ry of Dundas, Albert 01` 'I`oron'uo. 1- and (}e()rgu of Hzvwkest-one, and one llsimer, I-Iztrriclt, of Bnrnie. . rm. anmm-n1 Tumu mam nn 1M-nnudzw sister, l'l1l,I`I`l0'lL, ~01 15a.I`me. The funeral wms held on VM-onudzw fmm nhixs lute res.i:dence to St. Ma.rk's cemetexvy, {East Om. The 'se-rvvice was -comhlcted by the Rev. C. IR. Spence.-1'. of Slmnty Baxy, who spoke in warm appreciation of the de- ce:\4s9(1 s xconwsistenl. |C!1.I'i.sti:Ln Life. St. iarks was lliled to the doors wiitrh normvwinp: `f1`.iend teusthfyving 110 the high esteem in which the decemsed was held, and ~ext.enduimg the asym- puthy of the entire community to those who are left to 'mourn the loss of 1). loving father and =fzuit.h~t`u!1 Inas- h-a.m1. The xmll bearers were one bvother, George; 'two sons, `Cecil aw! DeVe,-re; Mr. John Roe, Mr. Wi11:iu.m qnnn mm \Mr .IsI1Innsxl(`.l'mWfOI'(1. Devere; Mr. John hoe, Mr. vvu Scott and \Mr. James Icrzuwford. \\"1LLIA)I CECIL \\'ILSON ' 1 READ THE ADVERTlSEMEN)'I`S.` _lt _a Surprise! The Northern Advance The nmrrket was very dull on Sztturtlay, due, no doubt, to the bad weather. dropped to 21 lower; price than was reached last week. 1{1'he prices or other coxmnodities re-I 'm.mined pm, 'Dhe following prices` were quoted : I Rnmar RR.-Ann mrrr: SH-FuF('., chick-4 WGTB []`1l0[B(1 I I | Butter 38-400, eggs 50-55c, chick- ens 25-27c, fowl 20c, potatoes 20c Tpku beets 45c bznsk., onwions 40c, oa.r.1~oLs 200, spys $5.00; 'bb1., snows an-d toL111an sweets 35c, turnips 2 for 5c, pamsnips 25` bask, beans 20c qt., czubbage 5-10cf each, ha.-vdwood $12-$14 cord, hay` 1Q1Q {An 11. 0. D. E. OFFERING PRIZES FOR SHORT STORY on PLAY cuuu, my ` $13 ton, sATUIDAY s MARKET In order to encourage Canadian lwiteraimre the Imperial Order Daugh- ters of the Empire is offering two prizes, rthe zx-st of the value of $200.00 for the best short story. the second of the value of $100.00 for the best one-wet play. These ` prizes will be mffered annually for v ten years. 'I\he conditions under ' which they will Ibo awarded this ' year are as tolmws: . \ The short St,oa'y 1. 11 must not have been pub- lished beore fbefmg su` In this competition. '2 Ti rm.uf um contain less than 5 l l l competition. 2. It must not contain two thou-sand wondz. nor more than six Lhoueand. I 0 H mu-ns .1-xn fvrrwvwniftnll OI six Lnousana. 3. It must be tyrnewnitton on paper of letter size (8;x11 inches) and written non -one aid: of the papcr only. A I ! must? Ihe ucnt at. B01. fO1d- 4. It must he sent at, ed or mlled, haxve uhc author : nom de gpluxme, [but not `his or her real name, on the himle Ipage, Ibo roglotorud and mailed to the National lld`uca.- nional Secretwry, 1.~O.D.E., 238 31001` St. E.. Toronto. 5. A sealed envelorpe with the "nom de plnusme pninted or written clearly `upon ii, and` the author`: a.'n1e wjthvln it, must accompany the ..............n.-{rm} F an eye sufferer troubled with presbyopia should come to us for a, scientic eye exaiminanion and we recom- mended that he wear blifocales we would explain lenses with two foci is used to correct a condition where there is an error of refraction for distant sight and dxnpro-per focus for near work. Here you w1i1I1 get a. thoroughly scientic examin- ation of your eyes. I11l.'Il1e 'w.uuuu u, unuwu ..~.............._, manuscript. 6. The manuscrilpt mmst (be sub- mitted on or before A'pr.i1 1, 1923. 7. The rwriter must be a British subject. 9 'mm u-.onv~ni::ht of the story ad- 8. The -copyniglxt judged the best. is to [be vested in the I-mrperial Order Damgh1ers of the Empire with power to zu'I'zu1ge for its publication in magazine or in book form or in both. The Play 1. It \must be :1. "0118-{MEL play. 2. Its present,at:ion on the "stage should OGCIIIXY not \less than twenty minutes nor more Llmn th`11'ty 1nin- utes. 9 n mmm -nnt have -been rpu-b- 3. It unust not have Lhshed before ubeling submitted in L-luins ..nyu.nnl i I inn LIISHEU `Dtilult: Iucnub on-.uu.......v.. .__ ,, OOIIIIDBHHOIL C0nditi0n's 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 for the Short Story mpply .u.lvso 11` or The Pla-y. Ntzumee of the juwdsges selected by the melnihehs of the Ozmzulian Au- thors` Associuhion wlll be announced at a later date. `n, n Lminz. National Constance B. Living, I`}(illCLHOl11L1 Secret-zu'y I.O.D.I<].. 238 B1001` St- E., Toronto, Ont.. - -V ' W ' 7 1 READ THE ADVER I`ISEMEN'1`S. @2 zc:7;:f: It's made me EA$IF|RSTwc.3/ __.______.____._.._._ POLICE ON TRAIL OF GUN MAN Provincial -Constable Rich has been upI1n the Midland district most of the time since last Frldny trying to Ihocate n would-Ibe murderer. On Monday of last week when the care taker of Mr. J. P. Watson : resi- dence on the lake shore went to the house to prepare dt for the return of Mr. Watson, who lives in Toronto most of the time, he Iound In man in one of the upstairs rooms armed with a nine. When asked what he wanted the intruder sa.ld he had mm`. rm- Wn.tson and he intended to intruder szuu ~uu uau come Ior Watson watt till he got hrim. The caretaker got the man out of the house, but was (forced along the road at the point `of the rie. With the aid of a netghvbor and a. constwble the would-be murderer was Located in the bush, but later ditswppeared. Constzuble-Rich, with the aid of the Miidlzmd rpolitce. has theen on his tmm ~ but so far has not been able to round him up. Every possivble -outlet from the distvict tivs guarded and it is ex- pected that the man will soon \he 1nnn1a. Scuit sEmuIsiun_ Duuleu located. "I should think a.-t1'a.'n11) ' would be aslmnned to beg 1 old lady like me!" hnn't nnn1n2`i l.0 for age ( old lady 111(e me: Don't zxpnlogize 2 lady. I don't mind. keep down the price of Ford Cars. The $445-pti4:eL3 based on the ex- pectation of a S ' business of 8000 cars per monbh. H business comes, the price can he Lt rests now with him ' tnsaey whseiihet Ford prices will be ' . or not. -1-"... ___..... .. :2......a ;. ah. van VERYBODY at Ferd is keen to upuuuu vuu-u-r-.g....,. .. ...... I-fyouwanta.Fa.-aiinha ' you can order it bdng hr dd.'we:.-* '~-- and paythebwootpduiaeorghishaxw. QAAR Barrie Motor Car Co., Barrie, Ont. I cup granulated sugar % cup milk V3 cup EASIPIRST 2 teaspoons bnking 1201:. 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups our )4 teaspoon vnnilla. ,_#__ __ 1 .. , _____ L Cream EASIFIRST and nugar, then eggs well beaten. Add milk alternately with our mixed and sifted with the salt and bak- ing powder. Turn into two oured layer cake tms and bake in moderately hot oven 20 minutes. This is the % 4 0. R. Rusk,t@J_|Jh.D. s or looks, ~ like you from -an lAut9 Licenses I Debentures of the 'IVown of Barrie 5] Per Oent. lulu Good invmtment. 800 me. |BARRiE S BEST LAUNDRY \i.I~:M BROS. Phone 616. - Eive Points Laundry called for and delivered Prices reasonable VVo1'1 gtlaranteed on all family washing Recipe W. Bmzfissunn 7 OWIN ITIIII.` Masonic Temple Banding