the latter been avaunme. . In bringing =fa.m1 help from the British Isles it is necessary to secure the men on the other side in the winter and nmke provisl-on for their early sailzng, and for this reason it is quite essential tfhut it be known for some `months ahead about what the demand will be for men with tanm nunnv-innuvn . . Ll l`.'lll"d.uJl1 W1 A. experiemze. II.\JlVI1..l. no ILL` .u..;---... A re.presenba,tive at the Beekeqp- I era Assochati-on held in Tononbo .re- A centilsy said that he had found a. new use for honey, and had used it with suneess as an anti-freeze or -his a.uhom'olt'-ile. He mixed one-third Money to Uwso-vhirds water and never mad any tnouible witih his car when it was dawn to 10 below zem. The `hioney may be left. in the m.dia:i3orrfor any length 01 time as it will not nust or inj-ure in a/my way. Auuormdbile ownens may exxpeniunent with this and test it out. while. .It may be worth- BA R/RIE GRAIN MARKET _. ._ 4.. ma -1n _,,;,_ ; G HONEY AS AN ANTI-FREEZE -4-____A..&l--A ..l- #1:.` nnbnur LOCALS "'1~:o1Iu;'e`rn% Aamce V Business Comege re-c>:pe'nved for the winters work on Jan11a1`y 2, and among the new students em'o1~1ed are Mice Sanderson of Cochrane, Ont., Victor R-ubins of Pontiex,, Reba. Mayes of Tho:-nton and Miss 'I Arnold 01 B'aJ1'1'ie. -~~ 1 ,,,,,.1 L. ......1,....\.,. '\17mL 1l`U1'UllUU .*uu.uAu u; uw..u,. Vve are pleased to'we1con1e \Vu;1- lace Glover of B1'a'.d;1'o1'd back to our `school again. nu-a Mania \TnT.nnn M` 'Dhm-nton. To Let-'Dw.o furnished rooms, with or wit'hou1: board. Also three un- furnished moms for light house- keeping. 48 Bay-eld St. `school agzun. Miss Nel-lie McLean of 'Dh`o1-nton, :1 _B.B.C. graduate, has taken :1 posi- tion with the f11'n1 of Boys & M1141`-` chison`. 'Mx'. Carl Drury, son of Premie1' 1:: n hv*II1`1V m Ana nf` nnr nmv stud- ems. a. posion at Ctamyp Bmden and Miss Minerva Brarnhm-t of Hawke- ...-..... l~.'n.n nnnnnfnrl 9 nnaitinn \Vi`th Mr. C. E. Mclndles has accepted`! Minerva .B'L1`I1l1`8.1`[ or nzL`\v1\:-- stone h'ms accepted a position with Kelly and Crantnell 0-E 1`o1'on.tvo. Quite a nuimiber of recent B.B.C. students now in 'Donon~to and else- where spent the Cilrisbinas and New Yezu"s holiday at hpane and we had the pleasure of exoh-a;'ngin.g sea:son s greetings with them. `Mr, mid Mrs. Bmuce Beattie and them. :'Mr. mid Mrs. Barusce Ma;ste1' Donald Beatbio oif Toronto spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Wyauchope. 'T`hn mmlling nnntest is still crea L~, wuaucnope. I ,The spelling contest creat- ing emth-usiasnl. At present the re- su1~t stands as ou\orw'.s: 1st place, Violet E-bu-ott, of Ednen-vvavle, 98 1-5 per cent.; 2nd place, Hanold Smith. o`Buond Head, 97 7-11 per cent, with Jessie Crouclzer on? Port Ora:-ling and Ga'lra.d\ys Oaldtwell of Banrle tigd for 3rd place wbth 96 9-11 per cent. an oh each. Mr. Fred Jarrett, C>a.1mdl`a.n cha:m- . pion twplst. out 'I\o1*onto, gave a. deumomstrathon of typewritivng. speed to our class on Wevdmensdlay morning. 1-... Q Tn nddrassmz the students Wevcmensway In!ul.`Lmu\5, Jan. 3. In addressing Mr. Jannett. emxnhnslzed the needs- sity at aiming high and eon:centrwt- ing on uhe aulbzleot. at getting uni- onmity, -rythm and regularity into n... wnlr and motions. and that fear Mon s Black F1anne10.tte-1i11ed Smocks with large Corduroy Collars, made by the Big B. Brand, sizes 38 to 46. The price of this Smock was $4.50. Clear- . ing price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.50 Do 11ot miss these lines at the small prices, as they will '11 1: last long regulurwy lnmol their work and wctions, Wanted-At once, a. good girl or Nmmsan for genena.-1 house work, good zhome. Wmite Mrs. J. A. M`cOa1be, 66 DeLis1e Ave., Toronto, or phone Hudsvorn 313. Men s Pants, Tweed Corduroys, VVo1`steds and Homespun, sizes 33 to 42. Prices were $5.00 and $6.00. Clearing price . . . . . . . . . . ..$3.95 Ladies One-Buckle Jersey Cloth Over- shoes, sizes 3 to 6. Big Value $2.00. Special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50 Me11 s Heavy Untearable Tweed Pants, sizes 34, 4.0, 42, 44;. This Pant is good va1ue at $6.50. "` ' ~ ---`M $4.75 Ladies All-Over Aprons, Navy Blue, Grey, Pink and light colors. Regular $1.50. Clearing price . . . . . . . . . . .990 Boys Navy"Bl11e Serge and Tweed Bloomers, lined and belt loops, gove1'11o1' "fasteners, sizes 28, 29, 31, 32. This pant was $3.00 and $3.50, and good Value at that price. Clearing at $1.99 11.1., .;.u, _.-7 .__ Clearing price Little Bcivs Overcoats, Tweed, lined wit} 3, 4, 6. Price was $5.00. Clearing price 2 only Bofs Grey Tweed Pea J ac]; er satin, t age 6 only. This coat f BUSINESS (`OLLEGE .\'E\VS Men s 1-Ieavy Lined` VV01"k Mitts. This mitt is good ,value $1.25. Qv-nan; I21 nr-i on ?_?j-_ IJost-BenWeen Louise St. and Five Points, pair of low shoes. Finder please leave at Advance oice. (Reward. an. r. . Drun'y. is one of our new stud- I UUU. , V cuu.l_, q;L....u. Special price 98c Buy Overalls & %SmOc%ksj Now and Save Money AS ALL OVERALLS HAVE ADVANCED SINCE NOV. I Me11 s Blue and W11ite Stripe and Plain Blue Overalls, sizes 36 to 44, Smacks 38 to 44. The price of this lin.e was $3.50 each. Clea1'_i11g price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.49 ...\.-nn+ Hun rn. ' ackts, double b1'eas"ted, lined. with bezst farm- is big Value $5.00. Clearing price . .-.$3.95 of making errors must be eliminlzzted. 1 Accuraicy was ever essen-tiall, he stated. i\I1'. Jarrett then shio-wed the students how it was done and wrote varicnus testis nmking a net . rate of 146 wordis per minute on al five minute test. He also wrote slowly at 80 '\'w'011`d\S and then at. 60 words per minute. It was a. very interesting demonstration and the students are now strivinug to a;cc0-1n- plish more speed as 21, result oi` be- -ing shown how by the Canadian c~h an1`-pion. We expect Mr. J:11'1'ett and Miss Wright, who is also typ- ing at a high rate of speed hack to give us (1, demionstratiwo-IL at our con- ! test the latter end olf this month. M011 s liu1es1:i11 Pull- over Mitts. Reg. $1.25. G-v\t\4\:r\1 -v\-n;rn\ OQII TI-IOMAS--In 'I`ov1-onto, on Saturday, Dec. 30, 1922,` R. A. T11oma.s, A aged 72 years. Intemnent at Mt. ' Pleasant Cemetery, Jan, 2, 1923. ARD.A\GH--At L:LJo1-1a.. Californ-ia, on Dec. 30, 1922, Anna B. Ard-agh, ` Just surviving daughter of the late John Russel Ax-dag~h, M.D., of Bar- rie. DOANE--In 'Doront-o, on Satu-rday, Dec. 30. 1922, Oscar M. Donne, aged 70 yeans. Intenment in 'Do- nonto on Tuesday, Jan. 2. ' Mt-.DOUC`r.A;I.;L`-In Barrie. on Friday, (Dec. 29, 1922, Elsie O Shea. Mo-' Do-uIg.a.11, aged 16 years. Inter- ment at Midland on- Tuesday, Jan. 2. S0O I`v'1`-`--In A1'1a.nd-ale. on M-ondlay, Jan. 1, 1923, -Alexander Scott. aged 78 years. Intenmen-t at Bar- .r1e Union Cemetery on Wednesday. Jan. 3. EORSY'm-I--In Barrie, on Tuesday. ' Jan. 2, 1923, Mns. Martha Forxwth. VRema.ins shhptped ,t;o' Oraxngevme on Th-unsda-y morning for inter- ment. ' Lost-On Dunlap St., between Sar- jeant & Kin-g .s and Barrie Inn, a. pearl and French ivory long drop earling. Finder please return to _M1s. G. D. Bnow.n,_ 26 Holgate St., or leave at the Advance Oice and receive reward. U V UL .Lu..I.L L13. .n.u\_/6. v.y;.._.u. Special price 98c You should see them. I Renew fYour Subscriptiqh DE.'\ 1`]-IS }vith Black and White Check, t ages Q9 OK Ladies W1'a1)perette Blouses, Brown and Green. This line value $1.50. Clearing price .. . . . Lai1es W11ite Voile Blouses and VVhite Middies. These lines are big._.va1ue $2 and $2.50. Clearing price V. . . . .99c 1/ L QIU-UV: . .$4.75 Boys i\Iu1eskin lined Miffs. "This line is" ex- tra Value 65c.' ~_,__:-1 ___.:'-_ an- Athletic Girls-- [V THE S1 -RRO(;`..-\'.l`I~} C`0UR l.` OF THE COUNTY OF SDICOE In the -matter of the Gua.1'diaImship of Thomzts Ale.\'a.nde1' McCav1`t.hy, the lin'f:u1t child ovt` E-liza.beth -Maria Mc- Carthy, late of the Town of Bernie; in the County of Simcoe, 1n`a.1'1'ied womiun, deceased. Notice is hereby given that after iheAex-pimtion of twenty days $210111 the `first pub1ica_tio1L of this notice application will be made to the ".'ll1`l`f`:rf-`J-'lTD Court of the County of Siurc'oe_ tor a. Grant of Letters of G-11.:11"(1ia11si1`ip of the` -person and estate of the a.b`ove_ mulled infant. Thomas Alexander McCarthy, to 'I`.ho`n1a;s Arthur McCarthy of -the said Town elf Ba.1`1`le, E`Sql1i\I`e, the tiather of the said infant. `I1-a+n:-I Hlnn Afh Rnv nu? T'J'I'\I1'.II'\f Ia.tne1' DI I.-ne 53,10. l.XLL2L11L. Dated the 4th day of January, A.D., 1923. Qfnwnnvf Rv Qfnxtvnrf, I After a hard game it is not only the delicate fragrance of Baby s Own. Soap which pleases, but also the wonder- ful restfulness imparted by ` its refreshing lather. L \'(.LLLLU UUU. Special price 4 50c Lnmrs Wm ALBERT SOAPS UMITED - MONTREAL READ THE ADVVE RTISEMENTS. Collier St. Methodist Church J56. Stxowart & Stewart, Solicitors for the Applicant. colors - is big . . . .99c \lvJ..|.Av4. nova av.--.:u---..-~- -__-_._ --, Rev. Harold E. \Vel1\vood, B.A.,B.D., Pastor. Jan. 7, 1923 1st Sunday in the New Year 10.00 a. Year Fellowship Meeting in the S. -School Room. 11 on a.,m,-'I`he Pastor will have Meetinyg 1n me 5. 3011001 muum. 11.00 a..m.-'I`he `a message to `the boys and girls on the clock. ` r: nn tn _N:xw 'Vp,a.r Message ofl clock. 3 7.00 p.m.-New Year Message of New Opportunity and Hopes from the Pastor. ' | `CV:-1nn.nn1 A ! . 21.700 #217 TO LET Burton Avenue Methodist Rev. S. M.'Beach, Pastor Jan. 7, 1923. 11 a..m.--Bub1ic Worship. 3 1).1n.--Blb1e School. 7 p.m.--P.wbhic Worship. A meeting of me Bax'1`i`LiIbem1-` C0nse1*\'a4:ive Association will be held` in the So-ms of En`g1*an-(1 Hall, Both- .we11 Block, on Wednes(Lay, Jzmuzu-y 1n of 52 um. Election 01 . officers`, LU lV.l1'-S. in pore, Ont. !____..__... Block, We(1I1eswwy, .Ju.uu.u_y 10,.at 8 p.111. Election officers` and general business. .\Iusica.1 pro- gram and addresses by px*o111inen`t "5apeake1's. A cordial invitation ex- ten`d'd <~~Cx'iendsrfro~n1 the surround- `ing dip,` '1. l\'I'eetiIrg at 8 p.rm.' *sha.1'p'.`""' .. " \ The annuzil meeting of the Strand Telerphlone shmelaolders will be held inthe Oranrge Hall, S1rou on \Ved- nesday, Jan. 17, 1923, at 1.30 p.vm., for the purpose of electing directors and other business. J. \V. Black, \V. L. Black, Pu-mident. S0c1'etau'y. The Annual Meeting of Barrie `X-Iorvticultural and Town Irmpnove ment Socigty will be held in the POLICE COURT CHAMBERS a.1e--Al1 steel hay press, in orking order, horse-power at- .nt. Machine will pay for it- `short time. Orders for press- nnur unnifinrr 1nnH nnsh at 8 o'clock p.m. All members and ohhens invited to attelid. A. W. Smith. . '1`. ,1`. Young. " Pmsldent. Secnetary. LOST AND FOUND- -:--__`, W It must` be confessed that the `0.'1`.A. serves its punpose adzmiraibly. "Dry" en=t-Imuslastas don't wwa.n:t_ any liquar. and wret" enltm-unstasts mp- `--parentaby get all they desl|re, so . everyibodyfs satised. . [ For Sa.1e--Piano in good comddbion owner leaving town. Apply 24 Hol- gat Stl, A11a.nda:le. .-..-W." Services 1 Sunday E Rev. `A. R. Beverley, Pastor Jun. 7, 1923. ' Services at 11 am. and 7 pm. Sunday School at 3 p.n1. snort Lune. U1`-uers wr pluma- ' .now waiting.` Small cash t,'ba.1a.nce easy terms to re- ` 1e 1`)a.1`ty. Apply J. V. Brett, 2. Phone 65w. F ridgy, Jan. 12 ion SA'Iy-'.E ' Baptist Church W. T. Bum. Pastor. Jan. 7, 1923. `-~'--.'n.. ices it 11 and 7 pm. lay School at 3 13.111. CHURCHES NOTICE 2% WANTED -Trinity Church iagg Two ' Premdent. huuzn, President. Wehcome ! NOTICE NOTICE \V . S. meets on Friday at 8 p.m. Miss Annie Crowe was in Orillia for the holiday. T)n'|-nunr fnrnnnn (`If O\Ven Sound the holiday. Palmer Vvardnxnan of Owen was home for New Years. `Dun 1\vm.-mu ha-= rnmrned to hvonme for New xears. Phil Newman has returned 1{ingstoi1 to attend QI1l8eIl'1S. "Miss Catherine Poucher DIE 'I`o1~on- to was home for New Years. Miss Myrtle Hill of Toronto s-pent New Years with her parents. \VL1lim1n Ea1'1a.n1 of '1`oronto spent the holiday with his parents. i my and NH`: (`L C. Bothwell of IUIE uuuuvay wuju Mr. and Mrs. I`oronto were in 1 end. 1 T\rTnvvFon mf For Sa1e--F.ord Tau-ring Car, newly ma-inted and upholstered, starter and in `good condition. Apply 215 Dun- lop St. .,r E110. L. Morfee orf Ottax Years with M1`. and nneyex`. I-Tn rrv Vvhpen Ovf Harry Vvhetten Hrmmilton was the guest 0-f Walker Webvb on New Years. 'Dhe Misses Collins of Tononto were the guests of Mrs. Gilchrist over the holidwy. mp mm mm Wm. Peck have re- holidwy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. turned from a short visit in Ottawa zind Toronto. mug: ~.u....m.= Qmnnlnn nf Toronto was and Toronto. .-Miss Mazubvle Scanlon of a. New Years visitor at the -home of .1 ho Qnnnrn `cl. HUW xccun vnau.-.u. u.. ....- ..-,,,, Luke S-pearn. Miss" Helen Gilchrist of Toronto has returned after spending New Years with her mother. Mrs. H. Hastings has returned from an extended visit in Montreal, Shenbrooke and other points. `M'1- nn Mn: Wi11ia.'m Ness of St. and otner poxnus. Mr. and Mrs. Wi11ia.'m Cathvamines were in town for New Years. . `run nn Mm 1:`. McFzm1den were, Mr. and Mrs. E. MicFa.`d.vden were` in Toronto recently. Mrs. Kirk of Gore Bay, Manitoulin I:s1an~d, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. McPlherson. Arthur Taylor, S12, spent New Years with his wife and son, Stan- ley. at Grayemhurst. I"'hn nmr `Rnv Melville was in To- ronto for New Years. Ms. C. \V. Reynolds of Toronto spent New Years with her pa.rents, [M12 and Mrs. A. F." Garrett. Nfu .\ 1-1-hen` nf Sf.I`:`Lbf0l`(1 snent Grawemhurst. The Rev. Roy Melville New Years. `MI : n xxr npvnnlds [M12 and Mrs. A. 1*". L:rku.'1`u|.L. Mr. Archer of Strzmbford New Years witih his sister, Mrs. 11 v-nun n For Sale-Ha.rness business, includ- tlng stock, tools and xtures, must be sold at once to wind up an estate. Imxnediate possession. Ap- xnlj/lxto Mrs. M. E. Hisey, Box 357, 'vv\r\v$I\ n! Framle. Miss Patterson of Toronto the holiday with her brother, Pattenson. mhn o-nnna`| Qnndnv SC111301 I The annual Sunday School enter- tainment of St. George's chuarch will be held on Friday evening. J\r.- and Mr: Allan Brunt-on of held 11'1uay evenmg. M1`. and M1-.s. Allan London have returned home after spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton. . 'II'.._ n-..,:., ..n,1 an aha Mrs. J. D. bruuwu. ` M1`. and Mrs. Cozudy and M1`. and Mrs. Flaherty are in Collingwood at.- tending the funeral of the late P. Goody of Toronto. .-m,. 1r1rf'1 A :5 nuHinrr nn '1 The first Moccassin Dance of the ` `season is being held in Stroud Rind: on Wednesday, Jam 10, under the 5 auspices of the Stroud Curling Club. Special music provided by Uhe Bar- .730 Hand. Lunch served. Tickets L4-U2:/uy uu .Luxuuu.v. The Y.M.C.A. is puttimr. on mvoonlight carnival at the rink o Msonzdzvy. Jan. 15. There will It novelties and :1 good time is a sured. mp, 12...; x1....n...-nivu T`\qnnn n? f} lbpeuuu mu rie Band. 500 each. s DU'U Bibull. Dalton White, grocer, of Allan- drale, has sold his business to F. VV. Dobson, of Toronto. Mr. \7Vhite wish- es to thank his many friends for the support accorded him while in Allan- dale and bespeaks the same support for his smccessor. ,, 1,1- ..L....... 1..-.n1,-nu h-_xnnr\ ALLANDALE `1lUl' lll'5 bwlsucaaun. The Allandale shorps hockey team has the following home games : Jan. 6, Alla.nd-al.e vs. London; Jan. 20, A.l1.andale vs. Toronto; Feb. 10. Al- landale vs. Stratzford. The slropis have a strong team this year and hope to annex the championship. At an enthusiastic meeting of the Presbyterian Christian Endeavor So- ciety on Monday evening, the fol- lowing officers were elected: Presi- dent, Miss Mae McDonald; Vice- Pres., Miss I-Iamiltton; Sec1'eta1y, Miss Lillian Kearns; Treasurer, M-iss Alice G-ray; Pianist, .\Iiss Audrey Ardelll; Asst... Miss Edna Montzorief. Convenors for the various commit- tees were also chosen. The services in connection with in the various churches. day evening the Rev. A. R. Bever- ley spoke in the Pt1'csbyte1'ia.n church, \Vednesd:a,v the Rev. E. T. Douglas was the s peaker in St. George s Geo. Brown spoke in the Burton Ave. church. All ol` the add1'esses were inspiring and dealt with the sub- ject of prayer. - . Mr. and `Mrs. Goodchild and Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Long had a narrow escape from serious injury wlhen the the week of prayer have been held, On Thurs-' church, and on Thursday the Rev.` rvnr in wl1ir~l\ thev were riding ski'd-' To Let%Comfort;a.b1e rooms. A-pply To-Clan Guru-u ' serious 1I1J11I`)' \wneu mu: car in which they ski'd-' dad on Hie icy hill 1'oa.d nezu` Crown Hill and started to slide down the hill. M-1'. Goodchild was forced to turn the car into the bank of the road, thus dzunaging the car but saving the occupants from injury. M1`, and Mrs. M. Brown have re- turned home after spending Christ- mas in 'I`ovont.o and New Years in 'n-..L1. IIIELS [U Perth. lI\(Aw.n.\4-< _.. _ ,,,, The Burton Ave. churh choir has been considerably augmented by the addition of Mr. M. Weller, baritone, and Mr. T. Trend, tenor. rmm xrnnntr mann1e`s league meet- T. Trenu, tenor. The young 'people`s league ing on M-ondwy nirgrht wi1I_be in ohange of Mrs. Patterson, Miss I.` Knapp and Dr. W. Bla/kely. 200 Cords Dfy 4 ft. No. I Hardwood, and 200 Cords Green. 4 ft. No. % Hardwood. Lewis & C6. PHONE 01 Wood Wantce__i BURTON AVE. CHURCH . !,_ sic provmeu Dy UIIU pu.1- Lunch ms D`Z11'I1LS. . C. C. Both-well . town over the week Ottaxwa. spent New Mrs. E. Kohl`- U J.1UL?'\.;Uu|l.ULl:u.IJLU Luuura. .-xypu ` John, To Let--Fiirnished roams, furnish- ed or unfurnished. 23 Owen St. Phone 186. ;s F`. Vhite nds le me ockey ames : `eb. The s )i`onship. ating ndeuvor lg, :te(l: luld; asurex`, Iiss a us 1ection e x. 21-ian ay Rev. dresses tn llld ad Jry skid- l de :~__..\.\,: on` age ( to 0}: age. failu whic uwon been to h pean fun` 2 of I: opti( of ti cize: 1e<,;e4 agre '\vhi( remc son, `com that his gom I I. der lab WP} apent . R-obt. ispent A In, The chi1rdrei s stony hour at the Public Library will be renewed on Saturday. A vovv =1lr`.r'0f.'|1`] dance was held Saturday. A very sitccessfui dzmce in the new Oddifellcmfs Hlalil, Collier St., on New Yezur is night. Don`t forget the Big Moonlight at the Rink on Monday night next un- der the auspices of the Rink Band. 18 nunnbers. Admission 25c. In the County Court ti-o-d~ay, Judge Vaance is hearing the case of Angus Buunstead, of Barrie, changed with criminal assault on his daughter. h1.-. w-xv. nn TK7.n nrlic 1a in n,f the criun-inal a.srsa;u~1L 011 ms uu.uguu-:1. Clarence Woodis, late of the Sterling Bank, has moved to `Co11ing- ? wood and will not p1`a-y hockey with the Barrie intemnediates thi-s yeair. Curling is `in full swing now and the rink games are being run off with vim. Many seusativona-1 plays are made and much enthusiasm man irf est ed. ~n......:n mm mm hnvn n.1ea.::ue manirfeeted. Barrie will not have a. league hockey game here next week as was expected. The locals expect no play in Midland next Thiunsduay and Mid- land w.i11 be here on the 17 The fall of snow on Tuesday and Wednesday mzpkes good sleighinig again and will helip those who have Lea.1nimg to do. Conxsideraible wood, hay and grain are coming to town these days. A reinarkaible opportiunitvy to hear two .a1nous musicians will be mf- forded the people of Barrie on Jan. 23. Viggo Kihl, the Swedish pian- ist, and Leo Smith, the fa.-moru-s `cellist, will play at the Trinity Parish Hall or tihe C-ollegiiate audi- torium. Qnnun aforrfu e-hnn-1r'l he taken I10 torium. Some steps should be taken prevent youngsters sleigh riding down Muicaster St. to Dunlqp St. This is a dan-gerouss pnmctice and if ' not stopped may resut in a~fata1ity. Otften pwssearsiby watch with a1`a,r.1n the narrow escwpes from collisions with cars that the young bnaves have. rrwm amunnnnn n~F ihn new Odd- The dedication of the new Odd- fellows Tenmle, Collier St., will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 16. Dhe Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Order will be present. In the ` evening a. public installation of the officers of Barrie Lodge No. 63 and Beaver ` Rebekah Lodge will take min on J.'>\`."d.V U1 place. To Let-Brick house, 6 nnuunn(n~nnnr_- nvnnHtIn1'|.v In the County Court before Judge ` Vaznce the action of Henbert and ~A1.1-an Gibbons of Cvaigvalie agadnvst W. W. Johnson of Owen Sound -was dismissed. A counter claim bf Johnson's was also dismissed. party to my own costs. W A nnv.g_ K.~C.. amneared for Each . I I).`|l\1\`l.l'4 \_ILl`All.A\ ......... .4; Wheat $1.10 to $1.12, oats 450, barley 45c to 55c, buckwheat 75~c, rye 75c, peas $1.25 to $1.35. 13.nt-at~nng are sellinz at 50c a 7bc, mass LU .;u.ou. Pvotatoes are selling bushel. CLAL\I AND COUNTER CLADI ` DISMISSED `BY JUDGE VANCE party L0 costs. W. A. Boy-s, K.C., appeared Henbert and Allan Gibtbons, plain- Liffs, and J. Birnie of Collimgwood for the defendant. rznmrmc rI1z\i`h1n 3505 no nr stor- 4 counter Cllilllll I01` me (lelelluullt. Gibbons claimed $505.00 or stor- of certain goods and for daxm-age uhe property occasioned by stor- also damages for Johnson's failure to erect a suitable fence. which, it was alleged, was agreed upon. Further, no such repairs had made on the well, as were said have been agreed upon. `It ap- pears that the Gibbons had rented a year a. farm on lot 9, Con. 12, Innisl, from Johnson, with the option of buying at the ercpiration the lease. The option was exer- cizerl, but the Giibibonis brothers al- leged that there had been 3. venbal agreement concerning certain .repairs which were needed and re.;ardiing tlhe removal of Johnson's goods. John- son, on the otiher hand, entered a for $300, alileginig the plainitdff had converted to own ,use cert,-ain of defendant's goods and chattels and for the use of :1. horse. - _ hnih .'\1' nm I-lniI`nQ worn dis- `of horse. As both of the claims were `dis- ,missed the 1i`-iszantws are'in the swme "pn:~;ition as before, save that they `are out the costs of glue action. V _j__.__...j ._ ` \JI`A.l. 1.11.111 um .uuL;w.u., ..._._-... (. I`zu'mers wanting fa,1"111 -help for ithe coming season should get their applications in now or as soon as `possible, zxccordiing to a communica- `Hon received from the Colonization and I.1m11gmtion Branch of the On- tario ])r~>pn1'i.ment of Agriculture. 'T`hn h.-nm-`n hng ox-inerienced diffi- Lario Dr~>pzu'x.ment or 1\gr1cu1L1u'e. The_b1-nnch has experienced culty in fo`1~rne1' years in meeting the. demands for such help, owing to the lateness of the fzu'me1's in nmking application. 'I`hrnn,srh Hm winiel` last year very I application. 'I`h1'oug~h the winter year few a,pp.1icaLions for help were made. but in the spring the Departxment WZUS swamped with them, and =hun- dreds of additional men could `have been placed to the mutual advantage of the famiers and the men had been available. 1.. `kn-inrrinrr Inrvn 1-mlm from the uet-uI`1c1(_nuuse, D luuum, an . conveniences, \p1`a.ctica11Ay new, pos-` sessaion Dec. 8. App1.y 104 Sophia St., Barrie.