Vol LXXI. No. 43. Christmas Ties, Shirts, Boxed Suspenders, Armlets, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Gloves and Fancy Hose, Umbrellas, Suits and Overcoats. Gifts for Men and Boy: n/N MAY OPPOSE ` SECESSION GROUP Avpplnicatibn of Alfred H. Tuck and others residling at the n'0I`th-l'1r0I`tJh- east end of the Town to w`it\hdra.w `their properties f1`Of111 the Town of Barrie and to become annexed to the Township of Vespra, _wIi'11 be heard by the Ontario Railway & Municipal Board at the Court House, Bamnie; on Dec. 28. ' N hm-A in: van nm'mszit_inn to the bamme, uec. us. If there is no opposition to apnplclution, with respect to assets and lahilities or other protest, it is prubalbe he Board wvm make am order at the meeting. It is exrpect: ed, however. that uhe Town will make an effort to retain its present boumdaexs arnd population. rrhn n`v\.n1`Innm`hu whn rip-_I:h'a tn se- mdanes wnu pupuuatuuu. The applicants who desire to se- cede and become annexed are prompted by the difference in taxes. The number of rateva-Yers aected totals about 15 over an area com- prising arppmrirmately 1.000 mores. Within the area, however, there are 325 exemrpuionss ranging fmm two to six mills. A.+ oh- vu-a=nn+ Hlrnn Hm are-a. af- six 1111113. A112 the present tmme the area. af- fected has a rate at 40.4 compared with 44 war the Town prolper. '11he Application to VV.i`r11d1'a\\' to Vespm to be Heard Dec; 28. Mon s Nz1\'_\' S(>rg'o Suits, all sizes. $25.00. A judging team of three young men frown Sout.l-1 Sinncoe moved up from twentieth place at the Royal Winter Fair live stock competition-s to seventeenth posituion at the Guelph Winter Fair on Tuesday. T). U, (`.IIl`hn1n nf Qfnvnor nnrl M011" Overcoats in all styles. P1-ice_d $10 to $30. Ladjv hockey teams to the number of 3'5 in Ontanio have signied .21. dds- position so far of entering nhe,p1'o- posed Onnanio Ladies Hockey As- sociation. The organizanion meet- ing is slated for Saturday in '1`-o- ronto. It is not believed that Sim- coe' County towns will enter a ladies team. I-Iamzilton and Toronto ap- pearthe most enmusiastic. differen4ce~ of four mills is the re- lief on sewers, Light, water and side- walk rates. IT-`A mnmmuhim en:-hivnmu in whlsch wan: rates. ~ The Township SBCfJi'OI1JS in whbch _the area W -Ollxlld become identied if withdrawn would be the Oundles school section No. 1, where the rate is 31.3, and section 16 with a rate of 25.8. These rates include all taxes. Of that amount Uhe coun- ty rate is now 9.3. The change would affect the mad millage of Town and Torw*n.sh.1:p, with corresponding tramarteramce of the road taxes. `I'T1\1Inv- ho nhnmnra fhn affnnfad tramerreramce or me mm Laxus. Under the change the affected area. amtbcipates a. saving of about 3-500 a. year in money, it is under- stood. The Town or Barrie now re- ceives about $1,000 taxes from the area desiring to secede. It is be- uewed, however, that [if this area drbd become separated from Barrie, it would be l`1a:b.Ie for Ltd shazre in ex- {sting school debentures. The as- sesscmenl cit the property mt present time is in the nehghlbsonlmod at $40.000. :nz- : 1 V--- .__._-_.-, w '.[`here is 21 special style selected for their durability in Ties, `Hose ranging` in prices to suit every purse. Men s LADIES HOCKEY '['E.-LVIS A Rh l ROI\IlSl*}D FOR. Lb.-\GUE BARRIE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1922 Mgnfs `f`.11_1~nnis`l1i1nghf.()1n` Christmas Giits --_ TT,.,.n .....1 1mHm- -Fnw-niqhhm vv1uLe1' ralr on Iuesuay. D. D. Culham of Stayner and Harry Blakely and Alex. A. ;\Ic.\11n'- ray of Sunnidale Corners -were the competitons. The team at Toronto was composed ofve, incudring those named here. There were a total of 26 teams competing at Guelph. The -Simcoe County team was awarded E1-831 points out of a. possible 3,000. The team was trained by Allan I-I-utchninson, Agricultural Represen- t.a.1.ive. Barrie. Vmnh f`n.nml>-u -m-nn tho fv-nnhv uzifh Four aprplicants for Canadiian citi- zenship appeared before Judge Vance at the naturalization session of the Conty Court, Tuesday. T.n:Iic flnv-nn nsmri 29, A. Russian FOUR AI l LIC;\NTh' Hl<}.-1 RD | HERE FOR Cl l`lZENSHlP I or me uounty Uourt, '1 uesuu._y. Louis Gordon, aged 39, a Russian Jew, residing in Midland, a n1-a.1'1'ied` man wnih a. f-aim~i1y a.nd a. property- hiolder, was well reconmneiided by two Midliand citizens. 15.1%.. M.mLmN-' ny-min a Rnlnnrinn two Mmmnu oluzens. Elia Menlaoff, Orillia, a. Bulgarian who has resided in Canada. since 1913, is a. studxious, Iindustri'ou=s em- ployee of the ~Oni1l1ia Porwer & Light f".n hie: .cmnn5:.nrs declared. His case ployee OI me 'UI`Jlu1a. ruwer cc .u15uL Co., his sponsors declared. was taken under adrvitsement; the ban on enemy country natives not hiavjng been ofxcially Iixfted as yet. T-T-ans: Mnif-hptwsnn. 40 years of n:av.u1g been ouwlally ulueu yet. Hans Matbherwson, 40 years age, a. succesdul fa.rmer of North 0ni11~i'a. tovwnship, was born in Nor- way. He has a. grown-up family and produced favoralble references. M-av Rociden. aged 32. a. Russian. anlu prmlucea ra.vx)1`aaD1e ruwreuxses. M-ax Beliden, aged 32, Russian, residing in Collingrwood, has a fam- ily and was well recommended. n-u_- _...-u.....u.-.... .1-u` VT-\l\. t".;nn.1nw uy nuu Wu): wuu AV\\IILAuLA.I\4L.|\A\4\4 'm1e apnpldcatoms of Thos. Goulorw and Louis Valemnne were not con- stidered on account 01 not being present personally. Their cases will stand. Pronoumcament by the Court on the others will be made indent \J\Iu1 L Later. The people of Midland are asked to vote on 3. by-1a:w for fty thous- and dollars for the purpose of con- structllng addliltlons to the High ash nnl THIS COUNTY MOVES UP IN STOCK J UDGING aLruuun.u.; school. Check this list "For the things that will be prized in memory, tokens of pleasant 1'(3(:0|1(`.(:1;i01`1, to please every pmfc1'o11(:e: Fancy Neckwear, Xmas Waists, Xmas Underskirts, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Fancy Towels, Silk Mulers, Silk Fabrics for Dresses, McCall Magazine, 1 year sub- scription. Wm BOYS HOLD ! OFFICIAL PRACTICE: !Rush for First Try on Ice ; Groupings Told and Tryouts Named. Bar1`ie s O.H.A. players held their, rst oicial practise last Sa.'tu1'day night. Qn an-crnr worn than Inna} mcnnnents So eager were the local exponents of Canada's prenmier winter sport to get going that when Sid Sherlock gave the word that the ice was good enouIg1h, about 25 youmgstens, and old 'uns, too, caparlnsoned in unaiitonm, skates and hockey sticks, rushed to their first chase of the elusive puck at the Elizabeth street I-h1`I.r ' 1'll1K. Wriih critical interest the specta- tors watched the rst "wslminny" 0! ` the season. no nmaman Mam-n warn hmmnrnnm [[18 5885011. 01? course, there were hutmorouxs Incidents--tJo tihe spectators---for in- -stance, the efforts of some out the boys to make themselves accustomed to new skates, or the spraxwldng on the bee of some entthustaxst whose con- trol or lmimselt on skates is not what he thought it was. Tlnv-I-in mm havn two teams. an ue IIIOIIISIH. IL IW"d-3. Barrie will have two teams, an intermedliate and a. junior, in the 0.H.LA.. The juniors uhanre been grouped with Collingwood and Mea- zzuu pomns. ;M1'. Hrutchrinson has a. class of nine men in the cormtpetition judging at ltve hogs on the track at T0- ronto packi-n-g plants and stock- yards, which starts to-day, Dec. 14. la.-sting three days. T'hirq 14aHnn- nnmnuhi-Hnn rig, -in acf. . and better f111'11iShi]1g`S for men, Ties, boxed, 59c to $1.00 Gifts for Ladies . and A MATS }Beeton Man is Awarded I i $330 Judgment in Court I I Judgment for the full amount of his clznixm, $330, was awarded Sa.m.-_ ue.1 MeMecke11 of Beetion my Judge\ Vance in County C20-urt, Wednesday, in Mr. Mvc.\Iecken s suit against R. T. Gough, civil engineer, of Toronto. The claim was a `balance said to be due on uhe work of cutting 75,000 feet of lumber for the defendant Lin ~ Tectimseth townshirp in -May, 1921. T. W. W. Evans .represen~ted Mr. Mc- Mecken at the vhearing, which lasted but a. few min-utes. ford, and the intermediates wr1Ith' Collingwood, Midland and Cold- water. An attempt to have this grouping -changed was not success- Ilh '(fu1 At the practice held on Monday and Tuesday there were more play- ers out than on Saturday and as practices are being held every night this week and will be held frequent- ly thereaxfter. nit is expected that the teams will be in good condition when the O.J:I.1A. season begins. Among those trying out tier :1 place with the intenmedilates are Keeley, Woods. Win-orws. Hangra.-ves. Livingston, Ber-tx-aim, Amxnstirong. H._ Jwmleson and Vnir. rm... -hm.im~q Innirudn Tmdk. Em-ms. Jwmleson and van. The juniors include Tuwk, Em-ms. Powell, Carson, Rosenfeldt, E. Janna ieson, Dubson. Thompson and Christie. , Soc-, ri011 II. Pages 9 to 12 Sir Henry Thornton found mom for improvement, if nothing else, In the new Union Station. 1H.'8Ll.Llg Luree ways. I This latter cotn1pet1i-Lion is, in fact, 9. course In swine judging, to teach men how to Judge the class of stock the -market 1-eqxuires. Its usefulness is expected to apply more particular- ly U0 the newly applied hog gra,-ding scheme for the export trade. uuxve, narne. Y-onk County won the trophy with '2200 points. :M1- T-Tm fnhrinunn "ha I: 2:, (Haas: nf V " ' '2 ` . I ' , ~ ` ` ' Z . ' A 4-`an-.`.-\-g;`;.wn-'-'-m`-' ; - - `.. A .. ., _ , \'_ ;v;g~ -" --N !- '1` -33-t...'-1:-zu Surprise him with something different this yearf Here are many things to select from that are just what he wants :