Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Oct 1922, p. 7

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Pay Now And Get The Fall Premium mates.) PatteI'son~--Pa.rtridge-That the request of the Bell Telephone Co. be granted under the supervision elf the Board of Vvorks. D......1.m. n7;1.-m7'1"h-3+ H-In Fin- me uoaru or worxs. PoucheI`--WiIes--That the Fin- ance report be adopted. Reports Adopted The Finance committee recom- mended that the sitting of the Court of Revision for the hearing and de- termining of appeals against assess- ments for 1922 be held on Oct. 27, at 10 o'clock a.m., in the Council Chznmuber. \ri;~nol1-wnnnum nr-nnnnfe int-Ininv 11. LA. Dll1l1JbUL1. The work was taken cltztme of by Deputy Supreme Commander Jas. S. Green, and a most enjoyable even- ing was spent. The Degree work and installation 01` officers will take place in the course of a geek "or two and intending members should lose no [time in putting in their applica- tion for memvbership with the Re- cord Keeper, `M-iss Enice Mo;\Iaste1's, who will attend to their immediate enrollment. This I-Iive is the sister organization of the Barrie Tent, No. 124. \ mlnnh nu:-.z"l.'6 Fan .11!` n u u n n n .-.n(`n1 Lumber to the amount of 175,000 feet has already been ordered by the Ontario Government for the north- ern re sufferers. v... AAA\d uunnunvnwl That in `future all stables and poultry houses must `be built at Jeast 50 feet in from the street 1in_e, was the decision reached by the wottaawa tow_n `planning `commission. U[13)I11IDBI'. Miscellaneous accounts, including the salary of $600 for E. G. White- bread, Town Assessor, amounted to $1,491.27; Board of Health, $37.50; sewer connections account, $64.36, and local improvement sewers, $383.16. T`hnf n at-ant nF $200 hp mzmdp An interesting ceremony took place in Oddfellows Hail, Barrie, on Fri- day evening last when :1 Ladies Hive of the Order of the Maccaibees was instituted. l`rvnr\O1r nhny-nn rnnynlxnnn u-vnvan nun `With ILIDULLILUU. Twenty charter members were en- rolled aud the following officers elected : 1}...-ub l"nv~.-nnnn.`lnv- Kfpn \l nu (`In lflltllltill Q Past Commander, Mrs. May Clu- son; Conimnnder, Mrs. Susan Dale; Lien L.-IC0m1nz1n(ler, Miss Addie Mc- Cllllougii; Chaplain, Mrs. Mary Mc- Masters; Record-Keeper, Miss Enice Jilclilasters: Lady-z1L-Arms, Miss Ethel Richardson; Sgt., Miss Ellen Hobley; 1st `Color Bearer, Miss Ellen Young; 2nd C0101` Bearer, Mrs. Emma. Kilgore; Sentinel, Mrs. Mar- tha. Bogardis; Picket. Miss Emnm_ CI`LWr1'0l'(l; Sir Knight Physician, Dr. R. L. Simpson. Thn xvnrl: nrna fnlunn rihnryra nf 1141. Much credit for the successful Inauguration of the\Lz1dies Hive is due to the efforts of Mrs. Roberts, Deputy Provincial Commander. A. W. WHITBY I3`;"`;.`ff.;ne`iL":}?` $6256.10. That a. grant of $300 be made for the relief of sufferers in North- ern Ontario. . . . .. V... .._.a.... The Water and Light committee reported it had considered several matters, and recommended that an electric light be installed at the corner of Toronto and Dalton nit.-.-...a.. ..........._, -...,... - E. J. Byrne, C11z1irma.n of Print- ing, reported that his committee had considered the scheme for advertis- ing the Town submitted by the Globe newspaper, and, beg to re- commend that no action be taken at the present time." Wn1. Rusk, Chairman of Works and Sewers, reported his committee had considered matters before it and recommended : - ' ' ' 14 I`hr|O n nnmonf ui:1r_\nrn1L- hnl LWUUII I\Ubb' d..I1U VVt5lllLl_`5'LULl 5Ll'BBl2:'. 2--That no action be taken in the matter of grading and repairing To- ronto stireet between Wellington and Grove streets. }UUUluUl.CLLUUu 3 --"" ' 1--'.I`lmt in semen sidewalk be built on the west side of Toronto street in front at the present resi- dences, (ztppxxoxixmxtelly 160 feet) be- Lween Ross and Wellington streets. ?_."I"hnf 'nn nr-{inn ha fnl.-an in 011:: LADY MACCABEES ORGANIZED HERE Works and Sewers Water and Light y_.... ___.w -r:_1.:. .. Pub]-icity Report t'11__1.._,.-__ _ Some quotations from recent reports: Long Distance brought us so much business that we expect to enlarge our factory. Tried Station-to-Station service and find it very satisfactory for selling; goods to distant points." Thanks to Long Dis- tance we are able to car- r;.' on without 3 large stock of goods. We call up wholesalers for our needs. We ca`.l up customers in outside towns and make appointments for try- nnc lsuch Men As John D. Rockfeller and his personal physician, Dr. H. F. Biggar, also Dr. Guiseppe Dalia IChiara, Court Phys-ician to King of Italy; `Charles Schwab, James J. Corbett, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, Billy Sunday, Crown [Prince of Spain, etc. Depend on Chiropractic for Their Health Yes. M mt Keep Well and Strong URENIER, box 4'1, uarnon, Alberta. Lydh. E. Pinkhanrs Vegetable Com< pound should be taken when you rsl`. notice such symptoms as nervousness, backache, weakness and irregularity. It will help you and prevent more serious trouble. Give it a. fair trial. 1 coma wont. 1 Ma 8 [P011016 U.13.I. used to make me weak, but I am able to do my work now and am pertoctly satised with your medl- cina. I still got it at the chem1st's and I strongly recommend it to my- body I hoe: of suffering as I did. You ma publish this if you Wish!" -Mns. Honxumowmx, 899 Yonge St... '1`oronto, OnA*.a_|-lo. I Did Not Feel Like Working `'1 run n n rvnvwnunn` pun Anny-n nan, _ -----v- guy... 1...- w-'-_-_-c "I was in a. general run-down con- dition with a weak back and a. tired feeling so that I did not feel like work! My mother was taking Lydia P1nkha.m`s Vegetabio Com- pound and recommended it to me, so I have taken it and my back is better and I tun now able to do my work. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to my neighbors and -you may pub- lish my 1etter."-M11.s. JOSHPHAT A. Gnmnmn, Box 47, Carbon, Alberta. Lvdia F}, P`ink-hAm n Vmrnfnhln (`.m'rv Torcmto, Ontar1o.--When my bus- band was called back to England in 1914 I took Lydia K}. P1nkham's Vege- table Compound to strongthen me so I could work. I had a trouble that user! tn mnkn ma wank but I am --Q!1R8. I1. HOBNBIJ Toronto, Ontario. A well-known firm of Ot- tawa retailers writes We often use Long Distance in preference to writing. The Emperor of Japan sent one of _his nobles to the United =Sta.tes to learn the science of Chiropractic and Japan is the rst nation to officially and nationally recognize this marvellous science. [DRS. BURNS &mBURNS 78 Dunlop St. Over Reevds J`e\ve1ry Store. Phone 406 for appointment and avoid long waits in the otce. nu.-. ..,.-_,.._ /Kn .1x......,... -...-.-.......1 D0 WOMEP WRK AS HARLASMEN? And these men praise it. ``I am getting good results 'through C11i-rotpractic adjust- ments in the largest part of my work, which are mses referred mom medical men. John A. Fisher, M.D., Phi1a.de1phia. "Any doctor who persuades people into taking no drugs will soon make a reputation of cuxing chronic diseases." V C. S. Carr, M.D., "V,-_" Columbus Med. .Touvrna.1 . "I am quite enthusiastic over every phase of C11inopr.'i.ctic. W111. Vore, M.D., City Point, Va. "Many Chiropractors are a;d~ justing from ten to fty pat- ients a day to the satisfaction of the majority of their patients. Most of these patients are chronics who have made the rounds of the'various kinds of treatment, both regular and irregular. 'Dhe results would nstonish any medical man who would make an investigzttion. Jno. M. Shaller, W.D., Cincinnatti. W'e can tell you how to apply Long Distance to almost any busineaa "Chiropra,ctors are obtain-ing results that I could not have obtained with medicine or sur- gery, . ~ ' T7. K`. 'QnH1nN -nr Nfn 1 Two TiLetters lIrV\IA\A .u...D u....... ... H... .....~..,. The cause of disease removed E. G. Rutherford, M.D., I` Bim1ingham, Ala. Page Seven Every n-ll Telephone rs I Long Distance Station $ G. E. BRUCE T. '1`. _Yonn;;. Secretary. : vithout esalers Manager NoLwiLhs1.anding the great advance in the price of bulbs again this yeav BARRIE HORTICULTUR.-\.L AND TO\VN' I)ll ROVEl\lEN'I` SOCIETY [Auto Licenses - . ..-.-..--:, _.-.- v ---- Successor to J. Arnold Insurance FOR SALE Debentures of the Town of Barrie 53 Per Cent. Issue Good investment. See me. Barrie Veterinary Hospital and Kennels CAPT. J. DUNN, V.s., PROP. 48-50 Baytleld St.. Barrie Phone 811. POTATOES VVe will be pleased to deliver any order for Potatoes to any part of Barrie or Allandale. The price is right, namely --75c per bag W'e will leave it to you to be judge of quality. 1f not satised with our Potatoes ilnniediately on delivery, notify the driver or phone the store and they will be replaced or money re- funded. Order your Winter Apples here. We want only satised Customers. Brett's Feed Store ELIZ.-\BE .[`l-I ST. PHONE 65W Well Boring and Digging, Wire Fencing and Cement Work of all kinds. Taste the richness of BRY SON S ICE CREAM C. W. GENTLEMAN is giving this season an at- trzwtive Fall I` ` mium. If you pay this Fall you get your choice of W. BELLJISSUER CIvr\nt\-nr\-n A Y -on.-IA 7 OVVEN STREET Masonic Temple Building NOTICE ! Belle Ewart. Ont. T0-DA Y ORIENT 0F TORONTO MEET CORINTHIANS Join in Past Masters N igi and Present Token to Barrie Masons. Past Masters Night, Corinthian Masonic `Lodge 96, Barrie, was cele- brated Thursday night, O-ct. 12, un- der most [favorable auspices, includ- ing the visiting patronage of about fifty members of Orient Lodge 339, Toronto. Mr. Thomas Wauchope. who is a. Imemiber of the Orient, now resident in `Barrie, was instmimentai in arranging the Ifraternal visit. Tn 211] Y`l`Il\TD than 9. nnrinfhinh Ni; I nivg : pat: fty Or T`nr-nn tn .Nfr T`h nu ILL u.m'au51u5 LLIU |L1'cLLUlLliJ.l. `VIDLL. In all, more than 200 Corinthian members and visitors assembled, with Right Worshirpful `Brother John Little occurpying the chair in the capacity of IMa,ster at this annual as- sembly. Right W .Rrn A (Ynwnn ':1r`fDl] as 10 line Single Tulips, 8 [1110 Darwin I`nlin-: nv .1 {`.hni(`n \'llill[llS. S(:`|Ill|Dly. `Right W. Bro. A. Cowzm acted as immediate Past -Master; `VV. .Br0. W. A. Lewis acted as Senior Warden, and W. vBro. A. H. -Felt, as Junior Warden. v Tn nanny-Annnn ufh nnafnnn H-1n W8.I'(18l1. In accordance with custom, the Past -Masters exemrplied the rst de~ gree, which was carried out in very able manner. They then vacated the chairs to the officers of the l'\u-Innl 1nAnrn nfhn clan nx-nn1n11'nor1 CLlZ!.l.I'3 LU L116 UILIUCLE: Orient lodge who also 4 the -first degree, carrying :` full musical ritual. Tm;-9 .kn(-`-rn-n fhn f\r-inn} I lull LUUSIIJELL l`lLl.R.Ll. Just before the Orient officers va- cated the chairs one of the officers on behalf of the Orient lodge pre- sented to Corinthian Lodge a. |bea.u- tiful czubinet or si1ver-p1a.ted wonk- ing tools. The warn fake-n `hv I.lUll. About 10.30 o'clock the brethren adjourned no Valr s Banquet `Hall where, in addition to the banquet, an hour or splendid entertainment. was enjoyed. Among the Orient memlbers were a number talented in vocal and instrumental music and 21 comedian of acknowledged ability. The Orient also presented the Blackhead" quartette. Just what Blackhead signied, however, may not be fully appreciated by the un- initiated. Orient also presented the Hawaiian players. Bro. Pendieton, Orient, entertained with a. solo, as did also Bro. W. J. Cordell and Bro. L. J. Burrows of the Orient. Bro. Harry Barron, `Barrie, sang twice, one of h-is selections being the 'Un n-ml-unn :1 " lllg (0013. The Corinthians were taken `by very agreealble surprise in `this fra- ternal amenity, for which W. `Bro. A. `B. Coutts, on behalf of the Lodge, expressed sincere apprecia- tion. Aknul 1n on n n1nnL- Han `lrxvnfhr-an H!*}LPli"I. L BOOKLET AS AID 'I`O READERS OI?` DICKENS \V0l{l{S The key to the story of Charles Dickens Little Dorrit" is the title of a neat little booklet printed at the Advance office. The author of this booklet, Nellie R-ankiin Sissons, believes that with the aid off this key lovers of Charles Dickens works will find new thought in the story, Little Dorrit. Copies of this book- let may be had at Keenan & Ken- nedy's, 54 Elizabeth street. LUll\lkl.lll.'U. The Rev. C. A. Seager, M.A., D.D., Provost, Trinity College, Toronto, preached the Thzmksgiving sermon, with the Rev. A. D. Cousins, St. Paul's church, Innisfrl, and Rev. A. R. Beverley, the Rector, assisting. 'T`hnrn urn: knnninl rnnuin Vhv thr- B Uil I115 bb`1t:ULlULlb -Utilug-', un:" There also was an exchange of masts and responses; the toast to the King. Toast -to officers and members of the Orient lodge being proposed -by W. Bro. A. W. Smith; the visitors returning the compli- ment with a. boast to the officers 'and memebrs of the Corinthian lodge. 'I"hn frnim-nni visit from Hm `Orir-mi ywuru; :p`I1..UL. JUHLL l\ld.Ul\il.)', 1UUi/ll registrar, had 3. net income of $1658.31 and the province contri- buted $750 and the general public $120.26. As County Clerk he re- ceived $968.05. 'T`hn hnai nnainn nf H111 Int it .'x\ri_| .lU IUIG mnglo '1lll.l[)S, 6 H110 . lJlll'\\lll Tulips or -1 Choice Hyucinths. I.` .1(1dition there will] be given the usual big value Spring Option. By paying this Fall you get BOTH FOR ONE. DOLLAR. PZ1)ILb10 on or be- fore the delivery of the Fall Option. Don't delay it you want to get this Special I<`u1'l Premium. LCIVUU -}>UUO.Ui). The best position of the lot is evi- dently surrogate registrar which is held by A. E. Little, whose net in- come was $3730.95 and gross $5143.90, the total aniount earned by his office. Harvest Thzmksg'wing services were held at the Trinity church, Barrie, last Sunday, with good at- Lendance. IT`!-.n Dnvv (`I A Qnnrvnn `H A T\T\ I\.. 1JUVUlH:2,V, LIIU I\.b`ULUL', LLBQIDLIIIE. There was special music by the choir, including an anthem, O Sing Unto the Lord, in the morning, and "Ye Shall Dwell in the Land," at the evening sermon. Children's Day rwas observed in the afternoon with an excellent at- tendance, whlch was addressed by Dr. Seuger. 03100.00. Judge Vance as surrogate judge, $1000. J. R. Cotter, as local ma.s- ter, had :1. net income of $2622.82. As Crown Attorney he received $1233.35 from the province, $364.70 from the county and $216.78 from the general pwblic. As Clerk of the Peace the province contributed $263, the county $1411.96 and the general punblvic $41.01. John Mackay, local rnuicty-nr had :1 not innnvnn nF TIKINITY CHl.'Rr(`l`l HOLDS ITS THANKSGIVING SERVIUIGSJ luuge. The fraternal visit from the Orient was made in two Pullman coaches attached to a regular train. `Before leaving the Corinthian lodge mem- bers were cordially invited to a re- ciprocal enterta.i11=ment in `Tononto on Dec. 5, which ,it is understood, will be accepted by a good represen- tation. SHO\VS JUDICIAL O1<`FlCEI{S INCOME IN SIMCOE COUNTY Simcoo County legal offices an- nual returns have been made for the year 1921. The Inspector's return respecting judicial officers in SLn1~ coe gives the following nparticulars : Sheriff D. H., earnings $3508.20, net income $1334.71, from province $1,486.25, from coun- ty $1038.09, and general public $983.86. Ynzln-n Tfnnnn nn r-up-v-nnnfn iudnrn I The Northern Advance F5 UL LLIC exemplied I it out with lllllllllllllllllllllillIllllllllllllflllllllllllllliilllllnHMHillllfmillllfillllllllilllllllllllllll rs Night Men ifrom Eimvale, Thornton, Beeton, Uhtoff and other Simcoe County centers and Townships were among the winners at the ploughing match held at Ijindsay last week and on Monday of this week. The win- ners for Monda~y s competition fol- low : cm: nlmrznu ("Jane 1 .nnnn fn 1111 PLOUGHMEN OF THIS COUNTY WIN PRIZES IOW Sod p10wing-C1ass 1, -open to all --1, A. E. Payne, Niagara.-on-the- Lake; 2, Clark Young, .Mi1like11; 3. Wilfred Timbers, Stouffville; 4, Seth Parker, Smithville; 5, E. -Green, Ohsweken. r11,..-a 0 n1-\z:n-1 in all whn `hnvn Unsweuen. Class 2, open to all who have never W011 `a. first prize in rst class or a rst in this `class-1, A. E. Ken- nedy, Agincourt; '2, `Geo. MoGu1nis, Elmvale; 3, Gmham Green, White- vale; 4, Lloyd W. Marquis, Sunder- land; 5. Wm. A. John, Desseronto. rune: 2 lhnvq under 12 land; 2). Win]. A. JUllI1, ut:s:n:1UuLu. Class 3, .boys `under 18 years-1, Roy Thornton, -Orillia; 2, Melville Heas1ip,' Port Hope; 3, Fred Tim- bers, Stouffvillez 4, W111. Davies, Lindsay. (`Inna .1 nntrn tn Vi.r~.fn1'i:1 Countv mnasay. Class 4, open to Victoria. County on1y--J,vDean'GwahanL ldndsay; 2, W. Short, Woodville; 3, James :Rich, Oakwood; 4, Alex. Fulton, Bobca.y- geon. Rout r|rnwn-`D. Graham. Best crown-D. Graham. Class 5, open to Indians only, plain p1ows-1, Nicholas Plain, :Sa.r- nia; 2, Geo. Garlorw, zohsweken; 3, Tom Brant, Deseronto; 4, Norwa Maracle, Deseronto; 5, Joe Young, Munsey, Ont. (`luau R ininhar 'nlnws::1. W. O. munsey, Um. Class 6, jointer p1oWs-1, W. 0. Grenzeetback, Hickson; 2, Norman McLeod, Balt; .3, H. B. Mitchell. Agincourt; 4, Roibt. 'Wa.tson, Wood- bridge; 5, -W. Clark, Agincourt. lnzu '7 when 65 vP:H` and over- orxuge; D, `W. `Ul'd.l`K, .*\5'1uuuu1L. Class 7, men 65 years and over- 1, Robt.,|AgincouI't.; 2, John Lay, Beeton; 3, `L. :McQuarrie, Ar- rv1n Haw Clothing and Furnishing` sales are increased by Long Distance uu.\. gyle. -(".19 gyie. -Class 8, tractors, open to {farmers on1y-1, Fred Yeomans, Agincourt; 2, .Cha.s. Cluibine, Richmond Hill; 3, `Louis Davidson, Little Britain; 4, Thos. Harding, .\Ia.1'1~:ha,m; .5, T. E. Stewart. r`u..m~ 0 hhy 1 1'hrnn.Pnm-nru DEEWZIFL. Class 9, Div. 1, three -furrow p1ows--1, M. Campbell, Alvlnston; 2, W. L. NVe4hster, Little Britain. Div. 2, 2 vfurrow ip1ow--1, Fred Yeoman; 2, E. Stewart. Best, land in sod plowed by trac- tor---C1arke Young, Milliken. Nornian ISchaus of Hanover met with an accident at the Neustadt. Cider Mill and Exzmporator, when he slipped and fell off a. wagon `landing on his shouder and fmcturing a bone. _A threshing machine went. through a. bridge near Kimberley a few days ago. 1I`ive stringers of the bridge were broken, but a. broken foorboard was the only damage sus- tained `by the engine. An announcement has been made by the `president of the Ontario Agricultural College that J. L. Steckley, for several years agricul- tural representative of York county, has been appointed to succeed Prof. J. P. Sackville as assistant professor -in animal husbandry at the O.A.C. Mrs. Russell Webb spent a day in Toronto last week. nu nnm.-. `Mace nF "Pm-nnm in 'J.'0I`OI1[0 HISL WEEK. Miss Wilda. Ness of Toronto is visiting friends here. \Tic: `Unhnl Jnnks: is hnlidavinz W111 Slleiblx l11U1`11lL1'p; HIIU. UVlf1111.13;. Owing: to the unfavorable rweather on Thursday, Oct. 12, the Women s Institute meeting which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Har- vey Hughes, 11th line, rwas post- poned until Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 17, in the nbasement of the Methodist church, where `four bales were mack- ed for the northern relief. Any ifll.I'- the!` donations may be left at the home of Mrs. Geo. Constable. Every- one is asked to help in this import- ant work. Dumb animals in the North are in a terrible plight. From all over the devastated areas messages are asking for fodder to '.feed the home- less creatures and blankets to shel- ter them from the cold. The Hu- mane Society has sent four carloads of baled hay and a small quantity of 3.-srain; several carloads oi fodder have been forwarded by the U.F.O., .but the need is still very great. The Humane Society has received a num- ber of sulbscriptions, totalling $410.50, but this is not nearly sufficient to extend the assistance the society is called upon to give. Citizens everywhere are asked to aid this phase of the Northern situation. Headquar- ters for the best V1Sl[1I1g1lI`1I1(.1S `Ill-.'I`e. Miss Mabel Jacks is holidaying with her `parents here. I `Hr ,T`.'llI1DQ Pnm-snn Of Thornton IVVILII I101` 'D8.I'eI1[S 11811:`. Mr. James Patterson of Thornton visited his brother, Vvalter, on Sun- day. . xx.-N. T.1n1nn Tlnnlsn nF 'r`nHnnhnm \\'ll`?;HL, ULEL VVUUA. Don t `forget the anniversary ser- vices to he held in the Methodist church on Sunday, Oct. 29th. Rev. Wm. Clements of Victoria I-Ianbor will speak morning and evening. winxr in tho nnifnvnrnhlp rwnnfhnr day. ' Miss Helen Boake of Tottenham is visiting her gra.nd,fa.ther. Mr. W211- lace. mum rV-nor-nn nf AH-nnrlnhn znnnf l21'CO. Mrs. Cameron of Allandale spent a day -with Mrs. T. Hewson last week. Dnnxnnnhar thn T-H-ou'hvfn1-inn .1'nw1 ween. Rememtber the Presbyterian -fowl supper on Friday evening of this week Oct. 20th. n Tnuvvvn Anv-any mf Dinbnrinn .\1:1rqu1s, `Mn nne. . Miss D. `Harper and Mr. A. E. Page motored to Stayner and spent Sunday with friends there. Mr: Nona hnq rnhlrnn tn 'I`nmn?_n aunuay Wlln L'1'1uuus uiuic. Mrs. Ness has returned to Toronto after spending a. `few days with her sister, Mrs. Rod Mcconkey. Miss E. Harper and Mr. H. G. Balliston of Barrie visited the form- er's parents here on Sunday. FM:-c: (`iiimm-n hm: rain-rnnd in T0- er S Da.I'(:`I1LS IIBFB U11 auuuuy. Mrs. Gilmore has retu'rned to To- ronto znfter spending a. few days with her sister, -Mrs. J. Neelands. 7H.-a Y 1U .-sT-unhinn -urn-I `hmkv n! WILII HUI hlblll, '1\'llB. d. 'alVUCli'LLlU- Mrs. I. McLach1an and baby of Tollendale spent a. few days with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. W111. \V'r1gI1t, last week. T\nn P |nun-nl kn nv\v\1'vvr\vInnv-vv n-nv-, 51!- VVBGK, UCL. LULH. Miss Laura Andrew of Pickering is the guest of her cousin, Agnes 1\I:1rquis, 7th line. .M ieu T1 `T-Tnrnm` and M'r. A. E. DUMB ANl.\l;\LS IN NEED STROUD (Continued from page one) Communications up A communication =t'ron1 Chief-of- Police R. King to Chairman Coles of the Fire and Police committee, stated that it has been six or seven years since the Chief had been sup- plied with a great coat, and that he would be glad it an order were is- sued for a new coat. Inn rnnnf any-vim: rlnnmnrle .1 Ta` suen I01` 8. new cuzu. To meet service demands, J. F. Gardner, Plant Chief for the Bell Telephone Co., asked permission to open portions of Nelson street from Blake to Kompenfeldt, and Keinpen- feldt street from St. Vincent to Rod~ ney, the Town to instruct its engin- eer to supervise the erection. '1` W `tvnnr-hnrnp Pm` the 'R:1I1'rie COUNCIL VOTES SUM I OF $300 FOR RELIEF` eel` [0 supe1`v::=.e Llle clcuuuu. T. W. Wauchorpe, for the Bzwrie Business College, asked permission to erect a sign over the walk above the college entrance at 15 Dunlop street. The sign is to be black on both sides with aluminum letters. Its length wili be a. trie over eight feet and width 18 inches, and the college undertakes to erect it in a manner satisfactory to the Town. Tho rornnm'n'| ni fhrnn TPQFIQ PVOYT1 S8,I.lSlI8.C[0l"y LU Llle Luvvu. The remm'a.1 of three trees from the boulevard on Berczy and Louisa streets, which keep out the su-nlighvt, was requested by Mrs. Mary For- sythe. A T-TnfrI11i'ncn`n cor-rnfnrv fnr Th? syme A Hutchinson, secretary for the Barrie Poultry Association, request- ed the. payment of the $100 grant for the 1922 poultry show. Motions Passed. McKinnon--Rusk-'I`ha.t permis- sion be given T. W. Wauchorpe to erect a. sign in front 0\f the Barrie Business College, the same to be done under the supervision of the Board of W'orks. 11:11 1:>....1- '1`hnf {ha r`im-1: fnr- L v0';II'(1 Of! VVOFKS. Hi11--Rusk--That the Clerk for- wwrd 21 cheque for $100 to the Poultry Association, as requested. (This grant was covered in the esti- mates.) T3n\`1ov-=nn._._T3nrH`i;Yt1:'T`hH fhp `S-o-iid Leather Shoes for Men

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