1`.he wnmual convention of the South Simcoe Union Sunday School Association will be held in Beeton Anglican, P1'esbyte1'l'an and l\Ie'th~od- ist churches on Monday, Oct. 9. \\'l'l`H "l`Hl RO\\"l.1Cl{.H' Toronto Woman Gives Credit to Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound down, con and had I The wor: toms were down pair I sometimx I would _ and I seel smotherin in this for two years and seem to tried all u,__, ; GLAD T0 BE . ABL_1u_wnnK Toronto, Ontario.-I suffered with irregular periods, was weak and run could not eat headaches. worst symp; dragging: pains, so bad sometimes thought '_I go crazy, seemed to be smothering. I was condition or three ' could not work. ~ all kinds 0! medicines and had been treated by physicians but received no benezt. I found one of your booklets and felt inclined to try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. I re- ceived the best results from it and now I keep house and go out to work and am like a. new woman. I have recommended your Vegetable Comr pound to my friends and if these` facts will help some poor woman. use them as you please."~-Mns. J. F. Pmsnr, 387 King St., West, Toronto, Ontario. 1r.._:,..... 4'......... Au Avv\n'r\ vrvnn1r4rInu .I. Ul ULLLU, Uutan IU- Various forms of female weakness many times make WOI`k almost im- possible. Lydia E. Pinkhzun s Vege- table Compound has helped thou- sands of women over these troubles. COME TO BARBIE AND Attend a Good School Business prosperity is coming back again. Wise men and wise women` will be found preparing for the good times which are in sight. J3usiness' Education, of course, is good for all times, but secure the best available. You will get it wt the suffered with v-v-nrr1I'|al' marina: was weak 39 Elizabeth Street. Baled Hay --- \V(: have good quality new Buled Hay. A trial will convince you. \Vc will leave it to you to pass judgment upon it and if not as stated, 11otify_tho driver and tho smne will be 1'0- placocl or money re- funded. The West End Headquanters for Flour, Feed, and Brett's Feed Store watch well for chang and irritations of the skin. Many skin troubles will be avoided by careful washing with mam WN SL9 ELIZABETH ST. Store opposite B1'ys0n`s Candy Shop PHONE 65W. We deliver orders to any part of Barrie or Allandale. If Baby is Fat- Men s Hat Specials Barrie Business College ..@;`5f Over Reevds Jewelry Store. Phone 406. SOAPS UMITED - MONTREAL 78 DUNLOP ST. Pm1It1'y Supplies, Potatoes. Page Seven. Friday and Siturday Only! 10 dozen sample Felt Hats, regular $4.50 and $5.00, newest Fawn and Grey shades, latest shapes. 0nSa1e...._ . . . . . . . . . . ..\ . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.90 5 dozen Genuine Velour Hats, regular price $6.50. Friday and Saturday only, for . . . . . . . . . .$4.90 SIMMONS & COMPANY These are two Hat Specials that you will go :1 long way to equal. Comfort Soap and Pearl White Naptha Soap oifer the best-in quality, size and cleansing power--that money can buy. In addition, you get splendid Premiums for the wrappers. Put in a supply of these standard laundry soaps now-they improve with age --and exchange the wrappers for some of the valu- able Premiums shown in our new Premium Book. " ' T'l,,L I7..-` LEFT HERE TO BE CLEANED KIOXIITOTI DUGP 1 Icllllunnx usvnu 80 King Street West, - Toronto, Ont. u;nu...u .u.v .. -- -._ 7 , , Write for Premium BooIz-Free Comfort Soap Premium Store n 1r:_._ c._....; won` _ "l`nrnntn_ Ont Men 1 Take advantage .of it. H. ELSTON WE HAVE A FEVV Men :-3 Hatters Phone 441W. Headquar- ters for the best 25 for 40 cents EILMVALE PRIZES FOR FAIR AWARDED EUU. LLIIUU chiefs-1 C Humphries. crochet trim Uifss M`cVe2 I:n..v.- n01-`nu : `lV1. '1'u1'11e1'. Jguuu-:5 Duaucu pnuuac or Go.wn-1 E. Dobson, 2 Mrs. R. Humvphries. Ladies` Convalc-scent Jacket-1 E. Dovbson, 2 Mrs. R. Hu1n~p.hries. Ladies emb. Night Robe, 1 P. Usher, 2 E. Dobson. Lad-ies Ca.misole-1 Mrs. L . Fraser, 2 P. Uusher. Ladies Fancy Vestee crochet or ta'tted---1 Miss McVean. Ladies Lingerie Set, other sryle- 1 D. Hooken. Tatting, silk or cot- ton-1 Mrs. U. Fraser. 2 Mrs. Geo. Muir. Emtb. Modern Cross Stitch- 1 F. M. Bmiley, 2 Miss Mcvean. Emb. Oriental-1 Miss .\IcVean. Emb. Ha1'danger-1 F. .\I. Bailey, 2 Mrs. U. Fraser. Emlb. I.`alkan--1 Miss .\IcVean. Elnvb. Suniburst--1 Miss McVea.n, 2 F. M. Bailey. Eul). Floral--1 P. Usher, 2 Mrs. R. I'I`lllllph1`leS. Enib. Conventional---1 Mus. U. Fraser, 2 Miss Mcvean. Li- brary Taible Runner, en1h.--l P. Usher, 2 A. Ritchie. Library Table Run-ner, other stylc--1 A. Ritchie, 2 Miss McVean. Infant's Outt, crochet or knit, wool~-1 Mrs. R. Humphries. Child's pique coat or dress--1 D. Hocken. Boudoir Cur- tains, hand trimn1e 1---1 Mrs. H. Huinphries, 2 M. Clexnen- .. Bead work, modern--1 F. M. Bailey, 2 Mrs. U. Fraser. Sofa Cushion, emb. --1 P. Usher, 2 Miss Mc`/can. Sofa Cushiion, washa~ble--] Miss McVean. Sofa Cushion, other style--1 Mrs. U. Fraser, 2 Miss McVean. Single Piece of fancy 1~'n.itting 1 Miss Me- Vean, 2 M. Clement. Single piece cotton crocl1e't-1 C. iiord-`-n, 2 Miss .\IcVean. Single piece of Irish crochet-1 Mrs. L-. Fraser, 2 C. Gorden. Single piece of colored eu1*b.--1 Mrs. ll. Fraser, 2 C. l\I. Turner. Single piece of white emb. -1 C. .VI. Turner, 2 M. Clement. Single piece of fancy work, new and original-1 P.. Usher, 2 Mrs. U. Fraser. Collection ot amateur work -1 A. Rlltcllle, 2 E. Dobson. Special--By Jos. Drysdalo. to the " lady in Flos winning the most prizes in classes 39-40, ladies work useful and ladies work fancy--1 I-`earl Usher. ninu Q1_\1n=.t nnllnntinn .-.F nl(l Usher. Class 31-.\Ies~t collection of old coins--1 E. Foster. Best collection of old relics--1 Jos. Drysoale SCHOOL CHILDREN Best map of Great Britain and Ireland--1 C. Andrew, 2 W. Wal- lace. Best map of Ontario--1 Howard Stone, 2 Helen Stone. Best map 01` Simco%1 V. Bowman, 2 C. Andrew. Best written copy one verse .\Ia1)le Lealf by pupils in 2nd and 3rd reade1's-1 L. TIillllIl0I'lS, 2 I. Webster. Composition for 3rd classes, 50 lines on recent war-1 Percy Cotton. Plain sewing by girl 16 and under--1 Mildred Rowatt, 2 Dorthea Shepherd. Best darnin;: in wool stocl Verona Usher. Best darning in cotton stocl Verona Usher. Best pair of men's knitted wool s3cks-1 l`-lorence King. Best collection of scroll work--1 Cleveland .-\ndre\v. Best half bus. of Irish Cobbler Potatoes --1 Blanche Andrew, 2 Ruby Hart. Best collection of Wild Flowers and Leaves-1 S.S. No. 18, Flos. Alluiston is installing engine as an auxiliary pumping plant. Rev. A. S. Callauglian. the new pastor of the Roman Catholic par- ishes at Melamcthon, Dundalk and Proton, was presented with a. sil- ver tea service and 21 purse of money by his former parishioners [of St. Anne's church, Hamilton. L'.\1bridge Town Courncil has passed a. by-law to provide for the sale of debentures for $75,000 to build and equip a new High School in the town. The debentures will be spread 0v-er a period of thirty years and the an- nual payment will be $5448.67. A11`. U. U. na.nn0n 01. LV1ii.1`1pUbi!. Sunny Acres Farm, is the proud lowner of a. herd of vzxluwble Pol-led Angus cattle. He has many times shown at Toro-nt.o Exlmilbi-tion, but never with more success nhan this year, as his total cash prizes amount- }ed to over $700. | __.i__. t The Depa.rt1nent of Highways will be asked by Orillia. township to make a. special grzmt to repair the town- iahne between North and South Onillia. across concessions 6 and 7 and south on concession 7, then east to the Provincial highiway; also south on concession 6 to the I r0\'inci`zLl high- way, as these roads were bztdly dam- aged by the heavy traffic caused by the detour. 51!- 111`. C. G. Shamnon of Mariposa .....n- Ar-vac Won-m is: the nrnnd 911, 4 .\us. . s J. .\I rs. LT. es 1 Rfica lfr-\7n-an The Northern Advance lJU`UUll, 4; \J.| teaded Blouse n, An: in `KY:-' xv!-\+ a. gasoline to its hydro On invitation or Dr. W. E. Gallie, son of Wm. Gallie, Barrie, fourteen `members of the Barrie Golf Club and ..1 ~nnn1knv- n? Fnl-rnnr 'R::rr.ip members or me Da.1'I`1e uuu \.,Lu`u uuu an equal number of former Barrie men. members of the Rosedale Golf Club, gathered at Dr. GaJlie s home, Teddington Park, Toronto, on Thurs- day, Sept. 28, for a day on the links and a general re-union. Tho nv~n=onr_nv Rnrrin H1911 :1?- BARBIE MEN GUESTS or DR. w. E. GALLIE ELIJU it geue1"a.L 1:.-uu.Auu. The present-day Barrie men at- tendimg, motored to Toronto and. upon their "return, reported the day's outing as one of those true a'menJities nc nmn fHnf r-Vania: tho nnhlnr im- sIiid Leather Shoes for Men Olltlng as one ()1 UIIUSE L1 ut: 'a.Lu::wAu::: of life that creates the nobler im- pulse. 'T`hn crnmn nf srnlf was nlav-ed O11 The game of golf was played on the R-osedzile links following 21 luncheon at the club at which Dr. Ga1lie s parents also attended. And, -by way of added pleausantry, the Barrie golfers outplayed their friends, the Old Boys. mu.-. n1m.m-a nrhinnrncul fn `Dr menus, me um nuys. The players adjourned to Dr. Ga1lie s residence for tea. The doc- tor's beautiful home, overlo-oksing the golf grounds, is in itself a 1no:m1- ment to this Barrie boy's a.chieve- ments, say his friends. Tn fhn nnnrcn nf tho dnv {hp Hf]? mentvs, say 1115 i1'1eu'u5. In the course of the day the tide of reminescen-Ce flowed in waves of mutual delight as tales were recalled of f0rtune s whrirl in earlier life which, after all, they agreed, but stimulates the mental vigor. um um: I: 1-nvnl onnar-ta.inm=nf_ SLlI1llIia.Les Lin: 1ut:LlL`d.1 vi5ui "Ivt was a. royal entertainment. thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by us, was the substance of ex- pressions heard from Barrie men up- on their return. `Lfnmh !n`|rlnr-mrnn 'r\rnI:iI1dnf .nf O`1 1 lflell` I``T.l1I`Il. Hugh Caldemvood, presidnt of the Barrie Golf Club, delivered a brief and sententi-ous address at the tea, concluding with an invitation to the Old Boys to join the present-day Barrie contingent in a reciprocal as- sembly at Barrie. T`hn 'Rnrv-in l Tlnv: nnrtir'im1tinL' S8I1lDly `LU, JJLLITJB. The Barrie Old Boys participating in the party and now resident in To- ronuto, were: Dr. VV. E. Gai1.ie, host; Dr. Gordon Gallie, Dr. Roy Thomas, Eustace Bird, architect; J. J. Gib- son, formerly with the Barrie Tan- ning Co., and new manager for the Toronto Title &: Trust Corporation; Dr. Strathy, son of the lame John Strahhy, manager of the Bank of To- ronto, Barrie; Holford Ardiagh, Dr. .\Iortimer Lyons, Dr. Edw. Mvorgain, .\Ir. Boyer, W. E. Robertson. 'T`hn nu-n;~nn6_r!nv T2`-)v\r*3;1 xrnnatc in- .\lI`. )JU_\eI', W. D. I\.U`UClLbUu. The present-day Barri guests in- cluded Hugh Cwzlldeuwood, p1'esaidex1t, Barrie G011` Club; J. H. Bennett, H. E. Jory, A. T. Galt, John Webb, Walter Scott, T.hos. Crew, Dr. W. A. Lewis, Geo. Hubbard, Hunter Ken- nedy, Maj. Geo. Rodgers, Byron King, Thos. Beecrot, W. A. Boys, 1. I" 14E\Vlb, UUU. K.C. BARRIE LOSES ITS BRAVE BOOZE COP A- W- WHITBY E"1T, l;i`Le`.`lff;ne i1"{}'. ' '\Vm. Barnes of Shanty Bay, self- appointed booze cop," has been de- posed. Also he has been ordered to camouflage the scintillating decora- tion on his bosom before the enemy gets wise to his position. Williiam appeared in Police Court. Saturday morning displaying his flaming badge of office in that flanrbuoyant air of condence char- acteristic of an iron cross hero. He may have had the dope on four blind pigs and one half blind liquor hipper; perhaps he was destined to become a rival for Court cases of the Barrie speed cop. But all these possibilities were blasted by Chief of Police King's lack of imagrltnation. nmnnm in M: gnnprnyntnrv rnle. 1`0l.lCe lungs IELCK UL lIIl`L},'lLLl'd.LlUu. William, in his superogatory role, had a few weeks previously handed in information against a man for speeding. That case fa:iled because the defendant presented to the Court :1 clergyman, EL perfectly well con- ducted deacon and four ordinaries who declared the defendant's car was hors de couilbat on the date of the alleged offence and the driver was driving wheat sheaves at the end of a. three-tonged fork. `\Vi.1liz1n1 continued his gum-shoe work. nevertheless, and for service at the Elmvale Fair front, where he i.....,1n n um Iki hit of n 15 non! tat Ine Lunllvztle ran` uuut, wucn: in: made a ten pin hit at a 15 cent bazaar, he was decorated with that booze cop" badge. \Vith0ut the ceremony of an in- troduction, Chiet` King escorted booze cop Wiliztm, badge and all, be- fore the Cndi, and there proscriibed his assumption. Wuilliam was sen- tenced to rein-ove his D01i(IPx-1)) -iI1- ference badge. And thus ended an- other incipient war. (`Ol.].lI\'G\VOOD BO\\"l'.ERS L().`5E T0 BAR-RTE .l L;\YERS Tudhope Trophy games still pro- vide good sport for the Barrie bowlers. and paivticularly so while they hold the cup, which is in their possession at the present time. The mnct rpr-nnt r-'-fTnr1 tn t'z1l(e the possesslon at me preselu tune. The most recent effort to take silverwzwe from the Barrie t1'11nd1ex`s was made on Sept. 29, when two COI]in_::\\'ond ninks went down to de- feat after hard gzunes. XV T1 1(nnnotl\r c rink rlrxfrmtnd A. Iear zlllel` nuru gzulles. W. H. Kennedy's rink defeated A. \\ elsh s quzrrtet 26-19, and P. T. Clark f._:z1ve J. .-\. Gibbs a 2-1-13 trim- uninnv Lllllll. \V-Ll- IL . placed insurance ployees. `Dill I 16 C. H. Bee.N)y A. G. Hwbbick H. J. Thompson P. T. Clark. . .51: G. I-Iubbmwl R. A. Stephens .~\. Marshall W.I-I. Kennedy. s Owing t-o the high price being ask- ed for wood, Acton counull is having a by-lzuw prepared which w.lll require that all trwnsa.ct.iovns` Ln wood shall be upon the basis of 128 cubic feet to the cord. Every vendor offer-lng wood for sale in that town will be ...m..e.-ml on vnalzn an anion: nn this UNCALLED FOR SUITS \VUUU lUI' required basis. nng. The opposing 1`.iI1kS were : Barrie Collin; r u nnnmur '1` V Knr Orillia ` 1n nnzl in: I` sale In Lllul Luwu WH1 um: to make all sales on this . sk ` P. Commission has upon all its em- Collingwood '1`. V. Kmnlp T. Stephenson J. Hewson J. A. Gibb ...sl 1". Middleton J. Leinmer C. L. Curnic A. Welsh ... us} BROWN S BAKE SHOP TRADE EXPANDING Within cement block walls, Well lighted and of inmnaculate appear- -ance, the new retail department of Cha.z~1es Brown's bakery, opposite nhe B.C.I. on Elizwbeth street, presents an inviting view. 'l`hn no! ntnrp VHS ODen' mvmng V1e\V'. The new store, which was open- ed for business Exhibition week, is an enlargment of the old bakery stand and made necessary by an ex- panding trade. Tn mp re-modellina. partnitions NAVY C UT CIGARETTES panamg Lraue. In the re-modelling, partnitions were removed from the old store, too, and the bake shop made larger and a cake supply room added. The apartment over the new store pro- vides a. bright new storeroom for flour. The whole new undertaking represents an enterprise of about $5,000. `Dvnun-1': hnL'n3t~\r nnxv ha: 3111 DIN- $a,UuU Brown's bakery now has an ouwt- put of 1,000 loaves of bre-ad, 150 dozen small cakes, a. large number of large cakes, about 100 dozen buns and rolls and 100 pies daily. The rm also accepts orders for fancy cake baking and wedding cakes. In hnuincxcu Fnr huPT'|f\' VPHFS in: `D'd'l<;lLlg zulu. wt:u'uiu5 i.u.uL-a. In business for twenty years in one stand, the Brown bakery has gained a name and prestige far be- yond the town lim-its. Its out-o't'- town motor car delivery extends to Hawliestvone and Mitchell Square on the east, deviating via Edgar and Dalston; and on t.he south to Pa.ins- wick, Stroud, Churchill, Lefroy and Belle Ewart.` To these points, 300 large loaves, 50 dozen cakes and 50 dozen buns are delivered daily. And this country delivery will be main- tained through the winter months, as well, su-pplying customer-s on both sides of the bay, it is stated. T`hv-on Hnlivnrv \v:1.rrn.ns are kcmt. in Sl(1eS or me Day, ll. IS sLu.Leu. Three delivery wagons are kept in commission by the rm to supply its town trade. "Fla.-. not-znhchvnnnt n? 5111 ip arr-nn1 IOVVII Iraue. The establishment of an emporium in connection bakery is contemplated year. CH.-\S. TYMON, ROAD FORE.\L\.\', IS GIVEN SURPRISE P.-\I`\'1`Y Puffing his pipe in quiet reverie at his home on the anniversary of his birthday last Fniday e.veuin_ Chas. Tymon, Town road foreman, was aroused by a ring at the door. Hello, Chz1r~l-ie, hello, Charlie, ten, eleven or twelve times the greeting came as Charlie opened the door. A dozen friends entered. They had called to congvratulate Charlie on the umteenth anniversary of his biithday and accord lnim a little sur- prise party. Qnrna nf H10 nnrlv \VP.I`F Barrie prise DZ.lI`L_V. Some of the party were Barrie friends, some from his old home in, Collingwood and some from sca'tte1'- ed places. And Charlie was indeed overjoyed at their good will demon- stration. Together they passed a pleasant hour in 21 cheerful review of other days. Tn mminn in their nrnspnne as :1 uuays. In addition to their presence as a token of their friendship, the party conferred on Charlie the degree or Good Fellow," and presented to him as birthday souvenirs 21 hand- some toilet set, numerous neckties, a ve pound box of candy, and a. box of cigars. up 'I`\'mnn s fplinitv for the honor! or mgars. I Mr. Tyn10n s felicity for the honor is intense; his gratefulness fervent. 10 for 17 cents 11 FIXED FOR SPEEDING, 15 ADJOURNED, 16 MORE UP Eleven motor car owners were ned $14.25 each on convictions of Viol-ation of the speed lzuv, one case was dismissed and fteen cases were adjourned for one week by Magis- traste Jeffs in Police Court last. Sat- urday. 'T`ha:mn r-nun: \\VDT`('-` thn harvest Of uruay. These cases were the harvest B. E. Sutton, highway constable, up to Sept. 23. All but two summon- ed were Toronto people. Inv tho uvonk nnzltinrr Can? 30 eu were LUI'UL1LU puuplu. For the week ending Sept. 30, Constable Sutton had checked mp 16 more alleged Speeders. These were taken on the Yonge street sector of his battle front. Sutton had a. nar- row escape last week when a. driver 01' a, hi_<.;h-po\\'ei`ed American car gave him the ha-ha. His machine developed imuibie while chasing: the Yank, and he narrowly zwei-Led a collision. Tohave broken a virgin eld in Pelham, near V\'eII:Ln(1, in 1865, and to have plowed the same eld agailn in 1922, 57 years after, was the ex- perience of J. .\I. C. Ruson of Grand Rapids, ;\Iich., who is spendin_L' :1 holiday amid the scenes of his yo1m.h. Mr. Ravson, who is 76 years nf nun iv: viuilivzsr rnl:1.t1'vps* in Pa]- [)BI'lBll`|.'t: UL J. .u. L1. 1\.u:u.u UL \JIu.uu of age, is `(iSiliI`:_I; relatives in Pet- ham. On Septemiber 22 he wenct to his old home, the John Rmson mrm where he was born. On that day he plowed in the field into whic.i1 he introduced the first plow nearly three score years ago. Interest in bowling is increasing as the season a.d\ances and some lively local tournmnents have been staged dwring the last week. nn Fr-idnv Inst pighr, Rnrrin rinks PLO\VED FIELD 57 YEARS AGO AND \'0\V REl E.\"l`S JOB staged uuirlllg Lue 1zlsL \Vt:L`l\. On Friday last eight. Barrie rinks and three .\l1and-ale rinks competed. Pnizes to the value of $20 were awarded. C. VV. P0ucher's rink was first, T. T. Y-oung's rink second, and J. D. Milne s rink third. The other rinks entered were skipped by H. M. Lay, A. C. Bricker, P. T. Clark, W. H. Kennedy, A. Massey, A. G. Walker and V. Knight. n l"ncn:rln\r nirrht ton 1-ink: yarn VVHalKE1' LLIIU V. I\Lll5u*L. On Tuesday night ten rinks were entered and some real good bowling was witnessed. First honors went to J. D. Mi1ne s rink, second to A. G. Walker's rink and third to C. W. Poucher's rink. These Suits will be sold at bargain prices. Come in and see them. CLEANING 2: PRESSING :: REPAIRING AND DYEING We Clean and Block all kinds of I-Iats Overcoats Turned. A trial will convince that we are the best. Goods called for and delivered. Prices reasonable.