.-*!,-in Ottawa on Tuesday mm'nin:;, J:1n. .ll l)(.`l 1:. n. urxx ` I Runald David Pnnn. Senior .lnd;._*,e7 ` 01 Carton County, died ufhis Jmnwl 1 A r 10th,. following :L shori, but severe 'll1ness.. .... u . 1.. 1 ..- 41...... ...._,. L....... . Women s Coats at Half ] m'o _'l'}]ca(-..I1r=d B1'itish lnadv. [N11111- 11-]<`sH'r~,`l1e:1\ y \\'oi, full 2}] incllos wide," :1 ,`_-1'1.'11l(1 \\`<-m'in`;f quality, fm'1nm"- I) 60-. Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..30c Women s Silk Hose at Half White Flannelette at Half Stock-Taking ` Time (la (_,3om(2 to this` Stoln and`<-.mn<:-21s vz.u']_\' sold cannot be replaced. ' " l"H]fI}{.E A'R}:] ;M.\NY LINES '[`I*]fA'[; \VI I11.-.\ YE I)P`EI{)IINE]) .\`-(`)'l` '.l`() .I\"'I`ER ().\` OUR STOv ..`K SIIEETS AND IN OR] )J1]R TO C(_).\' \'.]fIR ]` . [`]IESE INT() C`.-\SH WE _HL..\ \'E zluy : of Wales-.\'ew towels The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada This 1110:1113 H1:1f a1ra.1'o. 1-,.I'1z111r.-10 is ;1`r'f'n1'(11~d 11110 1'l11-i1" r_\' 110 S1\'(.' 011. o\'m'_\'- 11c.wdf-1115 211141-'01-1 goocls of 11101-if. - 1 . . . , .' ._o._. v A F ifty-F ifty Sale CUT THE PRICE IN ALF Vickers Limited the least. to the greatest. and whht-,7 your Cor. realized the amount col- lcted for missions the idea struck him that the above spoken of dis- use of mission activities might `Se. desintble front an economic stand-_' point, for saith the Scripture that prowiqeth not for his household has denied the faith. is worse than an indel." .3... st: Miss friends 1 \'mo Miss Mae Marley has 1'et1n'n0d'.loQ` Toronto ;u1`Ier`spend.in-g" the holliduyi innder the parental roo-A . 1 \u:.,., 1r,a,., cu, _,u r>QI}A.h`j WW ` Mviss Helen \Vanless. nurse, 012' Toronto, has re11n'ned to '1`oronI()E after spending two weks with her: sister, Mrs. Henry Smith. ' .1I.._ vu_,, -u-,~n,, | Mrs. Flora Kelly has 1'e lu1'ned'J} home zmer visi1in:.: friends at Corn; ll-I.il1. . `g PASTRY FLOUR 89 24 lb. Bag I T. E. Polls has returned to C-.1I11zu'ines after spending the hon- days with his parents. 11.... xv n........-_. .._ ...____,1:.._ , A-,_,, 1 Mrs. N. Bowser is spen(1.ing :1 l'3w?f ' I { \v(-`eks with her dau_L:l1tex*, Mrs. C0.ok.i 1 of Toronto. ; I -- -. .- . _ - 1 Mr. and Mrs. D. McL2u1_g11lin.; Slaynely spent. a, few d'.L,\'s Ia1st,.\\'eek \ I `with Miss Irene Potts. `.. sister, llrs. J. g M rs. Henry ` . I I I-Im'ry I r`iest. has relm'n(>(l ioi Barrie after spending it couple or5 `months with his parents, Mr. and! M1':~: .'\. Priest. 3 __ __ f The Alisses Scott. and K0111 -have returned to iheir dutie `_t(+a.(_-11ers for S5`. N0. 51 and 17. 5 Quite :1 row 0|` the _v0u11; people; .:Lltended Ihe hnc1u=y match lust; iV1`iL1z;y and all report 21 good .::1.n1e.7 1 ` Nor1n'a-:\IcI\'inle,v is visilingi in Midland. ! I :1 Smviilm is \'isitin:' her; Rasinford. Bz|1'r'ic:.. Kenneth`; duties as; llv;1\`_v (.3<`):{1i1xg S(~.1'g'<', p11r :' ]fn(1ig`6 rlyv. full (SO, in w1d<-, hm: qua/llty for \Vu1m;n. s S`1n1.s` and Sk'1r1;s and snmll b<>_V s \\'(':11'. I1`0rmm.' price $7.00. ()1: .\`1l(.' Im\\'.-11:. ... ...- ....$3.50 2} lb. tin Navy Coating Serge at Half , .I3m1111i1;'11ll,\j '_I_`_1ji1nn'1(-d 1-l`a`r.s', the-. bul- :m<-- of our \V1"I_1t( 31' Sfm-k, all made and 1`r.il'mm-(1 in our own \-\'m'k.r00ms, in hlm-k ".-md -~Vm`?1'()`l~L.s` <-olorillgs. There zm .-1|`mu1 40' of fhmn all o'm'o<'1 at Hull I I'i<- `I7 im-Th (`ottmn "Ihu-,Lal3z1<:l<, pure hlc-21 -lw(l }w21\'.\ i\\'-vig'l1I`. .?q3,'1I]m' 290. Nmv on sale il1'__._:.._. . .. . . . . .. '. . . . .150 Beautiful Miglinery at Half limxlvr. :11` .. Towelling at Half 'J`h<-. are in n 5;`r0z11' m11`nl)01' of sI1z1 . as T1u'qu0is(-, Nilv, lfosv, (`m'(linal, .E111v1'al and "Moss (`mu-n, 'l*1`.-1\\'n and I3`ro\\'n, Navy and .H(`]f_','i:1ll lilm-, lwlivd and `rllxodo styles. lh-g'l1l: 11' $4.00 up to $13.7e'). Any or All at just Half 'Women s and Misses Sweater Coats at Half_ O _I,`11<-so {11"(` Inadu of r <:<)('*s, in 1.mVy '\\'i'th stri Hora] designs, also butts] sarno (Ir-sig'ns, sizvs up t $I}.$):'>. Now on sale at -...a,-. :; . Women s I-Ious D_j1.'esses at Half .3 \lVl.LL I~lJ.I.Iu-rt, 1.4 Awn- . 5' lbs. A Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 3 Kippered Herring .2 Sardines, 2 tins . . . .2 Crisco, 1 lb. ... ...1 Lard,21bs. Old Dutch Cleanser I Panshine, 3 tins . . .5 17 int-I1 ])()11)(*st.i`k' 1112110 ...I.... 'l) _ . _ . _, I 1:1 at Vickers Ltd. yn11 <,-z1n,Az1s fI10so.it'<-111s \\'11e11 `.1 .1 Ll {(2 ) |v(}() ;.;;;;; l)()111(*sti`k- make with Red ([-_;'11Iz11' 18-. Now on sale . . . . . . . . .9c 5 - ne ]_)1'i1j`r.0(1 Cah- ' wifh stripe and small. 4, bntcllm-'5 blue with :, to 42. R.<=g'11]a.r . . . . . . . .$1.98 -,-aha...-.... - --~~--- -- 1:L.\1v.a_Li:: `Mrs. tMalcolm, of the Robins- Nook," Elmvale, entertained on -I":'1'_i' `day. `January 6th, in honor `of _lVfi's.. '_.VV3n.i_I{err (nee Miss Aliice Mglcol-51}. _Orill.i::.') The rooms were t.ast.i'y . (lecomted .with carnations and ferns. The bride looked lovely in -21 goxsjn ;of brown satin with {facings oil` tan- igerine. Mrs. Copeland, `Mrs. .\'Ii:-- glloiill and Miss Sntider had char,:'e in!` the dining room and they were taibly Tassisted iby Misses Pearl Trwiu. l;1_.i1i2_;i_i_.\1c.u1ey and Beatrice Rn - ;chie. The guests well looked at`tev.'_ `by Miss Kerr and Miss Lumm-is. _;\ pleasin-E feature of the zLt'te1`no)ii . was the rendering of two solos b:.' .\`l.rs. Fraser, ac'com'p-anied -by .\Irs. .\lc(:u,ire, and also an instrumentzii Iby Miss Helen :Malco1m. The ladies full wish Mr. and Mrs. Kerr mun`; hz1'i:vp_'v `years in their bezuitiful home. ~Riverville Ho1m. ' Dominion Stores Limited `iH()(}l,'I`J~~.-H the R.\'. Hospital, oar 5 Irida_\'. Jan. Shh, 1922, to Mr. and E Mrs. Frank Hague, a da.u_g}1te'.r E (sI.i]1.bm'n.) . I .'L`.RACY----On J:u1uzn`_v 11th, Harold Robert Tracy, son of Robert J. "I`1"at:.,v, aged 1 month. 13 days. Juneml at Grenfel on `Thursd'a`.t. 1J3I~Lx'1'0N--,u, Orillia, on l~`rida,V. Jan. 6th, 1921. ;\`1ur;','aret An-n F:\IcNi\'en, beloved wife of Dr. A. 1-1. Beaten. Funeral on ;\Ionda_\'. Jan. 0111, to .\ndrew`s Ceme- rm'_\,'. Orillia. RICAI) THE .-\]')VER I`ISE.\IENT.` l!lR'l`HS DI`).-\'l`HS Economiykig the Foundation of Wealth. Are you putting that economy resolution into effect ? Our prices supply one `means ! ' i ' Macaroni J-VLIAJUDVL VAL; Corn Syr1J:1g'),' K"I'|u_-u 10 lbs. . 48; quart jar Juncan. - . The late Judge Gunn was born; 1701i at farm near Barrie. now known; ;as the DYIIHCIIY farm. He was edu-e -(sated at Mrs. Lloyd's private school: c x U "and the llzu'rieCol1ogiute Institute. I- | I i OBITUARY 2 pkgs. 25c 7V;/ IfEAT ;. Shredded Plain OLIVES SUGAR KEEN S MUSTARD . . . . . .28c - lb. tm . 79c 15c 19c , 45c 24c . 15c . 15c ;\.ur . 54511.! .350 ` 11c .25c Finest Old CHEESE 23c lb. -cuu \4s|.III\ }I\.||\\,.luAn_v .... . . . . .. 'l`he]z1te .\h'. 1`ndcrh1'lI is survived g by his wit`:-, and one daughter, who` were with him when he passed away. and four sons, Stanlr-5'. Ross, Chur- les and Blulw. all or I}arrie=. 1Ai'iiis 25c lb. seedless V I 1m1'x-`.4-`s I3i_L: Bunspiel will be held `on January 1:02.11 and Inst. Alli frauds lend to Barrie on those d'u_\"s. }.Tl1'e lawn is dry, but don let that! ikeep you znvay. . ,,....... .....u `van u_I :1 yuunn, uun in the evening four Orillia rinksif Icame In B'.u'1'ie and suI'l'ere(l defeat- gby 38 points. i Flaherly . . .. r.Ir,efen('e Day .. . . . . centre ; Thompson . . . 1'. wing` |.\Iiles ...... 1. v.'in.>; iLz1ins0n .... .. .'~'ub I Desmxrclie . . sub . Re1'el`eo---Chuck" Sum} _\ -ext Wodnesdz-1_\' night in junior and s.enio1' _;zLm ! inc-as and Y..\'I..C.A. l(:'.1:mS I I The first round in the '.mnuul% i('0n1pel:ition for me Barrie-0I'iIliu` !Cwp was played 1:151 Thursday. Inf i3 the zu'te1'noorn four Barrie rinks went to Orillia and 1051 by 14 poin1s,`but; :n Hun n..n..:...... n~._.._. n._:u-2. ' ! `son and Desourdie were the best, for; the winner. and Douglas and Lam- tbert put up good ,'.;a'mras for :he , o losers. Jvurlong also pl.'xyed wun ; 1 and his 'beautiJ`ul. shiny huh 111'.~.ch~ iquite a hit with `he lady 1'-.1115. } i The teanls ; { Y.';\I:C..\. CI'll.\rl.HI`n` } 1Not1in`:.r.ha1n ... anal . . . . .. (}0f1rn1 I 1 l(,`.H.I.. '|`E.\\IS .-`IRE OF!" ` TO A noon Ls"|`,.u:'r] .........W ...._,-.... u. L i The remains will be forwarded toj Barrie and the nruneral will Lake; place on Friday morning, Jan. 13,} from the 10.50 7a.m. train to St: .\Iar_v's Cemetery. V.-- ,.,....._, V-W. -....... ` , 1 He LS surnved by 2:15 `wldow, whol `was `formerly Miss C:u.1_1ering Mid-I I i I 4 dleton, of Barrie, and one sisleryi Mrs. James Hayden. of ]"oront._o. rhl..- ....- ......... ... ...,... .... ....v u\...... | In early life he look an ;u-live! irpam, in municipal ul'fuirs. In poii-ii Young Liberal Club. Later utv iics he was it staunch I.ibm'ul, haw] Eng been associated with East York Reform Association and .\I-.n'kham Aurora he was associailed wixh lhvi Vvest York Re.I'm`m Association. _- most of the lime in C:L1ii`o1'I1iu, to try to re;.1:1.in his In-nith, bin the I .end came peacefully on l)vc. 2.`Hh.t nu__ 1.; _ \v.. 1'...) n 1.. ...._. I I I I He then studied law here and i I wish to thank the mem.-hers of then"{.tl1e Board 21118 Cltaimnen 01' the dif-.} t` went to Orillia, xwhere he`_~pract.icedVferent. Comtnittees for their splendid for many years. He contested East Sitmcoe in the Federal elections against Senator Bennett, but was tfnsttccessful. Some 15 years ago he was appointed Judge of -Carlton County, a position he has lled with credit to himself and honor to the County ever since. is who *as Mid- sister, l"oront.o. take .13, St. 4 l l I and loyal support and spirit oi` good= feeling which permiated the dellber-' ations oi` the. Board. I feel that every metnber did his very best. to advance the `best, interests oil the schools. -and at the same time `to! sa.1`e::;uat'd the interests oi` the rate-l payers. As you all know it is al-' most. impossible to reduce the run-! ning expense oi` the schools, as"i.iie'i teachers salaries must. the -gove.rxie`di Lby the surroun'ding towns; also the! to supply and demand of teachers. Ati the present time I feel that we huvet a splendid staff, but if living.n;~on-! tinues to drop you may be able to! reduce expenses some. ynL A \n_._.__.__ Orillia L -M.cANzubb. 2. Cu r.I':1ns. . .Sin('.lni1'. . .Hinls. Orillyia 1. B. Iar(-.\\`e11. Dr. Hzlrvie. . .. .'|`. Maclden . .1 ..l. I\'e:u'ns. .1 Sliced Magic Baking Powder... .. Tapioca, lb. . . . . Sago, lb. Cornmeal, 6 lbs. . Pot Barley, lb. .. Split Peas, lb. . . . Black Pepper, lb. Soapchips, lb. . . . Cocoa, 2 lbs. . . . . `COMFORT some 10 Bars 695 (Continued from -page `ve') l ..\Hl{ll~} IN THE l.I<}.\I) Orillia :|.l Barrio Bawric at Orillia I I`m;n l'XDEI{Hll.I. T , Mr. l"x`od 1.'nderhi11, who died at }Iu1l_\1voud, Cal., on 'I`huI'sda_v, Dec. 29th. was born at Plymouth. En:.r., on July 20th. 1864. 1719 came to! Czlnadu with his -parents when eight months old. ]'h<-xv settled in To- ronto. but 1:1ter1n0\'(>d to fh'otL:.l1ax1.{ where 1~`1'ed 1'ecei\'0d his mluc-.ut:ion. ]n 1881 the fa.mi1y moved to .\1z11'.k-f 11:1-tn, whore the tlotiwztstatl with his: `father openvd up `:1 <-tt. shoe store. In 18138 he (-'b'lu1)HSI1Pd ui shoe 1'a1('tory in .\Iat'hham, and int 1901 the plant was rmmw-d to .\u1'm`:1. 111 191: . the fatctory in Bzwrio was! started as (L brunch and in 1917 the. 11'z1(:tor_v :tt .\ur0t'a \\'z\s vlospd and, the head ()(rl(.` 1n0\ c-d in Bzu't'iu.! This(:h:1n;.:e was found nt-c `owing tn tlw ill health or the (103 ceased, who was prosidnnt. which position he lmld till his (H-utli. 1.. ..-..|.. u.-1-,_ 1., BACON -- - 33c.lb. d e:'ence_ coaomm 25c lb. Snowflake AMMONIA 3 p1(<.`*2_i$ art. A. Step hens Shredded Brmvnleev W. Moo 1'0. Ga 1' P811, I\'m1 n-ed y }m'1rm I .. 1)nu::Ius! . I I I I l'`11r)un;' ! lmmbc-rt Smilh - ;\lr:I)onu.u'h ....., ... --\/- ...._ _,v.... The deceased was the widow 01'] the late .\Iarcia.1 Desjardins. who zmjedeceased her just three yeursli ago. She -was born in SI. Arsene.[ Quebec. and has been resident of- Bamie for a little over 3. year. l 1-rL ._ ..-.._._.... 1.-.. 1--.. ,,_., .|_..,_ the Bar-j will meet} 215:1 rrie Barrio . 55c King Lion of 4 The report of the Sanitary In- spector of the Schools was `present.- (ed. The schools are in fwi1'ly'gobd `condition. The following recom- fmendation were made by the In~ jspector : ll...` i Victoria 1-Iunbo1'~Ne\v towels, `Boards and,eras.ers. better ventila- Ltio nand cleaning of blinds. ` 1 __ V... ..,...e... .u. u..... u. ).uu,_.n.L -uumuu. _i'I`his was :1. great. injustice to thei 0` patrents, as this (lelzty would meang H: :1. _loss' of from one to two _\'ezt.rs in`? :Ill( ll` school eottrse. 'J`h-is nit.-ans, 1` . lquite am expense to the up-urents,t Sthert-t'ore, l think this was the pr0-E' {per thin-.::` 1.0 do. The Board` -has! ,1; been r.-riticised over the! <|:.,='rouncls, which I don't think -A qtt:i.te [air -when the mats are known. ' .~-l niln the first place. the 1'ale.pu_\'ersi` __tsel'ected the site. where the B.C.l.` :- ! ` : tvzts bttilt. l.'n.t'ortttmttel_\,' the Boztrdf ljot` l that was in power at} "the time the l)lllldin_L( was erected,` -set the btttldtttg too lat` tn the; ::.:rouud, and did not lower the! ;_1:'l`Ulln(l hetore pt.1tt.in_-4 in the side-` :\\'Hll(S. This present Board wits tne\'e.t' satised with the elevzttzion oi" the hLttilditt:.:; they (:onside.1'ed it t\V01lld he Cl1(321.DE'l' `and better to 1 lower the :.',rounds and `termces around the builclin:." than to draw -hundreds ot' loads of earth to ll `up the lower parts of the grotmd, also the up-lteevp would mean icon-t sideruuble. as it was tottnd .impos-` _`sible to keep them wa.t.ered. `The ` :.:russ had to be all clipped by hand but, by levelling the nrrottnd Elf Qilllil be clipped by power. 3 .31.... 1 1.-.... in... H, , .. ' .- .- \.-.,.,n.-4. -.a_v yun 1.1. j May I hope that the same t'e'eIin~_-.: E01` `co-apex-_uuion which has governed :this Bozu"d in the past years will :still continue, and that our motto `will still the c_-c`onom_v consistent uwith eiciency. ' VIVL...-.I..'..... Left to mourn her loss are three sons: Joseph of Port. Arthur, Peter of Detroit, and Henry 01.` Barrie. I run.` r....._._,.y 44.x. __u,,,A, u.__.._ 1.__. ., <{V\g`l .,.J.,.... I l._,_,...., `...,......4u., .a-.1...-.,. I`he .\IanagemenL Commitme ! }found it. necessary to open :1-new` l`:1'ocm1 in the I m'nce of Wales -School. as -it. was found \'o1'_v badly ,cou:,.:esI,- iedz a :<'1'ezn nu-nrber 01' children were Ff held back for _wzmt 01' proper nnition. 1 fl"k.`.. .. ' ' .....,.._; ._._._.:,. ., .1 I Eliducatiinal Board g Inaugural Meeting; j.___. I (Continued from page one) I Did a number of minor dressings `for the children. also relvieved tooth ache and stopped nose bleed for u| number of otliei-s. One child husi been operated upon for tonsils and ;adenoids and one child has been llitted Wlilh glasses, also one 1'etilled. mu .......... _.- ..,_nA,,.,,- . No other cases of mum'ps zunongi the school children have develo'ped.i There is still a nunvber absent withl chicken pox. These children are re-1 qujred to bring a medtical cemlicutpl u-pon retnrnim; 1.0 sclmol. E A number of children have hr:-.nj excluded from school on account or` communicable skin diseases. 'X'll(\._\'% received` medical n~ea.tmem and; ibmu_L:ht (`,(`l`liCil1BS when 1`C`KllI`nil1'_`. ! ! to school. I have visited u number of homes ,-and explained 10 parents Ilw n=<-vs- sily and :1.d\'antu_L (-. of havin-.1 lh(,`.il' children's tonsils and adeuoids re- moved. also in some cases made ur- 1`a11ge1n(=.111s rm` treailnent. etc., un- der the supe1'wi:~'i011 of the .\-I.().`H. In cases pa1'c-nts promisecl I0 }1u\' children e.\`avn'1.ined by their family `physician and be guided by lmn in the matter. I 1GenIl<-amen 01' the Board of I g Educzuion : ....-... ....... __,....;.:.., unou uuc ncuucu. All cases of pediculosts reported `are being excluded from school 1111-! 1 I til required treamnent. received and; inspection d21il_\' upon their retm-oi to school. ` ___>. l)u1'in:.: the past year I.\venl.y~`fou1`1 chaildren 11'-.n'r_=. been lifted w.it.h glass- es. also six 0111913 retted with es. Several have t1'e':l1unent. had. tonsils and ads,-noids and u n1Itf|'be1' of others medical treatment for same. ;j]u.ss- ; received opticzL1;' l"orl_v-six children .havc1 J`P.I]H)\'Pd I 1'0c-.i\`vd.1 `\ \ \ 3;} Lulu` Y 3. ti Q 5\` Q`: `] The funeral took place from her] late residence on Sunday znfternoon to St. Mary's Church and ~Ce1netery.' Rev. Dean Sweeney conducted the` .,. -.-...,.., ...... ..-\,.... .... .........,. I .......,.......n...r. uv.u.v..A vcuulu.` Edn`vax'd ~School--Inst'a11a- wash zplacc-s, supply `of H. )4. Stephens, Cha-imlzln. -rm": Iconmxann J. )1. Lower. ! East \\ aI'd-`In-sta1laLi'on of im- ;-proved earth closets, new blinds, itowels, rpairs to roof, 're-a1'runge- Lment of `heatin plant, also 1'e-decor- lation of interior. land wipers. : ..L, m,, ..-. .. .,.`..... i The Finance Connnitte presented! the'i1' report showing receipts since| ilust meeting 0|? $6522.02. Puymenti lo!` teachers and ofcers salaries $5,424.19. and accounts amounting to $987.72. it was movd- !by Dr. Hart and Dr. Siimpson that the Secretary oi`. this Board write to the dil'i'e1'eml _B0a1'ds of Education in the County, `asking each bourcf to send represen- tatives to :1 meeting to be held in Barrie of lhe Ontario Teachers As~ socizwion to discuss the possibility stubalizim: salanies for the vim- of 'media1.e 'i'ut.u1`e, and the discussion] of su7bjeci.s of interest to schools for the whole 01` the 1 i'0\'ince or On- tario. ; .\llNl}Hl.\'(} I V Rev. Mr. \\":i.ll;-inson, 21 111issi0n;u'_\' who has been em'plo_\-'ed in propa- Lgundu for the `western religion in` .la.pzm. and is now 1rzu'ell:`in::' in Can- adu collecting funds w.herewill1 tol (1ef1`a..\,` `l'11lu1'e ex|)e11ses of same, .;'u\'e ll \'er_v intere.slin_'.: :1ddr's.< on Jwpuni ,:1nd its people in the .\leIl10disI: E7?-l11I1'cl1 on Sunday evmling`. Your; 'Cor. was l1-annted by {L mmnory .01 z1`j p1'0mise that 1110 days will (-0-n'1o- *, when ihey shall no `xnore touch e\'er,\'1 Lmzm his 110$-~,:l)b(n`, and e\`er,\' munl his b1`0the1`.~ su_\'ing`. `Knmv the: ,Lm=d. .l'01` all slmll lmmv mn fronni \ 1 Etowels ahd wipers and better ven-V Utilation. ` `away at, the home '01 her `son, 81 .\l.~\I{(`EI.IXl<} I)ESJ.-\Rl)lNS After `:1. lingering illness or several months Marceline Desjardxins passed Sanford $1., on Th1.n'sda,V. January 5th, in her 73rd year. n-u_- .1 , , . . . __; __.,,_, .u__ :.y__._ -.- ADVANCE * H. J. Evans Geo. Vickers _ R. Malcomson _ (.3hi]d s V-V00] ..\'li1:1"s and (Hm-'1-.s' in plain and fa1u*_\' lmii in (`.a1'd1'n:.1|, .\`(-.zn'- int and Navy. -?o;;'11|z1A1' On sale now :11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 InfantsGIoves and 1VI_itts'a.t Half Plain and Fum-_\' I{11i1::md _l31'ush-(1 \-\'m:>l (H()\~'t`S in all sizes, Navy,` Blzu-l<, l3ro\-vn (two sllzulvs) zmd Whitv. 1?V\<.;'11- 1:11` (ar, an salv nm\' :11: . . . . . . . . ..38c Women s Ring'wood'Gloves at Half 1 pio=.v Fiuv ]31'itisl1 :\1'1mr<` (_`Ju1l1, .40 im-llvs \\'id(-, in B1110 I)'0'v1'l slmdt-, .s`pl('lldi(1 for l)1'cssso.s and \'VzAxi.s`i'.~`.. R0;1'l1l:1r $1.:')(). Nc>\\', at yard . . . .750 ()n|_V 15 of Ilwm, 1n21d(*nl" nv .IC11;:`- lish '\7vl01|1'-5, in mrimls s1 _\;']o mlts H1211`. :m- up in ihv 111i11Im*, I111-go <-0l]m'.~' and :1 1'v\v fur frimlm-d, la1'g'v b11 mms and l)]`i!i(Hllf.1', sizes 36, 38 and 40, m115_:'i1J;: in ][>ri(-r~ fl-oxn $`_ 2.0() to $3:').()O. Dress Goods at Half Fine "If 1m~ Silk Thread Hose with Lisle T(.)p, spliwd 1100] and too, it .s(1lom1i(1 1"1`i11_9,' lirw in. B]i1(`]\', \Vl1i1 o and ::\Indv, Si /.(`.`~' R; in 10. Im'1'n01'l_\=' $2.75. Non` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.38 BARRIE 25 Dunlop St., Ontario