_(Fptmded>1'8'51) ` Published ~ever.-5'4 :~'1`hursd.y morn- -dug` at the oice, 123 Dimlop street. Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per-Vyea1' in Canada and Great Britain, $2100 ' in United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rates on application. Morrison & McKenzie, Pwblisihers. The Standaifdaof Perfection---The Largest Range 9 ..f'9r,the Price in Canada It is not a promotion enterprise~--it is :1 going concern with a large plant, established markets and :1 successful record in the electricalYhanufacturing eld. The 8% Cumulative Preference Stock of the Engligh Electric Company of Caiaada, Limited, carrying with,it a bonus of 40% Common Stock, constitutes a sound invest- ment that will stand the test of the most thorough in- vestigation. ' -- Leader in Its Field @nadincg1mI_)c;]3enfures The Canadian Crocker-Wheeler Company, Limited, with ` its successful career, together with the organization, re- sources and long experience of the English Electric Com- pany of Great Britain, form the `vu lvtc 70}! Limited Established 1910 56 Kinst East - TORONTO Ill...-u. A Jul .. IA tun-=9 English Electric Company as` PQIIQAQ I 1VlaxiiJf2i('t111'ecl by the old reliable rm {if ' H MDDDI? R! (`D l"'!ll`I1:l'l\I'| ` Write for full particulars. A- `E SMITH j_ V - 2 E112 Barrie Ahuanrw The ~ IREAURE "Jr c'.TIcI1C,Tam`a':2'J' -vj wt Corporation I -,-J_- J Phone Aelaide 6956. `, `der res_tra.int for We n`1 omth`s.of No- vember and December pn pqna.1ty of being shot on sight. Sheep Juilliimg dogs, are a. {nuisance in any mu1'1-ici`- pallity and councils are seeking th -best meUhod's of dea`1ing.wiitlf me eV'.i1. Strong Wm~easu1'es must be taken even if offence is given. Iod, or having all dogs. declird up- I The deC3i'S:i0l'l of the Board of ex-a:m2in'ati_ons in "our Pubic Schools for promotion is not in the best in- terest of tJhe schools. In .ma.nJy of the large cen't.res where education- olnists have" made a. study of the question it i_s the concensus of o'pr .~n- ion tthat temn` ex -a'mina.t1ion~s should be eliun~ina't.ed -all togt-tther. It `has -been found that where weekly or mont`-h,1y records of the pupil's pro- gress are kept and promotvionvs made by the tleat-Jher as warranted, better pI'~o-gross is made in the year's. work. Pupils of nervous jeI11:pe1wzL- Education to re-introduce Ju~nuary I ment. dread the term ex'mminat.ions and very otvten fail, al'Ul0'1l;`. J1 their` standing throughout -the. term nmy3 `be high. The `teacher, it` properly ;qua,l~ie(l, should be the one to n1a.`ke ; promotzions as pupils _u.d\-`mice. I . gdian cenrtres would show an equal `e are not the most desirable -class of - given tlhem a`sylum-~A=1.islton Herald. ; I-t, is satzi's.-l'a0tor_\' to note that our 4 ;.De.pu-Ly Main ter of Inmiig-1~a.taio11, V1 has ,conc1.uded -a1~ran4:.:;e-1` vnrents at -rsaw, Poland, w'he1'eby| `_.we will `be ssured that. 1-he ow ofill be sign-yed. `\Ve can fare l)eH,e-1*! Poles and Russians has not ,l)ee'1lw ;lmn)py. And nei-ther Ihas 1)een limo?` : the-3! flock to the cilies where l11e_V"< ,a:1'e not. want-ed. It, is stated tlmtm iI?oles and Russians and 40.000 in:` V 'M1`. Black, I L. 7i.n1111virg1'ant-s `lirom U11-at. country villtt ' l nearer 11-omie. Our e.\~pe.rence with} Tor.` the United States. ]~`i.1'sL` of all): hhere are now in Montreal 80,0001 iTo1'ont9. P-res'mnaJl)1y other Can-' p1'o~po-vision. Yewrs ago the Unit.-ad .S tiates openedwide its games to im- !n11igra.tion of this ch'a.1'a.cte1`, and is now `sorry. for it. Here ' in South Simcoe it ban be testified 1-lmvt Uhey people to have conning into a. mun-' icigpahity, 'wlui1e ' over ~t.he vcou.nt.1-3: generally.-it. vhas been denlonstlmted that no sooner do they p1`os'pe1"'than they lay .plovt.s to ove1'Luw'n the in- s-tituniions of the cou (my which has Steel Range fsoMEiiNi:'i`:'W in FINISH; DESIGN, y1EcHAN1sn A N n FATTERN. ' " Th/e arnnounlcement that the Mer- chamts Bavnli will be absonbed by the Bank of Mroimtreal comes as a. sur- pnise to `111-any. The Merchanms Bank :is among 't1he oldest vba,n~ki~ng instxi-tumion-s in Ca-nrazda, gpening in `M-ontreal in 1861. It has always been 1"'ega`rded as one of the stnonger banks, and the hundxreds of share- holdens xyere. tvwken by surpnixse wihen Uhe president made the an- nouncemeut. It has come out Ime- ly that the bank was irrwol-ved to the extent of over $4,000,000 in ethe fa\i'lu1'e of the I`.h`oxrnston-Dav-ids-on Co.. shock brokers, or ;\I!o-mhreal. The bank has also lost heavily in bus'i-1 ness I`a.i1ure.s in WVe5te1'n C!an-adai .du1'.i.ng the past year. ' i `n_..: 11.- .~n.._.,.|.,....,. 1'3.....I. I....o ID!` I jhv 1 There is stro~n\g agi`tat.ion in '1`-0- runato and ot:h"e1' centres, to have} mun`L_c:ipa1 elections the rsl. week in December i'nst.ezu1 01` Januwry. The -holnidzw season, it. is c'1asimed, is n'ot .--:3. good time for elechion zurd I arlIia- iment- will be asked to --provde for} rthe txnnge. The rst week 11 De-;' .oe'mhm` is in many respects :1 more; suitable time and the change would} receive the .cn(1orszmsion of mos1' meople. v du1`.i.ng`ilhe` past i Wheli the i'Me1~o11anutis Bank last re- porled to the Eimvnce "Derpavrtt111enAl in October its d8[)0S`.i'I:S tort-a.l'led! $42,466,444 , _ its suav-in_gs devposiztsl {were `$89,407,882. Its motes in cir- c1r1a~t.ion totalled $].3.99~i,475; Total liabilities we1'e_gviVen as $165,185,-I F08, and iis assets were 1'e'porled_ Lo; 1ibe $185,415,494. rI\I,_ \v,.__:.A._._. 11....I. -...... i`\r\ `~:|In.| uc -p;uu,:;.u,;u . 'Dhe Me1~ch~am.s Bank was the msll bank to open in Westeqn Canada. It has now 325 _`bra,nches .t=hrough-' out Canada and has ulw-a,_\"s been a.cts'Lve tin opeming up branches wrimh Ath r1e\'e1o.pme11t of {she coun`tr_v.; `VV.h/en l.}1e'11171~geI* is completed 1he gBan-k of .\`1o1.-mx'ea1 will he "one Of; Efthe g.I'_e.n/rest `in the world. Thg; 'to`f_Ticia1s w.-i1`l `!lu_u'e under (there con-g itrol `assets ol"`$702,000,000. ` .... l~<` I...` .....:A...:5 `nun ruam.-as U1 V`I`JA4,vII;v,wru\I- i 1 The U-21'n1s whwich 1n;us be Iutsiqed gby sI1`a1'e-.h'o1ders `of both bzmlks, are: `;u.nde1~sl-ood 10 be that {L sllarehold- Ler of the :\Ie1'chants Bank will :.-uli lone share of `Bank 01' Montreal-Ii stock Em` twq s11-Mes of .\-Ten`el1anl.s{ 1Ba.n~k st-ock, `and the Bank of Mon-r i-Lreal will! pay $1,050,000 to Lhel "sh,a-re.ho1(le1's of the Me1'cl1a11t:.'i Rlyznnk. : I`.he `luiszh queslrion seems to have reached an. basahs of settlement. lre1:u1d" is to be replaced on lxhe map by the lntsh Free Stvazte. III is zto have Dominion slxwtus. Cit`!- zen-s are to swea'1' a:Lleg'i`an=ce to 1:119] lnis`h Free Srtme. the Empire zmd nhe ._K-mg. Ulste\`\ha.s a, month to dectiive w-henthar to be u no.1-.t. of t.he| Free Srwte or rexert. to 11$ present 91.111415, wuh boundaries to be decvlded by in co.ni'mi.ssi1o~n. Domh" the King .5 and the Pope _e.\1p1'ess their gmLt1mca- ` `Mon. 'l\he K-ing aon!gvalt.uLa:te d ._ Premie}' Lloyd George 711` ms suc- ` Anna One of the lahvings Iihe Liberal p&I`l`.lIy was pledged lo do wms lane} reform of the Senate. The fo%11o\\j-{ ing 1`ro:nL I-hAe Bruce Hevad soun?1`s ' like 1'efo1`11na`t:ion`alnighut : E n\_... .. ..-,. ,... .-..x.. no lsnv I ..-. \Il um. ..--9.. 'A_ nu.m4be1` of M1`. ]`ruax's support- ers in nhlis riding are slvrongly de-t sh-.ous what, the veiex-an IJi.'beral ex-i member should `have it place in Lhel Red C|11am~be1', and we underslundi some messages -hlave a,h'ead~y gone] -frornh to Mr. King 1l1'g.1in;;' that our` mownsnran be gzi-ve'n Uhe recently creamed \'acm1o_v in" the Canadiaan `House of Lords. Not;\vi.lA11s~tundin;.*,_ Mr. I 1'eston ~s recent declzm-.a.t1ion at. I<`o.1`n1'osa I-hlazt the Libevals had car-: med out their promise to re1'crm_I; uhe Senate by ia1pp0`iJ1ilf1I1'f;` at youn::;i Grit \whenever an old 'I`.o1'y dried, y`-at , . we nhvink me new Iremier n1-igmj depart from Sir VV\i|l.frid`S (-usmm] and honor 1ongev.~i;l_v of service! '1-a:t.her hha-n tmusatxing dnivou-ce suits to! , me jud.g~men`t of inexperienced`! I yotrtihs. As i-wo Semutors rmnl 099] conshit.-uiency was never bet`o're i ,. . I I... __._._ l\..-... .... .-...r...Lb l\...-\..\l- V Of all Lhe_loLs advertised as in Port. 1\I.oNviIeol, tlhereis probably not :1. single one wintlninn tlle inco_u)omted boundaries of ulmt. willa-ge. .`.on1e were uol.ually'a mile and a half out. but all were designatetl as yort Mc- Nlcol. The willvage an-thonimies would be julsbllied in a.s l\'.1in`;; the Dounly autllloniltries to place some `m.l1<:r dc- sl'_.';na.tllon mpon uhe lots o-.n..=7airle 1'1.- villa.ge l`i`]] i'tlS.lI]idl1!n`d l'~`ree I10:~:s. ...y.. ...._, ... I 5 E .\ .\1Is.\'0.m-m " r The annual ad\-'e~1'Lis`i11_:.-; 0! u Inn,-.-,'f [list o1'~lt)Is s'.ui:(1 to be in Pom, MI---' Nicol, 1'01` sale l'or-:n'1'ezn's of I:1.`u:-.<,{ is mmble to creaxte the impression tilmnl L nI:h`a1t vilalage is one 01' the deserted; h`a:m1vets o1'.t.l'1e north. As a n1aIu,-If; |of fa-ct Port MCN1-col _has one 0!` I119? llargesl. g1'ain elevators on the ;-.m- `ztinent and g1`-ai`11 is and has been povrling out of there by`I.he u'n`in loads, non, on1y.oc-czwiona`ll_v. but every day for m`ont.hs. 1.1. also has its stores. hotel. `uheaztre and: chu.rc`hes, whfrle its schools comp-ar<>` I'a\*.o1'a:bly `witJh any in the I .roviu\:-oi nu ._n n_- 1-.- .,u,__. -4 ,, .1 uuuou-..uu..uu_y vv Wu ..\.v \. Eing honor on South Bruce by |=I,heVhaJ1d-lleaaded cha.m:ber from this ;p21,r1.i-c1|12u' nnck of Hhe woods. o known. Prenncier King Inzipcm. I)1'ev21k; up old precedents and confer a lasi-' 21-D-`L lzpvtxinunz the second rept'ese.nrga'i.i\'e Io: ! READ THE .&DVi3RTlS3BIENTS. Not and Comment% I4()()K.\` LIKE A .*3I<}'l"l`l.|<}.\Il4}4\"l` .s'Ii.\`.\'|`|c- m:I`ou.\i B.~1.\'K DIERGER THE NORTHERN ADVANCE ti 'Hw wn-rid has. gone mu.-:1. Vvel I . 1 can see ul1u.I. 'I`l1e Vuennese who} `,1u'e smpposed I20 spend 111091. us!` their ;l1i:I11e mltexving l 1'on1 Lhe odd tea `sl1op I-o Hm udder d1unce'l1ulI1.-~-.p1'o-, -.l11i4bi.tion being" 1in1Ii.n1o-wn---ih:a\'e sud- ,de111_v bmken out, in a. most t.e1'r.1`c1 :I30l'sIheviki 1'e\'t)1l111I.:io1'1. These 1'00!- is1h l"ol`k 111-.1\~e even descended to Ivlrre.-.z1.lnin,2` wlindoms and to throwing`! bedding cm 0.1 hotel w1in'd`o?w-s. 111's a piity so-me red-l11eaded party from |Iul1ese shuovres doesml. happen ax]-ong 'and 1'ea\1=1y suh-ow fl1e`111 h=.0>W to rim. If any vude pevsvon co.mvmence.d hux-.l~ uing things around l.Ii'ke that in this counntmy some 111e'an-1oo-k/img cop -.wo_uIvd run h1i~111 in on a ch11_1'ge of just ret.urn1lng from Quebec. Nex-t" M-onday will be obse1'ved as a. public holiday. ]-Iy:n1ns - 121v---.-\n,-.:<=.ls from Lhe Reulnls of 4 G-lory . . . . . . . . .`.\Ion1.:omery ` 1.6----H.zu'k the Herald Angel-sl I E ....\-Vesley r.-_.~ HA I. . .n , n :.u_4-..mn ....\-Ves`1ey% , 12 0~ 0 Come K! All ye l~`u,iI1-h~t'11`l" ; E ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..O-.1lile_v} I ; Maiss 1-!y`1m1s- I 118- --It. Came Upon the M -idnir.';.l1l , Cle-ur",... ...Sea,r.s! ]1fi~---I~Iuark ! The I-leru.ld .-\nge.-rs; Silig" .. . .. ...\Vesle_\'| 117 --"I-lsurk 2 wshaa. Mean I`hbse Hanv_l_\" V'u;i'(-es . . . 2 . . .Cn.wo`od .\`nI.hems~ C~hni:s1.i-an A.\va,l\' e ! Sa.1'u\l e ur,,._ |H'l9;| I THURSDAY. DEcE=M;.rE=n 22. 1921 J r ronto. I I ` I \ T Rev. H-.u'.old I5. We]-lwo-od, B..\.,I B.D., Pa1svtox'. <- } .-IvI~m. W. G11ifm`l1s, Org-an`is~t. j Mr. \V. C. H1115, C-l1'o.i'rn1`asler`. I f :M:~s. A. W. IJa1idma.n, So-1-oi:-yt. Chri=*'va%_$9!!f**Y* A n1.he.ms -r~~_ ` ' Behold! I brihg You Good ']`ti`d-" ings" ` . . . . . . . . . . .Csluu'uhCnl'l (I1(n-.in, n IC.\'ce1s!i:s," Deo! . . .Gz1._ull .Solo~-~;\liss lame Dobsovn. ; Duel .\Iiss .\I.`C. Cheeslmm amt} .\l. J.aid'1nun. Hrzuppv Morn" . . .. . . .M Txhe Iirs.l Oh1~ist'Inus .\I0rn" I-lu~lIeluju.h Chorus" from D119! .\less1ivaIl1" . . . . . . . . . .I'I-a.n(lel ! Solo----`;\'Irs. H. J. }Ieaxt',h, 0|` 'l`0-| I (`ullior St. Metluodist. ` Dot-ember 25th, 1921 .\I01~mi~n;:,' VV'o1*s1Li1 E""``i`n`-K Worship . _ 3. I rtzh e`. .Ma:underi .. I 1-vi 'Dhere is talk of several new a:sp.i1'am's for 'muniroipa.l lwnors in Innisl. , Deputy-Reexe Maxjtin will }i-kely h a.v~ ` opposixbion. F-or Coun- cillors the name or Geo. _Arno1d. of Pa;insw=i(-k, is menni-vonedfl The old _:nem;be1's are all `seeking re-e1ecr-ion. (}|mr(-.|| .New1oh.i iTwo Things Essential! gto Your Success- 'L'l`he S(!('llI`iIl;.',` of it . mm.` THE M051` 1 Your ability (0 . _ I A School devoted tn p1'():.~;x'(=.<.s I `I :-c-pan:-e-s its Smdent.-4 for l n.~;ili(ms' I of Itespnnsibilily. ln(\`il]I|:ll lI.'~`ll'll(.'liU:' in e\'c'r_v sub- I V _|e(`.t'-, 1 Enter any day I H. A. I-llG.\'R-Y, l'llU[lU iii! THE 01.1) RIELIABLE S !/`AND AT 109 DUNLOP s'r.- somcrrs YOUR wonx. suns CLEANED AND ' 1-Imssmn .. .. $1.75 l1ememlmI' we have the only dry cleaning plant between Toronto and North Bay. A THING OF THE PAST YOU WILL THINK SO WHEN YOU SEE THE SPECIAL PRICES VVE CAN GIVE YOU ON ALE KINDS OF BUILD- ING MATERIALS, ESPECIAL- LY ON NO. ONE*'PINE LATII-I AND B.C. SHINGLES. '1\hr> ()nt;1-mo (`.o\'e1'mnr=nl has been sending ou1'civcu1ars to -l)l1lniC1i'[)i\.1 council/ int:imzLlin::: than drastic change-ys are to be made in the `CuuHcil Council sysleln next. ses-` '-:ion_. The Councils are asked to ex-1 ' uxrres./~:` their opinuions on .;:i\'.ing W0-. `same foo-t.i.n-g as men, reducing in- . c'm'porated villages that have shrunk mzen mtxnichpal 1`-ranchise. on M19, :in populatxion to poloice villages anrli nsain-,2 the assessed value as mnuc-.11 as zpopularion in decidxifm the repreen-l ~t.ntinn or :1 :n1unrici.pa1it_\-' in, theli Coun1._v Council. . , I Cleaner; Presser ver W- FIRIH HARD TIMES W. S11c(-.esso_1' to R. Ri(-hardson All Orders Receive PI'o1npt Attention Phone 936;}. Residence 34 Mary Street. Barrie Business College ` llld I IJl'II`II`\J I Bn.1-rte, Ontario` Phone 229 TEAMSTER AND CARTER ,, .... .. ,, ].VlPOR'1`}\ make ,2`00(I "vi?" From the 1`e:pox-ls of the munici- palities we note that hundreds o1' dollars are spent: annually for sheep J<;l1leg1 by dogs. 'I`o_ combat. 'l.l1e evil the xmlnioispalsily df Albion, Peel County, _is offe1'i.ng EL bounty for `each dog known as a sheep killer, `on its bwnershlp being proved. To- ronto fqwnshsip is taking the -met~h~ good position. I \ I l`ll'\'l) m 1| \'v|\ I`:-inci pal cu "l.uUS'.l.'UlJ." one box of which is sufllelent to com- pletely cure any ordinary case. This wonderful ointment` is prepared from the valuable I prescription of a noted Ivondon ear specialist, and has . perman- ently cured numerous were cases of deafness `and. noises where other expensive -` treatments had utterly failed; Every suerer should certIil_n- ly try it, for 'lts'e!cacy.la yond question. Send, for box to-day. prlce $1.00.` dress: EUS'1`0L" 00.. Bungalow. Tyler's .Green,V Godix. stone, Surrey. England. ` CIGAR STORE AND ` BILLIARD PARLOR '~ The Deafear AND HEAD NOISES GEASE , ,`, -1 .......-u-an by using the new remedy call- _ ed EUS'.l`OL." one slllnlnnt In ......., FUNERAL DIRECTOI5. Specialist in Embalming ! Owen St. - Barrie, Ont. ' PHONE 268 Alf. Hamlin E: J, v{nNE% 75 Collier St., Barrie Next Dooito Fire Hall (`I(n'.-\RH. CIG.-\RI4}'I"l`ES, T0- B.-\UC().` .\l;\VAYS ON HAND We have the most complete line 01` Smoke1"s Sundries in town Next to (In; Barrie Inn ALF. HAMLIN A fresh stock of Vllllllaktul LIIC Ulu A u: 1). .u523f a & cq.,'i'.2'3u3'.2" ,_ Your Old: Stove Taken in Exchange Also a good line of QUEBEC HEATERS, COMBINA- TION `COAL AND GAS RANGES