, - ....-.1 mlo Five roamed ronghcast cottage on Parkstreet, in good repair, lights and water. Price $1000 Frame cottage on Cumberland street, Allandale. Price $000 isix roomed bnick house on Louisa. street, all conveniences, hardwood floors downstairs, house in first- i class condition. Price ;Brick house on Burton avenue, par- lor, dining room, kitchen, sewing room, three bedrooms, summer ' kitchen, woodshed, electric lights and gas, cement floor in cellar, furnace. Price $3500 ;Six roomed frame house on Grove street, electric light and water, cement cellar, five acres of land. some apple trees and raspberry t bushes. Price $4000 5Brick house with 13 acres of land ` on Penetang street, ve bedrooms, 1 double parlor, (lining room, ` kitchen, summer kitchen, stable, : chnicken house, lights and water in house. Price $3000 .'Half a houble house on High street. I seven rooms and bath, furnace. I i electric lights and gas, rst-class state of repair, easy terms. Price $3000 Brick house on Collier street, all conveniences, newly decorated. `Prim: on-).-:nn `For additicmal list and ; apply to l `Frmne Coltmzcv nn llrmlforrl slreel. ; Six rooms. lights and water. good 1 garden. Pnice $2000 `Five raomed brick lmuse on Innis- " til street. 2; acre of land, some trees, good well, good chicken` I I 1 run, couple of small apple trees. ; Price $1350 , , , mu... ..............u ......._u_.... -.,.._,, l.'ULlVt'L Price BA RRIE, O.\"l`. I\- A'In Jllll \J.Vl'\I`A.I.y Clerk, Innisl Township` NOTICE ..,.,.._, .. A. B. Colpitts, R.R. 2, Barrie. uhn1>, 1'e:1uire.< :0 '.h0rrmghl_v entering the Ul:`UUI`2i.l BU . $2500 particulars Mrs. J. Ansley and her sistergi Mrs. J. S. Galbrai~th, of Vernon, B.C._. acre visiting in Nztpanee. right for . bu: the r supplied .a...L.. 1.1 -4-.--:uq..-`- IA? i . .I.`ag day in aid of the Children's: Shelter netted about $550.00. This` will go a long way toxvards making the children con1forLwble and happy._ Mr. R. J. Orr, ( visitor in Barrie 0' Orr is an old piom helped to build m buildings in town. "Mr. and Mrs. Earl Degeer andf children, of Collingwood, are guests of Mrs. W. Wiles. ' I R. )IcCo1'.ma.ck, ex-president of} Midland fair, was a. visitor at the? Barrie fair this week. I Miss Eleanor Greene, of Hunt-s-[ ville, visited friends here over tnhe,` week end. I 4 Mrs. N. Hamtt, Worsley street, isg visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Minnie Madden has returned` home after spending the summer in] Muskoka. Miss Gertie McMu1't.y Barrie this week. visited Milss Z. and Bhyl Hayes are visit-N ing friends in town. Mr. Vernet Beardsall is visiting his mother on Owen street. 1 ! Miss Culverweyy is visiting in, I-Iamilton. i Yorkshire Worsted Co., Limited GUESSING CONTEST 1.--(. B0\VBY. BARBIE. 3.+MRS. ELMORE \VHl'.l'E, BA R RI E. SH;\REHOLDERS-.\lR. E. (-1. HA RRIS. B:\RRlE. If the winners will ml] at the (`mnpan_v`.s ntflcc. Room 7, over lh the Bank 01' Tolmuo, they will receive of Toronto. was a: over the fair. Mr." . pioneer of Ban-.ie and J many of the tilde!` :. .A..... The Northern Advance ' sm %%EEEEEESEE5EE$%%$%%% %%$ %%$ %%%EE H 25 Per cent. Discount THE WINNERS BOOKS OF EVERY STYLE COUNTER CHECK IN THE I ! el Ed. McI\Iil`lin was under the doc- tor's care for a few days 1'ecen1Iy, s uffering from a sever co1d.. L ' I I I I ;: J Mrs. Lougheed and Mrs. 17`1eet;11mi `are attending the I.0.0.F. and Re-j ibekwh Convention in Toronto this` i week. _ ! I I 3 g r M1's. Jas. McMi1lin, S12, leaves for` ,'-her home in North Bay this week, iafter spending a month with her } family here. I l hast week's issue had a, para-"1 Egrapth headed soametihing Worth 11 `While,` which referred to a, tug-of-E1 twar between the G.T..R. shops andjl jengineers. and stated that the Sh0 }won the trophy from the engineers? `at Orillia. This was an error. The engineers won and were challenged by Uhe svhopmzen to pull last Sattur- tday. which they did, with mutual: `agreement of best two out of three" putlls. However, it was not neces-t [sary to pull more than twice. .\I` the` {engineers proved that they were the -better men. The first pull was only`-' fun for the t`at.men." who walked ;away with the--shopmen, shops and` `all. The second pull was a real one,. : lasting seven minutes, then the shop- . `t men caved in and the engineers were ` `I handed a. substantial cash prize." which was put up by the shopmen.i1 x I I t V Miss Gladys Ness has returned to! Hwmildon this week to resume her: studies in music with Madame Vel-i Mrs. C. Ward, of Toronto. is visit- ing wi'th her parenlts, Mr. and Mrs. QVI. Brown, Tifn street. _ I I M . ! l Lawson Mumberson is renewxng. gacquaintances here this week. E . , Miss Roberts, of Gna.venhu1"st, mo- i Etored to A1-landale on Wednesdmy. Miss Muvrrell Mcladden, of Hunns~ ville, '1-s visiiing Mrs. Chas. Brown. } Mrs. Archer is visiting with 4son, Charles, in Stratford. Mrs. T. Lougheed. William street. is visiting friends in Tononrto 1 Miss Mccrane szniled last ifor Ohester, England. James Evans, of Toronto, itaing Aliandale friends. I I Miss Soanlon, of Toronto, tting Mrs. L. Speaa-n. A Comglete Set of Samples I Phone 53 and we will call 2.-~.\lR.%. .\l l`}l<)|\' L'.\l. BA RRIE their pI'i'I.e.~'. Fri la y j vis- E The Shoe Man11f`aict1n'ers` .-\,ssocia_- ition of Canada has issued 21 little ,`lea.f.let giving t.heir side of t.he {price question. They say that many !pe1'.sons conltrast retail pnices for 5h.igh-.g1'ade shoes, made fmom ne ca1'f or kid leather, with the pnice` :01 country co-whides of poor quality,l wind ignore fan:-ts like the follow) ing : I . ur .. . . . .- v ` 3. Cowhides, when tanned. pro-E `lvirle side leather and side leather `boots are in 1`e.l.1`tlivel.\' sm.a;L1 de-. mzlnd. VVell xmule (lurable booms: 301' side leather are obtaninalble in: 511103! retail stores aL'modex'a1ei , ynuup-)1 ,. -1. Good q11alit_\' kid leat-`lier st.i1.l'! gcosts the shoe ma.nul`act.urers from: 2100 to 200 per cent. more than it, ma in 1914-15. High grade ca1r' lleather also costs much more than before the \v-211`. , f 5. No large profits are being made :in the boot and shoe lndl.lSl'l'y' in 3Canada. Many colnpunies are only` barely breaking even and since the .end or the war some 25 boot and! `shoe lll2lnLlf21Cllli'ilng con1panies#- zubout one 011-t of e\ ex'y seven such_ Vnompanies in CanatlzL~--hz1ve failed,` `(]l..S('0Il|lI1ll8d manumciuring, or have] :been forced into nancial reor;:an- `in-alion. I`hese facts sm'el_\' do not` -y iindiczne proteei-ing.' There mus-I be : .l1ead9d people in `frmn the guesses ` Ihis. week. . . !. Miss Vickie Strange, who is} deaching at Duntroon, spent Uhell week end at home. 1 P :l A rather striking illlustnation of `what it civilizing as well as an edu- Voating force the Sunday Schools of ;Czmada are, is to be given on Sun- >day, Sept. 25tth, this year. when `L over eighty per cent. of the Sunday ischools in Canada, including the ;Ba'ptvist, Congrgational. Methodist and Pres-byteritan denom.i.n~a:tti~ons. tiwill unite in celebmting Rally Day. tlt appears probable thwt at least 1,000,000 members and adherents of Canadian Sunday Schools will at- tend the special service to be held mha-t day. A feature of tlnis `as pro- vided for in a specially printed paro- .gl'a.m which has a.lrea.d-y been cir- culated i.n enormous qimntiities tt.h1'ough.ouIt all the Canadian schools $01` these denominations, will be `teaching a real patniot.'ism and the place of the Sunday Schools in mak- Wing our Dominion a. better country i Arrangements for this big day have `been made, by the way, by a joint Hcmnmittee made up or represent- la.lives from the Sunday School tB0a.rd of these various deno;min~a- gtions and this in itself is rzuther an iinteresting ill.ust1ia;t.ion of effective !methods of church union which are [.in operation these days. I I I . E |<`l"]}( "l`l VELY I SHOE JNDUSTHY F.~\("l`S I some m`eH_v level; Barri<>. ,i_11d.in: mzme 21.1 1 he ruir ; I THE NORTHERN ADVANCE .:....--- I .~\'l`R-lO'l`lS.\l Slllfu-lln. L seen the saga For Return you sail when the u mnin mm! for dom.,=, Ih mm the Ihoy mis \'ZlnIl,':PS. claim sn Sr-I-Iled C down sir joins frm ward frn rival of Ivl.inesin}z; superior hundred ; 1he farm Hie old 1 known a: lo have 1) Donald :1 77.. Miss Minnie Madden is spending} a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ne1-i son Snider, Toronto. l l'Hl`illllll,LZ settle-tmmt of E(len\'nle.: the l1t')SDll;lvlll'_\' 0.` the i'n.~'i-r llt('ll` .m-`- ctrttle and linrsn.-:.3 lmmtpor crops of all ltintls` ,tlt(-._\' rztiso. Yet with all tlw: tid-_ '\'2lnIl,L'F*S. t.hi.< setttlmnont can al..~:o. 5.-ntiie of tho worst t'0:t(l`s in (`:tn:ul:i.` One mile l`;tt`ttlu=1'j stromn and the Marl Creek front the mist. Looking east- t'i'm.n this point, the wm'th_v` Edenvnle can he seem, l\l.inesin}:; in t`:1ct in many \vzL;\1s :1 settlement. About trltreei yards bulnw Marl Creek, on of Mr. S. C. Ca.m'p'bell, is lthe military caun-ping groitnrl as Glengarry Lainding, said been cleared off by Col. Mac- and his regiment! of G.len- garry Highlanders while en mute to .1 T l Leaving the city or town for lhei 3 village of Angms, on t'heG. l`.R.,i ?`no1'th-\vest of Barrie, here you un-( .l l})a,d your canoes and duffel. H is; only a short, carry to the river. An- `gus is a village on the border of 35 ne setement, also on the borderj ' of \`\"}la'i is fully e.\'.pecte(l lo becomeji ak .....,.nl.... . about six miles. when you come to, the forks of the .\lad River owingi from the west. A couple of mile.=:' `sail up this vine-clad stream will: repay the trouble. especially if you` ihaxe your cannera along". There is; also good fishing in the deep pools` for piickerel and pike in the early: `part of the season. In early Seip temher trolling wi-th minnows ';.rre:1t sport. At this point so-mei -very large pike have been cmight. About two miles below Wi.llow-` Creek joints the Nottmvasagat. ow-; ing from the east. This is splenditdj water. 'I`he upper branches oi` t.hisi stream] abound with speckled tro'ut.i but it requires a veteran to get alt`-I` ter them and more than the nverz1.ge{ patience to i,`.',`hvl t'he trourhlesomej 2~.kee'ters." It was down this satreamil that brave soldiers to.rme.rl_v hrou:_';ht t their stores. A few miles up t'hei stream. on the uisim: groumt. can be} ruins of t.he old .\l-ot't:nw-i \C\_ ....v..,.. .,......_y .u-.` F0111. ! RP1lll`niI 1;`,` to the main sl1'(9a111. alum: for abovul three miles. Iiwre lnIx'sl`s into view we ne` i I A reach 't`reshet, and strzmg`e enotlgh i-t About ten miles from .~\n,:1is, you the .\la.cl\ innnn settlement. The hnusese are built along the bank of the river. Owing to the low condition of these lands, t-hey ood badly during the spxiing may appear to the traveller that the high- iest grotinrl for many miles down the` l'0nml right along the: river is to be river banks. The land is 1ins1m1pass- i ; l ed in fertility. and there are several` 1llO'llS21n(lS of acres 01' such lands ly- l in: in i'ore. that could. be ezmsily ro.=olain1ed by cutting out the rapids` lrmer down the river. That this will he done in the near flrture there is no doubt. ....v ..\.......u...-, unswu uu IIIC Ilulucl fully `the grea-les-t. military training? [ground in Canzulu, the Angus Plains. In the villzuze are good stores. at` which provisions can be secured.% Here you enuhark and glide gently} down streani I~hix`ough farm lands` and forest into the at lands. Here in ear-i_v morning or at evening: grace-I fnl deer can be seen drinking in! the river, if Uhe necesary qu-ietness_ is observed. .\l11.~:l(,1'z1Is,NhlIs_v carry-i im: foods to their homes, swim; along` quietly. The sly mink ::lides3 along the shore, and even :1 sight: of the shy 011m` nray often be oh- ltained. i Ill` you wish to study bird .life,E there is no better place to go; or if` a student. of botany, the woods will be found to abound in plant life. If you wish to see and study animal life, there is mu-ch to be seen as in almost any part of Ontario. There! lare no moose, elk or caribou, or} howling wolves. it is true; but these' are so seldom seen even by those who know their haunts and habits} that it is only a chance if they arej seen by holiday seekers. I On the Notta a .... ....._, ...y . .. N nuuul Iul \,u.uu\1 or skiff, t=h.roug'h settllement aid vir- gin forest, wt it cost less than hair! of what. it costs to spend two weeks at a f3.Shi`OD8Ab]e resort. No Itontg noI'ta.~ges, fresh food to be o*bI.waitned all along the route, good shoing for sxmal1~anout.hed black bass, no` black ies. Mvosquitos are plentiful in their season, June and part of |.h11y, but this pest is easily over~ come by an a-ppiication of sweet oil and pennyroyxal, which any chemuisti will put up in proper proportions. ! Mrs. Beaver and the Misses Beaver: of Oridlia, were guests of Mrs. McFadden 6ver the fair. I l i Once more the good old Hll'lil'lll(ll`l is here. with the joyous holiday times. Estiimrating the cost of [Hip and outfit for two week 61` n monitlh to be spent away from the but-ytle and tail of city life, the writer would ask : Have you ever thought uf lxhe Notta.w'a5a,ga valley and river for a holiday trip 1 It i-s ideal for canoe .... ..i.:o:r u........_:. __...._..__,, I By Mark llohinsun, Algonquin I'm'ki Leaving Ihe M'a.<:}(innon settle-= mm. you _:'lide along; swiflly fur: 16` owing! h on I llxnlm-r. I l J `season. splendid 'bathin;:; ;:rounds _to do so. or enjoy the `woods and lilzich 'in.g. It motor boat ` eitther ptlaee. are the sunruter excel- ne -v uuu -..\\,. people miss! T-here hotels. :1 store open in pine .g1ro\'e2=. grounds. The and waters along the shore of the bay make the nu: \ lent (':m11pinl,z.: mouth nt` Nn~ttaw21s:1;:a, River the `me.c('a. of all the picnics for nutny miles around; and :1 person can of people to mingle with. it` de..sii=in_.: quiet 0| the the birds and llSllll't_L:' for the _:zmne sinztll-ntoutlied miss at evetrin-.-; or early mom in the rivetr amd hay is :.:o0d sport. l":l'0lll the mouth ot' the river :1 per- 'son can paddles H. canoe to Coiling- l`enetan::uis.he1te; or, it` wind for canoe- will The writer has been wood there or is too much lJX(`.l'[`lN(i TIME the Mud AN VVhile hunting bees near `River in the Black Ash Sxvaniip. Wil- ttred all ` `noise in the bushes and :1 tu.l\v`zuys depend upon tinding a crowd` flowers. ' Ro.~e`rs=. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rmzers, of Stmntdale. had an exciting time with a bear and her ctrh. While passing tl1i'ou;L3.`l1 PL lonely place he was alarmed by a. large she bear stood up and showed signs of glit. l~`ortun:ttel_\' Wilfred was catrryin_: a sporting rifle and :1 well direoted shot, hi`0ll}.'lIl bruin to the ground. l\ nowin_g_-' the trick ot' the bear t'amil_\' \Vilt`red kept the hem- teoverotl and approached ('21re.t ully to f-feet. take you tol nd his shot had proved t"a.t=a.l. Just. then :1 011-1) sprang from the bushes and climbed up a tree about tthirtv A shot brought it to the g;ro~und but. it managed to get away and made its escape. Wtltred shin- ned the bear and` made ~t'or the . . . t many times, and has zLlwu._\"s cons1d- elem-ance, 'Dhe lad was mane at the o\jer the river portion of the trip ered it an ideal t.rip lhtatl manwy could take and tlmroughly enjoy I time, but he is a crack shot and be- ing 21 good sport expressed the desire Who Bligh? nd it 11 hY'1Shi'D 10 take to meet. the rest of bruin s fa.-mily in a. more extended or rougher one. the near futture.---Stayner Sun. Motor boats and row-boats are? very much in evidence. Canoes are` seldom used. evidently bei`n;.: re-. garded as very clztngerous. But what pleasure and excitement these three ihoteis. excel-, lent ne` bathing all` River jIi)( C('i1. of 1112111)`; :1 can` iin(iin:: fdown stream. A short (lishance ldiown. on the left hank from the last ` 'r:ipid, is 21 ne spring stlrezmi. `known amom: the old-titners as the Little Bridges Creek. There are jsplendid roads from this point to, `the village of S~t-.i,\'ner. .-\ mile fur- tther and you reach the hatnvlet oi`: vO`z1kvie\\'. consistxin;,-' of 21 Illllll-bed` of ]S`ll`l1llllE`I' cotmges, wnere the resi- wlents of ne_:hborin_2 towns spend a holiday r.lurin;.:; the su=mn1er season. lro.m this point :1 poiitzme oi halt` a, rnile will take you to the Georgian` :B:i.y and one or the finest bZllhlIL`.`,' jheaches in .v\me1'ica; or you can t'ol- `low the river. w.hion turns n_orth {east and ows into the bay E1l`)0`]-1: `three miles east of Oziltview. Downy .this last stretch of river you will `pass an old liisnoric ba.t.tle-;.:round,` `where Canadians repelled the in-: grader one hundred _ve-are ago. On, `the right bank of the river can be fseen the graves marked with piles :of small stones. A few years ago a Eco-uple ot` axe-men, felling 21 pine tree near this spot. found a. round .shot inirbedded in the t.ree, evident-5 ily one of inany discharged fnonn, : the guns of the vessel captured and: istinit in the l'l\ I?.l` by the Camuljami ` defenders. l l t l 1 Front this .<-trezmi to the ll101l1_h: Int` t.he viver is through a r0u;.rh sand plain covered with young t`orest.5 iwhere wild small fruits abound. iT\v0 miles down stream) you t'each_ L -the last of the rapids, passing the: gold Indian burying wound on the ;right bank of the ::-ver as you _9;of irupid, . ,._,,,__ ,_ .u,, ,1. . > ... \dl\/`Nil .. nu, .. ..: nu -nu. u`y:u5, `to sh. Leaving Jacques Lake you; gstrike a rapid, and a mile t`art.~heri reach the Rapidts. wi't.h fa,1tmin;;; lands on the left bank and sandi "hills on the right. covered with `ne growth of _v0um:, timber of var-' tious kinds. The rzrpids are just! `SW1-lftt, enough and rough enough to; `be interesting, and yet not. danger-1 ious to those who know how to. ihandrle a canoe in ordinary wa-ters. `it is in these rapids that the best. ibass shing is to be had at early mom or evening. In the eddies the bass will rise to a fly or take the minnow. green frog or small mouse,` ;better than I have ever had them, :in more popular shing resorts: ;Atbo.u't half wa-_v down the ra.pids.f ?Sil\'erth01`n Creek enters from the` isouth. This was i`mtmerly :1 grand jstreanni for trout. but alas! the sh iliogz did his work, and but few are` $10 be taken now. Lhv relief of forts; on the (`:1'(-`amt! Luke-r~'. Frmn the Mnt-.KAnnrm set-I -Mr. and Mrs. Brock and M1`. and} Mrs. Thurlow, Fergusonvale, visited; Miss Swan, McDona.ld snreet. ; X set-! vllmm-.m to Etlonvalv the banks of! V I | the rive-r are cuvwe-(I with vim-L` ulvml Iwvs mm :3. rank growth nI` _, e,-......-. -. ...- ...,. .. _! This new c.arb1n'eto1' is doing this ];:=.0 satisfactorily on all makes of jfcars that it is being sold on a 30 , day trial. with zt positive money iback guarantee if the buyer does Dinot get the results claimed. For 3 full particulars -apply to I Y) lnl..lo4.-. , .-............ ..v.. v.. lll\4 nu.-.u. ` The old mixers were all 1' _` xhe old high test gasoline. 1 low grade stuff that is now : 9 to auto owners and which sfthe gasoline of the l'uhm>, 1 :a different instrument `ho ggvaporize it before enteri igcyclinder of the motor. n-1.2.. _,.--. .\,...\.......A.... :. .1- `their _ `carbureim` that has been especiziilw 34 MILES ON A G.~\LLOl\T (.`.\.`_~`()l.l.\'l'} Some owners of Words claim to be getting as high as 38 and 40 miles on a gallon oi` gasoline, by equippini: cars with a wondt.~1'ful new on` designed for use with the low grade gasoline now on the ninrket. nu... -1.) _......_ ...-.._ ,n 'f that any person who 7his land will be prejudicially affect- `ed by the said By-law must apply ,to be heard at IUClUUI', .`\..lJ., 12151. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE claims that the said meeting; either in person or by his Counsel. lsolicitor, or Agent, and in the event to do -his rights in his absenre. this of his failure so may be dealt with DATED at Stroud, Ontario, 31st day of August. A.D.. 1921. R. M. .\Ic(70l\'KE1'. (VI IICIIF `lnniml 'I`nu-nah In. `Phone 6]2r41. N()'|`I("E A 111e-tin}: 01` the Ltl)e1'al Con- _se1'\'ative Association of the Town- `ship of Innisl will he held in the `Orange Hall. Churchill. on l~`rida_\', Sept. 23rd, at 7.30 p.m.. for the purpose of selecting delegates to at- tend the South Simcoe Con.~:erva.Li\'e Association Convention uo be held `at Cookstown on Sept. 28th. A full attendance, is requested. W . IS. Slmul. I :-es. llmistil l..('..-L TAKE NOTICE that the ;\lunic1'- =pa.1 Council of the Township of Ilnnisl proposes to pass a By-lu.w closing all the sweets and lanes, al~ so Block A, as shown on a plan led in the Registrv Ofce for (me Regis- try Divisinn of the County of Sim- coe as No. 607, and that the said `Coi1nci1 will deal with said By-law at its meeting on the 3rd (lay of _October, A.D., 1921. AND WTTDTWWD T`AI(T:`. T\TW`IFI7' M. n. cuhitt-Nichols Properties for Sale a Mr. and Mrs. Day, of North Ba.y,l are visitors at the home of Mn`. and: Mrs. C-a-xtpen-ter, Owen street.