Miss Jean Craiz. of Turonm. spent , the holiday with her frientl, .\Ir.<.' Go.-0. Brown, J.ouisa st)-em. Suits that were - $45.00 Our Sale Price was $29.75 ' Elf . 3`? 3f $25.00 I z1rIi(-.ulnr.` View 01' the fact, I all rural li.slriL'ls._ TIIIC l'I.\'l'.` AGAIN WE APOLIGIZE BARRIFS BHEATELCLBTHING SALE Hm Cr taken. l'.\I IQl{.\'l'()R.~'a' I'.\ Y Ihau lllc-_\' l-`or r-\'m'_\' numv Ilw -mum-ranm` p1;1(`0.< nn his roll llv will r,-m-i\~- F. cenls. Pm` x`n:l.\'Im'i1):.- l :u`m.< undo-1' tin;-. acn-.~'. I\\' 1-:--nls will ho- paid. and lllirty wms mr l'.'ll`llI.`<` over this. Stock not on 1'-.u~m.s' is In he reg.:istm'e and 1'01` this Ilmraa will be it fee of Ion cents. H` at 1191-5011; livirrg in :1 residential section keeps` fowl or any animals. they are 10 lwz` registered. Expenses of $4.50 per` 100 names on population is allox -; ed. For enrolling the name of de. fectfves there is an extra fee of two cents, and also four cents for busi-E Suits I - We are here to stay. We are not here to-day and gone to-morrow. We guaran- tee everything we sell. Money back for any cause. -. Duplicate these Values and _ I` I , ___ family have , where they xv h ich 104 Dunlop Street EIDDILVV .110: and l)mmi~'h ('()llH*.~'~ frrmi Ihv ('.il_\' of `Imniascus in Asia .\linm-. ` ` Volvel is Jmm tlw l1u.li:m ward. '\'ellute," which mezlns woolly. ` ' l31z1nkaI was named a.i'ier 'l`honms=' Blanket. :1 famous ciothie-r, who mad] `much to do with the inI.x*oduc1ions [of woollens into England in. the `middle of the foui-tee-nth cenitury. u n-znmv 1':lInuu.~' in 1114- In j Calico is from ('::li('m, India om-0 I';unun.< fur 1 cloth. l}z1;.'d:ul. and also _,.V .....,`.-... .....,. ..\,s,... Mrs. .\Iur_v Youn.-J. C0]]in_;\v00d,q `_:mn0m1ces Ihe en,L'a;,'en1em, 01' heri (Izu1r_'hte1'. .\I:u'_v Belle, to .\II'. Ruben; .\ddi. }lenr_v, 13..-\..\?c., son of the` `late .I:m1es A1e.\'an(Io:-r H'nr_\' and :.\h's. .\:.'nes Henry. llurrie, 113:2 nmr-`T Mr. and Mrs. .}-`. _\I0nI~_'mm>r_\', 01` C1um)er!m1 street, also the la.ne1"s; =:~:is1o=r, are moving to 1.a.,vdsxnit.h,i B.C.. 10 be wixh zheir sun, Dr.4 ......, .v .,. ...... mu... uuu, _\lo11I_;u)x11e1`,\'. and Iheir houss `vi-1'i'EClS were shipped this week. \I.... \r.. \v-.._,_ n,n:_. (.`:1.~mhriv Brown ...,., . . \ . .._-. .-....u,, u... lake place quietly Hie `III-\:< L (lb-1'i\`-d ..\... ....., um, householdj IS IN FULL SWING MR. F ARMER, the price of your produce is clown---butter, eggs, and other things you have to sell. We are going to meet you half way. We are going to cut our prices still lower, so that the money you get for your produce will have a bigger pur- chasing power at our store. Mr. 3. +2. 1 u1'kh0uso:_ ur (;nXlin;;-ii wood Collmcizne staff, and Miss`: 1 Eunice Parkhouso, who is a.1,teudin;; McDonald College. Guelph, wozru r visitimz. th<>ir1m)1}1or on Owen sI.rm-I :' for a fmv (lays. 1' um (`mnhm ,\1u.~'ul. Spring-Fall O Coats Coats that were - $45.00 Our`Sale Price was $24.90 fT.,'; '. 3? `3. \_$l6.00 mid- '|`lw ummr trip {rum llurrie In ;lIu.\'In.hIo'.< tishim: 1'0. at uh- nhl-li:m'- mill pnnrl is u |11P|11<)I`:1~l)l (mo in` you _-40 by way of Camp` `llortlvn, \vhi(-h few unmnpl. but to, the owner of the 1`eser\'e who knows: N the location of every boulder on the; 'ma.d and the mgvriads of twists :md< !t1n'x1.~'., such a route has no terrors. jzmd hence me journey has added` l [enjoyment for his guests. Ilu-.-cx \\'m1dr-rl'nl n-.mn'ul po\\'-rs 01 ])nI'f(-.rin Hr-. ulm -o\'<-vpIin_;'Il1u1 us!-:1 for mill {rows in 1119 dislnc-4. In YA Fishing Trip to Horning s Mills 1 .\luy 1s: the opening season z'o1'; :1roul- l xs11in_;, but, to me a\'eru,:e _man the time Cannot be :~:pa1'ed to: '_:;o a-. Lhm day, so he I1Hl>'I lwait. the first. 1'l:`21] ho]i4ia.\`. which; ICOHICS on .\m_\' 2~Hh. , 111 the township of .\lulmu1`. aboux l 35 miles fruln Barrie, is 10 be found jthese waters at some 01' 1ln:- lll)PSl brook lI`()lll sweains in HM? world. the, ;.:m=sts 01' Reeve T. R. H.uxt.ablva=, 01'} Barrie. a party of friends on Il)(-E holiday enjoyed some line angling on ' Hornin-._:`s Mills, ax.` 1pI'eIl_\' linle village m:-.~:-I.led close to? `me banks 01' the Pine River. trout. in .... .1. .4. Thei the-Se pri\'a,te streanis arei __ _, . I .,. ,. . Mr. and Mrs. W`. J. .\icI\Iu1ms am- nounce the engagenwm or Ihuir only daughter, .\Iar;zaref .\lu`rwl, 1:; .\Ir. C-iH)m'! John .\If!;\I'IhllI'. nnl_\' sun of Mr. and .\lr.~<. Donald .\Ic.v\rIhur, READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. to many customers whom we could not serve on Saturday last. Our store is small and our. stock large, so we have not the floor space to enlarge our staff of salesmen. nsv Iwvoc-- Q\r urn--J ---v-w- we refund your` money. . ,...,., nu than they are g(Hin_L from the 11{(lr0. Now nth-.1-I'n1 n-.41..-..l REMEMBER : THE NORTHERN ADVANCE -. ulnmsx id}:- millim: pur- 5 ] f,` ,1 ,. l V. I. I i ': than tl-ai-1-yiuy.-'. Th-ere is probably no hrunc-h of -agricul.tti.r.e in which Canada. 111115 :made more progress in recent .\'e-111'-*1 .\n opportunity wil.l be utlortled next _\'ea.r to let. Efor in the summer is to be held at 5Cltica_;`o. lll.. the Seventh lnter- ,n:tLionz1l Dairy Congress, at whic.h there will be present ofl"1ciall_v ap- pointed representatives from to ti1'rt_\' (lit`t'erent countries. sixth C0l`I;.(-TESS. izerland, in 1914. ;\lr. J. A. Ruddiclt, Dmnini0n Dairy and Cold Stomge iCommissi0ner, wars Canada's repre- lsenta.-tive,ai11ot1g 2. total of 800 :(lele_g`utes representing twenty-nine icountries or st.-ateos. The c0ngt'esses |:1re 0r:.ra.ni7:-Cd under the zrttspices oi` {the lnternational Dairy -1-edel'1l;I.i0ll. !m` which any person interested l I I I I .\t tohe dairyinpz, corporation or association can become 2. memtber oxrpayinent of the annual fee. which mt present is twenty francs. Papers are read at the congresses and the reports are `published in English, French and itwo other lztnguages. Already Mu`. :Rll(l(ll(`l\' is engaged, by :1uttl1orit_v of 3the Dominion Minister of . \;.;ricul- ture, in preparing for 'Cu.na.da's representzttion at. next. yea.r's con- '::ress in Cliicarzo. and 8. c.ommi is heim: formed on which the ll`:1(lS of the (lztiry brzmch in `every prov- ince will he invited to net. This coinmimee will at'ran;:e for the ques- tnns to he tliscusse-(1 and the papers 110 he rem] as t`:1.r as Cattzulzt is con- cerned. A tmtnphlet, will also {he prepan-(l and distril)ute(l :tnmn_: the ](lele;:ates (lescript.ive of the ll`I(l1lFll`}' in this uottnttry. It is t'wr- tlwr propo.~t-tl to t=. in r'tmne('- tinn with ini`nrm:ttim1 at wliivh f:i(`l.~`. will he set forth i'e::u'tlim.: not only (lztir.\'in_-.:, ln Cuinntln, hut ;I_:ricultt1re- ',':t`llt`t'illl_\' and the tt1z1nttl'a(`ttti'(-s nnd resotII'ce.~; or the c-ountry. In addition. leaflets` will he (-.irct1lnt<>(l stiggesting itim-r-` `uric-.~`. for (l9lP_'.."illPS who Jnight like to `\i.~;it Cunmla before i retn rning lioine. ` thirty- held in Heme. Swit-' in} f niztde 3 (lepa,1'Inten.t i . tentions yions of the diu i ry i the (`<)ni;;n-ss ll hurvnu of; ` mettle til i lnS (`mi_ie'turc.< t on the (I the` 1 world know how far this is the Casey \\'hz1t em mom's bill . mu:;istra<:y courts in Si . l)ein:.-' disc-.u.= l'h(,"]-e there this bill W the late see ithe ma_a'istr police court .mce will at .of ofce wh `new bill cor they lm.\'e t one of the to he establ status as pc }the new or |ince. is to l 5 each of whi gby it. magist that district ;exist.im:; lllg! { to funotirin 'l`het'e is 11 Barrie and udivision of : !tricts. The: ::1'b1,\' nnvt.hin_: ;sin<-.9 nu an ` from in: em, s e\*on lllil-}.{lS'l ravt es outed ut Ilztr t:t11:_-ttislit-tie. tnrizt. HEIl'l)Ol (l(~'.l' the new be tlivitletl it (`tailor-i\':ilile t the lll()ll_L'.h| in Ci outlier mttlntio punts of Si-inc portion of Roi :1. (`0lll])d("l (ii , Hy. (`veil last week sold his fnr1n.9 ; formely lmown as The .\Iort0nj [l~`arm," south of Alland-ale, `Io Ale.\'.u .\LcDougall and Wm. 'l`racy of Bar: frie for $15,000. I IN l`lGl.\'.~\'l`l().\' ;\ I. Miss Lime of Ihe (2. 1:. sniith. nnder1akin,'.: establishment, spknt a`. few days at her home in SI:1_vno>r. , Mrs. \V. .\l01'le_\' has i'e.Iurmd I0: 'l`o1'onx0 after :1 week or two in. town owing I0 the (188.11) ofiier father, John \Vea,vn1outh. 11.. IV us u,..u.u.,._. p 1. n- 3 Doors East of Barrie Inn READ Bros. THE ADVER'I`ISE.\IEN l`S. Suits that were - $19.00 Our Sale Price was $12.50 ;E,'::Y_ gt '3". - $9.50 ]).~\lI{Y (`().\'(iR|'Ih'.\' Boys Suits erfecxt the Ontario Govern-y esla {L pro\'~incial: .mugisI1'acy will 'hu\'e in the petty tcourts Simcoe county is just nowi discussed in most of the towns 1\\'l1e.re Ihere is e1 police ('.0111't. By: "this `v\'l1l(',`ll wals pussecl (llll'l11.'.:: session 01` the le_L,-'isl:11nre' n1a_::'ist1`aIes vhol(li~n;2 s\\-`u over apolice courts I.ln'0u::hout the prob; :mce a.11toma,Iic:1l'1,\' he re1ie\'edE ,of ofce when the lprovlision-s of Iwhel ..,.... LII! .\,`._... ._.l.. ,4 A _...x .._.1,,.,. 1 New Magistrates I in Sinlqigg County I hy the .'\i.~'l_nlI (Run-r|Inlcnl`.< New Heralld Hill. about I0 lw ressil)le hy rail in winter without go- ld in: all the wa_\' down to Bolton. lt` ' this grouping is bein:.,-' considered it. will scarcely be carried out and it (it is the _`.."()\ `l'lllllenl nt~a_v not find ' it. easy to find a man who will an- ]:(-ept the u1a:.-istruC,v in suc.h a dis- '-`trict. Who the t1tz1gistt'z1tes will be `wt! when the new law becomes opera- 5i live only conjecture. but it is he- 3~" 5 in;: rumored that .\lajot' Brunton, (I. 1-'~ ..\. Rade.nIltu1`st and (I. H. Clarke- 9 who have splendid records on the Pribench. can have appointments it `ttzhey will take them. VV. A. Hot.-,'g, {of Collingwood. is tnenttionetl. but it lstated that the is a~\'e1'se `('0 gain: outside of Collingwood and so would not be available. Victoria: .Ha.rbor `-"and Port .\lc\ icoll would almost. rc:-_ i1'i quire t.he.cnti-re ll'llle of one nta~gis- 91% ti-ate between them.` Police courts "g in these towns have a grea:t deal of {business due chiefly to the i`orei~gn 9"telen1ent in these places. When the 31`; new provincial ma5.ttstrac,\' cont- I tnences to function ma.y.ors of towns `eiand rcm'r>s of villages will cease to `~f be ex-ofoio chief tua_t:istrates of the in , towns in which they Ihold ofllce. The 191 title will still be theirs, but. t.hey gwill have few count duties. It is not 3-fclear whether they will be qualied. S. to hold preliminat-_v .bearin'{.;s, but: 11, this duty will probably be assigned them. .\ prisoner can thus be re 1-; ntandetl till the arrival oi` the -dis- S-iv tirict tnagistrate. I)et'e.udtantts called .=-' to court by summons will not be 9'` Sll`l'I_iP('.l to appear before any ot)hei-- t- ` than the duly constituted ntagistrate. '- JV()llllll_LL' .ht?'stbee11 s-tailed in the act. '- _` l`P:.'.'1ll'(llll;.' justices of the peace with ~ which the province swarms. l'n(ler- 1 the provincial llllLL'lSll':1(`_\' there will him no further need for these lay jll(lf_'l`S and t'urther than their use- < fulness in taking allidavits they will I` bet-.onie sutterilttotts. it is probable = that mt one fell stroke Mr. Raney ywill cancel most of the commissions '1 of the peace Llll`()1l'l._ .'ll0llI, the ptro\'- ince. The new provincial magistracy iwill be accompanied by a greatly en- "I`ill',G(l pmvivncial police force. Each I |lllLL`{iSl.l'lill district will probably -have one or more of these officers whose duties will be to see `that in- fractions of the laws of the land are lduly dealt with in the courts and t.o assist the dishrict magistra,tes`in the. ztdminist ration of justice. ts }in`gw0o(l, .-Ulislon, B_`eIun. 'l`uIIen- hum, 01':1x1_g`e\'i1le2111(l Shelhurne. ghm. this is surely a Jnistulu: :since the Dul'l`e1`in towns are not -ac- Mrs. Alex. Rrnwn has returned` from a short visix xo IT-lLLli\'PS in Old Enzluxld. Mrs. \\'. _\. Boys and fa returned from Toronto. 1.: spent Ihe winter months. Rev. C. S. .\pplc=;;uIh guest 01 relatives lxere, .1:-5. Wuner Sarjeant. lust