STEWART & STEWART, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loani in any sums at 5 per cent. 0ice,, 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. I 104;..15 25;...` i `Monday, May 30. There will be af- 1 ternoon and evening sessions, begin- lning at 2 and 7.30 o c1ock respec- tively. W1`. VV. M. Morris, of Orange- iville, will be present. The progrznni `will include discussions on consoli-i Eyestrain is the most widely sp:'ea.d of all eye disorders. Its effeots are further reaching and more disastrous than all othm` im'n1.=. of eye trovuble combined. ' To neglect .to.wea,1` proper glasses is to court sure, certain and probably terrible disaster in the future. By procuring` _21-asses here which will at once relieve your eyestrain this danger will be !`(`!11OV'6(1. Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto. 99 Dunlop Street. Barrie. Phor \Vur\:n-uw-u-an E2:1NDl GESTIONI MADE BY SCOT`! G I.-own: mxxsns or _ 0 O SCOTT'S EMULSION 14 Dissolve inn:-...,` 7" tongue or in water-hot or cold: do -._`~'I have to crush. ---;~-- ---nu u-I-an Barrie Veterinary I-Iospitalv and Kennels 48-50 Bayeld St.. Barrie (Formeriy \'e.:.pra Hotel) vvs. nu v... . "'<`2CucI< REUEF! 0: LR: RUK %.9P:AD' We grind the glasses to t your individual needs. You select the moun-tings to t your individual tastes. uzjtjz (GRANULES) -._-auu~-.:-In With 2 Minimum Charge of 50c Eye-Strain ! lit!`/e_ Special attention given to small' unintnls dated schools, township school boards. and other live topics. N01, only school trustees, `but all ra.t.e- interested in educational af- lfairs will be welcomed to these ses- BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS All latest designs in Caskets kept in stock, including Grave Vaults and Oak Shells. Night : `V ` Brown t and any calls. Phone 481 1. NHNNIKIN, Proprietor L NEILLY. Fun. Director and Embalmer. Phone 346 }`%zc1'aqe" Vrnorzsslolw. CARlJi Phone 143. Barrie Planing Mill `THOS. ROGER UIllZ1.l'lU- VV. :1. D. C. Murchison. `r. A. RADENHURST. BARRIS-, ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. etc.5. Olce, 1st oor Masonic Temple` Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. ` All ki?xT of dressed lumber, oor- ing. ceiling, oak ooring, moulding and trim, B.C. shingles, rough lum- ber and joisting on hand. Dressing: and all orders receive prompt atten-i )R. H. T.` ARNALL, OFFICE; and residence corner of Toronto? and Elizabeth streets. (Opposite; Elizabeth St. Methodist church.) Telephone 167. . I U011. `r. G. SHIT}-I 6: CO., PHONE 32.3 Established 1869. U-ndenakers.E Open day and night. Morgue andi chapel in connection. Barrie,1 Ontario. ALEXANDER COWAN. SUCCES-`l 501' to Lennox, Cowan & Brown,| Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining} probate of will, guardianship and} administration, and General Soli-5 citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc.| Money to Ioan. Oices: Hinds: Block. No. 8 Dnnlop street. The Deaf Hear bv u.-in:_' the new l`tlllL`(I_V cull- mu ~-wr<'rnl _" mm Inn` of CAPT. my ll.\lII:_' llllt` urn ntnun--_v \(|II- (`ll El.'.\f'['()l.." one Inn which is sumcic-nt tn (`onl- plololy (`um any m-dJ'n;n'_\' case. This \\'uml0rl'ul uintmom. is propzu-ml from the \':|lu:Ihlo pm-.~c|-iplinn uf :\ nutcd l:Oll(|()ll em` .N`[l('(`iZl.\(. and ham perIn:1n- (-ntl_v curml nlllnorulls st-\'(.-re ruugnu .-n` do-nflwss and head cntly cm-(-ml numerous >1-xcm (`:l.~;e.~: m` .k*a\l'lI('ss and x\n:.s-s wllere uthx-1' o\'pon.~`ive h'cul|m*nt:~s haul mtcrly failed. I~I\'er_\' .~uIYm-or should curtain- Lv try it. fur its 9l-:u'y is he- _\`uml qm-inn. send for 11 lm\' In-lay. price $1.00. .\1l- -lw-.~'.~: "l:2l`.\"l`U|. (`n.. 'l`|Ie l n|lIu.-,:\1n\v. ylul-'.- (ireen, (Sod- stone. Sun--_\`, I-Im;lum|. AND HEAD .\'0l.'\`|-IS (`EASE l'.\'Dl-IRTA KERS ` J. DUNN. V.S., MEDICAL .\I1'!3'IC.-\L I CRESWICKB .9; BELL. BARRIS-I ters. Solicitors 01' the Snpremei Court of Judricature of Ontario.1' Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Ofce, Ross` Block. Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, KC. ` Phone 8 11 PROP. "'| in: die, can ice, , ES- wn, ing and oli- etc. nds '.IS- 21118 rio. ers, .oss` LC. '.IS- ' ' of ,ey_ mic ney The call from the Presvbyterian congregations of Cookstown, Brad- en s and Nicolston to Rev. W. H. Bartlette, of King, which received the sanction of Presbytery at 3. meeting held in Barrie last week, is met by great approval by the Cookstown and Bradford people. Induction will take place at Cooks- `town on the 31st. inst. Rev. E. F. `i\IcL. Smith will preside, Rev. Mr. !;\Icl-`aul. of 'I`ottenham, will preach, Rev. Mr. Shepherd, of Angus, will raddress the minister-and Rev. R.` 91-I . Somerville, of Thornton, will ad-i dress the people. Mr. Bartlettei `goes to Cookstown with splendid} 'credenti-.113. He is a young man, a? gr-a(lua.te of Toronto university and` the theological college in Saskatch-g ewan. For three years he was min- ister at Drumheller, Alberta, and `;met with much success there, but`: 'had to quit on account of ill liealth. 'Coming east. he accepted the pastorw? `ate at King. t NOTICE is hereby gtven pur.~:uant` `to the Trustee ;\ct. Ctapter ]21,`1 Revised Stzuutes of Ontario, ])1~t,~'v and Amendivng Acts. that all persons having claims agz1ins't. the estate 01'; =the add Dunban Barn who dmd on . 3 or about the Sixteenth day of .\Ia,rch, 3-` 1921. are required to send by post gprepaid or deliver to Boys & .\Iur-~ 3chison, Barrio. Soh`oitors for the .~\tl- ; tnhshmJon on or hehne the Mhxt 'tday of June,]921.theh'nnum5 andi iaddre-sses and a full st.aten1en-t of '?parUcuJars of their clahns and the` lnature of the securMy.if any, held, bythennthy veed,nnd aherthe `swid date t.he Administra.t0r wi1lL proceed to (Hstnibute the assets of: g7the said deceased union: the pnres` ;_en1h1ed thereto, having regard only` dito the clahns of wtnch he shun then: .-,` have had notice. 'i ` h\'l"1'.`h ..c `|`qm-in thiq 22rd nv nf vlvunn uu gu-.-._n....J \lL .... ..`,t..., ...I St. Paul's church. The proceedingsf commenced at two o'clock with the! ordination of the new minister, when athe interim m.oderzLto1', Rev. K.` McLean. presided. The inductionl followed, when Rev. Neil Campbell,` i i iot Oro. addressed the people. Rev`; u..\ . .- v- u u,u,._.__.n .1.` .-,..v..\.., ....`..- ZV ..-.- ..-.... -__ of Davidson, 0-f Lisle, tuldressed the` h1iniste1' zmil Rev. Wolen preaclted` `the induction sermon. .-\t the close; `of the ceremony n rer':ep.tio11 to Rev.[ -and Mrs. )Ic.\l-.thon. whose I1l:1l`I`i(1gei| ;took place on Vvednesday. May 5th,; `was held in the Sons of Scor.land5` hall. At the inductton the con.-:,re-5 gatirms of the different (-hut-<=he.=:= Iirathered tog'et.he1'. The induction: of Rev. J. Mc- Mahon, 13..-\.. imo Hie Presbyterian !charge of Duntroon, West Church land NoIt.awa. took place :11. Dun- {Lronn on Thursday of last -week, in -1, rnx._ _ _ A . . ...1 . _ . _ ... u. ,1. .u,,,,_ `L In the hunter or the Estate of Dun-` ram Ban-r, late of the 'l`mmship 0|" .\ledonte, in the (`mainly of Sim<'0e. I':u-mer, ulecensecl. :` 9 I `nave mm nouce. DATED at Barr-ie this 3rd la .\Ia,V, 1921. `Rm-< & )l|n-chisun `Small I`1';u11(=. 1101150 on John :~'n'eet,i : wth large lot. $10001` ' R0u;.';hcu.sL house on Louisa street,` ` good g'2l.I'(i>.I`l, small lawn, pan'lou'. ; .2 diiniwng-room, kitchen, three bed- ,1 rooms and bu-tm'ooni, electric` ` lights. $32001 E -n........ ...........l .-nnuhnn;-0 Ehnnco nmi STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS-I iers, Solicitors in High Court of? Justice, Notaries Public. Convey-; ancers. Ofce, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money`- to loan at lowest current rates. G.. H. Esten. , Jlsllln -.--,--v `Seven roomed 1'oi1;;}, Ihouse oinfe 1 Blake street, summer kitchen and 1 1` good cellar, staxhle, chicken house, (0 drive shed, 3 acre of land. pig`t pen, oven'lookirng bay. $l>l50|t gwck house on Louisa. svireet, alilic i `-*onven*ie.nces, in 1"') .1'epuiIr, parlor. (lining-room, kitchen, -hall, . three bedrooms and hat.h1'oom,`| ' rnrmuce, hardwootl oors, ,r::1.1'deJn;I i and small lawn. $3500` `Half A double h1'ick house on` High s1i`t>(-f. all rzonveniances. four rooms on first How`, \i.h1'ee bed- rooms and haihrooin on second floor, l'1n'I1:1c9. e10(_`lI`i(`. light, and` gas. sinull lawn. Bus-y pay-:_ menis. $3000 1 gal->. nulun 1(I.\v1A. :1.-.u_; 1...`. L { I~`im= Brivk house on Bx'ad!`01`d 51 x`ee.t,`. three hedmaom.<., b.UH'OO1\1, sewn in: room, sun `1-oom. mm-Io.r, din- i~n;:-monl mm] kitchen, pa-mry, hall` and mom] cellzm`, ftlrnace. electric? lit.-ms and wnI.e1'. 11m-dwood oors` 2111 IhI`0llL'h. good room in attic, L_-`nnd size lawn and \'m':1ndzLh. s:: zxm INDL CTiON .-\ l` C0Ol{S'I`O\V.\' Houses for Sale Hl`l'{L'(` X'0(.|H| 1l[).".IilH.V, ACE uuu. cunt :arn,'._:e. large \'er:1nda.h. .,:5000: Cm:-urge at Big Bay Point, threei he-d1'ooms. living: room. dining-; room and knchen, size 21x34, 101? 82..`_..\]T5. szundy beach. $1500` `CuHzL,ue`ons.011-Ih side of lake, 5 bedrooms, living room. dining- room and kitchen, all fumished. `gm. 0. Cuhitbt-Nichols} lNDl ("l`l()I\' ;\ l' Dl".\"l`l}()0.\' Sl'.\l.\l|-El`. (`,0',l"l.`.\(:l~}.s` l~`0|`. S.-\].|G .\`mnmm' Cu-Hague in Inmstil, 10L 5fJ.\' -. 200, ve rooms downstairs, one 1:u'::e romn ups1:1ix'.<, ice house and CuII`d}."' dining-; 42..`_..\]T5. $1500`: -- P ! -q n 1.1.- ' ` 1 no : 1` H Ia "Boys K: .\Iurchi.~'un. Solicitors for I119 .-\dminisL1'alm'1 Barrie, Ont. ; DONALD ROSS. LL.B., BARRIS-i ter, Solicitor. etc. Masonic Tem-i 1919 Building. Barrie. Money toi loan. l.i.~t and l`:u'li('ulau-s .-\ppl_\` M. I). l.`l7l3l'l"I`-Nl(`HOLS For I`:u'ticulm's apply to .H'lTRI`.()(i;\'I'l4} l.`Ol'N'l`Y or V Barrie (`01 R. I` sun :0I: .LH. $3800 vmsnuu. g $2000 ` OI . Mrs. W. \V. Jackson, who died on `Tlxux-sdu_v. a.t`ter an illness- of some` `weeks, had been :1 resident. of 01`il-t Iia for the greater part of fty-ve` `_yea1's. She was. the third dzlughtel" of the late \\7. B. .\lcVit_v, rst. clerki of the Peace for the County 01' Siin-1` coe. who came from Ireland. with u lzuizge family of sons and dau:.:h- iters, and settled at Kempent`e1dt..- Zwhen the county was rst. organized; `Mr. .\IcVit,v was appointed Clerk of- 'the Peace, and continued to fill thati Loice up to the time of his death in; f 1878, when he was in his 94th yeaizi `The deceased and \V. VV. Jackson .\vm-e married in 1862, and soon at`-2 tier mo\*=d to Orillia. Goderich is holding an Old Home! VVeeI:, Aug. 7th to 11th_.' l BOYS &, .\mRcH1so.\I, B.-\RR ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public. Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates or interest. Offices 13 Owen street, in the premises*{ formerly occupied by the Bank of; Toronto. Branch Office. Elmvale. Ontario. W. A. Boys. K.C., MP.` TI ('0 `lnrnhiann W The store of Mr. Ben Greenbergts tat, Bradford was broken into in the; E _; njght between Saturday and Sunda_v.i _ 1 Marks on the front door showed that ` _the first attempt was to pry it open,1 but. the lock withstood these efforts.` 'I`hen some of the woodwork wasl 5;` taken off to take the pane out, and`. `this proving unsuccessful 1.00, the Cglztss was broken and me door un- 1. rlocked. About. $65 worth of g00l]S:I lwere taken. including cigars, cigar- iettes, tobacco, cigarette cases andi holders, candy, ashlights, mouth` organs, dice. collars, ties, CSIDS and gt books. One would judge, from the! 1 0! things taken, that it was the work ` 1 Not novices and of tender years. `t I L 1 . ` t I Messrs. Curran 2: Biggs. Lfd., 01" Toronto, have been awarded the` contract for building bridges and culverts on the P1`0v7ncia.l Highway between Bradford and Barrie. Twenty-one babies were 1.rea.ted at | `a. recent weekly clinic in Owen [Sound. The Sun-Times states that, ithe mothers greatly appreciate the service that the province and the :city have provided, and many of `them bring their offspxjxnz e\'9r,v ; week. i I V The issuers of niarriage licenses; lwill lose their jobs shortly and the {work will be done by the munici-i ipul clerks, who will retain one dol-- `glar for their services and the dial-1 lance will be sent. to the Govern- .. .. . . n. ;u|1\.\. nun up .>\,ux. Iv U. \,.V.`_... ;n1ent. If the clerk is in receipt. of? :1 sa'1ax'y of $2,000, the dollar he! would otherwise retain will go 1.0? the municipali-ty. E 0ril1~i:1. District Orange Lodge at? its semi-annua1 meeting, decided to ` celebrate the 12111 of July at Graven- Ehurst, and appointed a. committee 'to make all necesszuy amrungenlents. The Oramze Young B1-,it.ons and ;Ln_v-4] Tmle Blues have also decided lto go to Gravenhurst. The District ;L0d;;e has under its jurisdiction, `seven priinary iodges. The District} iMas_te1' is David Radcliffe. l.3hthm`r.! i ~ The con_-.,r r;a.t.ion of Knox Preshy-_ ite1'ia.n Church, Midland, has pur-i Echased ,the residence of Mr. R. 5.; ?I\IcLa,ug.hIin on l<`iiI`t,l1 slreet. as a. imause. The present, home of the; W `Knox church clergyman will be? (` nt.ili7.ed as teinporzupv Sunday Sclmoli ` icl-ass romn:-., 1,0 nccoimnodafe the, ` "overow from the main building.` Plans are under consideration I0 ex-if ;tend that chm-ch and Sunday School ll land the present, mzmse will likely be' _ 1 `in(-ludetl in the new extensions. ; I : '1 '1 t 1: District_ News ANNIVERSARY OFFER! Expert Watch and Clock Repairer 101 Dunlop Street `DR. W. H. OAKS, CORNER OWEN` and Collier Sts., Barrie. Tele-. phone 95. Special azttemtion giveni to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and; Throat. = To Celebrate the Annivefsary of Our First Year in Business in Barrie I am making the following Exceptional Offer Owing to the amount of work in the shop at present, it would be advisable for patrons intending to take advantage of our Anniversary Offer to get their work in at once, as the offer positively will not be ex- tended beyond the time advertised. Any Watch &oI:_Clqck._ Repairs Repaired at a. price not exceeding THE NORTHERN ADVANCE FOR THE MONTH OF MAY ONLY L wel Emsdai `day i I-Iuntsv l men ` (`.ra\'s=n Forts. }'3a`_SVi. S; mcnan ` ` Stisted _ me! Cookst ml Allisto` oo 1: ` 5. t 5` Beeton 31,231`- and i mmh 1 C`.- ; 1 The tional I . ventlol _ Work on the` Government High- way through Bar is opening up. South of Oriilia to Barrie Messrs. Curran X; Riggs have been awarded ihe connuci for grading and cub uverts, while H. Saint. & Son, of. `Bradford, h:1.\'e received a. similar `contract for that part 01` Gwil1i1_n- `bury lying between Bradford and Bare. Load hmp m bang mn- ployed in each Iocahty, although some men from Toronto are being taken on. I G1'a.nIs in the Provincm] riding of East Simcoe made by the C010ni7..'L-: iion Department; of the Ontario` .Governmenf, for road building pur- poses for this _vem- are as follows: iorillia, Township, $2,100; Om 1Township, $1,000; .\Iedonl.e, $1.200; 'I`a.y, $1,900; Matchedash, $800.1 :These grants equal dollar for dollar` the amount spent by 921011 of the` m nnfcipai i-ties. v__ -.1_::.-:..... A- 41.- ..\....u.. nah.-u-D I ` SHO\VI N G Uh` OIL . nu DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR2 St. West, Toronto, will be at 91'} Owen St... Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases-E_ve, Ear, Nose and; Throat. Consultation hours, 11? a.m. to 5 p.n1.. and by appoint- ment. nu unuunyauucn. In addiiion to 1.119 above other! Hlirect grants will he n1udr,- by the` ;I ub1ic Work Depm'I,ment. for? `bridges, etc. I 1 1 vv...1-.. Ax. .........n....1n:n n!` \h- ! n1l"`f3"/H, x u.. ` Vnder the ovr-1'se(>i'ship of M12: vi.-xnios Train, :1 cement. bridge is be-1 gixig completed over the North River: on the 3rd concession of Maiched:Lsh.i `which is being `erected by the On-i E t.-ario Government. at. :1 cost of; `. $3,800. Mr. Train is also prepairingl '10 build another bridge for the} ` 'Go\'e1`nmenI.'ovm- Gill's Creek on the.-E $31-d concession of .\ | ' 1 !0ril1ia .... Collingwood Rosseau i Oro Barrie . . `Ut1erson . . . Parry Sound B1n`k`s Falls ` Bracebridge j Sprucedale . . E Port Carling . 'Trout Creek . " Co1dwa,te1' . . . vEImvale .... Sundridge ... `Emsdale ... . "`H1ll1XSVi1]fe ... l : Powassan ' Gra\'enhurs1, gi Baysvme `Q .\[id1and . . `Stisted ... . 3 _ i __ 3 Alliston ` ` 1 Cookstown . _ Enc0ura.9,'ing' word conie.'~`. from the oil dxrillers at Siwihurne. On of 011, accompanied by gas. was i found at the No. 2 well of ihe Can-2 adian on Fields Ltd. The arm wasi at. a depth of 1278 h. when the.- showing was evident and me drillers! consider it very imporlzml, in view} of the fact, Ihai. they are just. about` to reach the Trenmn rock forma-, tion. It is chximed that. the show-' I . lSzuu1'dny, Hay 7th, a nice Sh0\V)112.` C i I in; on Saturday was on of the most. "favorable ever made in this district. and the promoters are en- thusiastic. ` 0) TA RIO GOVER.\'.\lE.\"l` I GR;\N'l`S IN THIS SF-}("l`lON! No Meitter in What Condition ! E South-West. Simone. Educa-l `lional Association will hold :1. con-? ivention in the Town Hall, Beeton,1 I H IG l*I\V:\Y CONTRACTS CONSOL IIIATFZD SCHO(}LS F.-\Vl.L FAIR D.-\"K"ES 1 DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE`; of Trinity University and alsoa graduate of Edinburgh and Glas-`_ gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Otce. corner Bareld and W01`-3 siey Sts. Entrance off Wors1ey.: Otce open until 8 13.111. ' .. E. TRAVERS - BAILY ~- . Sept. `Q-99' 39- '10, Oct. yr snr~:r.nt"nm:I `Scam. 19, ' . Sept. xx..-` nn . . |Jl_`ll>l -Sept., 20, Sept. Sept Sept. 5:...` nt- . Sept. Snpt. 13, Sept. 13, . Sept. . Sam. . Sept. Sept, 26, . Sept. . Sept. . Sept. Sept. Spt. Sept. A an $1.50 w `J6 -16f PROF. D. E. WEIR, TEACHER 01`f_ Piano and Violin. Piano Tunerp` Studio, 48 Baseld St. -43