Last Appem-ance Friday After Friday of this week the: Canamlan National trzmu now lezw-5 jug Toronto 11.00 p.m.. getting ,int,o Bwrri about 1 z1.m., win he cut off; this line and will operate over Can- adian National lzin-es. through Sud-j bury and Porn Arhlmr, instead of; via. North Bay. The Nat.ioual was? very convenient for Barrie -people: who wisl1ed -to remain in Toronto` for the even'mg and st.i1.1 get home! before -breakfa.-st. It was also 2? popular train runmnu in "[`or0nto,! leaving here M. 12.28 x1w_:1 each` day. I am Little Sinbad" ' I Search mowntains, vaI'i~3y:: and sea; 1 find precious metals and precious stones. These 1 take to skilled artisans wno make them into r:-.rr.; arid beautiful ornaments. And when these orn9.mcr-.t:; are made lsand them to the jewel- ry store. I shall appear in this paper as often as l can to tell you about jewelry and why and where to buy it. "Little Sinbad" LOCAL NEWS P. S. lexpect to be around again in two weeks time Look for me. \V'. I. .\lL-etim; l. was: -people: Toronto` home! was in? . . . 4 Specially engaged by develop-E ` a piece,! the ad- ; Chesley, `` Work is conuuencing; tzhls we-ek `pulling down the tower on :1 _:c-ounlly buildings in B`:u'1'ie to `_height of only 14 feet. Reckless Driving A citizen who travels home daiilyi via Bradford street called into the-i Advance oice on Monday to register? a protest against ithe nron-ent`oi'q:e-I ment of the Motor Vehicles Act o-ng rlh-at street._ He claims the speed; `limit is totally d*is1'egaI'ded on this; busy thoroughfare in the and says it is only a m'u`:Lcle soinle-Y one is not killed. It would -be quite; the proper thing to do. if the coun-? cuil authorized the chief of police L0: enforce the act to the letter. andi prosecute every offender ru-ntil car; drivens came to understand that; laws are not made to -be broken? daily. I (fuming to St!-oud Evangelist Rev. E. R. Brown. as- ? sisted by E. H. Rudd. leader of song. have just closed {L very successful iseuies of-meetiilgs in Queen street `Methokiist. church, Toronto. and are `now entering upon-~ the work in Parliaunent street church. The re- sults attained by these men are de- scribed as wonderful. About I\Ia:~' 8th or 152,11 they are expected `to open a series of meetings at Stroud 5 Methodist church. Mr. Rudd .13 not a. stranger to Barrier, as he assisted `here with 711?: Sharpe evangelistic meetings a year ago. 1 The Otmon Hardware Co. installed! H. large gasoline ztzumk in front of Hheir store on Dunlap street last. : week. ' ! ' I A resident of ;\Iinesing is being 1. broght betiore the beak this week on ' .1 charge of :his `son, who is` ! . A|~4 u-.M..u ..,..,\ `rs A..:..,. ...-.I I I I u. \.......C,v l I under the an t 0. For three successive Salu1`da_vs' the weatzher hzzls been very wet, and !at times quite cold, which has sheen | the means of stemzming the usua1 Ibig ]SzLturday market. and the resultant ibusy time for the me.1'chant. After #a.ll t.-his liquid Weather, we will suu'e~ Lfly have :1. ne week end over the! im-onth end. i l.:i.~'t- of \\"inter Series 1 Tihe nal Clmutziuquu concern of; gthe winter series was held in Cen-{ ii1'u.l -Methodist church lust Mo11(iu._\'{ `,evening. The attendanace was .'.'ood,! E and the progii-ann well up to the high` ISIi\11d2ll`d of the previous cdncerts. kR0se1th Knapp Breed is an renter-l jIta.ine1- or no mean abiliiiy. as she `showed culture and `thorough Ltr-ain- r\_ `L- ___._.... -9 .............L_. L,.I.I j The Le:u_-me Olcers f Collier street Epworth League [ lecled of`c(-rs for the year-on Mom` I I 9 day e\'e11mg as follows: I '1-ist l`r:u-Lure-d Allan Manuel. an employee of L Hunter Clothing Co.. is czu*ryin~;; -I right arm in a sling as it result. `it I':'a.clu1'ed wrist. re-ceived when e (le:u'01'.in:_r to crunl: a l0l`d car. -3-nun mu vunl ing. On the settles of concerts `held the church committee in charge nd nu-., uuu yuunu-.4,u -,.u....... ; they 11-u`.\'e realized a prom of $35 to, * $40. E 41.11 Vice--Pres.r~-Clifford G-rwham. Pi-.m1ist---M.iss Dorothy Samjeant. Sec'_v~-Jzw1; Cooper. 'I`rea.s.---XV. Davis. ; Carson. . Ass`LsLiu.nt---Miss Winnifred M-arr. Convener Flow-er Com. r--..V[rs. E. "$8533.01! at the Court. House this X . . 0; QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Evm'_vbod_\' is falliing about ID-ro.wn's Sale. ' The `I-50a.r.d of County Audit is in week. This is the first meeting of} the Board for 1921. VV. A. Boys, I\'.C., M.P., has :beeng .honored.rb,v the Ontario Law Society} 1 u.,,-.__ ..|....o...i A Tlnnnl-nun nnllinu Ch'unne_v Fire The ma brigade had It can on Irida._\- morning to the home of Mr. 5 Winters. '11. ! 'l ene1zLng street, \v11ere a rather erce chimne fire was ` mging. No (ialnuge xv-as done-. and the water \\'as not lurx1e(l on. V x 1 n1` ' `a P1-esident.4--Ed. Carson. I 151, Vice-Pres.---F. Dutcher. E 2nd Vice-Pres.--I-`red Szmieant. I 3111 Vice--Pres.A-M.iss Cruida Bur-| \\"m-k at (`mu-t House 1. uuu-u,...:, ..,.,.., .. ..- ' '"i legal age. to dnve an Barrie mh e I ' the`, _!`hiSg - .! . V V _ . . .... ...-.. ., u..,;-...,;. The spectacular re on Wednes- day night of last week at the -farm ` owd by Mr. E. Little and leased by Mr. K. Stovell, drew 9. Large crowd to the 14th Con. of In-nisl, as the ames were visible in Barnie and surrounding country. Fire was caused by a flash of lightning dur- ing the severe elect}-dc storm, and the barn almost instantaneously burst into ames, and though quite 4 a. number were present at the house - in celebration of .the tenth anniver- -sary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. ` Stovell, they were unable to do more 2 than: release the horses, one -cow and several young cattle before the re was beyond contnol. Fowrteen cattle and tour hogs were burned, besides a quantity or seed grain, with the loss partly covered `by in- surance, but Mr. Little had only 1 about $1200 on the barn. which will cost at least $4000 to rebuild. !......v_-.. V- .-...o. On Saturday evening while Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Huurst were driving over the G.T.R. crossing on Essa street, a motor car driven by Mr. J. Jzmnes colhided with their buggy and Nivs. Hurst. who was holding the baby in her arms, was thrown over -on the wheel, (but was caught by her husband, escaping a bad fall and receiving no serious injury. '1'... ......-L.......`I.... 4:..- .... 11v-J___.. inOI]Ul`eu.'U)' LIIU uuuu-nu uu.u ..,u\..\._~ ; `by being elected a. Be-ncher, pollingi a large vote, which placed him" seventh higwhest out or 30 2-lected.+ Mr. Ralph Laws has sold his `resi- dence on Sanford street and moved on Friday to the farm near Vine which he has purchased from Mr. Rainey. He will, no doubt, nd farming a. decided change -from rail-' ' road Life, but his many friends here are confident. /chat `he will make a success of the venture. The warrant oicers and N.C.0.'.s of Camp Borden held a. dance .in I the Town Hall on Friday evening. THE NORTHERN; ADVANCE PYBURNE---In A~lla.nda.le, April 15. .1921, to Mr. and E. A. Py- `burne. a son. . THO.MPSON--At Ivy. April 15th, 1921. to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. mhompson, a. `son. (Wiltiwm Lloyd George.) . ' MA-LKIN--0n.Apr.i.1 27:11. 1921, .t'o Mr. and Mrs. J. Malukin-, of BIRTHS I Cundles, a son. I` uvcs, gzwva oun- Beef Hides, cured. . . . . . . . 4&-5c Wosol . . . . . . practically no demamd Horse Hides . . . . . . $1.50 to $2.60 Cu.lSkins.... ........8c K1p..... ...._8c Sheep Skins . . . . . . . . . . 35c to 552?. I-I-orse Ha.i~r . . . . 25~-30`c' Eggs......... Butter Chickens.... . Fowl Ducks.... W.hea.t.,._. .. 0a.ts,new . . . . Ba.rley.... Pea.s.... .. .. Buckwheat .. Rye, new .. Fzumily Flour, bbi. IIIIJA ll , MARKETS Barrie, Apnii 23, 1921 ` . . . . . . . . . . .. 25-28c 55--58o nn Expert photo l1JiSh.il1,`,'. dng, Sc at 1-011, priming :;c any size, post paid. -.\'o1e dress. Juo]:son's Studio. Ont. ' a-.., nrnlnn . . . Hide Marks} ' 1.40-4.50 .. 50`:--55c `.. 75-80c 1.25---1.40 `AA -. .v `:;a_1.oo; 4-- MARRIED YOUNG--MINGAY--On Aptil 18th, 1921. at Knox church, Regina, by the Rev. -Anoh~ba.1d Young, 1\I'.A.,i of St. Andrew's cahurch. William Murray Young, Newgate, .B.C., -to Victoria. Violet Mingay, Barrie, Ont. WI-LITTE`N--At Bengough, Susk., Apnil 11. 1921, a son to Mr. and Mrs. David S. Whtten (nee Marie Mcachern.) HA"{`I`ON--At the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Apia: zsm, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hat- ton. of Essa. :1 daughter. Owners or harbo ers of dogs are reminded that it is necessary 1; ocure tags for dogs on or before the First D3. of ay. After that date the By-law will be rigi y enf ced. NOTICE T0\0W)4ERS or was REYNOLD>`.--`(n Ba,r:*ie. on April 22, 1921, Sarah J. Redfern, relivct of the late Robt. Reynolds, aged 72 years. Interment at Stnoud. `son-in George Leslie, Essa. `street. A1la.nda.1e, _April 25t.-11, 1921, Julia Mcnonaia, relict or the late B. W. McDon'al-d. in her: 86th year. Interment at Strbud. I`.REEMA.N-111 Pacic Hospital, Los Angeles, on April 20th. 1921, i Edith, daughter of nhe lute W. H. Freeman, onf Barrie and Toronto. Interment in Los Angeles. MGDONALD--~At the home of her`. dug the alleged insane man looked `Not So .LuIm_\' . Mr. H. D. Cubitt-Nichols recently` took at _:en:tlema.n from the loculi jail in Barrie to the usylmn at: LVIl 1l'1'Li'C0, and on `entering the ibuilxd-: up at the big clock in the huiilwuy and said to his escort. Is that; clock. x'ight`. " Yes." answered .\Ir.? Nichols. What in the world is it doing here then," queried the; prisoner. i READ THE A'DVERTLS_EMENTS.. L. W. SMITH, \ - DEATHS -rowxi Clerk. The annual meeting.; of Lhe \Yo-j men s Club -of Barrie VViH:_. be held in the Police Court Cham-f wbersnon Sg1turda_v. April 30th. at 47 p.u;., for the purpose of elecnimi oicers and trztnsztcting other busi-1 I \.:nv.1-n >'\I\_;A\I_v. Iiunl u.\....\,.,_ ...k rie W.l. on I-`riday. the 9th, at 4.1:`-. in the Police Court Chzumbers. Hi.-j address will deal with the qu9.~:tion of 21 conmmnvity nurse. I~j\'m-_v.}m(l_\' wvelcnnu-.. M. D. \Vi11iams, Iiiield Secretwz'_\'$ for` the Ontario Division of .1 he Red. Cross Society. will address the B4u'-1 .-u . . 1,., .I.. Am. ..a A 1:` Reeve s Jewelry Store,