Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Apr 1921, p. 1

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'\-K Baptist Church ' \ W. '1`. Bum. Pastor. Sunday, May 1st. High-Clas Candy and Chow'- lates made on the premises. " A,!wa_ys fresh. Cleaner, Presser & Dyef THE OLD RELIABLE STAND AT 109 DUNLOP ST. SOLICITS YOUR VVORK. SIFITS (?Ll'}:' I'RE$Sl~Z[) Remember we dry cleaning nu. ._,._.._ 1 w. FIRTH Mc-.Nabb s Old Stand 28 Elizabeth Street THIS WEEK AT THE `V . ...`......=. I Toronto and Gciods Delivered BUY NOW Our Students Phone 2'- -9 -. have the only plant betwet-n I `'1. ..ol. I)... .. '}:\N!'}D AND North Bay. .. l\l\'r-t\'V ____ -.., ...... u. ...., ......... \l v .v years. Inquire at Advzunce office. Are accepting positions every week. They nd*`Iitt1e ditculty because they have the necessary training. 'rm: 'mA1xnn PERSON` ts ' AL\\ :\Ys [N nmmxn 23-- Years successful traiwing ~22 Enter any day H01-'sI=: won SAIM 1 7 roomed 'brI k : uf, modern! conveniences. 1wx':ing town.` -AIIDIIV 10 Mrs. A. I-`.. Sharpe. 63 ;gg!1_ stx'eet,. ' PAYABLE A1; . ...-.-.,..-. .- .7 - TORON Ra.Le-payers e allowed a dis- count of 1:1: 7 cent. on their L:xxes| if paid in full on or before I MA Y 10th Taxes may be paid by inxstahnents on or before June 23rd and Septem- wi per 231-d. 1 n 1: your-r-nu: 1 The Town or Verner in the noruh-! em district holds the wet" record in the recent referendum `vote. 254 votes -were polled, and not one vote was for ~proh.i:hit.ion. The people of Yerner 11}.st simply _-have to have their grog. men and vomegallke. . FOR SALE Two. pure~bred Leghorn Cockerels. one rose comb and one single comab. `Geo. Leslie, Allandale. Phone 541. H. A. HENRY ~ Principal. . VOL. LXX.. No. 1 . TlREWO0DFORSALE TOWN OF BARRIE mxes oR,1921 Ar-range -to Venn Hsotel. Services at 11 a.m.-and 7 p.n Sunday School at 3 o'clock. ullpll Inst: 53 I VLLIQU JNLEI IIIIUIALI Pastel--Rev. A. E. Owen Sunday, May 1st. Services at 11 a..m. and 7 pm. Sunday `School at 3 pm. Barrie Business College --u`.-1.- - SPIRELLA consms - TI1!II-~_.. ___,_L 4-... n- FOR SALE TO LET 'l`O RE. "13, \lo nfnnvff xhn pwrk your: car at hhel Apply on premises. ~-. --Uaguannon \I\rAv\.In.a.-1.1 -Miss Willows, agent` for Spirella Corsetsjfor Barrie, east or -and in- cludirig `both sides of Toronto street? also Ross street, is making her} spring calls`, now. Home Saturdays at -6 `Charlotte street. \ A. C SMITH, 'I`reasm-er. | mm imwlmma Mmatmmt. ,'1LOllda,\' from active -business gganted On th 1st of May Mr. M. Sl1a.11uc,\`.! Inland Revenue Officer for this dis-: trict. will commence. a, six '1nonlhs' him by the Depzmtxlient. with t\'_ulll `pay. and at the end of this period! rhis sl1peI'annu:1.tion will start. Fox-ji x1e-arly 36 years Mr. Shauacy has? been a faithful eiiipluyee. starting in here just, at. the time the m'esen4t* post oice was being` erected. In fact -Mr. Shzmacy conducted his, business at his own -home for 2L year` or more while the orice was being built. 'Dhe amxouni.-of business done during his early days in office was even greater than was done here just before the luxury and sales .tax were added. The Inland Revenue ter'rilor:' extended up to Hunff-"-'ille and down to Bond ll-lead. There were three breweries 1.0 collect from. -two tobacco plants. and numerous businesses. which have since passed awziy. Now the Inlzmd Revenue and Customs offices are being united. :the -ter-ritory will be much smaller. I . ....., \lIAlIJ|I&I-I _ -41- *4- :The `bride. who was atnired in :11 French gown of debt`-.t blue crepe with h-at_ onf irredescent stmw and corsage bouquet. of violets and `pink rosesbuds, entered the church with! Mr. VV. R. C. Wi1`lis, uncle -of the groom, and was attended by her sister. Mrs. G. Sinclair, of Mucoun, uh; nun. 1, zvs mat!`-on of -honor, rweaming ` a nanvy tailored costume and corsage bou.queL -of sweet peas. Professor Egg played the wedding music and - during :the signing of the ragister` Mrs. MoRae sans: Mr. Ernest E. Sin1<;, 01` Regina, acted as usher. After congratulati ns and lunch- eon at the home of Mr. W. -R. C. Willis; 2-P49 Corn.wal1'S1`.. -Mr. and. Mr. Young left for the coast. the bride travelling jn a. mwy tailored suit and fox fur. very pleasingly. `- Mrs. Young. who was court rstenographer in Ba-rrie until recent- ly, has the best wishes of her large circle of friends for a. happy wedded life. I `The inzmrrizoge took place in Knox I l iclrurch, Regina. April 18m. 19-21.! Eat l`oLm'-thirt_v in the afternoon, of} iV'ictori:1. Violet Minguy. duilghter .ol'| -tihe late Mr. and Mrs. VVillia.1n ,Ming-ay. to William Murray Young. Newgate. .B.C. 'Ill1e Rev. Avrohiba,1(ll Young of St. Andrews church was the oiciating clergyimux. I -Flsp. 4.1..-:.l_ _..l._ ....... ,.;._'.._J .-.. _ I '.... .4 .... v\A -4,: Anuanyvhbcaa ;v -uunxuuu` .their insurance.a.nd it on the basis of bhe original cost of the building. Every building should` have 50 per cent. in-' crease over pre-war days; and than the farmer, in case or re, would lose considerable.` ' The loss of the big Ibarn on the old Little homestead. lot 8, Con. 13. Innisl. by fire last Wednesday night, should be another reminder to farmers to look well to their .in- surance. This barn. which was struck by lightning, had stood tl1ere| for thirty years. In size it was 40x80 feet, and as Mr. Little in- forms us, cost him just $1300 {pi Ibuild. It had always been kept in` good repair. To replace the build- ing to-day or one 5:03:60 feet w.i11' cost $3,500, or pract.ica.lly three; times the original cost. Mr. Little! believes that many farmers are be- imf misled by neglecting to increase LI...:. 1 ......... __.I I___!_._ .L \VEDDlN(;' OF l':\[`Pll'} (HIM. Burton Avenu Methodist t1..-o...., `I31.-v A E` l'I.-n-. After the last issue of the Northern Advance (April 21) had gone to press we had no less tluul `ve columns of ad- vertlsing come to the office for public/Mion in that issue. Advertisers should have their copy in the office of this paper not. later Llum Tllestln-,v of each 'week. unless a.I-nmngelxnelxls are made beforelmnd. '1- endeavr to get to pl`( N.~` on \\'(~dues(luy :u'ternoon. or even- ing. so tlmt the paper is well oil-clllatetl and rem! before the eel:-end mm-ket day. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Rl*}'I`lP.l'IS NEXT Wl'}l'}}i co.<:'1's ARE. rmm~;Bm::;o Wespra Farm 1 case Dismissed? .... V . K The suit. w'hich occupied all v_\ion~i jlday ztftern-oon and at portion of` Tuesd-.1;\' morning, was an acnion for_ ` the specific performance of an agree-5 . ment for the sale or tl1e south-eas[| S 1-4 of lot 17, Con. 10, \'espr:1, own- lved vby Chas. _1\'IcI{ernun and tenant- .ed by Wesley Scott. The plaintiff-s in the action were John 'l`ra.vers, S12, and John Travers, `J1-.. who souglmt to secure possession lof the farm from Mr, Mcernan. From (me evidence we gather nhat iMr. Mcl{ernan placed the f2l.l`l1l in Mr. Geo. Arnold's hands at Barrie to sell. Mr. Arnold received an of- fer f-rom I`rzu'ers of $4.800. which was not acceptwble to the_ owner, and '21. second offer 'vms made of $5,100, and this amount `was ac- ceptable. (The `trouble then started Mr. Scott held at five year lease which had three years to run. . He declared he was q-u.it4e willing to lmove provided he was re-.in1\bui'sed for the 'a.moun.t of work done on the place over and above that stated in were willing .to -pay him only for ploughing. Nevertheless, Trzwers went onto the rear end of -the place. -ploughed and seeded ten acres. 1`r:.. 1'.....:-|.:.. I-...I.l .;'|...L 51..- no... 1 over getting the tenant oft` the l`arm. v -the lease. None of the other p'a.rt:ies ' Y-gnu.-5-u-... -...u ..-v..\..... u-4.. .uv..._, ; His Lordship held :that the com- Wtracn made with Arnold was not one that ought to :be enforced, and 51'. was his -opinion that Scott did not get a. rea.sona.ble chance of settlement. The action -wzus dismissed with Icosts. ~ .. 1\,, :1 -n_,,, v_,,,,, n,._. Alimony Case Settled Au almmony case between Mary :Wri_2:h.t. and her 'husba.nd, A`1'bert `Wright, of Orillia. was sectled out !of court on Friday. The wife asked` }for interim all-mon_\'. the return of; igoods and chattels -belonging to her jand the custody ahd control of her E five children. -vuu-.u. Messrs. Donald Ross, James Arn- old. John Travers, S12, Jzumes 'l`ra.\'ers and John Travers, J r., were Witnesses called by the, while only one witness, Wesley Scott. was called by the defendant. D. P. J. Kerlly, of Toronto. repre- sented nhe plaintiff, and w. A. J. Bell and D. C. Murchison do-fended $1119 action for l\'IcKern'a.n. | A Danmge Nation I Anot-hex` case which promised to be of considerable interest, but {Lidl {not come up was that orf Emma` Butters of Cosllingwood vs. He-nryi Lecphamdt. .n'I`hB action was `for $20.- Innn 4-............. 1`-.. 41.... A....sI.. ..r nan` Slxnqay. May 1st. Services 11 am. and 7 pm. Reguia1' serv-ices. u1ornin.g evening in charge of the pastor. Everybody Welcome and `-......u...,, . \J V ..v .... .. .. . ....._- . . -. . cases were up for shearing. but fouri lwere eithel` settled or t.ranst'e1'red; Ito ovher courts, Iezu'i115,' _o11l_\' one` icase to be tried. I . .. . 1 1 .... . . . . .. -. As a vraxning to ot'ne:':< a.n.d a pen! sonal punishment to the offendmy! ~M&'si-stxute Radeuhurst ned a young lad $5.00 and costs on Wednesday -morming for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk. The practice is getting too prevalent, and the police are now after all offenders. 1 Hon. Justice Lenox in the air] `sence of Mr. Jusnice Rose. who was: `detained on cases in Han}`ilt,on, pre-t 's_ided at the spring: i10n-jur_v 'as-l sizes which opened .in Banie onl Monday. Up to last Friday ve, k . |-........ _..-.... ..- r-.. n.......:..,. ..n x-....... .4-.-pug-u.u. .- -4u.- 1\l|al\IAL ..w.. .u.. vy-vw 1 I000 da;m9.5~es for the death of her husband ii! zm auto accident in Kitchener. New goods, R Brown Bros. In these days of economy buyers should be)c:on\`erszLnt with the prices Bzwrie mer- clunnts have to offer. Before domg your week-end shopping -.look over the announcenlents "Ln this issue. It may save you dollars. New advertisements -in this issue are: Brown Bros.. Clothiers. Hunter Clothing Co. Hurlburt Shoe Co. Otton ardware Go. Reeve s Jewelry Store. Su-tcliffe & Sons. Clothing. Sarjeun-t ll: King, Clothing, J Dry Goods. . ' ' mmn mm Tgwvmvrrsnmzanrs. . FOR ECONOMIES SAKE ! M Ul.(} I`ED FOR $5.01} Barfie, Exiafi, Thursday, April 28th,1_921. MODERN HOUSE FOR .~mLI: _ Med-ium sized. sq-uare pl-amned} six-vqqfmed house. brick, with cot,-; tage-roof, attic and good cement. ce1- Jar, A-1 repai and newly deoorzued.! Lhzwdwaxe rs downstairs. snicei sized 1-ot z'den, every conven-; deuce, ea. V t ms, built only six Irl\n1-n r_.... :._.. -: A.) ____ .. .112... p-a,rLy$`jt$.`f friends were -being enter- t.a.i.ned at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stovell just south of A1- landale (lot 3, Con. 13, vlnnisl) a heavy electricail storm passed over .the section. when the large Iba1'n,g 40x80. was struck and totally de-- stroyer}. The visitors turned in and were `successful in saving the valu- able horses and 15 head of cattle. although 1.`! head were burned, some; hzwing calves at `foot. A quantity, of grain. seed and hay were also lost. The loss was fully covered by insui-mice so far as the contents go, but Mr. _E. A. Li.tt1e,SL1rrogate Court `Clerk. who owns the. ubu.i1din_z_. only ;had $1200 on the structure. He isg [about to place -.1 contmct for uhel `erection of :1 new-"`-harrn 413x650 at 211 ;cost of $.".5I,)O. Last Wednesday night while a. V A forme;r members of the legal fra- 1ex'm'Lt,v of Barrie. who presided at the Spr.'Ln~g' Non-JLu ' Assizes here this -week. F-}ro\vu`:< values are the best. not. miss it or you lose money. I i The tax rate Lu Ncmth Bay is 45g ,1nili:~' this year. which is {L : mia1l ;less than last year. ` 0 meeting of the Soldiers` Mem- iorial Commi-ttee was held d.uI', the past.`wee~k. IL is now denitely; `stated there will the two town`ships,2f Elnrnisl and Essa. go in with Bar- 1 I I I I I ) I rie to erect_ a shaft memorial in t_.his; town. and each '11111nfcipalviI)' had a-` strong repress-nt.a.t,irm at, the n1-eet-i ing. A joint con'1mith.=e will now; go ahead with hhe selection `of suitable (leslgn. - i i3 Municipalities _ Erect Memorial! I@hiiN@m@I H;\`RI\' FIRED BY L[GH I`i\'[N( 0163' :1. 4. 0 This Coupon i~'x~6e Dhis Coupon entitles bearer to one 35c can of Chi-Name! FREE at our store upon pur- chase M. a 250 Yzzrnish Brush_ to` insure a fzur trial or w:il'l be accepted as 350 upon pur- chases of Larger cans of Chi- Nzunel Products. VISIT us an ates given below and SEE uh e brilliant. beag- tiful (mp AMEL s;1nLe-. A\7 nunsuv 5, I :Com:fm'table tit nbed me Ill for Qt-an`; Apply 9 Collier street. i .`., > Name u.uu....... -. V--...u.;-_~ , / tested and/explvain duning (Yl`TON~ HARDWARE _ CO. 'DA__.1.. l\_& ` 3llllilllllllHIIIINHHIHHI1HHIIIHIllllllIIHHIIIHIIIIHHIIE Ll LII`I:f\ I.lL`I'2l'\ Ill-EL rnuvl " SIIIIIHIlllllllilIIIIIllullllllllllllllllIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIF "HON. JUSTICE LENNOX l7hi- mt / Dem4:m:-tmtiou ithe recent re at Mr. C. C. Hinds` t 1 . . . I1 When the firemen were going to` . `on High street `an auto driven by ,some careless. driver went down Collier street_ alnmst side by side -"j with the fire truck. W'hui. would happen it` anything went wrong with `"3 either machine can easily be `imagin- .ed. -Owners of autos are warned` that whilst Lhe firemen can speed as fast. as i.he:' .wish to a. re. yet i lautos are not licensed there'b_v to 1 speed. Remember that the remen ` do not all ca.tch the truck at the fire 1 hall and it? a reman is in `sight on the `street he tries t.o -catch it. Just 7_ suppose the misses his footing and -auto is speeding right behind fthe truck. what is going to hzuppen : to the reman`? Owners of autos are ' requested to keep back 200 or 300 ft. from the truck and avoid 'SeI'.iOllS' accidents. The law prohibits this 't'0liowin.;: oi re trucks `closely and ] i.hi.~'. wa.rn.ingsh0u1d be suicient. I1` this warning is not. suicient. per- IL few pro:~:ecutions and fines! ' will follow. f The Hospitgl Board are inviting the public t5_ `visit the hospital on ThursdzL3', April 28. from 7.30 to 9.30. At this time the formwl -gift of the electric sterilizing plant will be made by the officers of the Red Cross `Society and of the Soldiers` Aid Society, to the hospital, and the tablet. erected acknowledging the gift-by these `two scciehies will `be unveiled. 'WORK Room To RENT Large room, suitable for work) shop, _to _rent, over the Advance; omce. Apply downstairs. I The steril-izinig blant was pur- chased with ithe funds in the hands .of Lhe two societies at the close Of the war. If it had not been used .in this way, the money would have been- -retuzrned `to uhe central olce and would have been Oif no special benet to this community or any- one living in it. The gift was made i in memory of the soldiers who lost their Lives in the-war. .1. ` i 7 . . 1 , . vuwsl Anvuu 4 unnv nu... .... of citizens will avail tliexniselves -of the opportunity to visit the Jiospital at this time, where (they will be re- .ceived and entertained :by tlhe om- cers of the hospital and will have . zm opportunity of inspecting all por- tions of the building. No special -invitations will be issued and it is 3 hoped that everyone will rregard this =a.s an invitation to be present. -It is hoped that 3. large number E Garnet V.V_,:'Soiiles is paying a. brief ivisit to his parents on Elizabeth {street and will return this week .to `ihis mission eld, the Kenadeek `mis- : sio-11 circuit. about 20 miles out from [New Liskeard. To Mr. Soules must lbe given due credit for the very `prosperous work being carried out there. because `prior to his ~inva.cLing ithe -territory. the circuit shad Ibeen laibandoned. Mr. Soules possessed `sufficient faith to go in amongst those people who had no desire for Christ or dhurch and through his determined efforts regular services are now conducted at three appoint- lments every Sunday, with ll. fair atv ytendance. In the absence of church `buildings. school houses serve just `as well. Rev. George Lawrence is chairman of the northern clistnict. and no doufot ireaiizes he has a. valuable asset in -Mr. Soules, who is such an earnest christian worker,` ; ready and willing `LE peeds be` He give his. very life for those set- : tlers who are he-wing` a. fnome in the woods in that great north country. . 1`ihe circuit is located in an agricul- ` turial d;ist.rict. ` I Barrie-. April 26. will Sir.--~ I` morning I -was greatly surprised to see one of the prisoners Efrom the county gaol in his pnisoni i dress and in _cmr_1pany of 21 man with` 1 the word -Turn-key` written on .his cap wa.1king along one of our -main 1st.reeLs in town. The prisoner ; (quite 9. youth) seemed td feel his -position. To my mind it is d-eg1'2ud- * ing in the` extreme for the autIhor- I ities to anow prisoners to .be exposed more. than necessary .t_o the gaze (and in many cuss slurs) on our public streets. To many men the weaning of the `haatefu dues: of a. i prison is punishment enough with- } out being -taken around the streets. r ` I `_ (JONSIDFIRATION FOR Pl'l.ISO.\'ERS IROYA L \ I( `TOR [A [{O."oPI l`AlA CO ND [.'(}'l'I_NG PROSl`ER(DU2~' MISSION` A ll.-\.\'(i l*]R-()lI.`4 I'll.-\(`r'l`|(`rl'I gmzw mun STORE: 1F. D. CANCILLA Collier St.` Methodist Church iSPEClALS E Olympia l<.?32,d>' Works -Mr. John Thompson, F105. -15 the owner of a hen which has some ideas of -big business. A short ttme ago she laid an egg that measured 6} by 7;:.;n,c'hes in cbrcummerence. The Pineapple season this year is three weeks earlier tllan usual. Do not let the supply get. exhausted before you realize the. seasoni. is here. ' See our stock and get our pnces. Sunkist 01:anges, 2 doz. for_ ml` I am whiting on Abeha.-1-f of those who- have (for the time being) lost their freedom, `but not, Ihope. -their pviden ` of manhood. . Yours, &_c., rnro Extrzvcopfes of the Advance may -be procured at `the local book. stores. ~ - ` ` Phone 3&3 ~t`a.shion-.--Srar. Orillia is a town where everything is retiuced to exact and correct prac- tice. Nobody wears a. straw hat there until the town clerk sets the `Q- .-- p -. Only 100 Cords Silver Bimhi left. Apply N0. 1 Maple` A Avenue. ` Price $12.00 Per Cord }

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