Incorporated 1855 nu..- ~-v.__...___7_ -Bcforc and after the Federal war-time Order- in-Council prohibiting importation of liquor into Ontario was rescinded: Commitments for ' ` Commitments for ""-~-`-A---~- `x AH (`rirnm:, HILE importation of intoxicating liquors into dry" provinces was forbidden by war-time Order-in-Council, Ontario s jails were half empty. 9:.-.- that order was rescinded. imported gaus nan empty. Since that order was imported "Booze" has been lling them up again. _-?--:.. Imported "Booze" is demoralizing social con- ditions. bree a disregard of law, endangcr~ ing the home and mcnacing the youth of this province. Imported "Booze" is defeating the expressed will of the people. \lnuunuu\.uv..z gen Drunkermess. 1919 ......... . 3.4.15 I920 ........ .. 4,51} Net increase. 1.0%. The Clarkson Block Imported Booze See Our Stock Jail _ 0_n11_11_itr}1en s Agency Capiu! 85,000,000 OFFICE ` ---_ _. .._-_.__ Late ;1.A.V.C. Veterinarian and Surgeon '1`: .....,.__._ ...-_, ,, Formerly Vespra Jlutel. Phone S11 Omce. Hospital and Residence: 48 Hayeld St., Barrie. it 1~n_-.... D`! 19:9 ...... .."1". :(`)96 1920 .. 14,756 Net increase. 1,660. CAPT. J. DUNN Ulululuxn. 111.3 All Crimes.` rxsn aam BARRIE MARBLE Reserves ' CS nil`. 1 {A :md----- Monmnenml and Cemetery Kvork J. MURPHY. lE`n`)|)- Phone 346 BRANCHES : "BAN IQFTORONTO FARMERS banking problem is simplied if he is dealing with The Bank of Toronto. Any responsi- ble farmer who needs money to in.- crease his production--to nance the purchase of stock or feed. or in any other way to enable him to expand his business - will nd The Bank of Toronto ready to co-operate with him. BARRIE UNDERTAKING ` PARLORS ing. For years, nothing on the Easter breakfast menu has ranked in nationafcstcem with _` " a _ Our Managers are only too pleased an discuss any sound proposal thag has to do with development and production. BARR] E Al.L.&NDAl.E |% Alf. Hamlin 1 . 3 -Has a marvellous e1'l`ect on roughf skin. One or two applications willf .remove the roug-`nness, and by its; ioccasional use the skin acquires the; i l smoothness and. softness of a baby's.` Glycedouia is not sticky, and glove:_ iginay be worn a raw moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. De- Eligmful after shaving. Monkman s Glycedonia j DRU(J(.`IS'I`. Makes Your Skin Like Velvet _Ggo.` MONKMAN .v...-.-.1 CIGAR STORE AND; BILLIARD PARLORi The Farmer s Banking Problem CIGARS, BACCOB . We have ` line of Sn Bacon is outstanding :ausc of its extra mild ant fat and cmicingly and its characxcrisxic to the exclusive Swift inn and :`III"I1'. I your Butcher or `rtr, _---_ ' _~`m ' hneep mums but to the Barrie In Home Ha. ARS, cmnnmrms, :cos .u,w/ms on RAM); the most complete! Smoker`: Sundries in; town ALF. HAMLIN Irt-ah stock of BA ERIE. O.\"l`. SatLI1`(l.=-.1.y's market was rather, dull last. week. due moslly 10 the; wet wea.1.he1' and bad roztd-s. drizzly rain fell most of -the morn- l`o be in ha.rmon,v -prices fell` mg. also in some products. Eggs caused about, me only sensation. selling down to 40c. while a few dozen {brought 43c. Buer was r'airl_\` iplemiful at 60c to use. Njcel 'b:;;-slcets of russet apples were on sale` in: 500. but they were not all sold. {Fine l-.n':._-"e onions at 40c small ilmslcet. and (itlc lzxrge l):LSliI round Eu few bu_\'m's. bu: the \`egetu;ble la.d_v }had lots of Lhem. l1'95h pork from. Eihe falrmers wagon sold at 230. a, drop of 2(; from the previous week. ,'l`he demand wu.s very li;.;h1. how-' lever, bllyox-.< not c--.u'in;: to stock up .in such mild \\'eal.her. which nuule -llw nmzu, on sale \'Pl')' soft. l\l;u`(:h 16! h. 1921. (. :l*I_2:.,- _s l}ut19r.... All `fittest designs in Cusliets kept in stock, including Grave Vaults and Oak Shells. I _...___ QHONORED FELLO\V 0DDl*`El:l;O\V I . I 8 |(;I'(.l, `Luu Iucluucla `UL V. .... ,-.... `Lodge No. 68, Independent Order of Oddfellows, Stayner, connnemoratedj the 50t.h anniversary of the insti-i union of 't.heir lodge, by hzwing anumber of the memebers of Cavell: Lodge No. 458,. Creemore, come: over and put, on the .lniti9.tory De-j gree, on several candidates, and: 1-ji 1 On Thursday evening last, March` the members of North Star` . -.w, {In !_AAnA.\y\.Ann (h-rior nf` (HI I:vr.-.141. uxuu.u......-..., ...-.. which was done in a very sa,1isfac- e -tory manner. After the regu-1arc ro-utine 0! business. Past Grand B1'o. I Dzwid Maher, who has been a. mem-: e bar .or North Sztar for hearly 35;: years. and Pin`. Secret.-u'y for me}! years, \va.S .pre.sented wiLh .-..u mm. rz.-gnaw Jaw;-l .hv?} |13eef. ;:reen. ... . , 1 Beer Hides, cured I ; Wool . . . . . . prac ; Horse Hides iual-r Skins `Kip .` Cali Skins ... . . isheep Skins .... Iv," 11.. -past. za _vear.~., new .,,ur,.m.....,.. ...-.., a. `Be-.1.utir`ul Past Grand's Jewel by); his brother Oddfellows. .'l"he ad-; dress was read by Past Grand Bro." J. Peame and the presenta.lion'. Bro. R. J. Allin, Noble G1`and.~-~fj Co1lin;:,wn-od News. Z E_2_:.,';s E Butter . . . Chickens . j:Fowl Ducks . . . E Wheat . . . F0a`1_s. new { Barley [.~.... 1' Bu<:kwheu1. . . I iRye, new .. .. 1~".Lmily Flour, bbl. TH E MA IlKE'I`S Hide .\|:n-kel. kept in SIOCK, IDCIIIUUI5 l1ljLVl': Vaults and Oak Night and day calls. Phone 431 \V. D. MINNIKIN. PropI'ietoI' \V. R. -NEILLY. Fun. Director k_ __ and Emhulmer. Il\.7\.I - . - a 3 a v o - - - u \Iv prac!.ica.1Iy .'n_.o delnmnd 51.5010 $2.50 The Northern Advance ..!'!0--v1. . . `l.40-~1.u 12.00--1'.'..:) Sc to 10c; 35c to 55C 3 1 rs/\ 50c--55c . 80-~85c .90c, IIIUIUIUIV. IIL7 I-clol\\.Al. c\~oa J\.At|A.Iwn\(- In c'o2m:p'.u`ing the yield from Not-tihern grown seed with old 011-: it-ario selected Seed, we find that in` four of the cou11Lies for the 1920 Samson, the old Ontario selected seed 1 - , -be-at the -not1't.hem grown `by a. con- siderable max'1.;in. Aver-a..g`ii1g the totals we -fmd that the -nonhernf grown seed exceeds the old Ontario" :select. by 2.6 `bushels peracre, not. 21 very large amount. The smne On-Vf taxrio seed a,ve1':tged sllghtlz` ahead} of the ;\l:u-itime seal. lreen E\[oun-{ lain potatoes were used in this 'test.f "`-> ..-..l . .._.,__ _. ., u..:._u. r\._I`L.I...u-. Dttxfmg the past -three experiments :=have been conducted in Simcoe` ;County and ten other counties in it-he gnrowing of potatoes, usin:.;_ seed; in-om vasrious sburces, to determine - if possible whether or not. seed -from .the .\larit.imes or Northern Ontario j-was better than old Ontario seed.~ The Agricttllural Represenvtamive In" 0-\'-`I the plots and was responvsible emised to see than the results were therefore. be taken as reliable. A - .\._ ..:.\I_l o'..-.... each case had direct supervision; for the report. Great care was ex-Z zwc-.urat.e in every Way and vma.3'.: THE S0[TRC`l<} OF` SEED AND l 0'.l`A'l'0 YIELDS GRANITE WORKS u-uu puuu,-11.) u....\, \Iu\\.| ... Turning t.o Irish Cobblers and: Rural New York tests we -nd that}: old On-tario selected seed p,' bet.-: ter results on the a.vera.g'e than did; the northern grown seed. In each; case. however, the old Ontario com-: mon stock was uw;1.y behind all]: other seed. ' ... . . ..u , _ 1_ uuun .7. 1. 'I'1ml selected seed rirom old: ()n*tm-io stock is on the whole qui`t.ef the equal of noxmhern ,'.*.ro.wn seed and much be-`Her ;`u::u~itime seed. A 1:11 . ,, , .4 -1.) n.. The u\'er:1g"' yield per at-rq for 11 counties is as t'oll0\vs: Green Mouma,-i11s---N. Ont.. 218.3; ' l .E.I.. 215.7; Old Ont. select, 215.8; ` Old Om. common, 189.2. Rurall New Yorker. N. Ont,.,ZO'l.7; old} 0111., 202.3. lrish cobble:----N. Ont.. 198: l .E.I.. 210: Old 0m.t selel-l,. 201.1; Old Ont. con1~u1on.? 164.9. i um.\.. .,.,\..\.. The concllmions which may 1 drzuxvn from the exporinwnls are: follows: A rrv-1 . . . 1 _,,u 2. Thu! common seed old On-` _I2u"m is -.1. losing proposition as com- -pared to any of dhe others. 3. Than good see'd wherever the sourco means it gain of zLppI'o.\'in1ate-` Iy 30 hu:~:he1s-2 to the acre in hhe . The estinlates for the current; "year we're laid before the Dominion; Par1izm1ent. on 'l`1Iesduy. The esti-'-- `mated expenditure for the scal f,\'ea.r ending March 31. 1922, i fs5s2.o62.09s. just $31,162,712 less `than the estimates brought. down: -last. .\'l-.n'ch for the fiscal _vea.r just `(.1-()l]1il1;g to :1 close. That. decrease`; `represents almost, t.he total differ-_ , ence -between -the $40,332,400 spent. :for demobilization last, _veu.r and the $7,777,380 asked for t.he sa.mej' `purpose for the new year about to commence. Aside from that there I were drastic cuts in vm'im1s depart-' `ments aunountin-,: to more than`? $90,000,000. All this severe cutlting," .was necessary because the railway` `expendi out. of income I'm` the` year 1921-22 are ta.kin;; the tremen- dous leap of $92,080,460. being_ $168.009,330, as compared withf ` $75,929,330 for the year just. end-V ing, thus eating up t.he decreases in` 0 other depzu't.ment,s. 1.. r\._;....:.. 91.... M-uulnp-... unr` r'n'nI'u expenditures '1 to pier Ul.llt'l ` In Ontario the harbors and rivers mun $370,850. mej principal e~ being as 1`o1-: lows: ? u Upxu mucu Lu. 3 ...$ 4,600 Bren kwu 1 er n-' Ann Coiiingwood v rec.onst.x'uction . . :l)epot Harbm'~-~Repairs and 1 renewals 10 whm-ves 'l1'ench River Dzums--Re- ._ ,1 _.... :...-.......n.-. I Iv:nn.u .-...\.. .,--....- pairs and maintenance Gode1'ic.l1~~~-Re-pzmvs 1.0 docks ` K in gst.0n- ---Ma imenance and nnerzujon of combined WhilI`V`S and bridges kingsviHe----Repairs and re- n...,.,u....- --\,.__ , ne=\v-.115. to piers .... ... ].ea.111in-glon --Repairs to pier 79 Bayeld St.-0pp. Ross St. 'l`h9 town of M9aLI`or(l has let :1. contrat-I I'm" the construction of :1 new cnnrsrete mud, 10 com approx- in1vatel_\' $126,617, at the rate or :51 ..3.`c n sqllnro yard. The Iiznnilmn Conslruc-tinn (_`u. \\'c-re '.:.\v:u'dv(l Ihv (`()l1IH 2l.(`I. ASTHMA , no Smokily---In Snruina-NI 3|!" I...o Qwallnw 2 Caunln l\A'1l4"lVlrLA I II uuun -nu--.. to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, gin ' long nights of quiet sleep; contains no _ hnbihformin drug. $1.00 at your drug- g'mt`I. Trial rec at ourngeucies orwrxtc Templeton. 14'. King W., Toronto. i Local Agents--Wro. Crossland; A1-E landale, A. E. Patterson. III 5mO|(|l|'"llII alylnr`-no c-um Just Swallow a Cusule `RAZ-MAH 1: Gun rantecd - _--.....- ..........1 hr:-nthiruv. non .\IIl.I.l0.\'S IN | Pulling.-;woml (Ix-.l.~' $25,00() 25,000 15,000 ahead -: . 2-U nlounv; .: `test. 1 . 7 and E L t.ha.t% "` e bet.-`E 11 did} | x each ; 9+1 I (:0111- j M ` an H 4 -',. `:1 re as ` v be ` *7 l\UUCI V`. 15,986,354 17,900 11,000 8,500 3.500 6.600 0n- ` (`filli- h M. D. Cubitt-Nichols Phone 61. W. A. LEWIS, M.D.. C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY and `C. S. DICKSON, B.A.. M.B. hone 56 Collier St., Barrie Work exemxted in best m:u1m>r, of first class material GAS HEATERS WILL SAVE You COAL Barrie Gas Company, Ltd. Vote -- and Vote, Yes Let us shut the door to Imported Booze Real Estate We have scores of beautiful houses listed for sale in Barrie on reasonable terms, and many real bargains are offered. Jdso we have some ne farm pmpexties from 25 to 200 acres in size for sale. Several good -houses to let. GIVE US A CALL GAS l"l`=EL IS CHESTER THAN ANY 0'l`H_El'{, BOTH FOR COOKING AND HE.\'I`l;\'G mtario Referendum Committee 19 Oice and Showrooms Wells Block, Owen Street. Telephone 78. J. W. Mccutcheon, Mgr. Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxi- cating Iiquor into the province be prohibited? SEND for ESTIMATES