BUT NO MATTER WHAT OCCURS you may rest assured ' that as in the past, you will find at this store the best possible goods at most reasenable prices. H._ I). |{.a_ymr)nd, Vicar. Sunday, Dec. 29th. ES. THE WISH 0F SUTCLIFFE AND SONS. UU L J. \.u.u\I. Phone 118. YEAR W M. Again We Thank You. Jcouaer St. Methodist Church` The pastor will preach at both services. :STA.\[PS \V.\.NTED-~(`.n1lcctions. Canadians, Confe VVm' Tax. odd 101.: lmu-_:'M and 013.. 1\[n1'ks. 46;? ,Q1_mdi11:1 .'\\'c-., Toron- L- :u')") 4 Prisoners Rnpatriated W. J. Crawford, Orillia. M. Shelswell, Orillia. Send the Acivance to Your Distant .Friend as a New Year s Present -CWNT`! CASUAEEIES Pastor, Rev. R. J. Fallis. Sunday, Dec. 29th. A Year s Remexhbrance for $1.50. _ __.__.__._____~ MeNIVEN - Dec. 15, to Mr. and ]. Mrs. Chas. McNiven, Brock St. :1 daughter. 'WAN'l`F.D---'1'x'm'e11m~ to call ,A..l..._.. on Hw ll 1 .7... V ., lPOWELL-In Port Arthur, Dec. to__Dr. Charles Powell and `M Powell, :1 daughter. l\VOOD--At Lefroy, Dec. 1]., Annie, wife of Fred J. Woo ` ---Splendid asso;-tment -and, Kupok Mattresses .Dougal1_A . DEATHS. BIRTHS. _ NO'1`7.(_`I-`. i~. ':'.-1-.=`:)y Vto the 'l'1'v.'te.= ;\c', `.}x:xt :11`. c:.`. u 4 . ` * l1a\'1n;;' (chums :12-\x1`.=:t the T`..s`.'.".*:e of: I ~ V\Villiam Elliott, late of the 'l`o".vn of`; Barrie; in-the Cmmty of Simcoe, Ro- " ti1'cd Farm(-1', c"c0a.s\':d. who died rm 01' about the 1\veut_`~.'-l11iI`d day of: September, 19]-9, are reqllested to ~~'s_end particulars of their claims to` *".the nnclersifzne- on or before the of December, 1918. :1f"tc-r -.which date the executors will dis-- tribute the assets of the estate giqxong those entitled thereto, having) feggxrd only to the claims at` which} they A Hey Wi .28th day I I 4 x I 11 not~ be responsible to any[ _ for_the assets of said estate; h9'se' claims `shall not then have i _ e`ei1_`-received. | ?_Dated 9th December, 1918. `DONALD ROSS, ` ' " - 1 ,7 I (`1-`lZ..ZL..- "mun p'.n'~:'i:\r\? C 1 c 1 `shall then have notice, and that H ALL KINDS Vix-tm`_'-.' mul \`.':n' Bonds bnuvrht `for cash. Bozst prices given. B:11'1m.<, N13 St. Clair mmme, Toroniu. 5'3-`J 'VVANTF.D--First-r=1as; pizio :<:11r>.<- 1 man. .\pp1y mmm-'_-`ox-_ piano do-I partlnont. The R. S. \\'i11i:1ms Sons C0,, Lhnitcd, H5 Yonae St1`oet_, Toronto. 52-1 VVANTI-`.D-)Iot0r1'n(-n and vontlur-`P 0 rn __.L,, 13.. ' FA \ nu` A PER.\l.A;\'ENT JOB is the one that will pzly when the W3!` is over. Secure a positi- man or conductor with the To- ronto Railway Co. Apply 58 King Street, \V'est. 52-`3 UU-AL/1i.l'4 1` An.u.--.Lu n n ouu: Ur Adjzzla, County of Simcoe; small bush; good water and buildings; c`n_v land: price $4.500 for quicl-' sale. Robt. Sloan, R.R., No. 1. u.1,.,.,. mm, _-m_+{r_ VVANTED--Maid for general house- work. Apply Mrs. I-Tay, 21 Char- lotte Street. 51 , _ I `._'%-;Irn_`M<`:_Quay, 89. I IY..?-Gaffield' McQ.uay, 7 9; Eliott, 7.8. . ` ' I ]1.IV`.M~. -Thbelma Brolcy, 69; Ro- ` gak, 63; Harbld Broley, 61. , I;[I',f`-Norma; Orrock, 77; Beiv ` '. MdQE'1y,, 75;`, Lottie Dunn, 71. I `( j ng1;w11sqg.~:E11i6tt;**65,' g _-1-Ve_fVh`()1_1".M( u_ay,.61; John 3 . __;v._` _: I . . 1 41;,` ' ':j'40A.K FLOORING, wall hoilrds, W kiln-dried` ha1`dwoods_, `pattern / pine, 111`o111ding:s. Ge01'g'e Rath- ' bone, Limited, Northcote avenue, Toronto. 52-1 STR.AYED-0n Lot 19, Con. ,,_1 \_.:n.... -1 ..,m..,. nlfl . >i|ll.'- l.\Ul}I.a .-`.thIcmo. Ont. V4 xLVl1;lJ'IIu\:u1[ ||J \ll|l \... drapc-1'_v irnwlo. cns1`o1'u nnd nm't".~.- It ern Ontario. .-\.pp1_\- by letter to {t Fred G. Sopc-r Co., 193, Tm.11Q'11t'm1 `xi Ave., Tdronto. 52-1 E1 """'\` vusvu *"-`4l~".(r- -v-, - V KIinth..-E5* ~'5? Flor- .1\cQugiy,-54.` E2 ' A .,_ .ga.;i~aam;;m.l.Ii.sP1s:NcE, " S'ANTI7.D--)I0tor1m=x1 vm1:1u(- r- | ors for Tormlto Ry. CO.. .\'e\\' men earn from $70 to $110 per` month. Ten days training. Sloa(1y' employmenf, 58 King St. West. Toronto. 52-2 "i .s; s. No; 3, - A- _.-..........L..;-n )'1'1i-.*L111;l)--U11 1JUL 4:1, bun. u. Essa, 1 red heifer, '3 years old, and .1 roan steer, 1 year old. J. 11. Davis, RH. No. 1, Utopia. 52 rm`:ai.: "re caanzrcas sonoor. 1{1'.1_=o1vr L hV`VANTIEID. . FOR-SA4LE.. 5_MY-.EN l`1RE STOCK of R. 1. 1:. I v-` -;...z -. V ....., , Executors Solicitor,- Barrie, Ontario. Executors Solicitors, . Es_sa. Figures de- .LV U. L 48-tf. dared in Sunday. 11 c1'o\\`g[Ec1 m1`1.`." I the spec 01` {tion was QN011 `fist, Miss ;AV%F';1E% *%`EEK ma {'5 . ' ~ ,..........-..-.=-m-_~." 000o0o`uo0o`006000000 Influenza Patients 11'- T`L.1II.._.,_ _,,,1 LLILJI-LUIAQIW .I. uuuvnnvu Mrs. P:11lin<'__-' and H1" Misses Pulling are an suffering` from influen` Mr. W. A. Boys, M.P. -- 1: UNION STOCKYARDS of Toronto, Limited,__ Horse Depm-vtn1o11t, \Va1- : fer Harland Smith, 1nzmat_:c-1'; z1uc~ _ Atioh V\ ednesdays; private sales .- daily; large stock always; con- Signments solicited. 52-1, Mr. \V. A. Boys, M.P., has been confined to the house during the past week with the prevailing` in- fluenza. His son, Jack, and Miss Boys, have also been suffering from the sam illness; but all are now 1-u< covering. ' nu - ,L I am 011115. --Cle:1ring' out sale of Lace Cur- tains. See them at Dougall Bros . Presentation The-`choir`of Trinity Church lmve presented Dr. Arnnll, the choir- mastcr, with a club bag and the or- _2`:1nist, Miss 1- u1ling;, with a llafx: pin holer, with silver top. School Treat. rv n , I\|,____A____L_',__ IJUHUUL .l.J.wuou. The scholars of the Congregation- al Sunday School spent :1 very plea- sant \'oni11g` on Monday. The chil- dren and friends sat down to tea, which was followed by an ontol- tainment and C1n'ist1nns tree. -Special Sale of Wall Papers; clearing out stock to make room for new goods :11" Doufxall `Bros. School Nurse. n-H1 .','111 uvuuxu. ;. uh. nu The Board. of Erluenttionl held :1 s )ecial meetinrr on Fridav to a mint a . J P rt public school nurse_, in the plzxrrc oi` l Miss Solnervillc-, who 1'esi;,-`nod. ` There were three applications, the choice of the Board falling` on Miss Nollie Mc.\':1b_ of Barrie. The sal- ary is $600 :1 _\ o:u'. lchristmas Music 1 rn Special Clirisfmris mn:~.'ic Tn: ren- most of the el1nr5he.s mi Trinity Clnireii was on Sunclny c-\'enin_;*, to l1'2m' V Ithc speciai music: but the 0011,:-*rc:r_"a~ 3, ' was clicappointed. as the organ- ` list, Miss Ctvnstaxloc Palliim`. who llfltil. lpresirled at the organ at tho morn- 1 ing sc-1'\'icc, was too ill to be p1'esL-11f. |Her place was ably taken l)_\' Miss lDo1moll_v_. but the special music and -. l_ea1'ols could not be rendcreC. I x i l 1 --0i1c1oth Squares and Cnnyrolemn "E1123, $111 sirces nf Dongall Bros. | Gone to Rhineland. I I n ,,,, ,L. \.I\.uu.; uu ;.vu:.uu;u.uu. Captain James Clarke, fs.~rmerly Y.1\I.C..~\. see1'etar_v with the _Battalion in Barrie. has been pm- moted senior officer and with :1 staff : l of workers will l1-ave charge of Cann- l dimi 2nd Div. Y.;\I.C.A.. work in the ' lRhinelancl. After Capt. Clarke was Wounded at Passendaele he retiirned to France and went with his men over the top many times. He was se1'ionsl_v injured on a motor- cycle in Septenilier. breakincr both arms as well as injiirinrr his head and chest, but he has s11ffir:ie1iltj.' re- C0\`C1'C(l to resume duty. l 76`.'lL. inmws mm sauna wm `, -Fm' solid c-nmfnrt sloop on 02.11`! i ! Kapok Mattresses. Dmlza Brn~:. LCANARIES FOR SALE, very n`nnv\ 1.1 1XTInn ntvn `lnnhnnnn\ 3 Miss May out af_j'ain nff `fluenza. is able to be .:} .%t1L-I:1tAtz1c-1: of iu- 1; `.""""'"' ,'.-`v`~"fi' ,;>`15.`r,j. . -v 2 The D. Clthfanot at the hr:m~ j ;of Mrs.` L. Sj)e`arixi 1 t1st week with [1, about fifteen members present. ii Mrs. \\'. Pratt 1'etm'ned last week i] s ~n-1-v11 1A\'enue Methodist Church visited ithe LEE1_".._.'11(3 of Central .\[of1mdist [last week and provided part of the ]')T0g1'al11IIlC. I mu 1 an i The Epworth Leag:uc- of Burton i 1 ,,,_ I- I, .I.I.. |l""D """' The sale of houli--miule hukingr in the Qpaxlgc Hall in aid of Field: Comforts was a. decided success in I `spite of the very disagreeable lweather. Over $190 was realized. ` -nr 1 1:1,, Y\-..l..,\ AI.` I`.-.lnL-.n ` Inna D1135 Druuwuu 1: muuu ucuw-. The I. A. of M. held a euchre lpnrty and dance in the Orange Hall `last week, which was a. grout suc- cess. `About. 200 were present. `Prizes were won by_ the following: ` iLadies, 1st, Mrs. D. McLaughlin`. {2nd, Mrs. Appleton; bboby. Mrs. Bat 1-\Iorr`en. Gentlemen: kt, Mr. 1-Appleton ; 2nd, `Mr. E. Stevenson; :boo'o`y,-;M1'.~_ Lyons, R,efri3shmen(:.+ 'w'eres'er'ved and songs} irendered by .WL`uLuU.l.'. UVLIL x;u.av vvum Lvunxuuy. I M13. and Mrs. Perdue of Calcdon `lEast, are visiting at the home of -the former s sister, Mrs. R. Cannon, Burtdn Avenue. 7 m, .,,,_ 1--- ....L -.. Inc; a \ni'l, `Dunuu n.\ cuL_u:. . Influenza has not yet left us on- gtirely, bugcases reported are very `light. ~ Mrs. J. Catlin is home again lfrom the V. II., also Mrs. VV. `Poole. Mrs. Dinning is doing well `and Miss Brun-ton is much better. 7"` - 1' A -3 `IT KATA n nnnkrn nu. Cllllxtnx; influenza. three of a111ox1g'::t \./.l:|J.1 ..|.Lv.I..I_1u .L \/Lu n.;..:.;.4;4 - \.;_y | ; Vcheap. 14 Wiley ave., } )otween Donlands and Greenwood, north of Danfoth, Toronto. 5'3-1 FOR SXLE-Tho1'oug11b1'od rose comb Rhodc Island Rod cockerels and pullets. O. L. VV1'ight, Rih- mond Hill. 5'3`-1 ` L the 1` The Si111.'3ne C`:-xzniy C`am\i11=_:, jehen was closed at the em`. 0L' No - \`e1111)e~1` and behw: will he J`m'm\1 (he '|1nunhm' of m;~:': which h:1\'e been `ldCSD:`l'(C1l( d to the soldiers o\'e1'. By axr o\'c1'sig_'r;ht these details \\`e1';,- not sent to the Barrie newspzwors 'l.befo1'e. The goods cmmed nmmmt `ito twent_\-'-four mid :1 half tons and the work which has been :1c:eomplish- led reflects the g__g'1'eatest credit on all he ):4<.-. leonct-med. The county took up the ` `.p1'oject with great he:1I`i'ine<:< and `lnueh assi:s't:1ne.e was received. from 3011 i thg"0uts`ide the town. . I m 1 1, LL- .....`.1!J. J-~ l\:I Hm t".~.u. .\ cmzana szzzrcaxras iApp1e butter . . . . . . . . - 'lCa11ned apple . . . . . . . . . |Canned crnbapple `Crabapple marmalade . 'Raspho1'1'_\' jmn . . . . . . A llRaspbe1'1`y and 1-hubnrh - :Strawbe1'1'_v and rhubarb _- l1Rhuba1'b jam ULILSIUL` LIIU tuwu. Totals to the credit of the C1121- aninr: Kitc`;\e1_,- in the brief period of ` ra little more than -three months r-me: ` Cases. nnn ` 1IlJ.Ll uux u ,u... Peaches 3 Citron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I_:\Ii.\:ed f1-nits Tomatoes... ,Beans... .. ...] {Beets .. .. :Pr2as. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1(`,11iokc-11 pror111ot:~: .. . .. ... . .1381/._3 "Pir3.k1os-10 keszs . . . . . . .. 1350 lhs. K Each crise contained 24 cans of 3 Ipounrls 03011, and summ:1ri'/jug them ttnuk-1` their (Ustixlc-fi*.'e heads we get `those nm:17.i`nu' 1'0. 1 ` nnnn . m._. 4 | I I N V %17`ruit prndur-is !_(`11io`.;rn p1'0J11.!'1 -V0`2'(*1':1b1o D1`-M111('1`< ?,Pic-kIo< Total . . . . ..4.0,1.`)-Li 1 A pmr~ti(-al }:1'0z=r*1` }1ns estimated :the retail privo. pt-1' arm, of` the dii'~ 1 I . 'fo1'(>nt ]u'odL1(-ts, and the \`n111n ; `-.-,.-1..\.. --L1... ..mr.~m1'r.nn+ mun nf `lL'll`Hl In.-/-uu: Ln, unnxc ...- . . . . .. -1'(~:1(*`.~.o."s- "H10 m:1;'1u1'ir?o11t sum o $6.500. The ohir-k(-.n.< wnrhc`-{'1 {ha :c1'0r`.itnb1e total of 2,W.|0. v-ru v :1 , ,,A___,_L 1 _-.P H`. `FOR SALE-Sma1l m:1r, harness, carriage, robe, etc. A. G. Ardagh. Phone -113, Barrie. Dams AND FUNERALS Hum In _. nu--v. (.1'l"'-ll31U!l_' . < _ i Th`.`O11f3,`h tho mn'ont hrnnr-11 of H10 Canadim1 Rod C`m<.1 Sn:-iota-, `ET-.1mi1- Eton. one carlond of the output` has -[been sent to our snldirws in Siberia, la ql1:n1Wf_v of jam in C`:\n:11i:m \\'n:f- :on1 Hospit-.11.=., that were short in ;fhis em11mn1Et_\', and :111"the <=hinkTn {and the balance of the pI'0(Tl1CtS Eovc1'.=m.: to Hm East. r I 1 On Tuesday, Dec. 17, Mrs. Geo. iLawr passed away at the R, "V. Hos- -ipital after B. trying illness, at the toga of 66 yeatfs. Mrs. Lawr, though not enjoying the best of health for h ,many years, was always cheerful and - ibright, a good neighbor and loving `Hvife and mother. She leaves to 'mo1u`n her loss :1 bereaved husband, A lone d:1ug'htc1', Mrs. P. Clark, Barrie, ;and three sons, \Vn1(lon__ of Toron- ,.i_to,' \V'n1te1'_. of Denver, Colorado, {and ;\Ie1\'in, of \Voodstoc.k. The Efuneml was held on Thu1's('1:1_v fr-mu iher tl:111ghtc-r s residence, 9 Brad- ford Street, to the Union C3111eter_\`. \ . ` Ponoefiil but s11d was the 10.011111 of Miss 1111111`. w11ir_'11 took :p1:1co on F1'i D00. 13111. 9110 was 'wo11 k11o`.`.'n :1; H10 1101111 of 1110 (]ress~ |111:1ki11~_1' d(2p:11't111o11t of Messias. Dev- i'1'in and .\I111'r,-}1iso11, but .4110 had 110011 1111 f:1i1i11<:; 11031111 for :1 1011;` time. `past. 011 the day previous to 1101' ` `(1(`.i1111i she did not for-1 iw-11 011011311 'to go to b11s'111oss, but was down- ' :stai1`s. O11 F1`iC.1_\' Mrs. 1\1'.111`p11y, `iB:1yfie1d St., whero she boarded, 'p1`O\'ui10(1 upon her to reinnin in bed. iS11e ate her breakfast as usual and `shortly _before 12 Mrs. M111'p11y went ; to see her, to `ask her about (111111-1r. 3 Ten minutes afterwards, when din- ner was taken to 1101*, 3110 was found ` ,1_ving on the bed, life being extinct. 1 E3110 had evidently got out of bed 1 [and theitfort was too much for her. Dr. Walwin had attended Tier for chronic asthma and bronchitis and H was able to give a certificate. The f body was removed by G. G. Smith 1, & Co. to Toronto 't1-{e s ame'evening, where the decensed s sister resides. Printing of Every Description executed at the Advance Office, 123 Dunlop St. Posters, Hnndbills, Cir- culars, Pnmphlets, Tickets, tc., at reasonable prices. All work turned out with promptness and neatness. Give us a call. Phone 53. Cav'.:1l?_\' C':mnin': 1xii~ was clzvzod Kw will m' of (=n.~:':: have; `IL-11(-d sohliors . W `Tom Maya and `ms two daughters. ' ....:| .........:.. 4-`...m;-km-'1 `luv `Mr nn 110m M.uy:s llllu. um uwu uuugnucna. - and xnuc funshcd by Lin and Mrs. Logan, T. Bell and nmrsx. The commiftee who carried out the ur- 1'nn were J . N's-H W. B73` A. Ferguson, W. Mr-.\ucvnnrV nut : 7? Johnson. x r N0i?'i'H}]PN At>37A1~r5m MISS HUNT. 100-ACRE FAR.\I-T0\\';\'SHIP OF (VA. A.1:..1.. ...+.. .4? Q:m.-mu. :~rnn]] GEO. Cases. . 411 .13!G :11ror.< mount 5 m1is11- xp 312:1 - 'i0d ` r; I -Upho1ste1'ing and furniture re- pairing done `by experienced work- men at Dougall Bros. - 3.00-'-Sunday Schocl and FBib1' `Classes. -- . .5 ______ __A 1111155-5- 7-00 - Evening Prayer and ermon `.Vatch Night Service New ;u"s eve at 11.30 p.m. Ccsai andWood Trinity Church 8.30--Ho1_s, Cotdmunion 11.00---Morning Prayer and WOOD FOR. S.-\.L'.-Cut and split to m'dc1'.-Lewis & C0., Barrie. Portlnml Cement. Land Plaster, Sewer Pipe and Field Tile. l'nI'il.LUl.l 1411 and Hair. Yard: FOOT TORONTO ST. `Div. -nan 119 OFFICE: FOOT DUNLOP ST. Phone 86. .. Hard VVH111 _Pl1ster, Hy- dmted Lime, Plaster, Paris ....,`I T.Tn~In We give a 5c] Coupon, redeemable at our premium counter, on every dollar purchase. As the encl of the year 1918 approaches we are able to look back upon the most successful year of our ten years of business in Barrie. W E WANT TO THANK ALL who have contributed to this success by their patronage. We appreciate your trade and confidence and will do our best to merit a continuance of the same in the future. The outlook for the year 1919, from a bus- iness standpoint is uncertain, prices are high and. many lines of 945213 are scarce, and present indi- catfc rs 2 I e '1 ac`: prices will gosti higher before they start to drop. GRAVEL AND SAND u. .,....u...._.. .,_l.,,.w. \I.l. M. -. yMay-hatched, ready to lay (beau- Vties) , two dollars each; canurics, young, in full song; cages, cheap. _>], Albermarle Ave., Toronto. 52-1