Gh2Nu1~tlj2rz1humm'\ .2 time. ll1<- \\'lnv<-ls nlf ju.sli<-0 mom .-;~;luwl_v. but in the Cllll you will gt-L lit and will be able lo judge lluw llliu u_'l'l1(`l'l)$ll}' 01` the 1'z1lL-p:i_\'urs \\`llu ll)>xs1:s,w:l ll1i~t (`()Il('('l'll In tlw <-,\ lvnl lul $-lH,lllHl illlll (-xIm.<, isl)vi11:'1'vp:1,il. ll :1.-'l<<-ll the l 1'(e.~'ilv11`. null his man- upon lll(`ll' ~.\::'.1nin:1linn. lust ::l`_'.'( l' lullir-ln\', rm` 3| list ml the m:1<-,l1im-r`\' ' IV I A` ,,` _l A ,1. I l...I AL...- a l l l h-1`c=l \\':l.s` paid, nnal llxc lmexuhvw of 'Llu- 'l.'u\\'n Cuum-il hml :1.-_v`|'vv tn xnhun-Ion ull (-lzxim In tho mzu-hin<>r_\` i])I`(*\ i()ll>`l_\' 1'L~nm\'ol uml sulal, \\'ln'n-h `lllil('}li|I(`l'_\' l mu i11l'oL'im-I. \\':|s \\'m'1h n\'(21` $`_ H,()UU. It will tzxlie -.1 101 01' s\\`-:n'in_-_:' to lnukv me In-1ic\'u Llmx, the Cnum-il 0.1` last _\'(~:u' pu1'n1iL- {tml M1`. JillIlil'.\'()1l in -mIr'lud(- any small :11'1':11|;:vnw1|l, nml Hlom is un- thint,-; in the minutes 01' the Cuum-il 01` tlw <~0r1'(-sgmn(lmwc to \\':n'1'zn1l, 'l.`l1ink ml." it, that }m p:I_\'iIl2,` 1` Jun E SilI]l(`. I 1 . A I |Ul` Hll' l'UI'1'l'>.]Ilunu-url: LU nu... %h'ilI]l(`. `\\'l1:Il the (_'ull1|):lll_\` \\`:1s in duty buuml tn [my umlvr the l`<)wn's l11n1't_-_":|_-_w-. all 1-lnilna tn the pruuvuuls ul' Hl\)llS:Il|(1.\` of ulnllnrs \\'m'lh 0|` mnvhim-1'_\' l`('llll)\ (`Il \\'i1hnut [wr- Illissiauxu. \\'uru l'm'v\'(-1' :Ih:1ml I lmw Ium'- I".-Iith in 1h<- lu1.s'i1u~.s`.< <-:|- [nu-il_\' 0!" 1:141 _\'(-:u".\' mmnt-il than in .<\\':1Hu\\' any suvln _\".n'n. (`\'(`II H` it is s\\'m'n to by .\h' T)yn1':-nl. ulmn in- i'm'm:1Iim1 1':-m-in-I l'r(am .\|I'. Jnnnh-- sun. I h:1\'(- ;nl1`v:ul.\' .\'|I()1\'l`ll In Ex- Hm-vv I-`mum-ll with wlmm the ne- ` A` I I|v1||I1| nun- l\\'l\I ll\I|I|\I| '_"0'li:lHml.< for p:1_\'11w11| \vv1'(- 1:011- tllwtvd h_\' 11111 ('\'l'l'-\\'iill`_;' 11111! 111-- lis1w11s:1.l1|- ll.-u'1'_\'. :111l I1 lvlls 111(- i!" :111_\- suvh 1-n11to11t'1u11 was 1111140 11.! is 1111!. in um- with tho 1'11:-ts 111111 the l(-ll<~1'< \\'1'it1<-11 hy M1". .l:1111i(`st111 (111 l"1It- i11 tlw ('I<-1'k's 1ITim- w1'1:1i11- l|_\' 11v:11's (1111 wlml M1`. ! w1H1vlI- :;z1_x'.~'. ` llll'|1l_\y I"I (I II-`L `Fl llI\.' lI|(Il,lllA Is] and llw [wit-0 nhlnim-cl. hul 1 111 IN-I11(:t . In :n1s'.'.`1-1` an ml cullnsoi, vI:1imin'_" lhnl. lust _' 1'.-l:lllliL':~'HI1 11(';`uli:\t(:Il :1 rt` mt. fur the ('u11|pu11y \`.'lw1 JHIH, :11'r<-:11'.~' uI' |Il`il1('i]!:\l zmnl um.-I 11'-I.` n-_:i.| -nnl Hun I\H|IIl1H`!' |l|.'ll I" II|l~`H|'| llll II|I\l|\ , _\`<-:11` -:40]! In-;`uli:\tml .~(-11l.-- \`.'lu-rn-h_y H-:11'.~' 0| in- /: 1 I , ....I 6.. 'I TEENORTEERN ADVANC lllllllu Ill-`L : nlzu-,l1im-r`\' I. 1lw_\' ;xl\'i-<- llI)lS ' ll. ;u1nc rliw_; the the (l0- worl- `(lll ll mil";-c um u | I ! 1 This (`Hort tn escaluo an nl)llu':1tiu11 is also :1'h. ;\[:1_\'m' C1':1i<:. This is unuug,"l1 for the xllsputed by J~`.x- ]1'e.~:uxxl. A motion will shortly be :11'::1uwl to .('omn1it .\1r. l)_\'ll1`L'I1l and Mr. H1 :-21\`(*:~' lfor 1'ol'u.~'.in<,r to :1n.<\\'(-r the qlu-sli:m.< 1'01}-1'1'e:l tn, anal unless l miss my _guess. \V(-. will get. what is \\"2llllL'tl hw l 1 m`(- the <'m't:1i11 falls. Al... IA` Hun In-u:l\lnnI'\' `l}()I`(' I110 <'m'u1u1 12111:. .11` the removal 0! the xnuvlxim-r_\': 'w:1.s 11-5,-`:11 and propr-r \\'l1_\' . |.\l1'. I)_\'Im'nt and his IIl:`.|l:l`.:`(`!' H-|`11.~:n* 3,1}; :i\'(* :m_\- inl`u1'm:1ti about it. |',l.'h(- 1'c:1.~'m1 is they :l1'L` uslm_1m'l in E:1hni1' HM` 1'i\,-"um-.~`_. knm\'in-_*' 1111- wt`- |'(-vt. they will h:1\'- 11]mH 1!u- 1':xl-- payors. '. ..\.-1.- `H... \Tm-m- nnd .-\1a1m'1nm1 But it is 2 .-nv 01111 tn u-11'/:nl1<~I`n v .2 s%?`3+a.&f.:%, 1?v17.. E?-: E3LW a .`.L"E T RF E%%E?v ER DEFAULT WEE MEEJTMRY EEEEWBCE MEET. - The following Regulations, recently approved by the Governor General in Council, impose strict obligations upon every employer TO ASSURE HIM- .c~17'r1:'1"!_`rA"I" TFAFT-T OF` HIS obhgauons every Clupxuy :1 -L\J Liuux/A\:.4 .....- `SELF THAT EACH OF HIS EMPLOYEES OF MILITARY AGE AND DESCRIPTION IS IN POSSESSION OF DOCUMENTS PROVIN G THAT HE IS NOT IN ANY WAY IN DEFAULT UNDER THE MILITARY SERVICE ACT. __1-_-.... ".1...-. is nhgs-cn=r1 u7;1'1'1 1-nsaxna 2 ! pu_yL'1':. j \.'\.\'k `the M:1_\'m' and .-\1a1m-1n:m :_'J.`_\'r(*1', who :1H('ll(l(! tho vxzullillaltinzx ion h0l1:1ll' ml` the town, and scv \\`h:1t, Itlxvy say, as In Mr. I)_\`mcm'.~' c-l'1'm'1 tn (>'.':ul(~ :lisvl0.\'|1re uf the truth. I \\'hvn lhv inl'n1'n1:1l'mn 1'oi'o1'1'ml to is .su(-1111-I you will :1'_:':1in h<~:u' from `nu-, zunl I prmnise you it will <-umu [soomr or 1:\tv1'. 1 U .....n-In \H\III'J U.NL).t.`.K 1.:-:1: LVl1L4J.11L\.l .....-. An employer who is charged with having al defaulter in his employ must be able to prove THAT THE MILITARY SERVICE PAPERS ISSUED BY THE REGISTRAR OR MILITARY AUTHORITIES TO THE EMPLOYEE IN QUES- TION WERE PRODUCED FOR HIS INSPEC- . .1, _ L:....-. ...L.m. 4-kn nrnnlnvma \X.'L`!Q fr:lzPn info The publiv nrv ill\'il0(1 tn nttvmll thv zumuul nu-(-Iinj_: 0|` l:n'1'io l`1':un-h of the (.7:n1:1:_li:1n .t<-rl Cross .\`m-i1-`._`.` ` in thv Puhv l.ih1':n'_\' .-'\uu|ilm`ium. l`lI1n`.s' Nov. I-Hh, ill, 6' p.m., MIMI ]l`(`:ll' Mr. l\'cnm*l.h .|. l)un.~'t:m, pru- sitlvm` ul' '|`ur Bram-ll. who has 1`w'HlH_\' rt-lul`|w<| l'1'nm l*`r:uu-1-. Ht. :\ml1'v\\".s' (`lulu-ll liml vh:H`-.:~ ul' Hw slmp .\'nluI'<|:1_\' .Nm'mu|wr `J; m-l, 1':-1-vipl.~`. $l:'1l.l`_ . (?u||i-I` Stu`:-(`I .\1vl|u) ('|nm'h will huw vIun'\.-cu .\`:mn'l:I_\'. I\'m'~m|wr EHII mul llw fnllmvin-_-,' .\':1l1mln_x' l`|n- ('nll_1,"|'t`*.`_'1| liumnl (ThnH~|I. Shula <-mnmiHm- lhia \\'m-I1: .\lr.~a. _.\'lI:u1:w_\'; In-xl \\'m-k, Hrs. l':|_\m-, Mrs. (i:u'\'in. l) S.-ul1ml:1_\'. Nun-mlwr L : IN. llznnnmml. :\n-.-'n.~'. $l.lH|; 1*`. .1uIl'('s, ('JluH('lI|I:1?n, $l.H0; .\II'. '|'.,| ]Iuhl*_\`, 1 H). Inn, 1 Hr. -ul'l'vu; |\).. 1 lam lmwcl. 1 H). lmlvr. ill! <~::";'~. z nu: ...x '1`1UN VVLICE4 1".IS\J.LJLJ\z.l`41.J :.`\JL\ LLAL) gang. 4.4V T ION at the time when the employee was taken into his employment, and that 1t was reasonably estab- lished to his satisfaction that the man was not in n 1. , _1__ 4.1.... 1.52124-nrxr Q1:-rxrlrwn Ari` T1" .nhn11](1 he lished `CO ms S.?.t1s1'dcLLuu L11a.L LLAK. mu. VV .,.., um. ... default under the Military Service Act. It should be clearly understood that the Canac3.ian Registration Cczxificates given on June 22, 1918, at the time of general registration, in no way dezle the status of a man un '2: the Niilitary Service Act. LUV! .l.AIk 0mp1{>_\_'s 01' mt: :1I.1y ::1;m who i:-; :*.1).~1<-W; wit] the (,,`:n`.:=.< ii:11 Force, or `whc 4-L. um-F.n-~.n-`.1. um; \,,LL|-.`.'l'..L1A` who the 1)(:!`fU!'}1i1!1 nu.-2 uxn rm rs-IIH` I)( )LL.`\.I{S .\I]'IF.I)l'lI) purtn x-v`.' um. 1.\:NI`z :f: 1: no 2 ;- spucrz , , _ Ml 1'... Tu {)1 ." I '_`.`-ll.` "'1(}6.Eve1'y `pc1'so11 \\'11<;{(;111i;,:1ti011s or requirenlents m`,11<>ys o1`1'(:t::.i11s11111is .~:01'\'i:te : :1f01'<'.~=:1id. 1.13` has d.(`,. or; " }.1.`. ;..\. Evc1`y pr31's<)1`1 \\".1:,1 T 1<<-21*; \\`1'J1:)11t If-:1\'v f:'<,>111]1TA1{13{)I'ii5OR(,f(:I`'C]3AI.S ~ ~ 1*._1. 1: .......`.::112. 1\: .\`\.I\.' \\`A`~, .\<`_,`[:.;';n.; bi; l L.-,. and RED CROSS NOTES :1. dose `.0! wt` :11: fu1"_'(' `\'iUx()u('; `us . -1'23: it: r<:s1`.uct Of : |2ll.\ Si rm-1'vly . nix,` .-llu`. L`;xun~u11dr,~ , \JL ,. THE DAY OF RECKONTNG Hr. 3.00, you rs, \\7 ur any pro: dc-1`, shall , ' 1, I REAGULA i`IO1-HS. _\'U|lIn \V. A. .\Mm'm:m . .. At .. AI, `. K`. H1 H1 ::\' of 11101 1%()Y.\'. `Li.-U1:>\IL AD UJL \.\,)n\-:J4.>xu_v < 11 1).: ..\:\'\; WAY A551:-5'1`::`> `..\>:\; 3-.:.x): "5. an 1;; A DE- `l.~a';x;fL`1:1<% 01-`. .-U~.`~:.~f`:-`..\f `\\'I.'I`1-1(_)L'T L11.-\.'\~'I-1 11:-:):~.1 H 14: (X-\1\'A D1AI~T 1T~:.\;1>1T-`.- ;:>:'roA\'.~\_m' 1-`<>1>.";:, m` ,.`u. I, 2.. ,1.. `....I:, :v\ +h.. mm- 11 Ht` `-.`I Lllslil \f `.(1 uf `(U312 Iadri-1.`. i)n1 `n it`: 10;-ss .~.u-E1 p \.\'u.~= xmt :1` 1 `. U `[0 1; ';!'i.~:<)1 U1` 1 __.2A`_... shn1'tl_\' 101' by lhv (~I miniun will .~ '1 .1 .L\J-\;`_ *.'h(> is in >E;-L?I-IDAY cI-1ooLs I WC"E'@ Lfiafli 2;w;z;'::u::L`;:y~ *-A i r. \)lV.l". LV.|.11.1.J.\J.I.V 1.1 \/ uu.-\... A million Sunday S:-hnol s<',lm]:1r.~` uml nwunbvrs of Yu11n_: People`: As- .~4m:i:Lt.iuns of the An3.:li<-.:111. 1 1'o..~;hy- luriun, lixnplist, ;\l(-!lm(Ii. and (`mi- f.,"l't`_*,:'1lli1)Xl:ll ('lnm-In-.< urv ('u-n}w1':ll- in_-_: mu :1. plan \\`l1i-l| lms lhv 1h1'o::- I'ulal [u1l`[m.~`<' ml In-l|>iu.:' In hm-st [lu- \'ivlnI_\` imnn H\':'x' Iho '|`u|: :h.~'i.x`1.- in: tho <-lnm-ln-.< In cxloml llu-iI'n1i.~:- sinn \\`nrk. zunl -nnnm-nmr:\ling lhv In-raisin of n-lmn-I1 lIl(`lll|H`l?\' who h:I\'u l':IHm-n :1! Hm lr-mt, |`}\'m'_\' Svhuul :11, least one hmnl" is lln- rm" that will hull: in t':`.!'|'_\` H101 ----- \-~ A 0.. 1|... \`nn.1-IV: 1' IEHH \' |H1mul.~' :.\nl|Il\l` V`||A . .\|lll\l' I` u `."`|]i(`!ll in M- d:I_\' .\'rl100l S ONE MILLION SCHOLARS! ONE 1`/LIL ON DOLLARS! A ...:IlI.... u...\.I.,n \'..1.n..l unlunlnrc :11 I`-mil Hahn` Luuu J.'l\\` Mt`;-'1 i)<>11:11'.<, or by both 9. i:;.;.:'i:::.~n1m.`-.t :m(1 finw, _~.-:.< pt-15011 p1`m'0 tlltli ::'.'.':u'o aml had no ~`;:-:1:-`z\';.~ gzround to .~:.u.~:pc-ct I 1'0.-;u:11:>.11 so h:u'b0ux'cd. `(`\'.`.L.'L(`,`_1. 01` :1<.~`in`tC<.1 \v:1.<. :1 vmr :`1\'1<`\|Z`4Q`./ from the r'r-;< -n.'it'zmut lrgzwc or in suit in r(-. of any of the tiuns or 1'cquirementL=. 3.`? 4 v A AR MEMORIAL ]n()I)(,'_\' 1121:: in in 2 the vericsi 1_\`r.. ram see that it i.~ I u ` ?.IILITARY SERVICL`. B R.-\.\'CH. T3? CANADA x L .l`\/1L\,x;, un Inf-ulxlt in thv per- ,f any u1`.1i;;`-..tiu11 or 11. for 1'e;m:'tiv.`.;-_ or '_\' .~'<=1\'icu imposed iv)` the Act or i`iL~5.r1z- I` 12113` pmci:`.m:1ti-Iux r, .<`;m1'1 ho g`ui'1t3' of 'a- p1mi.<'!1:a.1)'.c upml UNITE TO HELP mu m, II'.|n|` uu : |.n:m in 1~l.:<~ I VI \ n.~...... , '1"-`N11 ml i:~('I'i')iHj_" Sly lHlK' |)|H||| n tho F'nm1z1_\' :n' .-.'.jw1ix'c- in]! mi` ill!` ha .-:!:'1: .`Sun- :1 hmnl. ;m*aaNa AND Um 1n:n1e_\' .~;'11r111l1! '11<- 1':1i~1-11 11;: than by tzlxzxliun. I"i\'(1 zuul :1 119.11` :1 1311111 i111L-1'1-st 211111 L'\'L`Il lu:111 per <:o11t. is thos~:- with :1 51111111 b:111ki1r_- :1('('ul1IlL would find it g'1'1-:1tl_\' In 1111-11" ad- \'anta;:- to 11111`:-husv \'i<-1~11'_\' lim111.~:. rather than to l(-aw thvir I\'{l\'i!1`_"S in the bank at three 114-1` -111. '1`!-.0 ml- vantuge is 511 ub\"1m1s 1'11:11 11:51-.<(111s with m(1I1o_\' in the n11_;'l1t 111 `cad no pe1'.s11:1.siun to i11 L111-111 0 coxnu i'01'\\';11'1l 111141 111-111 to ~'\\'('H -- L7. = 1 1 To claxm ment 13 one ;?5` thing -- 1 ` To prove it is an entirely I \ different matter. We can Save You Dollars by Cleaning and Renovat- ing your Clothing. \Ve Clean or Dye every kind of clothing for Men. Women and Child ren,also Curtains l\-......-n Xv:- MAKWELL 1""" "" " " ` Oppos'it'e Barrie Hotel `Phone 229. |TH1-:soLDn-:Rs'A1D- \_ COMMISSION has been incorporated by the Prov- ince of Ontario for the purpose of assisting to reinstate discharged of- ficers and men in civil life. Ix.-H !hi:s 1.` _nmnth u1'te1'. Fm't11er ini`o1'm:1t i0n 11>; to r-0\11`5o.`~: Emmy be 0l)t:zium1 H0111 W. 'W. 4Nicho1, Supe:i11te11dent of Educa- ;tion, 116 Go `;ep;c Street, Toronto. ` 1:-1:-121:1-:1 'L"TT`l\TT\ fl'h_ursd:1y, Novc-mber 7, 1918. \Ve cordially invite the co-opera- tion of the public in the imp01`tant work of securing elnploynient for soldiers who have been di.=.charg0 `from militzzvy service. --.. \l . .---.---A-u- . v rvrri I 'r1n'1"\1'r1 \ I.u.u..I. uv a. ;u.u;1 a. I V UUILL .l.\JJ.\1..u J..|.UIL.l.1.\ LL` u Classes for the \'oe.'xtiox1:11 re-edu- cation of soldiers who have been disabled as to p1`e\'ent them from re-- s1m1in-g` their IoI`11101' on-mxpatioxls 111-0 p1'0vide`:1 free of cost, and in ad- <{`I1'i0n. the 511]`-]`xo1't of the :-nldier and his depe11(l(',11ts is p`.'n\'iCxm1 t"::(,- poriml oi.` rw-t1':1i1~.i:1;.: and for (me: .g..g..;..; `x auu \al.IllI-I ICII, Draperie, &ct Office `If. D. COLLEGE ST., .l'lE\'\i. ULLLCU. TORONTO Telephone N. 2300 _'[Igurs: 9 P4-m-'10 1.1.11`... Sa.tuW19.y, 5 pm. _ Me 1'~.`-`$301-I. I ;.C.JI.P.3 t".1nn*irm:11 JIUH .=0Mio I '.I`1u- second instalment of taxes lwill he Inc H1141 pn_\':1h}c at thu `l()H'i<-c oi Thv 'l`0v.`11 '[`1'e:1s111'o1', (7uun(`il (.'lmmhc:', B:1!`1'iv, on or bu- l,. TT KLUI l`. NOVEMBER. 20TH. l All .\'.l1'cul Oiling rates must be pzlitl not later than above (l-ate. Aflcz` .\'u\'o)nl)c1' `_ ()tl1 '11.`; pm` cunt. will be mlnlml to all taxes and street oiling" rates 1'em:1i11in-_>' unpaixl. The Collector will i1n1ne after (late munlium-(l take steps to enl`m'c-e p-a_\'nwm 01` any taxes or sst1'm-t oil~ lI1`_" 1`:1lv.< 1'u1n:1iui1r.:' I`.11p:1i.'.. lssaiaa Puma 13215.1, THE E-`KRST CARLOAD OF CORN Has A1 rived and the public can depend upon gctt-ing a good supply 6f lwuoua com, CRACKED CORN, or man can? uu . GK, Secretary Why was thu \'i<~L.n-_\- Pu ado :1(I\\ U(l 10 full Lhrnu-.." though it xms in/\|m.<.'ib!(~ held it on the lay it W215 there is no reason why it A good suppiy of Bran and Shorts and Chop of All Kinds. V0CA[~I'I`O1Af- :1;P.AINING ..\....L:...-... 'iW`~ `G? EQRREE `EARS E918. Ten 1 is The mlvts. ( is the paper i: lhigkh n \. |-A m\\`l(- 1 1 . W I7;1\/i.PL.C)Y 1VII`.NT OM . IN`. 11. 1./IR Save to` by; uu1'.~;: _',\: >3; Lv. `gnu, .1. u RELIEP FUND .1 . . .2 . .Gents for Fifteen Words '.`."\(1`-'{1I1(3C rate for prepaid 01' the wanted class. It 2 cheapest rate of any ne\vs- in Ontario. I-lead Office: C1-T| 'r 'r1:`eTI {` the :\ss~;i. of :`.i1ir':-`. in tmnpn':11'.' dis- 1'h:n1kt'\111_\' 1'ocoivo1 and (1. an-.1 ;'sh:n11d be mzxdc ~ 1 .1 . IVA..- A. \V. SMI'l`H, CLEANENCR` it is =- L.\.l.-,`.LL..|. ,4 Chairman Tron :....,;. Son. ._14-J.(i Q 0 0 O Q I 0 O I ;..;..,..`.....,..,..,..,.....g.....,.._..,.`. > > n . l on? rm @/jai r Published every Thursalny morn- ing by James Baldwin Bryant, pro- prietor, at the office, 123 Dnnlop Street, Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, Province of Ontario. unn ..;u.....`_ uml 3l)u:u1lil`11lly les... all in vain. Tl1`L"-'0 is but ml lllo \\'z11'---tl1c p1'<>ul I-10-` ll<~I'n will lw (:l'11$ll(`Il and X 1n_ miu'l1t_\' :n'm_\' \\`lll(`l) in the ` u[wiH By Barry Comsie. \'\'01`lI1 has been U1'_1I:1I1- =0unt1'_\'. will he mun- ml and ])111\'c1'i7.:- Rut - dn not `h0IiL-\'(- the` ; -_;011(1 1 to 111011` 1 1:11 . \\(|I\K l|In-- ...` ' tlmsc who :11'(- p11I`(-l1:1.-s- 11011115. "I)n11bl1- up: '1-mlvr hi111s `L'01'vo1 by THL'RSI):\Y, I\'()\'1`I_\II3}'JR 7, 1918} : to 1`)(%('ul11(_` more , All HighL*.~:l' will _ 4 and hittc-1'c-:~:t 1 isms lift-. 1.\'011ts j and in. 111z1_\' not L']1H11S and cruel ; . . , .=.ccmL- at 1`i1-.~:1; ` )ug'|1. the ru1'u. A, 11mjn'it_\' 01' the I`! -I _ m`_` ' ' p1'L-l<-r:1hl(- I I... :m,n'<* Lscllf to his. the #1301- 1101111 be too ml upon j v . ' . In h:1\ (- With everything to lose and no- llmakc the thing but abjectruin staring Ger- `mm amw many in the face should she sur-' w1,eL1m render unconditionally, we have for `thing to long held the belief that the Kaiser ldismse I and the war lords of Germany would .13 that never give up their swords 11nti1[man y pe< absolutely forced to by the people route ne at home. Abandoned by her allies _epidelniC and dupes and hopelessly beaten in lnothinn. 1 the field, it would seeni that Ger- I-he ttb many has nothing to gain by furth- _ ipeople \v< er protractmg the war. W'e do not = ! know the actual terms of armistice. M311) which have been agreed to by the :1113d0 ill Entente Allies; but it can c011|t`i-i~`30115-i1 dent1_\' he 215511111011 that they are`jeate--l1z1` i _. I 4...: - M; -...L....n `.l........-1.h- sln`L;ld 1 and ` that :1 not have beau brought 011' since. If V you wamt to achieve 11 silccess you must :11' c11t111.1sius111, 111111 :1 t01`c11lis_{'11t. p1'<)c0>.'si<)n would have 110011 an c.\'c<-llcm 1111311115 01.` ;11jo11s';11f,-` i11(~r-eased e11tl111.s'iusn1 in the \'icto1'y1_ . 1 L081! Cillllpillgll. ` t 9! i l 1 ll \\'c are all glml that the ix11.'luo11'/.21 lcpillcxnic has ulmtexl. Barrie has} |ce1'tuinly escaped very well. The` l1z11' ductors have had 11' strenuous" time, and the hours tlreyl l..:1\'c put in during 5). day would make (lay s labor of 21 working I lmun appeal` very small. 1 I -I I '3' I lnxp. I do with the spread of the am not in a position to say. `But is the opinion of a good im-any people. On-e writer in :1 To- ` newspaper declared that the ` of thirty years ago wgis ' `lnothing like so alarming as this, and ' alttributed it to the fact that the ' were able to procure whiskey. i U U` . ` i Whether Prohibition has had any- `i Many bitter conlplaints lmvc been Hnaclo the Toronto press of per- I . . . .. .gsons-zn'111etl wlth a medical. ce1't1l,1- I . fc-:1tc-hz1\'n1g to staml waiting" zlinto the Go\'e1'n1ucnt liquor dispen- 1 , I1'2111;_{'11t.y 1 street A`, in u to t`()](l, get. 1 1 I A '|lllL\} Lllk \I\J\ \.AAnAAA\.nAu lA\l\|\!A ..-..l,. .. I Q s:u'_\'. .111 sunlc cases thn-_\' were ;1,-ml :\`.'0lllL'Il, who hznl '_"0no to ])m(-u1'(- the I li fol` :1 sivk llushanxl. I 7 ' I as 4: 1: 7 Hiquuy for J H, , ul. :1. SL'\`C1'(! and stringent nature. That being` so they are not likely to ` be ziect-pted by the mi1ita1'_\' clique` nf (`re1'n1zmy. It-, is the people who: will .~:u_\' the last word. '0 believe`. the 'l\';1ise1' lms gone to the front`; tn try 0l1("(' more the ct'1'(-Pl ml" liisl 1ll:l_`_:`I1('ii(- [)L`l'>iI)Il2llll_\' u]mn his troops, wlm are -_-V1'u\ving_" ". by l.l0-l n 1 :- viI'1'111:11' i.\'.~'llL`L1 by 'i:zi'li1i-n'/.zi. ll. is (`(`]".:llll that ii" ll1U_\' < coulcl lu1\'e tlrmv >`u('l1 :1 tllimy tlw p;11'e with 501110 of tlicir ut1'0ciIics' lit would li:1\1- been quit-0 :1 milxl in- :-;t:mr`e 01 l)il]'l7i11'lSll1. | I would liavv done it. Cmn- `l l l .. .1 n 3u;n'l oi }loz1IiI1_. Hun` .; WINNERS or SCHOOL I`.'AIl') l`l'\l|Il s . 2 .\]>1'i`/.0 \\':1s ul'l'o1'(-Il in om-I1 School lT":1i:' Di.`~'ll'i('t tn Hm s<-hrml \\`inninI.: `tho nmst }n'i'/.4-s at the Svhnnl I:lir.. [In emit-1' to 1n:1l(o the <-mnpvtilinn }l':xir fur tho .~m:1ll S(-lmnls -nnsidm'- `_:1Ii1nl is t:nk<~n of tho nunlhvr 0!. up- `plit-:|li0n< fur .<-n-(ls and Hm pri'/.0 jnllnih-ll on :1 pt-rr'(-11t:I}_"v h:1si.s'. 'l.`hv `,1`<-mlts I'M` lhv (fnunt_\ art` as fol- i lu\\'.` *01'i!l1:1 'l'n\\'n.~'hip 14.5. Nu. 51 f\'o. 'l`n\\`n. ..... S9. Nu. 1) No. S '1 hvn 'P1\\l'l|.'l];l\ }\ \'.\[)Jil I|l\\ IIFAII f()m "0\vn. "`I".`~'..<:x '|'n\\'n. l)unt1~nnn ..... rV. gl l'(,'('llllH'L' . . . . . . ' 1nni.~'I'i1 Tu\\'nsl1ip I'|':1_\' 'l`n\vnshi]I '\I. . ..1.. 'l`.-n'n.'l|i)\ 5Iu_\ nun. `.\lclm1l(- Tc` I 1 5'1 m-1nxm-lh I l1(.-11'/.n11<~1`n \'.'i the nlust mich ]1i.~'tn'_\` uif UH i /.L-(1 by one ( pk.-tn-l_\' .~mu. .1 true: I am hero and 1 am there, 011 _\'mu- nusv and in _\'nu1' lluir-- And in fm-I, I'm e\'o1-_vwhe1'e. 1 `m :20 \'<-r_\- .~1n:1H T can't he set-11, Ivr-n with n. 111ir-rusmpv so keen. I m so h:1]up_\' and S0<) . '(":u:1.s- I -amnnl smell 1lm\\'hi. or In '_"u\21 Hunt is ris1{_\'. 1,` I I .... .l_ npml nn1_\ I I .1. -`.111 l\ n v 1|]! 1| lII( .\mI 31111: "I I'l_\' {mu the littlv ~.;'or1n 111L`_\' cz1l14 the` asFh17?; .nn Lnf 3+7.` '. I lm-:1 V. ' the two. I mu:-11 struck, in 1'L-:u`li11'.;` ax` the 1 1'0\'i11<-iul . . . ! L llculth. by the tul1o\\'n1g< I1: _"lu onv 01: the lnuro ru- :-nth Hn:<. is in the Iulnds slw\'ir-.<. T110 \'i='iM(- si-.-1 in Ge1`m2m_\' lmvv yet I ])]`()Il01lH4'C|l 011- the '. ])(-1'1`m`1x1 the }m1':1 an task 01' his \'-.1i11*_'101'iuu.~' I y I'z~:nl|_\' nm :1 (}<~1'm~-nn-- '_"<-1 maul nr pm-an-h :1 st-I nmn. n_\` [)]'n[I(`!` n:nm- is II:-1'm:nm. --B:11'1'_\' ('mnsi(:. Hm .\`([`\l:lll1'0!1 l1'e;:i- 1ui11inr anal \\'l1isI{L-y Fae` n. 1_\' 4 n-:x. IL ll1:l_\' \\'-1 -\x"ni<-11 had the 1\10l'(' bunc- q11ix1inL- 111' [in ._.- l x'uh;1?)ly 11w u`,w0rl t-ILL-r . . ,.V_> THE FLU , ; ` llnl bx-licvv me, but it's` .~~lm-l< _\'1 I :ml st:n'(-, wild Hr tt-:1 Hill]! `n\\.'x1.~'.hip . .. 'l`o\\.'11~`!2i1> . IInt(-hin.ann, Am ....I . `:11`l_\' `I |J\olI\I\Il4 FAIR COMP!-1TITl0Ni tl1'm5_- u..:u `V1 . are n1o\`in 1':l1>i :1 be 1011-: h<.-fu1'(- the x-:1 t_\":mt will 1):.-'1,`n1'r people to su1'r-mh-1` 1.itil<`-ss fate. .~\-.~ um Ilunn-t ... (l1'i\'e.+ me (`I'D .s`u111(`1inl(`.~ ['1 till 1'm .'ll\'UH. A-gri(-11ltu1':11 us llzmul-in-h:md_'. ho t1'u0]).< in '1'(` :1i'L'li(-1'(~:1 lain i1 _\'mI--~l1uM (nu-11 (I1: I-Ulllll >' I :- hair u/4_\ . 'm 1217.)` A.\1l.C_\BLY :1.s tl10u*__"h, SI*`.'l"l`I..I .T) uf Ihv 111;1j v.` i L h ' lt nix -Jpi-_ {WHY IVEUNITKONS WERE NOT MANUFACTURED IN ` BARRIE Continued from 1st page. and pleasure as long` as I. am in pub- 'li(-. life '10 lo what 1 ezxn both for lthe Con_11:1uy and it.-; men. uncl no icriticisxn from Mr. llyment will ihave any L-l't'eet tn the eontmry. `L The publication of I'urther 3 1`L-S1)0l1LlL`llt`C in last week's 1)k1])c1'.-i lllixlzliezttinq the e11 o1_'ts of the Com- `pzuly to _-'et n1acl11ne1'y to make the sixty-potlmler shells explains the delay which pro\ ented the closing of la contract for the latter. In my former letter I pointed out that the Shell Committee haul :_;i\'en ten (lays - to tender on the sixty-pounder shells and the -Company let twelve (lays ` by before they even eoxmnllnieuted ' with the Shell Committee. My let- ter to tl1en1vbea1"s (late the second of October, 1915. They never did :1 thing till October the seventh when they sent a wire to New York ask- S |.'.m nhnnf nm't:1in mztchinery. Look C01`- 7 l r 3 l and t sent wlre to New xum nan- ing about certain machinery. at the letters` lTm- ym11'sel\'es. The New York "rm replied the. next day, stating they could furni.-h `the n1acl1ine1`_\' and the day after [sent :1 list 01.` same and quoting ; the >{priee of each mael1ine. Inste-.1d or at once 1,-'0ing_:' to Ottawa and <`-,l0sin_r_r ' the eoutrzlet, they let the we:-ii.'ie time go by and then wrote an as- t slnine letter inqu'n`in_~' wlxelluer or _ lnot they could ;:et the 11eeess:u'_\' mn- |-hiner_\' in huml and t.he1'eb_\' do `the (}m`e1'n1uent out of the l\\'hi<-h other industries were willin:- :l_\' }::1_\'in-_-`. Nu ullentinlx \\'u.< [mid Ito this la-In-1' `h_\' the Shell ("mnmll- llee uml it is nm In he \\'mle1~<- :11_. [011 (H-lulu-1' the 1"nm'1.e:-11111 the i(`:::1_11J:1:1j\` ;~,-_:zin \'.'1'e1(- tn '.\'~x-.' `furl-: mu. 3 II|vIl'Y `av `llH(_`!'\('llHl'.j |'.t`Iu_\ (=1 M'I'u-K` ix kUu"i l1>|:u-ml uml ! \`.`:1.~< llllilljlv zlltvr illll lll'Ll('l fur the l;'.!"_'.(` .~hell.<. maul upun l 7.1115` 1-.-turzt sci llll()1'i|lt`(l .\[1*. (':re:1\'e.-`.. 'l.l1I this ()I'(`:!.~3lUll I met` _\l1'. Le\\'i.< it 'J'mllm]w. ;\H(l('l'SU2l Cm, 1lll(l' _)[ai_iu1` Hart of Hrilliu in the wait- li11'," rouni in the ottice 01' the Shell ' Cumxnittt-e. and it` -.u1_\' 1:-rsoxi cures to ask Mr. Lewis he will state that I told him 1 was tln-re on he- ghulf at the Cziiizinlzi Pru Ce._.i but Mr. l)_\'menL lttllltl:ll('.~' his xluuhts l as to \\'llL'tll('l` 1 ever went at. all. In my last letter I p1'm11i.~`ed some iritelw;-stiiig in1'm'muti0n 1'eg;:i1'<`li1ig 3' the 1'eiu0\`:1l 01' mn(:liiuu1'_\' t 1'uu1 ,plu:tt \\`iIhn11t the mils:-int 01' town. This I 1-zumot _\'et }_"i\'e in le- t:1il. hut l)(-t`n1'v- the )n-mlin-4' p1'u(-t*t-l- lin_-__:s :\1'- (`I1ll('llltl(*(l it will (`()tIl(`. l)um't `V130 impaitient, It may tzzlie ;~:n1';e 1,' The nl ;it how .', 2'l`!1(-l'l).~ ll_\' II I 4|` ,, A il.. `U. Iil`-'\'l IIIHVII IIIKII l.\AlLlI| `1S:IlllI'IlH_\', 111 isnld nhlnin '!}m1l1 :n1s'.'.`1-1 inf lhu .\h'. .|:uniu::m 110',-`uli:\tcu lnwnt. ('u11I1nun -",~'v`v`.1)lW, prilxc ' \\':l.~`. (juum-il I-luim 10 lh ' 7` H .. .... .....l l ULHL 11.41.11 iv; l,|A\ .. Town Couneil to .;1':mt; 1 Mr. S. J. Fislier 21 loam oi" $1l),(.HJU,, `free of interest. wouhl he :1 :<,(-1-l)uel< to that (-me1-p1'isi11:' eiLi7.ei1. But; the reverse ha.< been the e:1.~:e. .\[r.1 Fisher was able to inI'u1'm the emu- mittee who \vaite upon him that he was now able to fimmee the min- pany without :1 loam frmu llle Col`-` e__po1'atiu11. \\'e r-ux121'ut11l:m- .\Ii'.l Fislier upon his f_'_0()ll 1"01'tun<-, mull trust that lii':< mill umy lmi: he :1 1lo1u'i:~:hin_: inlu. in lhe 'm'.'.'n.