nun ulna. Ivul. Ltiluctunn. The memorial service in the Methodist Church for Joseph Pembertou on Sunday last was largely uttemlerl. Rev. Mr. Gray of Mitchell Square conducted the service. Haula- I.('nnn.\; I nkv :m ;`oIi.~'.< Lu .-llu IC-.x.~'l~' rrmio, arr vi.~iling fricmls v'l:{'|(..?.gi.IAND HUNTING % 111111 Mr~`. 5211111101 E!- . . nu . , 1-31'. NOB.'l'F`.'.B.N Ahvmcn n .u. -. - .. Jurlt-'.< Clmil` .Ill(lC..~` lu.~`t Su*bl,r.1Ih. 1 f thi Yukon ! 8th,v 1918. 5,` 41-42 .-, x Teucher:~' A.-3 Iv: ...... Convention in B:u'rit v `MING AND V` CLEANHNM "'a;;;s;t'e; i Phone 229. F CLERK S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING} . I lvoters' List, l9|8, M-lficipality of the Township of Essa. Co nty of Simcoe Notice is hereby given, i at I have trans- mitted or delivered to t e persons men- tioned in section 9 of The Ontario Voters" Lists Act, the copies requiged by said sec-I tions to be so transmitted -or delivered of the List, made pursuant toliaid Act, of all` persons appearing by the lasbllrevised Assess- ment Roll of the said Mun ipality to be; entitled to vote in the said electons for members of t Legislativel Assembly and at Municipal ections; and-' that the said List was first pos d up at my 0th day of there for unicipality at oice at Cookstown on the September, 1918, and remain inspection. \...l 1 L....-L.. ....lI II-\l'uiu ..lI unin..- in duly- . MA>Zx_Vg ....`,.W...,... ` And I hereby call upon all vowrs to ta immediate proceedings to have ny em or omissions corrected according 0 law. Dated this 7th day of October, W18. I17 ll Y\I\7\17l'\I\'\\7 To claim merit is thing - To prove it an entirely different matifr. You Dollars cl Renovat- ing. ye every kind Men. Women also Curtains, by Cleaning ing your Clo We Clean or_ of clothing f and Childre Draperie, & '4 ,, ............... .:--zuan-n--w- I==-=1 III='I-HS" REMEMB-ER---This Grat Reduction in Eices includes all our Boots, Shaess Me-n s Heavy Shirts, Work Parits, Overalls, Ladies Heavy Ribbed Underwear, Sweater Coats, Little Girl's Coats and Dresses. BE HERE 1 end with his Girls "001 Sweater Coats. Regular $4.25. Sa1e-13ach . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-92.49 We change goods, but do not re- fund money Ladies` and .\Iisses' Fz}11zmd \\'inter Felt Lined Boots. Regular 5-L50. Sale~--l9 :Lir-$2.95` Ladies High Grade Cashmere Hose. Regular 75c pair. Sa1e--Pair ................... .. +5c 7 DAYS SALE ALLA BOOTS, SHOES AlD DRY GOODS 2-....- -& `II. D `\._2-_ ('V_-_-_ Voile \Vaists in pretty designs and colorings. ,Regu1ar $1.25 each. Sale-Each .... ..59c Messaline and Silk Poplin Skirts. Regular ............. $4.98 $7.50 each. Sal e-- Each Ladies and. $5.00. At Mr (T. ']`h'm1p~--m 5; friomls in Orillin uml 3 n\*`.~?!`$` Hurt. I;'1nm'y 2 wovk-on at their hmn Mr. unrl Mrs. F. 0 from Orilliu. Mr. I . '1`h'u1n;,.<.n int: 1 Ladies Black Cotton Fleece Lined Gloves. two clasp. EXTRA. Regular 95 each. Salem-Pair .................................. .. 45c Ladies Knitted Underskirts. Regular $2.75 each. Sale--Each ................... ..`%1.49 Black Sateen Underskirts. Fine value. Regu- lar $1.25 each. Sale Each .......... .. 69c ...., ...... ,. W. M. DINWOODY, [VI Save to buy Victory Bonds. OF VOTER' LIST 1 --:1 jjv Some at Half` Price. Sabe V il:1ot:_permit us to ` detail. Below are only a fe of the bargains. See ours first. Compare ith others. Judge for voupself. KJOK7 \J Ill` 1] for yourself. Sat, Oct. l9thLto 38.3., Oct. 26th .GirIs Sweater Coats. Regular SaIe-1ach ................... ..$3.75 bvlus Lu uallnul unu. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wiley and Mr. Andrews of Stroud culled on friends here on Sunday. II. .._..I 1:..- 1171!--. -1 D-__:_ ..._,....L C.... AT THE u;, Clerk of Tp. n xpauty to be; utl Legislative I and-i `ll take have errors rding nhr-r. 1918. loor East of Market |BELL-At his hmno, New Lowell, (')nt.., on \\ mlm~.~:day, Oct. 9, 1918, John A. Be-ll, aged 45'. - years. GRAY--~At her sislm- .~; residm1r~.r-, Mrs. A. V. Devlns, 5 Lumber- valo Avenue, Pearl, beloved \\`i['(\. of J. W. Gray .. I- R/\N'l`ON---At. his rosim-\z1cn, 587 l nlmm'sl0n Avnmw, Toronto. in cnnscqucnce. Please keep this extra ' :tr_v- situation in mind zmd use your telephone only w I: absolutely necessary. You will thushe helping to k the ser vi.ce intact to meet the urgent needs of the co munity in the present emergency. ` SHANTY BAY -, ` Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Martin and Mr. John Martin, of Toronto, spent the holiday with friends here. THE ml. rELEPHoriI; comrnuv or cAuAnAf~., In C()I]1i'1`l(_)11 \\' npcmti11g stuff has been ' nf culds and inf1ue11z:1 cmscuL1e11ce. 11 the general cummunity the xffected by the present c'piC1l:1iC `id has been seriously depleted At the same time .1e volnlnc at telephone calls has greatly imreased. SC nany peuplc are ill at home that the telephone has bee used continuously and the load of extra calls on our L pleted operating` funze has been very heavy. ?"E.E?%@?E EWiE $Wn?i$E i DEATHS I Men Brown and G'ey Tweezl \\".1terpr0of oats Regular $15.00. Sa1e-~Each 53.9.3` 'Me:~s Fine Kid Boots with Acme Rubber soie Enid heel. Regular $6.50. Sztle--Pr. S-1.25 Boys envy Tweed Suits. Sizes .5` to 15 j egular $11.50. Sale ................ .. Men `Hezxvy Oil Tan \\'ork Boot. Regu ' 5.25 pair. Sale---I-`air . . . . . . . . . . . . $3. Boys `nion Sweater Coats. Regular 32.75 e h. Sale--Each ...................... ..$l.29 lzuul. Boysi eavy School Boots. ln,D..:.. Men ; Heavy Tweed Suits. 15 only. Ex- llentvalve. Regular $32.00. Sale $1-L98 e2_1vy Union Sweater Coats. Regular `:25. Sa1e-Each ................... ..$_ .98 Fi *Ieavy Ribbed Union Unders1 . $2.25 garment. Sale-Garment $1.25 Oid Stand QUlNLAN--.\t, the Royal VictuI'ia.. Hospital, Barrie, on Mmulay, Oct. I-Hh. I018, Jamos Quinlan, aged 69 years. MAY()R~-.\t, Penelanguishnne, on Sopimnlwr 23. Noah Mm-'m',. :\;.rm| S3 yvum. Oct. 10th, 1918, Rev. A. H. Rn n inn. ..........b uu.uu: All un. IILE|. Mr. and Mrs. John Minnikin of Barrie are calling on friends here previous to going to California. ll- ..___! II-" no 111:! ._ ,...l vu, A.__I OLD STAND Regular $33.25: ............ ..Es1.9s i Buy out of the high rent dis- trict. Save Money sug. uuu . $3.95 agular nth '3 mp. `II ....\..... ..4..u. .... ...u..._ ..... VII m...u..,. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley of Barrie spent Sun- day at Mr. H. Rowley's. Mi.~:~' Gugin~', Bmmn. .<;mnI the \\'( (`!-C-911') with her sister, .\Ir.~'. II. .\Ic('.;mn. .\lr. and Mrs. Frml. Du\\'n0_v. .~\l1i.~'tnn. \'i.<~ itvd 31:`. and .\fr.~'. W. A. Miller, I`( C(`1II]_\'. M1`.-'. Mcuo and children, of Burriv, are \'i.~itin_1: her brother. .\Ir. \V. D01np, Thr-ro wor(- ll grmn nnuny from 2: rli. mtolxrlr-rl the Mt-Ilmrlisl :mni\'t>r.~`:1r_v ml Sumluy. Tlw lzzv \\`:x.~` finv. lhv lhzmk-uff- : .1 ._._ _....,I....,..l 1... Ln , kfl-I-5 -~-- ;~~r~~-. ---- ----`--~-,. , _ i'.('.'h."-it` v.':a.< f*):(`a-PIN. L\I1'.<. Isahr-11:1 .\Iillr-r is visiting hm` tvr. .\Ir.<. Alclor.-`nu. l'Clm;,zrn\`r`. Mr. and Mrs`. H. .\!(`.(,7~ann \`i.~`ito B0(`lm\ and Holly friends rec(-ntI_V. ; 1\Iis.< l)oh.~nn. .\Ii.<.< ,\'Ic('unn :m:l- .\Ii<.~ Carruthers are home . T}1:11\k:~L'i\'- im: with their part-nt.<. an v u n.n L'...Il....... mu...-..n.l knnm. ......u- v.- Silo lling is the order of the this locality at present. TL" , .......:,.,... L,.l,l lIl_E \\`un llwlr inn:-m.~. Mrs. John Bell, I\'u(llmr_v, rnturned htmw . on :\Innrl:'._\'_ after spmvling u fvw lI'.1y:< with ' Mrs. R. Bell. ` Sixth. Lino dnnutr-(1 on >'zsturrIz:_v to the Rr-tl ('rns< Rooms, Barrie, (rush $5.50. Mr. and Rim. Robert B911, Littlo `Tm--i rent, are visiting the fnrmcr s parm1t:<, Mr. ' u 1-, nu u null Anniversary scrvices will be held in the Holly Methodist Church Oct. 20, afternoon at 2.30 and 7 0 clnck in the evening. Rev. Geo. Coulter of Creenmre will take charge of both services`. I!` v. P1 - . - v 4- `ll uuull :cAvu.L'r.. Miss M. Specrs has returned home after visiting friends in the West. 1!. .....x 1:-.. VAL- \Ar:. lltlll, rut vmuu-;._ and Mrs. M. M. Bell. Jas. Quinlan who has been so ser- iously ill for tho lust two \\'c:-ks was re- moved to the hospitui, Barrio, lust week. On Monday 2: serious operation xvns per- Nformed but at time of writing he was pro~ gressing fairly well and good hopes av:-re entertained for his rvcovery. '\ n ",1 II... n:.. .J I)..!...... D" euuirlumuu nu um .u....u_y. ` Rev. Canon and Mrs. Rix of Prince Ru- pert, B.C., were guests for a few (lays at the home of Mrs. Thus. Rix. On Sunday, Sept. Nlh a family reunion was l"ll'l(l. Mr. and, Mrs. Rix left for their home in Prince Ru- pert on Tuesday night. While in Crown Hill Canon Rix preach:-rl in Trinity Church, Barrie, and in St. .Iun1c-s. Church here. A..- . . . . . ....u .-..n~i:-nu u'nrrI lmltl in thl narne, anu III at. uuuu-.~. \.uLu\.u I|\|\.. Anniversary st-r\'ice.< were held in the Methodist Church on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Irwin taking both services. Although {hr weather was not favorable the church was fairly well filled. Collections during the day amounted to $106.91. I Measles are quite prevalent in the lower ` of the neighborhood. very few fan:-l escaping. 1 rs. McEachc-rn of Vnncnuwr, B.C. is ing Mrs. Avison. We are Zzlad tn noel _, McEachern again after an absence of 2:] years. Worth Recording -r~-I-~+4~}~-2~-2-I-vi?--H--2-i--2~-+~? What Our Correspondents Find % CRAIGHURST CROWEJ Irnlnn .u\.uuL_y ul. `:.\...-\..u. The ullniversary services held Congregational Church on Sunday ckle-d success. Mi.=:~: Rilla \Vuts0n \\':L~' home for '1 DALSTON u:._ nu: um. nu .........`.. , the . rt-ml:-rr-cl hy thr- uror3u'C HOLLY - .-..-......... 3` and White spt-nt `uh? 31110:` hare. Orsvr h:n`(- rr~turn<':1 .<;>9nt lust! wewk with `...u - HILL min`) . tho \'.`vr`kA .\Ir. and .\Ir.~'. M. : Thanks- day in giving. Capt. J. A. Key .~`p(`I`.t a few lays at his home here last week. Rev. W. S. Irwin prezxchctl an C0u1. on Sunday. Mrs. Barraghur, of Toronto, is \'i. at J. Wi1s0n s at present. Mrs. Ploxvurd Bertram is visiting hm` nmthrzr at Bracebridge. A new furnace is being illstullcnl in the 1. .1 u- . 1 1 in the up u 1... 'T'lmr.<- I ' `clmnts north of Toronto and also sut in lhe I I l|ll`lIll7l'l.` in nu: nn. \/uuA\u. .u l\\'u< :il~u II flluson, \\'lllL'll lmnly took (:l1:u`[_N} The lzxrgzt-st crownl .Ili:xI li:i< l:v<-n >'l`( ll in N-\\` l,o\\'."ll' ultemlvrl illll` lu;~'t . rites to one who was hell] in . |of Ill!` fnnr-rul .~'('l`\'l('(`. Ill!` liigzlu-. L'> l`(`lll by in large`. circle of .*-'()Cinl untl lm. .~' u(-,q\1uiiit:ince.=. 1`):-. ("`il`(`ll \v:r< one of the ll".l(llI1g grnin mur- (.`ounty Council for :1 time. In fact, Mr. Bell could have liml any position in the gift of the people, but he (lirl not loan that wz\_\`. To the sormwing widow and family .\\`(` vxtc-ml our _symp:nhy in Rio great loss llh`_\ lm\'r- sustained. W9 expect the Hydro-l'Ilr.-ctric Conqmnv will turn on the lights in our village next. Iwcek. ... . I .u 1- 1 .1 , ,1. l Pte. Bernard Mitchell, beloved adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Best, of Edgar, died of wounds in France on September 8. He enlisted with the 208th Irish.Canadians in July, 1916, trained at Camp Borden, went overseas in the spring of 1917, and was transferred to the 58th Battalion. He had been seven months in France and as a melnher of a Lewis Machine Gun Section hurl taken part in the heavy ghting of the summer. He was ohly sixteen when he enlisted, believing it was his duty as an ' English boy to give his life, if iiece.=,su1'y, ` in defence of liberty. He was eighteen years. and ten months old when he receive.- wuumls whieh`resulte(l in his death in a few hours. He died as he would have-I I A \vi. for the flag, and his body lies he- l1:"(|ll`l the soil of France where so many of C:u1ntlu s bruve.~'t boys lie. A well attend- 1-l`nml iinpressive memorial service was held in the Methodist Church, Tuescl-.iy n- m (waning, October 8th. Rev. R. W. Curr spoke feelingly of his acquaintance with '; Bernard Mitchell and of the bright future] which might have been his, had not :1 .*`:l1.~'(' of duty cullocl him to make the :~:zici'i- ee. Rev. .\Ir. Irwin spoke wry uhly frnm tho text: A gnml name is rather to he chnson than great riches. .-Xpproprizite 1x1u\i-. \\'::.< I`(`.I1(i(`K'(`([ lay th.'- choir. The .\'u1~.rlu_v Schrml aw! zifternnnn st-r`.'ic- | rs in Ihv C(1Il_LfI`[`f:`.Ii4)I`.`;%.i (`.hurch will he` with.'ir:i\\`n mxt Sumluy owing to the 2111-! | X1i\'0I`.-'.i'_"\` .~<`r\`ics* in tho .\Iethur1i'~t (.'hurch.; 7 A car of coal \t.'us Lleliwrml lwrv recr~ntl_v ' for wlxich the ('u11.~tumcr puicl $11.85 per ton, no charge for weighing, the \veigl11nu:~'- tvr, .\h`. Pmulzc-. lunzxlinsr his .~'h.1re. At tlw= -. . 1- ..- u. i 5 i I -.. uylv. Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and `weekend with Aurora. nv - ... We miss Miss Miller and Miss Downey,|- who are attending the Teachers Conven- tion, and who will avail themselves of the opportunity offered by Thanksgiving Day to spent the week-end with friends in Elm- vule and Meaford. Mr. George cutting in this Ih.- hill. u... u. u\.\.\.um.u. Mrs. Knapp, iug `with Mrs. Knapp. `Al- ..._.I \l___ .1 xx; n Ju;|lu\.~. Methnclist church. Mr. M. ('. Broloy \\'-us tho pllrchzxser of! 1110 prr>po1'Iy belonging to tho lutv Christu-I phrr Nix()11. Sum puivl w:x.~' $4,010. ! Wruggzetr is doing: the corn-` .,., Z._ .Li_ l.,,.|14.` .....i I... ...._A. .. [Ill-. po\\'m'. Hrs. U. H lh, lzttn Jul Boll will lw ;1.~ ho` Irmk ..... anuuynw uuuum uuu um uuslllclu [ Death came very suddenly to Harry Priest, one of our young men, who hurl `been living in the United States for a num- ber of years. Deceased was a member of 21 military camp in Illinois, being tI`1.\il1(`(l` for duties overseas, when word came to his ]\dI`(`lllS that he was seriously ill, which w s almost immediately followed by the news] of his death. The body was brought to Min:-sing for interment. Deep sympatliy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Priest, the aged parents, and for the brothers and sis- I ters of deceased. I nu 1. 7'1 . . . . rmuly when 11cc-dot]. Ho \vu.< one of thv 19:1 ;n1oxnber.~' of the Prc-.~'l'_\'toriun Church. .<`1.'J .1 ' I Mr. and Mrs. T. Collins, Barrie, Mrs. John Collins, Toronto, Miss Jean Wice and Mr. Wilson, Stroud, spent Sunday with Mr. Robert Collins and his (laughter. TI.~...sI. ,........ .... .. .....I,l....r.. 4... uA__-. \\`:K'l'\. We vxtend to the farmers and others who were succos'-'ful at the Full Fairs, our con-I gratulntions und hope to see them able to l'('p(':n. at e\'(-r_v Fair they may enter in ilht-. -future. .1 n. ` l|I|'- `nu III 1:. Mrs. Stewart is visiting her son, Stanley, ut Dmvnsvit-w, near Toronto. l utulnL-s will he a fairly good crop in this locality. Messrs. Paton & Sou report a bumper crop. ...,... Ln-.. "All v-nnn:11n Alln unl- u uunupvn unu,-. Section man here will receive 40: per |h<>ur after the 15th. IIIHII .uu:I |.llL Au 1. I loa.~ed to report Miss Edythe Bluckstock us uhlo to be around again. l 1: ,,,| u_.. I! 1 1.7:..- .....l Hui... ..n.uuc ux.u.. Miss Margaret Simpson of Midland spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Simpson. I Min- 1...... Il7.....l....... Z- "L. I .541. Ln.- u.` uIuL' nu .. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. King 1 daughter, of Toronto, visited Mr. `Miss Mabel Nixon on Saturday. I _` . -n 1-. n ,, ,__,| Lg, ,__,`__ . ut,...... ` JV1I.`.` AV] lIU\'I LVIAUIX |Ill kJCII,ullJLl.Ja Mr. Dee Barclay and his sister, Mrs. TL-if. Shagpe, Mrs. M. Nixon and Miss Wright |paid Mrs. Brown a ying visit Saturday. u... nun... M:n:...... um! .-MIA M Tn. pulu 11134 Luuwu u u_yun5 vmnu uuwu-uu_v. l Mrs. Walter Milligan and child, of To- _runtn, and Mrs. Guest and child, of Tor- ' for husi Iiitmiu . l"rr=l. Ruiz alw u_\'.~' I . Hr-nry `.llI('H(l('(l tho fum:r'.:l of ( in .~\. Bvll :3 Nmv Lowell. Wu! ` grouily 1ni.~:<~rl in .\'vw I.m\'elli am active pm`! in local uf1':1iI`s[ `\\'u_\'.~` rv:-.(l_\' to lend us. rl. \vu.< lvaulingz ` .1 Y! , I, 1.. I"L.._. L YT V will THORNTdN vvu. uuuycuu. Jean Wardman is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Hart. A 1..-..- .. .. 1`: AL... A... "`ubb\4 ... .. .,., . ..... : loc-.xlit_v am! he cert:-.inly fills! I . G. G. Johnston and family, Mrs. J. Young, spent the friends in Ncwmarket and -Toronto, has been holiday` 1). Campbell and Mrs. M.! MINESING Si1np. recently. EDGAR .\ nun u.n. u. \nA' .-..-....,_ 1'e.~'l'_\'toriux1 I10 l`l,, I ,. . I $10.50 per ton to the what many wmllrl like` .- 1 u-.~.- . . (`M11 w-.\.~' lmxxg l(=l1\'0rt,-tl| I I .~-mu have h1.~ cllnmu-r: Hydro will .<\1p|:ly 111: mnmvllztl In-Hm` at ........., .-.;-a. vua. .4.u-w. I A large number of the summer visitors returned to lhe village for the holiday. `IL... 'L'I......__.III l\` 'T`.........Lp. in ' H... y n..u.. ...... tho cliorcnce in; I of I'L!m\'ul0 . I and little `. Fred. mm ...... V.-..... Now for some description of my journey `to England as a stretcher case." In the first place I may say that it is just about 18 months since I left England for France with the 4th Canadian Railway. Troops; 18 months of active service and one I continuous grind except for my 10'd-aysu leave in Paris in 1917. Now I am enjoying an enforced rest, one that is very welcome. While it has not been my chance to go "over the top, our company has been as close to the danger zone as any unit.` `Often from my workshop (before the re- treat of the spring) I have watched thci brave boys march past to the front line,` ]-we took off our caps to them--hcroes all-- l `many never came back. Several times Il -asked for a transfer to the infantry huti was refused and finally was told thcrel was on use my asking as my work was con- 1-sidered more useful than carrying a rifle. And finally hard work got me Blighty' the .~'-wcetest word to a war-worn soldier. I I `after "home and "Canarl-.1. And now for my story. It is some trip from a base hospital in France to -.1 lt0.<- pital in England a stretcher case and; wh:1t difference you notice in the two! ;countries. It just took two (lays to lIl'll\'(`: lthe trip in two Red Cross trains, although ,the distzmce from the place where the lmse hospital is located to the French sen- 'pnrt is hut nine miles. A trip in a lmsptiul rlllll is one that even a .~'trr-teller case will not szztm for- I :;u':t--e\`er_vthii1,-_r spick, .~'p:u1 and spotle:~:~"._\' clean. The fund of the l)e.~'t and lots of it. `it tool: 17 hours from the French sliure ltill the linglish pnrt \\'ns rv::c}1etl. Tn . ;('!`lI. the channel on :1 nice day when you v_ `y r-:n szet zzhout the rlr-ck lll`.l.\l he :1 "`i:J\(` itrip. But I am sueli :1 poor .~':iilor and as lsonn as we strurk the ll(.`li\'_\' rm and the l:r=::t lxesran in go up and down, well, liml, '1." ml night`; It niratterwl little to me if we `_ew`r reat-hr-rl that ln11';~l:mke-tl int` "Bli l;\ir ruirls or U-lJ()1ll>' were never ;.vi\`en at tlll HlL'lll riurin-_' that vo_\'a.;:e. i In this Cttllmllilll l 1().~`]>lT:tl, zit. l:t.~ iH;`.'- lstoke, are hunIlrerl:< of wounrled Fiilittulizaiia l _-`nltlil-r:-3 all rt--_tt'ly to return In l"r'n:er~,i jwhen fit, to continue the fight for freerlom. inltllmlgll hnpinlz the end will he in .~lL!l1l U:'| ifnre the <'liannel lius min In lie err,\.<. |-.._,\.-. .,..u. .....=.., .....,.........;.. .. `'Blighty"'f0r 643248. Well, next (lay ]it was the operation and here I am enjoying `all the comforts of a Canadian hospital iin England. In passing, let me say that the operation was a slight affair. When `the stretcher bearer came to remove me to the operating room, the boys in the ward .were just starting their supper (4.30 p.m.i I` `and when I returned to the room they were I i still eating. \Y-... I A _ _ . .. ..l_....._1.\LZ,... -3 .... . 1 nnnnnn u - nu. Auxnuvvnus .' You will see by the address above that I have landed in Blighy. After two weeks treatment in the French ho.~'pit,ul, lone morning the M.O., after attending my [case pronounced the trouble an abscess and an operation would be necessary. "You'll not be able to get away this time but you will go with the next convoy which .con-] iveyed the magic information that it was -~nv:_.L4_.`: ' 1'... 1240040 nun ...-.l. .i.... E GOOD PROSPECTS FOR I i`ruImlly tho hr-. hunting listricts in .-\n1(-ricu are I()Cz1tf!(l in tho Highlands of` `Ontario unrl thzxi .~'octitn1 nf the l rn\`inc(: npvnml by the Trmlscontixlclntul Ruil\\':xy. 'I`l1i< imnu:n.~'v virgin urea nffr-r.< unlinntmll voppnrtunities tn the Hunter for Moose unrl I)!-or. Tho open .=eu.~'m1 for the Ilighlunds of Ontario District is from Novennher 1st to I\'nvmnher 15th, both days inclu. ln smne of the Northern Districts of Ont- ario including Temiskauning, Timugumi and ..AL ..t 41... I`-.. I c I... SAPPER FINLAYSON Sapper Edward Finlayson, 4th Canadian Railway Troops, (late of 157th Batt.)`hus `written an interesting letter to his father, Mr. H. Finlayson, from which we extract the following:-- \I.... _...II ....- L.` `L- .._l_l__.,_ ,l__.,, .1, . v : heft`- .........\. .... ......5v .... .... ...,..\..._,. Miss Kingsmill, of Toronto, is visiting with Mrs. Wm. Houston. . .u It .. II. ulnl Auululuuf, Lxuu-1l\l.IIu|II5, ;.AAuubuu|| u-u` the territory north and south of the Can-I urliuu Govornnu-nt Ry. in Onturio, the` open season has been extended and is from ()ctnl)er 1st to Novenlber 30th, both days inclusive. A synopsis of the Game Laws is contained in the G.T.R. pukicatinn uni. _.._ ,..l._ H 1.<..n :..:..._. ...........u. ...o u.-.... , ........... .. iPluyground.=." Full information on ap- plication to Agents, Grunt! Trunk Railway System, or Mr. C. E Homing, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto. COUNTY OF SIM(%E To Wit:-- Take notice that the Court 1' Assze and Nisi Prius Oyer and Termin and General Gaol Delivery for the Count, of Simaoe will he beld at the Court House` Barrie, on Tues- day, the 22nd day of 0c er next, at the hour of one o olock, p.m. `I7 \I I.I \D\7C`\I .... .........., Sheriff County 0 imcoe, Sheriff's Office, Barrie, Octob 8th, 1 _ . A A-.. .`Jr. A. W. (3rr=cn of Szrmld ` '::vhn=r. Mr. (iunrgn Green, lust r ()wing to illn'o.~.< the Bishop of t .< un:~.1>lc- to prmuth in_Sl. .1 I1 AL "2:l>|)ul Vii.-~' 'l'i1li(- hoth of ' oux SOLDIER BOYS Vi.~`iIin;.{ their rr=.~'p0t:ti\'o vnruvuuuuu. Mr. .`-I. Emery of Orilllu spent the holi- (la_v.~` at his home Ixero. Mr. 5. Jury of Tmnmn is .<|ar>11<{ix1g -.1 few (lays with Mr. A. Jzlry. .\'i rev T:x_\'l0r am-.1 Guldrixxg :nt(=m'.r*nl the ` "I"I...... rn u v n .,, :,_ h