THURSDAY. (')1')'l``)RF.R Hlh. l`.` Pl :1 LII} .. .. .. 170 .. 18 to 190 .. .. ..16c ,. .. 25 to 300 $1.75 to $2.50 . . . . ..$5to$7 . . . . ..25to27c ..75 to 850 mm- In C. 3. wax?/T033, 251% I n- II l`url Lu ;s:)(: - H H ,0 2331`, `"1 71 _ _-I-;-,[. 41114! [H $g_[){) .iIl'.: 1' . .5(: " f" M` ' 50 mum. . ..5c h."l" $1.25 -*"`"" [Wit-c_~ uni. HM` q'v;,.uIr `t-0 10. . . 400. . . 60: to 100, to 25: $1.25 In 120/. :;; THANKSGlVING DAY new TOURNAMENT "'I"III|1"`l 1| ||1[[|I| ' ~...- ...._ , i<'|1[>. .~`IFi1:11n1\` i1I.~`u':`i1nm`1, 1- 1-:1--1| _',-1I11- 1'-:' 1--n1p-txliun. untl fix-\71 -, l'1I:1nk. Jim. fur thu n\'cn1.~'.' 3'1 Thu m'x'i~ 111111 1'-'11 into Hun- K-,1wi1.h |.1-:11-1}.` '._"I)ml\\'111 1111-1 :11*1'an:.I-f ,1, in-w_:|':un 1-1' N111` slpplw-:1-'11`; ._~,1,z1m1 1111111111. ; I-c-Inpn,ti1im1.~', prnvi-1-1 n .in'.' fur c-n1x'm1r-r- 1'nr*z1n1ap--1m11_V` (,-`fuv <-uvh >'11`H1{1* :1hn\'u- 1111- mini- 1,n:.-ollu-r with an *ig1a1r_=m1'4 C hulw lnznnlir-:11) nmt(:1|_ for 1119' _-,|si1\'-r 11'nph_\`. and in whit-11 a 5 \\'u.< put upnn'11 S1I`nko.; W, 4-1' 1111-. 11421 s('tII'6. (1 A11 1.1m r,-w-111$ \\'eru 131111041 H11` ` ` -- = -..l rt nln and HM`. \ all I \;;::... . l.~:il\'-I` pl'll`|.' ` 'I'lH'. l'(!(`l'l[)l..< u.u|1Junu:u lwH.m- 1.11-an $90.00 and In this ...|.|...1 .. uuivvl in n\'r'nQQ Hf HI'll.I'| I.1Iu.u -.,.,....... ..,_ zuldoal a sum in excess of $30.00, the p1':)(~-mls 01' :1 Bridge, at. the -homo of Nlrs. L. F. Cross, Cup- min M` the Ladies` Golf Club. '.l`lm LI`()Dhy for the handicap match was won by His }Innml'.`, Judge \Visn`mr, and when Presi- dent Cross made the presentation the popular Jurlxzn and m1th1.1. tic golfer evidenced his apprecia- tion in reply. [WW I, H. up (muss Iunu. -1'1, I-(5(-(lipts unmuntr.-J .u,... H... mm rm and In Hli ;I}..a' III I" mnvl.~ MHIJIU 'r]11(l LU Hum In -J` .. Du-i.lrrn ni {hp tlamaalinn . I `l\.. l'ZuII' nu H6` HUM` 1-ihod. WHY J nun 1 {'1 U1) auto` 11` 1:111 ..., :1 the nut ivo- 1|..- -nu` HM -4--Cle.aring out 5. c of Lace Cur- tains. See them at gall Bros . SECOND was}: or OUR. BIG SALVAGE AND REMOVAE. You will save money on :- RS, COATS. I MITTS, AND GLOVES, HATS ND CAPS, LADIES SWEATER COA S, MEN'S MACKINAW 82 SHEEP LIN D COATS, ETC. ETC. ___ ..__._.._ .-.---l\Ivl1`II\I YPI'\ I`l'\llI:` Thousands of dollars worth of Go s not dam- aged in the slightest degree included these re- ductions , (I--- l.(l\4n -_vA\.au _` PRICES REDUCED THROUG OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK. (VII _AL _g_ D. Mm`; at.-tint Misses and Children, Men s an Boys Caps, Heavy Gloves and Mitts 1* Men aunt` nf\I1 speclans Bills Ween 111 W uuncugcuo JUL 9 9, LA\Juu \JGIull and Boys. 51MN!Q5.-.` ,|.:\:nn- Specials this week in Woole I-lATS,'FURS, COATS A 5 Doors East of Our Former Stan ~. ` xrmu -.-uay, October mu. nus Presicient. -For solid co 'ort sleep on our Kapok Mattresses. ougull Bros. nnd ` pun. In ! !EUv~]~ "1! hi Terms of Subscrintion -nu nu, UH H all |hi< ?l.`.`l.`l. Ill v I-vvn Huh 1 in Hun 1-ml l'H'lIIuI|n mum lv|'.< IHHI In-1'11 |vl'.Il`t .\'n|\\`i|h~l:mIlin: : |I_vI|II-HI ~`m*< Hi In lmllnlll HI" Hlv lhvln (H nw clulml Hvl. ' ]'4'pI\' \\':|'< l`l`'I'i\'!`tI. \\`:|s' nul h_\- l<`H1`l`. fnrnl uf pI'l`~'|||lHl I-u ml lhn |`m1m|I'\` --II ll nH`i(-a- and h_\' 2:-ingz Hm (`.un1pmI_\'. u -:...| :0 .liITi-nll Payable in Advance. _Eh2Nnrtl12rn-Ahuanr2t_ HM` |;lIl|l|HlII_\. I fiml il. llHTi-ull In re-.s-h':1inI. in \`iI`\\~' nf mvnt I Imw rm--ix`:-.1 1.:-nl.iunul |Hi~ |`I`[II'I'~'l` Inypu. vxpt-1-.l \\`h<~'n _\'nIl rm- sntrw imlivinlnnl slam plnH`m'm n1 lhv UIWI 3~'-vkillg s'.mHm_m\ 0:1: :~n.zuinlI< |'rum Ill: SHIN. |llllI\lI|uun _<-vv--~. .. UV ' In-wn hull wlwn 1':|:~`l| un-1 ulln-r \\ 1-ulwu-.~:. |'I`nm lhu lawn, uml ~' tnltl Hm l'llI'|HL\`l`I`.~` n<<-Inhlt-:|`:1 lhnl. hv \\':\.~' he-hinzl thu pI`II|\n Linn znul :m_\'f'hiu;.v hv un Wu.-x :1|\\'zIys' :1 .--In-I-a-<.u. '|`hi- was` In in :ms\\'c-r In my nhj:-4-Iiun llml In ho inc-,m-rml rm ])`l`.~'H|Hl| liuhi|i1_\' I um]:-,1` Hw nszrcwgunu-nl., and t.mln_\', whvn ll:-1 mum-rn has m'u\'ml :1 I lmpolmzs fnilnrv. thi:~'. Hunw mm- .< l.lmn:\n re-fus'.< In szivn any pm`- :1 I-mnul \mulu-r(:11 r<\u`:u-limz lhu. fulfillmnnl, M the ngrm-nwnl. wilh UH` Inwn. H0 is lwhiml it. in :4 vvo1'y truth; hvhinul it. su far thntqv Hm |nn,uo.~5l Hmgs-. gun lmuwn 101' the luw cannot. got at him. l-` TWO ALTERNATIVES n in the field, hafflod in diplomacy, \. x H zcterl Kaiser and his servile m`.ni~`-5 1 generals have now only two alter-! before them--to at once surrenrlc-rl` itionally or to proceed with their; = task of endeavouring to stem thc` march of a vastly superior inc. 1 x rill choose the latter coursxe and p0S1- { i HY MUNITIONS WERE NOT MANUFACTURED IN P-ARRXE Contia _\h'. '$i`.?f |'l'H |I|;|I'v-In. l:InI|in'.: nll HIi~'. l'~' main HI I`.-nnp:In,\".< lvl ml zmlh Hunt My rt- IV V. nllllll yV"\. I HHn\`.': inI'-rm all :n\' , I . . . . . .. IUI Published every Thursday mom- :1 ing by James Baldwin Bryant, pro-`r]V" prietor, at the nffioe, 12? Dxxnkopw Street, Barrie, in the County ofllm " V 1`-74.4..-- -0 r`u...+...-zn t_>_ lbym u. 1:- H121 lml uw Hllll, u-.~-- u... I l'I'l':l lhul. _ unnn - :...n u. cents cents Irv lH}ll;' | run mm- H lho-'4 I Hw ,....l ..ll....u rlfh uvxcvu, uun..v, ... . Simcoe, Province of Ontario. in ....,1 n,.,n nu, HlR]1?L`-'" rlu:s:tx'y in the Cdunty is enjoyjng iunw;-`11al sllccrrss, some wot-lung b`_u1unition.~', many not, but all ` "Hy .1.) 1L Lucu. alunlmu u.n,._. --- I w-n~1 1:) v'apa<~.ity`? Shullltl I cu` tho Shall l'.nn1IniHm*. lw Mam"-1 `1'n1' thn smmmtinn pf this arm- 1 | -'--1'11. Hr xvcmlnl Fun hlnmv `L116- ,1.` '..`l(lll`I||v.,. .._ Qvlxtitlml In hut. inI'n' :1. .l`m` rm hnhulf of ihn, t,.rw.\'n by Chief King \\'ns I`f`fI1>`0Il and mlmis.~'ivm. ta) in.~'pe-I-t. Hw bml\`a', which the ua:ro*mnnnt. nrnvirlns few. was also 11'w1'\1. In .\T_r'. A. J. \\ 21llm*r~, -lnly `a1)puint-rd in Tm` that `[m1-pose by the .\Taym'. `i I wmrld n.~'k thn 1'atnpaym's Ir) -4 n r-nu ..r H1. nnhli. om`- why is it that almost every in- ..,.a.... :n 411:: nnniv ii: rI.ni0`V1n2 (1 L.nx-}..- . I want in mm in so far as my 1-(nu\Vh*,t1;1,`0 i,Hwrn'o.< hue -Inns his 1 `nmkn tho. mm:-urn :1 .<\ A _.~...`,\...,. ml` nnv n `'. | I .\lr. HI" vllu-1' .\I I`. H w"v-' 1l|lnl||f'l' \\ :iul`|m'n'/.21. '||ht- walls-:_' Three Months. . Six Months .. Twelve Months United States Snbscrihem. '.|>ll|Il|<. i '|'ru.-Iv-v ;'\1:nlmun.s'nn did nrd, `think 1hr- <-lusingx nf Hm Hl'IlIH)1S lwnulul kvvp h:u`!< Hue ('.hi|(l['(`ll as imnI'|I .15 . lriml In Imlkv nut. with <' m:m,\` pupils awzxy, the .'\\'urk wnultl lmvv In My {rum-. uvvr uuuin :lIIy\\':ly. If Hm (]iSl`1lR(` iS lhv <:uuw :14 is lIiH,in;: HHH`.l' ' plzu-vs. Hun l`m:N-I .~:lmull t-.vrl:1in|_v `s|..I.~.. In-u\'1|HI i\u HII`[)!~', .,,. .. Aha` \\`Iull|I| l{I'I'p lHll"I( Ln!-, unnuu--n u.~ `lIHll'|I .1.-z . \"iI `uuuin 1`pl:u-4-<. Hl|(I\ll1l(!(`l'|1lil1lY l.:Ilu- pro-\'<-nli\u sh-ps. '|`h<- vlmirmnn said tjm M.H.lI. \\n< hwinu In plan-0 the l`t'..*x'[)HI1- silailily nn 1h- Huurtl. H.w:1.s' nut. `any rm-mum-nu|:1l,iun but `.1 man. .alulu- I`:-om llw M.0.H. il' l.l1~.*y\\vm-r-. 'lu :-lu. Ihv .s'4'|InnI.~'.. A l'm'm:1l uulia-v .-huulcl 1):`. given and such Inul nul` Iwvn I'uc(-.ivml by Hm |u:|r:l. vn......I.... `;\\!1\ olnhul `hill I)|'. \\'hH ` Lk Hn:lI':|. 'l`rnslm-. lmvn, .=:l,nl,<`,d that Dr.|l-, hzul rt-,1mI'1.s from the svlmuls slmwing that. 180 \vm'<~. :1lmvnl un '|`nn.~`.:lz\y. 'I`hu fnulhm was wil.h(lruwn. II was lov.i to ask the sclnml Hurst` tn r(`.pm`l. in the ll'lH\il`llH1H of manmxmm-,nt. the ...`.I:A:.... zn nvhinh uhn finll. th(`. In-lmirnmn manauxmm-,nt. me j.-undilinn in which she finals the lm-llnlzxrs Tm` the next ten days. p(')]]('l`]\ l' ll] (IlI_V ||l(l,II mm` mimrullsx Shut Wu r-.\-pooymt whom {hp [ix-m*1|t.i\'t> hi` I I'.x.\l nun 1'iaI|\1' Dy IIII: .un,yvu. `Id 1'atnpaym'.- npy at` th-- puh1i. 0 mm in t'rm,iunnti-m v 01' for :1 k1m\\'1nrl_r..:n nf lntr-5 is 11nt:e:-sary -1' umlnr.~tnnlinr,,r of crmtin ucd `~I|lII' In HI!` |.. SCHOOL TRUSTEES Beaten baffled the dejected ters and < natives unconditionally nrnce hopelese endeavmlrir nnwarrl vzmtly fhn |'lIilIlIIIu|u nun: 1.4..` .... ',\'in;; : H. was --munu-mlutinn -0111 l.lmy wm-r-. sv ml. .*T1[IH HIP, um 1-om-iv:-(I fhnrn1'nr, \\`hi4'h Lhv t.n\\'n is L - ~wl . n.lnIiu~'il`H`\ |"9'.Il|II| "1 7\tlv' I'rV.l-- ul Hu-ir fir:-.4 `,:ninr.: k. wnnltl fini; H1:-. I'.ln. 1h:-. 9.:-,lmnI.', u p:n'|.it'uI:1I`L\', mi;:I1I. .-u-rinns thing 1.0 thr,-, .>-r.nulu.~'i NWT: 1 1.... ,.....-`.1.-. `hiv- I"l`Inl'lll.\'lHIl I.|lxII: 'lml;::n gong. M1`. n1,nm.~'t, to ...A...,..._. 1 -hint They will the latter post pone the rlay of inevitable reckoning illlfll 1 humiliation. How long that will he `la-1`! I pends, in our opinion, not so much upon the V l gene.-ral= and troops of Pltl lf.`l' sirle us upon ` the temper of the G:-rman people. We havn. l long heltl the r,-onvicfion that the owl of` the war will he brought about hy the re- volt of the peopln of the F-mhorlunrl. \Vithl their e_ve= at last ogwnr-rl to tlw hopnlc.--:~ns'==l and idiocy of prolonging ho. Ihoy_ will .<:+y-~"{\'o fur than go nntl no. from page 1 - a',H'nl" In .'<:lV|' n_,.:.. l':....;. u th v` ;lIlI1|u~-nu pa I'1._v In H14"- nf thn far-.f..~:.. I1; n1Tm`4`l him ml I lid. \\'hv`n f.he`- h*lnph-'m<` = II-..-\ 1 ).-.nn.l nf I . -I. I1! .V`:ll I\'up4-rinlu-nalv fI'nl_\'. 1 I \" 13.1.?! .nn.l !\|lH\V- m anal o`x*n1'u >1`, [1 Wu: -\-. t, what. ;1v1?inr.r marl in: vnt .\h'.`! 1.` 6l-..-. ,I.Iu - wiih )1 the ,7 1'01`, n-AL.' .111- f. h *- pnrtanco t have m 1 period. J IIILVIH A1 I {,1 Y1 I'll!- -$". .||n :1 im'_:. Hnlinzr [)l'i('6'.~' wm-v as \1I1uh,-r-- l".L':.'.~'. pm` lw/.o.-n .. .. 5; Lu 601' I I '. lmllc-1'. pm" [mum] _ _ , , .48 In 500" >'prin;,' (llnivlu-11, Ir:-s. ZN) tn 3:'m| l.`..u-I; ,. `)3 Lu 251:. unvn - '1: uhunnlztnu 4.4- ...n.. .`|lI Il|`,.; I.u:v n- n, -..- .,. .... I-'n\\'l~` .. .. .. .. .. tin f$::[" .1 HIIiH|l.~', pm` |n21.~'Iu~.[. . . .. l'u|,:tl,Iw<, [H'I' hzlx. .$l.7:'; tn ~1 (,`(`.LS, bmwh Fm f finrrnts, bunch 1.. ` ' Parsley, hunch. . . . . . . . . . . . .5c ` l'id rm-ulnht-rs, h:1.s'lu'l. $1.13 Hht-rkins, basket. . .. ..: .~'1.'_ .r\p|n|-.4. h:1.~'kr-l, . . . . . . 35 1.0 .')()C Apples. per lmr1'0l . . . . . . . .$`_ .00 Vt-.;:(-iwblc Mnrrows .. 5 to Pit-klinv_r BI-1-ls, small basket .. 'l`mnulm:s. h:Isk('(, . . . . . . (1:|nlil'ln\vr*r.~' . . . . .. 5 (turn, |H'l` duz. . . . . ..2(l Pia-.k1in;,r unitms .. .. .. .. , llzly. hm .. .. .. .. $23 in $21: L Young pi-,::-'._. pa) pair . . . .$]4 to $1.6 (`.uhl):1;:ns . . . . . . . . . . 5 to 100 -, Uniuns, sum], basket, . . . 35 to 600 1 (.}il.1'ull:~' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..5c 1 l unn)kin.~x . . . . . . . . . . 2010 251-, - '|`uI'nip.~'. .. .. 50 urr}. 1}/t'A}z.'I(I'r.;r ' ' Ilu_y, Rm-f llillur-`., grnorvnl W-`*I' llitlvs. cured 'l`nl1uw . . . . . . Gulf Skins .. Lamb Skins . . Horse Hides . . . . . Horseuir Wool, washed . . . "I llI`HI[):~'- iixxiiz iu'Aiz'1 " (Corrected by Jos. Martin, Wednes- luy, ()(-.1.obv1' 9th) green . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. , 160. '1 ll mil - .u.n -.- .\pplir-a t in; hhrhnv have , `I7tII"I llp I. ma] lmr-k.~`. . .-' (Elm .l..:..... and l BARBIE 1`11AR.I5Z'.T TEE Nifkli ADVANCE Wanted, V:9l_unteers !! nlul The Provincial Board of alth, with the authority of the Government of Ontario, has organizd an Ontario Emergency Vol- unteer Health Auxiliary for the pu 13- of training and supplying It is strongly recommended that each I; Board of Health, Working in co-operat ' will be carried on every day at I0 a.m. `*1 ize and prepare in a similar manner. Syllabus of lectures is be` Health of all cities and towns. on application to John V/. S, McCuiiou ecutive, Parliament Btsfidings, Toronto, Teiephoxe i\/lain 5800. | . :-)I`, um. um I-4-.~p-r-Li\'-I5`. .-nlul frnm IILl|\.`_ 1-.~,. ' I tllnittkvlw \\ and hr-nnuhi -.-.. M5,. 5.. Untaro Emergency Vqlunteer Health Auxiliary ulu'i.- fice `