The Woman Who Was Not 1 1.. ul Dist. ALGONQUIN PARK (To be contimned) zxppua 2+ Inu `rm: 14IoB.'rmm.N ADVANCE j on sale at thei: L... L-,...++ 1 IL I [News mms or wazsxi The Busy World s Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into I Handy and Attractive Shape for ` the Readers of Our Paper-A Solid Hour`s Enjoyment. 1 Important Events Which Have; Occurred During the Week. TUESDAY. Unionville voted in favor of their Hydro-electric bylaw. Mnnaa Iaw dish-inf is: urzentlv in 7 1'10 llUllLlk`l|. So now, perhaps, you what 1 [Old you scveml \\`L-ck Ho 'l)o(-kont-d 1101' to I Cmue ova-1` hc1'L-, nursu, I .7`-.1_\' sulxu-111ix)j:." She ()1)(.'_\'L'(l. Sh 131?.-_*,'(--.1 \\'C:1l`il)'. S110 h;mll_\' :\`L*hlL ll ml. \'\'ith :1 .~'hm-';; l`)z1 how m-:11" .<'m- '-.':'..~,: 1`. :1 1)1'L-:xl 3.21:1 11-1'0 `-.\`u.< an his `nut-k. He Icmk .-\1i(`t-' "Ye-u_ will In-:1\'v In-rv In-11 rm .........ol,n.y- Eu 3: 1'.lyQI'O-elEC[l'lC Dyxaw. Moose Jaw district is urgently in need of more harvesters. `Dy-nio'k+ vvnfoa 1-uifh nnrfnin nvnnn. [H680 UI ILIUFB V!:hLl:l'. Freight rates, with certain excep- tions, are to be advanced October 7. Drnminr Macsznv and Qir Jnsz, Ward luons, are to De auvanceu UcI.uuer a. Premier Massey and Sir Jos. Ward `of New Zealand were guests of the I City of Toronto yesterday. I In D Wafgnn Gnvm-nmnnt weigh- I UILY or '10l'0nI.O yesteruay. I E. R. Watson, Government weigh- lmaster at Goderich harbor, dropped dead while at his duties in an eleva- tor. "IV.-.1.-unknnn nuns--:0-Ara can} u nal tor. Telephone operators sent a. nal message to the Minister of Labor, de- manding immediately a. board of con- cillation. I Tn.-Ian 1:`! Q Moninnnan n? the Qn- in love. , The Bishop of Oxford in an address ,at New York appealed to" the Chris- itian Churches of America to back ' [President Wilson to the limit in his`. * fdemand for a. great league of nations 1 Eto preserve peace. ! II71'.l'\1QJL`C`I`| A V `Cllla.tlOl1. Judge F. S. Maclennan of the Su- perior Court in Montreal has beexi appointed chairman of the Labor iAppea.l Board. - "l"`ha hnmininn Trades: Conn-as in ' Appeal uoaru. The Dominion Trades Congress in [session at Quebec defeated measures , introduced by radical members of the -trade union movement. | Dlnnn Gianni D1-nnhvt-no-inn (`.,IlI1|l|}I 'Il`8(16 umon IHUVGIHEHL. Bloor Street Presbyterian Church `congregation presented a. cheque for $3,000 to Rev. Dr. W. G. Wallace, on the occasion of his retirement after a pastorate of 30 years. `Dr-nf ntfn Snhmsernkan. the ex- B DBSIOTEIG UK 6U X82!-IE. Prof. Otto Schmsernkan, the ex- ploiter of chlorine gas as a. form of lcivilized torture, is said to have been captured by the Americans at Thinn- icourf. N 117011: uhnmn 9+ Hun nnnolnginn nf " 107-Ll` \\1n uxnu Au: "l"1w11- was .'~:u1m-111111;` which nm:[1- the vulmll pale vlxcel-ts. [iv xms luzlnul, the li1'. . I-.,. ..... 4.. L1I`Il f: - gquor out ot mgn wines. ! Clement Marghildom, a farmer liv- ,ing near Penemng, was convictedi Ifor having a still in his kitchen ! Istove, and fined $200. 1 1 Wan l".s1ffr>if aged four. 2 Vanaulev I acourr. It was shown at the conclusion of [the Florence Edwards poisoning case `in Woodstock that the girl's death was due to Paris green, self-adm1m.s- !tered, on account of disappointment in love. mun 113:1-ann n: vfnr in an add:-AA: Iv l`Jl)A` xusJuAA.n. . I Q Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of :New York, died at his country home _last night. | ' n ;.= haavp mm tho Lzmcashire. ,1ast mgnt. I ' It is believed that the Laucashire, ; (Eng.) cotton operatives will resume '_work to-morrow. , - man h-nr-+m~ r:hn\\r at (`lnhnurz 1 `work to-morrow. ; i The great tractor show at Cobnurg I igot off to a good start yesterday in} `spite of the cool weather. i 1 Wm nrpgptt. .1 resident of Pena-; 'SD1te 01 we C001 \V;'a.Ult:l'. 1 Wm. Bresett, (1. resident Pene- 'tang, was fined $200 for making 11- j-quor out of high wines. . mmmmt Marghiidom. stove, and unea uuu. ; . Rea Caffeits, aged four, 2 Vanauley Zstreet, Toronto, (lied in the Hospital ifor Sick Children yesterday. She had }been knocked down and injured by ;a moto car. \ I Du-H -air annnrnnsz have again: mom c 1. _ ; Brit air squadrons have again- zhombe ' the airplane works and I chemical factory at Mannheim, rail- ; ways at Metz-Sablons and Treves and `the station at Frankfort. 1 in 9 nlnsalrrnnm on the too . `the station at .l*'I'a.I1KIO1`l.. ` , Trapped in a cloakroom on the top goor, eight girls, a. boy and a man ` [perished in a re yesterday which `destroyed the plant of the American Button Co., of Newark, N.J. l Inuenza and pneumonia. caused [more than 70 deaths in New England within 24 hours. At Camp Devens ,there are 3,500 cases, mainly among [negro soldiers from the south. u'vfv..:ir German airplanes were negro SOl(.llEl'S ITOIIJ Llle huuut. Sixty-six German airplanes accounted for by the British along! itheir lines yesterday. Seven of the] lhostile machines were destroyed in `one engagement by a British squad- \ IUXILI (II he`: :1 ()1'(1L`1':, Hm`, -'1 1 .mer1y of the Dominion Steel Com- ;pany who is now on the War Trade Board, may enter the Government as Minister of Trade and Commerce. Sir : George Foster, the story runs, will go `to the State Department and Hon.` xMartin Burrell, at present Secretary for State, will retire. THURSDAY. 1 The personnel of the new C.N.R.' . directorate is announced. i Milk producers. reconsidered theirl idecision to increase prices Oct. 1st. : (.`nnhi(*`\ innon7.n. has Z1DD`E38.l'Q(1 g E ron. i It is rumored that F. P. Jones, for- ` to increase prices uct. LSL. ` i Spanish inuenza. has appeared ':n`nong soldiers at the Polish camp! `at. Niagara. I i The safe arrival in England of 21' 1:1:-go: number of Canadizui troops is v1v\I|;\(` '; almounced. ` ? The Anglican General Synod deci(1- ; ;ed 10 1`mr1nit the optiolml use of the] `Athzm-.xsinn Creed. I ; The honor ration of sugar, inc1ud--- ving I;-rown as well as white, is 1'54; ! ;pounds per person per month. '1`)-nu Rplnian Government, after ` Athzmusinn Green. inc1ud--l- ing 1 pounds 4 The Belgian after} consunzuion with the Allies, has dc-.1}- ` ..:.,n.. 1vni'1IL'nI` tho offer of hence made lconsumxuon wuu mu 1\un.;.a, ..\.- : nitely refused the offer peace mad -hv (`.m-mnnv, I \.U lllllll I Thus. 1 builder, {Scugog I launch c rm 1 11.0 form unions. Thus. Hutton, a G.'l`.l{. bri: ..~ f was drowned in the Iii ._'r ( T Scugog while duck-sl1ooting, his _` I I 3 ;]1l.1ll'1C1l capsizing. [ 1 Wm. '1'3romley, :1 Dominion Express l 'Co. driver at `Moose Jaw, murdered; ihis five children and,tl1<:n surreu(1er- 1 `ed to the police. u '|"'hn mnmn nanartmem. accepted {ed to police. The Militia Department gthe offer of the Canadian Red Cross Society to provide aid needed for the : Siberian expedition. I 'A (`hit-nan man who recently gave` Siberian oxpediuon. } 'A Chicago man who gave }$10,000 to improve a cemetery in {Guelph has given $20,000 to lift the lvnru-vrrnrrn an the Y.M.C.A. there. {Guelph has given :p:u,uuu LU nu L-Ii`. mortgage on Toronto citizens testied before the .'Board of Police Commissioners tlizii 1 they were attacked by police witlmni lprovocution during the recent street ! troubles. I Cant. the Rev. \V. E. Hindson, for- } merly Baptist pastor in Guelph, Chief I Public Represerntative in Milit:1r`_L ' District No. 1 under the M.S.A., died `at London after a lengthy illness 05 ` pneumonia. - I rmm united States and Great Bri-` 11121`. "011 Vt` `.1131 HI Uur\ UL'I\An. ... I ` . . . `:15? I don I set: _\ 011 :1__":u111 11:1` 11. `little while 1 want to tell you that I. um1o1'st:uu1 v\'c1'_\'Ihin`_"." He w;1itm_l xx moment. she jusl u':\\"c a little tired nod. `*1 know who you really are. 1 1'e11\(-111*be1' you. Aml do you remem- L- ...1.,. I nmoiy j 1 The United States Bri- I `lain have joined in an attempt 1: . \ 1 .... Vt WEDNESDAY. . -1. u.un;v. : support of 0rgmi2?ed lubnr isl ven to policemen and nrcznmn : ! nlaintonzmce of their right` uninnc I * mediate `between North and South 3 China. China has now been dist`u1'h- ed for 1\vo years by the sectional i`.0Y1Ll`0V`x'SY. FRI A V. connroversy. FRIDAY. . A new record has been set for Gun- ada. in wooden shipbuilding. ` `Ill .-u-4:. onainn h-nnnu at-n 1-annrt_ aua. lu wuuucu u1puuuu:u5. ` More Canadian troops are report- . ed safely arrived in England. Qnmn linn-: nf nmnnfar-.tnrn in Can- eu saxely 'd.Fl'lV|.`.'U. 111 I`4LI51'd.LIU.. Some lines of manufacture in Can- I ads. may be put on coal rations. 'l"hp 1-nffnn mill strike in Manches- . aua. may 08 put Uu l.'Ua.1 rauuus. I The cotton mill strike in Manches- ` ter. Eng., is now regarded as ended. 'T`hn `hula: nf Tmvnnlzhire naid an ` U31`. 131113., 15 DOW regarueu as uuu!-:u. The Duke of Devonshire paid an ofcial visit to the Anglican General Synod yesterday. Windenr Pnlim: Commissioners synou yesteruay. Windsor Police Commissioners granted a 10 per cent. increase [0 members of the force. Qinnncnctx 1.-nnna `nil-1n n cnnnra` and 1'L`lI1L`I11`I)L'1' _\ uu. 2 her who I am? A A f\A' :..\11\o;'AA - Inn members or me Iorce. Siamese troops with a general and his staff have arrived in France to participate in the war. "l"`hn 'I`nv-nnfn `niuh-inf T.:'I hnr (`.m1nt`il paruclpate 111 me war. The Toronto District Labor Council passed resolutions calling for a more equitable distribution of coal. D :2 `nnnubam sfraef nnmmis- equxtame (llstrlnuuon or cuau. R. R. Bangham, street commis- sioner of Windsor, who helped pro- mote there the rst. electric street railway in Canada, is dead. 1,} _r`nI A 'I" `I-`hunfnr fnsztid he- 1`ll 8.Y In Canada, 15 088.0. Lt.-Col. A. T. Hunter testified be- , fore the Toronto Police Commission inquiry concerning his experiences with the police during the recent street troubles. u\...m..1y. r1-um-nmcmt nfr-in`!-: arc- street Iroumes. French Government oicials are supervising the return of residents to Amiens, which was almost complete. ly evacuated after the German offen- sive last March. 7"Vvrvo\ than urnv-n nn `C1 nn nut-"h sure last Maren. Two men were ned $1,000 each and given jail terms also, two others ned $300 each, and two motor cars were conscated for bringing liquor into Canada at Niagara Falls. A nnntinanno nf Tnnnnogn r-ava`lrv_ into uanaua at Niagara mans. A contingent of Japanese cavalry, together with `troops belonging to Gen. Semenolr, the Cossack leader, entered the town of Tchita. in the Trans-Baikal, on September 15. A `urn-nan nrnrlv 91' fhp C-TQV NIIIIS ` [pointed 8. SOHELEOI` 101` b`d.SKiLLUut:\'viL1x. American subjects in Canada, be- ween "the ages of. 18,`a`n(I 45, must ircgister or ret.m'n to the United `States. Dex: mm. `1\n-nnhio of Petrolea. A woman orderly at the Grey Nuns | Orphanage in Montreal has been charged and is said to have made full confession that she set tire to the building on Feb. 14 last, when sixty-ve babies perished. SATURDAY. ` Results of the August departmen- tal examinations were announced. The Anglican General Synod has approved the revised prayer book. `Trans-ba.1xa1, on eptemuer 13. 1 I '|hn tnwn nf naku. Trans-Caucasia. `States. _ Rev. John `Mcobie. of Petrolea, who had been in the Presbyterizm lI11'xinist1'y for more than sixty years, `is dead. 7 ` u,....m.+ Innvc: In man in (` her who 1 11111 Of course; how uhsurd you are. He took :1 10113.)` breath and looked into her eyes, Then kiss me, May. She her hand z1wu_\` and stepped back. Isn't that 1':1I1lL`1' :1 stupid joke, Hr. luston`?" ~'r`1mn mu don t remember me. {approved tne revlseu prayer uuun. The town of Baku, Trans-Caucasia, has been occupied by Tartar volun- tears. I man rnr-nr.*\'1i'7o tho inrh=ne-n- teers. France will recognize the indepen- dence of the Southern Slavs, it is an- nounced in a Paris despatch. IT`!-.n .-.a4n h'|ich'n1o:11' nf Ihf-` ROVRI nollnced m 1 a.I'1S uespaLcu. The establishment of the Royal |Ctmadi:m Air Service has been com- ipleted by the Naval Department. ; 1 r`. "I`nrriff_ Liberal-Unionist. tpleteu my Lne mavu1 1JU1J`d.1L1|It'uL. J. G. Turriff, lmember for Assiniboia, has been ap- gpointed Senator for Saskatchewan. I Amnvinnn SIlh"lm".tS Canada. ` IS (lean. Harvest leave to men in Categories ` A, B and C actually working on farms and required for the purpose of sav- ing the crops is extended to Oct. 31. Prpgirlant Wilson has proclaimed |ing is extenciea [0 um. .51. President Wilson proclaimed ` `Saturday, Oct. 12th, the four hundred and twenty-sixth anniversary of the discovery of America, as Liberty Day. `Dov ('1 A Qlil` Of Hamilton, of Amerlca, as LIL)!-:1'Ly U213. Rev. C. A. Sadleir of ,` for 25 years a missionary among a tribe of Indians in Chile, is authoriz- ed to study educational methods in Canada for the Chilean Gover..ment. S Ship tonnage actually delivered to the Emergency Fleet Corporation of the U. S. so far this year amounts to 1,811,000 tons, with 2,596,000 tons launched and keels laid for 4,108,- 000. E. H. Ambrose, of Hamilton, and ` Fred Bancroft, Toronto, have been `named to represent respectively the |Bell Telephone Co. and its employes on the Board of Conciliation to settle ' thn icnnfn 011 L116 IJUG-I u the dispute. 1 ' tut: ulaputc. MONDAY. The Anglican General Synod con- cluded its sessions. n-.. w `D1-intnl a nmminent gro- eluded its sesslons. Geo. E. Bristol, a prominent gro- `lcer of Hamilton. is dead. 'T`r\\-!\YIf{`| nhgnrved lovally the in-1 CHAPTER. XXVII-Continueda `cer of.Hami1ton. 1s ueau. ` Toronto observed loyally in- i junction to save gasoline. An saffmnnf to shoot Leon Trotzky, ijunction gas-anne. ` An attempt to the Bolshevik leader, has failed. rmm n:f'|!' nr Nantes has adopted leader, has Iaueu. I The city.of Nantes adopted` St. Mihiel, recently liberated from {the enemy. 'l`hv-can rmag nf mvsterious origin the Three res of mysterious [have occurred at Brighton within the lpust few days. I rmw r`.:mndi:m C:-mm Y.M.C.A. at V ipusl. xew (lays. The Canadian Camp at Niagara was robbed of some $800 on _ _ . |.::nu1day rught. _ | Storm delayed vessels on the Great. ` Lakes, but most. of the overdue bouts `lure. now reported. - um. nnnv r`.Nn, tunnel l1n'nu_e;11 I 1 1 y {am reported. ` The new C.N.R. tunnel lthc mountain at Montreal was for- ln'1:.LHy opened on Saturday. ] ; \I:'.lLing of grain [or the purpose H35.` brewing beer or new beer is pro- `hibhed in the United Stzues. ` '~`r:-m .: Johnston (colored), Toron- ao. who keeps :1 rc-.on".in;: house, at- -d twin `intrude ` V-sith :1 razor. .a........:.w rn m nf Ihe lady Lao`, i Tue <`.=.'<.::5x11,r; room an 1w.::'nbc.-rs: of '1`1'ini2y Muthodiss mir, '}.`nmntr) was viasiind b: 1 _v(:5tr;'xrzlz1y. E Embzu`ka.tion of Americzm. g for all fronts overseas h:u3'n um: nm 1 750 nnn mark. acct to be from a defecuve nezucr. I1: is reported from Dresden that` tv.'t>.1\-`e leaders of the Saxon_ Indepen-l I dent Socialist party have been arrest- ` e as :1 result of the serious unrest` . -. --....- :.. am ammgn-in] districts otA g fifiixlilll E Szz.xoLL. the serious uI1I'e1. zming in t.he.indusL\*1al of | vnrur stupul JOKL`, .\1r. .l1.uSLUu: Then you don But you are May S'mclai1', the wom- an I love, the woman who promised +.\ mu 1-1-\- mg. :\ l\u~\4\.n, .._._ _,, of adopted ' B1'zLd'f'ord recently as mysterious :1 V5. dian ght. lyed 10st. ported. C.N.R. in was (1 f beer near 10 hn:~`.i..on ((-01-:)`.'L':d), J`Ir.1'0n- ms rum: Y`._L` Imutso, im.z'\1(I:-tr.-: .-. `H11 i`2L'/L01 . :'.'1'n;: r0:):i1 31' lady Trinity M.c~!hm1*=,i (mn`.:`1 no bf-.' x1'.i-Hes ` Tic-}<<>xi~-1 .1:'.1r_L' Victoi :1 T o1'ontn-I'Il i '/.:Ll)c1,h P:=.':1:--Hi;:h Bay1ic1d--\\'(]1i1\;rt0x1 ()`.V( ,1i----Gi'0`\'(` Wt.-I1in;:ton---Pc-(=1 Mu`.z-:\>i (-1'--1"(-iiot aw: I'<-netnn:'--Dur~1<\\'m'th W :i1-:o---R U 31:`. . .1v1~:`.\`01`H\ }'3..\4~:<*-~-]1m`(-my ("UHim'----7\T\1lr-:1>:14-3' f` M J 2.4 A -` on Ten Gents . sold iers I l r\\I- v\uCt:._ I Sunda_v-5.25 3.111., 8.55 pm. .\Io11day-T.~15 :1.111., 12.40 2.30 p.m., 4.55 p.111. Tuesday-5.`.Z;3 a.n1., 7.45 2.30 p.m., 4.55 p.111. \\"ednesdu_V--5.25 :1.111., 7.45 2.30 p.m., 4.55 p.m. Th11rsday-5.`_ 5 a.1n., 7.45 12.40 p.-111., 2.30 p.m., 4.55 p.m. Friday-5.25 a.m., 7.45 2.30 p.m., 4.55 p.m. nh1v-Haw :1 `)5 (K: m 7115 QQUU Pnlua IJJYJ 1.)-Lllov Satux-d ay-5.25 a.m., 12.40 p.n1., 4. 55 p.111. IV I\'I'1!I1 \*rl\TI Monday-To North Bay, 1.25 a.m. and 11.15 a.1u., to Scotia Junction, 12.18 p.m., Gmvenhurst, 8 p.m. "I`nn=r`n\r_."I`n N'nrH1 Rnv 1 95 lV`3.[l0nal, iJ..U0 I).'IIl. Friday-To North Bay, 1.25 and 11.15 a.m., to Scotia Junction 12.18 pm. to Gravenhurst 8 p.m. Saturday--To North Bay, 1.25 am. and 11.15 a.n1.; to Scotia Jun- ction, 12.18 p.m.; to Huntsville, 3.50 n vvi - 1-n (11--1 vnn1n11`Qf . 8 n.-m.: .1.-2.1.0 lhllloy \JKil\ Cl1LlU.1Bl. U p.u.1 Tuesday-To North Bay,` 1.25 am. and 11.15.; to Seotia Junction, 12.18 p.m.; to Gruvenhurst 8 p.m., National, 11.05 p.m. \\:'nr1nncr`oU__'I'n Nnrfh RQV 1 9.5 LVHLIOUEI, .l.J..Ui) 1.1.111. VVednesday-'1`o North Bay, 1.25 a.m. and 11.15.; to Scotia. Junction, 12.18 p.m.; to Gravcnhurst 8 p.m., 'T`11ny-c3ou_'l`n Nnrfh Rnv 1 1.2.10 p.1u.; LU \J1.'a.H.:uuuJ.:Iu u pun. Thursday-To North , Bay, 1.25 a.m. and 11.15.; to Scotia Junction, 12.18 p.m.; to Gravenhurst 8 p.m., National, 11.05 pm. Ii`:-Inx.-_'T`n Nnrfh Rnv, am}. 13151011, 11.10 [).In.; lo LLuuLbVuu p.m.; to Gravenhurst, 8 National 11.05 1.111. 7 . | to nlarry mu. . A very stupid joke," she re-[ peated us she left the mum, :u1l` not quite :1 kind one, under the cir- .cuu1.stanecs." 1`e:11's sp1'un.-' to her ` eyes and Euston lmml u c-am-11 in . her voice as she shut the dour. H0 <-all:-:1 hm` bu:-k. but she -li-1` not hem`. Ho s11'11~.:~_-1041 uI'1' Hm ha-:1. ["1-1`(:.`~;s;'l the room zunl olL-nml lhv ' lam: _-.-21'/.in`_" up and down the 001'- 1"ulm', but 5110 had li>:'.p]u-:\1'ml. Hv vursul }:i11:. for an "unpu- : , A L1. 1..v-{um fun` -\\' hm <\|1n\'nl__-d ;p.m. i Barrie to .\[ez1fo1-d and -10.:')U a.m., 7.30 p.11). } .\I(-:1i'n1'd and Pa-nctm1g 1--S.(bO n.m. `, UL-a1`.'o1'1 aml Ponet:mg I (1uIe-5.()5 p.m. All:1ml:1le to PL-not:1n`: : land (short line)-]2.].3 p Barrio to _\1imll:m (5110 7.30 p.111. 1 .\l'u1l:11n1 and Pen0tzm'_-` 1,1, nn: .... I y I .uuuuuu uuu du1e-`2.`_5 p.111. D n m-I n Du .-am: i _:.'.a.u.: \J;vuv nu _.....-..__ _,, 'lronto and intermediate points.. i ....-L30 p.m., 8.30 p.m., 7.1:) a.m. .\'ort`u Bay and interxnediatc points. ...10.-10 3.111. and 8.30 p.m. Hamilton to Meaford, north . . . . .. 10.30 am. (1z1le-`_ ..`_ ;) B:11'1'i0 I asse11<;e1`s ch:m;`e at Allan. dale. nm -1 run, , 4;. 'D.......'p\ `DIN Hamilton to Meatoru, nunu .. 10.30 Haxxliitoxx and Meaford, south 7.15 a.m. For Midland Allamhle, clos Allandale . . . . Allandale and Jxllhllklulu uuu ;:.u\.u....U. Rural Mails. Midhurst and Grenfel 1 Barrie P.O. as soon as 1 morning mail is sorted. T-THcRnln 1-nnf.t= leave morning man 15 sornea. Hillsdnle route leaves at 12.00 00011. Small-Ross Ecc1es-Park l*`raucis-Eli7.abeth ` Brock--Brudford Ba.ld\vin-to\vn line Essa road-Mnin \\il1i'.1m--Bm`t0n Ave ' C`.nn1hu1'l:1nd-Roid Br:'.d{'01'd-'\"ictnrin `l Tomntn---I-}Iiz:L|)a-1,11 n - _.L T,fI...\. (Daily except Sunday) To H:unilton--T.~L5 a.m., -L55 p.m. From H:1milton--10.-15 a.1n. and 8 |x\ tit-111, Nurse Alice merely nodded her head. "I\'u'.v you must lie down for, an hour until the orderly brings your dinner. She glaxlccd at her wrist- watch. it's time for your medi- ..3.... )7 HAMILT ON-C OLLINGWOOD, MIEAFORD .AAAAA&.BLL&L.L. RAILWAY TIME TABLE A3,}? J3:.&%ViS Corrected Sept. 2nd, 1918 A" f\T`l`l'lV B I'\YYlfIT`I' |wi11 pay [or an nd\'crti ` Advance. " ` ' L ~~4-I-. _.\.. L \KlV(\lI'\..L .\{>1.n_v rcccnt inst;mccs could be I . . ,. g.v(,n of .-'\c`.vcrt|scrs whose wants r. ndily hue. bccnsnpplied in this H Iiiulla UII Iuuauuuv It 1s wrong for mothers to neglect their aches and pains and suffer in si1ence-this leads to chronic sickness and often shortens life. Tc -....... -..,...l. :.. l:v:v-\rr- i(-'u.-mrnprvnc I anu 0Iten slloucua um. `I If your work is tiring; ifyour nerves ~ are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, Scott`s Emulsion over- . comes just such contlilions. Tr rw-u:v:cxccrAC in r~nnr~rm`l'.'. 71fed form ! ]uSt sucn C')nL11uuua. It possesses in concentmted form the very elements to invigorate the \ blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish ! the nerves and build up your strength. I _ _ Scott 4. Bowue.'1`umutu. Out. ""' 4 . . .... __._.....__..___..... WA am Entitwygigt Tf ;c xvrnntr fr)!` 1 HCII E ` He nodded. mu- .., D. Mails Close at Barrie P.O. 1 AA-A . . . . .` -y?_-__________` `Street Letter AOo11ecV'*oions_ -,/\r1u- _--.., _ Hhdine SOUTH .., -. \/\ GOING 11"'IuOR.TH_` Pe11etnn<'. ~n,_ ,_u 1ur..:1.. for Fifteen Words x-.Jnxn;sun::.-vnrn:cuIx.- KILL ....... closed ban`. zmd I en0tzm'_-` to Allan- -to.I o11ot:1n: and Mid p.111. (short line)- t`lAl'..'I`\r.` \\'m1l(l 1* . _. a..xu. p 7.00 I 7.05 i 7.10 I 7.20 i 7.40 `. 7.-L5 ` '-.':l\` <),.n_v . 9.05 I 57.1 0 l 111. ; in . routes leave the Toronto .I....n . 9.3: ! ~ `J.f%0 ` 31-111- to Allan- Penetang {gin .\- I -.)U yan- 1d.30 a.m. . 4.30 pm. ..7.00 pm. auuun 7.15 r-.-on _,._,_ .I\vr hm`. p.111 ! Eiffti ' 3.10 V -11:` .)..':i) i}.1ul 3.40 9.520 '11. . {X0-`Q ulu/K! u 3.2/,:) 1 I) (H I ~).`i'\l . 3.4: ) ! 4.0:) 1 4.01`: E30 t in The 2).. - 9.25 ~ 9.30 > 9.30 \'Iu lllv - Thurs<'lay, Sept. 261311, 1918 l.:\Ily law` lulu I|l'\n1 .....` `uilt_\' 01' .~';1_\'in-4` T-.`l1:\I slu- leun. but the u-u:1\`.-n`.`m1::1l 1:\(l ln-on |'n1'<-(-l in l:-1- lips 11cr\'u11.'m-.~'~. Sir Jnlm \\':x< pm'sm1 .~m- mmlml In nu-v1 1mucn',. lm luu-xx" than u0l~:1'1x1'_;i` l'u1' .\.ll(-c. :m:l slw 1l)0\'(- all 1l1in~_-.< In lam-p the `It any 1-am-. until llL'\' lI'll - ,. ....1 .'...... Hm :H'I`. ll! ux. He kept .....\n_I .. '1I EH1) 1'iH\'. lunu quitu1'wu\':-rml H b1'(~:1!~'. \'v'ni<`n Sh` .|V:\!l }11;t'.~Il and I`.;'nl_-]>ml lulu T011, rml'v.', HI` ;\ ` wl `xi.-:lH1_\.'. ht` !l\|l(`i L:l l,' 01 l\..o (,'|u.`:L'u ulu , hlun:1cI'in`_-' to lxi-.5 berl. IIULI LIV`. Gettmg txr you? he sand .Hha rnvnnrl I|U\\. LUH l`1`iuml 01' and 1 lure . ~.. nun Inn 1 I. tired of 1011 11L'L'un l rnuu, ml u1im- .Y0u'll um s:1_\' _\'ou'\'L- lc-;n'nt cut to 0b(*_\' oxwlvrs. 111 l'.n- -I H` \\il.\ '._'|'.1u'_' .1 \ Hun st . his crush. .s\-ml for lhv .\'\11",-'euu- You xwt-.111`I .~:milc, -I' ~. \'....'H Irlll Hal`. tlm . I >1` ' |I4.| wnulxl 2 Che lruxi she \'.';' H'(ll'IL`<'- U! .'\.L ' ('h:11\'. .`L' and : 1 I H: ``I m sick of that stuff. Without it word she poured it out and made him drink it. ped her. K-l;nrHm.~ rm] nf ma-_ m`:-.n t She was ` leaving the room when Easton stop-_ [min `Ix thu- VIIILIIILL \7ll II` :`.Ia-hill-.: the 1 nv\`c'1' In-\'01'(> I . I, H believe \\'L-uks ago 3" the bcwl. 5c, wzmt to By ARTHUR. APPLIN H1001 all that ; that ho was . (1 (lesi1'cd' L-1v them apart, 1' friuml haul E the nervous uzu c-nu-11 he 1'. `. n-hair km` l'Z\`(- ` " 1....- |\IAuA.u .- clom-. .-\2::`1 \.\1i<-1| would H1` i`x` ` 1101' feet Ililll llll hL-.s'idL' you?" he saiu ~ She turned, smiled at little wearily 1` as one might smile at an irritating `` child, and shook her head. I am t tired, yes, `but not of you. You re all like great, big, dear, stupid chil(l- ,1 en, and children do get on oue's il nerves sometimes, you know." 1 I ve been a selfish hound and I `_ 1 wish I d pegged out. Ln. Inn-Jnf at at tlw moment. but l .\.Iu )Illi.\'l_`ll silence. `~ H. - .~'I\1m'nlcd I lrnn. ....\. , on My Mr .1 . |'\)Xl` Ilxx u lid um; i -_-11-L-tilxy,` , by show: _ the last A .\...o 1111* L . nun-. that `frightened of her cousin. She knew nothing about men; she wondered what he would do when he discover- `ed how she had fooled him. Intuition told her that no man likes to be made a fool of by a woman; Sir John was the type who would find {it an unforgi\'aJb1e sin. 'T-ake 'D\vo-St0ry I needn t ask what you are do-; in}; here, he said Your costume: `tells me that you ve gone the way of. ' all feminine flesh. How clever of you to have chosen Egypt, though;I perfect climate, beautniful hotels,! and-wel1, not so much danger for the brave lads in khaki, eh? A._ SCXXYA LIJU Ul`il.\U la ! Lady Eve resented his tone. We `have had a very Ibad time the last `few days, but as _vou re still a civi- lian I suppose you find ii more con- xvnnnnf' nnf fn lrnnw Whf1t,S h:1DDCn- ua Lu. nuunn V... `WISH. J. tl [)U`::,:_;'.cu Uuu. He meant it at the moment, but` it was an idioitc thing to say, and he apoligised immediately. VnII \.'n (rnf tn have a holidavl ..u.. - .... venient 3.. ._ 7 ` W_hore s Lady Alice? asked abruptly, lighting a ' Lady Alice Cardley? Of course. 1 Eve did not reply at one was feeling a little less fr and the situation had 2 amount of piquancy. I sup followed us here? (IT J11! `I n-..Zt...1 .. 'a\v\tu\ LUILUVVUU U5 HUKCI I I did. I waited a long time for '3 you to return to your flat in Lon-] don; I understood that Lady Alicel had gone to a nursing home for the] op'era'tion.\I did my best later on to I drag: the truth out of old Barnum,` x but truth never was in a lawyer yet. ,Then a. happy thought struck me and with the aid of the Red Cross; I discovered you iboth. I don t think L:ul_\' Alice quite played the ganiel | i I though, do _\'0u`l i | a I I > Eve t}io11__v'ht a moment. No, she. h:i. quite piaijn-.:.l the game", she said. I wouldn't make excuses. for her if I could. But when you know ` :i'.ise that '9' L ._.a....A (`\`('1'_\'Ii1ll1:; _\'n1l will re .1... uuuu,_.... .. ............. -.\, I it 1-u:1`.isc we did not (IL-(L-':\`c you. with intent, or _iu. 2'01` fun." Sir J<>Ln .~t:m.-:1 an the <-n` 01' his _ ('i'_":1i' 1114111`.-'l1tl'11l1_\`. I'I:)\\' do _\'(:u . mum, (l(`(`('i'\'L` 111a?" he asked. Ila Hi`l1:_-1,1 .-uul looku-.1 hm` st1'.1i'_"`.1t m l`:'.<- t':n-u. IIz1\`(- _\'(m })('(`n t1'_\'ixv_" tu pa-x'.~'1::-.:`.c `m-r in !)1'L-21k the }>x'u:11`.. silo nmdv mt bel`m'0 she ran :1\\`:\_\' 3" 1`I'.`v ;_*`.21m-ml at him. then ln\\'L-rvd In-1' 0}. 5. H _\'n'.1 mozm 111. ]u'mx1isr.-. slug: 1nmlu by letter 1'h;11' :Ii'te1`1m01L ,, ..lI.-.l ... elm |'l..r_ __" " 10:2. "S1103 quite 1`c:1 1,1) keep it zmai })'.'< 0l`.]5? j-sour v.'il'L-. list? 5110 r10('s1\'t`; love `you :1z1 it would be 111o1'oly LU. n1:n'1'i:1u(-' of (=0n\'enicn(-e." f` "'I'1mt s all right. By the \\`a_\', :lid :3 than Up(-1'(lti0l1 ever take pl:1ce`? } "No." ` He at his \\'at(-'11. If I`. N .. .,. r1:.m\. H: .uf tm-nnnn do 5 ".\0. He I. run over to (.`ri'/.eh this zifternnon do you think I ;<.h0ul:1 find liar .-' \\'110 ."' Sir John botznn to yzrow irritated. .\[_\' dear N11rsL- Eve, I thought I` ! v I 1 5 was talking about Lady Alice Card- ,1e_\'." 'r"\l\ ..-up 1`na+ n nnnnln of" mo- ,1e_\'." There was just a couple of 1110-! ments, silence. then, as a young f_',`(.'l)f1(`ll1an of the Royal Naval Air ISL-1'\'icci would have put it, Eve. In -..~1.,..1'.`. Vnn nrp falkixm to] I-V01'\'1(*e wuuzu mu: 1,... .., [<'I`nshed"': You are talk'm ,Lal_v Alit-0 Cardloy, only, to an iconfusion, I've been 11sin\_" my `oml name lately. I*'.van ;(~m1 call me Eve. if you like." 1 She mhuired Sir John 1'01` his : '1-mxtrul. At l'i1's.t she womb whether 110 1103111, for hv nliul mnve. he lid not so much :15 2'1 `at hm`: he just meul the 01231` ;1`.\'om1 his lips and (:n111'm1u-'1 .~'1:m1-:u and mm-h the ]w01>1o us mun-cl In and I'm l'.m>u:h the L`. al7.u.Ll_\.'-lil lmm;`-. Du _\'nu know, I :l1'\`;1)`< Inn Ilu-rv \\';1< . up. he . . . - n L-K L"'-\'.`|, ll lV\I.\ he 1' on mllenl :11 the flu!`- ..X` " V I`.\L' IH1 1ll('11(`0(1. ..(- he aponglseu 11u.Luuu1uu:1_y. ` You ve got to have holidayl this week-end, from Friday to Mon- day. I m guing to fix it up with the Surgeou~Genera1 to-morrow morn- __., I! she's 21 jolly mod not lonnoxl tm\ :11'41<.l".\'o. `l`X])0(`f me to 11u\1'1'y r.r\II.`;)\ 9' y 0 `r-o11. : _ 1 I'm ul'1`:1id IVE- In think much about 1 I 1321111: 1 ~~`.mulu1 bu - 1:: I [ll .Vl||".V ho \\'ho`.(- :'e1m`_\'. Sir John s}11'w;': ve h1'iol'1_\' told , I Ulu- \v||\ ` ` You are Suppose you uuu u. uunc ..u...- not to know what s happen-` ml. in _\'u1'.~`<- .\llm,- is still \1n(-m1- l -. nl` lwr 1'(-:1l ltl(`l1llI}'. \\'ell,l : :1c1x'oss." Sir Julm ' ..1 .m.-...-.1.- I-`.\-u. .-\nl (lo yuu 10 .~`H\l:H1un nun_u...._. luv ulm-s not :xl\'.'n_\'.~: lam-_\,' 5 :lul_\`. yum know." re like all the C:mllu_y;~:, : once. She frightened, a certain . suppose you .; hot` l`.\'(` \('1lL\nru. `.1`20t1 his .~'hnul him how it com- mg. She looked at him with u pucker- ed brow. What are you talking" about? _ sun.` vv 1.,. .~..:.1 I-mmlv T \,'p 3 put u, way talking to} onlv, uvmrll A n\.. cure. I .oh7" x th-en anal .~`n1ilo! .H\- .1. ht-911 Inn bus_\' 11. Tu he Imnost 1-o1'\o\`L\l if _\`m Sir John cigar. V uvnirll _ _ _ ' _.. 11,`. 5._.(._ } The Algonquin Park of Ontario 1s: m._ ym 21 great reserve of nearly four thou-i 3' `Sand square miles. It is on the very- . 531.`. '1'i(lge of the famed Highlands 099 m,m`(.1-0,1 Ontario. Its altitude above sea --1 ._ . llnvnl nvm-agrns 1.700 feet. while smnv ,1. '1'1(l_IC OI I-[)8 uuneu .L1.l`5'luuu\.Aa ,1 not level averages 1,700 feet, _ ._..1m1,.cot` the lakes in the Park are 2,000-, },(,_`feet above the sea. It's tonic air -`-;_,,m."1 1., .I filters tln`ou}_-;h millions of acres of ,1`. the). ipim-.< and balsam nail spruce. The tlw :-.1'u:iL.lf1`a'_~'rant hush, tl1l`O1l{'ll which roar1:< :aml trails are constzxiitly boin-.: ex- y< 1';..u_-`M1,tomlvzl, the li'<-e-frin-.:el lakes, (lis- .. l I i E l H. `.:u'l)(~:l milv bx >0l`il\.`? l)a:'-i..~: oi`. [A ...L . . I -;~.__1:'::=:`i m` the F,\\'l5l`1 of tn!) pau:ll(:.~ 4:. `the lwa:'.i\' oi" it all (-mnliim: in plm .-s> V A` ..I . ...mlnr Iluu -ullllll (xi. 1 ll.` i . in H'.| nun: _1'o:1H_\' U4... k no w `cold, calculatig, but in spite of the trick you ve played me, honest. `He flicked the ash off his cigar and rose. `He walked half-way across the lounge, then came and stood in front or.` her. Yes, you ll have to do your duty, he said grimly. The old man wished it H17. ............ H... lnlm T.nm1 nnrrl- Iman msneu 1L-" You mean the late Lord Card-| ley, Eve interrupted. Q3. ,Tn1nu nnar] V011 nI1.,t \V3Dt . about?" You," he said boldly. I've worn you out. I've taken your st,1'em:,-tli, and been a blind, selfish brute. . . . My visitor this after- noon 1'Cllll!lllL'(l me what a. brute I-\ 17 Ley," .I:lVe lllberruputu. Sir John nodded. You don, t me to make pretty speeches. He ;lo'.ve1`ed his voice. It s a marriage of convenience, and the sooner it comes off the more convenient it will be. Of course I was genuinely in lo\`e with with your dowble. So ;Take Three-Story I ithat s `that ! \Ve had better get married at home, he continued, after a moment s thought. Thei ivillage chureh-the people like it `and it will be a good start, anyway. You ll have to chuck your nursing! stunt. Maybe there will be men to nurse in nnr \'i"n(fD, she said (lllietlv. um.` 1in our village, she said quietly. "`And, John, you will surely put on :1 uniform on our weddring (lay, won't you? The village Would like it, i and it would be a good start. 0:. 1-1.... ..........-`A Wu T mac. i one never Knew. f 1 1~Iearing that Nurse Alice was pas- .}.~sh0ul1 not escort her there; Esing through Cairo on her way to !.\1ex:md1'ia, Sta\'in.:e1' determined "` to see her` if as he she } 9 7 -_ 7 ;\ms alone, there was no reason l1e rather, Qtllero \\`us very many reasons why he shmlltl. ` - I; .. inuvns-\' NH` :1 I and It Would `De 8 guuu bw.1.'1.. ! Sir John yawned. Well, I was- thinking about it. Yes, therc s the Yeomanry, of course. I f..+n.. nn Pm wnndnred whv EVE: Xeomanry, or course." I. Later on he Wondered why Eve, suggested his getting a commission before they were married. He knew enough about women to know she Was not the type who would care for a uniform, though she might care a great deal for the motive which im- lpelled a man to wear one. Yet at `the same time, judging others by` lhimself, Stavingcr, criticizing the I ladvantages of this loveless marriage i lwondered whether his future wifel lavas gambling on the possibility of being left a charming widow. Wom- l Ien were extraordinary creatures, and l zone knew. u...\..:..,.. n...+ ?\l'n1-en Alina was nas- 'snm11u. , ] 11 \ms :1 Inns: jourm.~_\' "for grirl _l: suH'(-1'inr_" from :1 nervotls br(3ak- '. _:(lo\\'11 to take alom-. Aml unless slur ;( H`-:1\'| I`1'i<-11ds at Alc.\'aml1'i;1 it. \\`UulL1;v fnut he z1(l\ is:1;bl(-. [or her In _ hotel. h1'~.nlin;' by hersself. [Iv hoped slw .'\-:m1'*.:i he alone; the .<'.i1u:\tim1 had} ' }uiq11:\n(-_\' and a1>1w:xlo1 In him. .- \:s "t 1;-L:u1y .\li(-4:" shr lmzl .\'(*L`lil(`l1 (l.~- f-< _._`_.~'i1':1hlL-. As little Miss Nobody 5110! was (-\'L-n more i1`1t01'(~-satinu--:md ;still within his _J1':1.~`]. \\'h_\"n0t'; L The Advance is the : _ hool:st01'0s 01`. `Nzllter Scott, J. (5. 3 Keenan, T. N. Hobley, Elizabeth St., `;and Roy Stone, Allandale, price 3 cents a copy. Also at the office of i publication. $1.25 a. year delivered in town or mailed to any address in Canada or Great Britain. To U. S. subscribers $1.75, strictly in a]- A 1 31 In 1? E. . . I , The Cann1n}_' Centre IS now open; 5 Send young` beets, green and wax 3 ibcans and peas. Phone 185, Barrie. ; 1 V I ` ll'P`.!L. , uv. \cbu;5 3 Tim :1m:on11m)'1:1 r.ion in the 'pnr`.: ais sut-11 hat thv nmt~" \':u`ieC1 t;1.~:tc:.< ;C W11; _`I(-an bc-,pl(-,21seri. There are h()fC1:;. 0` `` . . . h". ;1n(-huhng.-' the \\'0.11-known I1xg11- `gvfl. lam`. Inn, for those who \\':mt to he in the xvildemozss, yet onjo_\' all ;1_hg one I E - the comforts of good sc.-rvicu zmdsociety _ :-ooi:11 compahionship. There are 102` =S'1b1`ia1 i_(-ahin camps, Nominirxzm Camp and! A C ; 1 (`amp Minnesing, t`0xnfort.'1hl_v fm'- { g1o'O0( . . . . uelph I n1sh<- and Ideal for fnnn1_\~ pnrt1es.imm.1gm '1. The park is easily accessible bv` Tom; the (irnnql Trunk Raih\'a_v from :1H{ Boa;-d \. ` parts of Canada. It is two hundred ;Lhe.\' `W uniles north of Toronto and om-tDT0V0C`' " }ln1n:h'cd and .~sixt_\'-nim: mil;-s west "m !nf Oftaxvu. For rt-.s(.~1`\':1tio11s at t'x1"*l`]mS.;11n] ]AIiu'h1:xm]. hm: I\'omini Comp and . (`mop .\11nn(!sm: apply 10 M1; .Tr:m\ D35-ic If-.11u1.<:1_\', .\Inn:\~_'nr. .~\1`_-`onqzxin Purl: `at Lon F1,:1tinn., f/)nt:u'io. For mm": P11011111 ini'm'xnntion. maps., writ.o`_ to or call on C. E. 1]'orning', Union mm 13 Station, Toronto.. I x 1- x" 2 1 E 5l|l.`:5 KVI LAIL ~)|AA `.`;Inu'in'_:` fmln h: ,1:c.:v.:xxIs. 111111 ti: imnn, or its non trout. was. There \'us :1 u1omcnt's Lady .L'}\'L- Cu1'(1lc_v caum: to : `)1! )the11 ; ~_ Ir ..,..l.1 `.1