-._,------ W 4, ~:-'.-::~:-:-:~-:-:~-::::~:-2-~' .:-:~:-' AME!`.[CAI\'>.'- AVD I'EI`C E}l`.ET1`:3i'5. How tho .*'5L>l('ii-ct-s of Two Au-:nic:; , Have Ba-coxtio Fricmis. Ame1'ic:m Hoops; are now with the British 3.1'mis:s in France. 'i`l1r='=" camps are dotted over many mi 3 of country. The troops: liave been arriving ste:I.(1iI_\' for some time. Careful selection has resulted in :1 very high physical standard. Jenk- lings and incompetents hrivo `I)\>V`(11 mercilessly Weeded. out. I l1a.ve n01. seen_a. single soldier among them who is not t and hard after the severe training undergone in America. nxxnmr imnrnssxos me even more is , Ll'iLl1'.lu5 uuucnsuuc All xuu\...-..... What impresses me their wonderful keenness, said a British oicer who has been associat- ed with the American troops since their arrival. "They are so eager to learn. Tell them how to do a. cer- tain thing and they go at it until it. is mastered. They are out to know everything there is to be known about this business. It is 3. real pleasure to work with them and to` watch their rapid progress. One could not ask for better material for any nu-rnu " LIUL 331$ army." 1 haw army." ` I have heard comments of this kind on all sides. The men as well as the olcers have resolutely put aside all suggestions that "they know it all." They work hard from early morning until late at night. The men seem to think only of their training. T`hn American soldiers are living The American soldiers on British rations. That is, they are fed exactly the same as their Allies, and not on supplies imported direct from America. They get the same is- .....m nf hnnf mmmn. notatoes and sues of beef, mutton, potatoes jam. It is a somewhat different. bill of fare from the one to which they have been accustomed, since distinc- tive American items are lacking, but they have settled down quite com- fortably to the new routine. They America. They get me same 15- ` I are no grouse1's. TK7hon um n-mm: arrived in the, grousers." l When the troops arrived the British zone they were distributed over an area allotted to British units which had just come out of battle. The men of thetwo armies fraLorniz ed in the most cordial way. I ixnz-.};- ine the Ame1'ic'a.zw.s felt at first tlmt they might be Ivatronizod by their elder brethren in arms. Perhaps the British vr;`t.erans thought there might be n1anifesi.at,ions of zLl":3upe`rior air by the newcomers. 121m-1: had rather 11XiS'L1!{`32 id tile I1\ V('UlHt:1b. Each had niista!'e:1 ideas about the pexsoimlity oi` the other. The Ame1`ic_:11:s fotint`. that the I. ~rit~ ish soldier was 1'1`-.t11e1' (`ti talk about. his experience ish discoverer] that ti`-eir new \`1`A:`l were full of eztgerne-:s.= to I things" and to be made free of Hac- liiysteries of the front. C1`?!- ..I.li81.i_`_,' they became 1C'C.1l1:`tiI1lC!i. You cnuit . see them sitting together in :1 fi';1c`t,: discussing the relative merits <.\1 | I British and Aiiierican hits. The I`s1'ii- ish instructors iound that they 12:`-.41 apt and willing pupils. They i?ouw1. fan that the latter were imbued with 1' of York %:U7orw'n Ujori `I: ::~:-2-:-~:-~:-:~~2-oz:--:;-:~-:~:~:-~:~~:-:-:~:-W~~ TEA TABLE TALK pupus. '1ney LUL1! .. too, that the latter one idea--t0 kill Gormzms. '.[`hf. will be good troops," Emir! :1 British general to me, as a `ozxttaiion Inarched into a 1-:.1i1`.'.~`:1y station :0 entrain for another place. He eyed them critically as one company sxvunrz round at the s`:_1a.rp word of com- mand, and filed into the czzrriuges. T sr:\ onnn :1 `Int nf them recently " 1 nmnd, and filed into me Cz`.1`1'1u;='-:::. ` I've seen a lot of thenl recently," _ he co:xt.inu0d. and they have made` wonderful, very rapid p1'og1'e:. London Morningr, Post. ._____?___ :1 l.`nIqI.u: I.u.\p-......-...,. How o1'dinm'y lead pencils may be; utilized in :1 p1'et.Ly electrical ex1:eri-` `r ment is told by r. H. Sweet vemion and ;\Ianufacturin{_:: 13;... Hm mmcils in the in In- uh n rnon and ManuIacLurin;_:: ; First, sharpen the pencils the; o1`(linm'y manner and cut :1 notch in each near the point. Cut the notch in one-half of the pencil only, thus, laying l)ure the lead. 'I`hen wind aj small copper wire :u'0und the pencil in the notch. The wire is C0l lllCCtetl' to it large wire, which in turn goes to the source of the current. Tape` all joints well as the wire in the_ notches of the pencils. At some place in the circuit there should be :1 re-` sistance to prevent sl1m`t-circuiting in I addition to -vzwying the strength of the current. As wood is-. :1 non-c (l11ct0i' of electricity. the pencils: may ` be picked up and no shock felt by". the opemtoi`. Vvhen the tips of the` pencils are touched t.o<;m`.lic-1' .1. small ....n nnf Innr~h lnHrm' than the tips. toucneu Log. LllL'l' 2; .~,.m.u are, not much larger of the pencils willv be formocl. This little arc, howevvr, has so high A. tempera.u1r~ than fine wire or sm-.1`:l i portions 01` nielal may bra. melted rapidly. Sm.-`u small lend pencil arcs-2 may be used to fuse very mnall gel: or silver wires. The globule of mol- ten metal formed on the end of :1 ne wire need not be larger than u small grain of sand. s ___g.:____...__ . 3 home town: . "Rousseau once remarked that he had never lived in Paris, except for one denite reason--to get money enough to live somewhere else. There are times when I have had a similar feeling towa- New York. Times when the st s and strain and fret- ting of the job grew wearisome; when my cylinders all are full of carbon, and my valves give forth a. leaky sound; when the white lights are only an impertineuce, and the` noise or motormen trainping on their 1 bells is madness in my ears. 1 --vmmn that time comes. as every \`:ll_V l L'i)inU. Iulsxv ... \, In the American .\`1ag:,zine, Bruce `_ Barton says, in talking about his old ` ~nm.umn nnr-n 1-enmrked he bells is madness 111 my caua. , _"When that time comes, spring it, does, I go home and, speak ing with my wife privately, I say: `My dear, why linger we longer in El. worldlike this? We are but strang- ers here at best; Foxboro is our hou1e."An(l we ll up the cold cof- fee bottle and place the ham sand-3 wich in the bag, nestling it tenderly . beside the shing tackle, and hie us to ll. land that is better and purer, and sweeter; where the straight and nan`- row way takes the plzice of the way culled Bread and there is no white light but. the evening star." .??:_____:__. mg.` .., "it xvus wux: got it. myself." UL . ll1|`_'H1u fjn'in(-.<, .but Hum` ;:Ii1~<.~ \\.'hy I`:-opie Live ' Xln C 1 Thu Limit. , "VV11ut are you so grouchy about-" Had a bum breakfast. this morn- ,,n 2." "I know. These pesky cooks- It was worse than that. Had to -16` ll A Unique E.\'perimCl\t~ ,,,.::__-.... 1/\r\r` nan:-He I `THE NOREPHBRN ADVAEV - L0 (10 H. Um- r 2 to i L.-....a an/I tn re 3 units battle. mics \ t at. xized :. ; ht I ,"si1pe`rior:1ir u iiSi'd.!{`3`;1 if,`.E'.S$ otlicxzi -ri!~i ' G ' slinezi in! 11Ct the D:'iL-- 3 =c-iv _n\`~.li.:'.i 6.3.: I211.-.3`;.'! ale flu:-` I I I . . I .4; it. Clm-:1u:a`i_',' 011. cnuit`. ther ticici, ivo The 5. i ou!'~.-:1. are im nued `mans. is-nnnc " n-ni :1 }_ In Cities. lSL'HL'.s U: Luv own. .,-...... Much :Lt,te1`.t.ion is being,` given the question 01` the Pacic islzmds Li`. L{'1, and the IZXLKUQI` 19.15 been ciisciisseci before me British Pzirliuinent with , the -view to having the New Zeaiaml _Gov01'un1ent assist. by providing bet.- ` tux` shipping facilities. n in r-lniinp that. the i)usin(-ss of i I I shxppmg IZICHILIU5. , IL is claimed that ', the islands of the South Pacic i might be worth about $5,000,000 :u1- : nually to tho 111erc11zmt:s of New '/.ou- ` `land in rnrnr ` . to these is1a.:1 if 1('`-{ Ln South 1 the 1ll(. l`Cl1ZlLS or iwexv acu- `land in exports to islzmcis. proper shipping facilities were LLffc-nl- ed. 'I`11i::, 01` course, would mean 1!. ; n1zu`ke increase in il11D()1`[S into New Zoalzmd, since practically all of the exports to the islands are -ii1z3.:1ufz1<:'- `tured 1Ll`UC1'S imported either from f the United Suites or Europc.zL1i coun- 'tries. 'T`hn m...m'mn nr imnm'l.s from he The question 01 IIIIDOYLS Lruiu mu . `islzmdxs into New Zeaianu, especially copra, sup';~1'piiosp11:1Les and fertili- _ zers would also mean much to Amer- _ ica. Previous to the war large quan- `titios of coma went direct to Ger- many, and since then Alnerica has taken a lzLr5_.;er portion. In discussing the Pacific island ;trade, the Pzmania Canal is taken ~lar:.;el_v into cor.s;ider:it.ion, 1'01` it 'bri21;;s the islands of the Pacic Ocean in general much nearer the ~r.1zi:'liets of the c=.'.1stern coast of the United States and Europe. LL ID 1AlIl\,u \4Kl4LJl\(b -.y ...- _,,..,, ,_ take a \'v.cv.Lio1i. A man who is sum- Inozied to his last long voyage may set his liouso in order in an hour; a few words, written or dictated, will dispose of his posses..i0:i:;. and his 4 heirs will gladly attend to the details. iThis done, he may fold his hands on his chest and depart this vexatious ' life in peace. ? n ic nniln another matter to pre- ` _l'1I0 lll peace. It is quite another matter pre- ;pare for :1 few \ve.-list. aw-.1y from town. There are bills to be paid; `_ the icemun, and the iuilkmzm, and the lzutndrynutn must be choked off, and the daily paper retstruiued from littering the doorstep. There is hair , to be cut, and teeth to be tinkered, and so on. In short, it takes days to stop the machinery of living for a. fortnight, and days to start it going again. But, my dear, one must have C: nhnnrtn a. change. zrszuu. nu :1 u. .3. vu.wb... I When King George was making a 6 tour of the Picardy front recently he paid a -visit to the American troops holding a section of the line there. The King\asked an American soldier where he came from and was greatly I amused when he received this reply: 3 ,"`From the village of Chicago." l A Good l;1rm:`.% l`riv:1xe `Arry A\':l:ins (to, tho ` Ducl-.(-ss`. of Ullwmer, known as Sis`: 1 tel` VVinnil`re(l, `who mziintains a pri- vate hospital at her own expense)- ` You've fair got, the knack 0 pou1'in' l`l`l\'1l.l.U l\lI_y nu ........ `.- Sis.- : expense)-- aht. Miss Her Gracc-,-I m glru . you tlximr. so. 1 Private `A. 'A.-Yuss, I say to my mate. JiI_n Slith. Jim. says I, if that little bit 0 skirts xvunts :1 shop when this ere scrap is through. I knows a pub or two as would jump at the nhnvxnt-I-\ n' Eettin `er-in the bar!" es. quc.-stion of imports `1n1r\I.* intrx '\!n; 2 nv\`l_ especially LL pu chav. liichca M` the South 3 ` ,_ 1.... 111:-Rm 'l.`ho_\' :11 11-11 =N Saves Money For The Farmer -t).I.`i1,Ui.`.4D U1. 1'41 111 `P1 Uuuvuu have reached a hlgh level. The farmer can 1;ake full ad- vantage of this sltuatlon only `I.-- ...:I.`.I:...~ +f\ `I-|-:13 nnvnrnnnf PRI}CES of farm products __ have a hlgh I` `II _.'I valuragc UJ. bum muuauuu u..._, by adding to `his equipmen of time and labor-saving ma- chinery. Time and labor are money. When time and labor are saved, money 1s saved. Time and labor-saving de- vices for Working the land do not produce complete results in themselves. The farmer must have rapid and depend- able means of placing his products on the market. rn 1 :11 L~- ' ..-_.- _.- The Ford One-Ton Truck Will make trias to town so much more quickly t%1an the horse that you will have many extra hours of time to devote to productive work. A large number or farmers have proven the Ford One-Ton Truck to be a time and moneysaver-have you? " '-:.i':L' 'i`h:\:| \`:1c:Li,im1i'ng. much easier to die thrm to .,...`:.... A Innn -.x-hn iv: mum- 1` woum Jllulp Lu .. - 0' gettin bar! Price (chassis only) $750 Putin . (-1011!. `V \-, F. O. B; Ford, Ontgrioi V` .. Vslua 1% $1 12> AL 1 "K! A !2`..-' V\ L . -:I.--'*. {N ./.d*Jer*;ie3i11g does; not '.`.""q1liT6 `xalth, 1to.e1e1};` cr:>m.11:a.0I1se':3.se. As;"3.`= _ th seed which 3, 11f:u:arc. c1a,3:;`:. `giaaats 13:1 tne. co11`f1de11ce 0'? 111.8 0;xr.r1mu.111t37. ~.'E`};7'e::y d.01f:.a,1" E5p8l14L",- in maver- ti~s:.::2g is 1:101; only a, <:":.011a,_r va'hi_::-`A1 CvdU.C;E4` 2:2. profit :f'o'r13ha 111e1cb.a:nt, ::i..c`{.v..:E.1f9' z'ata,i:1ed by`11im has jgzaid it .a...\ w -`.w tisin gi i Rmlroasd Stations are made "grand, not to fa,ci1itate1;1'affig:, not {for corrxfort, bust fO].&dV91t1E1Dg`. I . . 1 There 15; ham-d].y a doubt that ;thep;37ra,n11ds of E.g,:;'ypt 'w's-3"=-7.':=, `m,11]f: . ._.. -.-\ - 4.-.\ ,.-, r` ,-`i .. will pm 1'1.-11' zll .L 0bL.LJ..L\.L. - -5 ~...`. .,.. & .. _ . E35 " .J_s : Runabout - $ 660 Coupe - - - $875 Touring __- - 690 Sedan - - - 1075 F. O. 3. Ford, Ontario gn -..:.-.. ....1..'....4 in at-n-r Irma I`. U. u. I.-vlu, v..._..- All prices subject to -war tam charge, except truck and chassis All prices subject to change without notice {it'll V, w V,` ., ., _, C`, , _'.-_..` -...- _`._.C.-"tJe. .\ \'u hm` _Thi1r_s_(!31y, Sept. 26th, 191.8 .\'1i1m\`c1' u,l ..~n-xv. (An eH`o1't. is h(`iH`_" nmalv tn im:1`L-use " the pro(lu(-Iitm 01' (-*.:'u's~-I)nilv Palm-1') - Yc hens \`.'h:1 l1:1'(- ul u1'L-tillw laid Eggs 0 super-pm1ltI`_\` _g`l`i1(1( , Hasten tau _\'u1u' c0unt1'y s aid, Lay for libc-rty! Let turkey, hen, an duck an goose : Obey the call, Produce! Pro An keep on 1n_vi.n':,' like the deucL-- On to vi(:to1'y! 7 mun ux nu... L-west suits. mu AD 11 uuunuu ;.v .......-- A )IiI111u:1pnlis vomam, p:m`iu1'w `ed Cross, Vhu \\'iI11c.<. :1 l'('(`(*1li H01` p:1ru(lO in 1h<- .\lil1 (`i1_\' in :'),(HHl \\'h'm--<~lznl \\'01nvn 1mI'1i('ipu1(-cl. `x1 tolling :1 Hm! Cross \\`u1'k('I' how =hc liked it. she saiclz Ln\\'(l_\'. 1nis.~'u.<, it . was :1 -'r:\`.:' s]wM2ll'l1'. T\'u\':1 in muh \\'1mlv ife {lit} 1 sex` so mm-.h \\':1.~'hin' at 0110, ` - s ( `1'n.<.< \\'hi:-h ln11}1(l1'(-ss, :1 m~_~'1`o `. . M thu \\`:1.< zmmn-_" the t110u.~';11\-ls ` HBNS WHA HAE H110 lu llll u kl Is in11u0rt:11it_V! `Xvi-}~2~22*~Z~i-'1 /`As I>';I:()V{)KE>1)WTO HER 1\ Kfinmumnlis W `In 1'0:-i1u-.4 \\'l1'u-h uust Ilw 1`uHo\'.'in-.1 `paw ! for \\'h-an II `.1115, In |vl.:`.M- ul - 1 nun '11:`. .x. I. .. an wslw-1 1 Hip ':u:r'a.-\' fl: 1) bu(-k\\'1w;H Hull!` m- I ` Nam` 01' 1-'. M11! h:n'|x-\' (`up nu".-1 1 h>1n'. m" 1-`_ r - ..n.l L-1 ('l|I\ 1-3:.` Hm Lay your e~_~':_-`s wi d0u`blu yukcs T111 xvi ra-_-'0 the Kaiser chokes! That w ud he the prince 0 jokes Outside Germany ! rooster loud may 'blaw his born, c bwbblyjock may guzzle corn; For noble!` duties you were born An higher destiny! Em nu IN Ln will @oe s Gorneri zm11i.~Cn .~:hi1'l\\':1i.<`. .~:i1k with \\'in~_- 1-n H0 and hm-2151 ]uu_-k -hint is In-in~;' v.'ilv I'luIn- | :-w .'u|v.~_ -111: h:n'Iu`\' Hum` unul mp h:n'lg\' ` 2111:! 1-4 mm l'lmn~ m 1-'_ n1a.~'hc~.1 potato and 1-2 cup mm 1', und omit` 1-4 (up milk frr recipe. In s1-1u|1u'(- -7akc._ 1.2. (yr, to t'lou.1`. ` IN 1>Aci' 61" WHEAT k. , I In |\ -.:1l`._\ 1'; t tlu-_\' (IlH\'H 7 :xbl_\' In uuu '_;UHl .1\'_\', l:l.~`s.~3C1t'l1 ` ht-Its. Keep the wee {mes for _versel s; Pack the big anes in guid shells; An mind that keepin at it tells. `tr-.. 1-Lnvr\n on Hchnrfv! soltlim" L . I 1.. 41:11:-ti L-011:1 _\', l`in3.. mu nuvl '~:--:-~:--::--:--:~-'.~~:-~:--i-~~.~-: ; +- ]`|`l.`\ l.\ ._lA\A ski1`is Inn): 11 1'm:nI)`_\' r-luh -. - ....\.l.. 11 do nut t-all 1'01`. :2` .`whslitutv.< many lluur with -_-mu! l unv mm or wln-ant - - -I .. 1 5 1 'n111<- wlml by nrs 01' I111", L:u:_\' nl` lhu _- ;[\.`\IIj (-In-1-1-:.~' - 1111;115:- : "?`F'"3'a .'t" .-;%`l55e zui-z-~z:z::~ e11t\\`ix1wl .u. 1. nun :IL' L. n {lu- . ..A. ` . H: l`Al'1uu-` "1 strll" !(I'.'(`1`\'l.':`.~% 111 `'_v mu !(_:mm1i:m `x ` M1` 11 \\'11m1 03` 7 """`* "n:1l!:11inn `. um vm.,. -_-m11(x.1._ .. L...v.\ Just the other day an optimistic `speaker pointed to the success of gmunition .~:u1)e1'\'isu1's as proof that iwomeu will not work unxler other ,wumcu. i But, alas, :1 womzm who haxullcs `111z1n_v z11)plica1tim1.~:.4'01" work l(|C(`]`dTL S that the t'n\'01'i1'o now is ;lmu.sckecpe1' l'0rusi11:.v'lc man! 'No. ()bjc(:L .\Iz1t1'in1uny!" is not the `lrcuson. V g "\\'omen say tlxcy si111pl_\' will not wm'k for uthcr women if they can ,h(-11 it! So says the employnxent Zlndy, who, in1es1)eration, deal-.u'.0s ithere are not enough single men m gall Ontario to satisfv Toronto women _..'L_ 1-..... +,. Ln I.nn=.~1:m>nm's.--T()- K hp` An` mmu [mu KL'I:[Hu uh n- Lu... For hame an lisberty! Dae your best, an when you die Let neu teardrop dim your e_vc- Your faiv to fill :1 chicken pic 1,.` :.,.....w4-ulin-1 J_L_ lilll Ontario to satxsrv '10l`U11Lu Wulucu "who long to be l1uusckeep01".--To- E ronto Tele5.;1'am. I - Save the Waste. 1'_ ,()(J(),00() cups of tea, coffee and cocoa are used daily }in Canada. If even an z1\'erz1g*e of halt` a tea- spoonful of sugar per cup is left un- dissolved at the `bottom of cups of these `bevel-a;~e the waste would be `1'20,000 Lbs. of sugar daily! Pen nn mnru su than you need .\'i:1-_-':1'21, muler the .tlu- Girls S:-1'\'i(-v I 6... Jun I 1 The mm111u1nit_\' (-2 I i \1'20,000 lbs. of aauy: ,`se no more s11_u.'m' you land stir your `beverage until the sug- iar is entirely dissolved. I It is estimated that mhout one- ithird of all slurars used in the homes iis used in ten and coffee. Think it !o\'o1'-}io\v is it in _\`u111` home? Is iillL`1'(' :1 (-lmuce for s:1\'i115_-'?--Cmm(l:1 '{l9`ool Board. `Wu, -,..., qtl:lYL<. HI. 0: 0|` pit-kl:-.<, -> ` .\' |u--I )`.. (`lips - ..n.l I ` hevn WOMEN HOUSBKEEPERS ln|Xl|| 1'. .`x'nl`1h 1 an by =l`1':1n-v, 1nv_\ 11.11; K . uh:-ir \\'m'\\' in an y4~1'i'11n<~!m'_\- :\ num- :I*.':v111.~'. l"rt-In-h \\'umvn \\`hu .<:I\\` Hu- `}b()$Si})Hi1i(`S and the 11L`(`(1 of this svrvivv upp1'0:w1\(*d the Millisu-1' nlf ;)iuni1iuns anal thv .\Ii11is1<-1'0l'\\'m'ks ;:ml .<\u-rurnh-.1 in st-\11'in its intro- . (,`.ln. \\'u1'- :n'r:1n-_"('d \\'hm'o `,<~z1mli:lz11(-s <-ouhl he t1':\ix1H1, `hut so . .. ,. .0 u.- nu` In-1' as to 'm- at" hHh- 1`m'<~(- as .~'m-in`. ~:--3---. ::--:~~'.~-::~~:-~:-~:--~~:~:~-:--:~::~~:~:o-a-:--z- 0% . c. I `_.\lu1H1nnm .um.... .. , \\'c1'- ;(-zlmliulznt-s `1m1n11:n' has Ihu idea Ihu(-(nno it is not lm;<. 1n trnin ':\pi(l1_\' (-nu1r_"l1ln kc:-p up \\'it`.n the dcnmnd.]. 1.:.1.4.u.uu ........- -__ _ The ~.-'i11|h-t-u_\ (-d mun 2i\'un tn pm- }m1u1li11\.-: <-nm1ml1'nn1.<, .~;1u':u1~_" :1 new 'mn- un 21 friontl the tII'h('I' lay. \\'h:1l" he :1.\`k('ll "is throw- ':[.~'-wxxiln ul` t-hit-lit,-n. two lhihl.-; of ; -:11. and mm hull" of gun! '3" It \\':1.<. nl' l`()lll'.\`(`. '_1 i\'('H hp. ` "\\'-ll" snicl Iiw -_:'i1n1u1-o_\'ml man 1x'i1~.1n;>lm11lI_\'_, "thv :m.<\\`01".~' (`Ilia-:1',vu j`(`hi' is 1h`-`m--.<(-\`n~nth 0| vl1i<-kn-11: v I I . `('21 is 1.\\'n-l'ni1'ti.~` n|' cut, and `-_-`n' 15 u 1 v 7 ,.> COMMUNITY CANNING SAVE THE SUGAR I'M I-` L` nlw-hnl l` \\'l .... Tm whi l1Il('I1l.< um-~ lh-1`, lhv_\' hat`. 1- so 3: :1.~` ml` HI A IL` .1. u-. THEY THREW HIM OUT `I ..Z.,.1. 9 ..... ..1 In-.|v\ --iv:-n In I l1!:u'_`.' hm.-:pi1:11.~:. :11 11n`.u1' the :ms1i: . `rlz-:1 C`1'0s.~` .\'n('i1 t-'v::`hl :lz1_\`.x' 01:1 1 '.;:1';v 2! cl-.mr: :1 m -_~fn'l.-;;1mn-;x1'u i ` ` - I 1 .. Thiv`.: silver wrlls with hon ~ -Tug` '. .S('(1 fur `-`l _".\1"l.-`.;l]l17t`il hivh Hwy 11 1 .l.`.. ,__.,. .l2H`\s. U1 ('2lllll\`|l luuum, 1... -zmm-ni 1m11:xtm-s, `.30 (lllzlzi . ":3 01' cunxwxl hon-ts, )s'>x ) L 3` puulnls ml` pcaltrlx jinn. H1"1'huE):u'hj:un.3Hml plum I 1-1. `.':1"- . 1 K : 1 We .--.- ..-an Hum L` tilulwl ;'m-hen` u.\.-........ ` . _ A 1 [1 (\| -'(~u]-m1 I110; ..J[.n ..J`.\'.mh % U! il'uH mm \L._\ l_H(`.\` v;'nu are ihus. mn- - 1`(m<`..+111H'.~'. in he l1~~,L'5 home am` :u1s.1i(-us or tlu .\'n(`i(`L\'. the iui`:1:~.1 I ..\...x Iuu SOCIAL SERVICE gum. I111-y [hm-\\' him out `\'u11i1)-4' I n. .\'C\\` Y!) nssn2't1n(~nt uml Caxryet .-<;'.\:u'e A New York ing Hun `.\'m'.i1'I1 bml1'l.<. _\'lIl]):Hm'ur XII tmnu` :`i1`1:s. Ilxouit-. .4 {hr n`.:1(-r wom- 1p 4 ...l...ci.. ..,._.| HI 1.` t|lI'| - .`. , arm} in Ilu-ir11ni- md 111-ado them- \'(- "H10 lnm .:\ml in :1 1m".- ~.~1 $~l)1) in H11` ]"\`l'Ul|| \ um... 2;:\~.- them 1 ,qm11 in hmki ywmlnnls an` Inn (Ila HH- l`. -_- .- -.: i1n1u1-o_\'ul * vnth is t in muniiimx aldupls-I i'I'u1n l.:n1- .\'u;wr- .u-n H; all 1101-11- IA4||l.\ . ul- ul-l\'1m\\'n _\`>' lu-1'l'm'n .0 m-.. ., H, Ill .\|2I;u~;n-;-~ \\'hon Hu- inlu I 211'i.~` nn:lil~ 0 H A`.