number 01' copies oi the inn:-1-E ])u}.,"cs was not run <'>l'l'. The e1`ru1'- \\`-as not in {hue to be 1'0ctii'iex\, with the result that" same of our 1'eude1's u-(-eivenl only `four ])dL`(.`.<. \\'-(- reprint thg chap- ter this \\'L`L'l-I, in urzler that thosog who are 1'ez1 the story may be` able to continue it. We hope tll0.s,"L`.! of our 1'cude1's ul l'ectcd will ac-i cept this e.\ pl:mnti0n of an u1'1'01'| which has c:111.~:L- them iucou-` Venience and 0llX's('1V(`S much :u1-i '.``_"yg1u3,'uncc. I'1\ U llltillllllilllftlo I Yes, it was true. Easton knew he lowed his life to Nt11`se Eve. He had ;l'u1"."utten, or not realized, that in a5_g-ivin},'_' it to l1i1n she had _'_! i\'Cl1 :1 portion of her 0wn-all her \'italit_\f, the st1'en_-V.-'th she 1)OSS(.`S:5(.`ll. It was .ratl1e1' :1 l unn_\' [liinu for l.ad_\' live` i_t`0 say. tlmu}_"l1. He t'0und hiiiiself \\'oi1(lerine:, too, \Vll_\' she had said :she would never tall in lu\'e--a 'ain. l Being a man he came to the eon- elusien that she had had some ;'1'and pzissiolt early in her lif'e--then he `dismissed her from his mind. His gown love at'.l'ai1- l'illed it to the ex- leltisioxi of e\'erytl1ing' els*: he knew ..,... I-l...L 1... 1.n.1 +11 2-in-hf hi lat. love and had I not 1 any 1 lncn fx lnow that 110 Man Lue 113111, LU u:v fill it. He had (lone his job, the PJIJO. the (previous dropped a hint that there was not much likelihood of his being of use to the Flying Corps, of any `use to the army in any capacity ever lagain. It was a bitter pill to swal- low, but he could swallow a dozen such it` once he could convince Nurse Alice that she was in truth the woman he had loved and lost, Hay Sinclair. 11".. Iuvnn nnnvinran nn~_ I~Ie bmc-1a.1r. He was com'in(:cd, now. felt ashamed and something of an ass for ever having been persuaded to dowbt his own eyes, his own in- stincts. T3..L 1... 1.n.1 nnf nrnrrf , the But he had not proof. All gates of the past were still closed to the woman he loved. And he knew they would have to )be opened be- fore he could persuade her to marry him. A....`l u.,m his znnnnd crash" lhim. And then his second crash came: he was taking for granted that Nurse Alice loved him. And the little devil, Doubt, once lmore sat up and mocked him. If she and May Sinclair were one and the 95211119 person how could she have \l'0r him, how could she fail to lre111o111`he1- him? Even tlmiurh mom- nr_\' 1'-aileul, her heart \\'o11l(l l1:1\'e %s1mke11 and told her. - nu 1Enu- \'()ll wont l)21(fl{ lo Vour room Mr. l'.:1.= A` y . . lhnvc had \'1s11m's; h;1\'(*n't tired _\'I ` ' l'.... .- I` The Canning Centre is now open. Send young: beets, green and wax bezms and peas. Phone 185, Barrie. Ten i is The advts. ( is the llpaper i .~:t.1'0nr_r :`q)]I!3. 11 to the i'ish(%rm:m um` .<-:1rmoi.~'t. '1`hc1'v are more than 1,. 30(| l.'1k(-'.~'. in the park, and [h/.-. crcm-1- lcnm: of the sport :m;:1c1-.< !1'l`0II1 (`wry part of the I`}mni:1iuu ,$:1n(l I'1'mn evvry State in the Union. -lAmon_-2 the special! varieties to hr 1 <-augrht are the f_rexx11i11e s(1\1:u`o.- ,:tui1ed brook trout; the gxunmy blzuxk 2 bass of the sm:111-m0utho.d v:1rict,y. 1'an;:i11y_: from half :1 pound to Your "ml- -_..1 u... L\I....1.-;mnHn:1 unl- x The park Inalu-s an 0spv(:i:1Hv l ht-1` :\: `('0l1T:x'_'. 13... | Au|I;:L11)_; poumls, vnnn nf IJAUAA, 1 trout. Ullh. The ncconiniodatinii in the park is such hat the most varied tastes can `be pleased. There are hotels. including the xvell-known High- land Inn, for those who want to be in the wilderness, yet enjoy all the comforts of good service and social companionship. There are log: cabin camps, Nominignn Camp and Camp lllinnesing, comfortably fur- nished and ideal for family parties. The park is easily accessible hv the Gram] Trunk Railway from all parts of Canada. It is two hundred miles north of Toronto and one hunrlreil and sixty-nine miles west of Ottawa. For reservations at the Ilighlaiid hm, Noniinigan Camp and Camp Miiinesitig apply to Miss Jean Lindsay, Manniror, Algonquin Park Station, Ontario. For more detailed infonnation, maps, rnntes,etrr., writn to or call on C. E. Homing`, Union 011 or. 0\'ery1u1n}__-; emu. m: nuuw that he had the right, to let A-tn : 11.. I...,1 Jun lc `Ah lU UL Unn uu. u. Station, Toronto. LUJ. J..u.uvuA.n Inv--2 e Advance rate for prep-ai.1 . of the wanted class. It 2 cheapest rate of any news- in Ontario. Cents for Fifteen Words AJ .... ..,. ...~.+n +`m- nr-nnni ALGONQUIN PARK IV `(;I`o be continued) mm ner. no you Wm}! })21<-,k Huston. I sop you " ---~~ I lu\|n-- fhl`\' "Ul|`l|~.\'| I. BIN L'.I`:: turm- hv v up in ht- heaxlihy lh iH11.\'I1':Hml } 0111- day A .4, 1111: mu: ;.-,x,uu...\, `I . rook bl sxn:11l-mnut.ho.d vari :1 i and the blm-.1:-ssp0tte its near relative, the g ll lsily. 42131011. | mu` .\\Iu 4: l h0pv_-- the)` you. Hunu-,n)(:1'. :1 \ri\'(- to-mm'r0\\` v 5. 1 I(', tr`) . 1 Sn}- Te.\' II I II ` 1,500 >\'('.oI- <~'1e1'.< ~ /4 99 ' , 35 Li; . ~ W How F312 Fairs (33: be m...:.:-.~ a `x (wear Suc;e3.s. X Attend Your Local Fair to Improve Educntion and to Have a Good Time. I ]ll11.\'l1`:IH`H |v.:,u-.~ '5 ()m- l:1_\` In hm` joy lw zlskl-al .\llm- to rvzul nl<>u In lll2`.l. .\"m- Illzl mu`. {ask wlml llv would lll{l`, lml slu- 3 hunted nlmnl until she lmxlnl one of `Seton .\le1'1"1Iu:\n'.~* hnol<.< of .~'lmrt `yarns. Tlu-. \\'v1`I: t`Xlli|l1.\'lL`ll in :1 uplo ul lllvl`. slm trim-l \\'.i . Jzlcolfs. Louis Sn-\'011:<.011. uutl_ u1_\':n:ll l{iplin'_-'. l-`,\'cntu:1ll_\- she 1'0-5 '\'L-ll her r(-\\'aI` l You are jolly ol(-var. litllv m1r. - -I u'l|n1 l \\':1I1t0Il -11.. M , , (Contributed by Cntao Department on ' Agriculture. Toronto.) HE marketing of thin chick- ens is not conserving our meat supply nor is it the most protable method to the producers. Present prices of market poultry admits of the liberal ; use of feeds and the marketing uf well-eshed birds. n \:|L`lA\.oJA\,u uu uu The best birds to esh or fatten I are those of the heavier breeds, such as Wyandottes, Reds, and Rocks. The light breeds, such as Leghorns, seldom pay to fatten unless they are very thin in esh. ` Tim hi:-(lg intpndpd fnr fattening very I,U.1I.1 lll IJBBU. The birds intended for fattening should be conned to a. small pen or slatted coop. The process is not diffi- cult it you will but pay attention to a. few points that are essential. `nn nnt Fond than hirt: fnr fh HTS? d. IBW polllls are 5St2l.lL1'd..l. Do not feed the birds for the rst day they are shut up. You should give them something to drink, but it is best to give no teed. After the rst day teed very lightly for two or three days and then gradually in- crease the ration. being very careful not to overfeed. We usually start chickens on very nely ground grains at the rate of three-quarters of an ounce of grain per teed to each bird, feeding twice daily. This can be in- creased gradually to two or three times this amount. Generally the most protable gains are made dur- ing the rst fourteen to sixteen days feeding. Such birds will not be ex- cessively fat, but should be fat enough to cook and eat well. Some markets demand a. fatter bird. mun m.-me n.-nenhln (ruin: an: msnrlua markets uemanu a. ;a.LI.el` uu`u. The most protable gains are made on birds weighing from three and one-half to four and one-half pounds when put up to fatten. "Nun 9-rain: fml shnnlr] he nelv Wnen DUE Up LU 1d.LLELl. The grains fed should be nely ground and, if at all possible, should be mixed with sour milk. Mix the feed to a consistency of a pancake batter. The more milk the chicken will take the better bird you will have in the end. Milk appears U) have no good substitute for fatteniml chickens. ll you cannot get milk then add ten to fteen per cent. oi meat meal to the ration and mix with water. The addition of a little green food daily will help nmtters. l\'l;1ny people get better results by feeding a. little salt. About one-hall pound to one hundred pounds of dry grain is suicient. This mixes best by be- ing dissolved in water and adding :1 little at each feed. Be careful not to use too much. rm`.-. hnuf tn-nine nunilnhln nnxv are to use too tuuun. The best grains availztble now are a. mixture of ground barley, corn- meal, nely ground buckwheat, and shorts. Oats are good if part of the hull is sifted out, as are also ground brewers grains. We have used with good results a mixture of two parts of ground barley, two parts corn- meal, and two parts shorts, mixed with twice the amount of sour milk. In general feed about one-third shorts and then whatever nally ground grains you may have about the farm. 16 ..+ 91] nnccihln mhr thp rzrnnnd the Iarxn. If at all possible mix the ground grains with sour milk.-Prof. W. R. Graham, 0. A. College, Guelph. Importance of Attending Exhibition. `veil her r(-\\'-.1r11. ` H" 1` `.l"`1' _\'u11'l ;1. 1111- \\'l1:1I l \\`:111Lo:l. you to 11-1111 1 .~'l1n11l(l11'I l1:1\`1- k11u\v11 i wlmt to s:1_\'. .\t tliv .<.:11111- 1111111 1 was ratl1e1' tm'1'il'i1-cl i11 c-:1. you 51:11-11- o11~Ma11'io (`nrolli 01 :1 l):1il_\` .\l21il'l `serial. (luv of 11111` 1-luips who r'1'z1.~`l1-` 1 1 i ed once in l-I11-_-'l:1111l -:01 iii :1 real mess; took the s\1I":onns :1:hm1t 21 (3011-1110 of \\'1-1-ks to put him to- gether, 111111 wlu-11 he was (-n11\';1lvs<*- ins: and :1.~'ke1l the nurse to read In him-hi.< eyes l121 -:n111- 011 the blink --sl1e .~`.tz11't1-1| on the Book ml Reve- lations -Poor l`ell0\\'." .\lioo l:111-_"l1(-11. `,Yc.~`, :1 I'ollo\\' 1:1-11o1':1ll~\' -_~'11t.~' all th _rev(-lz1ti011.< lie \\':111t.< wlu-11 l1e's rning tn Hy. Q>`[H`(`l2lll_\' il' lllL`_\` nt. him on :1 B.lS." \Vl1z1t's :1 `l .l-`.'?" ` 1117,11 1...\.,. l..1. .11` n:11111-< fm" Fall exhibitions are a permanent feature in the life of Ontario, and are of particular interest and import to the farmer and his family. True, many of the smaller shows might be greatly improved by the introduction or more new educative features, and some of the larger exhibitions have been criticized in the past for tardi- ness in placing agriculture in its due place, but at the present time, with things agricultural to the fore-from as they are, exhibition manageinents realize the value of a strong agricul- tural and live-stock department and are making this a leading feature of their work. In fact, no fall fair, large or small, could exist let alone prosper, without the products of the farm well represented. nmn-ena lhi: in mind it is imnm'- 1111111 Weii 1`t:p1't:m:1iLv:u. Beaming this in mind, it is impor- tant that all attend their local {all {air and their nearest large exhibi- tion. A well-managed fair is an edu- cation. The best live stock 01' the vztrious types and breeds, the highest quality grain, roots and vegetztbles, the newest devices 1 ` .._' the 1'zii`niei' and his wife in -ineir work, and the most up-to-date special ztttrzictions are all there and each has its vztiue rs +hm~n mhn unonn with tho mir- an [n(3I`t: uuu L' um: 11:: Vxuuc to those who attend with the pur- pose of improving their knowletlge. It is worth while to watch the judg- ing being done to get an idea. of approved type and to have one s in- terest stinmlztted that he may go home and do better work in breed- ing live stock or in the production of [arm crops. Study the work of the judges. It helps to x in the mind lhn nrnnar tvno. of live stock Of the Judges. L uenps LU Inc In uu: uuuu the proper type of live various breeds and the requirements of all farm crops. The boys and girls should be taken to the exhibition and encouraged to sthdy and learn as well as to enjoy themselves. mvhahannnc nlcn hnvn. their nlm-e Well as 1.0 enJ0y Luemsuivcs. Exhibitions also have their place in the social welfare of the people. lt is protable to get away from work for a. few days and mingle with oth- ers. there to discuss matters of in- terest to all, and to see what progress is being made in industry ether than that from which the fair-goer gets his or her living. It makes for big- ger men and women with a wider viewpoint. A little clean, whole- some amusement is necessary in or- zler to get the most out of life. an tn lhn nvhihifinn with the idea 161` to get Lne n1osL Uul. UL uu:. Go to the exhibition with the | )f improving your education and at | the same time to have 3. real good time. It is protable to_geL away from work occasionally and the ex- hibition offers not only an opportun- ity for pleasure but also for prom. -Ptof. Wade Toole, O. A. College, vflnnl nh ?l. l.'U1. G uelph. \.....\\.\ . ....`.. GOC`[`N Sunday .`\1m1l:1.\'-T.~`n3 :\.m., 13.40 13.30 p.m., 4.55 p.111. '1`-ut-s(1:1_\'--5`_ .3 21,111., 7.45 `2..`-3U 1.m., -1.5;) p.111. \\'e(lnesda_\'-:'>.`_ 5 a.m., 7.45 2.30 p.m.. 4.55 13.111. T1uu'sd;1_v-5.`_ 5 :I.m., 7.415 1'_ .- 1() ]).111., `_ ..'() p.m.,.-1.55 p.m. F1'iday--.".'25 :1.m., 7.45 2.30 p:m., 4.55 p.111. I .Q..+....,1.-.`- ' ' 5.23 :L.m., p.m. |l-r~"\ llnlllu TAJII J S:1turda_\'-."). 12.40 p.vm., -1. 5 ('1 ('\`l"\1 Monday To North Bay, 1.25 mm. and 11.15 21.111., to Scotia Junction, 12.18 p.1n., Gra\'enh111'st, 8 p.111. I '1`u1nor1nv:r[`n Nnrf1l Rnv, Thu1'sdu_V, Sept. 19th. 1918 |DI:lI.L`~-L.IL~x ._ ....... _ . , Cnl1ie:'--M1 .2511-1' 0.30 4.00 9.30 om; Juc _ .Q.`-- - V 7 H77` V 7. 7`-&_-1` '7- `-i :2; 3...: 1 3*` CHEAP `. mg Prepmd Advts .L_ ._LO p.111., u1'u\L`11uu1aL, 0 11.111. 'Tuesday-To North Bay, 1.25 21.111. and 11.15.; to Scotiu Junction, 12.18 p.111.; to Gruvonhurst 8 p.m., National, 11.05 p.111. Y\Tn:lnncr1nv..__.rI`n Nnrfh Rnxr, iVil[1OIlill, .L.L.UU 11.111. Wedncsday--To North Bay, 1.25 a.m. and 11.15.; to Scotia Junction, 12.18 p.m.; to Gravcnhurst 8 p.m., 'l`hnv~:Rov_.. Fn N'n1-H1 RRV. 1.25 .l..`..1O p.111.; LU U1.'uH:uuu1au u p.:.u., Thursda.y--To North Bay, 1.25 mm. and 11.15.; to Scotia Junction, 12.18 p.m.; to Gravenhurst 8 p.m., National, 11.05 p.m. I4`.-irlnv '1`n Nnv-H1 Rnv. 1,25 and. Nzmonal, p.m. Fridny-To North Bay, 1.25 and 11.15 a.m., to Scotia Junction 12.18 p.m. to Gravenlxurst 8 p.m. Q-.1hn-u]n\'--.'1`n Nrnrfh Bav. [).XI1. E0 k7I`H.\'t:uuuL`av 0 p.Lu. S:Lturday--To North Bay, 1.25 am. and 11.15 u.m.; to Scotia. Jun- ction, 1`.2.1S p.n1.; to Huntsville, 3.50 n m - tn Gr-,1 \-m1hIn':1`_ 8 n.m.: GU01}, .L..J.0 p.1u., LU 11u|lLavA1u 11,111.; to Gravenhurst, 8 National, 11.05 p.111. `?.L`J.VI`J tlullla, Uni! M(-nfnrd and -S.()0 21.111. Moul'()1`(1 and d:\le--~;').(l5 p.111. .~\ll:u1d:1lu to 1 land (short lint BnI'1`i(- to .\Ii< 7.30 p.111. Mi(llm1 and d:1lc%`_ .`_ .") p.111. 1).. pin 1).. _-_-xxy] .'..`.I.a;.Lo v;v.n.a uv ......-_..- ._.,, Ttronto and imernwdiate points.. .....4.30 p.m., 8.30 p.m., 7.15 11.111. North Bay and intermediate points. ...10.40 21.111. and 8.30 p.m. Hamilton to Meaford, north . . . . . . 10.30 a.m. UillL*_.. B:11`ri(.- I u.<.<:21\-4'9 dale. -1 lulu. um` `Xurs IE{.';1;1.i1.to1.1. . .z1.n.d. . Fo.r1'kIi;1i:;1;x.1 """""""""' I Allandalc, closed hag. . .. .L1landale . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale and Penctang. 1'I.-.._I `l\l ..a'1.- nuuuuuu: auu . -..u........,,. . . . _ - `, Rural Mails. Midhurst and Grcnfel routes leave Barrie P.O. as soon as the Toronto morning mail is sorted. Hillsdule route leaves at 12.00 Smnll-Roas Eccle-Park Frzmcis-Eli'7.aheth Brock-Bradford Baldxvin--to\\'n line Essa road--Maiu \\'il1imn-Bu1'ton Ave C11mber1and~--Reid Bradfm'd--Victoria Torontu---E1ixnbvth P:-.1-1-:--Hi;:h ny1'xcld~\Vo1!in::`ron f\...-.. F` ..... n H.A1V.'|.'ILTON-COLLINGWO0D, MEAI` ORD (Daily except Sunday) To Hau1i1t0n--T.-15 a.m., 4.55 p.m- From 1Ia111ilt0n--l0.45 a.m. and 8 ILHI) nL'|u-- v v 1 lxlH(..I`uu O\\'en-Grovo \-\'01l`i11_:ton- P(Acl Mulenstm'-T enetnm: Ponctnns:r--T)uckwnrth Nel. B1ako--Rodn0y Bl:1ko-D11ok\v01`th I3la1:c--I3m'c7._v I n.m:.,.. .\t..I,.,1_.1,`,. AAILAA ;I.!:IIT\V`:3. TIME TABS: K Efrepaid will pay for an advertisement in The Advance. ' ` -3 Carrot-tut] Sept. 2nd, 1915 m t\T$.'|" rw rt r\1`1'rrI1"r AN EXPLANATION 5 A\J v nuns.- Many recent instances could be given of Advertisers whose wants readily have beensupplied in this way. l -Oi1cloth Squares and COI1fI01(3l1XIl `Rugs, all sizes at Dougull Bros. ` The Advance is on sale at the |booksto1`es of \Valter Scott, J. G. Keenan, T. N. I-Iobley, Elizabeth St., and Roy Stone, Allandale, price 3. cents a cupy. Also at the oice of publication. $1.25 a year delivered in town or mailed to any add1'e in Czmnda or Great Britain. To U. S. %`.1hSCI'i`b(`I`S $1.75, strictly in ad- Vance. L`. Mails Close at Barrie P.O. .5 Street Letter Collections " e6'xi~id `iiiwu to Mcaford and Penctang ._ ,' DH .. n. Fi_ft-e;1 Words 1., `.\JU 1r.L.u. Penctzulg p_ re\'oln110n.< nv \\':uu.~ mu .. ... .. arming.-: L-. if 1t him 1 .l." `VVGH, we have lnls nj' n:mw< 1 the Service. The `beastly ex- nent is one. V Ponetzmg I`m1ct:111;` to Allan- >.1u. tn1 em-tam: and Mid- 1ino)-- 1"_ .15 11.11:. t Mitllund (short line)-- Ten Cents for n. `(.`I\`._;`CL`S ch:u1y_:0 at. Allan p.111. I 1rrr\'n 11.111. 14 7.00 I 7.05 1 7.10 i 7.20 I 7.40 1 '71. . I *3. I17 ` 8.40 , C` II\ _?__ CHAPTER .{LXVI to Barrie to Allan- FLU 10.30 ......LL. 1:40 1.50 * 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 u`! `)f\ p.1ll., `LL50 7.30 3.00 7.45 ~ 3.10 8.50 3. 5 8.55 I .".`_ .`o 9.0. ) . .. an n1n -2:30 % n 0: Woman Who Was. Not; Chapter .\.\'\'I alppearcd in our is- sue 1:151 won-k; but u\\"m~.: to the Inistzlko 01 :1 p1'in.n-1' our usual of im1c1' pa}.-`es OH . c1`1'u1' u`-.1: nnr l\`l'l\\'(`1'('ll in I.LU 7.25 "'\f\ thm 1:;_\' ...... nu-`h I11-mixxu .....| n FUHLI mu1u.~r By ARTHUR APPLIN Jaunxu the f I ,. an an ` hznl 1' m 1110 .3... -\.... 2111 1'iu'ht. `.1'o[pc-1 .\r .nnn_ ll 1'I\v|rl 0 shun intt-rust when James l-Dalston was carried i`1'mn his m1`bi(-lv on to the veruvndah of tho hospital o\'erl0okinu' the 3_-'zu'- ' llSll:l1';1lL'l1. .,\.li.:-u could not help ifeeling :1 - innc1'ili1tl(-p1'u1ul,heca11so the pI'O\'iO11S 1c (.`l`1'u1"|(.`\`0lliXlf;' the I :)I.(). had patted her 0 `on t`m.~_h21vk and told her that Iiuston I I 1. LI...A. -,., , l 1' L. I _. UL, f._._.lA....I I l;`\'entuully the j.-real :l:1_\' c-a1ue\ "able of feeling surprise ..4; v . . KJLLJLJ. LLJLL Easton s return to consciousness had been like :1 flash in the pun. When Alice went on duty a3;'ai11 seven hours later she found him only too tractable, possessing neither the streiigtli nor the inclination to talk, and as weak as a child. He had been having a pretty bad time, the nurse she relieved told her, suffer- ing severely but in silence. `But the surgeon, each time he made his rounds, professed to be satisfied. Indeed, had he been cap- he would have admitted he was very surpris- ed that Easton lived. The days that passed were trying: ones t'or`Aliee_. for in spite of Bus- t0n s patience and obedience his nerves were in a dreadful state an?!` he was seldom left in peace. 'l`\viee a day his ba~ndat.-.'es were taken off, l1' ~` wounds dressed. At the end of the first week he was iiizissa-_"ml 1nornin_-_-` and e.veninL'. Just once he (soniplained and then sn1ilim:l) : if only they \vuuld leave Inc in peaee I. shnudn't care. This ever- lalstin-_~' l)eix1}_" n1e. about sort of one. I made up my mind last night l wouldn't try to wet he- ter: it \vn11ld .~:1\'e 1n_\'. and e\'e1'_\' one t'l.~1(' In-re sueh :1 lot ml ll`{?lll)lL` il' l` _l1l>~l, 2\'llll1)( ll :l\\':l_'. "~-H-`< in '|HHllH`l' (Ililll1'(']` the i \\ Inn l. me the ropliml. :1u- 1:xy;: l`uI"_;`< >t- l'U])1[k v\\I' L'\L'uIu;; mu` I..`nL.\I. uuu t`n:_- b2wk that '0wu(1 his life to her. She implored him never to tell Lioutexumt Euston a.L-L llu L LC\l IIC` nun u that. I AKTY Ian I 5 Hope the beggar realises: ;it," l itlw su1'5_reon said bluntly. If he |t|0o.~'I1`l, he ought to be kicl~:e.l". l.,A-.. L._ .. _.....L ._ ,_ LI. lllUC.`ll lr Ill" |}lI:HL l,\I UU I\L\.'I\C J o i liaston b0(`:1II1(.', much :1_g`:1iust his lwill, an inte1'estim.: in\'21`u'il. He lay `in a hm}.-,' h:1.~:.ket chair, :1 stool be- isidu him piled high with 11l21Lj,'i17.iI1(3S and newspa-pars, e\'er_vthing fruui Jnhn Bull to La Vie P:u'isic-nne. On the table by his side there were al- ways boxes of chocolates and fresh flowers. One afternoon just after he had awakened from his siesta the order- ly appeared with a niessage that :1 lady wished to see him. Easton si_:hed. He disliked visitors, and women when they came would talk shop and congratulate him on get- ting the D.S.O. and stare at him with a mixture or tear and curiosity as if he were one of the mummies which had been dug up in the desert and stuck in the `Cairo Lfuseum. KlVI'\..II A.L.. l..J,, Y)... .....I..._. -...r1 illlll DLUUIX Ill LHC `LJUJLU .VLLlBCLllJl. Tell the lady I m asleep, and ask her name. (gnu , 47;: 1 L-.. __......._ .._.,._ r _,]__ T.`..,.| ('Um1)1uuu:u uuu . s11mu1n'l 1:1s1in_-_-' h me me. I L.` ..:...1.o I il.Bl\ LICK llilllltf. I She said her name was Lady Eve C`:1r(Ile_v, sir. I4`-1:fnn qhn-furl `T.-241w T71-n (`en-(1- \.ill'|llL\ D11. 1'}a.=.ton started. `Lady Eva Curd- 1e_\`. He ram his fingers tl1rou__:'11 his hair. Am I riy_:'ht, 01' mean ,o\'o1'_\'thin-_: in its proper place. ban- { not ('0n1in<: of1`-h:1ir brush- fod? I've `been zlsleup you know. L The m*rIe1'l_v run his eyes over him. All m>r1'e( sir." ` I "Sho\\' Lzulv Eve uh hm-1'0 at , . (\v\nn " I'Iu.~'t:m px'i,~'L-, Ho. 1-rmmlovl 1'. so ]nIl'_" :1! sometil AL .. C< il DHIILAAA Lzuly 01' the t>l'Il0I`ly 1C:xsm11': `Hill! Hit l)l.'LUIt. . ... *-` _ ` lbs: in :1 tlellllt` state of health, but, .l:1.~: a matter ul` l'u(-t, nlmr -.1 little [ pt-0\ isliness and it dislike to hear (lnurs ban}: Sl1ll(l(`Hl_\'. I'm perfectly l . fit a~_"ain. I. suppose l coulnl sprint :1 _ lll1I1(.lT(}(l yards or steep :1 our or a , B.E. plane inure than fil't_v. But \- otlicrwise I`m--lit." Deli;:litml to limit` it." Latly Eva saitl, nollin_\.:' her ll(.`:lIl s_\`inpatl1c- l.l(,':lll_\ . The I.`X]>1'(`SSlHn nn l-`.:\st0iis l1`t`:wt-~1lit- l):ll\tl:l*_:`t`S hzul tlisztmuezimtl 5 :\ \\'-vk :1:'r)~1`:itlw1' nl:n'mwl her. \- .\'m\' l \\':im 10 l\'nn\\` \\*lmt all I this mmm.-"." lie mntiimetl. You ` 0!` all In |.4.u~ I ...,m.. 1111 111 111.4 M12111` 111 21 11111-v 171...... 1121- 111151111111 211111 111111 111 \\`1\11"11 111- 1 f:1 111-1'11- \"1c\\' 01' 1".\'L-'5 `.':1( -(-. 11(- l11c 1-11m'u1z1.l1~.~' 011 L110 v11'_"1- 111' 1111111. 1w.<'1:1e 1101', 01 1'-1'1-11 her :1 1 2111-110, \\`11'1o11 5119 1`cf'11so11, 211111 one 11i111sL-11'. ..\-...,. 1...n" he said 11111 : _\un \||\ ... 'h1'usquc1_\'. in :1 \ 13' no une at the him 11L- bc.-t'm'L-. L ... .. .1nlx'n-,Ih- '0 you lll_\' uumv; lCu. 1m4| Hv H: > his chair to mm =.- xx 1 0 l ' ' ` - .. \..u- n|'|'n|'n, u u. ' .\1`L- 1 uuu 1 nu-~.. , _,, dm1l)1[ullj;, "I u.~:kol and he S\\'uI'l,` I lid m_'.` job `t`.`'[ the I':11'v<- lmmb.~` I l '3 nb.~u1ut(-1_\' s1u:1. up that __:.: .. 1....-9 `\n<;1](-" ];1\'i ` 11 \\':1s p2'upn1'ml 1'91` zx .~'u1'- lc knew that 21 unystcry sur- Hw I\\`u \\'Ull1(.'I| he had 1m~1, nun in Lrnninn, and l11nu*.:":1 r x'v!`m'x'u:.l to hi-: lilrlo x1111'sL-`s un than she hurl hvun m:1.<- ,_ I I,, \II I/`...II.... Ll Ill LJlJIlII\F.'l, (ll|Vl lAllI\(:lI N.`(-1'x'un.l hi,-:1i1I'1o ns LmI_\' .\li(-4* (`:u'llc_\', (1 often lh011'_" uL aJ)u`.1I i1 s ct;11\';1l<-swllvt-. .-\ -u1'im1-.5 I - `- A . .4... L. . vv 1-11. 110 211111051 11 \'01('e \\`11'1<'11 111-1111111- t 11051111211 11:111 111-;11'11 -1'n1'L-. 1'111 511111105011 to -1110 1` 1':1(-t,11):11' l1`(1S H 11.-.. `:1'n~ R111. fmlml mm L;\d_\' lll_\'.`('ll L'\\'I N: aux -- Y ` l)'1:1n`1 Iht` I`, 2:1 111:1: in: \1..| 0 sznv he): i``'`' "` "1' 1-`nuir the! M 1'1: ,tm-llinu` nw v 1311' John Sta l L:ul_\' H\`(- h:< In-\'(~r h(' \`('.\`Il':liIl(f(n_\' \'.'h:|l HIP `N 1i.'~(*n\'m' him 1) . 1 1n`omis( lm-.~'n'1 km iv . I " v, L:\a1_\' 5- n- :4u'1d you ;m: 1: mu on 'l'\'v ht-a.-n -r .~'iI1H- l l.m1y .\'.':vu L-M11101 L In 4 .\1i:-<- nu her `{lb>l|ll1I(`|_\' .~`II1`.l.~IIL'u ulv Luxu- nitinu vurt. by-sill:-.~ l:1_\'i1\*_" `st-011' Oi" Turks. Hnyur lu- -cnulxlinu me; but you'll toll truth 1 knm\'~is it I1`ue"'. uT- 2: (run " .-\1.1(`E` I lllfl - halt `7"u" {bottle of anaesthetic she said she` .was plain Alice. Of course, she isu t either: she-`s Miss M-av Sinclz1i1'--" I ,1 l.`.... 1......` I'.- I , .n \.n1- ` ` put ' lhu uIu_ 4) 1` 1) C1LHL`1'; Silt` 5 A113: .u.i1_\ >_7|uc1uu- Lady Eve lozmt f'orward in her: L-xvitcnlent and laid lu-1' hnml on E:1sm11's inj1u'eI,l :11'm. You know} }this for L-ertz1in"? I1. I.. .1 .l.. l.- 5-! |-n.\u- nnHx_- [I115 101' L`9I'[i1Il1'!" ins." for certain; I don't even know that I m here. The only thing I l hr.` ve1'1::in is that I c1':1sl1e:l,' that s just the one vivid thin_<.:. the only real tl11'n2' than seems to have l1n.1)}>ene(l in my whole life. Funny I I` lie l21l1`_"hC(l dryly. "1 know unth- l and the i511" it. The `l)el'u1'e `z1l`te1"_ zu'eus01`t of `Tl1ousaml- ax1 e11te1'tuin111ent. But in the `bel o1'e there was 21 girl call- ed .\ln_\' Sinclair wlm (lisap1)L`ux'C(l lout of my life; and I somehow .~:.ee1necl to get her jnlnbled up with :1 certain Lady Alice Czmlley. Now she has t-ome into my life ilf_"z`.lIl as _.....,..` V V : I I :1 nurse." Lady Eve did not speak at once. She -was nleetinf,-' E21sLon's steady _:'-.'1'/.0 u11T'1inchi11g'l_\'; -but now those grentle g'1'e_v eyes were the n1i1`r01's. of truth. `r- ..... ` H A L . . m.+ vnn1nn('1nll'_ Shel truth. i If you are not romancing," she Said at last, If you are sure of this if you can prove it, you have made me very huppy`?" .\iade you happy?" Yes. she laughed. I -ve fallen in love with Alice, too. Have you told her any of this? Does she` ` remember you `I r:..-.,... .~1mn1.v hie head. She re- truth 1 KIm\\'-1s n uue . It is true," Alix-e Don't you re1ne1nbe1'?" I 1'e1nen1=be1' :1 sort of Bron-k`s pyroteclinic display. There's S()1!l(*llliI1`_' else I heard to-dzly; I don't know that I ought to tell you, `but -perhaps it may make you realise how thoroughly you must have done your job. I heard you hael been 1'econnnen(led for the I).S.O. Oh, that s rotten, Euston said (-losing his eyes. Alice felt lisnppointed. almost shocked, at his 1'e}>l_\'. Her heart had been .~:in ever since she had he:ml the news. She (lid not know that 21 man wlio has the *_'*ern1s ol' llL'l`0lSIl1 in him <-am never rt-:1li. he is :lll_\'tllll1'_" but ('0l11lI1f)n])l:1('t', nml 1_1lml1':x1_: nlnrins him ninre Ihnn [U be |'l" lit Easton shook his head. members meeting me in London, o course. That s all. I l1aVen t said a word, I eou1dn t trust myself. And then, as you reminded me, I haven't. any p1`0ol'. I only know--unless, of course the whole thing is a ridi- culous dream. But you can solve some of the m_\'ster_v; aren't you go- ing: to tell me who you are? L-.ul_v live drew her chair :1 little [closer so that their conversation |; not be ovorlwnrd. My full :. .\1:.... l-'.\`n nml I :\m--\\ ell,l remember `I " ` uauuu L3 ALlA\.\, ._..,, .,, I m the last 012 1119 Card hzLppcn.<. "It smlnds 1':1th( title of :1 play, (lot-:~`n't i home when 1 was in my tn 21 v0n\'0nt; 1 . ed -` -~-. - me` In\' {:11} li. II`. I-.110. :m 1 1112111: \\':I_\` 1'it-91's. isn' An \ V I Ull nun nurse` mu", his teefh. , `Th .1:.] n teeth. He dial as Lzuly I".x'(~ 101:1 him; she I Iuadc his pillows c01xxYu1't:1})lL~, really` more for thv sake of CHI-ct than any ` thing else, lit :1 (-i<.::n'ette for him,` `thou `told her story. | boy was s.\\'1u},-iu;__~ .~.~ punkali. The wind, which all day long had been rustling: the leaves of a clump of (late palms in the gar- den. (lied down. The nurse brou_r_:lit Latly Eve. :1 fan. Ten minutes must have elapsed since she linishull hm` SlnI`_\ , but l-Inslon haul not spolmii :1 worrl. And his l':u-(- tolul hm` I](lll\lh`_". llo hutl hlinkvtl his eyes and looked 1h1'o11':h \h(- :1\\'nin:s at the ])1`:l(`ll of blue sl nu uuluu. ' laml (_`Illlll('(l little 1`im:`.~s 01' smoke bx`- 1 . . . ;1\\'i-mi his lips`. I .\n wmihl you minrl 1l(`lllll'_1' who is r_min<." 1 'V.\' ;:~`ir Sl.:1\'1ngcr? l.::(l\' l:n1';`liwl Il('ll('l(I1l.\'l)', h(" l1in1.~i(.-,ll`. l I'm-l 1':\lll(`I` `.:11ll- 1_\~, prmniswl In m;n`r_\' him and he l-rnow his unml fortune The Algonquin Park of Ontario is `a great reserve of nearly four thou- [sand Square miles. It is on the very 'ridge of the famed I-li.rlilan(ls of Ontario. Its altitude above sea 'le\'el averages 1,700 feet, While some :0f the lakes in the Park are 2,000 .feet above the sea. It s tonic aiv filters tlirouuch millions of acres 0F `pines and balsam and spruce. The frzxqrant hush, lZllI'O1`.f_`,`ll which roads and trails are const:mtl_v lwing ex- temlorl, the tr(ee-l'rin lakes, (lis- llll`l)('(l only by ;~:porli\'o liziss or trout or the swisli of the pmlrlle. the l)(.-ziiity of it all t-ombino to pl:.Lc0 } - I 1 1 ` E (_ un .tho visitor un(l(-1' the .<:.pcll of this -\- -;' 1A` 2n-_-'15: - , . . ` "`.' " ` _ H "_,` I ,` . at :\\()1l(l0l`l'.1l nzitural lwlon-. lh.:l.n N5 V _ ` pour mrm is \\':i1l.!n_u' to Th 1' 5l""`l`V `. am-ra:1l }<-mim-ist. are l.:'>l.`(l the the CHAPTER XXVII East0n s cigarette had gone out; he lit another; the sun was falling towards theieast, now, shining full on the :1wnin_rs of the vemnclah. It was a little too hot to be comfortable on the ed_:e of the steps a native boy S.\\ lI1_`_"l.I1g' an imp1'o\'ish`eLl a of gar-l` l)I`011_L(l1l`.i l`l\'e mu.` ...:....+..e numr have ehmsed \\'h1-re is 110? In Calim. Ho :1r1"1\`u(1 :\ 1\\'n nu-'0. He has vullwl on :1 thnos, hut, Int-kily, I nhlv In n1is:< him. I don't km hv mum! out where we had "\\'hal's he l0inu'?" T".:|.~`1 1 V vi. _ 01' (-11. cu. Lzulv Eve lnnkoul pxlzzled for :1 1nrmwnt.l think ht-`s :1 (-.i\'i1izu1 still: 1wr} he Ims come out lmru to escape}_r enlisted. Will you 1uu1'r_v him?" E:1slm1 nskorl. 1 1.`.-n unun 1 dnn t knnw. It, Iuuly lt`.\'o, nose. I rnl`m-1' depends on him. doesn't it? It was my i'athm"s wish, you see, and it might be :1 1m1r1'i:1:c of con- \'vnionc0. She hehl out her hand. You think I'm cold-b100dud'!" uxr-.. .:...l.l- -6'-.111 in ln\'[` after might be 1nz1rx'1:1.v~c m run- You lnight "fall in love _vm1're married. - . .. ,,. 1-..n :_ I.-.. on-nin 1' _\'m1'I`e nlurru.-u. I shall never fall in lnvo, agjain. She turned mvay quickly. I. must. 2'1) no\\`. I expect Aliee will be com- in: on duty soon and l l0n l want to meet her. But, Mr. Eustnn," she spnkv sl:1mlin;' with her hzwk to him. you mi'_-`lnl ,tr_\' and 5.11-t her :1 huli if only for a \\'o(-.k-eml." \\'l1nt, `fur Sta\"m\:or s benefit? Oh, he sh:m't worry 11m`, I prom- n..4 rm 1:1.-n in cnn lmr nnd crs. 1511 I 11; 'You would rnnkv " L`-x.-1nn 4 *. I tllxl $0 1un:'1 lulnInxn..:`-. -| :1!":1i:1 In lllil1((` n1_\`.<-H k1m\\'n, \\``.'\'I) .l .<\xm1nmw1 up x-mn'a1_"u l | .1 I hurl hon-n su]>p!:um- ' ' . ._-Irm nh'm)- ; '.`.I. .'~U\\ n'_'xu u......... hawk zmul 1-lose _\`(m1' c_\'L.< 1:. It's q\1'iI'c :1 rmnauxtic 1 1e`1liu'_' .~1m"n-.~ is :1 la .- \\`:1) of um11sin vioumlml H 11.3 lave (u'u\\ um. um... .. .... .-, so full .5 Alice Eve, and :\m--we1l, :0 C:n`xHe_\'s, as it Is. mther like the\ t it? 1 left`! when IUUHS 10 gel onvent; there until] Il(`\\'$ oi` my lmlu-1"s death !'U]l1`('i-'.L'nIz1Iinns \\`c1'e mzule, su1i(-itnrs that I must 11-tu1'u! I did nxusai m1'.\'ill'm-.:'l_\`. 1` , 4 . . ..1.> x.....\~.-n `Oh, sh;m't no.1`, 1 prom- yuu. But I d like to see her and HL`1`U1bu1 In An... N... cu: 1_1`o`l1`.x1_: I`l'*f`iI`.:'Ili'/.L`l1 for his In ||Au Ensttnl 110'. II. 7 agar? . . 1`_"h(-41 he 1n m:u'r_V hm` Inn-_-`h so un- `1'm`-. 'I`h.'x s juist \\':\ilnf_: V. I, I'M-I in him he 9.`! 0. lo 1121) 01' us us hull` mt, \'v been L||lII(.'ll h(.-nut the visitn \\'0n<`.0rl'u \II p:= 21] (-:mm-ist. i'mm on and Tron x\m0u_-.1` t : fnilrul hr `.l'~E NORTEERN ADVANCE (v u juH_\' ::or) .~':x'nl hu1\\`L-(an! I l I'll um nun: Hy, 1'1 know how} ` ' F.u>`1n1I ask- l\._' ml of- lI m sure she must want a rest. They te1l me that you owe your life to her. 1 2. . __ 1.. ..`..1,1 .-Qnhx l ...'h- ner." : i$o1 u1'v he could stop hur Lad)` Eve r.lisnppe:11'c'(1. ' V. H uuxc (rnn Fngmn know ho X'L`l'll`_;u|/.\.u nu. .. . .\.1`u-0 ht-'_-"am to \\'u pu.~`. \\'hot1u-1' I .-.- tun 1}'.<:'n' 1-(m\'L-1'.~*:1li in : he I'm-own-. \\'h(`ih01' `.u- rmm-m`: ....:`...w- H,`-.1