Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Aug 1918, p. 4

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Published every 'I`h\n*. ::m1'n- ing by Janxos Puzxldwizx BI`}`f\llt, pm prietor, at the 0:`f'i<-(\, 123 Dunlap Street, Barrio. in tho (\mn!_\' of Simcoo, Pmvinon of Ontnr-'.n. I No Lacrosse Sticks. There is one big diiliculty in keep- Iing lacrosse ulive this your that is being overlooked by the supporters , {of L110 national pastime but not by those who are behind the clubs. It ` :.. .1. -`hr.-nnr-n nf stinks. A ,1`ourney CCORDING to some Canadizm prisoners recently escaped from Hu111a.nd via Holland, :1 fake frontier is 221.11 ! c0nt1`iv:u1ce 01` - NJ`- ..-,.1. on n\r|L'n (hair the latest outw it Ling trot- those who uenmu Luv: L'|uu.3. [L is the absence of sticks. journey around to the various sporting goods stores in Canada reveals the fact 3 that there are not a dozen good sticks in all and little likelihood of securing any more. The factories in the east `have stopped making them and in- stead are doing war work. Down in "Joe Lalley's factory in Corx_1wall `:they are making boxes to transport `munitions. Indians in and around Cornwall have made a few sticks for '. their own personal use, but that is ' all. .a____:._.._j I1 lVlU\'lllg'l. luuunv nu nnnn .. Private Billings went over the top one morning, was knocked down by an. German shell, stabbed ve times, {roled off a trench parapet, run over by two tanks and dragged three miles by a. runaway mule, but came back fresh and smiling. Betor-e enlisting he was a. stunt man" for a motion picture company in Canada. He says war is child's play. - Bobbie Prayer. Seven-year-old Robert has a great desire to follow 11} his father's foot- steps. One night his mother over- heard him` making this prayer: Plea se,'God, make me a good boy. then a good lawyer, and then just land me on the supreme bench. Arnnn " Ianu nu Amen." Poor Play. Actor-We ve had very poor houses lately. w..a.md_nwinz to the war, 1 sup- l'AA D058. _ Actor---No, Pm afraid Ila owing to the piece. . . lilrlnuruuu-m nuu no-1-I4 ...,....... Farmerettes in~Lheir blue jeans have nothing on the women` workers in the G.T.R. shops at Lcmdun., whn now appear for `dues: in the com- plete regalia of the male employ:-s. \\'21st:1'_"(- r-m1.<(-J 111i1"nblv }u'9pu.~'i (5it}H'I' rlin-r,-II.\' 12 ed in the ]n'-\' owinzr In tin-ix" ous-'43 lately. Friend-0wing to war, nan Fat-merettos and Blue Jeans. 2- n.-:.. hing inc; -'.".1l L01` 1.110111. retul-med c-ulcers '\:.'ho evi- Ascuped the fatal (lent:-sion of ` fence, relate wlmt they con- e one hLunorous" e'pisod<-2 in of Llreary i111prisonn1ent,:: ro.=:pect of German brutality uni `H wns`. {he A M('wix1g-Picture Soldier. a,\ nun.-um vunnf nvnr H1. =1'zu HlU'uL.I1L1L'bi.7. .u. sion, they say on wh luzxlerizxlisiic 111-:.-c their Hun captors em-4 rlnm-an nf h-ihl lj_H11J,: , LU . poor chaps `.=: wing off all walked s1'.'ai,g 11:. can! 1- llill ECU W Ll K} ording to re- who had suc- : (langers -3*` 1:1-Ci`\.0' \uo'\ I ` \\ 11,-`: `'.'11ic11 .-n`.\nn I -J nu L 10 2'01 (`lose [U l1H`1'.HhHI)1 um.-nu 1 m}Vl` i -'3 r~.hsm'Ved. After 21 few mim mug . tin: tho Zepgmlin was offecti W M" `hi! and .'-:11 aming into the sea. 10"9 British :1i1'c1'aft :1r.`r;0mrm11_\'in W1 `O innval rot`-3n11r)itring nxpmlition 13R`13 ilfa \VC~Sf Frisian coast of H01 35`-`N13 |Sunda_'v mm'ning bro-.1_s_zht (low *5 1"" ':(`.e:-man nirship in ames nort Hnrnf 1 A....v...`.1 mv nr f`nn mntm--1 AL, `:1 ality ` the x the 1\:nr|, pm-ml: um the cast-. v Rule of Lenine and Trotzky Is Near- ing Its End. LONDON, Aug. 13.-Briti.~:h troops which were landed at Vladivostok have proceeded to the Usuri river ` front`, where they were given an en- thusiastic reception by the Czecho- Slovak forces with whqm they are` co-operating, according to an omcial statement issued here last. night. A nanninh h-nm Vlmlivngtnk dnlml statement issued nere 18.51. mgiu. A despatch from Vladivostok dated Friday says `that four companies of French soldiers and one of Anna.- mites from China. and 'Indo-China have arrived there, headed by Com- mandant Mnllett. A company of 3 Czecho-S1ovak soldiers with a ban`? I greeted them. I nnm-mqv r-nH!=. \vm'e exclianzed by greeted mom. Courtesy calls were exchanged by Gen. Paris, of the Fmnch Military Commission; M. Andre, French Con- sul; Gen. Diedrichs, commander of the Czecho-Slovak forces in Siberia, i and representatives of the local l`.u.~:~ i sian Government and Zemstvos. Th: ' newly-nrrived troops were reviewerl 1 at the pier and then paraded to their; `_ barraclis. - T31~nn\:n1- ronnm mm his chief :15;-: l)ar1'ac.ks. 1 Premier Lenine and his chief a.`;-r sistant, Leon 1`roLzky, have (led ml Kronstadt, the nuvzml base near Petro- grad, according to :1 despatch sen! out by the semi--ofcial \V0lff Bureau! of Berlin and printed in Zurich news;-` 1'1"} have cave n T~Tnvn.='. rnnnrt from 2 Paris. 3 The Bo1sheviI~: Govermnent win] shm'1.1y leave Moscow for Kronstadt, the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger states. P1'emie1' benine and `War I\Iinist'e1'1 Trolzliy have alrertdy reach the1':2,, the newspanw adds. '1 Oic-ars and cnun1.(>.1`~rev01utiozxists{ who are under imp1'iss0n1ne11t will 211-; so be taken to Kronstadt, ucc01'din; to this pl-an. v` Tlm p0.=:i1,inn of the Soviet, Goverxvg ment. in R'.`.S: ~`.'}O.. is co11si v=:r)'3 ..A..:(...-` 1. H; ".Tr\:nn\U r-n1-rr-r:m\ndm\|`i Tn .n,.:u:u;.- \.. LONDON, Aug. men on .\I0ndo_y b1`m1g`n.t"mvn :1 man Zeppelin in .'1m_<:s of!` Ihc.= I?n{.:~ lish east`. coast. :1ccm'di:1: tr) z1r`.\`ices3 G 92'- to the Star. T110.'me was rm-'3 of the 1:1:-rxest and 110'-.vest of this type of aircraft. The Zrrppelin \'-3:15 r.vb1e1've_r1 at S-12:1 .a:vh1`0:1k. {o,\`:'1 An` Force ma- ..,...n on nun.-\r H nn/1 wmua r.-.h1r- AL i BE33UGi'i'i` SOWN _\'.)0ll1-31' 113! .`1n:1 ocu. :1r`<-0m;'m11}'i11_:; off onrxsi. I-iollzlnd down :1 levmrm in north oi Amelzm-1. Six of the moto1'-bo:1ts \\-`hic-`n were onrraxted in this expedi- tion have fnilrad to return. The /\(!mi1':v.1ty Z111T1')1.l11(`(?1hCI1L of t.11is opemtimx reads: B1-iiish light forces, accompanied by ai'rc1':1ft, 1'ecor.noit1`ed the Xvost` F1'isin.1\ coast. S'.md:1_v morning. The British forces were heavily attacked by Ge1'ma.n aircraft. Six motor-boats have failed to return. There vras no other dmnage nor any other casual- ties. --vr-um r.:.-m-an nffnr-kn n Gm-mnn E-rill lI1U' H-.L~J lx.'L' naval 1215: Sum`.a_\ :1_ J. ii }. Youthful Huns sea in ames from :1 great height. Hes. 'I`I`-ye (`.iI'C7`1ft zntzvcked a German aimhip north of Ameland and do-\ sh'n}'ed it, bringing it down into the _ Men In Coast Guard Station Arr.--t Overcome. Washington, Aug. 13.--Using pois- on gas :1 German submarine attacked the coast. guard station and light.- house on Smith Island off the North Carolina coast Saturday night, the Navy Department last night announc- ed. Six men were overcome by it. 'T`11n nnnnnnnannnnt mndn hv the ed. SIX overcoule uy 1L. 1 The announcement, made by the Nzwy Departlnent said: 1 'I"hn Nn.vv Dona:-tnuent, has receiv- `-` Navy uepa1-unenn saw: The Navy Department has I ed :1 despatch from the comn1a.nd:mt of the sixth naval district, Charles- ton, S.C., stating that an attack with A gas was attempted on the N01-tht Carolina. coast about ve o'clock on Saturday afternoon with the result of temporarily putting out o__f busi-t nae: Hm onnsi. guard station andl TURMOIL IN RUSSIA. temporarily putting out 0} Ullsl-V ness the coast guard and lighthouse personnel. The report. goes on to say: About 40 minutes` after the attack three large oil spots (each over one acre in extent) were observed passing by Smith Island to the north. This oil from which the gas was doubt]-essly generated must have been released from a. submarine in the vicinity of the entrance to the channel with the hope that it would come in with the tide, but the tide` fortunately set along the island. "Dnnnrf was made to CO]. Chase, fortunately set. along me lslauu. "Report was made to Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Caewell, N.C., by Capt. Willard, ot the Smith Island Coast Guard, after the eects of the gas were noted. Six men were gassed. No deaths. The gas had the eect of mustard gas and was effec- tive about 36 or 40 minutes. ].'AA.J::n uuo Taxes for the year 1918 are due and paywblo at the OFFICE of the TREA`SUR.ER, Council Cl1z1m)er (Tn the 1'ol~l0win_r dates:- ..- a.-mun nr 1...,` m, septemner zuuu. Amounts over $10.00 may be (11- vided into two equal instnlmcnt.sI pn_vaIble September 20th and NOV- ember 20th. . Discounts allowed us 1'oll0ws.:-- On all taxes paid in full on or be- fore AUGUST 29th a discount of one per cent. will be allowed. taxes paid in full on or -before Sep- temlber 20th a (lllScO11!'lt of one per cent on the amount 0! the h`f`('()ll(l in- Sl/dllll(`I1l. will Ibe ullmvexl. A xv Q\H'I`H LHL` JUl'lUWln_`_f IuIu:.3.> Amounts of $10.00 September 20th. Avnnnnfu n\`nY` -:Iu.<<- mmnul lw we-I'l<>t)-l: rS ml. .\'(~\'vI':1l l'i1't-.< whiz-h lm\`- 1'1-(-rut-ll), ly 0('(`l11`l`('(l in B:n'riz~ \\'m'v nnulnnbtu a (,-(ll_\' (';ll1{\'t`l by l)n_\'.~'. ll nm_\' lw l,l1-at E they were .'l(`('ltl(3I1lzIl. or it xnny be 5 that lll(`_\` \\'-rv 1-:1u.<<:d. ` \Vo inolino tn the latter opinion. Just as tl)U_\'.s'l minds nrv pvr\'rrLcd 3 by rezulin-_-' stm'ies at.` tho penny l d1'e:1(l1'ul nnlnrv, so we believe that the constant ]'(`2l(ll!l;," in the news- papers of the setting: fire to houses ' by Huns, has in1'l:nned tho unbal- anced minds ut' snnm bo_\'s, who have deltibcmtely set fire to build- ings to see :1 `blaze. That there is an unruly and (lisordr-rly spirit among boys cannot. be denied. We hear of their bad belm\`ionr not only in Bar- nin Lad \\ n..:n:.. .....1 u.__ V 4 4 L-,,_ TOWN or BARRIE cram. * s-12:1} ,vh1`0:1k. `(owl Force 1 : rose to nltack it and v.'e1'e able f (`lose to ihn airship bef.n1'e tIv;*_\' nhsczrve. minutes :1: tho elTectiva~!y` .1 E!` II- .-- lnbn `1\I`s I-nn .11 and D]`1T1IG(l 111 /4u1`u:11 .'u:\-.::- says a Hzwas report fromxl U=BOAT USED GAS. m Govern- mia ver)r re Z`-Ioscow corresspoudent 31-Mt of Berlin. He z1n~ it the Czc-cho-Slovalr ixxcmzxrsed from 7,500 in are being 1'einforcer.1 by "1... n11I1 annular- TAXES 1918 _.. Ll... H..- 101 :1`:I'shi; ~1. llU\\'nlfll. A. W. SM ITli Treasurer ZEPPELEN. or less nu. |A\r|. uuny nu JJGLI` nie, but u Orilliu and other towns. VVhen caught in their tmlawful acts those lads are far too leniently dealt with. Hero is a. topic for the 1neetinr_: on the 30th. by ' SATURDAY, 'I`l..n. .. 1.-ill I... D31-'4`-uL\J.I.\I.IJI'L_l-9 l'I.\l\XU|JL LIIILI, LUL9 Tllcrc will be sold by public auction at 35) Dunlop Sh. Barrie, in store f01'mc1'ly ()1'('UI)iL`(l by A. 1*`. (`u:n'1'cLt. `:L large quantity nl lliuh Class `llousclmlnl Fu1'nitu1'c. Sale :1! `l p.111. 1\' A \! f1/\\Vl'lVT7 lmww wean SUPPLY l ||l_' \.InuH,`u I.` uu\ul__' QUUW` CORDS or HARD OOD CUT IN ALGONQUIN PARK FOR USE IN u-III ;...vnnun\.u. n TOVTN rL1JuVJ.I\gU.LJ.1 .L1.I.\/.$L .I.\JLu \J|JJ.I Li` TOWN. l)vli\'L-r_\' will mnlnwxlrc in .`\'m`v1nl)<-1'. Tlw xmml is .~:0uml four llml nmplc znnl l)l:l<'l{ `birclx rulmiug ulmul .<.(`\'(:lIL}` I'i\'c ]>(-1' <.-cut. maple. In will m SOLD AT COST, which will lw zxlmul $10.5`! m` $1'l.U0 per -I-ml lcli\`m'(' Clll/.\'lI.\' 1'-xpniulixu \`.`u-rel will 'l`l :ul\'i.~~:<- llxv ~umlm'.~`i`_'nc-l the A , I AUCTION. .$A..`-E -~e mzaass --`':--:-u --j Valuable Household Furniture O\I ATURDAY, AI;GUST 17th, 1918 ....'III.. J) L ...L:.___ irymx~w;L;%;fz%o. -Whcn you ' think of W. A. . \ ay, .I\12(:\1st' l5th,`\ Thu " 'l`h Cmlncil |r\`n1\tI I\T1 T? A 1 i Opaosiie E3-arrie Hotel |]?hcne Z`/`J3 . _____ ._u a To prove it is an cntirely different matter. We <:an Save You Doliars by CT.ezmi2 ;.g and Renovat- ing your Clothing. VVz3 Clean or Dye <=,v.~:ry kind of cloibinzg for -l v'zr-:11. ``Vomen and Chiidren, aiao Curtams, .. ..--.--.-____-,. :]1:x.< beenAim-m`pm':1lm1 by the I m\'- {inco 01' ()ntuI'io for the 1>u1'1m.~'- olf nssi:'ti11:_'-; to 1'cix1.s1:1tv dis<-}1u1'_~_-"ed 01'- ficors and men in -ivil life. I i ] L.|Lu.L uu .\. 4.u;.u.\ :- [ '0 cor invite `the r-o-upcm- Ltion of the public in the in1pn1't:1ut iwork of . 1-lnplnyxnexlt 1'01` 3soldiers who l1u\'o been <]is(-hzllj-_';(`d frnln milit:n'_v service. ___... . ...--A--. -r I ! I-I-I1-| A -:-11-'r1.1'r1 soluxers mi VO( ` Classo %(`:lti()ll 0 t di.'~'u1)I(-d sun1in;' provided tlitiml. 1 [1 his (1011 t th(31101'i l....mH. .- I I I . ETHE SOLDIERS AID g COMMISSION VUUt\..L.LUJ.V.t1u J..l.\/[1_I..L1.I.J.1\.I ` C1:1;~:s(*s 1'01` I110 \'m':1tion:1l 1'0-c111- of s0111it`I'.~' who h:1\`- been so 1Ji. as to 1n'u\'(-nt them f'1`mn rel"! their l'0I'm(-1` ()('('l1Ib:lHUIl>' are pro\'idv'l l`11-c of cost, and in ad- wliliml. the s11ppm't 01' the . :mu1 tl(-pcznlt-x1t.< is ]>I'n\'id(-xl l1u'in__; the ]wI`iu(l of 1'0-I1`:liIlill'.., and for one 1 I month :1 Her. I"urtl1o1' in1'n_1'm:1Iim1 as to ('0u1'scs umy be 01.)tuix1(-ml from VJ. W. Nichol, Superintendent of Educa- tion, 116 College Streot, Toronto. RELIEF FUND 4`-.. 41 . I r. u nf-` -nnnn 4 Just, as one 1'etm'nin_-__r Pcterhoro i soldier stopped from the train and was surrounded lJ_y the local com- nllittee of welcome, his fnitllloss wife slipped unobserved into the rear coach, the same train that had brough home her hero husband. earryi ,_, er to parts unknown. She had previously sold their home with all its contents and she took the s0ldior s child with her. -41 CCRILE. WK SALE .ti.J'.i1.L1.|:iJ:` x'UJ.Vu ]')0nati(>ns1'01' the nssistzlllcc of soldiers fmnilios in t.oxnp01':11'_V di.s~ tress will he tl1zmk1'nll_V recc-i\'ed and m-,k11o\vI(d`-,-ed, and should he made ,,__-`1r\ 4,. Ln .-..-,1m- nf` Hm Unm- uunuu n xv pn_`uble an-I echnl H.830 UIIICEZ 116 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO` Telephone N. 2800 Office Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m., Saturday, 5 pm. W. D. McPHI'.RSON, K.C.,M.P.P. , Chairman; v um-rA1-s1trrt'1`I7 can-nbaru F0 ciaim merit -Upl1o1stering done by experi- enced men. W. . Lowe & Son.` _ ---_-, ` rape-rxes, Sac. AGENERAL PRINTINGA Of Every Descriptioi \ 1% Executed at the ADVANCE` OFFICE with Neatness and Despatoh. J. WARWICK, Secreta.r; Terms of Subscrintion lI| IHllIL\lI.\ n\. VOCATIONAL 'I;RA_"lNINGr H . r._. `I... ..,-.,...H.\....l ..,. ,. \lnl' lll .-qn xi red. High Class T. 1)}-I\'LII\ , I321; .\[.X(`l{].1_\', S11`:- EMPLQYMENT od`-.-:cd, should he made to the order of the Com- hill. \V'. A. .\I<-C()I\ 1{l'}Y .-Xuctioncer AER ELEAFQENG Head Office: CPI` I flfifl ?urrenb` cs A. \\'. S,\H'I`l1 '[V ..._. f`l. ]1:1\'in~,-' 2000` 'nn`n 1111'!` TM` TESEEFER IL kill. I` ius knu .-\1l:u1 `hut. 101 JJJA sold. the '0 ha \'(` Three `.\Im1t`::.<.. .. Six .\lonHx:: .. Twnlvo .\Iomhs . . United Smtcs .\`1xh.< I :\_\':1hl(\ in In than r mn1.s'i1(-I'i11'_:' m`knhI- im-1'1-:1 a (.`:m:uI:I, (HI ` ' this recommeiidation, that me so:-.- klllg. mul ht: has oil to allow him Irea`-Dellal servitude. ;|H_ him a wd aS_ _ All units in cztmp were draw11_up` ` M ' ` 111 El. hollow square when the paratle `HU1')l.`lt\'t` .\'l'.ll'>'. The was called to attention by C01. Mc- _m 1.-`,,.l.w1 1 the{L1l`C1l, crunp cominanclant, and the ' tsentencess were read by Major A. C. `W1 WM 11 H10) 1'9`! Lewis, brigzide major. . the L,m,1g,.;,;_;(,,1 bet The scene was very llIlDI`E`SS1V'\?, . ` and the men vxere all much ztflectemi - (` -1 - l 1` L19 - - m``' ` N. ` several of the men 111 the ranks taunt-, . mu 1)y.!;u\- will , ing under the strain. 1 Upon conclusion of the para-le; {the men were despzttclied to Kings-; uttun (`?\']>l't'~'>'4`t] that [ ton, where they will serve their sen--. I mititt-ed in 1111- pt-uple. tences in tlie Ki gston Penitentiary. vw i1i:li1. in ]'3:).):- \ I i ttences be commuted to ten years'i` the :11:n'm 1-\`(-nt inn (ll'.\"l` 13111. 1915 . . ` .~\ \vuIlll n1hM'\\ i: h_\' l'i1`(.>.< Gl19Nurt11er:1Ah1ta11rr think of brass beds .. Lowe & Son. un. \\'v ;m- all v::lU>l'('('ll._\` iXlI(`l`l.`:'L- -lm . , ,. I In('l'4':l.~(` 0| I-.11'ca`[ _ (`outs ` cvms .25 ,-.1 ".1 hem ` ;|i c llw 1'u- Ce` I'~i1'ca' { U3 .ye ('(IHlIHUD' - n\ ('l'l<)()k- .Sll 1- 1'(-('()l1t- 211' y 01' cl st _\' -:1u. 9` . . 2: zm mi . 'l`HI'1l.\`h.\\'. keel? '1-.<. [or .~'In':1\1(:a higher all` go savE_A_wmmms I I I 1 i I . x Lhiluzuluu, otuuuu u.\_/. u. , . \ Thu;-se men were umong the first lot 01 conscientious objectors to be tried by general cou1'l-i11z11*ti:1i since . that forui oi` trial was a.uthox*ized tn` 1'eplz1C3 the district court-ma1' the umxiinum sentence under which was two years` imprisonment. The cimnge to general resulted in much longer courts-nmrtia.l ` sentences, ` the sentence in each case as decided` by the court being penal servitude I for life. 3 In cousidezgxizion of the fact that` thcse ';:e1'e the iirst men to be tried .by general coL11't-inswtial, the Minis- ter recommended and the Gover- noi`-Generzxl-in-Council agreed ihis recommendation, that the son- 8; an tences years : -penal All mm: in mum drawn up with ; Conscientious Obiectors GivenN ' Drastic Terms. i Military .v\utlnu-itics Wanted to lm-! prison '.[`lu-m for Life to Strike` Terror lnln Hc:u't.-' of Other Men With l{L-ligimxs Scruplcs. But ()rig'in:ll Scnlollcc \\'u.~'s (`ommutexl tn Ten Years. 8 I NIAGARA CAU1 , Aug. 13. -- The J ilrzistic manner in which the military : authorities intend to enforce the .\Iiii- I` txiry Scrvicc Act was cmplmsized zit} Niagara Camp Saturday when teni conscientious objectors, tried by gen?` eral court-inartial, heard their fate." The original sentence was life im- prisonment. but this was commuter! hy the Dep:u'tnie1iL at Oitzlwzl. to ten . x-nu I-a Ln; Lllk I )'`lll`S. 'l`!`.n I "he men sentenced were: 1 te. Eric Kitchei`, I-`io. Samuel N. Sullivan, Pu-.[ H. G. Calma. Pie. W. D. Culmu, (ulli of the First Depot 13u`Ltalio11, Fivst` C.O.1{.), Pu. N. 1'1. Bailey, Pie. A. '1'.` Grimsley. He. J. G. Phillips, Pie." A. E. Soon, P10. T. G. Williie, Ptcu F. '1`. 13r;1 (all of the Fins: Dopzii n 4. . o.\.`.u.l F` (N D \ ' 4-unu-nt 1ni`1l,v:11i<-h pt-nsi\`v tlnc-1'1:1ki1r,-'1 asked the Cmmrlil p0\vc1' and In :'?\`<- 1 A ,1` _'-'Hnn\ U... I'LL`. .V. I1. He. '1 < 13u.1t-alioxx, Second ( 'l`hr.c.: xnnn wow: U.U.1i.), 1-penal se1-v1tuc1e. , xyheu parade` `was attexmon Mc-; iLa1'cn, ; isentencess C.q 3Lewis, j 1 'I`1xn cnano `(ring VP1`V i1IlD1``SSiV'\3,1 *oners. I "This morning French troops gt penetrated deeply into the enemy'si; strong points on Monte Sisemol, (le- T ` straying part of the garrison and! `growing the remainder to surrender. Two hundred and fifty prisoners and _!eight machine guns were taken. iFrom our positions on Monte di-ll 1 Valbella, Col de Rosso and Col (Ii; 1 Chele we succeeded at various points ` lin passing the enemy lines and in- ' icting heavy losses. We took 59 l `prisoners. Our losses were light. 1 1 1 I I 4 3 Otce. `I The otcial statement issued by the War Ofce on Friday says: I `, In the GLlidiCL1.1`i`d. Valley and at5 IAsia.go, the British and French have {carried out raids. On Thursday in ithe GLlidiCl`id. region our pm-ties `fouled the Chiese river. In the tDaone Valley we surprised :1 party `of the enemy on the southern slopes `of Dosso del Morti, and took 21 pris- ioners. `1 1-tic nwnrninz French {FOODS E Face Chronic Famine. LONDON, Aug. 13. -- Germany's : unrestricted U-boat wa.1`fa.1'e could . -neither keep the army of the United `States from taking part in the battles ' ,on the elds of France nor break the {will of the Allies to continue the war, }is the admission made by the Munich 'IPost, a copy of which has been re- 1ceived here. In a review of the sit- suuation at the beginning of the fth lyezw of the WELI` the Post. says: 3 3/ I3`.igrhtnm1 months of unrestricted lyear the the l'0Sl. says: .r Eighteen months unrestricted .submarine could not break lthe enemy's will to war nor prevent Americans putting a well-equipped army of 2!. million men on the west- ern front. Hopes that after the con- clusion of peace in the east the nal `struggle in the west would be decid- I ed in favor of Germany and bring a general peace have proved deceptive, and the eastern peace itself is a. dis- appointment, and not only politi- cally." 'l`h4z Pmxt takes exception to the 5 ' The Post takes exception word "unfavorable in describing the food situation in Germany, and says chronic famine" would be nearer tho +7-nh "CIlI'ULl|U I the truth. Turned Down King. AMSTERDAM, Aux. 13.--The bill providing for the election ot a. King oi Finland was rejected on the third reading in the Finnish Diet because it failed to receive the necessary ve- aixths majority vote, there being '15 votes against and 38 !or the measure, according to a telegram from Heist lngtors to the North German Gazette of Berlin. The bill cannot be revived until after the general elections. IJUIBIIUW ll! Lrvnvuvvvuo AMSTERDAM, Aug. 13. - Gen. Semenott, the anti-Bolshevik leader. with the help of Chinese artillery, has defeated the Russian Red Guards on the Chinese frontier and dispers- ed them, according to a Moscow tele- gram to the Rheinische Westtaeliscbe Gazette of Essen. n1:1tt(-1' lm.<}>m:11 'l`inm1(`o conlmlittct-: c-mmm-ltd Hunt :.:1':11:lt- and the ( 1'e(-onllm-ndulum 1 have to hv . The H`-~11`(>! is u|'t< I`I'IUIl|l III loll!) IJILIIQ PEKIN, Aug. 13. - The Chinese Government has declined to receive Monsignor Petrelli, iecently appoint- ed Papnl nuncio to China, on the ground that he in a personal friend of "Admiral von Hintze, German Sec- retary of Foreign Affairs, \and late Minister or Pekin. BLGVAT AUSTRi.- n"~IS. Bolshevild Defeated. vi`-v\i\ A `:- Friends of the Hun. --u IIVLA I = .g. 3 -2'3?"2'-2~7~2~2-::~2~!--I~2~-ti--I-0-Z~:~~:-C-042:3 | S the oldest city on the con- i tiuent with the exception of Quebec, Montreal has many spots of historit-.'tl Interest ,for the tourist. Most of these an: Ewell known and are amply dr.\:_=.cr1tu.-rt in the guide-books. But thr.-ru are some landmarks that 21.:--3 hulr-1`orgot- ten even by the natives of the city. I ` lhn A .._.h A1.,..... nu.` imn nnninf I 4 I 1011 n 0.,-vuu uy Among tlxosc are the two quaint towers at Lhe entrzmcr; to the Gmnd Seminary of St. Sulpice on Sher- brooke street. These two towers have a. 1'e11m1'kz1ble history, dating back to the wild ad\'eutu1'0us days LILU uu.I.Av\.:. us nu; \...;. wheu Montreal was :1. more settle-. ment in an Indiun-haunLeu iurcsst. - .., ,._..._ ..,.... ,..- cum Ann, JIILVU LL advexiturous `when was more settle- 1 In those lays, now o\'e.r two cen- turies ago, there was It walled settle- ment at this spot, and the two towers .were built into the wall to form part _ot' the system of protection ztgztinst mzu'zu1 Iutliuxis. Vvithin the walls ,there was it colony oh Jesuit mis- sionaries and village Indian) converts. The old histories relate that .`-from ` tl1cseto\vurstl1u \\ zttcl1mL=:\. p._~cr<.- ztnxiously towztrtls the forests by which they were Sl.lI`I`Dul1tl0tl, ex- pecting yet (lrczuling the '.1pp1`o:1~:fn of their clzmgerous and smuge to-gs. Many years ago Mrs. Leprollon, a 1\`.`l1I(LlL\LL|JA\4 |AA>.1\,\1A_y , u 0'.` |`10(`it1 poet, wrote :1 long poem on the towers, one verse of which reads as t'o11o\'c.=s: ` These towers tell of :1 time long past, W'hen the rod mztn. ro21mo u-an inn: vncf w-....;, x o'er, E One of the old t0.\yez's in early` times was used as :1. chapel of the In- ?. dian mission, and the other was used nu. on Tnrlinn school. In the former. VV ultu aux, ; \.u nu... . ...-...-.. - .. 1 regions vast, 1 And the settlers, men of bold he-a.1't and brow, ' Had to use the sword as well as the ; plough. `When women (not loveiier now than ` then) ,Had to do the (leads of undauuted 3 men, i And when higher aims engrossed the 1 heart , ?|'I`hz1n study of 1mssion s and tOil;`K.'S i art I I there are so few rie. Here is an u]>])r)1'11lllH_\' nnv in our miI.-`t \\`h`.(-11 has to he ;11n1n.~'t i111i.spe!1S:1l)l0 l`:n'1nv1'.' in the 1i>t1`i<'1. x {conquest 01' L;zu1aua. _ At Clxambly, :1 short dxstahce from `Montreal, is :1 most interes't1ng `fort. I Ch:m:b1y is on the R.1cl1e11eu mver. ` ; This river was the 11ig11\'.'z}y t1'u_vex'sc-d lby the Iroquois in then` 1'a1}1s on 1Canada. Consc-quemly 21 sent-s of 5 forts were erected from its mouth to `the heml of Lake Ch:unD11iI1- 0f `these forts, the largest was the one istill remaining at Ch:.un1_)1Y-. It __W0-9 {bum in 1_665,.zmd 1`;3lt;ut1]111tl:1n 11.11131`; | In the stormy tunes 0. _e O 193-`- .u; was alvrzlys well garrlsoned. ; ; .`\+ 1 nu-hint) ninn miles from Mont- 2. dian 1111551011, anti 1.111: other Wu: uacu jas an Indian school. In fo1'111e1', `the body of :1 Huron Indian ncmied `~ Frztncois ThoroI1hi0I1go is buried. He was baptized by the Rev. Father Bre- bceuf, who was the hero of one of ;the most d1'eadft11 n1arty1' re- : CO1 (i(:L1 in Ca11z1di:111 history. In 1644 'he and Father Lalemoint, both Je- suits, were torturctl to tieatli by Iro- ` quois with every cruelty deviszible. A liitie to the eztstxvard. of these towers is 1!. tablet u1a1'ki11g the camp got` Gen. A111he1-t`s army at the time ` when the s111'render of the town marked the completion 0:` the British Econqucst of Citllildzl. in mmn.hIv_ :1 short distance z11\':z1ys Well g:u'1'1suneu. At Lachine, nine miles ` real, which is well known to tourists because of the Lachme Rapids, there hs ;HH I-nnltuininil HER hllildinK Vfhich the Lacmne iuipius, men: is still reniziining the building 'of the Hudson Bay Company in Cazizula. It was here that Sir George Simpson, the famous explorer, lived at the time when he was governor of . By the .way, he was` the company. the first man to make what is de- ,scribr:-d as the first "all-land" tour `round the world. Sir George and ` Lzuly Simpson were great gures in I days. I the local life in those nn (\IhDl' unninl flll"|I"1if)US at niht. {at one time formed the hezu1qu:u'te1`s, It is` rc-lztted.that when there were balls rc-1ate(l.tJ1at when were \\'\:u.-: mum or other social functions night in` Montreal, Sir George and Lady Simp- son used to drive in from Lachine, and the Bank of l\Iont1`C:1 was kept. open until the social functions were over in order that Lady Simpson` might deposit her jewels in the safe` in: mm hunk lmfn1'e driving back to `might deposit her Jewels m me 511 of the bank before driving Lachine. Ac Qfn Annn (In R(:1le'v`ue. 25 mil At. Ste. Anne de Bcllevue, miles from Hontreul, is the ancient house` in which the famous Irish poet,! Thomas Moore, composet`. his well- known Canadian boat song. which reads as follows: 1 Faintly as tolls the evening chime, [Our voices keep tune and our oarsi lznnn Hnnn | Uu1' vulcca nucy Luut; uuu \l\AL .,....., keep time. Soon as the woods on show look dim, ` We'll sing at St. Ann's our partingl humn W611 B1115 an. on. slum ..... .....-.-.,_, hymn. Row, bx-others, row, the stream runs fast, The Rapids are near, and the day- 1ight's past! Why should we yet our sail unturl? There is not a breath the blue wave to curl! But when the wind` blows on the shore, Oh! sweetly we'll rest our weary oar. Blow, breezes, blow, the stream runs fast, The Rapids are near, and the day- ligbt'a past! Utawas' tlde! this trembling moon _ Shall see us oat over thy surges I30 soon. Saint of this green isle. hear our prayers, ~ 011! grant us cool heavens and favor- ing airs! Blow, breezes, blow, the stream runs fast, The Rapids are near, and the day- 11ght'a past! Theaouse where Moore sojourned Is now used as a branch of the Bank of Montrea.l.-J. Robertson Findlay. Prevention -;u.-inn.< 0f.FiI'` In lllli Dlfll Aurvvu vv nun: \-v-_. Jack Whitton, an old-time proc- pector, has struck rich gold quartz and naked 9. claim on the principal street or Porcupine. Rough samples contain pieces or tree gold as large III H0213, Duususu . 8.8 D613. I n o o o o o o o A o - o q ( Z ~.u:>o.oo:Ao:N,ot`.oo,` ,1 . Landmarks in Wlontrcal Streets l;a.ved With Gold. .1. 1-rv|.zaL.... an nIR_Oi'rnn I THE N01>.'r1`-*tmN ADVANCE Eeum FAKE Fmvzea `GERM.-\NS Sl`C(?EF.D IN l)ECEIV-1 ` l.`\'G ES(I:\Pl:`.D PR!S(,).`"i-IRS. t I 5 Men Are llullcd Into Belief '1`hz1t Tlwy Have Reached `Nelxtr-:11 Territory. Say Cunzu1i:n1.s' \\'lm Have Been In Huulnnd - Other Exlunplcs Given of Cruel German Humor. nu, . oars i . . I 1t . \IO0l11Cd to us to bu :1 nxuxtcr L03` sc1'i0us r.-n11. Sir. \\'m.| Hp-:11'.=/It. I 1'inu- '.\Iinistm' wt <'h1t:u'rl0.{ has taken up 1110 q11cst`inn and is` calling-' u lnvulin-__" of 1`oprosontnt1'ves of \':11'im1;~:Iilltt-1'4-$15 tn :1 11m,-IE1:-;', to E 1 \ bv hold at 'l`m'nn1n >11 .\uu. 30th.i UL'!'X!l.1.D UUllLII\lLLI\\. u .............c our men who seek to make their get; ` away from the horrors of life In "Hun prison camps. nu.:... 1-......:.... nnnqicf: nl` n rnnlica nun prison cauupa. 1` This barrier consists of a replica of the formidable barbed wire and [electrically c1`.a1'gerl fence which has existed since the outbrezxk of '\van' along a. large part of the H01- lzmd-Ge1'm:1:1y border line. The new b:u"r'n_-r, however, stzmds [iv-3 miles Iuaerli from the !1'OI1li`.3l', well into L`.cx'u::m Lc1'1'iL01'y. Fugitives, un- wz-.r11u:1 oi` ihis t,1-up, would luxtumliy .n;\'ppo:<-~ that once :1cx'os:s the stmmls um: and hi:-:h1y chzn-gcd wil nl 1 1 1 bl [I1-\1:.V\ . ..... V-.. of wine;-s and Vt-harged ` "they \-:cre~ frc-e, and, accr.-ruling tw ports, more than 3. t -ew who L-essfully 11egoti2.i.ec1 the (tango; 1)1`c~aki1xg c.m11n and t1`1ve1*siI1g xx leagtxos th1'oug`n onelny cmmtry, nally fallen victims at this `boundary: Night 13, of course usual time 1'01" attelnpting to the frontier, and the thus ossayed it, throv.'ing zt` `stx'ui.nt once a.c1'u.=;s, walketl sh- into the zwnls 01' the Hun sex lying in \*.' for them. w Rnnn! retul-med into 1110 Z`.1`UlS U1. uu; ; Some c-H104 (1ent1_v escaped 1'-at: mo fake w Eider the hLuu01'o1 v, 1.2.-m nf rlwnnrv i111 Unit 5-"turn 1131-3 occ-as stolid, .......1o pr I1`.2l1(1S CK knell nu-.1 \:u_ILuxa the slightest r.1(~g1'ee of b(:i1`.E_; 1' 'An at 111m, it was a very cm `of humor, of the cat and moms `ety, and t11o`.'ou;;`.1ly German 1 EOIVQD SODSO. Several of the imprisoned omcers were contri\'ix1g an escape. Un".e1' the 0001- of one of the sheds in the camp they w-are, secretly, as they thought, digging :1 tunnel which in day or two would take them out under the wire fence \\'h'1ch girded the camp. Excellent progavss was beiatg mudI>., and the Huns did not :1p`pe:v.r to lame the slightest k;10wl- edge of the scheme. One morning the Hun comlncmtlunt suddenly nounced that they were all to l`11n nir-m S were told rn n-.n mounted than they were aux xu 1.1u\L: camp. The oicers pack their belongings and get mavly for :1 jr.:ur11 .-\ 1nuste1' presently showed that the three c3.ndida.t-:-s l`reedom were absent. As [1, lnutter of fact they were toiling in their Lun~- nel, hoping to escape that night. vmm n.nmnnm!;mt gave ever_\'o:1e tr: 1 (161, I10[)lii_: LU tact-.y>: ll The v:u11x11mn gave everyo:1e un(1er.=stzu1(i that he thought they had t-seuped, and 11114.1 sent out the timial warning to the authorities. Present- ly all the ofiieers were put*t1 it slow train ti) proceed to their dC-:-;- tinzttion. Then the comlmimiuiit with :1 grin: smile, called the g1m.rd. and going to the entrance to the tunnel. in a mocking voice called to the fugi- :ti\'e:s to come forth. The crest-fallen `ofiiue-rs emerged. They were then tnarched to the milwuy station, smuggled in through :1 side entrance, and spirited aboard an express train. `,When their fellow-prisoners arrived }at their destination some hours later by the slow train, there, sitting dis- consoiately on the platform awaiting .them were the three poor chaps so cruelly baulked oi` their escape. 3 Contrast this with the treatmem. `meted out to the pampered Hun oili- l~`nr7lnnd' (Inn IIIIVOIXG COD- uu, ua;.uL. nnv-L` in I s I DIGLOL1 0111 LU um: puluymcu um. cox-s in England! Can anyone ceive of .2; British camp com1n:L11d-an: so zlelibux-ately setting out to play :1 cruel joke on prisoners? uu. on .\H'_ . 30th.: for the formntirm of n Fin: P1-<-\'un- tion .\.~:s:0ci:1li for tho T m\'i11cc. Inn 0! lh<- 1:-nupnszxls is tn t'i.\' 04:12.! ih as Fire T rt-\`<.-nliun ])zl_\' I'm the? wlmlp of Hm X_01'tI1 A1m21'ir::n1 Con-ll tinent. For puhliv attontim1 In he` dmwn (moo n _\`-:n' In the :n\\'t.`ul`l

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