Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Aug 1918, p. 1

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DI.\ uu_\ .3 x on in 1$:11'1'ie. _. _`,-~7,-,, ,_, , _\'mn- friends at Barrie . v'<:-vlc. .\u:`_*11st; 12 L0 17. cnl:1'1.-Iinmcnt even ..\nu1-in-:u1 p1`up:l.- ',Hw Allies are ill`. t'1i1I_:' (}crm:1_n lies. Collier St. Methodist Church: I 1!. church. (list ~....-.... I Rev. Hornmn .\Im)re_ will take both .services. -Speciz1l Sale clearing: out stock Dougall Bros. Tr_i1;ity Church i ]0.()()--Sun(1:1_\' School.` 11.l)()-.\[01'nin_-_-' pr:1_\'c1' and nnn - -au-.a--- H(-\'. II. I). R:\_\'nmn(l, \'i(-11`. 8.30--Hol_v Comnmllion. VOL. L./\'VII-No. 32 | 7.00 I:l\'0uin:: pm_\'c1' and st-1'n10u. .._.-_-n...-:...--u-`-j 10th Sunday after Trinity YOUR BUHLDENG NEEDS DOORS-California sugar pine doors, all the standard sizes. Ready for immediate delivery. HARDWARE FLOORING-\Ve are agents in this district for the celebrated SEAMAN KENT Flooring. None better made Booklet supplied giving full instructions on how to lay the flooring and care for it. FIR FLOORING--Ma`de from choice British C01umbi2 Fir, -;_,;.__f~_clez1i' grain stock. Superior to white pine, and cheaper. I `S1111du_\ , A11::'11st '1lt11 -1 I . :1.m.-I11 Collier Street .\[et11o-1} chu1't*h. These are but a few of the many lines We are supplying to lpeoplc in town and co_untry. \Vrite for prices and other info'rmz1tion. We advise early buying to protect yourself against advancing pnces. THE BALL mums mm (m, Limited ` ' I 1).m.--In Central .\[oth0dist`. ; .1. Bnycld St. I 4 . or CANADA 1 WHERE VALUABLES ARE SAFE I =.\.`und:1_\', A115.-'11. 11111 L'.\'lI(,').\' SERVICES a:'.`& .' 3. '9 MAKER OF PORTRAITS '.'3 .__ ._ 0 THE "Can be best supplied by The Ball Planing Mill Co._ Wall Paper. make room for SOME SPECIALS: BARRUE, om. ..,..v.,..-._. K The .~":1tisl":1r:li(-11 of kno\\*i11)_" that] your \':1lu:Lblcs are out UL 11m'm s- I -way,:1n secure against loss, ix] worth 1mm_\' tilnos the nominal 1 `c11z11'."u Inzulc for A Safety Deposit '1 "Box. ' Barrie Branch. A. LESLIE. Manaiger? Cookstmvn B1'm1ch-T. .\[c.\[lI;Im_-X): Thornton " W. T. HODGSON, Manager 1 L I ( I i Remcmb 'm1ce Day, the I'uu1'th am- 11i\'u1's:11'y 01' the cntrzulce 0!,` Great- 'B1'il':1in into the luropozm W211`, was publicly 0hser\*ed by :1 short .~:e1'\'ic-9. `hold in Qua`-en s Park on Sunday ;i1L'[C1`I100l1. Very short notice of the 'gutho1'i11g was givell, it 1)1`0(`l21lIli1Ii0n `bvin-_.-` issued by the .\Ia_y01' on Fri.- Wluy Honing. The L-vent was an- ` ..._. 4. I 3,, ., ' _. /L.__...'I.A. Ll. `I... I %REMEMBRANCE DAY [ OBSERVEB IN BARRIE l|(|`\ U` lflllllau LJLC K'\ L'Lll \\ I.`-3 &lLl' \ ;x1uuuc(- in the churches in the =1uo1'11|ng_v'; and at 4 o'clock :1 1'airly -1-11'::c (-1'o\\ (l had assollrbled near the I 3. . , pu\1l1un. flue seats around the edge` iur the p2l\'ll1U1l, inside, were oc ` cupied early, but most of those` fprescllt 1-e111uH11L-(1 on the grass, the`; {Cl1air1n:u1 and speuke1' stzmding at: {tho I10l`Ih-L'il:`I C-u1'11e1' of the pavil-' . nu: 'LUlla The hev. \\'. Hipkin, Congre- gz11i(n11:1l Miuistc-1', who is Clutirmun oi. the Ba1'1'ie .\l*i11istL-r1111 Associat- I lion }>1'c.side(l. 111 npcllillg the p1'0<'ud-; `nun; I. cn;r1 Huuu I1-.111 hlnf` fn n\'-` llllu Jucalucu. .Lu lI1IL'l.|Xll;:: llu: llLU\ \.'u.-; iixigs, he said they had met to ex-` `press their sense of God's goodness, whit-In it was hoped would lend them to \'ietury. They were met also to .stimul21te each other in t11e'i1` earliest. pui-pose and .ste1'n task, and he hop- ed that tlu-_v would not only obtain stinnll-.15 and e011I`z1g'L-, but that they` \\ o11l feel that they haul of :1 truth? the blessing of Aliiiiglity God with them. I \ r. .. .l.,. The Meeting in Queen s Park Piedged Itself to Carry on the War to Successful Conclusion .\1'Ier lh(' sillging of the l1_\'mn, "()uwurd C11ristia11 Soldiers," Rev. Geo. Brown, )l i11istL-1` of St. And- c1'e\\"s (P1'csb_\'te1'i:_1n) Church, offer- ed up p1':1_\'e1', and Rev. H. D. Ray-' _1uowl, \ ic-211' of 'l`ri11it_\' Church, `read :1 portion 01.` ..~`cript111`c. The well-known h_\'111n, O God, Our lHC1p in Ages Past," xrr .\ DHVQ '\I `[) was next sung.` 1 n in .; 3 7 "-W -v--V ~ .~ W . A. BOYS, ELI . {'11 Mr. \V. A. Boys, M.P., deliveretl ll an ztddress, which was uttenti\'ely:l| llistelletl to tln'oug`hout. The 1neet.- ling being in the nature of :1 service N there was not 11 disposition t0'ap- l? plaud, although once or twice, and lent the conclusion of the address, 'the :ll1(ll0I1CL` showed their svmpathy it iwith the remarks of the .\[e1n'ber by ii` ,:1ppl211ulin-,-'. M1`. Boys connnenced by .-a_\'i11p; that he proposed to direct. his remarks more` to the Imperiali] aspects of the situation, knowiugi1 {that there were present \\'o1'th_v niem ll bers ol_' the cloth better able to deal ] with the spi1`ituul aspect. i 1 We are met to-dn_\' for two pur- 1' poses," he said. The meeting is ; ;p1'o\'i11ciu1, zbeing under the direction`, ot' the Lieut.-G0ve1'nor of the Prowl ' inee. We are met for the purpose of} ggiving thanks to God, for all Help thus done for us in the past, and oli-i ng.L. __ 3 \ 1 _ it'e1'ix1g p1'a_\'er 1'01` the l'uture. Thel lfirst thing that occurs to me is,. 4 \\'hy should we give tlianksi Reasons for Thankfulness "Three of the most `important I should like to say :1 word or two about. In the first place, we should gzive tliauks for the success which has uttemletl the anus 013 the Allies up to (late. and also for the extra.- Phone 109 rpose 0); - (1 I*Ie (] of- I :. The 1 is, n BARRIE. ONTARIO, TH_URSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1918. ,ol'din:u'y pro. which prc-vails iin C`zu1:1d:1 at the present time. \\'a gslmnld also aim thanks that almost }si111uIt':1nco11:~:1y \\4ith the gi\'i11g' up get` Russia we have to support the j.~\.l1iesthe great Republic, with a 3pupulnt;iun of 10U,U()U,()l)(! and iii `1u:1u'11it'ice111t 1'c. (.YY'I. ..L___IJ ___- ..._ A.l.....I_,. l?.`_ IL'.`Utl1 l.' 3. "\Vl1_v should we give thunl-Is for :our succ-e; For three )'ea1' our `success was by no means sut:st'a.c- `to1"\', and last .\Ia1'c11, when the Ger- *111:u1s opened their uft'e11s u'e, things `looked \'e1'y black. '0 were in Ot- ltawa ,and it was g'011era1l_\' under- ;sotud that the Gerxnznls would Ilmke ;21 supreme eH`o1't, because it was rczllized that the 10113521` they delay- Lcd the loss was t'hL-i1` (-ham-0, owing 41... Hm I'n:+n.4 \ll1il`_'.1ll l Uflflll on :..9-.....-mu-2m` nlf .L`tl lllL' 11:53 nun L'uuuL'L', unxug to tho i11to1'\'o11ti011 011' the Fnited States. They were 11121111111.-' p1'05_v'1'ess to the extent" M. 25 and 30 miles be- ';tweo11 Sdissulls :111d' R11ei111s, until `l}1o_\' 5,-'01 \vi1'l1i11 ~10 mile.~:. 0L` Paris. Had they got t }11'ous__-'11 we do not know what would have l1:1ppo11c(L The on]_\' c0n;<<-1:1ti_on was that tlu.-y 112111 three O})_iL*('l{\'0.\' and 111o_\- had not s11<-(=1-1-dml in 1'0:1c-11i11_\_-' one of. lhc-111, and tl1(-5' :11'c `L'z11't'l1v1' ol'l' L6- :day than tl1e_\~ ever were. .10 A1... 1".` lHL'll' `(lily lllilll lllL`_\` \.`\L`L' \\\.'l'L'- St1pposin_-_-' the Germans `had broken through that line, ean there `be any doubt that the British would C have been dI`~iven throu__-'h the seal 3] There can be little doubt that had r1 this lizippened the British would not.'ti have been able to have crossed the 11 `sea and most of them would llave . I L a F l f t. l 1 been taken prisoner. Ii." such a thing 1.` had liappened, how lu11f_" could the French have withstood the on-' ` '. Then only Italy` would {have been left. Fighting would have ,1.` been at an end and what would ,1 `have been the result? ; Thank God, sueh tliing_-'5 `have not happened and the Germans have been driven back. For these things `I well may` we give thanks to God; It but as practical men we have to give j lthanks also to the men who have : {stood this awful strain. What Canada Has Done f V Let me show you what the best. : ;blood of Canada. has done to 1nain- I lltain the peace, harmony and pros- ( .p(-rity that remain in Canada. 311'. l|B()_\'s proc-.eede(l to quote the of- [tit-ial figttres down to ;'\Ia_\' 31st. "iThe number sent overseas was 376,- 5_86'_ . out of a total enlistment of iover -150,001); killed in action, '36,- .8~l.'3 ;died or wounds, 9,17]; (lied of ;disea:s`e, 2,163: :1 total death roll of. 9- tlisease 2.16.`-`i; prisoners 01." war 2,772 5' presumed dead and 111issing', 4,745. i 8 3 . Threatened Disaster l'p to a few weeks ago we were told by Lloyd George that the des- l1`l1('tin11 otf \'essels had exceeded the (`nnstI'l1('ti0n. and how long: do you . e \'[`>'St`lS would have been sailin-_r the high seas? How long would men have had the courage to have manned them? The wonder ii .that men for l`it,'ty cents :1 day could the mum] to man these Inerehttnt. ;\'e.~`sels for that paltry sum and en- `dan-.-'eI' their lives .It there is one Vlhin-.r in 1)a1`ti('t1l:11' we have to he ;Ih:u1kl'ul for it is the unparalleled `sup1'e1nar-_\' of the British Navy. But iwhat could they have done under `these (-ondition.s`? Can we doubt that `the whole of t.he British channel iwould have been mined and that `vessels could not have crossed. It. [seems to me that disaster would have been the result and possibly ;the of the Empire would `have followed. Do'we people in Cumulal realize what has been (lone for us by those slemlid follows who have so suf- l'ere(l," asked M1`. Boys. Ca.nada s Prosperity \\'e lmve to be tlmnkful lim- Canada's p1'Q_speril;y, continued the .\lember. zmrl pe1l1nps no fig- ures eun he found better to illus- trate the point than the l'i..-`llres of the whole munt1`_\'. Bel'_n'0 the war ln-eke out there \vn.~' an ml\'eL'sa lrmle lml.-mee 01' 300 milli0n.~'. 'I`l1ut `menu! llml we spenl ZHIU n\illim1.< Le _lm_\` -_-v-ul.< `that we l'(`(lllll'L`(1 more lluln We expm'l(~ '|`u-zl::_\ Ilml l|`.L `in-en ell:m~_w-l In :I 1`.-1\.`n1'nlnle lmde '|ml':m<-e. ml NIH? lnilliml.-4. Tlmf menus `llml (':m:Il:l l1:1~ NH) milliun.~ my I ((.'ouLinuc.(l four) )3` [1:- st. u L'l(lL'(l [U 1) issue U001] only, and Sl1:lIl('C 0 point an 1'ost1'icti\'c (`(1. P(`t`it(il Do not invite serious loss 01' 1'01)-' bery by lqeopixug importz'u1t' P:1pe1's,! ,.Notes, \Vi1ls, Deeds, .\[o1't;:z1ge.s_.l "Jewel1er_v in the house. A Saf_ety Deposit Box . in the vaults 0|" the Union Bzmk, Ls? the proper plzfco for m1_\'t11i11.: youi want tlbsolufely safe. i COTTAGERS PROTEST i g AGAINST NETTING : mmmamw? The l"ollo\\`in urtic-le, taken from the Toronto I):1il_\' News, deals with petitions which are being siejlletl u_ the netting.-' 01' tish in Luke. Simeoe. The i11l'u1`1if:1t'i011 1'e;'z11'tlix1' local euntlitions in Barrie uppc.-:\1'etl in the Atlvuxice on July 1]. The pe- tition in the town 1'el'e1'1`e to was `\\'1thtl1'a\\'11_, we tiutlerstnml, on that tltlf-&. .\[:u1_\ persons l1a\'ing signed it under the inipression that the fish euugllt in the Lake ere sent to Toronto. Petitions are 1'ecei\'ing_: 0u:;- sig11:1tu1'es i11 the small u1uuitie.'~' 011 Luke Simeoe. 0G\'e1'n1ueuI: iilvestigattion 01" the licensed seining_r on that l)L)(l_\' of ` numer- gwt-xter, which is at presentautl10riz- l com- ur;iug Otl as :1 means for the alughientzttiun of the war-tiine food supplies oti the Province. The petitioners allege that the Lake Silueoe catch is so small as to have no uppreciu-l)le val- ue in :1 l'uet01' in the P1'0\'iucial `feud supply, while tl1e present toll taken tlireutens 21 depletitm of the operates to the disc0u1'a:reu1ent \-;-hn..- lake; oi` .... L..- .1 unnl-In... 11...... u`1\.LcI.l,a LU Lilli L|LD\.'Ull1i_LL'l1ll.'11L (IL visitox-.5 making their 51111111101` l1cad- qua1'te1's in the locality, and tl11'cu.t- 0115 the climinaltion 01. :1 domestic fowl resource up011,wl1icl1 I`e>'i l1n\.'e long placed (l(`1)L'11(l(`11L`(.`. Lust autumn a soiuln;_; license was g1'a11tL-Ll by the local (.}0\'c1'n.- mutu, untle-1' which the f__f'1`2l1l[(`C be- gun opemlioxls in the \`-9,;-i11it_\' oxll l'pto1'g1'u\'u. More roc-enIl_\ other other licenses h:1\'u boon gruxltod for points at the southern end of the Hake. In CU11IlL`('tlUl1'tl1e1'e\\'ltl1 it pub- lic u1eot'ix1<._:' was held it Jfcw evenings ago at lslauld G1'a\'e at which por- test \\`a.s entered agzxixlst permitng} seining at the southern end of: Couk s Bay, where o.\;te11sive catches` are reported as being made of bass,` l 1 l ' 1ungc, and mackerel, large quauti-' -'ties of snluller lfish i11C`l(lL'l1ti1lly be- ` lug destro_\*od. - 5 Hr 1|-.- .u- I ,0 _ In addition, this meeting \\ n.s: in-l l'o1'1ne(l, :1 license had 1'ecentl_\' been; issued for the use of, :1 2,000 _\'z11'd. gill not oft" the north-w_est shore` 011; the lake, to catch trout and wh'ite-; '1'ish. The cuncensus of the opinions_ expressed '\\'il. that during the past ten years the fishing on Lake Sim-_ cue haul rbeen none tun -C:'0u(l,"C and with the uu tribute, now `being taken at both ends 01' the lake, its earl e.\'h:1usti0n would seem to be `inevitable. The (`0tfilg'L`l'a` and sunnner resi-' dents along the Lake Shore ruzul 011` North Gwillin1b111'_v :1ceo1' (le-ii L'l(lL`(l to petition the Governiuent to: lieeilses for carp and suel(c1's in ('0l1l1L`('llUll with the `is.- '..... 1. ` cn-nu...` .. I .--| ' ......_7 uuu:_.; Luu 14iIK(` nnorc ruzm 01;` 55-` feat-11 such liconsc to up-= inspector to see that its I-unditions are 1.'u1l_\` obey- ed. PL-t`it`im1s on tho.-..e lines are now. in .....I \-u. ; uuuuu: uu u1k'.:-t: 11110:` are HOW U in ci1'culz1tim1_, and uss01't tl1:1t 11uless:( .suu1e'such action as sou_gl1t is spocdi |_ 1} taken by 1110 (lopartmcnt, ulngl-.; inw um} I1`nh1u'nn Hm 1..1.-A n:- ..-all .3 Luncu u_\ uw uL'pu1'Lu1(.'nl, zlll*__l.- ing and l1`0lllIlg'0l1 the ]akc---as well as winter lfisliing l.'ll1'0l.l'_.'.`l1 the ice~- will soon be of the past. ()tl101' pe- titions are in circulation in Barrie, the p1':1_\'cr 01." \\'l1i(:l1 is the stoplnlgc 01' all not L'isl1int__-' in Luke Silun-.,c. Mz1n_\' who haul sigiiotl the pi`.-vi ms petitions in l'u\'mu' ml. the .1|'.)w.mue of net l.`i. are, <-011l1'u lH)\\` illn.-n I-nal m.:e:mm r `flit. A. B. Thmna of Barrie claims that the new petitions {I19 `b_e'ing signed l1l1(lL`1` a lHlS.`l])[.JH.`ll(`l1- S1011 utf p!'e\'ailin-,5` (-omli!.Eon`+. LL: as- serts that Mr. 1. Boon Illltl liiinselt are the only Barrie `t'isE1..'1':::e-1 \.'ol1 operate in Lake Sitncou, and that`. their catches are o.\'clusi\-ely 1n:u'l;.:L- ed in Allamlale and Barrie, t`n'oug,"h .`-I .-s`.-3'5`. \\'istlu1n & Co. at the Jor- n er t-.\\r._. and Mr. Buchanan 11 11-1: V rie. Their catches are \\'.1'.:-345.`. and trout altogether, he declares, spur`- mg fish such as the black l)ass not. being found at all in the \'v.u'.:r.'s, wliere the nets are used. Mr. Thomas Sliepparcl has: charge of the Barrie -petitions re- ferred to, and adheres to his declara tions that the netted tfisli are ship- ped to other population centres. Be- sides flatly contratlic-tin}_v' this es- sertion, Mr. Thomas states that Mr. Rli`-_rloy 0t Hawkestone, also has in- . to ship his tfish to Barrie, the local supply being.-' quite inade- quate to ])l'0\`l(l(` for the local le- inaml. Prior to the tlnvei-nnient fish ht-inn" netted. he tl(l(lS. t'1'e. trout. amli\\'l1'itt-|'i.~'l1 |It`l' pounul \\'lmlt-sale. \\he1:e:1s' they ar t,`l)I`Ull`_lll tmm lb` In '2'. t`('l1l.\' pm` |ml1l1tl. now will at H ('\"1ll<, mm-h In the .-ul\'ant:\: (` and. .ut mlmlinna-I`:-'. .sati.~'t'at-l inn ~ ..1.,. . I ,- _.. I` -nlint:\I'U I . l (`t I ('( 1't I w p. bl si qt Ct 9C 1.\.` ti ti ti iv in `e I} S l: `. .l I \IL. Allit |.|`llIll::' IILL`, \'k'llLL(l`l|i."_ '1 ll) , now si these lzltost. pc`.i*_-ions for its s11pp1'ession. n`IIlls`|1|I|l\VlI ,\'l "In \i<-\\' 4 slzm-nu-ms us l'i'nl inqu11'_\' fl .~.u\-\' ~~-!~Z-i-~ ~X-~2' >2Z~ZI~'-'1-'!<*2~* ~X~1' .2 .3 i J. Frank Jackson3 3' z ll) lI|\` sun is hold to lll`\ I Iht` ll`! :~, I ('Hll1'1:l((',101`_Y ` sil,\1:\timI oi"- . I .. .... lsmcos coumv % __cAN1Nc mrcare; \ ` ___ _ -_-_. g Opened Last Tu;sday- All 1 I I I I Produce Canned Goes to Soldiers Overseas - ! ' A .~:tu1't' with the C0unt_\' Czuniing ii\'i[(,'llL'I1 was inmlc on 'l.'l1\1I'slz1y `last. when :1 I111l1l})(`l` 0!.` ladies were {as busy as 21 sxvurm of ])ce.~`. Beams, _be(-ts, rz1sp'bL-1'rivs and 1-}m`hu_1'l) were ']1'ep211'e(l and pla(-ml i11 ( Il:1]1l(,`]- Zlined tins, which hold :1 qu:i1`t'. This :tin can 1141.5 wbc-on zuloptvd in p1'eL'eL'-: 01166 to glass and is (1L`.3'(`l'i`])L`Li as a.` s:u1it2u'_\' tin. But an }_;'121ss 5_rlzu1 21 woin:1n's ]1e:u't`, b(`i1ll>`(' she can: Isoe lmw lo\'(-Iy/it looks," l'mn:u'ked; .\11'.i. H:1r\'e_\', president of. the \\'om-` 2111's Institilte. These tins are scaled. by what is soiiivtiuios culled double sc:\111e1'. i The (}o\'ermu(~11t p1'u\'i the- boilor and equipment and all Bmrie; 3.'\\'z1s asked to do was to pay hall` the , r-ncf nf Hun min`: l9.'1')\ Tl. ....n.'.. `iv-uh uoncu lU uu nun LU [Jil_\ 11111] [MB 100st 01' the sink ($1.2). The uq11i1J- 'n1ent i11(=lu('les :1 ste1'ili7.01', :1 twenty- Tuullon copper, :1 tilting` kettle, and 9 ;('l0>T(`(1 retort, \\']liL'll gi\'os :: tum- pcrutllre of 2-H) dc`-_:'1'e(`s. \\'hL-11 there, is only ])0i1il1j. tcn1pv1`a1'11I'c cooking. takes 1u11{_y*(=1' and Inust` be (`()21I.lllll( L1`! ion three succe.ssi\'o days. i Am n.... ml. 1|-no o ..I,m.. ` ' Unainun Everyone interested in chu1'ch his- tory should read the article `by .?I\Iu(l}__-,'e Macbeth in the A11_ Cuna- .'_diun Mag:azine entitled l-Iistori~ Churches in Canada. While Mrs. V 1.\Iz1(-.betl1 merely slietc-hos the l'oun(lzL- tion of C1n'islianit_v in Cznmda and` traces its progrrcss down, to recent! . times,Ihe1- article is inst1'uct.i\'c and -Every inte1'(:sting;. _ To Qno`bo(- Prov- ince x1ntu1'nll_v :1t`t::u-luvs lnost oi the - `early c\'cnt,s, but Nuvn Scnlin, New. - B1'uns\vi(,k and ()nl:r.rin lmve llwir x slmre, and the 1'f`('u1'(l c-mnos ulmvu L lute v11m1_u`I1 1:) l.`lIIl)l`:l4'(' tlw old vln1r(-h nl, liulln, Hnl:n'in, um! Ilw.` .\luhu\\`k (lmliml) rlnm-h :11 l3r:1nL-_'1 J'o1'(l. `kill luIL`L' alu7I.'V:D::1\L` uiljh. _ i AM Orr, who has taken cmlsidcr-. able intere.~:t_ in the stz11`ti11g_' 01' the` C:umin_-.5 Kitchen, was one of 1211059 !1'cx1(lorin3_-' ussistnm-0 last Tlxursduy. 1 T)urin5_:' the two and it half dzvs of last week when the kitchen was in operatioll there was put: up 55 quts. beans, 5 quts heels, 1 qut car- 1'0t::_. 252 qts. 1'uspbe1'1'_\-' jam, '24; qts. JIu1'I`;nL' ( nnnf-1-.'kuh:nv1c rhuh:11'b jam and 312 quts of blue-E . . . . . _ .,..,....,.,..v . V V O '2. V I ..,. ....;..,.,.;..,..'. !, days `of bv1'1'iL-5. `Generous c0nh'i-'butio11s 111110 1'1'o111 S]1:11'1'o Lake, \V:1saga,_ S0\'e1'11 B1'idj_"e and Bond 1Ie:1d, ]\\=11il(- most of the vegetables were it-o11tri~b11t'ed -by Ba1'1'ie. Great on- '('o111'ns_"o111ent is [felt and there is 110 11-11.51111 to dm1bt that the eml1e11i:1s1u will i11(-1'o:1so 21's time goes 011. 1`: ,1,, ..1 .\A..1.I.. . 3'.` blue-: ` \\lIl ll|\'ll'(|3l' i\D Lllllk` SUCD U11, 1 Cunl1'ibuti011s of \'cg.~'otal)lv.~: for `pickling.-' and green apple for apple ; butter, beans and r}111l):11'b are dc-i sired, no matter how . the qn:1nlit_\', it will be _L'r:It0l'11ll_v re- ` ceived. 1 Ten is The ' :1d\`1.s. ; 1.~ the ` paper HISTORICAL f`. AN his toe." Pl1bli.s']1(-(1 by the ('L>111`tL*sy of the Toronto Daily News. ` \Ve want you home right 2 Cents A for Fifteen Words 2 .-\d\':1m:(e 1':\LI` for px't~[>r:':l1 of the \\'antcd class. ltg 2 o1w:1]wst _rntc of any u(=\\:`.-| in ()nl:u'iu. CAL CHURCHES IN CANADA ~ ._.L-__-._L_1 1.. ,.l...-..\L 1.3- PLEAD.1KG WITH FATHER BARRIEPLANENQMHLLE ; away. Our Johnny stubbed $1.25 per annum. Single copies 3c. ! _j_ ; C(TlTll11(`ll('ll]{_ ' on Civic Holiday, l1(`.\'l )l011:lu_\', B:11'1'ie will have in week or :11nu.~:en1ent', or an ar- ilislie and intellectual! nature. SL101; xlyu `l1i_"l1-class `p1'ug1':1111111e has never 'lp1-e\'ion.'~:l_\' been placed before Bar- _1'ie people in one week. It \`.'(lll(l not _ ;be possible unzler :m_v other circum- !st:1n(-es: `the cost of one-y.;on1ent :1 _'s1u-l1 talexitetl pe1'l'01'me1's woul-l be ]_;`p1-ohibitive. All those vuo take 3, ;`ti(-kets will lmve the sntisfactiol of _\ 11 that they are not only ob- 1iI1ll11l11`_'_ lieziltliy and intei`.-e L.ual :1.- _:1m1se1nent themselves, but are help- J ling on the Red Cross. 1 1 I If - H - D - W N ? T - C - - T - C - T V`- pIendid Programme ranged for Week Com- mencing Aug. 12th __.,j v.. .._.V -.-u l itc1'c.~"ti11.". The 1uo1'ning`s are devoted The [)1'U_L'. 1'ill111llL` is most in-` _to Junior Climltuuqiia activities. _l_`li1(`vll (lay an 0nti1'cl_\' new program- `mc by e11l'i1'el_\' (lil't'e1'eut artists is `:_v-i\'on. Some of the proinincnt ar- tists who will appeal` on the pro- `.-'1`u111 arc: The Wolsli Glee Quartet; ,.. , 71', II 1`: TN" "1 '\\' T\_..I.'l A "_.l|\llo IJULLIC IJL LIIC 1F1\Jll1lLlL'lll4 LIL` Dr. T. \\'. Davidson; Hartwell De Mille, Can:1du s leading Baritone; '.\[:11'tl1:1 Alexzunlur, the Queen oi l;\IIl(`1`l("21Xl \'i0linists; Futlner P. J. `MacC01'l'_\', the noted priest orator; "The l{o_\':1l l)1':1f_:'0uI1 Bnml; Colonel `Goo. \\'.l3:1iu; The Tschuikowsky `Quu1'tct'; .\Ime Bertlm Fzlrner of the iS;1n Carlo Grmul 0110111 90.; The `famous Bun Greet pla_\'crs present ` the greatest of S11akespe:11'ozu1 com- edies, Tho Comedy of Errors; ;\I:ulnn1o Bo , Danish prima. donnu. and 1101' s11st:1i11ing_-; (.-m11pz1ny; a\\'illi21111 Osborn, Violinist; Herbert Elwoll, pianist` and (-0111p0se1'; Dr. Russell, H. Cuxuvell and others. I-l 1 .u- ~n 1 .. 1 u 111 this issue will be fountl a large advt`. explaining.-' in part` what will :be _ here next week. T. O. llluvklc, ol` '.\1'i<-liiu':u1 w11o has come 'o\'(~r to assist` the Doiiiinion Chau- ltunqun as :ul\'zu1<-e siiperintemleflt land is :'s`])L`I1(lll1_`_"`:lr\\`(`L'l{ in Barrie, {. that the l:11':'v mlvt. is `but. in- i(ll('l1l-l\'(` oi` the p1'o\_:`1'essi\'e' `business "men 0!` B:ll`l`l(` who are back of the ino\'cmont . With US full publicity tho lail_i`(~`' are aiiticipatixig :1 large ticket sale, to help fill the collars ol. the Rod Cross. ' One Disappointment Fatlier I . J. .\l2iaC0x'r_\', one of the lecturers announced, will be unable to appeal` owing to an accident last ' S:1t11r While wocoeding rby auto- m0l)ilt` t'1'o1n B1':mtl'o1'l to St`. Nlurys, a sudden jar ('ill1S0(l Fatlier Mac- ` (`o1'1'_\~ to bite his to115,,_-`u and he was lonti1'(~l_v 11!l:l`l)lt,` to speak. Father ;\l:u-C`o1'ry was sent iminediately to z1's|)(`('i:lli.~`.l in Cl1ic:i?:o for treatment Hi: nlnnn will hi l.~il:m1 l1\' D1`. :1 s|)(`('l:l1l.~`.l 111 \JulL':1`_'u um` Llltillulcub His place will be taken by Dr. Fmnk Bohn, who I'et111`110(l ifl June l'rmn 21 xliplomutiv mission to ` l'Iuro;u- for tho l'nito(1 Slates (}(>\`(`l`Yllll('l1l. .~'p01ulir1-_.-' :1 couple of !_\'t`.`H`.\` llu-1'1-. Ilv has lwvn on the in- 'si . uvaunl.-1. It-llin'_" \\'h_\",Hw mu . and (`ulHl!t-x':I<'1i1A_:' .\l(-(-I :11} E (7l1:111t51I1(111a. .n:........4 .-iv . IBAERIE CHAUTAUQUA_ _ __.-2_l D_.-.._.-_.-____ THOS.` ROGERS All l dressed lu111be1', oor- ing, ceiling. oak 1l0o1'i11___:. moulding and trim, B. C. s11i113._:les, rougrh 111111-' `her and j0isti11g 0n l1z1111I. l)res.si11g and all orders receive prompt - ,-utte11tio11. ` Office Phone 163. Res. Phone 359|

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