Thornton W. T. HODGSON, Manngm'i IIIIIU l.l.\)Lu .I.:ua1.u. . -._ . -_.-l I Mrs. Bar.-2'5 with her little daugll-_ 1 tor, Miss Fitzer, and M1`. Goo. ;\Iof-g fit all of Toronto, were the _v:uests`_ lCrl'M1'S. .Ta. <.. Mc-..\lillm1, Cuml)c1'-E 1._.,1 (`L (`nu I\K'l)Y` Qnnflnx` "CIT i\l1`S. .l:l>`.. `.\LL'..\LIuuu, \/u...m.. land St... for over Sunday. I The bow1'm_r_r (-1111) did not make so]; good a showing at Orillin last week` winning only two and losing four, 5_v':1nm.<. P1'obuh1_\' the close p1'oxi1nit_v! of the Provinciaxl As_\'1m11 had some o['f'oc-t. .- .. 1 "' ` ' -; LL,` D.-fun xxx tllt lic\'. A. 1y. \J\\L`u. Mr. R. .\I:11'.~`(,-11113, local uumxt forgw 7 tho Im](-1'i:1l Oil (31)., \\'hi1(`- (-1':u1kin9". A PR\0_IBITION CRIME the s111:111p111npin,-' c-ng'i11o :11 the ` -`--* t:m'. wax` st1`n(=k h_\' the f1_\'ing: Pmed $200 and 005138 Simply for hmullv whit-h k11m-kwl (mt |'01L.1`R Using Lemon Eftract teeth in the ln\\`v1` j:1\\'. hut l'm'tm1- :1lv1_\' did n01 lwouk the bone. = T <"H1h1 Wm I'`'01`1'1.\' 1 9019 . .... .,\__ ,,m~h1':1l(-111v 'I`\\'v1l`th, not-o1'din::` to (l1(l llUl Incun tux nun. :11u1_\' M11011 sy111]):1tl|_\' is felt 1'01` Hur`to1' 01' S1. (ien1'*_"e".~', Rev. E. 'l.`n_Vlnr, whose (M113.-`Intel . Miss '[':1_\'lu1', und01`\\'v111 :1n 01w1':1tim1 appcmlit-itis lust F1'i at the V. H0; the B. C. for R. \\'u are 1-R-:x tn l0n1'n lhm the operation was s1wc0:~:s- Yul and that .\Ii.\'.< 'l`:\_\'lu1' is ru'o'.L'1'cs- sinxy: sn1,isi z1ct01'ily. l l l mu_.; ..uu,.... ..\ .... \ Hm . l\. B. l uslu~ll um] |':\mil_\` :n'r> mo\'in`_~` lllis \\'(wk 10 their new lmmc at So\`(-rn l")1'l;'(-. \\'lwr(- _\l1'. llusl-- oll ,wlm has boon for some {lme with llw ll.A.'l<`. :\ml at the rt-q\1v 0|` the Slnl.innin(_-' Cmmniltoo nl` Toron- to C`,0nl'(-renr=o has lwon u'1':n1lml his (llS('lI1lI`}_"(`, will lx:1\'v (sl1:11'5:v of the A`1'(lt1`on C`.ir<-nil, \\'lll('ll tllrev :1ppoin11non1`s. l\[u<-ll (lisoussion has been nrous-: on `by tho ]>1~dp>. t1':1n.='.l'm' of about lw(-l\'(- nroxvs to Gm\'onlnn's1:. This (~lm11_ lms -'l)ovn v011l0111pln1`e(l sn1n(- limo. 01' so it \\'m1l(l appeal`, and will mean that -10 m' 50 men will l1:u'o to move to G1':\\'m1ln11`st. Smnc of the men e.\'p1`e.-'.s the opinion that. lllc l.',l`.ll`. l)_\' {lu- s(-lu-,(l11lo n0(*.css:1Ixl1'_\' pay for =u.. nu. run hul 100 'l`rn-nnfn l)_\'. omnp1'i. E {'03: ' p1'esem`- ` will mm -m or .m that (l.',l`.l\. s(-lu-.tl11lon0ocssz1nl1'y miles; on tho Toronto run tho r-l1:1n_'o this will as (h`n\'c.nlun'st` is about hnll` way between Toronto and North Bag. inun- l l he `c-limh1:\1(-Ll. A _.._____ __.. _.___.__ ` ;\.1'e you :1 live wire? If so` ym1 ll hustle to gel` _\'mn' ticket for`; B:n'rie .< l i`-_v; Slnmv. .`\\1}_". 12 10 17111.` ---Pi(-hu'e 'l,'r:uninr_~' :1 specialty l)y' NV. A. Lowe & Son. ` --Splemli(l a'~`.0rl-n1enl mul new Czlrpel Sqnzlres nix: in ' I)c)11}_-all Bros. H-an Ivnn Huhnl: nf hrzxss betlsl l)rm_I_-`all bros. -\\'hen you think of think of \V. A. Lowe & brass beds | Sun. , . ` I ll. church. Q Missing 'Cupt. Basil Morton, 1{.A.F., Ba1'1'_ie. ! Missing. Believed Kiued I C. Etherin Ii:111'1'ie. i L/JLL 1.. 1J.."LOJ..lJ .L\J.\Jal\.'J.\JL` f Capt. Basil Morton, R.A.F. eldest Qson 01:` Mr. and Mrs. F. George IMorton, Barrio, is ot'ficial1_v report- ed as missing` since July 16. He was -in his twentietln year and had been in the aerial service since April, :1917', (loin: such good work on the `western front as to win for himself the posiI".'4o11 0!, fligllt co1m11an(ler[ .:111d the 'm1k of (`]')tkli11. I 774; ` L Llla L . l.JJ.LJ.|A1|1.4`V\|J.\JL` l Mrs. L. ]Sl l101`ix15_v'ton, 3'2 Pvnetan:.'_ St, has 1'ec-eived the f0ll0win_:' of- ificiall l(`lL{`_"I`{1111I l)0(-pl_\' 1'e_"1'ot to ,i11[o1`1n you that Ptc. Clement l,l'I1l1L-1'inu'Ion, I11l,'ant1'_\'. ol'l'ici:1lly re- I;1`IOl`lCll 1ni.~'.~'i11'_-4; bulic\ e(l killed July 113, 1918. Din I-`flmrn-lnn-Inn xvlxn la \-nnrq 572 ]>:1i1`.~; of .<(wk.-' \'\`L`1'L' :~lll])1)L`.d lnn Q19 ]J*.~il1 01' -1111)`. The lmittors in 1'lo]ai;1. S11'm1 Slmnty Buy, 'l'l101`n- `ton, Oro Station, _\litc-licll Square. "I.0l'1'0_\', l'loll_\', Uutluwio W. I. and lGuth1'io Girls owiw_" Circle, Eden- _l.\':1le. 1']l_~.::\1', l)ul. C`1'ni_ ;;C1'0\\'11 Hill, with ilie worke1`.< of. 3 Barrie and All.`111(l{I`l1'flllC(l this box. l \r.... CH.,.. 4-1..+ .\ mi;-+nl_-n ._ ..4 .... } 4.u. :|T. L. Jones, Allaudale. $1.25 per annum. Single copies 3c. 5 D1l1'1`l(,` zum .-u1u11uuu'.` uuuu Lina uum Mrs. Ste\`.'n1'1 1'e~_-rots that n iiiistilke _!\\`ns imuie i11~ nol socks L`f1'oin Crown Hiil :1 few weeks ago. lIcn1'__" Duns1i1o1'e_ was _Ehe._`_ 1 "L;-'ene1'ous donor of` the socks iiientioii `ed. $60 xvas made at the BI`id;`e and Garden ten hold at .\I1':~:. Les1iQ _ zlhouso last week. C`011sido1'ii1_" the` ;u1'e:\1' heat, this '1 inz1nci:1I 1`(`Sl1l1 was i\'c-1'3` -__-nod. The Field Comfcrts `i\\'o1'ko1's are to 2111 ho S Hielped to make this sum. .\Iiss Kit iII{v11ne1_\- was the l"n-.'1;111i;1t(- winner " of the necklace 2`i\'e11 by Mrs. I"ie1l- riI1`_" 1'01" the wool fund. The d1`aw -V ,w:1s lnmio at the cm] of Mrs Les- `P 1ic's mrtv. .\Il's. Stewart 1.-'1'ntol`11ll_v I 1 ` . . 'a1<*1{1io\v1ed-_-`es the l0110\\`m;' sums:-- ,- ` . ' , $;).(N) t'111'o11u'i1 .\11.`~:s Douse Leiroy. | . . j_-'i\`e11 by .\[1:s:~'. _\I(-Ixaiy In memory of 11v.\[1's. Douso; $25.13!! "from Miss D `F1`:lIl(`(`.< Leslie, the 1'o: of :1 Small 1`.'da1i(=e. As the neei.< _;`1'o\\' Emmi week -10 wool: this he] is weir-oine. l I . 1 -l11':1 t e Tn e11:1l1le tlu-111 to oe1e- tl1e their i nt' :1 eelel11':1tion, Alex. (`iil1l>m1.<. and .l:1s1. Allzm in\'este(l in :1 q11:111tity ot` lemon extract and pro- (`(`(`(l(`(l to put it \\'l1e1'e it" woulrl do 111051 '_~`nml---l'1'0111 their st:111 But` .\li:l1t_\' oaks 'l I`0111 little :1r-o1'ns u`1'mv ln.<}ue(-tQ_1; Reelcett was the mm'i11:` .~'pi1'it in the 11e.\'t nets. `.\\'l1i:-l1 v.':1.< .~'t:1'.:e1l at the Police >C'm11't Sz1t111' 11101'11i112'. The two 1-ell-l)1':1tm's were t'0m1 of l1:1\'i11-1 l)n11~_"l1t tlte 1n'0l1il)it'e(l ll([111l(.1 illltl requestetl to pay 't"111es 0|`9.~"2(l0 em-l1, or S]1(`ll the next three montlxs in the Cnl111t_\' C`;1.~'tle. T110 lines \\'(-1'(- 1101 l'01'tl1(-0111i::2'.--Owen Sound .=\1l\'e1't i se 1`. pmiy, 'J,'01`0n[0. .L G(`01'}_"L` .\[cKi1i1o_V,. awed sixty- fs(-von, :1 l':n'n1o1', 1'o:s'idin_: about itliroe miles 1'm1n this town, died .\'(-r_v suddenly Ffom heart failure " Jast (`\`(`l1ill_`_," :1|'ter working` in the ` illmy `field du1'in: the day. g . One Was Drivinrr_;a Binder. the Other Had Bgn Haying Rev. He1'111m1 .\[uo1'e will take both 2 services. " .Pi('-tun, {luly '_ :')--A Hillier town- ship I'n1'n1L-1', .r\.1`thm' Reu`onsh11I'g. dim] from hem`! l'uilm'e while d1'i\`- inc` 1110 bimlor in his *_-`mill |`i(-111 this `morning.-'. Ho was \\'01'kin: :1 {':u'1n 1o\\'n0d h_\' .\I1'. W. S. Morden, K.C.. .\Im1n_~;e1' 01' 1110 (}11:m1in11 'I.`1'ust Com 131111) , Toronto. nnm-..-n \lnI{in1ev. coumv mums PT1j`.. 1 Say. Don't you care. `]'111 groin; to the Big` Clmutamqua week at Bar- zrio. ;\nu'nst T2 t0.17th.. E\'e1Q,-`body ':md their Aunt will be there. --~-Upl1n1s1cring* done by experi- \c11 men. \\'. ." Lowe & Son. nt- CAPT. BAI`I;>-MOR-TON D r\`1:` \f....t.\.. I) A 1'7` .' FARM%S DIE` SUDDENLY PIE-`LD COMFORTS IJ'I`HERI.\'GTON I`)- \ I`l.... 41` S11n(1a_\', Aunlst 4111 11 a.n1.-In Collier Street .\Ieth0- ; dist clmrcll. ' -Speni:1l Fvzxic c10m'in_r__: out stock Dougztll Bros. OF CANADA EOGS BRING BIG PROFITS 10th Sunday after Trinity - I{c111r:111b1'm1<-0 Day The se1'\`i(-es will nmrk our er. upon the 23111 3`:-:u' 111' mu`. ' \"-r.ur Nnr H H Hnxwnnntl, \I l|l'l'Il LIIC JL|| `\ \.||L \'i(-nl`, RM`. 11. I"). I will p1'o:u-I1 :11 both Stlmlay School at Holy Cnmnmniun 21.21:. All \\'clr- I All kinds of d1`e.~:..~*e-7. hunbcr, oo1'- :1-,:, ceiling. 021}: f`mm'in;;, mou1d'n1r_:' ud trim, B. C. shingles, rough Ium-_ `er and joistixlg on hand. T)1'cssiug: nd all orders receive prompt. `u.\..:.... | z'i{rinity Church WEIR gff EEEES O 00' ..:~-.;- 4 DOORS---California sugar pine doors, all the standard sizes. Ready for immedizlte delivery. HARDWARE FLO0RlNG--\Ve are agents in this district for the celebrated SEAMAN KENT Flooring. None hetter made Booklet supplied giving full instructions on how to lay the flooring and care for it. FIR-._F>L0ORlNG-vl\l21de from choice British Columbia` Fir, Q`,-_,_ _,j,{ clear grain stock. Superior to white pine, and cheaper. These are but a few of the many lines we are supplying to people in town and country. \Vrite for prices and other information. p.m.~In Central llothodist .11 `We advise early buying to protect yourself against advancing prices. THE BALL mnxm; MELL 0)., Limited bayeld St. BARRIE, Ont. Phone 105) I .\'IO.\' SERVICES S1111 .~\ur_*`n:~:t -lth THOS. ROGERS THE Can be best supplied by The Ball Planing Mill Co. VOL. LXVII-~No. 31 . LESLIE, Manager % AVERY, Managsr. Res. P110110 359' entry: Thu' .:1_\'1m.m .\I..-\...\ ' I 10 21.111. :11 8.31) Wall SOME SPECIALS: and 11 Paper, 30111 for 7 `,1; Post Office Department Announce- 1,: 1 nient Concerning Private 1) 1 Correspondence I H 1 P1'i\':1te eo1`1`es11o21de11ee 1'01" 1105- h ;t'.11a1io11.'~: i11 t`e1'1'i1'01'_\' occupied by `I, [the e11e11'1_\'--(-.\ ee}>ti111_-' (-11e1n_\' oc- ir-upied Bel-_'i11111 and the enemy oc-,1 'enpier1 parts 01' F1`n11ee-111:1_\' 11ow_Ij Ihe :1d11'c~.<. direct in the Q1`di11:1ry'h i\\':1y i11stead of `being: i'o1'wa1'ded.s 1|t111'o11'_-11 an :1ut`1101`i7.er1 i11t(-1`111edia1'y.1h J 811011 (-o1'1'e. o11de11ee, ho\\'e\'e1', 111mSt1lI Q0111) deal with p1'i\'n1`e 11e\\'s and will E110 . to r:e11so1'.~:11ip. Items I r =\\`hie11 eo11tain nn_\' i11f01'n1:1tion._]` , . \\'11a1(-\*e1' i11 1'e_9_;a1'd to n1ilit:11`y, 1`, _ 1('('O11OI111(' 01' political conditions 011- - I. _ '_t`ai11i11r_'- in Canada or in any allied} `eo1111Iries or \\*11ie11 contain unde-`,3 ::~:i1'ab1e inf'o1'111atio11 of any ki11d will it Q be detained. ~~ -A ~---~.--~ `,1 `! C`or1'esponde11ce intended for des-`.1 ltinations in enen1_\' countries (as'i "dis-ti11et f1'on1 ene1n_v 0c;c11pied ter-fl ri't`01'_\`) or to those destinations in t I.'e11e1n_v oeenpied Be1_ and enemy 1 [occupied France to w11ie11 eorres-1} 'pondenee n1ay be forwarded, Ina) isztill be sent t111'ou2'11 the medium of` ;T11os. Cook & Son, 530 St. Cat11e1:-` 1- ine BL. \Vest, liontreal. Application.` ': be made to T1105. Cook 85"- gg Son, .\1ont1'ea1, for information in ` this eonneetion. . The Simcoe Counlv \\'omen s 113-` stitute and Red Cross, Centre will open for work on Thur"-` (lay, A11;1'. 1st. The Exec-11ti\'e are \'(-1'_\' anxious not to miss the early \'0;:etables and small l`ruits, and make an appeal to all to send young Ilwets, :'1'ocn and wax beans, puns. rlmba.1'l), and any small fruits, such. [:15 1'as1>l)e1'1'ies, 'l)luol)e1'1'ies `and | olu-1'1'ies'. V ]~I\'c-r_\'tl1in:' tlaai 1.: sent 111 will he; cmmetl and f'o1`\\'ar(le (li1`0(-t to the: I i wonmlml soldiers in the military? l1os}>it:xls in F1':n1ce and lCn _ Tlun \\'nmm\'< Tnsfitutcs are 21Sl(C(l " EANNING KITCHEN % ! IS OPENED T0-DAY !!1o.=}>1tnls m r':1nce :mu r.u_-mun. The \\'on1en's In. to set` :1 (]:1_\' in their d'1{'i`01'e11t dis-I '*: PREVATE LETTERS TO 1 ENEMY TERRIWSORYE An Appeal is to Women s Institutes to Collect and Forward Vegetables and Fruits. i I Barrio Boxvlinu Club jou1'no_\'ed to _':\11r0r:1 on tho '2-H11 ult, to 11a_\' the`: 510031 club in the Nortllorll Lt-a 3!'l`hc rinks skipped by \'\'. A. Boysi ;(:1n .=\.. IT:1_\' lost`, but that skippotl; : `n_\- \\'. Iloss won. I l 1"", ` ` ` ' _- I V`! \\1u1 2L Hun uf 'Luu ,..u,.u. .\.... } PM St`]`"'-" M *0 L`'~'-'`' 1 3* ol s11m:lio.~s in m1l1t:u'_\ l1osp1tals [=l'o1lo\\':~' :-.-\1]:111dalr-_. and .-`u11'01'a_. '20.]'n]ln\\'i11'_" instrm-ti0n.s us I0 1110 lmimsz :\'(.'nm1-kpt-` H; 1331-1-10 ]3; minim: 04' hospltal` 11e_(-css:11'1.(1.~f Hrillin. 1]; B1':1dl"01'd, 6. _i<>0(l-. 21ml lcl1(-:1:-10 \\1 (>hsor\'c-(1. - l I 1 nu... f'..... . --L'1>11o1.~:tm-i11r_-' and f111'11it111`(~ 113- 11311-111: 110110 by (-.\'11e1'ic11cer1 work-` 111011 :11` Dou'_":11l Bros. 1 1 BOWLING LEAGUE "The urgent and imperative demand for hogs has opened up a ready and profitable market for every farmer who will raise them. Each hog you raise will bring a handsoine profit quic-kly-the more hogs the greater your income. Increase your herd now while prices are high. To do this you may need a loan; if so, consult our local `manager, he will help you out. Ina` V21-1.1.\I'()x1c=` the f nlT't'l1r-so _1`l1e-int the H `()_\'$1.lH'._' (mh pod ` mu Ex} l(n'(l(-1'.< \\'ith |.iSHO\\'.\' 111 I101` \\'Ul'h. 1 -i In the list 01:` supm`\'iso1`s last 'w<-ek, the name of Mrs. D. Stewart !\\':\.>' in East E1111 \\':'m1 ]. 1t lgshould have been Z\I1';~:. R. \\'. - | .\`r( -\\':11't .\I:1jm- [Crib 1. :-pl01',`z1 $011 of tho. ;lntc Frilllli Pepler, of l: au'1'io, has ' hoe11 m\'z11'ded his D.S.(). _\I.z1_j0r l`op]e1' has :111'u:1d_v bodn uwmtled `the Cmix do (int,-1-1'0. F011!` hrotlu-r.~' 1121`.'(! been in action in F1':u1cc. and V 1.:n...1 ..r Hm nmim-I tric-ts for colleetin__g' and for\va1'd'1n;: gsupplics in care of the Govornnleut Demonstrator, at the Ca11nin_v' Cen- Itre, Ban-i'o. Phone number, 185. I "|"l.n I1.-u-n1-nnunnf r)n1nnn 1'01`. 'Ll'l.`, .DiU1 1l`. LLLUILC JJULLIIJCA, .LUU. 1 The Govornluent De111onstrator. l.\[rs. \\'oolla1'd, was in Barrie on `Tuc-sday, attending to the arrange- gnmnts. The ladies of the Executive :speak in the l1i}_v} ternls of the lability of Mr`. Woollard, and par- tir-u]:u'l_\' of the entlmsiasm she shows in her work. L, LL, 1:. -1: ,....~....- Incf H0 Wlll l'L`[)UIL Lu nnnu_\ Allraluxumo Pto. W. Zeihr, of Barrie, is "zmnther _\'m1n(_-' 501(1i(`1'_, who has re- `itur11od home aifter 1n:1n1".ul1y doing [his duty. He wag shot th1-ough the ;lof't 10;`, End he has had `some time: "`in hos])ital. The wound has nicely ' 11.-aled up. He spe:1ks_i11 the lxifgfllt ` terms of the care he receivml in ' hospital and of the kindness shown `by Exnglish people. I ___?_._____Z__ l121`.'0 DCC11 In uvuuu U1 J.1uluLL.o uA.|\-I` I->110 was l\'ille in one M. the nmjor actions of 1915. .\[:1jm' U. K. C1il't(m, son of \\'. :1 ). C`lil'1011, S:ml`0rrl'Sl'., has :u'1'i\'edI in l7.n'__-1211111. 9;1m>o1' I'T:11'0ll 11. D. Cllftoll. "})1'.'I1l)('1' 01' .\I.:1ju1' Clinon. Inns ur- `I'i\'O(1 home H0111 the Front, after` .~:.ixtc(-11 months n\`(`1's He was i . ;\\'m1nd(- m the arm, head, back and 310'.-2 His 1'i7_~'ht elbow `as s11ms11etl `with :1 bullet, which leaves it stif. `He will report to '\\'hi1b_\' 110513.211. I 1-)``r\ ' 'lnHn- n4-' Rnvrin. is BARRIE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST, 1st. 1918. I I n\n.u-r, "-uv-- . V . _ ?V I T110 regular n1ce-ting of Barrie. ` '1;mnc11 c.1-1.C.s. -111 be held 1\Iou- 1 d:1_\', .-X11f.:'11st 5th at 4 p.111. Barrie ] b1'z111(-I1 rec-ei\'o(l last week :1 1`e(111cst ` t'1'o111 ll(`i\(1>(1l1211`t0l`S for 100 Cl11'ist'.- 111115 St'o('ki111_-'s t11es(~ to be 1'e:1d_\' by ()c-tuber 1Ut'11. Tl1oso i11te11di11_ to put su(-1&5 i11 the sl'ocki11(:s will take 110111-(1 01 this. Bzlrrio b1':111cl1 will ship the last week 1n Sc11tc111b01' and ;2111_\'o11e dc-si1'in'_ to fill one or more in}? t`l1r-:~:0 s1o<:ki11gs _p1o:1se leave name :11 R911 Cross 11001115. The ( (1ll0w- | , 111: m'dc1' is i111-lu11el in 1111- Canad- '1:111 I-Ixpo1liti(111u1'_\' ]"01'(-0 l{m1l.r'.11e 'U1'd(-1'.< 11111101` date ;\I.;1y (S111, 1918: 11 \'i(3\\' to the 111'o11or control ` or 111ilit:1r_\' the *.I'n1ln\\"111:` ob- Cookstown ()l)SCl'\`L'(l. 1. The (7:n1nrli:m Red Cross Socie- _I\' is to he 1'(w0`;n'1'/.c as the chie soul`:-0 oi." a'l11)1)l)' olf the :u'ti(~los rc- t'(-rr:-.1 10. outside tl1(- 0l'l'i(-i21l mili- 1;u'_\' ch:mnL-ls. The imlt-ms will be mzulr :\.-; (-m1si(l(*1'e<,l :1(l\'l$z1l)l(! by olf- F!fI i<--r.~ cnn11n:1mlinf_-' lnnsqyitzlls upon -[l'mI'n1sa 1'n`n\'iled h_\` the Real Cross [\`0oic1_\', \\'l1l('l1 will l)(*')l'01'wa1`(lcl to the ,-\s.-1. l)i1'(-c101` 01' .\lmli<=:1l Sm \ l(-I-~' 01' -llu- (llHl1`l('l 1'01` suyn-1'\'isinu Hlltl (-tmtrol, uml hy. him in duel un11'.<(- 1u:1s.~(-(l In the ('mm lied `- rm... .-\ H \l S. .1 ..i l'lHlI.`l' ly.|n.`\'lI tn tun: \ .. .7. `.'rn. :I111hn1'itios. 'l`h(- .v\.I)..\l.S- will he )'0s10)1si})lv for tlw (-zmtrul n1 all >111:-11 (lt-m:m `r4ln1'('.-a 0|` \':1ri011s kinds p1'o\'ido frmu this .~'m11'(-<- will he act-(mrllofl for in the `.. wn_\' 1hmu~_-"h his qum't(.-L'- ' 1-.mst(~1' h_\' the ol'l'ice1' onmmzulding the llospitaxl 1'cc(.-i\'in:_-' them. n......;,. 1..-,.m.h i< most .1.x':1tei'11l for church. H1101") Committee this week, Mrs. I.itll(-. .\I1'.s. .\[ncLur(-n. Next: week, [Miss La\\`1`e1wo, Mrs. A. Gursmx. `Bunk-In-c-p4.-1', .\[1`s. F. R. Porritt. _ D0nati0n.~'. Sz1t111'd:1y, July 127th. Flnpiu $4.75; Ivy 1 InnlT 'b1'om1, 6 loz. (_"`_". s`, `.25 tats; 101.11 Innisfil $1. the l10.~'p11a1l 1'Cc(.-1\`1n5_-' Lnuul. Hn1'1'i0 brunt-I1 is most .-11':1tei'ul `tho g_v`on(-rous donation 01.` $]5().()0 |l'rmn Ivy Red Cross Auxi1in1'_\ . I L": K.-`:1v*n\I"(~ Flnn`/-`I `H111 (`l1l_"0 Ivy heal brass .'\.u.\1uiu_\. St. . \ndr(-\v s Clnlrch had cl1m'g_-;c of the shop Sntu1'(l:1_\', July 2711:, net x........:..._. 4.-->n.L 71 rtnllior St . Metho- lot` the shop h:m11'uu_\', .uu_\' ;.uu, Anur lruvuipts $'_ 0-L71. Collier list (`lll11`('ll will lmvo (-h:n'5_:c- on Futu1'(l':1_\'. Au}.-511st 31`(l, and the `fol- -lo\\'in_ S:1t111' the C011_':re_-_r:1ti011a.l clmrclx. u1.-... r`1...m..:Hnn fl\l< \vm-.l(. l\l1`S.l OUR SSLDEER BOYS ll J, .11, .1-1, '\'ntch for _.REDF,CR0SS NOTES (3 Big` Days at Bm`rie, Au}_,"11st 12. I`), H, 15, 16 and 17. Wait f',or it. I"-.. 21. IV.A.L Barrie Branch, A. ' \2|1I2llllilu nuu 1--.. Al ......h-nl Wviiik, """"'"' 7'77"" , . . mun xuuuuu ENIRANCE EXAMS . `Barrie Candidates Pass Well, ' - '5; Four (3 ining Honours _During Severe Thunderstormr from Lower School Last Monday at Bradford I Ur. S. H. Hem'_\', the former: principal of Barrie Collegiate lu- stituto, and the wholv: stall have every reason to `be pleased with the results of the recent oxalnin-.1tions for entrance to lNor1n;1l schools. There wcro 22 candidates for the Lower School entz-un):c; 1!) were 1'CC0l1lIllL`llI.le(l by tlw start and 1%.` were sucessful, l'our p-.1ssin_; with honours. For four to have passed with honors is 21 Illzitter for special 0011':-'r2).t11lz1tio11, as there were only [our honors gained the whole city of Toronto and only two in Silncoe county outside of 'BI11'ri0. VL`. AI... \lI.l ll. L`.I.._..I _,4...,._ Lulllll.` Ulll.-Elllll U1. J.)I.l111I.'- For the Minldlc School cntraulce, .12 candidaues we!`-.2 from the B.C.l, 11 being 1'cc0nu11c11dcd by t11c`staL J. . ` Ten out of Lh_L.SL"` succculcd in hin- LL15. didatos are appemled:- Lower School G R Burton, R M C:1111pl)L-ll, E C2u'1't1Ll1L-1`s. 15 C Chzlnnou, M Cl1qes- nmn, B M Dufoe, U (E Uluxmic, "M N Hull, T I _\l-.1c14u1'cu, 11 1" Miller, ` E M Pratt`, R A1 :11'1 D l\ 0`uc-rlvson (l1onuI's)_. 1 15 l{o1)i11.s0u (llonors), 11 J Hms (1~o1m1's), (I J 1 S11i.l(:1', C M .\`1c\'c11.son. M I Sutllcl: i:mcl_. .J A `.\'ulkL*1' UlUll()I`>i). Middle School \ 1`hc uzu11c.~: or the succe.ssfu1 c:1n- ' W M L -all, B L'ux'1'uthL-1'.s, E Y Clnzuluon (honors), M \' Dunuett, J L} .[itx;_j'c1'ul 1) J5 (hlcst, A Li\'i11;.-slum-. M .\lr-L'u:\i:_", L P Sloan. [M A \\'ulkc1'. . ll 1 xvl. ..: I. _,.. ,..4......._.. ` .u_ .`.\. H uu\L'L. 11:11 Cll(}S\\`iL`l{L' pu.~:s<-cl -ntruncc to ho_\':1l .\lilit;u`_\' C0110-_"c, l\'i11'_'~sl.0u. Upper School |,l~Ix11'1`a11cL- to 1":u :~.lI_\' 01. I`]du(~u.- I ,l~Im1`:111cL- ` tion. 13.. ..A. T BARREE ?LAN non. Part I.-.\d(*le Rum-1'tsu11,. C. K. Stwcnson, \\'ill'1'id J. Tu1'11(.*1' (ex- cept G'eo1nc1ry). I I)-n-r 11_\'nrn \, Hr-H:n'f. HL"1(_*u `c-epr ueollxclry). J a1rt ll-No1'u A. l)L-llart, I-[L-*1cu M. T11rnc1'. Four tried Part 1; two recom- lnoudcd by the stall` and three pus-, sed. l`\\'o tried Part 11 and both lipasscd. - .9 A very pI`ett_\' wedding` was .s01cnmizc-d at two o clock Wednes- day :1t't'e1'no0n,J11l_\' 2-lth. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \\'. McCul- lous_-'h .I :n'k St, Dundas. when their only du115_*l1te1', Lewis Bremncr was n1:11'ri to \Vi1l"1-ed Norman Lis- pulnb, son of .\[1'. and Mrs. N. J. Lisomnb, of Barrio. 'l`l.n I\n1`f'n1`In0(] hV nzn-nn1nnv '51 \` 1 1ns(-mm), ox narru-. The (-o1'emon_v was p01`formed by Rm`. J. M. Macdonald in the pres- (*n('0,ul'0111y1hc immediate rela- tions and intimate friends of the C'01llI`2l('1i11_" parties. noneath an arch lei` smilux, s\\`oL-1' pens and 'J.'<.;rns. xvhich ('01'1'espo11ded '\':ith the taste- fully dv('n1':1t(-H menus and })1'idc s table. 7|`! .. L -1. u-u.- nnnnnl-I1. UIDIO. 'J`h<- bride, who `us m1:1ltc11d(-.(1. was _-.ri\`en a\\'ay by 1101' 'f':1the1' and \\'()1`(` her t1'n\'o11in-:' suit of. sand (tolun-(1 (-hi|`I'nn t nl'l'et:1, (-111h1'uide1'cd 1..._.-... 1.1.... ..,..1 ,.m-.-:..,1 .1 (:0lm'('(l ('l11IIOn Izllluul, l'l|lIJ1`UluL:L\;\A in \\`(`(]_L`(`\\'00l1 blur and (-a1'1'iud 3. 5110211` 01' pnlv pink and white car- nations. rnl, L...... ...\...\.. .....n.ln lnH' nu mmons. T110 l1u1]>_\' _\'oun`_-' mnplo left`. on the :1l`t'm'no0n train l'r0m Hmniltnn for ]:`:n`1'ie. wlu-1'0 I.11(-y will rt-.~;idu. T110 many u il`ts rm -vi\'o were an :1s. 0|" the h1'iwl<- and __-'mmn s ` A ... .. '1\AL:\I vnunu 1l3`lI'(|II|'l' I ]m]ml:n`i1_\' fritends. A \'(~|'$' impurhml l':n`m 52110 has 111-911 [ml I-hrm1;:'11 this \\'(`ek by \V. C. 'l`}101nps0n and Son, Barrie. The l':n'm owm-l by Mr. Fred Elliott. and I m`mo1'1_\' owner! by the late Dr. .\lm't0n, was sold to H1`. Ht-nry Ce- oil, wlm has <-mno to reside in Bar- `:-iu-. T110 p111'ul1:\s(~ price was $15,000. J(')II'N POLLOCK The death 100k plnoo on July 16, :11. Tlnird Conoessioll. of John Pol- lnok, :1 \vel1-lmown l'n1'mm` oi, Tos- .somuti0.. He was mnrr'1(~d at Onro to M.a1`_y Currie, I'il't_\'-nino you1's; agp and had 1'osi(1o at '.I'oss01'm1ti0 for l'0rty-I"1\'e _\'om's. ITO 10n\'e.<'. :1 wife and :1 l':u1`1il_\' 01' 01o\'en-[`i\'o -boys and six 3.-:h'ls--A-\[rs. .-`\1'1hu1' Meek- iI15_:,Bzu'1'ie', M'l's. \\'om1om-k, Lou- dnn; Mrs. Simmons, C0llin_q'woo(l . Mrs. Hamel, '.l.`o1'0nto; Mrs. Jncksolx. '.l`exus; Mrs. 'I\[(-G1'e_<.:'01', Svatv. The : sons are Andrmv, V'i(-tnrin; Alec. ` Sudbury; Eli. Archie and Sam. Seat_ ' tile. The funeral took place on July ]8th, at Crccmore. follier St. Methodist Church. Lam mm Sm LOCAL WEDDINGS DEAEVS AND FUNERALS r uuu __-nu... .- lheir many imaws mm sosm-1 WARDF The thunderstorm which passcdi over Barrio on )I011(la_v evening` was much more severely felt at Brad-l ford and other places. At Bradfordf 21 man named Hz11'r_\' l\Iacd0nald.} about 60 years of age, was killed by li He was working` on :1. farm. about :1 mile from town, and seeing: the storm cominf__:' he wont to_ (`0\'(`1".'l1p :1 binder. He was killed in.- ` stantly and zmotllor man, who was close by him, was stunned by the shock, but was not injured. The de-L (`C`:l. was well known in BI':1(l'l"o1' v rm KILLED Pnstlllustn-1' S. B. Hinds B1':mH'u1'd for 0701' Suml:1_\'. \i :`.r- )i_vr)n7i:Iiui 7.` 1` (Vi Hi F-.15-\-.: I1. Johnslon are spoudin: :1 few days in ("ura\'0x1i1111`sf. M1`. :m:l.\I1's. N. Li.<( 111l1i) are i(`i1\'il1`_." tmI:1_\' for n l11i at Halihurton. ' .\l'1's. Earl Jmikins. oi Bollovilic. is the _"u(>st oi` .\I,1'.~'. .\. Ri(i(i('i1, P.i`:i St`. H1`. A.th0l Malrsliull :m<'1 l`z1mii_v :l1\` <-:1m1uE:1<.:` at .\IinnoH< Poliuli while the \\':1r111 \\'o:1i11L-1' comilitios. .\[is< \'t-1'.-1 Hunt oi` 'I`m'(n11\>. and Miss ).[cN:ii)1) oi. Po`io1'bn1' \'isiti11{: their aunt, Mrs. \\'. Hunt B1'ad['ord St. - x` 71 ,_,., :1 re , _ I 13, 1918. Pic. litlic-1'i11r_v't01i, who is 24 years of age and the cidost son of.` Hrs. {i`Itlw1'ix1}.:'t011. enlisted with the 157th `B:lH`zlii()l1, but a[`te1'\\'ards trans- j|`01'1'vd to the T5111. He has been in 'F1':mce i'<.>1` o\'(-1' 1\'.'o1\'c months. iPre\'im1s to (`iilislilig he \\'as work- E-ill`: in iho ']`zmne1'y. He was w01m J- iod in :1 prc-Vious o11gz1g'e1nent-, from iwhich he had recovered and was !nj_~'ai11 in the ring .-' line. It was only alnst '1`h111'. that his mother had U1 letter from him, s:1yi11g; that he was well. 8111- is, still limping` that her I m 111:1)` have been taken pris`oner. 1-|'r-I17 1\ r`lt\`l\II'1'If\'1\I'I1(V 42- Lt\LLvL\.L uu . . .\11'. :11111 _\11'.<. 1n. _I`1-1`111:111 :11'cl \`1Sit11'1f.1' at 1110 1101110 of 1110 l'01'111(~1"s 1:11'e111s, .\11'. and Mrs. G. Fv1'111:111,1 `1':11l1`.;1-11 S1. :0 M1". and .\Ir.~'. A11`. \\'11i1no_\* :111d1 1':m1i1_\', 111' C`n11111*_"\\'0m1. :11'0 \'isi1i11;r .11 the 1'01-111(>1"s 111011101`, Mrs. C. \\'hit.- :1 nc_\'. C111'01ine St. `C 1 Miss Ina Curtis, Brook 81., is en-1" _';0_\'111Lr the cool _-\t1:111t'1( 1,11'v07.(1s 211'}. ~.\1:111:1sq11:1wn 13011011, N..1., \\'11o1'o she. I is spending her vacation. '3 Flt. Sgt. Victor V'ousde11 211111 A..1`I .M. Vc-r11o11 Rusk are enjoying 3;. }short leave at the 11o11:1e of M1`, and,` Mrs. Wm. Rusk, Alfred St. Both 1:11-e from Leaside. i '1 1. ' I I V111- `I'-l`?', \.}l.'IIllLi`n U(l\ I '.1'11)d sh -her 0 and all attention. Office Phone 163.