Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 25 Jul 1918, p. 8

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___.._.7 ,, Small prepaid ads of the W'ant- ed, Lost", Found, For Sale, To Let "class are inserted at the very low rate of Ten Cents for Fifteen words; one cent for each additional word, rper insertion. `XTL-.. ant -nv-nv\n;(` nn ndrlitinnal Goods Not Asked For at Any mher Time We have justivgrihat is vseinted In ht wetthex; apparel for Men, Women or Children. \ Note the following lines. Black Lustre for Bathing Suits This is a fast Black Cotton Lustre, an ideal material for Bathing Suits. It is 36 inches wide and reasonably priced `at per yd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50c Get One of These Ar-t Silk Coats We have them in Canary, Rose. Coralette and Black, all with \Vhite Silk collars. cuffs and pockets. They are specially priced at each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.98 Men s Duck Outing Pants In White and Khaki Ducl, dressy enough for street wear, strong enough for sport or camping use. The prices range per pair.- . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' . . . . . .$l.50 to $2.50 Men s Lustre Coats These cool .and durable garments are just the thing this hot weather. Made of all wool Lustre in Black and Grey at each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.50 and $3.75 Men s Duster Coats Indispensable for the auto driver. They are cool and serviceable and protect" the good clothes from dirt and grease, made of ne duck in Khaki color, Priced at. nnnl Q`) '7: rated, po:<.\rossio11 July Ztitn, wits. Phone \V. C. Thompson, Office 15 Owen St., Barrie. ':'ml:ia'_u'dr1 ' \JLhA.1..l. pounds ' b:iii_.:;1'A' .,_,_ .1- till I . .$2.00 to 2.07 . . $1.95 to 2.07 $1.35 to $1.40 ... .;. ..90c . . 1.55 to 1.65 . ....1.90 . . .3.`_ 5 to 3.50 I . $9.00 to 10.00 ...37c .. ...42 to 50 . $..17.50 "'to' E ---u-.1.-I\-I . .. 16.00 lb. . .1725 )0 to 20.00 . . . .1425 , . . . . ..40c I . . . . . .40c .' 00 to 15.00 . . . .lQ.00 I, .62 to 630 l Q7- 0.`! L- New Lines of Corsets -U; LU U-It` .85 to 870. In Crqmpton s and D. and A. makes. We placed our orders for large quantities of these before the recent big advance in price and are still passing them on to you at the old prices. VVe want to mention two prices to-day which are special value and which will soon be off the market. A11 sizes now at [fer pair . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . 75c and $1.00 This Is the Time for These Sport Coats I LAA\bJ\anva-- -..- ..- ._ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. King am! spem1in;_:' their vacation at Beacons- field, Qua, the summer home of Mr. Alt . \\'. \\'o0d, of Montreal. i '\I'!.... f"..n.~.nn -3:: xvciHnn' WTTQ, Cnrnl ` They are cool and dressy .and most serviceable. VV6: have them in a ne quality Middy Twill, with collars. belts, cuffs and pockets of pretty stripes and plaids in three good styles. At. . . . Q1 I-M! on nn ___l on En I 2.10 i .1.35 . .78c ) 3.10 .1.50- -1r.-n 1'71` {W. C. THOMPSON 85 SON, office` 1.1 l'\ .... .~ CW 1):-`.2.-\ :r~ n(`6-`Ami.-.m ' '7! `J: &JuL\JJ-Vlnl k1\JL` KI! IJ\J-L`, ULLITKF l 15 Owen St., Barrie, is offeriiig l the l ollo\\'in_; property for sale: New brick \'enoorc-d house on Brad- ford street, finished in hardwood throughout, all latest convenieiices, price $3600. $500 cash. New solid brick house, John St., just off Bradford, with heating, Iliglitixig and plun1bin_;-', g_"as,recoption hall, sunroom and don, an up-to-date house. Price $3450. $200 cash. 1 . 1 P4: -A-..,.. -.,_./V, ......J ...-...-... I with garage, all Latest conveniences. Brick house and lot, Elizabeth St. beautiful situation. Price $3200. ings. Price $3200, easy terms. n -,,,,,1 .`l,,,',L I -,,__ __,,`I l-L av`...-.. ....,V .,...-v\.. \UIwvv .,....... Brick house and lot, W01-sley St., all convenience, a beautiful property iPrice $2900, easy terms. T)..I..I_ L...._.. .....J 1.1. T713....L-A.L CU. _-.~... \,,.._\.._- -...._, ....-....... -..b., 8 roomed Ibrick house and lot, Bayfield St., with all conveniencse -beautiful situation. Price $3200. $600 cash. ` Q ...-.......\,1 1...2..l- L......... t....... .....&,u. }lFUUU UKIDU. 8 roomod brlck house, town water, Wow [electric li_ in calling district of zon ~ ,'Grand Trunk. Price $1900. $500 ' the ' {cash} - ' -'I`$>.1+'!Y4'F'l5'`~"IE ,died L 9 roamed `brick house, Cumber- ' llnnd rSt., - Allandale, town water, olectrie li`-1111'. gas and good barn. was onlis `nor I101` nouuuys. 1 Miss Susan Mmgay is Lindsay. (`.1-ant Hun Rnn n1'PM'. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 4' "7717 '7 777777 l'777" `7 .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 $17.77;; $2.06 and $2.50 THE GRAND RAPIDS THE PRIZE. THE SOUVENIR THE PRINCESS Prices from MTON HARDWARE CO., LTD.` BISSE cAR13Ei SWEEPERS Four diffewent styles to chobse \_, \.AuI\.I\ un LLAALsI\A \.v;u-, ; ll\o\-\A uh. Nickle Plated Trimmings Ueo. Urry. .\Iiss Florence A1'1nst1`o11r: is home: from the Toronto General Hospital.'i for her holidays. ' a1M'I..}m _.\iss Mingay visiting in` `Price $1800. $500 cash. Rougheast house, James St., all conveniences, nice verandah an lawn. Price $1900, easy terms. ~ A r Brick house and lot, Mulcastor `Stu all conveniences, centrally lo- cated. Price $2T00. $600 cash. I have property for sn1e~ ifi all `parts of Barrie. Call at my office, 15 Owen St., and I will show you nvnu #11 run Thursday: .Ltl \l `V Ell L ' over them. Pte. James Ernest Donaldson, son of Mr. James Donaldson, Victoria, Harbor, must have his name chron- icled in that great army of splendid men who have laid down their lives in this terrible war. W'ord was re- ceived by his father, last Friday. that Pte. Donaldson had died of wounds received on July 2nd, and {on Monday l1is nmne appeared in official list of those who had `n4, 'r`\..._....1.1..-.. 1 lull. ;uuuuu_y 1113 uuu |the died of wounds. `I one of the 177t mllistod at Elmvale. 'I OUR SOLDIER BOYS PTE. J. E. DONALDSON AH \\. noon, 0: AVLOXILYBUI. Miss Cannon is visiting Mrs. Carr. i Toronto, St. 3 \rra Jnhn -Knnlnhv and chi1dren.i July 25:} ms LL. s\.;,, .$3.75 to $4.75 ` U1. Luuac Wuu nuv ;. Ptc. Donaldson ..nI.. 177th boys, having` '.l0I`0HlU, on. .\[rs, John Apploby Ch:1th:m1, are Visitillg I Geo. Urry. \r:-.. 1Fl....,m,m A vmaf J.m1us.u_v. Greet the Ben Greet 1 Barrio Chzlutauqua Jyeek, to 17th. Z-.-L Au-..-,1 \v..:.-r1.+ tn lath. Liout. Alfred Wright, M.C., ewi` from Leaside to Camp Borden last; Sunday and spent the day with his`; parents here. '45 Miss Clara Rodgers, Port Arthur.! is spending.-' her holidays at Big Bay ` Point. -\r_., .\.1.`.... .-iainm 'M'ra A1pw_ [7()\\':1n. '1 "w -'_I Mr. and .\Irs. Learning, Toronto.` spent last we-ek.wit.h the Misses. Catcher, Miss Jane Catcher return- in-: with them. \r_. L1 ....,.,..\ T.'n.J-'nnl- Dinfnn 1n-.: `V1111 LHUIU. Mr. H01-are Kerfoot, spenf Snnd:1_\' with Mrs. Brmlford St. '\r_.~ v,.:I T_T....1-:.. M` {n additional word, l!1SeI'[10Il. VVhen not prepaid an additional charge of five cents will be made for each insertion. i I uxn, 1.. Office. lirimxoru Dr. Mrs. Neil Harkin of,` Cornliill is spending.-' :1 fmv days with` her par- ents in Barrie. Mr. and `.\[1's. H. Bowdon of A1lnn- I vlnle, their little _-`1'nmlda11`:l1ter A1-i `Rea (i)llz1Sl{(`1].~'01l of Toronto, Mrs. A. l Bowdon 01' Depot Harbor, and Mr. and .\[1's. A. H. Femlisoii of Bzlrrie spent Sumlaiy week with Mrs. J. Am C0o]oI'_. at Stayller. { A /n-n.- nI' nie\ynnnrl<. Hi . BITL6! I 1 . i b00]I0l', alt Dl.'cl_\'l1l.`l`. ` Acres 01' Diamonds, at B:n'ri.e` Clmlltallqua Week, August 1?. to` 17th. \Vhut young.-; lady doosn t. want a Diamond? rm.- D....a.:.o. Q.....1.... Qnhm nnnir-.- \VanU H IJHUHUIIU '1 I The Baptist Sunday School picnici to Lover's (1'v0k. by launch from Muleaster St. Wharf , takes place on \Vodnestln_\'. July 31st at 2 p.m. Sharp` --r-ma` .1. . Z l J Ullltllliu` Barrie. BIRTHS COLE~-J11ly.19, at the `.10-nl Du 1 n fn `fr er. \\'HITBY~-.~\t the R. V. Hospital. July 24th, to .\Ir. and Mrs. Albert. \Vl1itb_\'. :1 son. - n\1vv A D V 1.1 .-mulni ,Tn`v I wn1m_\'. son. . CALEY-.-\.t R. V. Hospital, Julyl 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Calcy, Vz1n- ` convor, u (1zll1`_',`1lt0I`. ` ARNE.\f[-At R. V. Hospital, July} 22nd, to .\[r. and Mrs. Arne1n.I Amrus. a son. - E CLARK-At the home of his son, W . J. Clark, Victoria Drive, Van-I couvcr, B.C'., on July 12, John H. Clark, late 01 Barrie and Toron-0 to. in his 63111 year. Sx\I1TI'I-1n Barrie, on July `3.'h' Clarissa Wzlrd Smtih, relict ofi the late Geor_;'c Gibson Smith, in` her 71st year. III`; In V-.IlII'\ll|\\'I. In :1 little out-0`'-the-\\`:\y (-m1\`0nL- 110211` \'i(-tnrin, l`).C`., the \\'nmlc1'i'ul.` 1)nin1in`_-'. llw (`mnmunimm nf` Saint Clare. as(-1'ib(- to Titinn s favo- I rile pupil and 1:1tin<.: from curly in. the l`iI'teonil1 m-ntur_\',. has been re-` disc()\`erL-:1 and uutllenticatcd by ex- perts. GOOD VVORK HORSE 0 saTe- Apply J. Brown, Ahgus, `or W. Graham, Barrie Stables. - Acting Chielf Moore, of the Wood- stock Police hus "filed a claim for $625, allo, his share oi? `fines col- lected tl11'()u}_~*h recent ().T.A. prose-i cutions. I-le :1\'o1's that as :l('llll*_" chief i he is not bound by the Cl1ivi".~'. (lis- ' ability to o11.io_y such pr01`its. 5 A notice 2l})1l(':l1`.\` in the C`:1riz1l;.1. H:1'/.ct1c- 1h:1l llurtun .\l:|ttin. oi," To-i I l i l l IIL! In uul Illrlulu |I.\ un: \;uu'n n nus To-- rmlto. n1nnilinn.~; xmrkvr, and .I'm'1u.1' 1y :1 ser;_r(-:n'.1` in the T5111 hzlttnlion. (Y.I'].l.. will apply to pan'li:\mcnt- 11 session for :1 from his wife.` Lilliv M-ntin. now `hvlio\'(-l to be If . 2.. \'.... ... "01nl:. Mrs. Admns, is visiting Hrs. Alex. -4 ac-1-1?! IOLE---.Tul_\' 19, R. V. Ho.=- pita], Barrio, to Mr. and Mrs. :\i'tln11' (`oh-. Small St., :1 d:111ght-| TO LET ..... A. DEATHS ' and childremig Mr. and Mrs. players at , Augrust 12` Picton, Henry, ` 1 "Miss Esther Mcston is farmer- Hno-' nnr Flnnthnmntnn. Ont. LIGHT OUTDOOR Oeeupatio; Suit returned soldier. Apply Advance Office. ` ` Choir Outing "Fl... ALA:-u (\ Ul10ll' uuumg The choir of Trinity Church had their summer outing on VV'ednesday. when an enjoyable time was spent at Gvvernment wharf. -The tea and coffe trade is moving along nicely; the well- aatisfied customers of the old days are becomnir: the well-satis- fied customers of to-day. Join them. We can please you at The Hub. Pure spices and vinerzars. T. H. Hobley, '26 Elizabeth St. Golden Wedding `Ir- .....1 `If... "Eh-nnlv Dnnafnnn nf I Uromen weutung Mr. and Mrs. Frank Penstone, of 114 Sophia St.. were the recipients of a purse of gold from their child- ren aml grandchildren on the oc- casion of their golden Wedding. July the 13th. Owing to the sudden death of a grandson the week be- fore no family gathering; was held. Hydrant Inspection The fire alarm was given on Mon- day afternoon by Hr. Norman Wil- son, M.Tnst.C.E., Toronto, who, as an underwriter, was given the pri':i- lege of testing: the efficiency of the hydrants and hose. The B'sgnde.` turned out and four hydrants Wa:e tested at All'andale"nd other hy- `drants in different patrls of thr- ~`toWn, to the 11uu1;'.\-r of a'r,o:.11: 30. -`were also put `I-) the test. of the Toronto Conso1'\'at01`_\' 0 ' Music, the following pupils of Miss Jessie R. Bmson, have been success- ful: Eleinentary Gra(le-Eleanor- Carr. Introcluctory Gra(le--Elsie. ' Biuelow and Frank Cheosman. Miss ' Irene Dawson, also a pupil of Miss 'iB1'_\'son, has hem successful in the [l'llen10nt:1.1'_\' `,'I`:l1eor_v xxnmination. . l l 121 U ru la At th recent piano examinhtion l I obtaining`, first class honors, with full marks. Piano Pupils AA. LL}. ..n.-.n< I Aviator in the Bay A .. .`"1nl-.-.e- 1-\1I1v\r\`I\A - `lived on Snake lslaml _\'0i11`S. Erenew her sul)se1'iption; _that she had taken The Advance for 'the newspaper to wl1iel1,the_v been aeenstoinetl for years. \Ve are "not sure whether Mrs. Flalierty is taken The All um Duuauuuua. We were V'C1`_v pleased to see an olul :~:u'bseril)er last F1'i .\I1's..~\.;\. Flaillerty, Sliaxity Bay. who called to She stated 63 _\'ea1'.=. There is proba.l)l_\' nothing to which people elinsr more than have our oldest s11bs.eril)er. A farmer called a few week ago. who said that he and his father before him had Al\'anr_-e since it was started. 67 years ago. A Sightless Indian ` On the Georgian xsmnd is an old ln(li:111, named \\'m. Bigsails, who for manv and kept :1 rer_riste1- of visi- "to1's to the lslantl. He is described ` .as having` the heart of a white man I- 1 .; I 1 l" t ed and is known to a good 111I1!1_\' peo- ple. He is totally blind and the other {In(lian.=. who look after him, read to him. Mr. C. Carley has kindly onlererl the Ailvanee to be sent to him. thinking he might be interest- in local news. Copies of old Inae-azines would no doubt be ap- preciated by the old fellow, who is lwnflv-iflrlnn Q 1 a l l l l l l Avlabur 111 um Day An aviator plunged head1onr__>j into `the Bay about lmlf-past ten on Mon- -day mo1'ninf_-'. s0meth1nr_* Qoinq amiss with his enfgine. A telephone mes- `sn2'e was sent to Mr. Reece, who put out in his lalmeh ve1`_\' promptly and went to the help of the avi-.1tor. Mr. ]C. Carley also went t_o his assistance `and he was aken into Mr. Reeee s launch, s11t't'e_rix1u- nothing" worse Ethan :1 1'efre.shin2 bath. The machine 'whieh was towed ashore, did not ysustnin much damage. LOST--Locket and chain. Queen s Park, Barrie. Leave at Advance (W4-`';nn lAn om Subscriber vr\`I__ .-J `I17 - .......n . l!IL`l'|illLl I bedridden. I The Mill Fire .-\ -...L A11 1'ne mm 1: ire A eement (`llO])])ln`2` house is being erer-ted for the Fislier Flour Mill Co.. Lt(l., \\'hi(-h has just been formed with :1 eapital of $60.000, divided in- Ito 000 slmres of $100 each. They are iordinmry sliares, and of the 500 is- sued .\Ir. and Mr. S. J. Fisher take 1100. The price paid to Hr. Fisher. lfor the purelmse 01". the business and nassets is $15,000: The chopping l house is hein ereeted with all speed.- [mid it is expected to the ready for luse by the end of .`\11."11St. Last Fri- `dziv a fine walnut tree on Ald. IA(lamson s p1'opert_\', the old Lount 'pI`0p01'f}'. was pulled down. It haul been so Sf`01'(`ll(`ll hy the intense heat lthat expeft.'< stnteil it must (lie. E Ten Gents for Fifteen Words` ji.< Tho .-\d'v:1nr-0 rnfo For. 1_n*(~p:1i.1 } j:1d\'t.:_ of the "'\v:\ntM" r-1:135. It.| is the clxemot-st rate of any m\'s- _]mpox' in Ont:n*9.n. ` Hem` Hw Welsh (.100 (,)n:n'1r-1 in! n snappy pm-_"1':nu nt Barrio.` `C11a11t:`mqu:1 xvook, .-X115.-:ust 1'3 10 171.11 ;Hmn'_\' L?0(`H 01 1\11'Kmnn uzuxc. i 17`m'n1 mvnn.] by tho of .-\. 13. U111.-'h: on Town Lino of Yes- pi':1, snlalfn .-\1l'r(~d Buckner of - 'l`m'm1ln. I 'ITm1: and Int 1nni: .~t1'oot -old `M Mr. ITom'_\' Smith of Tnni. Farm of TTom'_\' Smith. 100 ar-res. ~ "on N11) vnm-\:<; of hmisfil, sold . \|,. I`,a.._. ..r 17.. 1.. Tho thllnwins.-' sales have recently lwvn Inuo by \\'. (.7. Thompson. 1 Tho lmrro propo1-ty on Peel St., fknmvn as the Royr-1' I-`.. and con- !t rollr~d `by the Toronto General. ['T1'11. Corp. h;1:< lwm sold to .\[r. :TTmn'_\' Cecil of K`11'kl:md Lake. . ~.....,.'1 1... mm n6` .\ .I']SaU.l. .ti.|2$'.|.' 1 DILLJLJD I ll l~lI to Mr. ll l'Illl|'l`.V.\IU]| U| : I{. 0|" B:11`1'i(-. u II A _._I__ PROPERTY SALES . 1\\1-n 94 x_.._,_.-._ HOUSE FOR SALE-8 rooms onl Wellington St. \Vest, all conven- iences. For further particulars apply to Mrs. McAdam, 95 Toron- to St. 22-tf farm etting` near Southampton, Ont. If!"-. E!nn(-1-Can Tnhnefnn AF ` emng' ' 1188.1` Duuuuampwu, uuu. Miss Beatrice Johnston, of the Simeoe Hall staff, is spending her vacation in Toronto. `II'._ .....II `lf..~ A Dn+nn AP Fnv-An- Ivacauon 1n J.0I.`UIl.LU. Mr. and Mrs. A. Paton, of Toron- to, are holidaying at the home of the 1attor s mother, Mrs. A. VVatt.l Essa St. `l3.-..L.... Ac-nunn \`rof]\n.:H:` Q, 1 I ILSSB. DE. `'=,g,-._l \ Burton Avenue Methodist S.S.| picnic has been planned for \Vednes- ` day, 31st, at St. Vincent Park. Mrs. S. Allward and son. Mr. F.' Allward, spent the week-end a-t Rossc-an and other points on. that Muskoka Lakes. Mr. Allward rev] turned to Stratford on ;\Ionday. ` ll ..- t....An ni-` lfnnfron` :32!-or 'Ll11`He(1 [0 DLI2ibLu1`u Uu .v.Luuuu_v. Mrs. Brodie, of Montreal, sister` of Mrs. Geo.-Clark, is visiting with- Mrs. J. T. Clark. Bradford St. Mrs. W . Shepard and (laughter. of Toronto, are renewing old ac-| quaintances in Allandale. ` Miss B. Kelcey and Mr. Don Kel-i coy, of Toronto, are spending a few days with Mrs. A. Hooper, Burton Ave. Mr. Kelcey, an old Allandale boy, who lost the use of his left eye` while serving in France, has just? 1 had another operation for the same} trouble. which has proved quite suc- T ; cessful. `I ml... l..-.u-Hnn- nlwk mnn n n-nnd, E cesstul. ` The bowling club made a good. showing in the game here on \Ved.-' nestlay. winning five out of six` :1.';ainst Bradford and Aurora,. which puts them in the lead by two points in the league standing. Kfr nut] Wfr, Stnnlnv Garrett. Of. p0lIltS 111 me league Luuuu1~__-. Hr. and Mrs. Stanley Garrett, of` Saskatoon. are visiting at Mr. Gar- '1'ett"s home here and will spend 3 short time at the cottage on the .\[uskoka Lakes, before leaving for the west. Mrs. Nloretlith, of \Ve_vburn, c-__1_ 2.. . :..r.- XI :-a Q \I'nrprlH`.l1_l -'LLQ- LA: AVLK. L M \ \ Au-y _,_ . . V`. ,,, ` 1'~':1sk., is \'isitin{_,-' Mrs. S. Meredith,` Essa St. ` ;\[1's. \Vm. Pratt, of Tiffi11 St.. left on Fri(1a_v for :1 trip to the: Pacific coast, via Trallscontincntal` hr) LI.-l.|:o Miss Marie Ga town, is visiting." I-Iill, Sanford St. `Tu .... ,1 `.\I'a.: I-Jill, Santortl bt. } .\[r. and Mrs. N. Bradford and`: )Iasto1' Jack .\Ii11e1- left this week! for :1 {few days visit with friends in Gco1'~_v`(~to\\'11, before 1'etu1'11ing to their home in North Bay. A4. L`... V1".\..n..4-.-. (nn=m-\--.\fnv\' nf DOMESTIC Help \Vanted, male or femaIe.-Ardagh, 33 Theresa St ... `D...nn'n H1811` 1101118 111 L\UlLH. uu_\. At the Toronto Conservato1'_v oii `Musiv ex:1n1inntion:~: held i11 Barrie.` last Week, the following pupils of Miss Edith \\'1iitebre:u1, under Ex- aminer Kihlj. were suecesst'n1:-J. E1en1enta1'_V Piano, 1st, Master Jack .~\rdel1, `lnd (even) _\[i.`~:s Reine Har- vie and .\Iaster Claude Hunt; In- itroduc-tor_\' Piano, 1st, Miss Beatrice {Bnshel1. 2nd Miss Lilian Kearns- It-11-d (even) Miss Lorna Park and `Master Ernest Wardie. i .D'LJ.v.L\u..u J.v;::..uu.La.:a. I The market was almost stationary I fozvbutter, which sold a shade low- er than last week, from 45 to 48 cents `being asked. Iigrgs made from 45 to 48 cents. Shelled peas 'n1:nle '25 cents a quart, unshel1e l'etehinL- from 4:3 to 50 cents a. bas- ket. White eurrants were in for the first time this season, selling` for 15 cents per box. 'E'_"-.,"s. dozen ... . . . . .. ... . .. 3utter ..., to -LSO.` Strawberries, per box . . . . . . .`25c Stra\\'l)e1'1'ies. wild, per box ....2Sc Chicken, dressed, lb. . . . . . . . . .30c '= Apples, bucket .. 40 to 500. Potatoes, per bag ... ... .. . ..1.50 Onions, Dutch Sets, lb . . . . . . . .200. Onions, green, bunch . . . . .. . . .05c Lettuce, bunch . . . . . . .. . .5 to Sc Yorkshire Pigs young" pair $17 to $18 `Hay, ton ....$17 to $18 V Raspberries, basket .. ...28e V Currants, black, box ...1Sc Currants, red, box. . .. . . . . . . .15c Currants. white, box . . . . .15c Peas, shelled, quart. . . . . . . . . .25c Pens, unshellerl. basket ..45 to 50:: _ New Potatoes, per peck .. ....75e' HIDE I}[ARKET 1. H -..- L-_...r....,.. H... ..-a.-.1lanHc_'u| nxuna .LVL.`\.L\al\.l`.IL days are becoming thew*e11-satis-" (Corrected by Jos. Marrin, VVednes- nv .Tn]v `2\ uu), U u. Beef H-ides, green Beef Hides. Cure Tallow... ` Calf Skins ... .. . Horse Hides . . . . . Horse Hair . . . . . . V\'oo1, w:1s11ed . \\'ool, un\\'nshe(.1 .. Pelts .. Veal Kip . '.\TT`.T(1'Fl"Rn'R.T'N'C \k' I l\` . . . . . I Buckwlxeut l1LILAl.n31.Ll`.\ Live hogs. selects . .. . . . . .$17.25 Full whozlt, per bus.. . 2.10 to 2.10 S])rin_-1' wheat, 50111141 2.10 to 2.10 \\'heat. old ..`2..00 Barley... . . . . .. ...1.30 `Peas... .....$3.00 Outs . . . . .. .....75(- Rye... .....`2.001 'Buck\vhea .. ... ... ... . . . 1.70 I H21_\`. pm` ton ... ... ... .. 1:').(H) E Butter, 1}) prints . . . . .. ..3S to 39 ' I``.uL's, per do /.., J71-(>511 . . . . . .38 to 41) \ Wool. \\':1S11(`(1 ... ... ... .. 6010 69 \\'(ml. l1m\':\. . . . . . . . .. 44 to :30 'D1.`l."Ff\\' ;_:..u. _ ITo<:.=, per cwt `Cattle. <.-hnicc. c\\`t. Hutt(-r.lh. .. ` do /.. . . 1`.;_'_"_'.~. Ilu/.. \\'h(-:11. 111151101. Outs ... I \V'hc~nl B211`10_\' 1), ,. 0.-its .. 2a11\1p NEIG-HBORING MARKETS ALLISTON (217 Erepaid%Ads. Garvin, of George-| her uncle. Mr. W.i ,. ,,1 O. BARBIE MARKET ,._`_.L ___._._ ..l...,\-.6- .~.-n L. L\1C'1'E(11LU, UL Ht:_\ uuxui Meredith, * T-HI! NORTFYRN ADVANCE 0 U3. Au.u.1.J. LL] 03/ day, July 20) ,~ nn-nnn P.I{.\1')F'()RD HK'll . . - EIETON ._.L ...LI.Iu, V.n'.{>6 to 11.50 35 to -10:-.. u-- A, I.-:..l ....Iv) LU ll|_` . ..?..00 `1.'t3'-5' to 1.75 . ..l7 tol8e. . ..15c .. ..25c . . . to $7 . . . 25 to 270 .. 80 to 85c , ..66 to 67-.| .500 to $1.00 `. ..20c A 'n'l7"l'ln'I(1 A nice property for rent. The` lower flat cor. of Owen and Col- lier Stsx, Barrie with all the latest` conveniences, liardivood polished floors tl11-oiigliout, beautifully deco- `[)0S$OSSl0I1 July 26th, 1918. `Dhmm XV (T 'l`lmmnnn. Office 3,ns to 3-` r-` J..ul\J| `I ..-is ` ..3s .6010 H I1L_.'. Peas .` Hogs, per cwt Butter Eggs \./LL1, Fall \Vheat . . . Spring \V11eat B11(*kW}1e{1t. . Oats Barley . . . . . . Rye . . . . . Peas . . . 'Hay I Butter .. . . T`.___. L'AsgD - o o u 1 Live Hogs J. (`KID n u - a n u - o - Buckwheat . . . . Rye . . . . . . . ...\ru uv I I-Iogrs, heavy, tc; .. Hogs, choice. 150 to 250 lb. ..i Sows, dressed . . . . . . .19.00 5 Sows, live . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Butter, 11) print . . . . . . . .. .. Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . Hay, nor ton . . . . . . . 12.00 i NewHay... ... ... I'n\\'as11ed "001 . . . . . . . t( \V.'1shcd \Voo1 . . . . . . . . . t( L \V]1c-at, 60 Barle_\' . . . Oats . . . . . This store'wlll close at 12 d cfc;k noon every Wednesday during July and August. The Hot Weather Brings a Demand For PF_RSONAL AND SOCIAL n 7*-,, __,` I

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