Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Jul 1918, p. 4

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Published every Thursday morn- ing by James Baldwin Bryant, pro- prietor, at the office, 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie, in the County of _Simcoe, Province of Ontario. .~'l10 ll than lmva nntzco. _and that the .<:xil 9_\1('t"uil`lX will not be liable ; 1'01` the sniul a.<.=,et.< or {my part there- of to any person or pe1'.~:o11s of \\`h0.<(- i_clain1 I1OIl('0 shall not llrrvc been Tu- jc-oived by her at the time of .~:ur:h i distribution. T'\ . ,1,-u _ ; E 1 .I- n 1 1, n Notice is 11erob_\' {given pursuant to tho Trilsteo Act that all persons hav- Eillfl` claims a;_:nin. the estate of R0hoi't Linn. Into 0!? the Township of {Innis1`i1. in the Cmnity of Silncoo. nhont the 1`\\'vnt_v-l i1'st d:1_\' of` .\I;1_v` 1919. are 1`oq11o. to send p:u'tic11- l:1r.< of their claims to the undo1'- sium-(I on or heI'o1'c the 15th day 0E oxoclxtm-s will distribute the assets of tho ostzlto 11111011}: tliosc entIit1odth'e- .- x-n..nns~.T nnlv On nlnivna F:mnei'. (i(`L`(`:!.~`(`(i, who diod on or V_ Wuly, 1918, :11'to1- which date the ...r..u W . . V t1`1:<- W111 I , .- . |l.`.`,k L.` In L..x: the partio:< e11tit`:r:.' 1'eg'ar1 only to the shc shall _,,; .`4l1'A _v,, ,,,1 lll(` ('>l:llL' 2llllUll,`; lllU.\l.' L'll| |llL'll LlIL"U` tn. l1:1\'in_ 1:0-__-':11'l only to the claims of \\'hi(-h they slmll then have notice, mul that th(~\' will not he 1'o:~,ep0nsil)lo to any person for the assets of said o. whose c-luims shall not then lmvo hovn 1*o(-oi\`ed. Dutoal 16th June. 1918 1\1\\' \ 1' T1 LTIWQQ 111 \'l(`\\' 01.` the partial failure of the Full wlieat crop in this Province this _\'ea1' it will he iiocessary for l'uriner.<. to inake early u1'1':1nge1nents for the sllpply of seed which they will need for fall s0\\'i11;;'. Under tlm. (`l1`(`ll111Sl:lll(`CS farmers who` h:1\'oonhund quantities of wheat suitable for full S(`C(llllf_`;` are urged to conserve tliein for this purpose. If` there is no deinand locally, the in.- I'oi-niation should be supplied to this Dopzutnient or to the Local Office of this Department in your County so that every efl'o1't nmy be made to- have an equitable and satisfactory distribution. The need for foodstuffs. juslil'ies a large acreage of Fall wheat in this Province again ' this year, and the cooperation of the far- nu-rs in the mobilization and dis- tribution of the available seed sup- '4.) i\llTllI|l`.IlI\J)I. : Dated at B:`11`l`i<` this .`:1rd day 01. `.TuL\'. 1919. K fw`n1` r 711*! T U.'\'l'. l)1`j1'.l`. U1` ."L\ll\.l\_/LJl.J.l.LJ.I.Ir1_1- (`u-0. S. Henry, A. Hutchinson, Min. of Agriculturd Agri. Reps. ` Parliament Bldgs. Toronto. nnu Elle Coopcruuuu u; uuc un- plies is in\'it.od. ()2\"l`. Dl~1PT. OF AGRICULTURE. (V. .. u n........ A Hnl-.r-liinson. Terms of Subscription LII uuuuuuu I)L., L`! Telephone N. 2200 Office Hrmnr fa a,.m.-1 n. 1... \ll.AlU| J Lulu-n. 1 a..1u.`1'} p.HL, Saturdayir: pm. W. D. I`/Ic-PHEf?,SON', K.C`..M'.P.P. rv-v, , J. WARWICK, Secretarj U.- LL1 LLLLJ LILILL LLAAU `II 9-H? - Estate of John Mr;Ca.rm1 late of the township of West G-xri11im- bury in the County of Simnoe,`. farmer, rlecea .-rl. .\.'0'lIf.'I". 1-. `- Tlnirsday, July 11t , 1913 um). [I ( AND tn "'v' /'xL TRAINING 'l,.-.-... .. .. 1'. ,1 , . I ... Al.., . 1NTi::W1xqATTa?za 02* ..~.:~. .. 1:v..s..a... .4- 7,1... 1r.rI._-.r 1-..- ,2 FALL WHEAT SEED ANNOUNCEMENT `IOLIHSVL INCENDIARY FIRES J-ILILJ. .IJ\J L JVLIJL` L 'm'r|i:1H;.' invilv Hw lhv pnlzliv zn Hu- J uni... ll llll'l| HI l'l\H llH' EMPLOYMENT uunrz-,',2: nmuksb. 1') RELIEF FUND L C.`RI-If\'\'_ICKI:`. & BELL ill! -1 lulu, lulu D0.\'.~\LD ROSS. ......L.._..7 unn:u uuL proceerl 1 L n . n 3.1 Head Office: 1 `run-r1 nrn .|.L4-\JLl\IA L\. IJLAIAIA .\'n1ivi1o1"~: I'm` ]7..\'0c11ti'i.\: 1- 'x1ur uwnn, I~`.xo011t01-s Solicitor B:11'1'i0, Ont.'u'io- \`iH- }-nnpe-l'n.- v in important mnpln_wm-,r1t. for '- bar-n (|is('.h.'LrL:t.-d -;\wu.v...; .,uu..-4. ..,\..... . Payable in Advance. Deputy Fire Blarshal ('0\\`2m C?urrent `(30pz'3 an outbreak cents cents .$1.25 .$l.75 in his "The Soldiers Ai(1' Com- Aid.for mission of Ontario cordial- Soldiers ly invites _the co-operation .- _l__ -r--1~`:/\ 1.- LL- .mhemr&m&i1vatus2| v---.._... ._, ...-.~.. .---- .,.. .l_......._._ of the public in the i1n- portzmt work ot'seeu1'ing employ- ment for sol who have been dis- c-liargerl from military service. Clas- ses for the voeatiomil 1'e-edueation oi $`0l(llL`l'S who have been so (lis- ubled as to prevent them from re- sun1in;' their l'ormer occupation are ])l'0\'itiE`(l l'1'ee 01:` cost, and in :1 ion the support of the soldier and his (lepemlents is pi'ovide iluI'in;" the period of re-trziining` and for one month after. Such an institution is xvorthy 01. the support of all patri- otic Cmiadians. The commission is t o1'tunate in liavisg at its hezul the Hon. \V. D. Mc-Pherson, whose sym- pathetic nature eminently fits him for such a responsible position. Readers who require further infor- mation with reg'zu`d to the commis- sion will find an zul\'e1'tisement in another column. (Continued from page 0110) . assured by the ellairnmn that every- thing` was sz1tist acto1'y. That is positively untrue. The question was never asked me, neither did I give? an mlswer to that effect. It was also ` I said, ixu:1<,-'iue their s1'n-prise when a letter :n`1`i\'ed this week stating that the I)e;\z11'tn1e11t had not :1-_"ree,l to the site and aski11g' that :1 plan be submitted .~:h0\vi11_: lay-out of _:`1'0unds. distance 01: proposed school from other hlli1(iiI1f_:'>` and other de- tails. That is :1 private letter, whit-h 1 eeI`l:Iinl_\' did not hund to the Pres~ and the seeret':11'_v u.~su1'es me he did not. To say that the site. does not (`0m]Ii_\' witlx the require- nu-his 01' the l)ep:u't1ueut" is 3 1v0siti\'e 1':1`1.~"ehomI. Tru. .\I':1h=om. I have no Iv-`it-L" for the l`I.\`auniner, but The ('imim'.:m: You ezmimt pull \.L VVI . .u......:{\.. .\v\ in T uu \ u . dm1'1 01'1(`1'. .\[:1_\' I spcalk? The ('h:1i1`1n:m: 1 am not 5.-oiu; to lot you take up :1 brief for the Ex nminor 01,` the Press. Trustee Stop11e11s: Has the I30-.u'd . Ihv mxlscnt for the use of the -`x*_"I`i(-L11I\11':11 :`*.'ound.s as :1 play- ~_-rm1n1 for the B.C.1_. The Cl1ai1'm-.111: T110)` have not yet been asked. J15. .\Inll\'\HIL`\H| . n \ aun Lluu. \v):1 I l `.Ll_\Jll'_: llllll KIIU lll.`.l L"ZL'l1 (llF]1`}lIlLU\A by the Board was not s:1tis1'ar:t01'y to them. Tru~:1r-e .\'t(-]]1(-n:~: asked for i11fr)1'- matinu as to the power posses.`~;el by 111:. Cnunnntnr ' lll(1LAVIll U.` L`! LA!" ]"J\\ Cl. I'll-`.3L'3DL"l I) tho iIlS])(:C'[fJ!`. Tru:~:t(-I: Ii,~,h"r, chairman 01' the bxxilrliiiu ('OII1lniII(:(:. said 311`. W. B. 'I'21ylr;r. ox` -\.il-amlaic, was appointed by the <.-ontmittm: at $4 :1 day. He watrr}u.-d to .~.'r:L- that six to one 01' r-rmr-rc:tv wvnt in, whit.-h was a most imporatnt thin-_'. lie looked after the '_'l'H\'L`i and he 1'(.-portml to him (Mr. Ii,~hcr) that the '_;`ra\'cl was not r-.\'a(-tly what he wanted. 11:: con- li(_'!llnf,`(i the ::ra\'(-I amt now they were u.~;in'_' '_-'r:n'L-l which was xgiving ;~:ati.~.1`a<-timi. Ht: would be called up- on to look a'l'tcr all cIa.s'st.-spt' work. Trustt-c Stephens: Would that re- lieve tho a1'hit(-tc.s of any r0spon:~:.i- bility? VI` 1 1" I "II 1 . |}Ill\..\ c Tru.~u-<- I"ishm': He reports to me on the lu_\"s work and 1 report to the u1'<-hitct-ts. II`._.. 4.. L`4.,.|_.__. \A.,_.lC.,.. 1... Plflflll lU Llllllh Ill, 13 .|l'.`IJUllBI|JlU. Trustee Kin`.-e: I cannot see why Ellis and lillis shonltl Object. It seems to me it is to lheir interest 1.0 have someone like this. The report of the buildinag emu- Inittee was adopted. Militnrv Q91-vim: I.|Il.' lII\'IlILL'l'l3o 'I`1'u.s1-(- Stephen: .-\cconli11 to their letter the urclnitoct dovs not seem to think he is responsible. '1`!-nufnn `(inn-' 1 nnnnnl unn uvhv IHILLUL \\i1b iIll(I[H.lfIlo l Military Service A letter was xieccived from Capt. A. S. Tyndall, Secretary of the Mili- tary/V Service Sub-Committee, in nnswr-1' to the reeommendattion of the Board that H. J. Heath be ex- empted from Military service. The letter stated that if the""Tribunnls decided that a man can be spared from his civil activities the Militia Dept. could not override their I opinion. A lnffnr wnc al-an in:-nivn Fr-nvn Three Months. . .. .. .. . Six Months .. .. .. .. Twelve Months . . . United States Stlbscribers. l1ll.' KIIIIA :~.'iu1]:l_\' rc-cord 1-,. lllUUa A letter was also ieceived from the Ontario Registrar stating that THE NEW B.C.I. SITE .. , Jn July 15th the ar<:hiter.-ts wrote. .'in'_j that the in:~:pcr,-tor zxmxointcd tlurun LIL' klklllllllnllla A\vLl \.l|AIu other c-o11sn'm-tion on 1 knoxv \\'11_`.' you should ` n K".'l. All Kill`, \`-(ls. \\C Lilli \llLL".|' 1.-rm.~ib1n. uml this we take it is 1`.er.~:tz1x1din-_-* 01' the Board. '9 : \vi.~h to place 0u1'.~:(-Ives on i in this lnzlttcr to avoid any ~ mi:~:unr1e1'. The man .u=.'r_- umroimetl may be satis- _\' 10 us. but we u1u.~:t be cer- v 1|. J object. ` out 01 his records indicated that "Air. Heath was allowed exemption untril class 3 was called; and that he was placing the documents forwarded by the Board in his file, so that the in- forination would be there should the case be reviewed at any tiine. Allandale School The Committee of Property and Supply reported that the contract from _\[ol_ t'at & Parr l1ad been amended to pro\'idc for '26 grunge metal for cave-tl'ou_<.-'hin2' at Allan- rlalc School. at an additional cost. of $12, or $156 in all. The report was adopted. Appointment of B.C.I. Principal The Board inter\'ie\\`cd two ap- plicants for the post oi.` principal of the ("olleuiate Institute, to succeed Hr. I-Ienr_\', who has 1'C$lf_"I1(`(l. Their choice l'e1l on Mr. A. H. D. Ross. principal of the Collegiate Institute. at B0\\`l11i!11\ lllC, at :1 sala1'_v of $`2,`200 with an annual increase of $100 till the maximum of .~s-2,400 si reached. Miscellaneous Thc Sec1'cta1'y reported that he had two rzrants of $50 each Froxu the Strntllc-011:1 t1'u;~:t, but he (131 not know which schools were entitled to them. The n1:1tt`o1' will ho y.-`one Into by the 11m11u5_-`enlont co111111itt`o0. I V`I"'L.. L`-L....'I \"......\ ..\...\..LA-..Y 41...`- I U_\' lHL' IIlilIli[`_'UHll Ilb \'LHllllllLl\'\'o The School X11130 1'0p01'te<'I that she had nmde 1702 1'e_~.:'11l:1x' inspec- tions 0| the schools and nluhlilmi the colnplaints from \\'11i('11 some of the ;s(-holzlrs were .~s11l,'l`01'in2'. Sho had 9.1- so nuulo '28 home \'isit.~', It will be :1 matter of sz1tisf:iet'ion to the residents 01' .Bz11'1'ie to learn that the Fire .\Iarsliz11"s ot't'iee have made it th01'o11_<:h investigation into the recent destruction of the Fisher flour mill. Deputy llarshal Co\i'm1. who spent some days i11 town and followed up (-,\'e1'y supposed clue, has given The Advance :1 complete state- ment S1lO\\'il1_'_" his modus 01)e1':mdi. After very c:11'ofu1 i1i\'estie`ati0n he arrives at the conclusion that the origzin 017 the dostrlictive fire was accidental and that it was cmised hy the motor, 01' some mzieliinery 01' wiring di1'eetI_\' Conner-ted with the motor. The 1'0:1.`~:021s he ndduces for his` opinion are based upon reliuhle evidence; and he is to be c0113_-'1':1tu- lated upon h:1\'in~_,-' a1'1'i\'ed zit :1 clear conclusion :1I`tv1' 11;1\`i112` waded th1'0u_-`h :1 ni:i. 01' cmitlir,-tin-4' ru- SIMCOE COUNTY CANNENG KETEEEN} A1` :1 . 1noo1'iu2' 01,` :m vnI:n';_;`- (`:1 oxox-ulivv 011 _\lu11 :1 numhvr 01' 1:l(('.\' \\`o1'o t-luofonl to (:1n\`:1.<.< tho. to\\`11 for help :11` the Kilvllvn this .~nInnuu- >`l|IlllllL'L . T110 lmvn has hcon 11i\'illt` twc-l\'o distI`ir-t.< uml om-1: will have an omm1't'unit_\' 01` in-.'` the \\`01'l;c1'.< 1'01` the Kitcl |'~"`.` "H H M < ment (lo1um1sh':1l01`, (`ll;`.1`-.11` all the limv. o\'u1'_'vIlui11:_~' is (lone i lsiblv \\':1_\'. The list 4 lnot ([11lI(` ('01]1]1lL`I(` :1 l1l5llCll next week. .-\;< has nl1'o:nly l. lllml Crn.<.< Kin-11011 I `})l'()1lll50(l to . : |\`ino_-_-':_11' a.nd cans : A` . ,, ......_. L- L- \ |lll.':_'.LIl Kill`! that is _-_;~i\'e1: sent to the l pitnls in th1'011j_"h 1110 Kitchen. The wo1'kin~_' rogu before then CO1]tlI111(.`Il from 1st ]:z1::`0. !_'.__'fll`(l.~' the 11(w-(-ssity 01.` (:l(`t1Illl11('.~`.~` of l1i,~: mill, 1,-lc<-triu \\'irin~_j` or ('0t'1:ll1lt piping". I 11.111 th1.11'o11-_-'l1ly s:1ti.~.t'ic1,l it. W115 110 C-111'clc.<.~n(-.~s on his 111111 in zl1t_\' \m._\' that led to the fire. How to Prevent Fires "It is to the i11torc. of the viti- '/.<-n.< to he as viuilzmt 21>` ]1().~:~:ll)lc. and to see that :1ll_\'\\':l_\`.~: ;1nl hztck y;11wl.~:. .~tm'<- ltou.~'cs 11111] <:r.-ll:11's. \\'l1cru ]t:|]J(`1'.~'_. lm.\'<,':<, uml other ac- lr-1un1tlz1tirm.~: 1-ollcr-t, are kept 4-leaned up. An ounr,-(~ 01' 1r(:v(-11ti<)1t'is \\'m'LlI :1 ]munrl 111' sure, and in 110 \\'&l_\' is this olrl muxhn b1-nu`.-'l1t mm'c to minrl than in the <::1. of tire. The .\l:1il and l`hn]1i1'c :1 11-w l:1_y.~' 21:1; slnowt,-tl that the t'ir(--1035 for l!)1>'>' is (:nor1n011s-t':tt' in (`.\((1(.`.S of. ztnytltin-_r; on 1'c-(ml, helm: '_-j1'<::1t(_-r ul- r<:aly for the first six month. than last year was: 1'01` the twelve. It stated that some 200 lives are lost umtually and some 500 injured, nud millirms 01' p1'0pc1't_y lost. In H. t`-nu. 1.0` Hun nrlalluntatn H Tu-. K.'llIL`l;\'ll\.'.\ DIILLLF. `LIKE months will be S01nteu1ho1' tnbcr _.\\'lmn tomatoes and will be t-unnod and picl kinds ma-.10. , IllIlIl'IlI.\ `II IIIUIICI IJ Ill-`La I In the fsu.-o n1` HHS (-\'irl(~n<-<- it he- |h0\`(rs (e\'(,~I'_\' citi7.(:n in vity, town nud \'il1::'_v'<: not only to ctY11r-uh: v||i'nl:'cu in the proper care of IlI:lll:h(:h` and in1'l:mmmbl(: nmtt-1'iul.~', but 1lI!~'.() to set: that their lmusrts :n1 I'm-1nI`ic.< and stare ]mll>;(.'.*4, (:(e1l:1l`.~3 uml alloy- wzlys are kt-pl. in the most r,-IL-an tenu- rlitinn ]m.s'.s'ibh.-. Tlu-_v slmulal follow Um mlvim- M` l.h(-ir firv c-hi-I and town ir1spct:t()r, who no doubt :u'1- du- in-,v' their hush under the <:irm1n1stuu- . . 7! lZL'.'$u In the course 01." furtlu-1' conver- sutimn, .\Ir. Cowun ullmlml in mm or two plums he lmd visitod \\'lli('.h he 1'u;;:m1(e,l`~:1s VL-x'it:1hlu fix' One Of Every Dggcription Executed at the ADVANCE OFFICE with Noatneu and Despatch. Luuxo . Sati;~'.fact01'_\' as his doc-isimi is it should not blind 0111' c-yes In the met`. that inceudizu-_\' f'i1'c.< are \':i:~:11_\' on tho increase. \\'hc111o1' Iii('_\` mu` llioir origin to alien sources is [ore 01' less :1 matter 01' cmijecmrc. That fires caused by _"1'0s:I_\' ulishoncsv; ])O1`.~`011s, with tlxe`0hj(-(-I 0| 0})I:lil1i11_" the in- , -.'.gn ..oo..$1.u+.iJ GENERAL PRINTING ill` \\L'\'|\ _ l-n this wn_\' the work will nnl` Full '.`:`.\`ll_\' m|':1ny miv zlml tlw (`:m`~I`ii- lent \\`l10 will he in l1:`.l`*._'\` will l!l. l` ll1:ll- \'01'yIl|i11`_- in Ilio l):' pos- iblv of c:111\';1.~'. is 01 and will he pub- :,.1m.i Ill l'\\'I\ .`|.\. u .u- 1- 11'nnl,- High Class lU4\l ms been . the o.<.< at Il:nnill'm1 lias ~ all .~:.11~;'m-. spices. and and (`\ Cl'_\`Illl11`__'; _g~i\'en to be L`ill1llL`(1 will be C`:11m .\lilit:11'_v Hos- I-`mm -e and Enu'l:1nd. l Hamilton Red Cross 1. l{iIL-lieu will not be : 1'0:ulzirl_\' till A113`. l:3Lll and will \\'0I'1{L`(l by '1(`_\' sliifts. The lmsicst. nml Oc- \\'ll1.`Il toiuatocs cliickcn , .,. . 1.1.1.. . .\`I \\ L l' l\. he 1\ 4` MILL FTRE" 1Ii\'i;lv into 1 I , 1 L x,_, A. '1`-BB V NORTHERN` ADVANCE uu IlII\I ' supply- chcn for I of these was the ruins of the Queen `s Hotel, in Dunlop St. The place was open to e\'er_\' and there was plenty of timber to catch fire. If 3 fire `broke out there and the Wind was blowing` in :1 weste1'l_\' direction the consequences nlight be serious. He also said he haul illspeelml some prelnises at the back of the alley- \\':1_\', by the side of the B:u'1'ie lnn, which he said was a . of (lan- TT, ,;._l ,1 _..,_ , L... ,,. Ll,,_1. :L \\ KIIUII. Ill." Dcllll \\ `I3 (I -`UULKIKT UL \ILlI-I` :_-01'. I-To stated that it was his in- tention to druxv the atftolltiou 01: the .\[z1_\'or to these dn11g`o1' spots. I '\V1lll lllL' KHIJUKK U: ...\ .._ st11'an(~e 11tOl1(`_\'. are otton :tttt'il)utct1 to :tlie.~:s there can he no doubt. But Mr. C0\\'1l`.1 tlrow attention to the fact that the loss fl1I`O11'.'l1 t"i1'es in 1918 is 01/10I`m011.<. being` 2"1'o:1te1' for the six months 01' this _\`ozt1' tlmu the whole 01' last _\'0:u`. The most 1'0- g1`L`tt:1l)lL" t o2ttu1`0 is that ntxttty 01. tlteso tires cmtso the (lostruc-tion of food or maeriztls ttsml for war pur- poses. That these res are all ae- cidontal cattsot he l)(-lievctl for a moment. The tire \\'l:ic~h O(`('111`1'C\.1 last month at the Ontario Paper Compa11_\"s plant near Thoroltl. dc- st1`0yCtl over .$`:')< l.Hl)t,I worth of pulp- wootl. That \\`;1.'< ('l(`(11`l_\' the work 01 an ll)(`O1ltlli11'_\`. 95 the tire is stated to have broken out in sc-\'e1`;1l plac-cs. The Il('.-It"t1("[lO11 01 the flour mills at Alliston h:1.~` mere-r been cloarezl up yet: but we un~ler:t:tm1 that the satue otti-:-i;~.1 who Cilllli` to Barrio has been `lt1'\`('.'~. Il'_':1Ii!1_" this The 1'eg_"u1:11` m0nl'l1l_v pzlckinr: will be Thu1'sr.1:1_\', July 18th. All mn- t1'I.n1tio.ns shoulul be in nm later than \\'(-(in(-sdu_\'. July 1711). T;{|n `lnIII1\I']\;l\U fn ihnun I111- Lllilll \\\'lllI\'3ll(l_\v Vllllj Llllla Life Melnborships to 111050 knit- ting` the 1no: `socks d1u'in'_-` (119 months 0|? .\l:n'(-11, .~\1n'il and .\l:1_\' have been a\v:lr(lv(l to Miss .lnn<-. C:1l '1`1'inil_v A.uxilim'y, ~10 p:1i1's of socks and .\lr.~:. .\`ibb:1lcl Baptist .~\u.\'iil:n'_\`, 38 pairs of socks. 'I`1.n I'nIlnu-in. lnHm- will In: nI' n_ L)illH.l3l; J\lI.\lll1|l_\' * K llIlll'.\ Ill |VI'l\a- The l.'oll0\\'in5_-' lotto!` will lw 01' in- te1'L-st to all tlmsc \\`lm lmvo so _'_:'L'ne1'0usl_\' llolpvrl llw |n'ism1('rs in (le1`1n:1n_\'. C'0rpm':nl Russc-ll is an old l-l:n'1'i(- Boy and \\':1s um-, u|' -urn-iv, Bralm-l1 :ul0pteul l 1'i. 0| \\':'.1'. llv is now inlornml in llollamtl. .\I(I`\ ---lI`Iy I-7L` I~}:n'ri0 B':m<-h Hot] Cross Hm-i(~l_\', Bzlrrio, Ont. Dvau` .\l1's. C:I1 l l<*:1. v(m\'('_\' my H1:mks in H1 ]%:n'1`ic |\ o Crass Sm-i('l`\', I'm` 5 zlmply pm\`i for mu 111 form in (io1'm:n1y. (mu (loos nul. x'c:11l_\' knmv LII _..,_,_..:.. . ' ,,, A ' I ,I. '1 I 1- n A_. \r||\, \|\I\.n nun. 1\,un_\ nuuw I/IIU 1u(*:ming_-' 01' l'ri(-n until he finds their In-lpin_-_:' hand in time of m-ml. In :1 prison vamp \vh(-I'u one is .~:u1'- rmuulud by l):n'I)o(l wire and rows 0L" . and nu news of` any kind_ is rvv(-i\'cl in the vznnp l uI` \\`(-1-ks. it luukos :1 p(,`1'>:0x1 very (-':mk`\'. or in n.~'(- the :u'n1y term |.im-r_\" ; J .:'a.... 1' I4 AL.l. ,..,,, , I I ll III1|l\\'-V 1| lllfl-`Jill \L7l`\ |'Il|Ill\'\I `FL n. lmvv nflml I1-ll. Hull`. \\':l_\' mu! h.'1\'u been (UM 1))'0IIl(`1 (`llzlps lllul` I ookml us if I hml lost all m_\' I'rit-nl.< `hut \'vx`_\` u|'lcn that f'0<-lin'_:' has In-1-n (-.\'}wllv(| by :1 ]Hll`('L`] ;n`ri\'inu' |'mm gH:n'1'iv. X111 [hv <-m1fonl.~'. 01' the pauu it-v! c-}I:u| my moml but sinllnly Hm Hwn \\'m-ls on the label Irmn :u'~ l o ; A lK'. l \\'1111l1l like to :_-'i\'1` you :1 lilllu |. 111' 0111' 1*1111li111111l:1| l11111', lml. {I11 . \v(111l1l 111112111 11:1;',`(*.< ll1:1L 111i1_~'l1t ]11`11\*1` li1'i11_'_" to 111:1. .\'11 1l1111l11. 1111- 11111111121 l1:1\'1- l)111111 \1'11ll i11l'0r1n1-11 l11l' the 1'11111lili011 01' ]11'i.x`1111('1*.s i11 (lor- 111:111_\'. 1 11111111" it will I111 l1:11'1l to be- lieve 5111110 01. 1.110 1'1-ports, for l,l1o.s1- 1\'l111 l1:1\`1- 11111 5111111 tho ;11`lu:1l 1-1151-,.~ 111' 1-1'111-ll_\' 13011l1l l1z11'1ll_\' i111:1:_1'i11o the '11.\'I1111t tho so `21ll(,'1l c11ll111'01l people will go to. \`v . . ,1- .- .1 .. ulu ;__',U LU. >\\'o had :1 fine 1'cL-'c1>l.i011 from thel pr-oplc 01' the llil`_1llC_. mid are niaulul |\`(`I'}' <'m1il'm'l:1l)lo. but still lll(`1'(' is n lis:-mitmitiiiviil that will 1101 be inmislictl as Inn-_-' :15 we are held out 01' 1110 `_~ :1mc. Tlw mutuzil m'_v hora is l l"l';n-lc to the Fmiit." x,__ __. ...I,, n. l\Hl_'_'_. -\u'.~s. .H(`.\1:l1'l,lIl. l';00|{- Iu-.'~.}-:-x', .\Ii.<.< L.-1\\'rmw(`. Thv Cvntml T']xoouti\'o 01' the 'T\`od Cross has .~:m1t, out: an nmwnl for F11-nvln Day, July 1-111), and in :111- .<\\'(-r to this :1pponl the }.:*i1'ls 01' the Snluliors Aid will hold :1 Flag I )n_\" July 1 _ th and H111. It`. is hop- m] that (*vo1'_\'o11o will be 1'o:1d_v to '_"i\'r- bit to help out our l)1':n'o A ll_\', I*`ranr-0. Donations .\'nt11rd:1_\', July tith: Hh:mt_\' I:I_\ , l"l)\\'(-rs; Om St:lt.i()n. HQ dnzc-n 0'.-"_"s, `lftth lino l`:\ins\\ i<'k. $1.01!, 7 rtozon (".1L`.\ ; I\'_\', $(i.`._ 5. lfllllllflln Hlmp (TmnmiH(-0 this \v<-4-k. Mrs. I :1_\'n<.-, Mrs. ( i:H`\'in. Next \vo0l<. .\Ir.<. P. l{in_-_-'. Mrs. .\l<-.\[:n'l,in. Book- \r: .. 1 szuspir.-ion. .-`.i the 55.11119 Iimr: it would be well to mllow the at1\`ir.-e of 311`. Cmx-an and keep clean all alleyways and places '-vht.-rr: paper and rubbi;~.h are :-;tored. with the objr.-r.-t 01` re- ducing the likoliimod of an at-r.-iden- tal outbreak or fire to a. mE.~.imum. II. is a serious rmk-ction that while patriotic citi7.r2n:~: xnay do their best to save and r.-on:~;cr\'c the foul fielnd of fire may f1(:>.l1'()_\' in an hour or two more than a. whole r.-onnnunit_`,' has saved in a year. A boy unnlml llormun Bmmlcaux. son of :I l"1'om-I;-('zImuliun I`(`llll'l1(*<| S()l(li(`X', liml in \\'(all:m.] l1n.~'pit:I|. Hm rc-sull of h('illf_',' run ovvr by un auto. Hem`,-_"v .\lill-I` 01' (`:uml<-n lawn- ship lms. In-1-n arrested on :1 vliuxj-_:'(-,' 0|` biv-_-"unny. It. is :I.(`,'_:`('(l 111- murnin-I .\|ise~; l (-url Smith nim-_vv:1rs :1}.-'n and llu-n rm-1-nll_y n1.-u'ri-'l Miss J".|n.-1 S11.-1\\'. Sillltrlltl l\'n'/.:nmwl\'i. (-n1pln_\'m`I at the (,`:mmli:m Sl,L-'1,-,1 'l<`0undI`)'. \\'<-Ikuul, \\':l:g('l`lIHll1!(l to (IOIIHI by two piles 01' stool, five tons in \ \'('i,`_"lll -lm-sin: {tr},-'vl,l:m' with him lwt,\\'(-4-n H11.-m. Thu )'(*p()I't. of the uH'n~i:~:lvr uf Inh- nr on the (-051. 01' ]n'udu(-,linn of l)rvm1 in (/nnzulu (luring the nmnlh of April slmws nn ill('.|'(`llS(' in cost. at" om-,-tenth of :1 (want u pound. us mm- pnrcd with the previous. month. After s11H'(a1'in',: since Vit-.t,m'iz1 day from burns l'C(5(.'ivo(1 when her cloth- ing caught firo from burn`in;_: ;.v;rns.~4. seven-yum`-old osiu I*`vkc1.i(-,, of Thomld, died at the g(-ncrnl and uuu-inc lnospitul. St. Cu.Llun'im-,s. The summer school for Lem-,hc1':-`. now in session at the Ontario Agri- cnltllral aolleb-_-`e has some I'ou1"lmn~ drod in attendance. the largest num- ber on record. RED cRos 153r1~:s l\ 1|! lllL' J'lUHl. \'(-ry six1-m'vl_\' _\'0u1's, (".pI. I-`. J. P. Russelll I\ 1Iuun.y. ms k ..C._ . I. _._ I 2.. A3, ilpli .\In_\' `_"_!m1, HHS (`I-nu.- Kn:-;nl \' 0 1 , nu .. r-m..... Traps two places in Barrio whit-li he regrarrls as Vt-rimble fire traps. One of those is the disreputable looking heap of debris ,fo1'min-_: the ruins of the Queon s Hotel, to which we have called attentios b(~t`or(-. Be- ing free of access to an_vbod_\ and containing a largo quantity of ma- terial which could be easily fired, he regards this spot as a source of danger. It is due to owners of ur- rounding property that this potcstial danger should be removed from our midst. If this were clone it would be a relief to the occupants of noi:_vhbor- ing houses and would be getting rid` of what is now an ugly eyesore. lhu 1:1)? Lllu 1 Constantine of Greece And He Proved a Coward Oobooooooooooooooohooau .oo.n_uo..o9.o_oo.u_u`oo_u`._oo_o 5.0 v.o1'o4` I . Q Knew Prussian Desngns `C 4`; \\.\ \ \\ \ \3`\ \\\\ \ \ \\`\ \\.\ \\.\ \\`\ \` Q s \ N March, 1914, Kaiser William of Gerlnany visited his castle on the Island of Corfu, and while then: he had an int.m'viuw with thr- leaders of the pro-G0x'mzu1 party in Greece to ascertain -`Lho position that their country would tukt: in the com- ing l war. This fl.Si()llH(HiIL piece of inl'm'ma.t,imi is tfollillillt-ti in Demetra 'VzLku's hock, "In Iiw HUELVF. of Gftflllllll lnt,ri;we," and it .v.tu.mls4 as another itmn of .-vidnnm-, if any more evidence is requirml, Ihut. HID, German war lord:-z "Jud mmlce d-libr-r- ate p1'ep:u':Lt.ionH to launch the wnrlvl War four years :u;n. Thu ziulimrc-.v.:4 did not secure hnr facts; in n. (:irvum- stautizil nmnnnr. Dr. St:-nit anti (2:-n. Doummmin, the two is-mllrw, HpiI'H.'-'. oi` the little group of mv-n known as: the "Occult, tlrrvcarnmc-nt." who mm trolled the pI`U-U-Cl`lll:I,n puliv-y at King (.`.0nHt,:Lnlinc:, both mlunim- in` her that it, was th '-. truth. l`\n-uni.-n Klulrn (n -. {'.-....I. I... L`.-I I. HUI` l.lliLl, ll, WELH Ill 5 l,l'Ill[]_ Demutrn. Vuku In .1 (zrm-k by birth! but. she has Hpunl ITIUHI. of hr-r Iifc: In the Unllt,-(1 Status and in murrir-cl to am Ann -ricnn, Mr. `Kr-,mu-Ih Izmwn. All through the c-.n.rly (|:I._Y.. of lhv` war. Mrs. Brown. who still IOVIHH ht-r. native land, tell, that. the Ur!-.,-k.=-. Wvrisl Inimlndt-rHt.0ml, and mu: (:nm;c:ivr:vl that Quixotic idem. of using hm` lnflm:n(:=.- to rt.-concile King (}unx'.tn.ntim: uni!" I ULLCU. 5 At first Mrs. Brown liked Kiug Constantine on account of his per- sonal charm. Then she began to dis- cover signs of pettiness and crafti- ness. As she learned more and more I of his kna-very, she began to fear that he was a coward, and came at last to the conclusion that cowardice was the keynote of his character. He wanted to be an autocrat, and at the same time he feared the Kaiser and the`Prussians, especially ,after the Kaiser gave him a glimpse of the preparations that Germany was mak~ ing for the war. Dr Streit, a Greek with Bavarian ancestors, worked throughout the war entirely in the interests of Germany, and was the right-hand man of the Queen of Greece in her intrigues. Annnrino` in T\/Tv-a T1:-nuvn fhn y x Venizelos in order that the unhappy` country, once consolidated, might play a heroic part in the struggle.` Mr. and Mrs. Brown paid a visit to Premier Lloyd George, and he gave his blessing to their undertaking. It was only after many delays that the: Couple Brown, as the Greeks call-=. ed them, arrived in Athens in March, 1917. Then began a. battle of wits in which Mrs. Brown endeavored to: nd the truth about the situation in Greece. She was prejudiced in favor of King Constantine, and her first? business was to interview all the: leading royalists. She was prepared? to nd that they were acting in what| they believed to be the best interests ` of Greece, but as she cross-examined; them her faith in the possibility of al reconciliation between the two par-; ties in the country gradually weak-i ened. ! A4 R...- \l ...~ T) .... ..._ 1.-1...: *r.':..... \Il'U'L`.CU lll lH.'l' IIILPISUUS. According to Mrs. Brown, the most able and most dangerous enemy of the Allies was Gen. Dousmanis. He was on the side of Germany be- cause he believed in autecracy, and thought that a victory for the Ten- tons would strengthen King Constan- tine and put the power into the hands of the ruling classes. His ideal was to have Greece a powerful and wealthy autecrztcy, moulded on Prussia. Gen. Dousmanis described to Mrs. Brown the Teutonic idea of u uniiied Central Europe. He drew a mark around a part oi. Austria, and said: This will be the Kingdom of Austria, with a Hapsburg for a. king." He circled Bohemia. This will be the Kingdom of Bohemia, with 11 king of its own; let us say, the second son of the Kaiser." Bos- nia. Herzegovina. Dalmatia and Cro- atia be enclosed together. '.l`his will be the Slay kingdom, where all the Serbs will go to live, wit.h, let us say, the fourth son of the Kaiser as its king." Roumania. Turkey and Hungary each formed a separate kingdom. The greater part of Ser- bin be enclosed with Bulgaria, while Greece was to have a` small part of Serbia and . "lbania. All these kingdoms we to bear the same -relation to the German` Empire that Bavaria does. and `each king- dom was to be developed into an up- to-date and emcient military nation. Gen. Dousmanis oven hinted that when the men first dreamed this dream, they believed that the United States, then a. totally-unprepared na- tion, might be forced by Prussian methods to nance the shemo.. THURSDAY, JULY um, 191$ KING CONST.-\.\`Ti X E. has been im-orporniml by the Prov- ince oi Ontario for the pxnrpmte of,v' to r<.-instnlv off- l'ir'<-1'.~' zmcl nu-n in r-ivil li)'<-. 1':-1ur'n`r r\1I1ul"n'nm (inn ml" work of .'s`(E('lll`ilI'_:` H()ll(3T.~: who hi! w- frmn military snrvi Trnn A rnrnxr A 1' v vun .1 Lu (`Lu 1. 11:11.11` LLV U` (7l:1.'~;.=s(-5; for tho vrwntinmul r(-.-(-I1*.1- nnlirm nl' : who }mvI- hm-n so tlisnhlml 51.; to pruvvnf, them from rc- sunuingr their Fornwr lH'I'IIp$1H0h~` arr-. pI`fpVi!l(',(l f`:-(at: nf' rat, and in all- tlilinn, the I-mppnrt of H11: :4oMir~ r and his II('p(.'rIIl('r)?,.'-'. is pmvirlr-rl rlvnrirnzfq Hm pt-rim! of rl'fr:Iir:ir);r and For one nmnth nftler. L`.._Al_,, ` |l|`l'l|r|F '|I|"'. I"In'Hu-r ini't:rrn;:tiun :1: to ('()TH`-`,f','~K rrm_y bu 0}:f,i)irII'(l Frrnrn W. W. Nichol, Snperinmndent of Educar tivm, .116 College Street, Toronto. `DPT TF1` TVTYITYI LIIIJIJLLIL LIJLVJJ I)mmiirm.=: for the il-.'s'i'-`T511 !/'1 .mMiI-.r:< fnrrnilit-'-1 in ft-rnpnriury fr:-gs will hr: fhnnkt'ull_y fl'('('i1"'I in-krnmvlwlgl-II, nnll rshrmlrl hr-. pnynhlv to tho rm!`-r of r,'nre l LLun.u I15 111.6. I `116 COLLEGE S'I'., TOR/JNTO 'f':Jp.v.'I~.;...A `IT hbluf. fNoT1c1-: TO CREDITOR , Lnu; :4 Q J er.-an Fire has drawn attention to one or

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