Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Jun 1918, p. 3

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SINN PBIN `Ye lie when ye say ye Irish are! Wat Judas suckled in Mullingar? G2...` Wain I CARD FOR FEMALES French? l-l Iv pun. .......... _....., ...._._,_., ___ , , , "" by "` " ` Canada Registration Board : RURAL DELIVERY OR PO51` OFFICE _:__ 15.Considering your haallh. training and oxperiencs, and the national needs, in wh:\t_capacity do you think you could serve best? __..____._...____.________ _ 16. Do your circumstances permit you to give regular} full-time service without remuneration? HOW to ncgxa LC: The procedure of registration is simple. The questions upon the registration card can be answered verv easilv. but they must be answered truthfully . State length of _ox- penance, If any, m: (a) General farming. ` (b) Truck farming. .. '(c) Fruit farming .... (d) Poultry farming. (3) Dairy farming... . TRUEI.|.!B.E . lndicata here any qualification or practical experience v possess. not already recorded. . T ale, British or alien, of sixteen years or over, must attend , and there observe the procedure explained below. I W . n l _ _- ` uuacxvx: LIIG .u.u\.\.uu-nu. ....r..__ How to Register .A...... A6 n-aistralion is siml mended. On his asking for time in which to gather up the necessary `amount the magistrate volunteered a. loan of the amount, saying that the man looked too decent to be sent to prison. Visiting and Business Cards printed at The Advance oice,w~here orders for all kinds of general print- ing will be` -promptlv executed. -Picture framing 8. specialty by W. A. Lowe & Sou. L-----:l TO Bl FILLED [H BY DEPUTY RIGIIYIAR AneL_ _..........._...____._._....__.___ Signature of Registrant. (21) Drive a tractor? .... (b) Drive a motor car? (:) Drive a horse? ~... (d) Harness a horse )... (:)) Do plain cooking?.._. _r Entering the store of a jeweler in Montreal yesterday, A. Bonneau, a returned soldier, -is stated to have demanded money from him and on his refusal beat the jeweler into in- sensibility, subsequently taking his clothes and burning them in a yard. 5 which you` T I I T U- APPLIANCE - :sPEJcIALII_%ug New Invention Retain: Rupture ` Without Knife. Danger or Pain. Old-fashioned galiin .-slipping trusses and -torei mail order me eds are done away with by e wonderiul invention 0! a Canadian =.speciallst who has devoted to this one -study. The marvelous new .-gives instant retention, rest an -others have tailed. it xgevents all irritation, restores every part to i natural sition as soon as it is used. and old style sees are thrown away. Egan's "Curstrus" is intended ` no assist nature to close the openingln the short- -est time known without an operation and at `small cost. Testimonials from men, women and parents. Nothing complicated. No inconveni- -ence or loss 0! time, but just a natural retentive method. It costs you nothing to investigate. Delays ma be dangerous. Now is the time to guise _ygur_ _el!_gh_y__sicallx1it (_)r.your daily york. in nnnrln security where are E6 an "CURATIIUS" * Wednesday and Thursday, all day and night. memoa. Lt coma yuu uuuuug w ...n..... .. ma; 1.ln1a'3 ` ur mske yo Test off coupon now. an phyalcnl}ylg(2r`1o1;g;&1iyork. Two Days Only, June 12 and 13. J. Y". EGAN, SPBCIALIS below. den 0! stamp! 5 room. Now 3:63. ' Free demons . Ask at hotel omce tonny 'I` win. visit the towns thtlon and examina- amp! 5. All `Barrie, Wellington Hotel W8` auuas sucnueu m Au.uAAuA-D'uL ; Sinn Fein! Sh-all :1 queen have a begar s bed- ding? _ Shall the deer lie down with the pack? ~'Sha1l the sunburst rise for the spreading Of the cold north wind and the wracki `Shall the Irish thrush be wedding n'r:u.. L1... 4...... I-`nnml mdhn-rs hlaakq SPECIALIST WILL demonlthdon mm of anmnles. for my l;_rsdgy,'Ju;:e 13th, 1913 ' Ir g@@@@@@@@@@@&&@@@@@@@@@@% E@&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Ulilll Sinn Fein! are Irish through and are made from Government Standard Flour and in accordance with the regulations of the Canada Food Board. The McCormick Manufacturing Co: Limited -----_._ ..__-no-an nuvu-n vuAt\rI\t\!\!1 I'I'\Nf`I'\l"|N| FANATWA I [Iv Avlvvn naaav-.3 nv--cg---- -.--.-_ .._... _ , _, , GENERAL OFFICES AND FACTORY, LONDON, CANADA BRANCH wuumousns Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston, Winnipeg, Calgary, Port Arthur, St. John, N.B. 73 uni -John 0 `Keefe `Shall the lrxsh tnrusn be Weuulug With the two-faced vulture black? Ye traitor to Erin, traitor to Christ! Ye traitor to clean souls sacrificed! Sinn Fein! Jersey Cream Sodas lambs, now Brigadier-General C. J. Hoare, of- ficer commanding the Royal Air force-, has left for overseas. I Sergt. John Lawrie, one of Port Hope s.oldest and most esteemed citizens, passed` away at the hos- pital. A child welfare station is to be opened in Kingston on the 18th by the Kingston branch of the Victor- ian Order of Nurses. There are 40 Italians in Brant-~ ford, and some of these have never had any papers to show that they are aliens. ` That there will be a bumper apple crop in Brantford district is assur- ed, providing there are no sever: `frosts in the next few days.` In Kingston police court S. C. Davis was fined $600 and costs for having liquor for sale in his house. He sold whisky for $5 and $6 21 bot- Itle. A large number of aliens were given exemption at a sitting of the Toronto appeal tribunals on the ground that they were not n-atura=1iz- `A Charles A. Thompson, an expert machinist, 64 years of age, an old resident of Newmarket, died at his hdme after a long illness. | 111 mu: ulu.A_ vlluv ~.... ......_,.- water- i In the innocent fairies mead- .Ye have knelt as the madman s daughter Went sowing the poison weed, And its stem is thy; spear of slaughter And its seed is the devil s seed! Ye traitor to altar, traitor to fame! Ye traitor to Belgian babies slain! Sinn Fein! A I_{ingston man named Tuggry, a delivery driver, was found dead in his bed by his wife whgu she re- turned to her home. The Liberals of Toronto now talk of contesting Hon. Dr. Cody s election. Capt. Elias Casey, for more than 50 years a captain oh the great lakes ldied at Coburg, red 91. l Mrs. Wm. Ballantyne, a lifelong resident of Downie township, pass- ed away Sunday at the age of 60. Charged with theft and with hav- ing morphine in his possession, Ray- mond Morton,, Toronto was arrested last week. A mission from the United States investigating the vocational training of returned soldiers {vas welcomed to Toronto at a. civic luncheon. ` Eleven-year-old William Ablettl was drowned in the Don, Toronto, mid another boy was saved by Harry Drake, aged 15. Iieresng . Items Heavy rain `in the Agawa canyon caused much damage to the tmck and bridges on the Algoma Central railway. ` Lic-ut.-Col. H. c. s. Elliott, c.A.M.l C., of Toronto, has been appointed to command No. 13 Canadian gener- al hospital in France. In the t1;rf that the saints tears` _._L..- Lieut.-Col. Ethenington, 0.C. No. 7 Queen s general hospital in France, in the area bombed a second time by Hun aviators, cables: Nurses all -well. Conditions good. Murray `Currie and Morgan Wil- liams, aged 12 years, were drowned in the Otter river at Eden, three miles from Tillsonburg. Hence-forth the German army is have three meatless days weekly. 12:-.. r1,......... Lac 1-...+ :n4-A n-F1 -'nn1 have three meatless uuys wuumy. King George has put into effect a rule releasing all men up to 35 years of age in the royal households. 1 Penny postage in Great Bnitain has ceased after a. life of 70 years. Three half pence is now charged for A`./H" nrir 1nH`n1-E 1111151: u'LuL pcuuc ordinary letters. The lord-lieutenant of Ireland is- sued a proclamation asking for 50,- 000 voluntary recruits, and there- after 2000 to 3000 monthly to main- ;ta.i.n the Irish divisions. [ccormickis Sold by Leading Merchants Everywhere . . . I For purposes of scientific excava- tion and archaelogical study in Pal- estine and Mesopotamia after the war, a number of prominent British scientists have organized a commit- tee to found a. school of archae- ology at Jerusalem. James Bell, aged 20, who fell into 9. vat of boiling wax -and oil at the Imperial Oil works, Sarnie, on May 23, has died at the hospital. He was a. former member of the Canadian Expeditionary forces. `Shall ye butcher the I-xln.-.:Hntr Two sailors, Louis Lalonde of Cornwall and John Flanigan of Brockvillehwere taken off the pulp- wood board S. Marshall by the Do- ,.7Z_.. _..`I:.... ..l- l"1n:-u-A13 ant` }IP`f` wuuu 'uuuu u. uu.m...... .,_, ...... _- minion police at Thprold and held as clefaulters. The gift of one million pound_s`,_ voted `by the British house of com- mons for the relief of suffering caus- ed by the explosion of the munition ship Montblanc at Halifax last win- ter, has been received in Canada. The body of Oliver B. McCready was found lying in the Michigan Cen tral yards at Montrose. He is be- lieved to have stepped in front of one train while avbiding another. '\K7in-ninm-r : hurl-my-a urn nmnn- one Lralu Wlllle &VUlUlIlg QLIIUIJIUI. Win'nipeg s barbers are demand- ing an increase in wages and shorter working hours, and threaten `to strike unless their demands are met tomorrow. The campaign for 3,000 volunteers for farm labor in eastm Ontario, 1000 of Whom must be available by the end of this month, opened at Ottawa. Anthracite coal equal in quality and much nearer to Toronto than the Pennsylvania mines is thought to have been discovered in Canada by H. A. Harrington and T. D. Dun- lop, of Toronto. The sister-in-1-aw and two children of W. H. Gregory, Stratford drug- gist, are thought to have been on S. S. Carolina, which is reported sunk by submarines. The Toronto board of police com- missioners decided to cancel the li- cense of moving picture theater own- ers who rent their theaters to Inter- national Bible students for Sunday meetings. . | The bod of four-yea1'-o1d George Colson, Montreal, son of a. soldier at the front, missing for the past two days was recovered yesterday I in a disused quarry, in which he had ' been drowned. John Prince, a returned soldier, whose former home was in Belle- v-ille, and who with his wife and two children resided in Kingston since his return from the front, was drowned yesterday morning. CJUISIL J0 IJLII/LrIl\-L v--v ------ bleating, A ' Till the Mother shall stand agape? `Shall the brother you kiss in greet- mg Be the slant-browet murder-ape1._ ,Are your babes for the tiger s eating Q... Hm Hnn Hmv mnv ose:me`I Dr. C. K. Clarke, medical superin- tendent of the Toronto General hos- pital, will sever all connection with the General Hospital, other than his work in the outdoor department, within the next six weeks. The old Somer hotel on Danforthi avenue, at the corner of the Ken- nedy road between Toronto city lim- its and Scarboro Junction, was visited by fire, and was burned to the ground. On information from the chief of police at Ingersoll, Herbert. Sinclair was arrostetl at London while driv- ing a sorrel horse and a buggy which he is alleged to have stolen from a liveryman -at Ingersoll. Percy Reynolds, aged 21 years, was placed under arrest in Belle- ville on :1 Warrant issued at M-adoc village, charged with a. most serious offence alleged to have been com- mitted on Sunday night near the vil- lage. At the opening session of the Mid- dlesex county council some of the councilors expressed the opinion that . Marsnau Dy uu: un- in view of the charges which have been made recently against the Y.BI. C.A., the grant of $30,000 which was promised from 1310 county be with- held until matters are cleared up. A ......`.-.-n-nan knnvnnn kn 'vIner\I1vn_ HCIU. uuuu ILIIIDLCKS LU UlCKIuLUll uy. A conference between the resourc- es committee and resprese'ntvat~ive Ontario millers will be held at the parliament buildings, Toronto, on June 13 to make final arrangements for carrying out the comm-ittee s plan to encourage the manufacture of a standard stock feed in the prov- 10. What is your present main occupation? (1) If in business as employer, state number of employees. (b) lfanemployao,sta1omma, business and address of employer- (c) [Hull-time voluntary worker, state name of Society served. 1. Nunointu8(awnanola0`L -l`e Danes I01` Lllb urge; a cm.u.5 So the lion they may escape`! `Ye traitor to freedom, traitor to man! Ye traitor some day to your own mad clan Gin... 'li`.-n! .. .-..__.._.._I _ 5. British sub 6. Are you single? married? widow? '- ------ ~~~- ~-2---- -- -.....:- uImu...... A G HT` WU IIIIUIIK lllllllvul I-nuvu. _ . - _ . . . _. 7. How ehildnzn ot wards Willthasa chilgiron be recorded under 1 by another regnstranl? _ _ . ... g . n, _ ,__,_A.; __.. ll _...-"luau! In niun IIFIIIBI I! u, u........... ...,..... 8. Do r haanh and home ties permit you, If raquired,to give Iul|- `me paid work ? fnnnfnlrsnh :nuwntinn"'NO hero. need not answer any of the Illl up It OI czru. l"\II uman a-gu mm u-um.-.., 9. Do your circumslznous pennit you to live away from home? OnJune22nde'verypenonresiding in Canada,maIe or female, 1 one of the registration booths located in his or her district, am `It: - I1 L __3_;____ Vvnere I0 ncgnancz --.. .. -- _--,,__ _, 7 Every person required to register has the privilege of `registering at any of the public places provided for that be purpose. The location of all such places will be very easily, they specied in proclamations posted conspicuously. and fully. The card shown in the illustration is a facsimile of the registration card for females. An advertisement showing the card for males appears in another paper. `Study the questions carefully so that you will be able to answer them promptly when registering. If you have any special qualification, or feel that` your services would be more beneficial to the country in some other line -of work, say so. While all are compelled to register on Registration Day, it is not contemplated by the Government to force the sick, feeble and agedto turn out. If such persons will notify the Registrar prior to June 22nd of their inability to attend at a place of regiitration, an effort will be made to register them at home, provided the request is reasonable and justified. Runuaberthe Day-*Juae22ud'-Rcmemlner the Hour:-7 1 0 pm. Register early and getyour Certicate for your own protection. r..-..-.l I... auolmritv of n, N _ _1_ n __3__`__,_;`___ 11"`"-| 241- full-{Ema work ? {Registrants ' NO hora need any ollowing qucslionul answering` YES"or, If in doubt, should ll up rest ofcard. NI must sign afrmatuon.) .. Hm; enuau frnrn hm-nn9 .z. . sum particulars ofoach. if you have In Tmdn nr nnimsinn? '80 ye open the dawn with thunder, Till the buried of ages stir, And ye stand, from the worldl asunder, Half coward, half panderer, `While the h2'1rp s voice dies, drowned under By the trumpet of Lucifer! - 6:110 paruculals ul uuuu, u yuu uuvnl (a) Trade or profession? (b) Dogma, diploma or cartisalo? (c) Special training? as .1 .11- _:1.`-.1 A1. I_qinn that I have veried the above answers and that they are true. (I2) BPOGIII uillunur ___.. E YC3lluI.IAau uvvu-n -van..- ... ..._ . Where to Register non {egister 2 Procedure pf Registration I7dll,VIl6}l\rIl\ -.-.3-mu. . . . bybirth? nafuralization? marriage? _____--401 ..'I onnrnnrl can you speak English? ; L-Jpn .__x 1:-.. Q1918` It was reported by the hospital au- thorities of Toronto, that little or no hope was held out for the recovery of F. M. Holland, former manager of :the defunct Dominion Permanent` Loan eampany, who was taken to the VVellesley hospital in a precarious condition. ~rn_1.......1 11721--.. ...1... ucvnn 4`:....A Q17 COIIUILIUII. Edward VVilson, who was fined $17 by Magistrate Brunton in the York county police court for being drunk and disorderly, proved to be short of funds to such an extent that he was uriable to make the payment de- CANADA REGISTRATION BOARD Ye say ye throug through Not till Iscz1riot s Irish too. Sinn Fein! 1.... r

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