Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Jun 1918, p. 1

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Trinity Church D05RS-California sugar pine doors, all the standard sizes. Ready for immediate delivery. HARDWARE FLOORINCn-We are agents in this district for the celebrated SEAMAN KENT Flooring. None better made. Booklet supplied giving full instructions on how to lay the ooring and care for it. FIR FLOORlNG-Made from choice British Columbia Fir, clear grain stock. Superior to white pine, and cheaper. I These _are but a few of the many lines we are supplying g. to people in town and country. \Vrite for prices and other ` information. `rmon. -7.00--E\`eLnng prayer and ser- v\1r\I\ 111011. Everybody welcome. Rev. H. D. R:1_vn10m1. Vicar. YOUR BUILDING NEEDS TE OF CANADA `MONEY IN CATTLE LIMERICK wmmm RECEIVES $5 cuLn1Ec_E Sunday. June 16th Can be"best supplied by The Ball Planing Mill Co. . . . I National (le1nan(ls make 1t essentlal ~tha`l: more cattle be raised im- 'mediatel_V.. \Ve must go on or go 'under--tl1eu1'es't way to go under -is by not keeping the Allied armies `fed. . ' The profit of raising cattle is `enormous on account of the prices now prevailing` and -pricesfwill con-' Ttinue higl) even after the war. fRs.isc more cattle as a duty to the "nation and your bank account. If finanelnl help is'required, consult `oulj local Inaxiager. H _ BI.rrievBra.nch,.A. LESLIE, Manager 'Coo'kst'o_wn L. B. AVERY, Manager. Thornton W. T. HODGSON, Manager PARTICULARS W111: BE FOUND ON PAGE 4 SOME SPECIALS : READY TO WELCOME - GOVERNOR-GENERAL `Full Programme Arranged -F `Presenta- tion of Address -- Visits to Insti- I tutions and Garden Party The arrangements for the reception of thc Dukc and Duchess of Devon-. shire to Barrie are now pr-acticallyi completed and their Exccllencics are] assured of u'hen1't_v welcome. Upon the arrival of -the train, at 3.30 on Tuesday, the V'icc1'eg'nl party will be received at the dctpot by the Rcccpt-i ion Con11nit_tcc, comprising 1nembctrs' of the Town Council, County Council and citizens. A procession of autos, led by the Marshal, Major Cowan,l and band, will `be formed and pro- cecd to Quecn s Park, by way of Dunlop St._. Elizabeth St. and Highll 2+ | \1 -Upon arrival at the park a large. -number of school cllildren will sing the National Anthem, led by tl1-c I bnml. The civic address will be read in the Paviliori and a welcome to the . town will be extended by Mayor { Sprott, to which the Governor-Gem I era! will reply. The school cl1il(lrcn,f` under the direction of Dr, Arnall, ( will render a. chorus and a number 7 of frirls will go through a drill, under y tl1e direct-ion of ;\Iiss Burriss. This 5.` will he followed by a reception of _( 1'epresentati\'es of civic bodies, war l veterans and other societies. '1 . .. W r . . . . I rm.- .1...t............1.n,1 1 '1 I vcterzuls and Omar SOCIULIUS. 'The (list-i ng'uisl1e(l visitors will` then procc-c-(l by Park St. and Small St. to the R. V. Hospital. After mak- r ...,..m,,+:n.. M` flvle Qncfifnf-inn \EvI=_RETHLu_)1-:RsToRM\ St. to the Li. \ . nuslnizu. nun .u..n~ ll1_`_" an inspection of this institutvion they will visit Simcoc Hall, Allan- (ll1l(`, proceeding by way of A thunderstorm passed over Barrie just n1`tor 9 o'clook on Tuesday ni_ whih was remarkable for the vivid i 1_i<:11tni11g'. It appeared to be flash'n1_r I'm all directions, and the rain came .:-..... :.. +m..-.-m+c Af hm mim1fo.=. THOS. ROGERS All kinds of dressed lumbcf, oor- Iing, ceiling, oak ooring, moulding and trim, B. C. shingles, rough lum- ber and joisting on hand.. Dressing, and all orders receive prompt attention. Oice Phone 163. Ron. Phone 359 Im all mreenons, uuu uw mu. uunuv `down in torrents. At ten minutes past nine there was :1 terrific crash and instzuitly all the lights in the town went out. Then the brilliance of l the lis:litnin_ showed up all the `more The storm came from the -Slltll-\\'(3St and passed off in the direction of l Orillia, lasting less than half an hour. ['po1i enquiring: of the Electric. Ljgrht Depzirtment the Advmiee wtis inl o1'm- L (l that the reason of the ll;_1`lliIS l)e'in_:: extingruislietl was that the automatic switr-hes had been loosened by the I liulittiimgr, as far as Fifty miles away. The `power was only off for thirteen minutes. Heavy rain is reported to have fallen in the {S`t1'o1ul (ll.s`t1'l(?t. --Oilcloth Squares and Cougolcum ~ `Rugs, all sizes at Douzall Bros. 5 ' U\\L`ll 0|/., uuu 1 LlUl.H.' J.Ju.uaA._v. . ..... l The Duke and Du`c}1ess_w`il1 next , ` go to the Red Cross garden party, by , 1 way of Dunlop St., Louisa. St., Blake - S.t, Charlotte St, Collier St., Bay- Elfield St., VVel1ington St., to the Red 1 Cross garden party, in the grounds of Mr. A. Leslie, at the top of- .Clapperton St. 1 rl I`hn \'im'n-mrn] nnrfv will Innxm Ross St., 1lorox1to St., Elizabeth St., `Bradford St., Essa St., BuN;on Av., iWi1liam St., to Simcoe Hall . I I`lan X/'nax-an-ul hcn-fv uvlll flvnn urn... | \`Vl11lilIll DI, L-U |JlllJ.l.'Ul: 1.Lau | The V'ice1'eg'al party will then pro- 'cced to Red Cross rooms, Elizabeth St., via \V'illiam St., Burton Avc., Essa St., Bradford St. They will next I inspect the Field Comforts Rooms, v Owen St., and Public Library. l l`1.n T\ nnil 'nui`nlanee nfill nnvf. LAIHIIIIULLUIL OD: * l The \'~iee1'egn1 party will leave Barrie at 6.30 for Orillia. - 4 ` Order of Procession The order of procession will be as follows:-llarslml, Boy Scouts; Band, \'ieereg'al party, with \VarE fV'etc-runs acting as escort, Reception Comm-ittee, Town Council, Board of `Trade, Judges, Menlbers of PVarli:i'-` _ment, Clergy, Board of Education, 5 Separate School Board, County Conn? _eil. Parks Committee, \Va-tor gand Li_:l1t Committee, Representatives of "the following: societies-_Red_ `Cross, Field Comforts, Soldi_e1_'s Aid, Child- 1'eu's Aid, and citizens.7 ' ' \ll tnl-Curr nnuf~ ;n flrmna nvnnnaulnn 1`CIl 5 Jun, uuu UlL1LU11a. All taking part` in the procession are asked to assemble in the market square and to take their places in the prone.` `ion in Dun1op.St. ' ` BARRIE w.c.T.u. I\I IIIIIII `BARBIE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th 1918. The June meeting of the \V. C. T. U. was held at the residence of Mrs. N. B. Johnston, May 31st. Mrs. J. Claxton, the newly-elected president after being received by the ladies presided o\'er-.tl1e meeting. The fol- lowing` are the of"fie.ers.--Supe1'inten- dents of Departn1ents,-E 'angelistic, Mrs. Czmieron, Mrs. \Vm. Slxuithz M`rs. 1I:1ml)l_\', .\[1's. Blaxwell. \\ \lZl2+1.. \r... \r.-,.... {"0 1\.{:_~.~ T BARREEBLAMG MM! llilllllll), .\Ll'h. .`.\1il..\\`VL'll. Militia,--.\I1-s. .\I_\'ers sr., Miss J. King. - Press, .\I1-s. Sissons. Pzirlor .\1o0tin'_rs, I\ T. T. Smith, D1'u1'_\', Bu1'ton, Rainsford. Sunday Schools, Miss Emma King. Franchise and Citizenship, Mes- daunos N. B. Johnston, Cameron, Revoll, Colmor, Miss J. King and Miss E. King`. Soap \\'1'nppe1`s, Mrs. E." Brown. M(`(i:llC0ll1C>'t, The Sub. Execu- A ,_- I tive. I 1'._ nve. . Law`o1'(>o11\o11t, Mrs. Dru1'_v,- ` Miss Killg. Mi .T. K;iI12`. .. \r..,. q, .,m- \r.-:_. .\l1SS |`-. .L\_lIl_". .\__|lh> .1. .|..\.lll`_'. S_\'sE*1x1z1ti(='Giving, Mrs. Sott`, Mrs- .\1z1x\\'(`ll. mnuu\\\n\tI\I1nl\ '\I'~.m Tlnn .\1a1.\:\\'(`u. Sr-iontific T(~xnpm':mco, M13. Ben Smith. ]'I_\'L:`i`110 and Heredity, Mrs. VV. H. Pm't,rid2'e. ru,:I,1 \(',.H`.....\ ...u1 \I'nH..-um 'nr.`...+_ ] m`t.1'idu`0. | `Child \\'olf`:11'o and Mothers I\ret- ixuzs, .\Iosdn111es. Bishop, Ban`, Heard 1 Brown. : "4 ` Train VVO1-k, Mrs. B. Smith. Railway Work, Mosdames. cott, _ Maxwell. Heard. 'I`a~nL-nf 17.rrnr1 Nfmc T4`. T\'h1nr Mrs. Malxwcll. I.lUll1'U. Trinket Etmd, M155 E. Kin_L_:, Mrs. Revell. A L-.._L.. ..,.t'.. AL` tlxnnbcu wuss fun- IVCVCH. I A liearty vote of. thanks was ton- I dered the retiring president, Mrs. N. B. Johnston, for her faithful services and 11ntirin_<: efforts in the interest of the union for the past six years. It I was decided to withdraw the July and August me.otin_;s to again take up our own work in September. We would remind the ladies of our trin- ket fund, and all who have articles of I 1 silver or gold, brass or lead, to please ' leave them at Mr. C1'ai;: s store, Dun- lop St. This fund will be held open i until nfter the war. I Twelve Cents for Twelve Words is The Advance rate for prepaid 'nd\'t>:. `of the wm1t.ed class. It is the cheapest rate of any pzvpcr in Ontario 'ELiaEi OFFICERS` %7%m@% %%%% mam almamm. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, GOVERNOR--GENERAL Old Building Seen Removed --Se\'- eral School Appointments M Made -3 C %B.C.l. msmuns" IS some AHEAD - . Satisfactory progress with regard to the arrangements for the erection of the new Collegiate Institute was reported at the meeting of the Board of Education, held on Monday even- ing, at which Trustee \V. R. Iiing presided. i rmm r2..:m:.... r~,........-44.... ..-......+,..1 ' ill L'Dl\lC(l- The Building Committee reported that they had made payinent to the Ball Planing Mill `Co., Ltd., under certificate issued by Ellis & Ellis, arcliitects, for $1,281.60. The treasur- er, with Trutrzc W . R. King on June 7th excliangetl the scrip of $30,000 for bonds of the Victory Loan tln'ou_ the Bank of Nova Seotia, and after (hitting off the coupons due June 1st, amounting: to $825, which was place-(l to the crulit of the B. C. I. buil(lin_Lf account, deposited the bonds in safety box with the Bank of l`oronLo. 7'l`V._.,_L, . TJ3.1 ,___ 5,, .____.Z.,,_ LI... ../`I..._ III, L(II\IlILUo Trustee Fisher, in movinyg the adop tion 01' the report, said he expected to have the old builtlingr off the site in about three days time,, and every- tlning: ':1s goilxg alollg first class. If-.1: Hun nnncnnf nf fhn nnv\:11'f-. blllIl:_ , \\ ilb f'UIH_`?', illllllg lllbh UHIBD. ' Has the consent of the Depart-a lmcnt to the site been 1'(\'(-d, asked Trustee Malcolmson. Hr ,,_,_l.._.,L-.._I .n"..-._. 4!... f<'I...2......... ` ilbl\l5ll JIIIBLCU IILLILUUIIIIDUH. I. umlr1-stnml from the Chairman ` that that had been arranged, re- plied Trustee Fisher. _ in: nu ' ,,,,,, (LT _.... 1.... ,...-.-- _ | The Ch:1irm:m--I understood tlxir.` architects said they had presclltetlj `their spccificat-ioxls to the Dc-pm-t-2 mt-nt and they had been nccep ted. 'I`n-fnn Nfnlnnlvnunn cnJ Inn 11n(1nr_ (311? St. Methodist Church`; IIPUIIL NIH! Lllliy llil(l HUGH llL'UL'l)lUu. Trustee Mnlcolmson said he under- -stood that they had to ask the con- sent of the Depnrtnlent and they had to give it in El. formal way. He |tI1o11,I_=;ht, Mr. Ellis was to bI`illf. ,` it be- 'fm'e the Depiuiment. I mlun Qnn1~nfn1"I7 cnhl kn .hl\"ll\'-(`(1 wore me .lJI:plu'l-ulenb. The Sccretm"y said he believ-N1 it was left in the hands of the architect. Appointment of Teachers Miss G. A. Harper, B.A., nppl"1ed for the position of teacher of the Commercial Class at the B.C.l., in the place of Miss Iivu. Power, re- signed. Miss ]'Im'per who is a ;,I;radu- {ate of 'I`01'onto -in the honour Eng- lish and History course, is now teach- I ing at IEg1ix1t.on Ave. School, Toronto. I An.... nnnunHnHnn with Mr. Tfenrv. I Img :31, 11.g11x11.on 1\-\'l:. s|5x;'al;1, .1\J4luuur. l1\1u|u, .. T Ailter consultahon wlth M1} ]Ten1`_V, m tho 2\d\'nnc |1`n'i1mi1_ml of the B.C.I., and in1'er\"}cw.- ` ` - 1115.; Miss TT111'voy, the Board decided), --C1ear1ng to appoint. Miss Ilnrvey at a salary tains. ,See 1;`. _m` $1150. 1 -Uph(ilst.e1 'J`rnstec Love 1'cpo11`.c-( w'|"th 1`L'- "pn':1'in;r (nun (Continued on page 4) gmcn at Dong _-___..__- new.- idedjl, --C1earing out sale of Lace Cur- lnry thcnym; 1)onga11VBItos._ i -Upho1st.crin_g :1nd_ Iux'nitm'c re- 11-L damn by oxp(:1'ipced iv'o1j,k- gnxcn Drmgall -Bros. ' " E. B. Crompton, Formerly of Barrie, Has Novel Advt. in Brantford Newspaper Double the Business in June is ,the motto of B. Croinptoii, of BrantI"o1'd, who was at one time a well"-knowii dry goods merchant in Bzlrrie. At B1':1nt1'ord he has built up his business to such an extent that the fir1_x1"oi:' E. B. Crompton & Co., has become the leading one in B1'a'.it- ford in the dry goods line. A copy of the Bra11t'fo1'd Expositor for Way 31st ,which has come to hand, shows how Mr. Crouiptou has achieved his success. In this issue Mr. Crompton has four whole 1>a1ge ad\'o1`tisements, seven columns to :1 page, mmouuciiig his June sale. una UlI.L1u gun. On one pa_\,re is }\'lli1t must be re- _r__~'ardod as an a(l\'e1'tiso1nc11t novelty. \Vhi1r.- in Barrie, M1`. Crompton was fully alive to the absolute necessity of 21(l\'o1'tisin_" it :1 nierchnnt would succeed in business. On June 16, 1837, .\I1'. Crompton had 21 whole page mlvt. in the No1`tlx01'z1 A(l\'m1co, an- nonncin-_: his June sale. This ndvt. he has hzul re-p1`otl11ce(l and reduced in size to five inches square, :1 out of whim-h 1'o1`ms part of his mlvt. in the I`Ixpnsito1'. It is ll(`:1(lL`(l A Juno An- n011ll('("H1Cl1l oi` Thirty Y(`:l1'$ .-\_:o. The arlvt. itself heu`in.< as under: ()l'I' for l*In;'l:m $l."),t)0() 'ante by C. B. Cronipton & Co. Fittoon thous- nml (lo1l:n'.<, or in other words t.h1'oe lhousmnl pounds st01'lin'.:'. for our Mr. Cronipton to buy l)Z`l1`fl`{1iI1S with for you to :1-t in next fall and \\"i11te1"s tmulv. - 1 u ADVERTISING NOVELTY n Annuxn .. .-..`... Any of our 1'c~ador.s who are 111- t0i'e;- tr-i can see the orirzinnl mlvt. at the Advaiico office. In ailditiou to Mr: Cr0111pton's f0111'-pnszc advt. ano1.ho1' merchalnt lias .1 whole page and several others have halves mid q11m'teI`s. It is evident that the mor- ch:1nto1 B1':mtt'o1':1 are not going to slnr,-ken their efforts jut because trade is dull. They 11m c~ evidently _~.r1`nspo.d what is a well-known fact in bus'ines's--that ad\`e1'tisi11;r makes i'r:1do. The miterprisiii-_~; `firm 0!` U. 111'c1it't'c & Sons, of Barrio, is one firm which consist.vntL\ acts upon this p1'i11oiplo, `.'m(l perhaps in ihldy years iimo we shall see this i"n'1u-)'e- iproducii1I_~' an mivt. \\`h' apt-m:x'o(1 `in :\<'l\'nnc0 in Juno, 1 -J15. -evening. . Good music. Everybody welcome. $1.25 per annnm. Single copies 3c.A `SEVERAL sromas L l_)AMAGED_BY_ mu; I1. Jlfli Ul'Ul\L' Ullb lll. .LlLlLl1UlI Uh l.i.lBI_: . Friday night, whieh,Ha1though it was prevented` by the fire brigade from sp1'eading:, did considerable damage` to several stores. At 8.30 the brigade received a call to the store of R. A. Stephens, where they found a fire bu1'11ing' iii the liallwziy at the rear of the premises. Boxes and bales of paper in the h:11lwa_\' were on fire and the flames had C'Z1112`11t the wall and ceiling of the liallway. AA. LL- L....1. -1.` `-11n1r\ nlvnunn nvvn nnn Dunlop St was the Scene of Outbreak, Believed-to be. Due to Boys ' \.'l.'u1u;.; UL uu: uuun 11.)". At the back of these stores are one- storeyed annexes, with flat roofs. The brigade found there was a double roof of tar and gravel and a few inches above a metal roof. This made it difficult for the firemen to get at the fire, which had got between the ceiling: and the. roof. The ,fire oi-i5_:'inatcd in the hallway between \Voolworth s and Stephen s stores. It " did not touch the former store, but travelled west. Smoke was seen to come from the premises of W. lloore. A. H. Felt and Devlin and Murchison and it looked at one time as thou_;`h it migrht be a serious out- break. But the fire brigade, under the direction of Chief S111-ubsole, worked well and prevented the fire from spreading: beyond Mr. Steph- en s store. All the back premises of the stores mentioned above were damaged by smoke or water, and Mr. Buchanan, who is on the east side of W'oolwortl1 .s, suffered from damage by smoke or water. rm.. ,1........... LIK H. L..:1.1:nnm in by smoke water. The dznnage to the bui1di11:,s is 1'ouf:111y estimated at about $1000. No estimate can be given yet of, the amount of dalnage to the contents of` the stores. A... r_..L..-... -1` H... rim, mg {-1111 me Stores. 0110 feature of the fire was the excitement shown, by forty .01` fifty` sparrows, driven from home, who flew about in :1 wild and distracted manner. The fire is believed to have been caused by boys. It -is not many_ yards from where :1 fire broke out a. few weeks ago. RED CROSSTGARDEN PARTY A number of local merchants have kindly given various articles, which will be sold for the benefit of the Prisoners of `War Fund. Further do- nations of this kind are solicited and should be made to Mr. Frank Jack- son, convenor of the ladies commit- tee, or to .\[r. A. Leslie, at the Union Bank. ` 1).. l-:...`l ..,......:.~.~nn nf` flu?) Tnmn bank. By kind permission of tli Town Council, Clnpporton St, from \Vel- lin}_-'ton St. to Sophia St., will be closed from 4 to 11. p.111. next Tuesday The lawns of Messrs. I-Iul)l)a1'(l,\Vnlk- 01', \\'olfe11(lo11, Ing'1'21111 and Card will he tlirown open for use as 11 midway. ,'I`ho committee have met with one (llSi1])D0lI1l'l11(`l1lf, as it was "xund im- possible to got the Hunt: /ille hand` l1(`I'(`. As the national train does not run on T110S(lf1_\'S the bandsmen would have ll{l(l to have left their homes as o:11'l_\f us 5 o'clock and lose a whole (la_\"s work. As all the men are em- ploycd by one firm this was a serious inntter. It is l10pO(l to engggc another [band and have other attmcbions. rm.- `-:n]'n;~ mm er-llinrr wnll and A vuuuu_-, u \.|An\. L. 3rd Sunday after Trinity 8.30-Holy Communion. 10.00 S. S. and Bible Classes 11.00--.\1o1'nin{_r prayer litany and rsermon. r-/rm I2`.-.-...nn~ rn-nvnr nut] Qnr- bmid and have other I1I[1`1lcUlUu5. The tickets are selling well and there is every reason to believe that the ;:z_1rden party will be an immense six:-l..L...,. Co in 'f is that all con- eerned in its :u'rnng'ement are doing their utmost to raise 21 substantial sum for this desirable object. _ Juno. A fire broke out in Dunlop last `ninn n3nLl- u.-Link nlunnn-In if nvne `TWELVE CENTS will pay 51/Q m'n.11 `_`Wm1tc(I advt. in _'1`he -Ada Vance, not exceedifig twelve-`~wo1'.ds. THE WEATHER Lowest H-ighest Rain 71 86 -- raw 4'7 48 A1 W. H. BUTTERY I I) 7`) id 61 7'7 ) o.6 Vol. LXVII.-N0. 24. 03; 0.01 Pastor, Rv. R. J. Fallis. Sunday, June 16th The pastor will prenr-11 morning: and 5t7nt1:V\fI` I

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