MINESING Mrs. H. A. MacLeod, Foote s Bay, has returned to her home, after renewing old acquaintances in Minesing. Mm `Rn-Anal] in r-nnvnlnsnintr Matilda r-. AH ily. uy. i Mrs. Joseph Chappell is ill with an acute lattack of muscular rheumatism. Mr. Murray, Avening, is spending the weekend with his sister, Mrs. A. Ronald, -11-. Mr nnri Mr: M Knnnn nf Minnqinuv \VeCK CXl(l WIUI I115 SISLET, LVJTS. A. IXUHLIIU, '31". Mr. and Mrs. M. Knapp, of Minesing, were married forty-four years ago, and 'brought up a family of nine children, seven ;sons and two daughters. The first break lin the family circle took place on April` 7, when Samuel Russell, the fth child und fourth son, died of pleuro-pneumonia, at the early age of thirty-four years. Russell Knapp had lived seventeen years in Tor- onto. About thirteen years ago he mar- ried Miss Florine Egan, Embro. She sur- Ivives him, with three sons, Murray, Bruce and Normun, who, in this loss of husband land father have the syxnpathy, not only of the innnetliuto relutivesz, but of all the many friends in Toronto and elsewhere, where he was known. 1`Ln f\.|.H'nlInum 'l`/u-nntn I.nI.l n cm-vinn . \VIl'S KIIOVVH. | The Ocldfellows, Toronto, held a service for their (l(`[)ill't(l companion, and gave in floral offering of a large pillow. The `Chosen Friends gave a wreath and other friends sent owers until the casket was isimply covered. Davenport Presbyterian iSun(lay School, of which his two older sons lwere members, sent a lovely} circle of green itwining leaves and white lilies. Dr. Wal- lace, pastor of Bloor Street Presbyterian` Church, conducted the service at the house " before the body was taken to Toronto Sta- Ition, en route for Minesing. ' Rm: \V l-T \.Vullm-n Run-in r-nnrlnl-fmli U011, l'0lllC IO!` Mlnesmg. Rev. W . H. VVulluce, Barrie, conducted lthe funeral in Minesing. The pull-bcarem [were the brothers of the (1C`C0{1S(`(l, except- 'ing Andrew, whose health is wry uncer- tain, and his place was taken by Mr. Prince :1 fsieml from Toronto; :1 mun who had 1 the deceased for years. Wnacmll Kvunnux mm: lnhl fn rnsxf. in the K110`-.'.'n tnc ueceasou xor years. Russell Knapp was laid to rest in the Union Cenwtery, with the sun shining brightly on the crowd which followed the funeral cnrtegc to its sad destination--anrl rm the freshly turned earth. covered with the owers which the deceased had always very wpeciully loved during his brief life.` Mr`. Bert Canton spent a few days last `week with friends in Alliston. M- .....| M... n...,.m M,.....:.,,... .........n,I WC('K WI! ITIBUKIS II] AIIIBIOII. Mr. and Mrs. I-Iurold MOTTIEOII motored to fl`m-onto on Fnday. ' `0uite` 11 number from here attended the week mm were prcsem nu me xunenu. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Forrest of Toronto attended the funeral lust Saturday. In rnarnt. In clnfn lhnf, Nil`. nnd Mrs.l Lu _1.0rum.o on rnuuy. `Quite` number from here attended the dance at Hillsdalc on Friday evening and all report a good time. Cunt, Jan, Hill in vinitinv his: nnn, M1- uu TEDOIT 3 K00 ume. Capt. Jae. Hill is visiting his son, Mr. Allun Hill, at Allismn. (`nl I A f`u-.-in MD vnnfnunrl ol._.u...L lllull Illll, Ill l\lllEW()D. 301. J. A. Currie, M.P.,. motored through here on Saturday on his way to Elmvalg Come here and sec our full range of CH 1LDREN S \VARE at prices never heard of before in Barrie. HI LIIICCS In IV1lI18SlI1g. Russell is convalescing satisfac c' CRAIGHURST ~2-2.5 * ..20c 49c ..18c ..23c ..20c resbyteriuu lc I _ resbyteriun ' ` oronto stag V auenuea me lunorzu um azuuruuy. I We regret. to state that Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yates are removing from the Mount. Mr. M. J. Filzgc-.rul(l is laid up with n anrn bums | Pair Dllir pllir pair pair Mexfs ne black leather boots These Will answer the purpose of u Sundrxy shoe as well as giving cxccllcnt wear. A large range to choose from. pcr nnir . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . ., 9 09 in '1 O9 Men'shcz1vy black split leather B_oot, without toe cap. Can you beat It at pair ..................................... ..]_98 Men's ne quality mahogzmy shade Bul- morzll, Ncolin sole and rubber heel. Examine the $7.00 and $7.50 vulucs elsewhere, then see ours, at only per pair: ..................................... .. Mcn s fine print SHIRTS, Coat style and full sizes. These urc some hm`- g:1ins,on1y,cz1ch ............... .... .. 89 D11ir__ Our low expenses enable us to sell for less money and we intend to keep up the past reputation of this store for genuine bargains. I to speak at :1 food conservation and greater i production meeting. Mr Finlr] Cnstnn is hnmo from Tnrnntn PFUUUCCIUH IIICBI/lllg. Mr. Field Caston is home from Toronto I for :1 while. l `Nu Dnlxl T).-uH'n-n AC Ana-nu n.--Cuuul I01 I! WHHC`. Mr. Robt. Redfern, of Angus, arrived here 123: week to take up his duties as millwright for Mr. Henry Wise. Mr. m. sore knee. I The Sixth Line `gave a very liberal" donation on Saturday to the Red Cross Rooms, Barrie. It consisted of one gem_ of maple syrup, 12 doz. eggs and $12.00 cush. n... ..1.:.\..m..+ f`\:n .......n1 cm. on. D...a.l Cusn. I Our shipment this month for the Red Cross was 42 paiis of socks, 1 shirt and 11 suits pyjamas. At the Wellington Hotel; l\/_I`onday, _A11r_il_22qd T7 -- I-I-CLJJLI I-\l V I I I ` vited to have :1 Free Demonstration of the style that will answer theirnccds. LADIES:-Switches, Braids, Trans- formations, Pompadours, Waves and many other hair-goods crea- tions of the finest m-m.h1-.v `ha.-ir Head Omce D0renwend s 105 YQNGH 9'1`. cronoxiby Dorenwend s Display of ARTISTIC HAIR-GOODS UTOPIA kllUUhL,' lI'Ulll< })L'1` 2.98 to 3.98 anq many 051181 !18,1!"g'O_O(1S (grea- __t1ons of the nest qua.11ty ha.1r. 1 GENTLI'.MEN'S ':- Hygienic Tm- ` gees andWigs whxcharc mdctectahle I eathcrweight and are worn by over " 4 quarter million people. A benet 101 the health and appearance. -\ . .. _. . ..--.. Mom;`xp::;{;. ;~g..a Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ardill spent Sumluy with friends in Toronto. 11.. .....u cu v;+..1 'r..n...|.I..., A: 'r........+.. Remember tllule Date of Visit We prepay all mail orders and guarantee satisfaction We intend to continue doing business in Barrie and to give the public the benefit of the lowest possible prices VVe curry :1 full range of the famous Mother Hubbard Shoe for children As thcreurc :1 great many sizes and different prices, we ask you to come in` and see these for yourself. Prices Very low, from, p2'.ir...]_19 to 2.98 Mcn`slincb1:\CI< kid Boot with rubber sole and heel` Sold almost `every- wl}cre zxt_ -$6.00 and $6.50 :1 pun`, our price, pzur ............................ ..4_59 Boyzff Boots, in '31} sizes, in 21 range of p!'lCCSf|.'Ol11,['3il!I` .... .. 2_]9 to 3_69 Space will not pcrmit us to go into detail. Come and 1001: these over. Men's heavy tan or black oiled lcuthcr \V0rk Boot. Be sure u_nd see these before you buy, only, pun` ....... ..3_98 Mr. Wm. Ross is visiting Troonto Hamilton friends. 7|/Tn (Inn-an 11.41;. LLUHIHIUH IFIUHUS. . i Mr. George Little visited his niece, lliownmn. Stroud, recently. A number frnm hen: attend:-rl thr- vmercnanu ox vemco" was a aplenma suc- cess, the proceeds amounting to $42s0,>_- " The -Rev. James Coburn of Toronto, l)U\VIHl|Il. DLTUUU, FCCCHIIY. A number from here attended the fun- eral of Mrs. C. Nixon at Ivy on Saturday, Mr. Ralph Bell is at Honeywood attend ing the marriage of his cousin. - Mr. D. J. Miller and Mr. John Dobaor have each purchased a new Chevrolet can I Mr and MN n .1 Millnr Jn}... Miller nuvo eucn purcnaseu mxevronet can Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller, John Miller and Clarence Arnold motored to Lefroy rt-cently. I -Splendd designs 111 Dougall Bros. iiiiiiiiiaijii W H 0 A R E BALD are in- Should be seen by every man and wornun who would keep at- tructivc and youthful. Ladies who have not suffi- cient hair to do justice to their uppcarztncc zmal A 111-rm! THIETIIT assortment and neW Carpet Squares at . ........,... 3, le prices EEI and ROUND ABOUT BARRIH What Our Correspondents Find Worth Recording If you need or will be needing later on, any article we carry, it will be well worth_your while to take a few steps out of the high rent district to our store, as we will cer- tainly save you dollars. We ask you to come here whether you buy or not and Judge our values for yourself and make a comparison of our prices with those of others. This we think is the best advertising we could do and you may be sure to nd at this store a surprise as to the high quality of our goods and the Ladies very fine quality" mahogany shade Boot, with Ncolin sole and heel, high {op and low hccl. Reg. $7.50, our price ..................... .. 5_98 Fine grey kid and very dark chocolate shade, high top boots with high heel and white rimmed soles. These are quite the newest styles and surely a classy, well wearing boot. These boots are regular $8.50 value, our spe- cial per pair ............ .. ...... .. 5_75 WIUI II'lCn(IS H1 IOTOIHD. Mr.__ and Mm. Vital Tromhley of Toronto visited MR Trombley s parents at Bella Ewart last Sunday. ' ' { The lecture which was given in the L Grange Hall, Lofroy, on April 9th, by the Rev. Dean O Malley of Barrie on The Merchant of Venice was splendid muua. thn nrnneedn nmnuntinw tn S4%.50,\- n-up-v vv v u... --...--- Ladies ne black kid Boot, with high top and low hccl, no toc Cap effect and thp newest style. Reg. S-L75 pair, our price only, pair ...................... .. 3_75 LADIES HOUSE DRESSES in hea- uu n.ml+u \\,'nu`d'|l'\`r\ nr-Inf: ainrtl1:umQ Come yourself. Bring your friends, as it will mean money saving for everybody. ..AlJll:b' rluubb ukrzbana m neu- vy quality \v'.1sh;1hlc prints, ginghams and chumbrays, pretty designs and all gfvlps`, Af ,, 1 10 1 Q: 1 7; ZIHU CHLUI1 01"} styles. At.. and `make sure of your sizes MOUNT ST. LOUIS Have just received a large new stock of Boots, Shoes and Dry Goods at a rate on the dollar, and for quick disposal are offering same at exceptionally low prices _,._.._:._.._A ..4.:_..::4-- -:-mn- _-u Here We are Again `: rs A '.I Don't Miss These ""fi)ughing lately. Our school opened on the new time on Monday morning. The frosts have kept the farmers from F. Perkins has purchased :1 :\IcL1ug'nlin nur l DA LSTO N Below are only a few of the many bargains we have to offer and we cordially invite everybody to come to our store and look over our stock and prices : The Cudmore Sales C05 LEFROY Come Early REMEMBER THE PLACE wctty ucslgns unu an 1.19. 1.35, 1.75 who` has been blind from youth, gave :1! lecture in the Methodist Church on Aprill 11, his subject being from Youth to Mau- . hood. His diiscourse'was very instruc- tive and much appreciated by those pre- sent. Qnmlinrr him hnnn nnnnnmmnrl in Ihis: Seeding has been comxnencctl in this I vicinity. "nnvliaht Saving hm bean atlonted z\| `vxcnnty. "Daylight Saving has adopted 2| round Lefroy. Even the kiddies are up in time for breakfast now. Mr. and Mrs. Touse Bateman and Mr.` land Mrs. Arthur King have been visilingi in Toronto. A nu-nnr'cnn nf Mr Inhn `R-ainnv nf `Ln-I All goods guaranteed as re- presented. Not one poor ~ quality in the whole stock. E nu Toromo. A grandson of Mr. John Rainey, of Le- lfroy, who is with the Royal Air Force, -paid him :1 surprise visit over Sunday. . Mr Rnv Jacks. Mr. Reuben Lucas and `paid mm surpnse v1s1t aunnuy. Mr. Roy Jacks, Mr. Pte. Burleigh Dousc have purchased Chev- I rolet cars. ` St. John's Church Comfort Box Club` packed boxes for the boys overseas on Mon- day. A xvnlur nf Hvrlm men are nuttimz un the day. A gang of Hydro men are putting up wires in town. It is expected we will have thc power in the village very soon. l \\ m Mnwm nf 'I`lmrnmn_ who ret11rne(l the In me vmuge very soon. Wm. Mayes, of Thornton, who returned from overseas on Friday visited in Cooks- town (luring the week end. Thu \.Vnnmn s' Anxilinrv nf St, John's town (lurmg me WOCK onu. The Women s Auxiliary of St. John's (Church held 21 very successful bazaar lust l'I`h\1r:~'day. The proceeds zunount-ed to $80. "Hm fm-more in this trir-f am finding it Lnursuzxy. me prneeeus iLll10ulH.-(. (l LU aou. The farmers in this district are finding it difficult to comply with the Daylight J Saving Bill. Miss Ruth Duff is very ill in bed. The Epworth League of the Methodist Church gave :1 very interesting exhibition of lantern slide views of Europe last Mon~ day evening. : '|"l'm \Vnnmn'< lnetitntn lwlrl fl vm-v slit`.-l (my evening. The Women's Institute hold a very suc- cessful Tug Duy lzwt 1*`ridu_v. Pin Jnrrv Rinhvllnncl \.'isifr-rl Qn mum on ccssxul Lug uuy um rn Pte. Jerry Richmond ' Suturtlay. Mr Art Kidd vixitml i me weex enu. The remains of the Toronto, were interred i on Fritluy. I car. _ ; Threshing clover is the order of the day in this burg at present. Beecher 1 arkhuu.~'e of Barrie took part in the church SC-I`\'iCC here Sunday morn- Inn r xur. I\l`I mu the week end. The sad news of the death of Private Earl McLean, who was killed in France on April was flushed over the wire here recently. To the parents, brothers and sisters of the (leccased we extend our sin- cere sympnthy in the great loss they have sustained. The deceased has been missed in this village as he was fzwournbly well known. He died [in defence of the right! Mr. Samuel Elliott. has nurchnsetl Joe. Mr. DllI1.lUF| l`.1lllUlI; H35 PUYCKHIBCII IIUK`. Lyons farm for 88500 and takes imme- diate possession. Farmers are paying for the summer months as high as 357.00 a mouth. Mr. Bert. Cunningham of the Canadian Suult is visiting friends here. Mr: Furl Rnvrl nf Smzirnfnnn in vinitimr !1||lIL I8 VIBHIIIE Il'lCl'lu.'! HCTC. Mrs. Earl Boyd 0! Saskatoon is visiting Ladies very ne quality mahogany _sh:1dc Boot, with leather sole and mil- itary h_eel. Reg. 137.50 pair, our price per pzur ............................... .. 5_75 Ladies very fine bl:1ckViCi laid boot, with high ne twill cloth top, in :1 beautiful grey shade. These are one of thc newest styles to-day and an excellent shoe for the money. Reg. $8.00 pair, our price ....................... ..... .. 6_49 Ladies ne black Vici laid high top and high heel boot. Reg. $5.75 p:ur, see our value at, pair ................... ..4_ 75 . .,.. .- ..-... .. .. . Ladies fine quality silk nish Rzxincoats all sizes. Regular $37.50, don t think W; are joking when we tell you our price 15 only ........................ .. 4.98 f".\..... ruv'\:` nn4- nnn nay. Art Kidd visited i The Famous Gainsboro Shoe Mrs. Cornelius l"1'm\'le_v, an old and I much respvctetl resident, pns;~:e(l away at ` her home here on April 15. Mrs. l`r'.\w- ley, whose niniclen nnnie w:L~s l\Iurgnret ` Mason. has l`CSl(l(`(l in our midst for hulf ` a century. In her young days he as 11 school teacher and taught SllCc(`.S.'~f|!lly in the Mount .-`chool for six years, during which time :-"he also filled the position :13 org-mist and choir lender in St. Louis; Church. Her ltl1tl:tl)l(} manner and (,ll-`3- `l`- ` ful (ii.~'po. ulong with exceptional ability, nmrkerl her us in superior womunl of taste and retineint-nl. It is some years since the (le(~e:i.<(-(l lirst learned that she was utllicted with cancer. Two operations were p('l'l0I`lll(`(l in the early stages of the disease, which prolonged her life C0llSl(l' ernhly. During her long and painful ill- ne!-`s she wus n niurvel of patience and resignution. Elm lnnvns n lH1. nml one son. Rich- Samuel Elliott has purchased Joe. a and .~. nnnnn n:nn COOKSTOWN THORNTON April Showers Come and get one . in Creemore during`! ` lute Miss Kidd oil in Lewes Cemetery nuuy. vxsxted in town on THE CUDMORE SALES co., Old Stand---2 Doors East of the Market `THURSDAY, APRIL 18,- `191s,_ L STARTING VSATURDAY, APRIL 20th 1 `her parents and her sister Miss El1a,l lwho has been in the West for some tiniet is also home; and their brother, Mr. Forbes I Sproule, C.P.R. agent of Theodore, Sask..: spent a few days here with his parents. I Mr. T. Vlassoff of Toronto is visiting hisi mother and sister here. I Mrs. (Dr.) T. J. Henry of Detroit is visiting friends here. Owing to an acci-i dent, that befel Mrs. Henry she is nbligerl to use crutches. I u. v n v - , L ,...,.,,L-..-.I .. I guu uuu vluvvnnuug ! Mr. James A. . 1|McLaughlin car. . .. `INN '| I Aul: Uilusllllll ucu . Private Will. Mayes, who was wounded in tho arm severely in France, arrived home last Friday evening, and was wel- crncd by many friends. u,,_, :-.______u.. L... H] l~l\I\V\ 1... ,....u,| -Mrs. pletcd. D... [Ht.`U.'Ll. Our esteemed friend and neighbor, Mr. R. Power, is not enjoying Very good heaith l at present. ll v.~|:-,|_,.1. I x1:...\.. ....,........I cl-nu I LIL 1-LLa\,uu.. Mrs. Illizulaetli crossed that bourne from which no traveller returns on Thursday morning at 6.50. Deceased was born in the Township of Medonte forty-three years ago and with the family` `moved to the Township of Essa about J. Nixon thirty-six years zfgo, and was married to Mr. Christopher Nixon on Wednesday, Dec. 27th, 1903, by the Rev. John Lci.~:h- mun of Angus. They lived continuously on the old farm until the death of her hushnntl about one and a half years ago, and the deceased still lived on the farm until she was too ill to remain and on the advice of her medical advisers she was removed to the R. V. Hospital, Bar- rio, where she was operated on before] Cliristnius, but no hope was ever held outi for her recovery. wow nnnnln urn (`.I'(l upon to endure (tor her Few people are called upon to endure `the sufferings she bore, but being fortied with more than ordinary pluck backed up by Christian fortitude, she remained calm awaiting the end. Both husband and! wife endured long sickness and when their] turn came were ready for the call. The` body was conveyed from the hospital to her old home where her many friends, relatives and acquaintances viewed the face of one who was dearlv loved by all. VIVL- I.._.,__..l ..L Au\.v: lu unu. Ivuu u.... \.\....y .v...`. ..... J The funerul obsequies were held on Sat- urday at 2 o'clock pm.. to the Presbyter- ian cemetery, Ivy, where the remains were laid beside those of her late husband. Her pastor, the Rev. R. H. Smuerville, M.A., assisted by the Rev. '1`. J. Dew, conducted the service and no higher tribute could be paid to the dead than was paid to the de- ceased by her pastor. Both deceased and her late husband were consistent members of the Ivy Presbyterian Church. Pull- bearers were Messrs. W. J. Lyons, J. R. Gray, S. McQuay, Ignatius Lennox, Bert. Fisher and W. J. Broley. ing relatives we extend our sympathy in this their great loss. An nnwl mnthm-, twn nintprn, Mrs, Srin- I To the sorrow'- Ladies` Fine Cotton Hose ..................... .. Ladies Fine Silk Lisle Ankle Hose, in b Misses Fine Cotton Hose ..................... .. Lender Ribbed Stockings, for Boys: ......... .. Men's Extra \Vcight Cotton Soeks, only._. al`(I. L Interment tor-k place last Saturday morning, Rev. Fr. Ilvydun performing the fuherul rites. u.......... M I D I 1.`.-..mImy ..6` nm-.-:.. mm weir great was. An aged mother, two sisters, Mrs. Brig- ley and Mrs. Tweed, both in the West, and three brothers Frank and Milton here and Robert enlisted in the West. Text A full line of Womenfs, .I'f.ie1i"s and Childrn s Hose \'V11itc Poplin Pumps, very {inc twill and good style These will go lilcc wild re. Put in your summer supply now. Reg. $2.75 pair, our price, pair .................................. ..`l-R9 Ladies ne wool scrgc SKIRTS in black '.md navy blue, all sizes. Bc here early for these as the prices are lower than at the mill to-day. Our very low nr-lnrvc , 9 Q0 Q 9: Q I Fine quality patent leather pumps, white kid lined. Com- pare these with any $4.50 value elsewhere ....... .... .. Our price, pair .............................................. ..2:75 A good stylish Ladies Boot, at only, pair .......... .. 2.25 i These are good quality patent lc21_tl1cr, with cloth _top and mili- tary heel. The very thing for zm inexpensive, stylish, cvcx'_vv.l:1y shoe. The regular price of these are $3.50 pair, our price $2.25 u_y nuuu_y nu-.uu.. Stewars house will soon be com- Lay in your stock while these prices prevail Bdow are only `.1 few of the many low prices we have to offer: uu. .. .. priccs.. -LOW PRICES WE ASK- resngnutlon. She leaves a husluzuul and one son, Rich- ard. Inlnrnlnnf 4m.|: nl-mn In-.-t Qnhn-rlnv EXTRA VALUE IN PUMPS . ` Janneson has purchasetl a E Uur \' xuw :0-uuy. --2.89, 3.25, 3.49 OLD STAND THE NOR_.T13RN ADVANCE C, pun` --1:69 \V}1itc Canvass Pumps that will suit the most skeptical buyers. At only, pair ............. .. L35 llfor the occasion: lst Cor. 15 Chap., 57th I \'|"T~`l`, g \'L`f5('. In their lives they loved and in their identlh they will not be separated. lunerul rites. hlessrs. M. J. and I . J. l"x'awley of Bnrriul spent a few days with friends hem lzwt week and present at the funeml. Mr nml M'rs II`:-ml Forrest, of Toronto