Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Mar 1918, p. 1

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4- "!`-I`+~. ' '2"?-`-X~+ .3. 9:0 ~2*2`~I**!I~`3` 'I`~!*!*-~2"!' u :13 .3 this R \ \ \ x \ \ \\ \ BARRm>LAN1NcM:LL} ,mon. 3.()0--8.3. and Bible cl-.1.+. 7.00---Amlu-.11 Service of \ mnn .~,; 'A11xili:u'_v to .\lis.<.io11;~:. P1`:-zu-1101' at h0`.1xse1'\`iuu.'. I `V. A. I.2\1']), 13. .~'\.. 1|1is::i()11:\1" ._I11di:\ on fl1l`10ll_Lf`1l. F.vm'_vb0d_\' xvvlcuxno. Rev. II. D. H21_\'11l0IltL \'i(-ar. . 3. J. Frank Jackson 1.-Inuu Uh |:vu.uvu.... _ Pastor, 1: w. n. J. Fulli 3} Sun/d4 ,\ . Mun-11 17th. Services hold mornin__f mu ing in cluxrch proper. 11 n.m.--'I`ho Pastor. 3 p.m.-S. S. Spot-in} 50$ 7 p.m.--Tho Pastor. Good music. I-Ivcrybody v iBank Clerks The 011101` that ull hilllk 1-lo:-k~' who are A cutc-;_'or_\' nu~n,:11-o to re- part 1'01` duty will not lm\'(- mm-h -c'c(-.t lot--.\l1_V. '1`hm'v :11-c uhnut }m.H7-n-do7.on _m' 1hn;'v c1m'k.~' in Barrio"-banks and their plum-s will be filled by ;:irl:;. 'l`hm'c are 211- _ ready :1 munbvr n1" _vuun~_" l;ul;.' clerks in local bunks. who are stat-` cd to have p1'uvwl th(~xr.'-1\`v.< 1-nm] ` `potent `to ll all c.\x-(`pt llw `.'ur_\' ` highest positions. ` Suml:1_\'. L[:11'c-1: 1711:. 5th Sunday in Lent. 8.3()--H01y Comlmmion. 11.00-Mo1'nin,:: pra_vc-1' and MAKER or PORTRAIIS OF CANADA THOS. ROIGERS 2~ Auuun uu nu.......,... \\`vl<-unu` ` Hw. 1":n y. 1711 S01'\`i0.cs' 9. S ord01'tlun 1m nwn, I` c'(:c.t :1 Barrio '~bnnk.~1 1 u, 1:11.! Lv ..-Qplx; '[`hm.` THE 'in_-.:' that ha rm '5 loss. is nominal Deposit ` `lute "Cu; '0!` that Hu- I,_\'<`:u's :1 " , 111:` (hr ` ` man and :1:_"(-ulont (`\`- `('llL`I`j.';'_\' 2 ',\ 10 11i.~; \\'ux'1' re`.-`1-(-ttcd 'l`hu1 I tend to ii)` tlu-i1 ='---' i s_vmp:1th hltainod '1 ltht-In th \ late (-01 honored who :11` """ zxhility '--holzn-.4 \\'hi|.~.1 :: ('ni:11it. II. . I -... 21'. \. ion . `ERECTION or SCHOOL % l ONCE MORE DELAYED It xvus 1-c~po1-ted to the Board ofl lixluention, at their .ueetn1g on Mon-I alay. that the llozlrd had not assum- ml any res1>o11sihilil_V with the Ball l l:1nin Mill in respect to the stor-_ ing: of lum~her on the a;1'1'ie11lt111':1l` Ermuml in p1'c-pzwutioll For the ('l'C(?-I [ion 01' the Collej_'iate Institute. Llt was l'n1`thex' rt-ported tlmtnounswer hml yet been 1'eeeivc.(l from the To'1'ontn b:11'1'iste1's, who were eon- snlleal with rc-gzml to pl-oecmling with the work without n;nin eon- .snltins; the 1':1t'ep:1)'e1':~;. The discussion was set on by '.l`rn. ll. .\. Sleplxens, nskexl ii` any L-olnlntmieation been received from Mr. (`rm'1'oll. Sec-1'et2I1'\ .\[a1'1' replied that no ooxnmunieution had been received. r.. 1 I I, l'0()t who haul e 1 l L , I No Progress Reported to School Board ` --Bonus for Public School Teachers jmth the hn1l-nn1g. 1 ` T1'nst.c{- Sim.-lz\i1'--It is nlnlcl-stood `that c\'e1'ytl1inv_~` is mm-ti(:211l_\' sctltcd ,l'or the removal of the 1)\1il(1i11 ', or [1H'(- other conditions going` to he laskcd ? \ \\"n `~-I\';- uni lag nu uuu u\.\,u A\\.\l'\\.lI R I'UuIn|uu1L'uLAuu 'l`1'ustce StC])ll(`l1.'s` -- 1 umlc~1'.~`too that a comnumicution had Como to the Board tllrough our solicilm: The So(-1'cta1'_\'---It has not Ilmmlml to me. _ 1' 'l'r11st0e .\[c.-\d:m1 CI1ql1ll'(`(l as to [what the 1n-escnt relationship ol' the Board was witll the` new oont1'2u.-- tors, the Ball Planing` Mill. Ho un- dorstoocl that t`l1e_\' had been per- mitted` to unload some material on tho :lg`1`i(,`llll.l11`ll site. He tl1ouL>;h r the I3o:u-I should not as 11 unit, but l)0t'o1'o thr-_\' did that tlnt-_\' nnlst know the l`z1(-ts. They wanted to he he- uhiml the contract-01's in any notion tlloy 1I1lf__".`lll take. run... ..+..,. l)(-on Lnvn n< n nmmlnm' nl' Ilm UlQ_\' xmgm tzuu-. , T1'ustec Love. as a 1non1hm' 01' the` c-omnttoo who had hml to deal with tho coxltmot, Silitl the Bozml had `oude:1\'ore(1 in every possible \\':1_\-' to .stn_\` with the c011t1'act01's. and it ; il_hc_\' \\'c-re leaving any 1m1t.~1'i:11 0113 ltho r:1'o1111 were that 1p111'(-15' to save expense, and they `!\\'on- d0inj_v' that :11. thuir own ri.~:1{. nun n . I ,1 ....a .......I .....~ ur . All kinds of (h'c.=sed 1umbe1'. oor- _7\,j_ng, (-(filing, 0111; oorin.-_-'. 1n0ulxlinu ` and trun, I3. C. s`nix1;'_"`ae.~:, rml-_;h lum- ` `beer and joisting on luuul. Dressing.-' _ _ iand all o1'd(=r.~; ru(-oi\'(- prompt iv attention. Office Phone 163}. Rev. Phone 1`:')'-.) r--___?| \\l'l'L' llUlH"_'. |-i`| "4' "l`h(- Board lmrl not s1on:~:ihili1_\' for 5 -ground. . l`|.. \\'..Hu~'un \`.`l.|l 'L:rounI. D1`. \\'uH\\`in, who [I1`("ii(l('I`.. .~:1il -\`m'_\' moxnbor oi` the l;3na1` \\':l. :` :mxir>u< to t';1(-i1it.:1L(.- x11:1tt(~1's. so that the uontmcetor could '20 ahead with the lmil-ding. 'I`......on.. Qinnluh-_._lf ie 1nulr\r' li1SKL'(l'. ` l The ('lminTIm1--\V'e |:;\\'v um his ti;.:'u1-(a~: and the c011L1m-t wiil bv (lru\v11 tip and .sig`11(-d as soon as we havo the money ::rnnt.:A by the , l`m\'11 Council. Until that time we do not p1-oposv to make any mn- mu-t. or enter into any (-1153117.-`(\- | mont. I m.... l.':..... ,H ...; -nnv g.n~.umnni- Imont. '.1`1'ustcv I\'in',-'-iT:1.~s any communi- mtiuxi bvmi i~(.<-vi\'ml will} i'o5:u1'il to the trip to 'l`01'onto ? 'l`1i<- (`hztirmzm -- .\"0 (-onm1miiL-;\- ti-an has hi-mi H-cci\'c 'I`h(_-.\' pm- mised to i'(-ply on Szitn)':i:i_\'. \\'KA` teluplioncd this morning", and the 1'e1Jly from Toronto xvns Lliut 11101.2` were \'(.`1`_\' bu:s_v with Gl)\'(`1`lll11.`l)t hu. and that lhr-._v will reply to-(luv. _.- r nun I`hn\' :-nnnnt zlm-in lmnorul to bo ms llS.i0(.'l'd[l.`S. H I Thv resol11ti011 was .'x'(*(`0lHl(`(l h_\'|(. 'I`1-usteo Love and was <:m-riml h_v :1 '1. . vote. iv] Fuel Difficulty Removed. {,- Thu Prope1't_\' and Supply commit- 1 it-v r(-p01'K1$ that ('ousidc-1'nh1(- 11113 1 ( ( 1 [ioulty had em o.\'po1'ion(-ml in pro- (-uring.-` fuel, p:u'ticulm'1_\` for the (`ullu_~_:i:1tc qn:u'tm's in the lih1'ar_\` buildi11$__~'. This had been ovc-rc0n\c ' nhd no further diiTicu1\y was unti- -`(-ipaxtml. They had secured thmugzh - the attention of Tl`llSU.`(` ](in_2` throt- .' om` lozuls of-.k.oft coal which had hcen dc1i\`e1`cd to the Contrul, \\'_c-st \)L u. .~'to1'in~.' I'll U1 1 `the 3 ml: Vol. LXVII.--No. 11. NH.` 'lJl"C'.lHI. ll` .-\ltl1ouu'l: we {_"i\'<- no `_',ll2ll".llllI(`(`, `" to the Int-n1l)L~1':: 01' llw (-lass, tlw *`~'-1` (_`.0\`or1nuc-nl ~(l(,-mo11st1'at`01` :1ssLLr0s' .`~"l_`l {hem Llxo_\' 11(-ml luxvo 11o`lmsit.11tio11 1' 1 in l)1`in:ing' the host 1m1t01'ial.s, us `1 l." tho }_:':11'lI1(!11l-5 :ll'c (-m'(~l'ull_\' plmnu-(l `l' uml titted. I)u1'inp_-' the cl-u.~:.~` ouch N`?-V` pupil will 1'ocoi\`e many \':\lu:\bl0 ldm` hints in (11'o:x'smukin_\.: and sewing to` W1 enable them to continue to do their _l.... .. ..- no 1\r\\nn Klnnln nnnrrn Imul So11,H1 \\'111'd scl1ool.<. I The school s11pplie:s\\'o11l1l bmli\'i4l- od 111110115.-; the p1'i11eip-als oi the `-0nt1'z1,I, \\'0st and South .s`<-hooks `and the s:1111(- he c:11`el7111l_y cl1(1(-ke(1 `in and out of the stow 1`o0111s. It was t'111't}1o1' 1-cpo1'te(l that tho Bourtl l1:1 l~L-used 110111 1111- ;\-lissos I-1. and (7. K1111: tho co11ti11uz1t'1o11 ol' the ki11de1',4`.'11'tc11 room at p1'(1.~`o11t 111 1150 and :1 11(-\\-' room for p1'i111a1'_\' work. the latter room l1n\'i11;:,' 110011 itt-(~11 111' with 11c:(~0s.s111'_\' seats 211111 `|1l;1ukbou.1'l.+ 11111! is at p1'0.<(`11t O(`(`11- I pied. I 'l`l1n 4-n111111.1Ht-rt vnr-n11n11m1( l(`(1 Fllilt `])l0(.l. The <-(niiniitu-0 vet-oinineziflerl tlmt (-211-etzikr-1-s .~'\1'tl1u1' Hanson and 'l`lios. llzmson receive :1 :l)onu.s- 01' $50 each and J. A. Dickey $25, p:i_\'- able hall` in June and hall` in .\'0\`eml)e1'. ` The report was 'u(l0ptel. Horticultural Lectures. ll-lortivulturzil Society has, in the interests of u-'1'eater p1'odue'Lion, se- cured the promise of .\[1'. 1). 13. Me- Lemizm. \`eg'(-table specialist, to g,-'i\'e an llll1Si.1dl(`(l lecture on F1'i(lz1_\` e\'eninj_-', .\[:l1`('ll `_"_ ml, and he will also Z1(lll1'C`.i.$ the (5lllllll'Cll and older pupils of the public and lll}.,"ll(.`1' scliools intlw:Ll te1'noonat 33 o'clock. ;',l`lie Society :\Sl{('(l that the pupils 01' "(lie publie seliools l'1'oin the tllinl lfonn and upwamls be ]')0l`lllli.lC(l to lt was 1-(`po1'te(l that the I3211'rie' |nEr410NsTRAmNs IN i PRACTICAL SEWING Classes to be Formed in Ba-rrie- Government Demo11.ut1'ator Will I Attend. ln \'ie\\' of the fact that it in `.11- mo>t in11'o:;_i-hlo in the war times I'm- the women of :m_\' com1mmit.y to get help 1'01` their housohohl sow- ing. the W. I. lmve :11'x':1nu'm1\\'itl1 the (s~o\.'c1'mn(~nt to send tn B;u'riu on April '.3'.Zud :1 (lc111o11s11~uto.1' to touch scxving,-'. Thais at-win;,-' (~0m'.sc will 1-onsi~:t 01' 10 lectures as l'o11o\\'s: Two l('..s`.~i0I1$ -.. ...~.1 d`....,.x- -.-Hh.1u._' in:-`ml- _.wm1 pms; SL .$Ul'5 Zulu Lxuuun.-. Mrs. Sh.-w:u't has placed at 1110 lisposul 01' this (-In:-:.~; the Fiold(7om- I'01't<. room above the :.:':\.~'. ol'fim*, \\'hich is well heated and lighted and p1'o\'ilcd with 11121chi11L-.~: and t:1blo.~s I n nnr-.':n I'\' pupu \\'u1 xlros 1 own sewing.-' L` x.-intion has 1 " out the ])1`o\ ;1`0su1ts ohtni; (` ` nu h-nu `H: \'n 11cm;-.ssu1'_y. It is lll0wl ossemial 1,-lml all mom- l)(-1'5 of tllo class be present at the first l03>'.0ll. .-\ pupils will not be mlmitlul after llw work lm.~ I, ...._. `LLIIII Th Do not invite serious loss or rob- ;bery by keeping .impo1't:mt Pa.pc1`.~'.. Notes, Wills, Deeds, ;\Iortg_~'z1g_'os, _1n1I':nn1-\' `I1 14)!` hllf`. :_l01' :1 )'(-m' In luv u. 1. .-m uu|_\ ..| ilimiu-cl nuiubcr m` piipils can be ac- !m.-pu-(I. 36 in all, the p1'e~:(-ut xnm-i `hers of tho \\'._ I. }_-'(-t lirs? (-h:\nco.| [Tho vla>4' will he d'i\'i into two} i.\'(`('ii()l1.\' of 18 n1m11l)or.s each, one to he held in tht~at'to1'1won and 01192.. the o\'ouin3_:'. The evening.-.' olz1.ssi< mmbles women and girls (mg.-`zuxcd in?! 0'ic(~.<. .~'toro.~: and doxnostie work {-31 take nd\`:u1t.n.:o of this 0m>0rtuni.t_\'; ; t0`1(-am to make their own clothc-5.; ;\])])1i('u-ti0llS to join the class ; should he proselitcrl at once to the - President, Mrs. Harvey, Dunlop St., 1 phone 44, or the Secretary, Miss . n.mIm- Mahnnnld St.. nhonc 381. 5 \ I V 1 phone 4+, the bCCI`L'Lul`y, nun: iauuley, M(\Donnl-(I St, phone (C`on`.iuued on 5) BARRIE, ONTARIO, MARCH 14th, 1918. IMPORTANCE OF ALSACE-LORRAINE The ri\'i1e;_-`0 of h(-m'ing_~' an ad- d1;ess on Alsace und* Lorminno by I 1'oJ'0ss0r do Cluunp of '.l.`o1'0m0 U11ivcrsit_\', drew an (-1'o\vdc-d aud- ioucn to T1'in`it_\' I il.l'in']l 112111 last 'l_`ln11'sdz1_\' niglxt. The nmeting was held in connection with the '0- nu.-11"s Institute and \\'ns mt-.~'i over by Rev. 1`). B. Tu.\'Io1-. Rt-0101' 01' St. (%eo1~gc:'s church, All:md:1l(~. The I 1'0t'(-5501' spoke for an hour .~...1 .... .. 1-nu-1' InhnvnHnn~ n\nn1HH' Professor deChamp Address- es Barrie Audience in Connection With W. I. lI| Ill. \lLl.llb|. -`I Lllknnulny AA. A A u s - A \ u n w - \- zmd in :1 \'m'_\' il]t(`l'(`,5HI\_`_ mziniior (11-21H c11tiI'(`1_\' with tho pulitit-:11 question. pl:1i1'1l_\` sho\\'in;: thni the iulm.hitu11t.s of those p1'o\'inc(~s had ne\'m' consented to be under (lor- nmn rule. Ho dealt fi1*.~;t' with the reniark 01' You 1-Iertlinuy who in S])(!:lkillj_',' in the Iloic-.hst:1_: on this question said Alsace and Lowmino w.o1'c German th1'011_L3'h and tliroiigll, and quoted Can'1_\'l9 in s11ppo1't of tho :\sse1't-i(n1. The sp(-ak(-1' said that Cm'l_ylc was :1 ']')1'0-(-iCl'll1l1l1 and anti- Froncluumi and that in 1870 the '\\`hole British nation \\`u.s :1_u':1i11st the F.l'("llL`]l. (`211'l_v1c was an emwiest shldcnt` 01" the (i(`1']ll:lI) l2111:;'11:1_-'(- and hte1'uturo. - _ . ... . .1 .,. AI(\.A|.|v\nA\. "I don't think I would go with Mr, ( lodi'ro.\' all the \\':~.y," said the I i'ot'o. I would not teach Gm`- mzm in the schools, but I would not nmkc-. it impossible. '.l`o-day :1 stlul-out (-mmot go to Toronto and lake :1 modern course without study- in2'(`mrniz1n, and this shouhlnot he. I know :1 _L`i1'l who wants to 4'0 to the ['11i\'m'sit_\`, but the (it-rmnns killed her brother and she cannot go to the I7ni\'o1`. without lc:n'nin_;' ('ie1'mnn. It is i111]n(). to stud_\' zi 1:\l1L`,'1l{1_L .'0 well, to study the litera- ture of :1 people without. h1!\'illL' a kind of lo:111in:_-' to\\'z11'd.~; tho 1110111111- ity 01' such :1 nation. You know why An1(-mica and C:m:u1:i have hm-n s_uch -.1 longf time pro-("rorn1:m. It is })(`('('lllS(! tho f0:1(-hin_'_-' has h(`(`1I in- s_pii'od hy Gorxnun .~'olmI:n~. and h'orn1m1 i ]Iuv'm_-.5 spoken at" the t-`hz1ng'es that hzul occ-m'1'(,- in ()nt:n'io lur- in-_v thv last four _vc-hrs in the ll(`.:1l`tS uml mimI~; of tho pr.`-op]:-. tho speak- or said thn ri\'(-1' R-hine was the h01'rl(:1' lino hotwt-on 1110 two p('01)1(`.s, 'l`0ut'm1s um! Cults. .-`\1l`:\h)nL" frmn A ` . , I .1 1 I11, -., _ t... 1_ _] 4,1__,_ A Safety Deposit Box in the vzmkts of the Union Bank. is `the proper place for an_vtl1in_L_" you want n`bso1utel_v safe. `The sirtisfacti-on 01' knowing.r your valuables are out of l1:\rm's .-way, and secure n__:`:\`i11>s1 `worth mn.n_v times the ~char_g`e made for A Safety Box. I L'|ll|}ll-` illili \ (TIL-`. I111 IIHIIIK ll\llll the 11th ee11t111'_\', he s:1i1, they `El 11e\'e1' '01111(l :111_\' (it those p1'o\'i11e{*.s 1` t:1l<.i'.-12' any :1lle;:'i:111ee to tho l{i113_-' ol` "` Pl"_lSSl2l. .-\.ls:1ce 11113 i11to ll six or seve11 (lit't'e1'e11t (ll\`lSlOll5 i11 `P 1048, at the ti111e.~; of the t1'e:1t_\' of { \\'(`stpl1ali:1. All tho:~.e 1li\'i.~'.io11s V were united t();:etl1e1- 111111 .=.ol to E F1,':111ee for three million t'1':1m-5 h_\' ( the King` of P1'u.<.: who did 11ot t own tl1e111. A ])l( l)ln'Clt(' was taken 1 111111 the people by 1111 over- , \vl1el111i11: 11121jo1'ity tlmt they \\`011l(l 1 join the F1'e11el1. N-i11(~.'l)e- t tiveen 1600 111111 1918 the people of .\.ls:1<-e and Lo1'1`:1.inv had t'o11;rl1t for F1':1.11ee and hurl been s11eeessl'ul. \\"us that the 1ll.lltl1(l(' at` l11`<>t`l1e1's li_rhtin2' l)1'otl1e1-s he askotl. W215 it the eolnluet of people ti:l1ti11_-_' its-] own 11100? lt \\'1l.~'. the nttitiule 01' :1 . people proutl to he F11-11-l1, who 1 wouhl (lo:111_\ tl1i11e; to 1-r:111z1i11 F1'e11(:l1. ` DuI`llLL' the F1'e,11eh \`.':11`s 1111 Nzxpoleoii one .<:e()1'e ot' the host y._:e11- e1'' 1"(-re all :\l.~'z1tiu11s. :111l all l'.~p()l~'.(- more or le.~:s lH`Ul{('1l l 1'e11el1. l11 1370 all the people 1'.`e1'e til_:'l1ti11;: in the li1`.~'.t` t1'e11(,-l1 for the l"1'e11eh. 'l)u1~i11u' the treaty ot l*`1-:111l eve1'_\'o11e of the lit) 1'epresL-11t:1ti\'us in the Reiel1st.:1, `p1'Ot(`..~`t(,*(l :1:ai11st (1 tl1e (`(`.~`f~`.l()!] to (}e1'111-.111_\'. "We do- h elm-e null and vunl the t1-enty 111:1 wit`l1o11t 0111' (`o11se11t_."' they .~::11.(l. I '1... r~u\I\n].'I\~n (~I\:\l_'n nf` flun unnn1'_ l\\'ll'll011[ 0111' (`Ul|5L'uI._. LHL'_) niuu. The speaker spoke of the super- scientilie a1'_ \\`h'1eh l-.:ul been used to prove that Alsntinns were Gern1ans, but said it had been prov- ed that the Alsutiams had not :1 Ger- lmau hezul, and all the arguments advzlllced by (lernum scientists had not 1)1`o\'e,(l :\n_vllvin5_v'. The Alsati:1n.'~: tn-(lay were (Jelts, like the Irish. 01' oomnae here and there the_\' would llml some (lC:l`lll:Il1H. 11' :1 Frenclnnzm u trek n Walk or :1 hirzyele ride in .i:\ls:1e(~ or Lorraine `he would feel at home; if he ex'0s.s'el the Rhine he . would see the ln L01`- ,|mine were ilnpormnt <-(ml mines, 1' '01'th many millions. Are we 1 ii}_v~l|tin:_-` for real aml pnItasl1`;" he _ :Lsl Nu, ihe replied, -it -is gionly one issue. We ezmnot have nfthem on the left hunk of the 9 .llhine, :mv:l- we are not ;:nin.r tn l _ _ ' _ V have them\ \\h:\t we are f|5_:l1tn1_-2: '+.|`l"0|' is the :14,-(_-mu]vllrthmeut. of our ;s'(lx'euu1-~t`l~.e return 0! our ",`r.'o\'i1we<. LC l".\`ery man 01' my -.reneratinn lms been hrmlght up to thls--tlmt we 55 must _:'e.t bar-k Alsace and Lorraine, nml we muzat pm_v tlmt the people : ! F (`.OIllH1illl(| UL LHU IJ(ll.I.uA|Uu, mun Green, c-lmplmnz Lxeut. C. '|5--thnf, !.bu1'11, sig1u1.l1i1Ls_:' o11'ice1', and '1 EM. Slum`. Th? rst pnrt pem:,1(,!`cv(?111z15_~; xvns, oer,-.up1 \\'1th 1 (I, "-lt -ls Lluu mmt V01)` 01! OI. VVh(`.l1 in the re fi.-_:\'1tin_-.3 ViHn.,:"(`. Ht WOTC )`[ connmzm ation s--tlmt ..[)u1'n, :3 `citizen u `sol! the i salt` the t'0l10\\'in: questions: .1. How much is it wortli in Do]- lnrs llllll. (`outs to me to be :1 L-iti'/.u.-n 01' Bairrio and to `live in quiet with- out four that i shall he :i\\'uki-iwd du1'in_-.: the dark hours of sozne night by th<~ souml of (i(-1'n1m1 f4'l11l..\ 01' to find in_\' `])1'O])(`l't_\' d('.~;t'1`0_\'ml h_\' :1 (loriumi air raid. ' `.3. How mm-h is it \\'m't.h in D0]- lars and (`outs to me that some other one than 1n_v. is . })ct\\'oL-n tho (iornuin ;\1'ni_\' and my ]0\'t`('l o11os:im1111_\' hmno mnl (i1'e.~'i 3%. To what L-.\'t'L-ut am I 1'o:s'pon- sirhlc, by 1'(.`i1.S0l1 otf not Sll1)pO1'I.il1}_" Rm! (`russ \\'m-k, for the latch otf rc- cruits t"(n' our '.i1'm_\' and `for the minihor 01' zipplioaiits t'o1'oxcmp- tion? If our boys fozir that l s'ha1ll fail them in the time of si1t'1'(,-i'iiiy_" when they need help slipplied tlu'ou:_>'li the meilimu 01` the lied l..-. . . . .... T l.l....... 41...... 42... ....6 n4` OUR REE CROSS DAY ES NM 30 FAR AWAY Be Ready With Your Dollars for the Red Cross on March 20th 1 I. J \l |)_\ ('11) 1'4 ll|l1m1)(`l' 1!... V) IL Where \-It-tluabvles are Safe ' LIUHIIH` '1 t} tlu'ou:_>' -C1'()>`..\', t'o1'i11_r I l||IU\l:_'l| LIIU lllL'||ll|llX UI |Il|' ILL'\I can I blmno them for not 01'- 1'o1'i11:__" tn ti_-.'11t for me '1 , 4. Am 1 1i\'in},-' up to the l'(`.~`]:(Hl- sibilitios which the present tim(-:< ilnposo on c\`e1'_\` citi7.c11". and shall; the cm] 01' this \\':11' (ind me n.~:sv11is11 `I as I was at the })0g'i1111i11g'? ! 1`hos(- are q11o:~:tion.~; whit-11 must hv i t'zu'(`d sooner or later by o\'c 1-5' \\'u(_v*v~ 0211111-1' not only in Bznwio, but` t.h1'0uu`h01|l :11] the :11=liml (`u1111l1"ws and they alvmzuul am zlnswor. N ll` tlu-ru is any bri`-_,j=|1t side to this war, J think it is this. that many] ])(')'n`On.i who ll(`\'L'1' ht-t'01*0 tllomrht 01' :m_\'om.-- rl)(-sides hiu1se`lt' or 1:01-- sclf :11'L{Im\\' nus(-lIisl11_\ \\`m'kin-_j' for viii romuin lruv to tho I*'1-em-h l1u_<.:'. It is this .\"clliiYI1(`l|12|i si \\'lii(-li is lhv ()lli_\' in1pm't.-nit one nftr-1' 2111." l`I\'vu In-day. :Il'1`r.`1' -':T _\`o:i1's ml O'_'(".1]):li.iUl), the .\l. anzl (EL-1`- muns do not mix. said Prof :1." Canup. l'hv (i(-rnmns \\'(-re un mic,- side and the I"1'encl| on the otlu-1'. _L isn12n'(-k ;~':1i `fit is 1101. for }'ou1" izitvn-:st.s we lmvo coiiqilcrc-I _\`m1: it} is for tho i1i!01'c>.1s oi` the IC1upirL~." Tlw .s`])(`;li\ ('1' we-nt on to .~::1_\ Hunt; the (?v1'm:m.~; iv-ishml tu u1n-out i'mm| the in-airts 0| th-3 .\I.~:u`iiu1r: u law-cc-i .. I I`._.. 13.... .. L..A. A1... I .I 0-; -piano solo was 1'omlc1'orl in am no- IH IKYI L|l\' IKIKUIU-`.L-`) Ul LII`: Jtlllllillf. :I .s`1wulu-1' .~;:1_\' 1h:113I( from IL-'-cc-'l for I"r:1m-0. hut they haul not. su:-- ' (-<~<-(in-cl. The l~`1'(-In-11 were tau}.-`ht 1 that they .~sh0uh! love F1 zu1<'r nhovo 1 2m_\"m.ul_\` and n11.\'t'hing:. H0 .~az1itl.: tho 1'(`:ln'.')1l the J"1'envl1 \\'m'v not J tl10u}_"h1 mm-h of in this c0u1m'_V 1n'o- .2 \'i()u.'~` to tho \\`:n- W115 l)er'z1u.~1_- (`zu1 z1.v'i:ms:`1il not imam" 1=hmn. Hfd (-om-Iu(l(- with an mlrbul-.~;t 01' ]m- t1'i0ti.~'1n, 1'c1n:11`kin_-'. lC\'-r .~=im-(Al the h0'_-'innin_-' 01' the \*.'m' Fl':l1lL`(`. nly (lvur F1'2111.-0. my below-I F1':1n<-v. has had hul our hope and mm aim, to ('1' (,ic1'n1:m.\-'." O11 tho motion of Mr. H. A. Hu- (lou1m1'.`~:t,. s(><-oxnlml by .\li.~:s 1-ma-1-1<.<. :1 h0:u't_\' vote 01' llmnks was past:-' ml to tho lo:-hm-r. In the 0:u'l_\' part 01" the (-\`vnin'-." :1 c0m mzmner h_\' Min` White-= broad; Miss Boys sane; c-l'1 v(-tin-l_\' - 0......-.1 '1'-mm H mm. x-inlin Eeforc the above dutv let every itizon of 3z11'1'ie ask himself or her- I]l\'iHl , JIIB.` L)U`\-`I DHHL: L`Il|'\'lA x\11;_v'(-ls G113 111 '1"11(>0," \\`it.h vi ol.)li_z::1to by Mrs. 011! ; .\1 Ho 3! off .v':n'o :1 . in I*'1'onr-11, mi wu.1'ds sinr_-'in2` The M:11'sc1lui. .....'l.... A Al... -L_ Kill _`.Lil \ \' cl PIIIILL Ill 1' l\'ll|'ll, ill .\'il1;','il)f.1` :u1di(~m-rt joinin_ in the cho1'u.~': Hm 3.-':\t"nv1'i11;: was Iwought to :1 (-lnsinn by tho .~:i11`:ix11_-' of the tionul .-\nt`l1cn1. BARRIE B0Ys%01 `pld Banquet at Witley ! England, and Have Good. ` The 1'ol1m\'ing_: report of 21 banquet ` T110 held by the s:i_-,-11:11 section of the it) B1`: 125th Battalion at VVit1e>' `amp, hoom England, \\'as written by L:1uc0- next, '6 nn!-1| \I:\nnnl nf Hm-1-i(-_ I10 wi,;h- when HOLDS, \'V`LllD, 1/ccua, Jewellery in the house. on him." Annual Meeting: of the Trin~ Brunch will be `held insthc Gui-Id. on Wednesday a.fteri1oon. the 20th inst. at three o'clock, all 1ne1nvbe1'.= are asked 110. be present. The mnnml Holy C0:ll1l1l1lil`lOI1-f01" Corp. Manuel, of Bzu'rie. ed the boys from the (lilTe1`e11t towns to send the report to their home pn.pe1'. The report was sent the ofl'eI'iI1.`.2` Of H111-11l God to Collingwood by Sig". A. T. V. for the hlessimgs ;;'rm1ted upon the \ Vebb, and il])p('ux'ml in 11,9 CL')llll1}_,"-l(`l1(l(?{l\'Ol'$ of the hraneh d,u1'in;.-; the wood News: past yezu-, the (l(`(llCtll]}_" nl'1'esh of mi... n,....1........4...-;- .Qiu~nnl Sm-.-lthe individual to the service of wood ;\(-ws: v, The Ilezulqtxurtm-rs Sig.-'nul Soc- 1 tion of the 1`_ :')th Battalion spent :1 4 enj0_\':1h1(- time on Feb. 1st I they held an infoffmxl ])z11't_\' Tulip 'l`ea1'o0ms in \\'it1(-y The g'u(~.~:ts of the 0vo1\ing,' Major H. G. McLe:m, 2nd in con1n1uml0i,' the hzlttaliong Capt. `Green, I_.i(sut. Tho_x'- 1 I`) C` lI\IILl \Il 125:1. BATTALION is 111'o-!1i11d t1111e p111't_\f beix .1" held since rbL11'.~;t _ .~='111<-v1vVoMBN' F1':111L~o.| >L`]0\'L'I ! I - The 1.0 r (, `\ I,` .sent to :1 ` '. " " ."" 2111 I 1`os'1t \ ' I-1'.11'1'1~'.~'. .. ,&n_,`in k.` ': 3 a.'`z- ' ` ` 1` 1"` Annual .\ . H 0 mm . 1` _ *:11- com 10`! `m' 111uk0 us 1' 2 1 '- - V `UH \l\ .`] J` i110.<.s1bl1(1 I .1 as 11 0- , - 1110' v(-tint-l\' Om com` .7 `:1 _. In the '11st. ~, \\1t.1 110111 vo Hood 1|_; Mlle .\l_11'*q1~ wro is 211101`-1_,iOl_,.\. ` .f;';1'.`:,%?. '1 ouu-ht V1L:L`l` :1? any task ` 011(`1 ll>,il(lC 11: (11 .\;1- {us to gm 1 c1c\'0tim1 W110 worl 1110 t1:uu fit-111, 1111 IF 1 )1't sent In Big`. fo `.1 (`.L'>lli11_t:-I011 Ip; tl: ulion G 01 ufofmal 1h: 115 w )1` 11 P140311, 11 Italian; C:1.pL.t` ut. c lprescnt. t C0ill111l1li`lOI1-01" l.'ll1.l1l(Sf_:`lV'l1},(_',`-` to . upon .l:(~ d_u1'in;.-; dodicntinx.-' i_"1)1Il the on God, and the suppli(-2-.-tiiig on behalf 11 of loved ones o\`ors-as and lfor the )Fmal 1>z11't_\`llm.stex1in3.: of my lion-0ruhl~0 peace, will be cc-lehrutecl on \V'(.~d11esday moi-nin_u' next at lmlf-past ton. All ran, 1'nenL"hei-s of the B1`Zlll('-ll are asked lion; to join in this corporate act of wor- 1`ho_i-- ship, as well as other (euinnniniwnts R. S. of Trinity \flll1l`(:l\. and those of sur- mrt of the 1`oL1:1(li.m.,-1:211-i.s`l,1.(~._~`. of tlio Church of _.YA.L .. ..-...- '|I`nrr':nur1 Camp, Time. 01 me |1`0Lu1u1_r.-, u very Eng'_nx1_d_., others and giviiig of. their snbstzuiec to help the poor unfortumnte sufl'er- ers of this eoniet. V I In the C:1l`l_V `days 01` the War, :1. iB1`:lll(`ll oi` the Cam-zidinn lied Cross loeiety was orgzmized in Bd`l'l'l(`:' and fl (-:u1\'-ass was nuule of the town for mone_\' .-1rl)5e:ripl.iou.< to purelmse material for [led Cross supplies. :.\s n re.~:nlt 01' Sl1(.`ll e:ni\'nss the iwomen oi` Ba.1'ri-r.r were snpplieil with `_\':u'n and other material on which ithey imsellislily spent long); hours imukiire` them into` such supplies as were required~' in Red Cross work in ihospitzils and at the front. "But we `are. forced to admit that tl10n__r;li the lwom-on oi Barrie are still as willing ins ever to carry on this work, the ifnnds are laekiiig. Out of the early isu*l)s(-riptions n1a.v-lo by the men of `!Bn.rrie. there is over $1,700 of? this ipl(-(l.:(ul mon(-_\-' unpaid and in ur- .1re:n`s and the Society is `$2,000 in ildebt. There are also many men in 'Burrie who are ez1.1'nin}__v_' more money 0 int the present time (owinj_:` to :1 state of. war) than the_\` ever earned in their lives `before who are not ;:i\'- in).-' one cent in support ol' ' this _feuuse. Is it "fair, is it just, that all `should reap the lieiiet and :1. very {few shouhl carr_v the -burden 1 ()n March '20th evt-r_\' man who is `tn \\'zi__;'e earner in. B-a.r1'ie and every man, _\'onn;_: and ol(l, who is in re- ("('ipt of any inr-ome should resolve to la)` :1:~:i for the use of lied 9 Cross work :1 ::'oo portion of this ' \\':1g_ve or income and 540 signil'_\' his 1.4.-.. _._._ I... ..t . H. iL_ A`, I ~ I 9 $1.25 per aunum. Single copies 3". Barrie Branch, A.;}7SLIE, Manager` xhomton *- W. o. HENRY, Mgr.`I ,`iuto1'ostiu-_: gzuno 01' p1'()}_v;1'e.~: ;!cucln'r:. the p1-izos being; won `Silppor J. '[`mul" (3:n'lm\'. 5th 1 'E:Idi:u1 Si}.-'. ('u.. fnrnu-1'l_\' nf -!unit, and Rig. 1:. ..-\.> 1-2111011. and *\:})00h_\"' 1n'i7.(- by Sin". 1*`. (7. LL ;-{lo1lo\\'in.-: this was :1. line hum . `.:1ml an im]n'ompt11 (-om-c1't' and :- rs0m_-'. 'I'h(,- fun 0u at 11.30 1 `:nt'tor mm 01' the hr.~;~:t H1111-s the h:u'(- . sinov (`U111-lll`.',' to (-m1nt1'_\'. l '- I`hn cin-n-ul ..-mminn nnu- mun \\ |l' lll IIIVUIIIU illlll F1 `intention by signings,` the will be placoml bci'01`L- Hod (`rnss c:I11\'ussm'.s.. vIl'kIll|l\1_\. | "Tho signal s(-<-tion now contzxins iL'0ru1m- sigrlx-.1llex's of the ]I-}:'3t11 and. ['l:')Tth 3z;tt'.1Ii0n.<. and under the |(*on1mzIm1 of Lit-ut. Tho1'bu1'u, has 'h(-come 0110 01' the most efficient lsections in the division. But out- side their work the boys quito often .nd time to enjoy` tl1c111sel\'c~s, this boin}: one of 1mm_\' they have since b(:in t0goth(*1'. 3lWOMEN'S AUXILIARY ; TO 0. E. M l i 1'ollowii1: lotto:-1' has been lsmit all l)x'u11L-l1e:~; by the Dioces- 1'0sid(-11t. Miss (Iz11't1'i5_=,'l1t: , Ag-ain we 11.1-0 pi-opariiig for our .\Icotin_-_-;. the fourtli 11111101- (-o11(litio11.~: This fact` must c:1;;'L-1' to gniii the 9.-'r(:;1t(?s1. s110. benclit that can '1'os11lt from 0111' (`OI11lIlf.!,` 1(1g'etl1e1'. 11,1111 tn avoid `mate due to lost opporluiiity. \\'o to (_'0l1$l1lL'1' s01'io11sl_\' if tlwro aiiy .\`lll(`l(vL`I1lll_L'.' i11 0111' mis- l`sio11:11'_\' L-l1'01'ts. "0 110011` to uh: 1,1111'.scl\'vs -.1l'n_-.'l1 to am" 111i:asion- iurv tusk, fur tlu- Will` itsell} our -.n`1`i1.<:ule for i'ij__-`lit and jlln`tl('(', calls ` 3.;;1'e11t(-1' i11te11sit_\'-ol' cl'l'ort 111111 !1le\'oti<)11 for 1111- cause of Clirist 111 ,il1l1(` \v01'l:l. \\'i1111_i11g: tlic Will` \1'1ll be no \ lCt01'_\' 11' it lmd us, 111 11113 .fi(-111, 1111t1'11e to 0111' Captaiii (`.l11'iSt. lliot us use ow,-1-y opportun1t_\' to the _ Il'ull. and rc111~u111-ber that 1110 .';1'e_at- lest opport1111ity is that of (11-iuving 110111` to God in our united S01'Vl(50 0t _3, lloly Coniiuunion, when He 1'}311c\vs the stucaxigrtli of those who want up- Him. _ rnl... A....u..I Lfnnfinnn Al` flun Twin- l 1n'0_,"1'essi\'o e by `'[`mud" 72m- this ' .-'\. the I, I.` IV `I ._ I nuu In In ['6' 0 L` .' L1 the form which are him by the '|`-'.- l`- \r. JM.'\\'In. bz1nqu('1:, -(nu-Irv!` n n 4] .4; nu - `MISSIONS p.m., 0 9 0 o 9 co.-o.o`4o`00.0 .9 i'`--4--I---2'2"2"%"3*'2'-2~X~~X~I~- 24

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