Tho B1'udf01'd and \\'(-st (}\\=illim- hllry Ay_:'1'icu1tu1':\l Snvicty are ;`oin}.:' `into the .'~'tzu1 H0117 crop ("om- pt-titinn this _\'o:n'. Tho p1'i. 01` war. who are d1'agg'i11g out :1 miserable c-xistmloo at the llands 01' the H11113. found :1 vlmmpion on Tl111r.s(l:1_\' night, in tho, person of D1`. Helen .\lc.\ln1'cl1)'. 01' Toronto. who spoke at :1 n1cotin;:' of the \\'omm1'.< In.~:titut(- hold in 'I`1'init_\` Pnri.~'l1 11:11). Thorn \\':1s :1 \'or_\' .sz1tisl :mtor_\' antomlaxu-0. mn- .s'ido1`in1_-' the oxtromr-l_\' invlomont woatl1er. n 1......,`..A..,L. ..._,.... .1... gm weamer. (.`_\'nics lmmo1'on~'.\' :!>`.\(`1`t that the prim-ipzil point in :1 lad_\"s letter is the po.~:ts(-ript. The speaker on Thurs- day l1l_L'llI l'ollo\s`o this t1'a(liti011 and mzulc her appeal on bolmlf of the ]`u'l>'011('I`.i of war at the <-0110111- Fion of zc-1'.nllr(4~r. l`m'l2:1ps it la not alm_'_"(-tl1(-1' fair to this. (listi11_:1- ui. la4l_\' l(`(`I1H`C`1` to say that this was the most ixnpm-taut l.i:t1't of l1(-1' }rowerful :ulrlr(-:5 as the title of it ..-..,. (luv (h'.nnv-Yunifiu: rm. 101:: " l U\\l'|1ul Kll||Il('-3.3 Ga? llllf IIlIK' UL 1|. W14 "Our ()pportuniti(-s for 1918." In an (`X(`C('di11_ _ I;.' able 1113111101" she pointed out the 0m)01`tl1)liKi(`.< which la)` before the people in the coming" 5'6.-ax`. ern};}m:isin-.' the m.-c-o:~,. n1" making as much of the land as pos- -ibira IN-rr,-a:(-ri ]~rOl1ll('tiOl: in the pri:-<~ of vi:-tor; ' said Dr. .\IcMur- cm`. 52.2 1-vzviutori out how Canada . ) L. .; . .` L ' (ll). I`:4'C 1' r-on}-i be of the Mother 1.-., JI...__.. n13: . .. \.'A.H IMP. ')|.llL'J 1}V)HllH' io1::. :2 mar Il'l}|> r-oulrl hr- marlo by v :~.el.~ frrml Ih3~ I-ountry to am- fmm .-`m.-tnalin and .\'(-w 7.(.'al::nl. She -pol;r- of tho '_"r(-at l:(-lp Wlll('l1 the farnwrs had been and said that in the rvomin'_r _\'(-ar no lanrl must ho wa:~'t'orl. Thm`(- was no hotel or institution, she said. that should not have its l'zn'm or _:_:ardcn. live-1'_\' ho:~'pital and orpl1ana:c- should l1av(.- a large `piece of _'.;ardc-n, upon Wlxicll they could :41-ow vegetables. "\\'lum u-1. ch Jam 4- ...... 4-1.1,. Iu1'_\ Culull .'~1IUW \L`L;Q:(U|)lL`.S. When we sit down to our tables 50 W01] sprt-arl I wonder whether we are thinkinj; of? those who stzmd in the bac-k;_rTound." said the speak- or. She ssfrl the people in I'In'.,rland were 1`r-ally hunm'_\' and that mrmr-_\' would not ]'n'o<:urr- thorn the thin;.:'.' fhnf thr-V 1-wmh-ml Kim,.A Ill um mu'n;_'1uunu. saw [110 f:])f:{lK- . 1(l would tlwm that th(-_\' 1-oquirorl. She mcntiont-rl an instance of :1 lmly of hm' ur- quaintam-0 who at Cl11'is1ma.s timr-. in `the land of roa.~t hoof and plum pudding`, was r)nl_\' :1l)l(- to pro(-urr- some n1a11::1rin<-. I am lmro to l)(-2: for the prison!-1-5 of war," said. She stzm:d that Ilar\'(-_v l)m1g- 1:15, a. returnotl o'ir-or, who hml b(`\'Il :1 prisoner of war, had stuterl that he and the other oll'ico1's. for some |u1o.\:pla,im:l reason, had 1'o(:(:ivell all the parcels sent to them. But Gt was the ordinary S0l(ll(`1`a' who were badly fed. He said he had seen British and C.'mndim1 pri.~;oncr3 gladly out sh which was not good, even eating the heads. 'I"l1n1-A rntn Rn n 1'1.-1o2_.L .-_:,..__. l`\uu Uuuug uu: ncuuh. There are 50,000 British prison- ers in German camps, said Dr. McMurchy, and France has 500,- 000 prisoners in German hands. Two dollars :1 month will keep a prisoner from starving. I think all of us should be willing t 0 pay as much as would keep our soldiers from starv- no- hr MnuI1mK1y nhn`1IAnA L" u..v U1 nu. Mr. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., who presided, spoke of the honor he felt at taking the chair and expressed his sympathy with the movement for extending the franchise to we- men. He thought the result would be that more attention would be nuluu nuuy uur buxwxul IIOIII 8'l8l'V'- ing. Dr. Mcliurchy concluded by speaking of the spirit of the people, which would win the war, she said, and that was the greatest opportun- ity of all. llv I A Rave 1\'(. `MD Inkn Allislou is p1`0n1i. [I_\_'d1'0 light, and po\\'or by the first of April. { lHU'.'H UN. (3 ` Counts) in .L.... AL- A "win PRISONERS IHUX C (1L.`l-(IHKTU :r_\' this hour 01 1'hr_- other Domin- ,.~..VJ L, .,....l,. 1... 1` of M1`. \\'. has rc-tm'n- ,_...__ ,\l. 'T` `llnUu_`_' lauded gvasaga, to bid them farewell, as {they are about to leave for Staym-1' to reside. They were presented with :1 mantel clock and an :1L1(11'oss. At a n1ectiu_g' held in the Y.M.C.A. a branch of the G1'ea.t \\"a1' Veter- ans Assoc-iutioll vras 0rg:111ised for ()1-illia. wiith the following; of- corsz President. II. \Vood; 1st Vice-I residc11t, J. Stublcey; 2nd Vice-1 r(-sideut, C. Allinson; Secre- .tu1'y-T1`eus111'c-1', VV. Fuilos; Execu- tive Committee, B. IIo(lj_f`cs, G. Thor- bum, R. Litstor. Major J. B. Paulin, who is to ;:i\'c his oxpolicxlcos at the front hoI'o1'e the two Cmmdian clubs at Orillin on Feb. 28th, is one of the few (-11:11)- Iains who have hot-11 wounded. Pre- \'iousl_\' ito Ihis 1m'lit:u-_\' experience. he was minister of St. (iilos I _rosh_v- ltcrian <=hu1'ch, Hamilton. He has been appointed 1nini.-tcr of :1 Pros- 'hyt(-rian church at Iiosmlzxlo, Toron- tn The death of an old resident of Staynor district,Mr. \"i1limn Ayers, occurred at the r0sidm1cc of his son, Levi Ayers. 0n_ the townlino, on Feb. 12th. M1-. .-\_ve1's had been nilin_;r for some yeznxe and became sot-iotlsly ill Eh 1'g\\' wc_-(`ks Elgo. He was born in (l.\'io1-dshlro, I`.11g'1zmd. some 7-! years`. ago. and was bro11g'ht to this coun- I'r_v 21;` an infant by his parents. who settled at \\'hitohm'ch. paid to the Ilzuvs of moral 1'et'orm than in the past. With reg'ard to prisoners of war. he undertook to ox1qui1'o of the Go\'m'nmont what xvas hoinf: done on b01m.1t' of Cana- din11-prisonors. He thought the ]n~isoi1o1's should 1'ccoi\'o at least as much now as when they were _:}1t- I. T`L ....- ' ......... -41.-.. The death 01` John Charles .\lc- }\'c_:_-_g'i(', l'o1'rnorl_\' 1; 1n'i\`:1t(* b:u1k0r at Stnynt-r. oc<:\1rro at the (ion- ornl I'I0.~'pit:1l. 'J'0r 1'(~<'v11tL\'. lHlll'H HUVV ll.` |H\"\ ll_`_'l||' I ing. There were other prisonersl besides the Calmdimls n`nd,British,l and anything: that was sontlto them! would nd :1 desor\'inj_~` place. He] had made certain stxggrostions, whiclxl I \\ HCII \V Cl C hurl l)(`O11 acted upon, and he would -(=1'tain1}' enquire as to wlmm` was be- ing done for the prisoners. Speak- ing; of'opportu11itios, the (`l1{lll'l]l8.I1 said failures sometimes cmne throu_;'l1 luck of 0ppo1't1111iti(*:~:. 013-1 ]1ortunit_\' smnotimcs mine tl11'ou2'l1 a pull: but he was glad that patron- age was to be nboli. is one thin;-' more than another \\'l1l('l1 makes the life of a Molnbor of Parliament 1nis(-ml)lo, it is pat-. 1'ona_2'0." relnarkc-d Mr. Boys. r\.. -1 XL. T ` ` If there .L.\ .\. -41.... 'If__.If__ 1 UHi1_'_'l'. 1 Ulllill l`\l.'l| 1'11 . LFU) E- 011 the motion of Mr. J. Marlin, seconded by Dr. \V. A. Lewis, a hem-tv vote of thank;~: was ac-cordc-di Dr. Mc-\{11rch_\'. I `I ,_ ,__,` , , A , , , ,1 lJl'._ .`V1L'_'\1llI'L'I|`\ . It was annollncod that at the next 1 meeting` of the Institute an ntldrt-SS} on AI.'~:z1c-0 and Lon'.'Linc- would be! given by Prof. Saint Elmo 110' f`L..\... ! Barrie G.W.V.A. Supports Aliens; Being Enrolled in C.E.I`. or ` Interned. gn \ vu Champ. 1.. .1, In the early part of the o\'(~nin_2_1 the .\1i:~;.'~:c-5 Donell_\' and Boys gave a piano duct and :1 solo was render- ed by _\Ir.=,. Laidman, both item.'~: be-: inc much apprec-iated. : WAR VETERAN_ I The local branch of the G.\V.V.A. I I was visited Thursday evening last by St.-1j__'t. W. W". Turloy, Prov. Ox -I -;zmi7.r-r, and :1 well attended mo.L-t-1 ing was the I'(:. ~$llH. S(`I`g_"t Turlc-_v llxrarctl the men to stick togctllcr, "just as. we stuck in Flanders. Much _uom] work has been ar- r.-o1npli:~:hm] since the local brzmchl was or;.r:mis(-d in Sc-pt:-n1bcr of last` yczzr. Some six cases of di.'~.tress have been 1'(-lir.-vcd zm1on_2' the mam-E lmrs and soldiexts (l(']'J('nli(`11f$, after hei11_'_" inn-.sti:_'at(-.1 by a (-mnnlittoc for that purpose. frhn \:'r.Onv~nn.- nnvn Lawn 41.,.Z.. 4...... The \"etex':u1.s' now have their own official n1nga7.ine, which is publi::'n- ed in Ottawa (\'(?I'_\ month. The] membership over the Dominion it` now 37,000, and there are 57 active! un nun ]Iu1[nJ.3l`. I branches now oi1_;anised. The various branches are eoiitinually in touch with their headqua.rtei's at (Mtawa, thus any complaints received are easily dealt with. | 1)-: .......`l ..-l.I2__.. _,,' I` CLI-3ll_\ UL'illl UVILH. Returned soldiers WlSl1lll,'.`;' to take up the Govt. grant of land are urged to place their names with the local .~c-(:1-etarv who will see they are plac- ed in the proper lmnds. `The following resolution was drafted and sent to the Premier: That all aliens be drafted into the C.E.F.. or Royal Navy, at the same rnte of pay as other members of the C.E.F.. or mode to work at some, necessary war industry at C.E.F. rate of pay. That all aliens refus- ing to do this be returned to their own country, or interned. (`rt-rnnicnr 'I"u-n-law inf.-.u J 41... Orillin Board 0|` Trzulo is to .~s(`l](1 :1 resolution to the Dominion (`nov- (armnont 2lSkiI1;_" that Dn_\ Ii__-`ht Sm`- ing be onforcml th1'ou_-_-`hunt (`anndm uwu cuulury, OI` lICI'n5.`(l." Organiser Turlcy informed the Barrie branch that it was the r-st branch to grant the full powers of the Association -to associate mem- bers, thus setting the example to the 56 remaining branches. TBA pun-1-in in-nnnh :5 .~o.....l:1.. :_ Inn: :10 nuuuullug UFHUCHCS. The Barrie branch is steadily in- creasing in membership but there "Ann Minus`; `are still a. few 1'etu1'nCd men who! have not yet lined up. (|~..2Hin snnn Inn-n fnlznn on n\'_| Hi`l\lf HUI. _)'l.'L 1111!/`U Lil}. Orillia men have taken an ex- ample from Barrie and have or- iganizod their branch. COl1i11_,"\\'00d and .x\Iidland Imvo taken the neces- .sar_v steps to get organised, and it. lis expected the County of Simcoo [will s11o1't.l_\' be orf;ani'/.ed as :1 dis- mrict, with county hondquartm-s in [the county town. I Pure seed is an important factor .in greater production. It might al- most be said that it is the most important, for weedy seed 1havin_'.r once been sown, it is impos- sible to fortell the damn<._re .'ha.t may he done to the f_fi'0w~in;: crop, or the disnppointnient that may ensue when ;.~'atl1eri11g` or reaping time Ioomr-5 round. Hence, at this season ~01 tlw year, when sowing is i11 p1'o:~:peet, a pzmnphlei issued by the Seed Brzmch of the Department of 'A_:n~ienlture at Ottawa, entitled Clen.nin;: is most timely and valuable. It tells of the implements f'|n urn .m(..1m1 an/I +1.0 .....n....1c| 4'X.L"Il\'llll,llll7 lI| Klbtllu) UHUIUIUU l that are needed and the methods that should be followed. e.'=1.L(inlly `in 1110 clemi-in., of grain and grass ,se(-d. A letter to the Publications Bx-am-l1, Ottawa, will bring the pamphlet promptly and without cost. I CANADIAN INDIAN The King: has received in audience at Buckingham Palace, Lieut. Lost, of the Canadian Forestry Corps, Chief of the Six Nations tribe of Indians of Ontario. who -brought over 3-:-mmber of his braves and in- tends to return to Canada and T8- cruit more of ihem for forestry work in France. A 300-pound man stood gazing longingly at the enticing display in a hubcrdashex- s window. A friend stopped to. inquire if he was think- ing of buying the marked down luv- endor silk shirt. lf`__L ..__I I ...._1!-J 41.. 41. ,;_, Nine tons of I1`\'d1`0-Elm-t1'ic sup- plies ~]m\'o :\1'1'i\`(`d at the Brudtbrd station and \\'(-1'0 u111o:u1(-d on Mon- day. The ])01(-.~: are expected any time. '.'llUl'!' Dill BULK.- Gosh, no! replied the fat man, wistfully. The only thing that fits me ready made is a handker- chief." , IMPORTANCE OF PURE SEED Patneas and Fitness. 'n":6:?r'nn BY ma "I110 15 HR: VVl"ll.\ I. uwuu us any V`;--..--_ ..--__.., .. loyal product to conserve Canada s resources and, at the same time, give the public the best possible flour can be milled according to the Government standard. 5TAN DARD We WHEAT FLOUR WEIGHT or CONTENT5 98 LBS. wHEN PACKED DNTREAL, CANADA ll SPECIAL APPOINTNENT _ \'5 MAJ!-:s'rv THE KING .-r ` \ -TA_NoAR0`99 i~,Tl1is War Flour is excellent in quality and flavour--but :slightly darker in color than ROYAL HOUSEHOLD ich you have been accustomed. HO SEHOLD as it will be for you to forego your favorite ; but our STANDARD Flour will nevertheless make g usbreacl,rolls, biscuits,cake,pies and pastry. If you have any 'fcul`ty-iust drop us a line; we have a staff of expert =1 7 cherrgsts and bakers, whose experience is at your service. V, Just as soon as the Food ntroller will allow us to mill ROYAL HOUSEHOLD again, we will tell you of this h _ py fact. ` / 7/ In the meantime, the ne _eguiations-being in the best interests of Canada and ' the British Empire-demand the :hole hearted support of the Millers and the Public. Certain stores and dealers h 've stocks of ROYAL HOUSEHOLD still on hand. In order to avoid any confusion O misunderstanding, all STANDARD FLOUR will be plainly branded as such. t is just as hard for us to give up milling ROYAL Q ' `IE1! NORTHERN ADVANCE When all your ROYAL HOESEHOLD isgone, make sure of getting the next best grade by ordering E`. 4? OGILVIES STANDARD Grocers everywhere have it,--dg%n t forget to stipulate, OGILVlE S. It will be your surest guarantee of the highest ggde obtainable. If The Ogilvie F1o;r Mills Co., Limited The New Maple Sufzar law __ri\'r-s the public protcc-tion a{:a.'n.<,t adul- teratcd maple prodttcts. Tho :<<-a1-- city of cane and beat. s11;:`m'.s' this year will make it less protable to mix them with maple a\'o1'in_9,` ex- tracts. The markets of Canada and the United States are eag'e1' for pure maple syrup and maple suqm-, and the new law has 1'OSl 01'(`(l public condence. 4 ` A Co11in5_~'\\'ood man lost :1 team ofi horses last week in the bay. They were hauling: ice. and the lines got- tim,-; tm1_:lod the ]I0]`.<(`.\ hacked into a hole. 1 be: LV|ES%` HERE are two reasons for the necessity of persistence in advertising.~One of them is the ease with which the human mind forgets, and the other is the necessity of teaching the good points of your products a little at a time. lt is a general experience, not only in advertising, but in all the different phases of business, that the concern which does not constantly remind its customers of its existence soon has no existence of which to remind them. Now, Mr. Merchant, if you would have the readers of this paper as customers, you must not only let them know you are in business, but keep persistently the merits of your store and goods before them, letting them know of the ara- rival of every novelty, as well as the more staple lines, be sides keeping them posted as to prices. bra deli ; chen 'Hl_S is the WAR FLOUR of the OGILVIE MlLLS-a __- -._.l -1. RING WHEAT FLOUR Persistence Stlfznr nmplo t1'ees are ospm-i:1I1y| vahlablo asset to a farm this _\`o:u'. Rcuulr commercial su;-,'n1' is scayrc-C and high. T11m'0 is money in maple sap, and beyond the work it is p1-ac- , ticully all prot. You =don't Ilavo 101 plou-_:'h, or hm'1'o\\', 01' fe1'tili'/.0 tho; _;'round for the maple 11z11'\'esl. You don't ]l11\'0 to do any sp1'in_'_~' seed- MAPLE SUGAR PROFITABLE .\lajo1- Watson. hr0H1o1" 1). \\'nt.~50n, 01' B1'udf01'd, 1 ml from o\`(~x-sous. The n Stu1'_:oon, Brmlford. is l:n':_ro numhx-r who have C:n1udu. 'I`lH llHI)AY, FI'1} .l_l'.r\RY ting, and you don t have to wait `patiently from spring` to fall. The maple season comes at {L tilne when other farm work is slack. The trees require no sprayings, pruning`, fez`- tilizing or xvatoring. They stand as ,a rule on uutillable or rocky lapd. `The maple tree was a God-send to Canada in the pioneer days. It is no less so now in the war scarcity of r 1191 .1918 I A Immlmr 01' frimxds and l1(`if1l`.-| bors, to the number of 1'nrt_\'. us- 1~;en1|)Iod at 1110 1'o. of U1`. :m<`I Mrs. D. .\[o1jrison. townlino .\'ott:1- CONDlTl0N__9_F_ Dr. Helen McMurchy Makes Appeal to Women's Institute.