Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Feb 1918, p. 1

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`in i I'.L'UKl v_ l`}\lo This was :'.c-<:r) 11d0(l by Mr. `u_u_\':_-(~ and c:11'1'ied without opposition. and it was decided to hold another meet- ing.- in two \v(-eks time. G. listen, '1`. l{oycc. Ii. Littlv and \V. \VL'])}) w(31'e uppoixltnd a build- ing` omnmittco. and :1 committee was forms-d to (-,nn\'ns.~; for sub.~:c1'i1'ti011.~{. O0lISiS1i1l_Q' of the f'<)l1o\vi1)_": .\I1'.s`. E511-11, .\[1-.~:. I xoyc.e, .\I1':~:. Drake, .\ha<. \Y.G1'cu\`o.~'u.m1Mrs. Catlin; )IL~.~m's. Baldwin. 'I`0okn. Kni{_"ht and \\'(-hb. Cast Iron Box Will Now Receive? and Check Bags at Local Station. I IAUTOMATIC PARCEL } LOCKERS INSTALLED , BY GRAND TRUNKL The Umml Trunk 11:1. in the waiting room of the local station a S_\`SlClll 01' automatic parcel elm-l<- in.-,-` for 1ln.- (,'()Il\'OHl(.`ll(_`(.` 01 llh` trawlling pul)li.c. Tliis innovation (-onsists of 21 scric-.5 of .~:tL-el lII(`l{(`l'$. (`.`.l('ll l;w;:c (`llOUf..'fll to hold two tllll`I_\' inch suit :a.~ses. :1 number of ])1ll'(`(_ -l5 or :1 club l)z:g. ln:~'.tn1ction: as to operation are printed plainly on the door 01' ova-r_\' locker. The patrmi selects a lO(:l-{(`l' wlw1'(- tht: key is in the lock, opoiis the door and deposits his bag` 01' otlier p1`opc1'ty. The 1):1t1'o11 then 1 -lnce.~; ten cents in the slot of tlie lock, turning,-' the key to the ri_g'l1t. wliicli locks the tloor, and than r0n1o\'cs the key and 1-(-tailis it as :1 check. The I)1lH1l)01` 01.` each key co1'n:-spolids Iuifli flu. ']`lln nun\l\nx- (\l. n lnnlrnv LHU IIIUIHJCL UL UCIUII AC3 UULLUDIIUIIU-5 with the luunber of a locker. The t1'a.ve11(~1' on 1'(:tu1'nin{_-' to the stu- tion to obtain his p1'ope1't_\_' i11se1'ts the key in the lock, and turns it to the left`. uul0ckin1_: the door. T110 kcy `is :1ut0n1LticuUy fhstc-11-c-(1 in the lock and cunnot a`-_"ai11 be 1'cmov- ml until mxothc-2' coin is deposzited. The c!1eckin_- service _::'i\`(-n for the one pz1yn10nt C`0\'C1'.~' a }m'iod 01' t\\`011t_\'-1'o1n' hours 01` lc-55. YFI. _ -...~...f_ l,.I ._ Ln\.'uL_\'IULu Ilulun U1 H.113. Those automatic loclic-1'5 in}; used c-xtensivol_\' on the U1'am.l Trunk h'_vste1n. They lmvo proved sztlc anal s:milm'_\', pe1'111itti11_: the patroxl to obtain .s'e1'\'icc- with tho least possible (lclay. The milw:u_\' in ins*.:1llinu' them has felt that thc-_\' will be apprcc-izltml by t1'a\'cll(-r.< u.~:in:_r_ that line. are l)(` l x [NEW POSTAL RATES Fxbxn 1110 }1`iti.~'11 I7`0.=,~tnl Dc}a:11't-! ment has (-omo to the C`:1n:1 post] office d(-1u1x'tn1m1t :1 m-\'.' po.~;t:11 order! rega1'diu_-_-` the mailing` of now.~:] m1>cr.~: and xn:1'."a'/.i11es to the Cxlitocl I\'ing_*-' (Iom. ! Y`._LZl LI. ..,.... ...., !..L,. \lUlHu Unti} the now rulin_-_; _-:un(- into force llL'\\'.\]b{1])('I`w` wuld be muiltul in bll11((`.sZ now it is 11(,-u(-.w.~:n';\' to mail mu-h 1-npor or xna;`a'/.ino sop- aratr.-Iy. only one in n. \\'ru1n1>(-1'. Tho rntes of 1o.su1.*'c remain as before: to s0'ldi0r.~' 01' civilians in Great Britain. one vent pox` four nun('v~': to France one or-nt. per two ouncc-.<, this rate 1~r-1'(-n'in:_" to Camulizm pub- `lications; for foreign puh1icnti0ns| the rate is one cent for two o1111c-c,-.~g. `both to Britain and Frnxwn. I I --VVhcn you think of "5 beds, think of W. A. Lovfe & So c`61IiEtL{{St. TO ENGLAND favox-011 Mr. and would to that MT(wl. could not un- er would stand .n- 441.-"\nn Ln Ln ch11rcln\'n1'.1ex1. ` })11~iluliu\_" they} if th-0) had :1 he 111>l\'m-1. it [i',th(-_\' doo'nl- .1 LXLA .. -. .... . I,` I"}UU hrivks HUULQ $1-500 , . B l Llllll to be n1i_srht . Lsll' 0l'1`o1' 1110 the V III the $1.25 per ammm. Single copis 3'6. V 9:0 ` ` V 9 O I I 9 O I O 9 I 9 C V .....g..;..`..g..,.;.....`.....,.._..;. ._.....g........,..,. I 'l2"!` There was in sudden t1':n1si.'or1m1- tion of the wea.the1' e.'n'1_\' on Tues- day morning`, the sp1'i11_ atmo- sphere of Monday departed and the thermometer (h'0p1)ed to a few de- grees above zero. In the early hours of the mornin_:; n hlixzzlrtf came on, the wind blowing` with ex- ceptional violence. While the stern: was at its hei_2`ht. between 5 znnl (S o"e1o<-k the _9.'aIv:u1i7.e:I iron root M? the store of H. B. M_\'ers, Dunlap St. was ripped off and hung" like :1. etlrtain over -the front 01. the hn-ihl- inc`. Part of it fell on the oleetrie li_r."ht wires, \ve1'g']1i21}_r them down and euttin-1 off the ele<,-t1'ie li.:'ht for the n1oArnin_:;'. Part of the roof 0!` the store :n1_ioinin;:. 0(?Cll])i`L`1l by \\'. FL Hunter, was also taken 011', I'nllin\_-; on the prenlises of Moore & Arm- strong . No serious dan1a,_,r7'e was done to the prenlises beyond this. l One telephone line between Barrie and Toronto wns put out of wo1'kin<:; order, but coznnnmiention \\'n.s es- tublished before night. There was some inter1't1p'tio11 in the service be- tween Barrie and ()x'illia. `Twenty Adopted by Bar- rie Branch, Who Are Regularly Supplied With Food. Barrie is `Visited by Blizzard ~-Wind Blowing With Exceptional Violence RED CROSS HELPS mmmmmn 'RO0FS WRECKED" BY VIOLENT GALE The prisoners 01.` war (l(`]P1ll'llIlQl1L which is presided over by Mrs. RivL;1'.s-B11lk(=lLg\ at 10 Con-k.~:pur Street. London, uudcrtalkes to pro- vide for each Czmzuliun 1 1'i.s'0n(*r of wa1',o1 which there are amn-n.\'i- mately 2300, 13 lbs. hroml and (50 lbs. of food per month. H" it were not 1'01` tlxc-so sllpplxcs the men would sur(l_\" stzn-vc or be in the sad [plight 01' the Ru.~;sizu1 1>ri.~:onm's. A ;dL'.\`(`I'i1)t'l0ll ol tl10.~'.(.- t:0u re- `c(-11tl_\_'u}>]nca1'cdin tho ".\tl:mti(- i.\lo11th1_\"' in tho f'ullo\\`inu' .~'(-ut(m(:- 'l'he_\' would go mad for the raw l1e1'1'i11_:'s and they did not \\':1.~`.I(.' any icitlnc-1'. 1'01` they would cut the head f1.l)(l in.sid(- as well and than look around for the hoauls that our fol- ql.0\\ :s' throw :n\':1_\ . But 01' l.`OUl'.0 itlmy were stnrvin-." and not ;."L-ttixxg any pu(-lu.-ts the .~;nmc as we wore, so llu-re is an excuse for tlu,-n1. I know 1 would lmve done the same iheforc our p2u`(-(`ls stnxtml comin,r_r. All u..'.+;-1. ....,1 rn.....,1:.m nu, UCIULU Ullf [!i111'L'J.B Dllllblfll UUHllll,'_',- All British and (`a11z1(liai1 prison- ers are cared for by the I?-ritisli and C:1na.diun lied Cross Societies, the British (.love1'mnent lutving,-' imulo ax lstipulation to that eflect in t-o1mec- ntion with the Red \\'()l`l\' and the society most willink-_I,'l_\' i1.ssu1nc(I the 1-ospon;~sil)ilit_y. The Czum-rliuu Red C1'o;~'s \'olunt.m-il_v z1:s'.`s'1uii(,- the care of their own men and the American Red C1'o.~:s the same. The : wliieli are Cl1(l_l1l'C(l by the p1'isonm'.s of the Alliml Nzitions; we `can 1'eadil_v surmise. At the present ltime there are more than :1 million lnml a halt Allied ])l'l1'0llC)'.s' of War ,iu German liamls. .xu g-unnuuu -uuuua. In n recent appc-ul,oI' .\lr. Fame Sc-we-ll 1'01` the I 1'i.~;onm's of \Vm' 21:11-L-zul l"unrl_." he states. 'l`hc men lot" the (`:mzu1inn uni1..s are tukvn over h_\' thv Czmmlinn` lied (71'0ss Sol-ioty luml any special coxltrilnltions 1'01` 3, i('zum(li:m 1n'is0n('1' 01' Will` l`(!('(`l\'0(l. jjhy us sent direct to thr: l ri.soncrs iot` \\':n' D`Bf+f1I`tlI1(,`l1t in Lomlon. The ;Cz1n:ulian Rod Cross sum to it that lc-\'c-13' ('an2ulizu1lms his quota of }p:u'(-L-ls and food (lCS1')2ltCl10(l regu- ilarly mul while o1no few may write and complain of non-1'ccci]>t. others acknowledge rt,-r:11ln1'l_\' as the records will show. In any (-vent it is thought no fault of the Rod Cross that the (,':mu ])1'l$()llL'l':i of war _-'0 hun- as 3 I . l |....`- : To this L(SHll10H_\' can be added }the luau) cards received from the '2U pl-isomers of vmr adopted by the .Barric- l$ran(-11 C.1{.C.S.. nmuy of {them our own Sin1r.-no l)0_\*.<. Don't`. for:ot to come zmH1elp"()u1- T"und at the Op:-1'a House, .\l:u'ol1 14th at ;S.15 p.m. Li('llt('11:l!1t Hu1'\'(-_\' Doug- ilns, 1'c~tur11e(1 prisoner of Wm`, will toll us Inany of tho thinf_'.'~: we would ,1! FL. L- 1-._..... I The 1'o_:`11la1' Xl1(`(`lill`.`.' m` H;1l`l"u-` branch (`..R.(`.S. will he mun Mm! -`day, March 14th at 4 p.m. Atteml-1 ance _of m(-mbors is ruquestt-I. , -luv, xvuuucu lu- all like to know.. Of ab:~:ox'binr-_" i1mAr(-st is the new serial :5t0r_\`, "The \\'oman \Vho '35 Not," which r.-oxnumnr.-edi11lasI'. Wook e Advance. It is oontimwgl to- day. on 1:21`-go T. ' The Woman Who Was Not." ' `the Shop Slltll!`d;l_\'. Feb. `_`.".1'l. _`,.,.... V ' _ Slupped to Socou1'.< .\:mmml: '2.) -quilts, 25 lbs. cl1oc.~:c<'1otl1 cut.ti11_-_-`.<. Value of shipment ::~'2`_ 10.0. In- 4:reasc over I"ehx'1w.r_\', 1917. -`510(i7.$.'>. , The contributioxls of will be 3__:i\'ou next xwck. St. MzL1'_\"s chum-.h had mar}.-o ut Nvt .-\uxi1i:n'iL~s receipts. .~; 454.93. Tho montllly 1n(=ki11;_~' was as fol-l lows: 35 pillows. b`$)`.3 1v} _l:\ll1l|H, .'}`_ l annel s11irt.<. (5 quilts. 1`. lm~1~1t;xll suits, .138 p110uxuon'm j-.1ckel.<, 7.3 strotclmr caps. 18 face cloths. l'_`~lSl property bags, 1'. towels. U nzn1mt:1-l tiousooks, 1 l10. `2.~<-ulto-i tu bnn(la_:'(`s, '. scrap books. U113` pairs socks. S135 hospital lmmlluw-l -`chiefs, `J \\'1\l'(l slippers for ll-.111(l:\-1`.-li AC St. A11dro.\v's church will }x:1\'`i "'cha}rg`e of the shop Sat1mi:\_v, Mun-11` :;j2nd and the f01l0\\'il1g` Snt\1rdu_\': =CoIlie1- St. .\[c!h0(li. church. I .Shanac_\`, phone 459. Next W0(`k. ...l{rs. Pz1_\'n(`. phone 553; `vfrs. Gm`- `vin, phone -1~}`.2. I Shop colmuxttco tins wvok: _`.h'.<.' I _ ,.. 1 vs. \4\1 Donations S:1tLmI:\_\'. Foh. ,9th Lino St. P21ul'.<. u_tte1'; .\[inosin;_: Station. ' n, .1 (102. eg-_>'.~:. Suml-n_\', The pastor 5_x_'\'icvs. Tripity Church Have les Notes. [Made Pa ble Here; I J. Frank Jackson Auovun. nu.v. nu. 9. ..u. (`wood 1nu:~`i(-, Evcd_vbody wt-loonu-. igh P1'ic0s are better than :1 [fun i Peace. ' p.m. I~lv.-nim: servicv. Pastor. Rev. R. J. Fnllis. 1` ,,J_.L, 1.- ..., I ,,.,. :1.1n.--R-lo1'niug_-' sc-r\'ico. v1 Phone 162}. RED CROSS NOTES. u . .u_-x... 1`I\'m'_vbo1_\' welcome. MAKER OF PORTRAITS THOS. ROGERS `Collection when due. \Ve will be glu(l`o supply Note forms for your Sale`: "tee, and citlxo1| l make aclvanc-cs again` the Notes `which you 1'enci\'o, or `ll{C them for you p1'el'e1'. trouble, ll(`.- This will save you 1mu- _ lay and possible loss. I\__,. L._,__,_ D-.. ,ILL.... D. lhtyxnond. \'i:.-ax`. mam; tburch -.\[n1`ch 3rd. 1918. ...-..... ...... -,.__. will preach at. both THE V "-' - --- ' I ldgo "I.'l1o 1'(.\<: 0, Continent: - ._ S01lliC1'S :1 \'V- A- B` 1055 ~ (`1(`('E?0ll la: _ ' _ nth tl Clthor . `Hoe are Americml See the ;\[a1m_-_-"(u and the 1 no date of \ ur S2110. t0 001110, ' ditlatos in is as folk Sinwoc gr` ((h;\'crnn1 .. LESLIE, M agar C. HENRY. I Has. Phone 33$); 23ml 2 !l-. ,4 Our terms for either very rcasolmblc. about it before the 5 lsovs MAJORITY J IEMWMW l SOLDIERS VOTE Tho 1'0:~:11lt ol' the voting_:' ol` the Continental zmtl Nnrtll An1m'ic:1n and tho navzll men is that Boys poll in the general election has been i11c1'e:1sod to 5,499. Ivtu, n. ..-..Af..._L._l \Y.,..Ll. N01`lh--Cnl. J. .-` ((h;\'c1'u1ncut) -- C'i\`ili2m. .\'0'1'tl1.-\.n101'i0:1n. 51: cm: -).".'! VT`.-.t.~I 1 l\')l \'ll.'l'llUH. H113 |Jl7l.'ll lll\'lL'il.3Ull LU l}, I-'l-'I. With the (eontinc-11t:1l and North f~?0i(iiL`1'S and mivui vote in. am! 1'nito(l l{ing_wlom vote still the stundin -1 of the \'a1'iou.~'. c011stitl1011(`i0s follows: mu, ._,'_r tinontnl, lchange. .1. 11. Mitchell (()mmsition)-(`iv- ilinn. 1.1%; North A1ne1"1czu1..3; eon- tinontal. 1`_ . Total, 1.151. No el1:mg'o. .`\IIlL'l'lL'llIIy Total, 6,3-H. rUnionists in Three Simcoe 1 Ridings Have Votes = 1 Increased I I - Sinu-oe South-\\'. .~\. Boys (Gov- 01'mue11t)- Civilian. 5.04-1: Nortln .-\m01'ican. 96; continental, .`%.')$). Tot- al, 5,499. Sixncoo I:`.nst--J. B. Tudhopo (Gov- ornlnent) - C`i\'i1inn. 5.670: Nm'th .-Xmericun, 117: continental. ;).):. IIV-L,.l f!`)lI V0l. LXVII.-No. 9. .\[anlo_\` Chew (()ppositimx)-~(`iv- i1iz111,3,0`_ -L: North ;\n101'io:u1, 5; con- - ti11o11t.u`l, 30. Total, 11.05.`). No (`h:11)|__`.`C. EBARRIE JUNIORS 1 BEAT KITCHENER iAfter Suffering Defeat By I Union Jacks They Win Re-' i , turn by 12 to 3. }}:l1'1'i0 juniors ,iou1'no_\'(ul to Kit- :-lnonor on lrixl:1_\' and plaxjvoal Hm 1'11-. ;:ume of tho hon1o-anal-holnce s0ri0~`. 21u'nin.~;t thv 1_'ni011 -J:u:k<. in the ;\.udito1'ium. 30th temns up- p(`n]'('11 to be px'elt__\' e\`onl_\' mutvhonl and the }_"zu11(' was one of xlm haul- lt-.~:t fought in l\'it<'11o11c1' for :1 Iona time. Tlw homo tvam sut'1'(-rml con- .~id<,\1'ably th1'm1_-_:'h tlw loss 01' Ja- -mi0.~'0n at 1-ontro and tho :<(-onml |p(*1'iml \\';1.< re:1<'ha3l bu-t'0x`0 they got limo . It \\`us :1 rour:h ammo. penalties :\g_j`:\inst pln_\'e1's on both shlcs being.-' 11umo1m1s. In their 1-n>;o1'11c.~'.s to score Barrio 1-1:1_\'o1-3 so... vu\.. ch. .-nIn.- 6'.-nnnnn1`\' | L'l\_`_'L'1'llL`.\.$ LU : ECU (`C X)ill IVIL" I il1';11i.',.'-`1'cs.~:c\(1 the rules t'i'equem`._\' and .~;n'e1`el the penalty. .\`[(`l`i{i!1_`. .'. who played :1fi11e2'mnefo1* Barrie at H`(`l1i!'\". was )>ex1:1ii'/ed three til\1[`\`. ' In the Iiist period ll('ili`.(`I' team . Barrie hahi .thc best of the g*.r:uuu but the shontins; 01' the foi'~ `wards xvus wihl z11id`o1~1'utie. In the Uli(i1ii(` fmiiie the l'nim1 Jacks play- _(.'Ai in i)(`ttL`1` fuiuii nml Clark and `I?.e'. ~_:ei' ezu-h scm'el in quick .\'l1('I.(`.~'- lsion M101` 1i\`(- minute'.< play. |.\'ehn:11'i'. who Keite1'l)u1'ne'.< 'lil`\ \'| .7 v i took [plnee in eentre :i1'te1' the first periml. {scored i\'itcl1e1ie1".s' third and last 120:1! two minutes before the j_'0n_': i.0l1ll(il`Ii. The \'i.s'ito1's .~.hmved their host viass in the final period. Tine)` ii'iI(N'iie(i 1ios})01`:1tei) and :\tt:u-kiwi \'icim1. to keep down the .<('0\`(`. -?'l`he\' pi'e\`ented the J:1ek.< from it:11l_\`in:_-` while .\[eekin~,-' .~'(`01'(`i on n fi0H`_" shot five minutes after ]\i.'l_\' .st:n'ted. ii "[3,... Ll... T..A`.. I')____. .-.. I). 1 1 |K`l.iXlll'|l. For the Jack, Bmvnmn.Bri(-Iznum and ("hrko wore .tho :~'t:11's and `Moore. White, Mocking and Dymont 'p1z1_\'ol _-good hockey for the \`isitor.<. .Tho line-up: I'..;m. ,1n..L-_-_r:,...v .1..- l.||l' lllIL"lll}a Union Jz1cks-GoaI. Bowman: dc- efenco. Brickmzm. Seilinz: centre. I{o1t01'bu1`no: winuzc. B01-3:01`. Clarke: 5111).. Schnarx`. Barrie - Goal. M0011`; dc-t'onr'c-. `Nlxitv. 9utl1o1`l:1nd; centre. Mock- " ' win:_::s. B0_-_':1rdi.<. Dymont: sub... l|1_L. VV |nj_'4.\. L)U_'_'.K|lul.\. ll_\lHl'I|l. bill)..- L`1:n'k. Ilot'o1'oc~-R.7`.)t. H:_\\vit. Toron- L.` THE KITCHENER MATCH. ll .s'llllUll\'L|l|` Total, 4,021. Burrie Branch. A. MN Thornton " W. HENRY. Continued on page eight. D1'ur).' (()ppo.~4iti0n)-~Ci\ i1- T12: forth Amorit-an, 3; con- 1U. Total, '. ,'_ S.'). No . AX. \ l II 2111. 3.717; <-mntinontul. , I i 1 1\'c\\`111:11'k0t, F01). IF. -- There is 1v:1t01` i11 41.110. 1\'v(~\1111111'k0t C.:111:111 110511101115 1'0111:11-ked this 1':11`0, 111111 above :1ll 011co111':1;;i11g: pl10110111(-11011, to-(1:.1_\'. There W11-s no doubt of it. T11c1'0 was 11':11v0.1` 111 the 0:111:11. In some places there was more than :1 00111110 01' foot 01' 11':1t01', i11 1111 plac- es th01'0 was 111010 thv:111 :1 00111110 01", inches 01' ':1t01'. I11 fact the 11:1\'i- g':1tio11 01' this i111po1't1111t l1i_2'11w:1y 11) :1 to_\' s:1i1l)o:1.t is 1-o11si(101'o11. in 111111- ti0:11 <-i1-0l0.~; 1101-0, 10 110 1111111111011-t. 117 the thaw 1-01111111105 10115.,-` 0110115.-'11 :11111 is :1c(~011111:111i011 with :1 1011' good hc-:1\'_\~ sl1o\\'01':s, 01111005 111:1) he 11:155- ing__-' 1111 111111 1101111 here sl1o1'1.1_\', ply- i11j_-' :1 1'02'111:11' ]>:1ss011;:01' s01'vic0.1 "1`l10 1l:111:_"01' 111' 111`o1\'11in2' 1\'hi011 111:1_\'1 50011 0011l'1'o11t t110 0iti7.011s is 11011 11101 101110 01' 111011}.-'11tl'111 1115011551011. LiI'0-1 s:1\'i11:_- i11s1it11-105 m:1_v 110 o1'_-_',':111i'/:1-11 211111 111-st-:1.i1l 0l:1ssCs 0st:1h1is11e1l. W11011 1110. 0:111:11 was (1111:. .~s0\`01':11 yc-111's 115.10, 110110 0\'01' 0.\:p00tc11 to soc: its 1'11}.-'01-11 ()l1t11ll( .s' 50110111-11 1)_\' 1110` 11110501100 01' \'\ :1t(`l', _\'0t 511011 :1 111111}.-" has 11111131011111], 111111 the 1\'is(1o111 01' its 11111111011; is 0\'i11011t. ()11l_\' for 11101 0:111:11 :11] th0 w:1t01- 111i_ h:1\'1.- soak- 011 into the 1:11111 111111 d0l:1_Ve(1 5111-1113;" 1 S(`.(`(1111`.'.'. \' . [Water in the Ditch at Last Causes Much Interest and Amusement. ' i.V\'I\.'\llll_`.L. I Ysto1' .1n-ono11nce(| thaw and the rain 01' the (>.\`o11in_-_:' <-mlsocl :1. ]n'onounoc(l swollin_v_-' of the Hollaml liver in this \'ioinit_\', and "if the} river were to swell to ten or vt\\'e11t_v times its depth to-d:1),' it would be possible to link it up with the oamll as a part 01' the water l1ig_:l1\\'a_\'. N0, (l:u11a.L:'e was (lone by the floods to tho (':1l1{ll. tlw 1'i\'(-1' or ntllc-1' pro}-<-1`- ties. Dr. Wallwin Resigns Presidency- Directors Re-elected, but Elec- tion of Officers Deferred. BARRIE UNION I)1'. \\'n1lwin 11:11-simloxl at the nunl 111ovtiuj__-' of tho Bzlrriv 1' ('omotor_\' (`omp:1n_\'. held on I day. nn 1- ' I . . noun, .; I.-I7. .'xn.sL'>..\lI1L'1IL.\, ~7`U_'U.-JU; G1`-u\'o.<. $'_".23.(i0: l1npro\'onwnt.~;, . ` ` ; l*`m1n(lation. $147.33}; l)0od.<. - .50: 1l1f(`I`C.s't_. $5.72. Total, $1722.24. l-Ix1m1(lit111'o :- Sz11a1'ios. I .'S1());').0U; li.\'tr:l Labor. $189.90; Ad- \'e1't.isin_-j. $18.70; I rintin_;' and Stu- tionc-1'_\'. -".~'-31.75; Supplies for Stum--I iutomlvnt. .".~`.'}9.`l0: I osta_-_"<~. $;').10;` I-{(]>airs. $11.65; Telephone. $].'}.`2.'); lnstlram-0. U: \\'iml Mill $76.-i . ') :7. . . `PK. L`l.....,u.. 1.. ! L..H.. U21 i---i-~'}~!-'2-~2-Z-`2'$"I"2~1-$~2-~1-+'X-~E"2* 3: uu_\. I Thv finum-i:1| statonlent ml` the} I)ir(-(-tors \\':\s as t'o110\\'s: ` Her-oipl.~.': - Balance. I)m-. 31st.` 1916, 9,~"_ T1.fH: .-\ss(*.~:.s1n0nt'.~`, $630.50; (1.....-,... 4.--)-2-znn. ...,. 1uauIunL`\'. ",`.|.-D.-IU. Hulu JLHI, -`,`IU.- 1:5: I"lowo1'.~'. .~:h1'11b.s_, bulbs. $13-3.-3: ); Expr(-ss, $12.80: 1.0}.-`all. $5.(N.): Bal- ance on hand Dec. 3151. 1017, .`:4'20(`).- 55): total, $1722.24. If`! ru , * I I15,` tUlill_` ','`II.. The (`h:Ii1'n1:m sumo 01' the W011 _\'om' on tho }_-`mu irrg` ndolytc-I. 1).. \\'..Hu-;.. Ill; tI\IU1 lL"I. ' '| Dr. \\ all\\'in. p1'esid0nL of the} Imam] 01' I)i1'0ct0r.~z_. sis.-`11i1imI his wish! to 11-Ii11q11i.~. l1 tho pm-.~iL1L-11:-_\' ihisg vnnv _\m'iu. { The I)il`Of'1(n. xvoro 1'c-('10:.-trcd :15 undor: I)1'. \\'ull\\'in. Geo. \'i(-kers, N. I).\'m(-11t, H. A. Stc-]ul1(-us. Ed. :\rn1son, A. P)1`0\\'1l1('(`, T. X11511. and. A. 15. Stupletoxn. The (-loction of p1'osi<.lc-111 and \'icc~-president was (l(-1'01-rod to I110 first xm-(=ti11"_'" of ne! boaril. E \\'(- wish to call the attention 01 the ]n1l)li(` to the lecture in the A11_-.;'- lioam I :n'isli llull, Tl1l11'S(ld_\'0\'Cl1l112`, llarcli Ttli. by St. Glcno do C-lnnnp, l 1'ot`(-.~'so1' in Toronto 1'ni\'o1'- sity. By .\'}b(`('l:1l rc-qiiest tho l(`.("l.l1]'U will be on ;\ls:u-0-Lorraine." Tliis siibjoct is of vital iiiterest at ~p1'e,~;- out as pence no_ are likely to llll1_L`(- on the disposition of those lpx-0\'i11c(-s and niany are lf'.'Il01':!llt of} the iinpoi-tanoo to Fmm-0 of ]`C`C0\'(`l`-I I..,.. V ` L`.:. I L A,,,,,` L, ,, I'| .~ -`uu\uu`\'n zluu 1u&ll1_\ auc lj.'|lUl'iull UL rc-co\'cr-E in}: this l0:t tc1'1'ito1;\'. Prof. lc Cliamp has been in France sincc tlicl l>c_-'inninu of lvllp war and he is al brilliant and interesting: speaker mull it is an honor as well as :1 9,'rc-at 0])-I portunit_\' to have SC`(`ll1`(`(l sucli :1; man to conic tn Barrio. This lo.ct'.n'c' shonlxl specially :1p1nc-al to the monk of tlic town. A silver collection will be `taken up for 11ecc: cxpc11:~:cs.l tlic balancc to go to patriotic pur- poses. I Bo_<:i_nning .\Ia1'c.l1 1st :13 gas bills will be ren(lc-r(-(l monthly 0'}: 1l1c lit day of the month. A xligount of '25 cents per 1000 feet will be allow- ml it` paid on or before the 10th day of the month. 1')...._.I.. f`,... F`. NOTICE TO GAS CONSUMERS. LECTURE ON ALSACE-LOB RAINE. ._...-uu: BARRIEPLANENGMMI NEWMARKBT CANAL.` BARRIE, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 28th, 1918. Jlll. Barrie Gas Co.. >7 J. W. McCutchoon, Mzmager. :.._.-.41. mun ;':1\'(` :1 ;'o11(-ml rc- work done durin-.1` th( __-'mun his 1'opo1'l bu-I I CEMETERY co.i `.u' \ l|lUll Mon- The brave `boys who went out '1'1'om Allamlulc and \`icinii'y at the call 0i'd11t._\' and l1:n`cs'im,-0 mzulv the supreme sao1'iI'icc, are to lizwc their `momory honored by the (-rovtioii of :1 memorial hail], \\'hic.h is also in- tended to he an it(!kl10\\'1(?(i.{'()IIl(}l1i of the putriotisni 01.` those who vol- iiutoc-)-ed for `so1'\ i(.-0, hut who, it is hoped, 1mi_y sank-l_\' return, when the [1'0u1'0I' tho _(':111n0n is ho:n'd no more. It_ is the t'0l1f."l'(`f_":`lii()n of St. ,(:>o1'2 o`,s' .-\n;_-'li(':1n chtm-h who have `decided to meet the hall, shm1lds11l"- (ieiont .sumro1'L be fO1'til(`0Jl1il1}_'f. At :1 l)1(`C*Hl1$_" hold ;\[o1idn_\'11i5_:'l1t in the ivhu1'(`h it \\'a.< (i(`(`i(i-Dd 1'0 ( ()lIHll(`ll('C -.i.hc \\'01'k, p1'o\'iding' that` $1500 is s11bs(*1'ih0(l in two \\'(`-vk.<' time. `Tho Rectal`, Rev. E. 13. Taylor, p1'(.\.s'id- |od over an :1tto11(1:inc- 01' about `thirty. which \\`:lS \'e1'_\' s:1tisf':1cto1'y, (-onsi(lc1'in\: the oxtroni(-l_\' incienicnt I\\`('Z`|t1I0l'. To be Erected in Memory of Men Who Fell and Serv- ed in Great War. NEW PARISH HALL FOR ALLANDALE, All kinds of dressed lumber. oor- ing`, ceiling. oak flooring". mm11 and trim..B. C. . 1'ou~_fh lum- iber and joistixl`-4.: on hzuul. D1'(.~`.~?i!1f:1'( . 1151 all ordc-x'.~' 1'0:-niw pmxnpt '5.ent.ion. | ... ... - ...\ vs. hv , u't.'\ . I 1 I * Mr, H. \\'il. .<:1i (\\'c1'_\'0110 ap- [I1'(`Cli1l.(`(l tho efl'01'L< of tlmsc who had l:\ul1('ll0ll that S\"l1C`l1lC. But he lwns 1111c011vi11(-ml that it was wise to `z1_2':1i11 put :1 1110115,-`:1_ 1111011 (:h111'cl1 |p1'o1.o1*t)'. lle ]11`()('(`(`(l(`(l tn imrratc {the tliffit-illtios \\'l1io.l1 were expor- 'l(`llC(`(l (l\11'in3_-' the ('l_L'lll01'11lI1(`. yours lthzit he \\':1.< the people's (-,l1111'(-l1\\*zu'- den. 'l'ho_\' \\'o1'(- l121\'i11g :1ll kinds of I1'ouhl(-. ho sninl, .'1n r.-ouhl not pay Lhoir (lohls. In l":1r-t_. tho r-l1111'ch was l('lOSC(l for :1 time. Fi11a1`l_\f they {mt the debt xvipetl off. Then th(-1'0 was [the 11101't;;':1g(- debt, and those who took part i11 the work of tho (`lll1l`Cll lmexv the trouble it 1111.: to wipv 011' that 111o1't I\'o\v we are 1>'l{0(l Etc put in lll01'l_2'm';`O of :1 thmisand !ll0ll{ll`.3' on 1-111111-l1 p1'o11o1't_v. he ls:1i(l. \\'hi<-h will h(-:11` iiitorest at six 11-r cent. and it 1110:1113 the old `.Sfl'l1'."Q`l(` 0\'c-1' :1y.:'ui11." Ho (`I\'])1`0Sn'- `Cd l1in1.<(-ll` i11 l':1\'m' of :1 ])2H`lSll h:1ll, llmt 1ln11ht(_:l it" it xvould be the 1, ._ -1- ...r....11J.2A.. . NIH lll:lll\"l' UIILII LHLW l'IlT||. \Vlla lI\l'L. I \\'. ll. \\'ohh .\ lI_`_"f_"(`.~1l(`(l that when tho)` hzul $1500 suh;~:(-rihvnl `Lhoy lshould ('0lHlll(:H('1` to build the hall. The llector saiul they llll o1TL-rs \\'hi(-h they mi}.-"ht uovor 1'c.~(~:~`.'o :1'_-`min. 311'. \\'i1. statuxncnt showed that they haul c-nuso for gru- ltitualo to (1011 that those (limctlltics hml been cloarorl :n\`n_v, and they must _u'o f'o1'\\'anl and tr_\_' to xnako the world better. 'I`hm'(- was a still .:1'oz1t(-r crisis coming: ul'to1' the war. They had to do all they would to gntllc-r toj.;'otl1o1' those young: fellows after they came back from France. Many of them were coming back in :1 much more serious state than they (L \\'iIs0n O]>pr>_~'(`-.<. :1: I were h(-i 0 re. If they th0u~_:'h1 that the h:1.ll \v:1.~' Lruin_~.:' tu help I'o1'wn1'-.1 God ~s work they .~ahc0uld not hesit- ate. 'l`he_\' haul :,``H()() to 3.30 on with aim! the .-`u'elu1eu.eon who was there rt-eenti_y from Pel,c-rbo1'oug_-'h mix`. that if an zxmslieution were put in he thought they woulgl receive ;~. .~:-.h- st~anti:\l grant. Mr. IC.s'tm1 said 110 Webb's s11g'gest.io11 amend his resolution \I.. f`.`tlZ.. `-2! I... U-llllillll Ill?` l('3\)ll.lLIlIIl Ll} Mr. Catlin saiul 110 c dcrtuke that his offer while LhL-_\' \\':1it.t`-.'l for i`a.i.~.0Li. The ]>1`iuL- of go 111. VI` \' 1' ~1. 1 1'3" "[7 ` I Mr. V. l{niu'ht, Silitl ii` th(e_\' hml Hm they could l(('(-p it up. but big n101'rg'2I~.-:0, plus the \\'m1l ho too nnu-ll. ed to raise $1500 and tY1r- (:()~t was $2,100, that 0n`l_\' loft $(iUl), and he . be v(=.x'_*v p1CR.~f(.`d to see the \\`m'k _-:0 nlwmi. The gram-1*ous offers whioh had been received silenced criticisln. I i \-...-.. In unswc-1' to n que.~ti0n. Mr. C liu said he could not keep his 0! open beyoxld two woel~:s. \V'. G. Tooke rcxluwked that 1 (`Ol1f_"1'(`_`_"llTi()l1 .~:e0me(l to be in 1 1'i;_-"Int mooul and he saw no use t1'_Vin_-' to th1'm\' :1 wet hlankc-st on 1 svhenlu. I \I.. L'..;.... _._Zl I... .... ..l I ' |'l|L'lllL'o .\I1'. l:I:s`t(-,n said he would pay for` tho toaniiii-1 and would also pay for the In-ic-1<.s. If they were not used mi this l)uil they could be 115ml soniexvlwrc olsc. He that us soon as $1.30!`) was: contributed they >.i1muh1 proceed with the build-' iI1_L`. 1n`o\'idin_-; the cost did nnt 031-} coed 9_~"_ ,1|)(). vm.:.. ..m.,...4.,.1 lu- \r.. Sunda_\', Mzlrch .n-L 1015. a 3rd Sunday in Lent. I 8.30-IIuly Communion. I 11.00-Mo1'nin~_:` p1':1_\`or, Ho1_\'C'om-`s Inunion and . .\`Lmlio.< in} Romans. : 3.00--S.S. and I:'-iblo clzlssrs. | 7.00--1'I\'cnin{_r p1'n_\'m` um! st-1`-', 111011, Our 1I01'it:1-_"I:, thv Bonk M" Common P1'n_\'e1'. " 1 u u 1

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