Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Feb 1918, p. 3

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L` |ll('illl.`ll.' an an ri- 'm= outlinml :1 few Will Work. "5 Own ('.~'lim:ll(- to iut1'0tl1u:(- (lay- becn nmxlo in , . . 4 .. 3.. f`.....-.}l.. UH Ul'l'H .`U U u quickly abun- .' \\`m'k with vorin-,-` :1 ;_"1`(`2lI or area. Thus, it t1u'o11L:`hm1t ,..II III. .- `.1. tl:l_\'H_'*111 | W 10 labors '.-'zu'd(\n- mom ; ino1iuz\- from (`u1'(':1t _ in 1916. :l](1)(1,?1: ivo. The O1 3 chances mic` `y of the inn. 1'. but the b(,` ( 1` in 1917 t`w( :1 h(-ne{';- lm _\,' \ vation. pom to the of- 0111} bill would 1111`-` that we should conserve (s\'e1-ything, and what is 1110l'(` iu1po1'tnnt than. that the time of the \\ o1'ko1`should ho consmvml? Tho substitution of an hour of (ln_\'1i3_-'l1t for an hour of da1'km~ss is the thin_':' we (-onsorvo :.. ol.:.. .\c 41.1.. .-m... .v..._.......+ +1.... lIilIl'\I|l'3~` I3 lXII.' LIIIIIILQ \\K' \'l'lI3L'lV' in this. At this \'or_\' moment the com1t1'_\' is in the midst ol' :1 (-0211 sl1o1't:1g'u. :1 \'e1`_\' serious sliortage. This is one \my to help that situa- tion in the matter of the fuel mn- sutncul in <-1'e:1tim__r .'n'tili:l:\l lir_':lit-. It. is no fad at all. It is u [I1'|1('iLll`i\l nnnnnnn _-nnun Jnnnmn-n H cuuuuuu BL,'u.\I: 'uIL (lolul'. \Vh(-n the Senate Committee _on Interstate Commerce first reported the Calder bill lust .\In_\' and recom- mended that it pass it fzzwe three fu11(l:nno11ta1 reasons fog-:1 1`avornblc- 1-o1>o1'1. It zwooptud 1'\~ tions of tho ud\`ocntos of the mons- nrv upon the i'o1lo\\'in5__-,' _jrm1u(ls: 1<`;v:1..._1f;.-i'n;|~]\' 1-u]unIo.1|n.l fn 911-- Lllll\lilllll'l1|.ll 1K'll-DUILH llll. Kl lil\U.lilUl7 the I<`i1's1---lt is t'ui1'ly L'{ll('lll:llCd to an- (*omp1i. valuable omuunes iu`0u.a- national life. (I, ,.,'l 'I`\ , .,_.,.',,,. , I ..,.__... IIIICU Ll IIIIILDCII \lL Lllllllf x`l\|lrlr;|\.~). There is no 1-zmso for panic among the people of (.`u11:1(1:1. \\'e must export to make aome food sac- lriccs and be \\'il1ing' to mod-ify our `eating hal)it.~s and even to out less in o1'd(-1' that the soldiers and our A1- lies may be fed. There is :1 worm .sho1'tz1gc of fowl hoczmso, so fur as we in Can-.ula are C'01]('C`1`l1('d, other pcoplo have had to be wit1ul1':m`u froln l'zu'ms to fight \\'l1ul -is our joint Ii}.-`ht. ()m' obvious duty is to iaid them b_\'. at least somling,-, ` `H11-n1 us much food as. th(-_\' 1150:] to get be-f01'(tlH-_\' took up our vom- mon task. I .411-.. :. n.., ..r .~nH'_ ~0uL OH T051. .` On the f'n'.~'t 01' ()L-tubal` the Caumdim) r~orp.< sports \\'c-1'0 11L-Id. and n ri}_v'lnt 1'0_\`ul t'(-stivo time it Avas. The field and 111:m[u(~(~s xvorei raily (l("(?01`1lt(`(l with huxxti11,;','11111. mix) \'zu'io\1.~' (7un:xd bnluls and :1 plcnditl mm'_\' of .~`})o1`1s (('x(~('ptin}_{ horse 1`z\(*in}_") ll1:1(l(` :1 full day of it. `A bij: (`I 0\\'(l ;_ruthm'(-xi, tlw lay ho- ing :1 lnolixlny to all mvn In-hiu-1 the 1:..n.- uvlm wm-0 um ml dntv. $1.00 per anmun. Single copies 31:. llilblllllili lllL'. Sm-.011(l-'l`lIo (-m11l'01'l and (-on\`(-n- iom-C 01' mzm_\' l1liHiOIl.s' 01' our pen- plo will be pronmmd `by its ]m.<:s'nf_-;(:. ']`lu;m]:`H ;; I-rur-n-Jrul u.- nl` cnna-. L'II1c1:_;\:11\_}. T110 111v:1.~:111'0 if 112155011, it is now l1o1io\'(~d, will be :1 }1c1'111z111e11t ('h21ll_2'C in H10 (-111'011olo_g'ic:11 systm11 01' the 11:1ti011, :1 ol1:111}.v'v that will 1-01110 to stay. It 111z1_v be :1n1o11(1ed to extend lthc 30215011 01' z1d\'a11co(1 hours to |S(`\'(`n i11.-toad of live 111o11tl1s.--T}'1e `C'rl01)(`,. [}ll' \\ Ill UL` fllllllllllvl U.\ |lH 'I`l1i1'd-1t is 1'('*:'.':!1'dC(l as inl value in HM: present nn\nI'(vnnn\' llozmliug is one 01` the new \vo1'l.~s- oi" the war. It nieznis. storing in excess of 1-equirements, especially of i'0o(l.~: and fuels just at present. New storing and liiyiug up u prud- ent suppl_\' for real needs is not :1. crime in peace times; hut` the man or woman who \\'il1'ull_\' and molly decides to-day to store more food` than he or she would buy in or- diua1'_\' times is (-omitting . that has the moral el't (-wt of :1 crime. He is also helping_-- to raise the 1:1-ice to liimself of future supplie.s. 'l`l.m-n i; nn nnncn 1'm- lmnin l llltll. lcgiti A ..4 FOOD HQARDING. nu Au_\|u:__; up u `unu- - ) I..... .. .... .~ .-~ of spec- national` mg II()ll(ul_\ xu un nu-n nu- lines who wore not on dnt_\'. '.I`hi.~: is the Sabbath, :15 :1 ` man 1ik(-.4 to (-all it. and bx > mind that at home this is 111 $'>est and of the s(`1'\`i('(`.~' 111 _\..v.. 1....\..;. flx H... H. Jnlll Iuunun I have to (lid not. and in I; L... llHL'.\ \\uu nun nu. u _ :1 Scott-h- "1 l)i'iii}_'.~: to I" at the day 01" ll $'>est that turn *1 )e-up1e's ll(`ill`lI\' to the thin`-_-'5 of i1 Go(l s l\'in}.r 'l`n- we have ir , nj0_\`e(l 11 little of that. but more ll '-often each day is alike unle. one ll (`truly 1'e,r;1ml.~; it in his heart. To-`,tl day :1l'te1' :1 short. smwiee, tlm.~'(- who `:1 Elhave. been graintetl (le<'()ruti()11s in the b1'i;:'a(le, were ll(`('01':1t('(l by (iL`Il-la cral Sir Arthur Currie. Some oflc l'thc old .l:')Tth boys s:n'._l.\l..\l.'s 2u1d[,< ,D.C.M. Al'te1'w:mls we paissenl Sir` I .Arthn1' in review and came home to satisfy the 'll)l1(`.l` man. , \Vhile Wi1t('l\ll1_`.!` the eereniony I was renlinded of the fuel that `the 1 ath of 3.;lo1'_\' lemls but to the : mve.- What. little time there is ivcn to the facing: and enquiring ` nto the eternal veritiesl .~\.< sonic- 110 has said `If the Germans stuml 7 zto lose l.lH'()1l;1'll the hnseness of their cause, there can be little doubt th-.v.t ..._..\.,...-ni m.1'null\- lnd mm-h flH`01lL"ll `Since Ix.-in_t_: tll(`I'L` (`111 UL` nun: uuum. Luau wc`~}'xa\`e` at-{11:1l1_\' 1o~t much t!u'ou_-_rh the goodness ofoux-.<. A jpst muse necdsp_urc dc1'endo1's; . ends, ...... nnlv hn gm-\'od bv spiritual men. ""16 fits} BILLET transil-1'1'ml to the - ,_., , , scription is ii(-oess:1.1~y to `.!'(`t mom to keep up (`.am1(ln s cud. .\lnyl)o t.he_\' won't be required. inuybo they will. But we all hope for an L-:n'l_\' pt-noc. As to the pozu-0 1))`0])0S:\lS hy the Pope, 1 think the 1'ollo\vin: will be 01.` interest: A Geneva journal, La Son1:1~in(.- Holi};im1so. has n.~:k(-(l the l'ollo,win_<.-' quo.~'tinn. `How is `it that the R. C. Irish are the only inl1al)it- nuts 01' the British empire :m1m1g'st whom the Gorrnnns have l)ooul- l'I'i(m(ls, mnl ll()]')(`$ to fiml traitors? How isit that the Fronoli Cmnulians who are mostly ll (`Us sour .mil_\' 10,000 men with tho C-anmliuu con- tll1,`.','(`llt 01' '_ 50,0()()? How is it that in the :_:'1'(*:1t contriliutions mmlo tll1'01l_'.; l|0Hl, the whole world in aid of the B0l{. ,`lllll>'. the people of thr- north of Fram-0 tho S'o1'hi:\11.<,, the Roumuni-.u1s and tho Aruienians, the p1'opo1'timi of mono_\' which has (`OHIO frmu l 1'otost:n1t s0u1'('0s has . . . , , _ _ 1 A we n1i;:l1t o111'svc-Ives. EVERY SUGAR MAPLE ! SHOULD BE TAPPED1 Interesting and Protable Facts About Canada's Initial Sugar- Making Progress. 1 i I (`cl (`H mm ho mzItm'izIl1_\' It-.<..~:(-m-l ('l`('zlS(*(1 px'o(Im-tion of 1n-aplv .~'u:.-ur this .}n'i11r.;. lixccpt in famn hmm-.<. in Qll(.`l)(!(` \\'h(-r(- it is um-xi nu 1119 table, lnuplc suuzlr lm. hm-n H".-;n':l- (-(1 an :1 luxur_\`. 'l'l1is nlmulnl not he so as it can ho prmllu-ml mu :1 snmll st-ulo \\'l1(.~1'~ no mhlitimnul In-lp has to he paid for. at :1 .'~0m(-\\'h:x1 |nI\\'('|' -0.41 than the [>1'o.~'(-nl |'(,'I:IH ]wi-- 01' llw .\\l`_',`Lll' u1`di11:|1'il}' u.~:(,-(I. .5ll`_'ilI. llU\\ u nrunr muuu:uuu_\. by in- l'I\'or_\' pound of f."l`1lll1]2ltwl .-'l|`.1:Il' that mm lw (-xporta,-I in H(`(`Il(`ll u\'(-rsvns. um] (':mn I':u'nwr.< .~'||011M inn-1'on.<(~ the ymnllu-timx 0| AI.:, _ Ivrn, hush. most lions |\\`:n'm S Hm urum: mnplv .'11_r_-m` an 1,. A,.. . .\'llUlll'l llIl'Il'n.\\' llll' IHUll|H'Ll|IIl Ill um! . this sprillt h_\' tzlppill-4 (-\'m'_\' nmplv lrvv that is` lzn '0 enm1u'|1. The sup runs at :1 n 42 uvluu. 6'-n-an u-nu-L` ].- ui u |n;||;_` h01l1n_- h011.<(-. or In the Inrm Kll-I'-'_"`_` vlwn. The ]n'0c(-ss is simply mu ol'|`" o\`:1po1':ltin-_-' the \\'z1tv1' contvnt until`, In lthoh say b((`0lH(`.~` of tho consisiom-_\' 501101` of sy1'x1p. or of ;\ \\'(-i nl` 11'mun pounds to :1}.-`ullon. ',l`lu- .~*_\'1-u}npro.< . be strzlinctl H11'011I_-;h H-.un1(-l.\1h(~ wlnich It-:1\'L-s the pI'O pm-1'11-(-tI_\'lnriw `(-1021 1'. , ro- | p In 1n;1ki115_g' .<,11:_-`a1'. 1 ho re-boiled until vl'_\`.~'t:lHi7.(', or `su point Inu_\' he d0t(`1'1 i;Iuv' -I OHM infn H-ll.` ('21nml::`.~'. (lo1(-mlum-<- .l ,. .. nnu~ -. _-A-um-1. -- Batt., writes Pte. R.o_\'_. l lmve `found out what it is to be up in the front line---no man's ln.n(l--mnl in -efm`x`_ving' and \vo1'kin;; with p-.u'ties in the front line and behintl it. \Vhile so \\'o1'kii13.:', hzul opportunities time and agzain of l`ookin}__; down upon the (city and wit.ncssins_" some strafes. Then l used to say. like -others, when we retaliated: `F1-itzie is gettixig his iron rations now, but -one does not speak with sm-h lervity, even sum)osin,e; we realize that F1'iti- .zie is :et.ti1ig` by far the worst of it, when he opens up his l)&l1'l':l_J,'L'. He "~` has some kick in him yet. and when _ ..-_T!'~c makes one it is well 10 seek :1 .sh(-.ll hole and cling` to the L{`l'()111l(l as close as possible (as l haul to do the rst few minutes I was in the front line.) At sueh in time one I`o1't_v'ets 'the enehnntment of the view Hint distance and eonmnr:iti\'e s:1i'et_\' lends to it. Il"I"I... 1.: l. ......l.u.:.... ..l.,.ll_. 1|'l|:rI pz1pc1's 1'0('ci\'o 1 fund 0011- 1. 1 y ,,1 \l,. L, 51.-.. ll1l\'(` ])00l1 11101`? SLUT` Of UI u: u ntngnnn III In ) :1 }_-`ullon. .~*_\'1'u}>! 11-.1nm-1.` vcs pm-H'L-(-t|_\' l on im]m1'l- a-u1mnodi1_\'. M! . I Tholnurccts of Bu-rig, tho County ofSincoosndt.hoDoudnionofOundnonrOl|tion. , ik.~(-Hlo upon Vivl-Ii In Jul\' ||m>(-I ]l)ll1.`i.";() .\l and .'i;`:Iml \\':1~' C isluum Em-(-upntiun. u\\'n(- pli,~'1mI<-r.t ( ()l)('l| [.s'o11x'v(- of 11- Ill('i)(ll)Ul)l(`ql HI: (-nmli- `Hun :11 21 1 ~r:m-l_\' 5lll()(I:lH()lI '1 ` I m-_\ 5(-In-ru_\'. 11 Imunititt ].I`1]l]-o`(Il1t 1101. `the Mn` (-H_\' lm'i7.(*l 4 A The fourth .~:c-ssion ot tccnth Le_gis1:\t11re of On ml on Tl1C:(11\_\'. Feb. 5th. 'l`ln. ;-nn.-ml: I`:-nm Hun i.\lr. Speaker and qontlcmcii of the ' Lcgislatrive Assembly: For the fourth time you meet un- (lei-\\':11" conditions`. During` the past _\'Cil1` our om1>i1'e has maintain- ed the st1'11gg'lo for froedoni with .-....L..,4...l nu-m. rant` nnnmimu-n (`(1 I110 sI1'l1gg10 Iur 111-uuum nun 11m1ba1o(1 power and_ co11f'1'dc1u-0. Thougzh the burdens and the sa(~1'iti(:- es have been [wavy the compensat- ing.-' .~`.t1c(-vssus have been of suhstm1- t.iz11 \`a111o. '1`owzn'ds these :u.-hio\ o- monts C:Im1din11s have (:()nt1'ib11iorl notably, and in many brilliant av- tions have mlded nc\v`lust.1'(- to their I I I `pe-uplo's (God's I . /{`0H.i0.\'Wl K5-often 0: Ktruly 1-4 `May aft` Z}ha`.`v `.)` J the brig. Si] the old i D.C.M. 1 Arthur W`! :sutisfy ` W1: "1 } , Barrie, County of Simcoe, Ontario, February 14th, 1918. [1'(`.ll0\\'ll. | The (lcvotion olf uur 1\C0pl(` to! the ::u1.~;e for wliicli the niotliorl ('0unl1'_\' and her allies are at war |\\':lS never niurc evident that it, is `to-lay. Never were we so deter- mined to L`Ul_)S(`(`l':llZc all the l`0S0lll'('-ll us we possess to the 12151: of cu1'i'_y-} in}.-' the conllict to a slit-ccssl'ul issi1o.| With the war aims clearly set l'o1'tl1 |l ('(`l`!l'Ll)' l)_\' his 1iia_i(`st_\"s j_,"0\'Cl'll- `niont we are in full :l(_`C01'tl. . I\.... Ll.....l.. ....,. .1...` 4n . \luniwl\I\' ! I "1n(`Il[ 111 Jun auzuuru. : l Our tlumks are due to .- \lI11ig`h1_\' God I'm` the hnrvt-.-1 01' the past `_\'(`:u', \\'hi(-In \\'i\\` one 0!` the most ghmlntiful in the I1-istm'_\' of the pro\`-} ' I I \\ L` :H'L- llU\\ l('|'l'l\lll_`_' mum \1I\: , _ 'f.~*t~:1s in illt'l`('i\~`hl`_" nxlnlbvrs (72111-'1` I lzulinn .~olli(,=1'.~: who l1:1\'c mzunploh-(I i` `_;tl1('i1' .<(`l'\'iI`l' :11 I110 l`l'm1l. .\I_\' j_-'n\'- I` `~'<.1-uwnt has c()-01)(`1 .'1f(`4` with Hm`: V 5 lmminiun :u1`.hm`ii1(e.~. in :|1'r:m-_,-`inj_"| _--uhlml nvnl Hal` \ .I.,. .\-' oh. . IP41 on 1llU:uil_\. 1` cu. -nu. I The speech from the throne wasl as follows: , I I"; '-l\ \.ll|~ Vv| . <..- ~~.~ . Hm roln:'n 0' (-th(-rs tn <-i\".l lifo. H 'sh;l>` also 1n1:m.< to :\ssi.<\ In-t111'm~l s0Ili(-1's who (lcs-ire in .~(-Hlc the lnml. Jul)" lnat 11w :ulli1i tn the Hum:-in .\li]it:n`_\` llospilnl in l".n,` nml cu-.n,-`(\1(~| uml npx-nml fur xfm-m-upatiun. The ('X])('1lHi()lIS :u-(~mn- lp!i.~'1mI<-1.: 01' this unlm't:1kin;_-; is :1 nu'v(- of .<:|ti. as it has .. ..I` 41.,` I.._ moo. _ .-\nmny_,-'th(".-alil`I'i<-uh pmhlenls mis- ,in~; out 0|` the war is the foml short- ';:1}_-'(-. \\'hiL-11 is mntinu:1ll_\' zlssltluximr Enmrc sol-iulls 1n'op01'1`im1.~'.. .v\pp(-nls 1 in most elu-0u1'u.:ix1:: rmpnnsv Fmm H110 l`u1'In(-rs 01' this pm\'in('(-. In tlhis ol'l'o1'l m_\' has in I \'~n}m1s \\`u_\ .~' :\('1i\'('l)' purticipzltml. [I m-`ire in this 4-mnu-(-tiun 10 pay :1 `him-tc in the :l.\`.~`is{21ll('(: 3.,~'i\'cn to wz\-_;:"~-l1lIu)'(_- by urhm1 ommnunitios, and cspc(-inll_\' to 1'e(-0:,-'11i7.v the pn- |l1'io1i<- \\`o1'k on the l".u'ms 0|" lmpils 5l'mnI all our ]n'0\`in-i:ll >ich The i('lH'UHl':luL`lll(`lll. of the .-mlsunuptinn n!' {is}: ]u1'n1ni.~'(-5 In hv an impm't:m1` ,|':lur in 1m-vtin-_-' the fund situzltinn. u all um` ]wnpln- I <'mnm(-nxl thv iulzxls ul' (Ixon-i.'i11-_-' the .~'\rivt<\s1 I... n.-.. ml` Faun`.-||\IT\' I'm` -.;1'(-zmrr 1u'mlu-liml lmvv <-licilvzl. SPEECH FROM THE THRONE {.~'.(I\1I ('(- 01 .~`:u1s1:u'1nm. as u nun. :luu|)lv.l the ::11m-ity ol` the ~insliu1-; time wlwn h0.~'1>it:1l nccnm-; imodzltinn is 111'_~'(*1x1l_\"_n(-(-lml. illltli 1|I:1.< '.:i\'(-u the Province of ()n{:n'in[ -an np]mrtl1ni1_\' to im-rvusL- its 01'- fnrts in (-m'r`\'i11g sm-<-or and -- 1 I 1 ONTARIO LEGISLATURE OPENED new name LINE i(H lIlL' \IIIu111u u \I\v\n `V ...l... . 'l1:1s lulu-11 stt-115 to i111-1`(~:1se its pow- (=.1' (l1-\'0l(1p111(-111;. C`011st1'11('li(111 worli 011 the C111]111:1wu-Q11(~(111st,011 ]11'(1j(,11-t l1:1s |)oo11 :1(-ti\`ol_\' 1-:11'1"1(-cl 011, \\`if.l1` I `.,. H10 p1'osp(-rt that wl1o11 (-n111] tl1:1( 1111:lo1't:1k'111_<.:' will 1'(1111l(21' s11lT-i- 1-i(111t pn\\`o1' :1\':1il:1l1l(- to 111(-ct all (l(-111:111 upon the .\'i:1:_,-111-11 l11lls Is_\'st(-111 for s0111v ti111(- to 1-o111(-. - . .. .1 ..,.A.. "H 7`. L runn -n_\ \\'L- :1 11- '3_\.\ll'H| nu muur |In|\ .u .u..... Iu View 0|` 1110 di1"l'i(:11lt_\' 01 oh- ltnininu` 1-0:11, m_\' V-_-'0\'01'mnunt llun` h(-(-:1 mu-M'11ll_\' (-0n.'ido1'in;: S0l11`('(`.~'. M I'm-1 >|1`[)]l1_\' within the ]'n'm'inr-.t~. uml has Svt aside f0n'itor_v known to mntnin pc-at dopnsivts, the inton- tion being to nmko -ini'nsti;:ation.~'. and c.\`p(`1'iIn(`1)t.~'. with the object of 11'mlm'inj_,-' 1.lI('.~`.(` 1'(>s()111'(*0s n\'ui1:1hlc for I'm~1 pllrposos. The (lo)uu't1nent. 01' |1is_*h\\'ay.~`. has <-munu-1m-d to 1:1l<(- over u.\'i.~'.tin;_-; main 1'0a(l.< with :1 View to provin- vinl nmintonmu-.0, as portion of tho _u'e11ernl pl:n1.ot' hit,:hwn_\' imp1'o\~4-.- monts to ho cn1'ri('r1 out u|'l m' tho I11:-1'(-zlsml 1 l|Vllln The `inquiry ixxstittltoul into stntv of lnodivul (`du(*:1t'mn 5:1 1n'oVinc(- has been completed, the report of the coxluxnissionxor be submitted to you. HIUII :lll'.Fl0l'HlU>. lil uIIauI:.-,nn;.- he L':Il'1' 0: H11 li.<:1l)lml nml for (`H|!'u llsn :\ssi.<\? nml 10', ` tho! . \l2.o...... lI.\.-..:I..I in .n- (-xvrv in the use of l`oml.~'Lul'l'.s'. u mm n-or-i\`in_-_-' Yrmn (we ` ' I ,,, (1 .`'HI`_' I.IIL: .`llll'Il`a| of the four- Ontario open- `:01. ` ff s(-1'\'|0(' hovuml . ' 10:1 I wit) . As uuth-i . luttlrc. the H_\_*- ( ('0nm1issim1 has hi.~:(- and plant _. 1' C`n111p2111y, and k(_'(` 11:-1'o:\se ' mst1'u('li(m worl L1(~(-nlstml '.n'1'i(-11 with vhon ill l(- mt-ct all` 2 no ` |i1"l'i(:11lt_\' 01' 1,0 ;'m'o1'mnunt (.11 . 11" `_ ' ml or;':1nx7.:1tm11. {ml 1\[i (`mml_\' ,.\'o1*|'uH< (`uunt'_\' :'\ {(1) [Northllmhr-1'l:ml 8: D111 ti(,_5. ;O11t:11'io ('mn1t_\' 5;(').\'l'o1-(1 (`.ount_v . K1,-llh.}P(-1-I (`mm1_\' .. . . . . .. {Perth (`ount._\' .. . . . .. Mon .Pct(;2'b0ro (`0unt_\f mm. |]_ rc-.<('0H and I{ns.~:(-ll mm_1'1'i1\<-(- I".(l_\\':11'l (.`n11nL\' HH,Hol1l'1'(-\\' ('0unl_\' MN` `|Sin1(-no (`.nunt_\' . . . . . . . . H-$_ lSt0rmont. T)11mlu.<, (Hon; ,\.m._ }\'i<-tnriu C`011n1y . [j:m_ ;\\'u`t(-rTn0 Cmm1_\' . .. . . MN] VVo||u11d .. .. . . . . . .. ,_,.m._ l\\'o1liu;'r01) (7(mnt_\' ' Hm`,\\'m1t\\'01'lh ('m1nL\' . ,_,.m._,. '|Ym-k County .. . . . . .. |-U}! Total .. . . .. 'Vo1. LXVII. No. 7. LJIU L ' this . mud. Few women are nlterosted in :1 will study of 1n't.-hist01'ic man. Them.-`s in reason. The public accounts, sllowing that the nances of the province are in :1 health_\-' state, will be laid before you. Estimates of contemplated ex- penclitures for the current and`- coming scal years will -be brought down at an early date for your .9011- sideration. -- ... . . .,. 1 , you to provide for taking: the Votes of soldiers on service o\'c1'soas; ro- speeting the public health; relating- lto the publ-ic service; to amend the No1'tl1er11 Ontario Development Act; to anmml the Trades and Labor Act; and for otli-or 1m1'poso.~:.. W ,,,,l,, t,__ 1 _ , ; ,_ Meas11i'0s will be submitted to` I --.., ....\. .v. ..-.... 1n con(:lusion, I desire to (-xp1'o.~;s| the hope that _\'our deliberations will] be (-l1a1'ucto1'izo(l b\' the spirit 01' patriotism and st-r\'ic(-. so iim-ossaii-y to our 1-ountrv in 21 time like the ])X`(`!.s'(`l1t, and my confidence that, un- der UI10`f_ :lli`(iilIl(`L of P1'o\*ik-1100,! _\'ou1' (`L`(`lslO11s wil ('0llt1'iblltC to the |\\'<-lfurp and S(`('l11'il_\' of our pooph-. I I I iAmounts Granted by the County`. | Councils of Ontario, During 1917 |Bmnt (lounty |Br1u-0 (Tounty I(`,u1'1(-tm1 (`ounI'_\' {I)11l'f'(-rin C0unl'_\' Ely.-'in Count_\f .. . [".s:s'o.\' (7m1nt_\' |F1'ontc-nae (7011nt_\' :r1,_. ' the cnsmnf: WIIIIOI`. -0\'-.- R4110` 8 should be zuldm`. by the _.;o\'enn|mnt that mvnc1'.~; of wood be vompellctl to (~.1u1rgo. only :1 fair the-1:1-i<~n for the wood o'e1'c(1 for sale. LL2..l lllilllllll \'lIl||ll..\ y lIl\ll'l l'lI\lK'III Yll tx'1l)ut0r_\' I ut1'i0tic .-\.'.<()(-iu1i()n. %}I:1s1i11:'_-`s Coullty .. . . . . .. 2~3(i.()< {T Tu1-on C011nt_\' .. . . . . . . . .. $Hi.()I `Rout (`mmty .. . . . . . . . . .. 75,0` ljmnhtnn (`ount_\' . . . . . . . .. 5-HI` {Lnmn-k County . . . . . . . . . . 24,0` Lomjs-(`n'm1\'il1o . . . . . . . . 40.0 ',L('I11mx-;\t1(linglnn .. ..... '_"1,(i {hint-oln (`ount_\', iml(-pvmlt-n1 lm` I m.........-,..o..... J` llI|Il,|,'llilL' \-UllllL__\ . a . . . . . `G1-o_\' ("0unt._\' . . . . . . . . . . . . Tlz1]itlmm1d_ L'm1nt_\' .. ..... lHuH.on (7m1nt_\', indt-pmulcln h-Huuln.-w Duh-'...H.. .\ .-.un.'.u1 Thv (`onnu-ission nL C0n.~'m'\';11i(`>11 [has issllml tlw 1'olIo\\'in_-_-' in rv_:::Inl ta)` Hlm fuvl sl10|'t,a.;:o: ` I l".x]`wri(-m-0 has shu\\`n tlmi it`. is`. ':\lt();:(.-tllcr t'm1sil)1v to mzm-1'inl1_\f 1'0- (liovo the 00:11 s1101'tu_-`v by u more !exto11>ai\'(- 1150 of wood fut-l in Eli.` 1:]('21.'s'i tho i`ollm\'in_~_r Ii:-o(-tiun.~:: DI 1. I*`z1r11|m's and rural 0onummi-' l 1 `ties 5,-`cncrall_\-', within vus_\' ru:u~h MT `1 wood .s`11pp1i('s, should mnkv as _::m1-` rural use of this 1'u(-l as po.~;.siblo. \. `.2. Thu g'(eno1'ul substituiion Mi ;_ wood for mm] in 1'urnu(`(-s and stov-, ,1- cs (llll'i>l]"_" (*:1rl_\' autumn and lam-i . .-pri11j_~', as \\'(-H as lurin_-_" mild won-1 llht-r in Hm winter. when (mL\' :1` \_ mm|(`1'u1(- fire nmy he 1'0q\1i1'(.' -) rm... 1....,.H.m- 1n- wnml 0|" Interesting Letter from Former` Member of 157th Bn. -- Decor- ations Given to Members of the Simcoe Battalion. CANADIAN PATRIOTIC EHOW WOOD CAN HELP if I THE FUEL PROBLEM .` (llll'l>n_'_" (*:ll'I_\' zluuuun uuu mu -[NW2 .'])i'111g_':, \\'( (llll`lll_:L` Rising Hours Late. ll|('l` in \\`Hll(`l'. mil) all ..1,(_rh_1])\. Q,-,I,(,,.(.(.nt 01-11. Mlult ]]](?;|(]:i\1|(\h1(l `i_n;`-`l"_h"11_m`m.wdI' I.;}m}uluti0n ol` .>\nu-rien 1`i. in clay- " H "d H) )5 ` `flow 0 lli-"lit zlml 1'(-1ii'o.~' in tluring` viiilliiilmj . l`0]d'u(i:-0(.mL" ,m 5" (.i:(\'i|l,l1(- sninim-1' nmutlis. \\'itlL `llli.~` H Mm I (H Um :1 I H |nwz1.~;\1i'(- in L-I'll-01 \lIL`l'(` will be just lmiiml mi NW "my be n(|W$Si`l.`\i` one 110111` more of (l`|\'l`l"lll \\'l1il(- we l 4. {ll} mum` vases, it will l)(- qu-ilul, '- "` _' . . ` . - . are :\\v:iko and one hour 10$. 01 llmxsihlo in eke. out lnnitml st<)1'os Ol {(11)} "0 Th 1 mm . -mu,-l`~ t . . .<.<.. -':-s u `i` mil hv l)urmn~_: woml in tlm (|u\'- ` ` . , . . __ _.H ` _ 1 . ` . ` . , ` about It.\\:1_\.~ \\1 1 I w on {so tum`, l'(`.\'(`]'\'IIl`.." (`():\l for il()l(l`lll_`_ the _` l _ . . ' lszinw .~`.(-l1(ulul(-.~a ... the .~:nn(- (`l()(`l\ [ms over iiiglit. - . , film-. 'l`lw\' will not even ll:l\'(' to I :1 Inn-n:1(-1I.~'. mm lw run 10, , U` .1 \-....m ...- nlimr .-l~:m-v`- 'p('\'I(u| (ll IIlll(` nm_\ nr 11;-1-um. _ . many of; con] by burning_: in (|u_\'- timv, l'(`SP]'\'iI1. h0hl`in_-_* tho` (5.... ru-nv n-urhf ` 2). . 1`U1'l1(`('S ll1il_\ UP nun urn, H kcc]'nn;: the house in 3_rmu~rz\l onlyi warm onnugzh io pm-.\'ont watt-r pipes ' from frcc7.in__r, supplmm\nLin_-_; this by the use uf wood fuel in stoves or _I_v;i`z1tc.s' to kt-.(-1) the 1i\'\in;: and (liniu_-4 rooms (-,mni'nrt.ablc. :2 \\7..,..1 Im u,-ml mm-h mun- `romns (-,mnInr1.unur. 6. \\'`'()od can be used much ll\()I'l' ;.rm1ernIl_v than ut present as :1. sub- `stitutc for coal in 1-ookintr. '7 .\ . \'..unhu- 11`.:]\\vn\-(`Q hug stitutc 101' 7. As ('0a| in ('()(min\,-,. Sonzimr l.(lwm'(ls pointed out, 11 :.',`l`(!l1l. .\'2\\"ill_L," of has ' ll `|'uL-l _l 4-an be a('.coinpli.~'.li(-.(l by In:1kin_: win- ii (lows and doors tight ufguixist nnt1':im~(- ol' cold air from the si(l('. tlirougli the use .~`Lrim)in::_. et('.; (ion 0|" Fiirmu-,es and pipes ('0V(`!'l1)_,'S of asl).~st,os and other nhlo inaleriul. I*`urtl1cr, sawmill 0Wn(`,1`s, and 1'05-crverl l'm- lmnlin.-_-' lilting ensuing winter. l)..I.. u .-1.nnl.l 3... sulrlml luv ' tho of \v(-.ul,lier also by the insula- xvlierevur possililo, the burning: of mill waste `in im-,inom.to1's should be uvoitlcd by this material out- wvith suit- the the (H0113.-':1r_\` l)m'h:un 1; /- :I lI-\l'l \ lll|\VIl t)'m;,k _ Ennlil It is '. im_,._ zm-1'inll_\f [ `Vim `:5-ld(_ u-l ;ItLm(_ ii Pto. }Iem'_v Roy, late of the 157th 5Sin1coes_. in writing: to Mr. H. B. Myc1-5, gives :1 description of life in the front line and how shell re iblots out every truce 01' on(-lmnt- nu-nt in nature. .nv,\nr\. 4: 1.000 5 '_ -LUIHI I, (;.'>.mmj;1 T1'_ (),uu( {i ll`_\` .")T.U(H) `(] 55,'_ (m 1 50,000 9`. 99,051 i; 3(`,()00 H. \ 0,000 ., . . . 34') .2`I~'2,O.``.'_ .,S()() '( ~ g `FUND I'}l).(l0U T:'),()()0 ] lS.()()() 1 '25.()()(l 54,000 72,000 24,000 72,000 42,000 ; mm, I l|Ull. I xnxuuvl 00.000 ; 75,000 1 54,000 { ~_>J.,000 = 40.000 21.000 3 T'_ .mm `g (30.0% [41 12u_(m0 77_mm f.,~ .s:}.mm ft ~`3',(I00 f Z:(i.,l|U() I :m,1mn ls .. I ,uuu lm-nl `i low, only t h I I I l"[r\_. h;\5'll:lS U) \\' ' win-`HIP 1 I` ll: 0110 .`.ilUl(r in_~:m nsu1:1- |'0(`l'( abou 1' ilk: ere-vol` tion: Brit led (he: aierial Brit wit} men Y pro: r\l\l` Ln the `HAVE mvucar SAVING } __A5 _ {- CONSERVAHON MEASURE Da_\'li_g`ht szxving, once the sport of the wits and the scorn of the sober philosopher, is hearing` 11 real- ity in the United States as a na- tional n1casu1`c. A bill has passed ILL- C'_.._..L,. . . l.,.6',...,. bl. 1~rr\II_~n IUHUE [U IL. The hi3_,-`h oxplosivv shells, whiz- bztiigs, as 'l`onnn_\' has (`lIl'l>'-i(`lll.'|.l the light :11-lillo1'_v shells, 1.)'(`1l("ll niorturs. 'flyin;_>' pigs, ('t('., are h:n'(l fan-ts that onv dc-.si1'(-s to avoid. yet it is nun`- vollous withnI_ that so few cnsuulti(-.4 take place. 1 n1u_st hun1bl_v snlnnit that it is by tho ;:1'a(-0 of God that I .am S]I:|l`U(i to write this: one of tho lr:Il't`lhnt joined with me has been ('il_ll('(l homo. :H10ill(`1' I lll1('l(.`1`a'Ulllti has wounds that nu-an his return to (':1nz1d:1. Their oxpoi'iom-(- was short. Tho coninulc who has misstul i "' (or, \vas the only boy in the faniily. - no \v(-re togotht-1' inq11:u`:1ntin(- in En_-_rlan(l. in the szuno platoon in Frzmco. I felt his (loath \'(:1'_\'nn\L-l1,lml .ii.iSilis}_"1lill mull am sure :mot.h(>r van]! to `Be ye also ready. \\'hvth- or I am sp:n'c(l to C01110 thrunuh t'hi.~. war or not. my testiniony is that `Gotllixu~.=s is profitable in this lifv .and for the life to coins. L|',. L...... I ` n . \ .. nu? .... ".4 Vin. lty In [no umwu IDLHLUS H3 H the Senate, is before the House, `and is said to `ho midoi-sod by the President. It is but a part of the op_en-xnindodnuss 01' those chaotic times that such :1 niensuro should lo\'(~1'(-oiuo the original p1'oj1uli(*o it aroused aml,bo( :1 wolconw in- struniont for the hands of u limiter- oi`-furl people. I<`.\`er_\'onc who thinks it over knows that it is :\ (`(150 of ,lifti11}_"01I1'.<.(}l\`(`.~; h_\{_ Ono's hoot- Istmns. It doc-s not make the (lay 125 hours long iiistomil of '34, nor (loos it ('l|'.u1_;e tho culolidur. It is mere- ly :1 (-use of u(l\`a1iciiig the clot-ks one hour. and thus in the summer months _retti11g_r.tlm bonolit of one .u1o1'o hour of (`:l1'l_\' alu_\'li:ht mu-h '1... llil' To the W211" ownonlisl it loos I.-100111 :1 (lrc.'ull'ul xvzzste to rise at T `or 8 and liml the sun high in the |lmu\'c11.s. with dayliglnt lm\'iu_ been "l)(`.'1tinf_~"i11 at the \\'imlo\\'s for L 01' ll; hours past. The 1111i111a.;:i11ati\'c lwrson {ll . Well, just ,L'ut up an hour (-arli(*1' and save all this (l(-lu.~:ion nml conl'u.~'ion." Ah. _\'_l`.i, llmt muul is not buill just that \\`:1_\'. We are . to tho (-lm-lc. so tho only \\'u_y to gm nrouml it l.\ to ('l1:n1_;'v the clock, and we will :10- I(-omplish .~`uInvIlm1.-__~' with almost no i ('ll'01'l. .- .-.- . 1 - L, _ 1.. ,1__.. :HlUl( i(1u_\'. I l)lIl1I(I\l||. \II\ll\-`I LU L|.xun\:\n\n\,\_ `nu... ;ll_`_'flll. s:1\'i11_u` lmvo _in l. cmnnu1nitic.<, oven in Cmmtlu. ;bu1 the c0nl.'u.si0n 1'csulti11[_" from :lll(`ll' L'lUL`l\'S lil`l'c-1-1113; from llu.-ir `n(~ij_"l1l)o1'.<` tin1o}nio(~c.~* has ht-on so `-_~;ro:1l that it has heon l It can only `$H1()()llIl1(`.s'.~ when L'0\'(`1'll1`=',` ..sel'1'-1-mltainctl nation ftlle ll1l.1'O(l11Cl.l0l1 01' the l'nitod States \\'()l1l(l lilcoly lw fo1l0\\'o(l -by similar notion in (`an - ada. 2 11.... um urm Wnrk l(1:1_\'s u:__'o. _ I `} Bnotl_\`." ho .~':1nl. the hill pm- 1 `j\'l(l(`.s' that at '2 0'cl0<,-li 1l1ll(`-lIl(`1'ltl-l `inn. on the lust Su11(l:1y in April of `J !`:(|:l(`]l ,\`(`:n', the ('l()('l\' will ho :1-l '\`:\1n-ml (mo hour. that is. Ilw llillltls` "of the r-lock will he tn1~nvl 011 to 5:_ l;()'L`l0('l{ aml 011 the l:1.~l Humlny in ?N(-p1(_*1nl)(-1' of curls _\'(':n' at L n' `oak l iilllll-lllL*1'l(ll:lll the lmmls 01' the -I-w.-R { [`will he turnozl lmx,-lc one hour. I l "'l`lIu 1mr10.<(- 01' the hill is in lnmvu the (lay one hour (-:u'li.-" luv-l 1 in}.-' thv smnlnvr m0nlh.~:, tlu-11-l)_\'l "lmnkiu;: u.<<- 01` (mo hour of (ln_\'li'_'h1 i lnnlin:u'il_\` \\'u. inlhv 0:n'L\` morn- *ing_-'. 1 \\'ouhln'1 ho .~'m-prism-(l if lwlu-n the m:1t1(-r x'()11I('s to the con- 'l_"ul(-mtioln of the House am :\m(-ml- l`;lll(`lll mi;:'l1l hv .~'11*.'.".:'ost('| (.-lm11}_~'i1|;" , {tho (lzll(`.<. nml lnsn-ml 01' In:|kin2' it "lopt-1'21ti\'(* for uni)` livv months 0|` lthv _\'(':l1` an :ul(liti0nnl month 01` "lilw layli__-'l1t s:1\'i1x_~'_-` s_\'st(=1n 1ni_~'lnl hc l'|.\'ml at hoth (-nds 01` lhv (lay- llli;_:l|1 s:\\`i11g.: .~`oz|.<<)1u. m:1kinu' it ul- "'tog(~1lwr seven months lIlsl(`:\(l of *"lIi\'L-. H Risinq , uuu. How Bill ; 34-1121101` (':\1d(-1 `H10 \':\l1u- of the ficit-11('_\' mnvv `n `(lays :lj_"0. l ..n.. n.. " x.,_ _. f()l'(llll:Il`H_\ \\u.\u'u `i11.:'. `fsidt-rzxtimn ;lll(`ll1 st u|,. .l..A... .n_ Spm`2uli<: 1-lT(n'ts :..-In <:|\';)|(v` hnvn I |".\`(-r_\' im1mrl:mt nulimn in 15:11`- opc wilh the oxc-o]tion 01` lhtssin `has zulnptml this .<(-hcxno 01' _~_-'i\`in_ \\'m'k aunt in play more timv in `Hm, ln*'15.vht hours of tho t\vcnty-t`ou1`. has workml s11(-(-(-s. 11ll_\' in o\'c1'_\' Mu. Ar elm... 1+ In-1; z--`run HID \\'m'k- It has. wm-Ken $1lL'('L'.\'.\.lllll_\ lll \'\L`l_\ mm. ` ol tlimn. It has 2-'i\'L-ii the \\'01-k- um ox], in3.:m:m one extra hour 01` (l:l_\'llf_"lll H0`,_\._-~ rt-.cr0zit.ion or for the little and` U about the home. .~`l1(`ll as m(,nt5.1 and 1'op:ii1- \vm'l<, it his i4` tions. are in llmt liver.-tion. holds : Britain ;_;':1\`o it :1 trial mil. 3 v Great Britain is (:-on.<.o1'v:1ti\'o. 01-tel 1 British ;:0\'omnic-nt took no ti ` with tho pmsililo ]m]ml-.n'il'.\' of incnsn1'(,- nml lclt it to 1n'o0l'. be`? do} proof` was l'01'thco1nin_'_~', for tic cm systoin was rosto1'e as mm 1` Hal stop. {V W. A Measure of Conservation. 1)001`(`I` IL is intc-1'(-sling to note only i :1 feet the adoption of this 1n`0SOI1 5 have (`(`01`l0Illl(t'.1ll_\'. In these \'.'a1"<`-Ul11'i1} times it -is of supreme importance flmlb` .3110 I01` 1111` 1110 ll) CUHH`. We have boon out on rust l.'m- ` sonic time and it is very cl-ioya1)lc, far a\\'a_\` l'1`01n the roar 61" the ; ::11ns. _\`(-t we realizv it is just me- ]):i1`:itoi'y to going.-' up a_v;ain. Good I \\'0:itl1(.u' has hoon with us all the l `l.i_1nv we h:1\'(- hoon out 01' tlm line I and but for the (-0111 l11()]'IllHf_'n' and `i -(?\'(`!llll_L`S one would almost think it sumnior. 'l'li(>s(- ni_u'hts wv have a ` full 1110011 to illuminate mirth and ' sky, l)l'll1_L`lll_L:` to iniml just .~:m'h :1 1 night that N211. and 1 went up thu ' Muskoka L1tl{L`si`t\ _\'e`.n' last .-`u1u'ust'. \V(`\1l(_`\'0)' l'01`5:L-t those l1u])])_\' tixnvs. A full moon to one who has sonnn .. `hing to (lo in `nu man's land` is V`: \ mot l'(`f_`_"H'(lL`(l with the same tltlliglnt. . l pnrcd with sonw hattalions ltout on 1'('. I bath paratlos soon h1'inf_-: tho h0_\'s back to nm'1n:1l. You must `think, thou}.-`h. that out on rust means no drill, n1thou_-_rh we havu about (-0111- when} I .\ lusic, sports. ('011<.-arts. pay and` not` not mm.-h to <-oinplain un.. tlu-l Hm (I.-.-1 ml H:-tnlnvr

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