Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 31 Jan 1918, p. 2

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From T110 .r\d\`:1n(-0 of Fvb. L . 1893. mil. will _..` n Ill .`I'I plilvt` III n\'|\u| for hot { I hr:-: (`up I. I t,-i'_,"h1 : <(-r\`(-4 riqlll I'\'(' |(l'n~'i in ' two Illilkv Inu- make mmls |Il:ll{(' I'1il In- |u~l'~ n`(`l'\'(' ll He Felt Insulted. ] Louis XIV. being harassed by the will [ repeated solicitations of a veteran of-F 1 float for promotion, said one day loud |enough to be heard: That gentle-' . man is the most troublesome omcer I ; I have in my service. That is pre-` , cisely the charge, said the old man,` ] which your majestys enemies bring against me." Sidney Smith tells the ' above story in his essay upon Edge-~ " C worth on Bulls, and with it he links; 3 ; another which is familiar to manyg of us in other forms. He quotes it ; from Mr. Edgewortli, who in turn` cites it from a certain Joe Miller. An I t English gentleman was writing a let-1 ter in a coffee house; and perceiving 1 i I that an Irishman stationed behind` I him was taking that liberty which . } Parmenio used with his friend Ale..\'- 1` under, instead of putting his seal on fi the lips of the curious in1pe.'tinent,!1 the English gentleman thought pro-i per to reprove the lrlibernian, if not; with delicacy, at least with poetical` |jiistice. He concluded writing his letter in those words: I would say; more, but :1 tall Irishman is 1-ending; over my shoulder every word 1:` swrite." "You lie, you st-oundrel/'3 1 1 said the se1t`-convicted Hibernian. I ` . ___.____._.__ y I t ..l`. 111(- Secret of Keeping Air Pure Died \Vith Inventor. The submarine is much older than the German Empire, and the credit = of being the first govereign to make I a trip in one is given to James 1. of! England, :1 monarcl. who has gener-[ ally been represented as a man of` I more that: ordinary tiiuidity. Dqubti has been cast on the story, but whe- ther it is true or not that James act- ually made a trip in a submarine, it is interesting to recall that one or James friends did undoutbedly con- struct the iirst practical submersible l I boat recorded in istory. Alnvunnv Ilia. (`.1-out it Raid to boat. recorded in "xszory. Alexander ,th-.', Great is said to have employed (living bells at the siege of Tyre, 332 11.0. An Arabian historian named Bohaddm, who lived about 1150 A.D., relates that a diver entered Ptomlemais dnrin1.: n siege by means of 11 submarine apparatus. An invention for dost-ending into the son __w:ts heard of at Toledo in 1538. and Charles V. is said to have inter- ested himself in it. l-`arty-twl`$" years later an lnglislnnan_ William Boone, was credited with inventing "zi plunging ztppuratm-x" similar to :1 d(`. vice produced nearly 200 years later by one Symons, which was galley shaped with u d()t1i0-like roof, hut differing in the manner of submer- sion. Boone's plunger was sub- merged by (-ontrat-tion til` the hull through the instruinmit.a.lit.y of hand Vises, which reduced its volume. while Symons mzidn use of leather bottles, which he tilled with water. lvlugnns Pegelius in 1605 made :1 similar (icvice which was l`i;:ll'tlP.ll as a marvel it its time. Ailun A r...n..l I n nr In H `R in 1-1 nvn :- l \'lhlL, ht! .`,u1\\ luv: llalll lIF.lIlY7ll allu the moment tho door npometl, henrrl the joyous Hlllitl of loud singlnz. . . The room was ll1_.:hl.-d by only one glolw lump. 4\ rirt-In was sing ing low and lwztti-nrz. timn. All stop- ped in an instant, and Walter Scott in the nmxt rordiul and -ourterms tnunnnr Bl.(-piwtl lm'wurl to well-.mnn us: `Miss Etlpzvwnrtli, this is-. .'~:n kind or yon!'. . llis <-onuten ance won by tlu- um-1-rtuin light, Ill whit-h 1 F891 saw it, pit-umul mt-. mnr-h, hmmvnlt-nl and full at {zoning with- out tlw sllglilost I-ffnrt zit, ex|'ii'mt- stun: tlmiglitlully nzitnrzil as if he did not knnw ho was Wztltr-r SP0 or Hit`. tirc-at llnknown of thc- north, as ll lit! only thought nf making ntlu-rs llnppy." "(in my Haylmz. `lm not let, us in-~` ta-rrupt what. was ruling on, he im Imrtlizttcly rose, and h!'[;l,("!l Si/afizi. '0 f hid l1lslmutm.'tn : ilu: up :iL'_uin.g Will you join in line r-irr-it-. with ns".": lln put. the r-ml of ii. silk hnmlkc-,rI-hi`-Y` intn my imnd, and tho-, nth!-r into my HiHl.('l`5'; they ht-lvl ill"!-U`. ha.ndiu:r-v r-hit-fu all in n <-in-In mmin. and the \ l l l l l l l I l I l l l Choice Reading sion. Boone :-x plunger was nun- the a regarded oi Ac-cortling to Allan H. Blll'{_.`.0yllf:., the honor of having con- atruc-ted the first subniarine boat un- doubtedly belongs to (70'ne1i11s inn Drehel, a Dutch physician. ills tirst submarine was made in 1620, when he built and launched a navigable submersible boat. and so successful did it prove that he had two other.-; constructed on the same plans, in the larger of which James i., of whom van Drebel was an intimate friend, made a lengthy trip. 'l'hes+-, early craft were built. of wood ,and render-' ed watertight by stretching greased leather all over the llllll. The fol- lowing is from a description of the largest: She carried twelve rowers, besides passengers, and made a, jour- ney of several hours at a depth of front twelve to fifteen feet. The holes for the oars were made to hold water by leather joints. Van Drebel accounted his chief secret to be the composition of a liquid that would speedily restore tc the troubled air a proportibn of vital parts as would make it again t for respiration for a good while. of this liquid for Pnabling air to be Van Drebel died in having completed 163 4 his experiments, The composition v leaving no document relative to his _ rat a luncheon given by the _-xiriv.-;.-rt work on the subject. used again was never made D1ll)ll('. E pSm r ush without` nappy. ln-- his hoat.tnan slfilco again. list? lmntikerl-hit-Y i i E sistt-rs ; ll8.I'lf]k`5l'-- r-his-in all in it <-lrt-lo again, and boatman_ began to roar out :1 Gaellr: song to `which thv-y all starnperl in_ time and I`!-pt`,ii,i( the c-horns, which, as l'ar as I could boar, sounded ilk`- `At am Vaun! at am Vanni fre- quently repoa.t,s:-J with onthusiam. in another i could make out no intelligible sound, but `:a:~:! has! has! But. this hoatrn:i,n'.=t dark eyes were ready to start out of his head with rapturc-. as he sang and stamped, and shook the hanrlkerchic-l on "8.t,'.ll side, and the virr-le irnlta.t.- r-d." 'l`ho irnpresslon left. on my mind this night. is that Walter Scott one of the best bred men I c-vet` saw, with all the politent-s-:.= which he knows so well how to de- scribe, which is or no partir-uiar school or t-ountry, but which is of all countries. is not b:lia,v.'r- h - was a stran5.'er, and forgot hr- w.':~ '1 great man." British Labor Sin-ukx. plain, outspokv,-n .~:peer>h on lin- lahor after thr- war was made re:-ently by J. H. Thonias, .\l.P., sec-rt-tary of the Amal- gamated Society of ltailwajx .'~'r-rvannu, :5 b. He said: -'|"l.- ._............. .L.....,. Clu prodigious, , . As I sat ht-:~:idr-. hirn . ` at supper, I could B01110 "()\\'1l'1'." I _ The British St.'11( 1i112lSl`1`, espe-] ; cially when the suninwr term is well` =over and the annual exuminationsi well behind, has :1 pe('ulia1' penchant for reportin:.', :s<:hooTbo_vs' howlers." Two or three from those which have. been given recently are worth quot-! ing. One is particiilurly hard upon I-lnglaind as :1 place of residence. "mi i at. n (1 " .-znvg Hm writer "(`msar! lunglilllu as it p|uL'\' UL u-alucu-cc. An` 55 13. C.," says the writer, cmsarl came to Britain for a holiday, but as i soon as he saw the place, he went: back." Anolhel.` scl1oo'l`:2o_v has ovi-j denlly no use for socialism. "Social- ism," he says, "moans hzu'in:_~ all the! railways run on one line, and all that 3 sort of thing. \\'l)ic.l`. socn1s l`lUl('!l" l1upoles.<." Then lwro is a world of! l 1 feeling in :motl1m' effort, wl1i(-ll runs, "All xvnnmptrv Imprim: with :1 2'(-nnrx1l : ` 10911115 In uuuuuer cuun, uuwu Luna,- i"A1l geon1etry begins with a general! `dununchuionJ' ; s A party or distins:ui.shcd English- men which included :1 judge of the high court, an editor of the Satur- ny Review and u `naturalist, were sit- ting in the (~(|ilor's. room when :1 sin- gnizu` spider run across the lloor and {disappeared under some books. It I was: nnn nr Hm l:n'E0sl snpt-ies found l(llSupp(.'(1I`L`u uuuur tsuluu uuuna. u. was one of the largest species found in ldnglzmd and the n8.~u1'nlist lifted the books instantly, according to World's Work. The spider darted toward the old justice. He sprang up, and the spidel-`s life ended. "lt was :1 very rare species," murmured the naturalist, regretfully. "I made it rarer," said the judge, grimly. \V. J. Bell, \\'elling((m Boy. J W. J. Bell, B.S.A., the newly-a.p- pointed supe1'intenden t of the On- tario Government Agricultural School at Kemptvllle, Ont., was born in Wellington county, graduated from the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege in 1915, and sfnee graduation has been live stock specialist or the] Agricultural Departnient and in-- structor in live stock feeding and breeding at the Ontario V`3l.(l'`,',' College. . THE _FIRST SUB:\L`\RlNE. Some Howie:-s." _ . . . A. . Made It Ran-Cr. Renew the subscription to your daily paper now. Magazines, illustrated weekly papers. The latest in all new publications. Everything to be found in a firsvclass I ' 1...... .. L--- Famous No\`(`li. Hvnrxl some High- land Baal SUIIg`.\`. "The Laird of Staffu promised to look in on us this owning," wrote Sir Walter Scott in l-Zdinburgh, to Miss Edgmvnrlh, for the purpose of I E [letting us lmur one of his t-lassmen lsimz some Highland bout songs and Who liko, and if y -I will ('()lYiC.1lSUll) Irish should to the Scntoh, without. any (-orolnony, you will hear what is perhaps more curious than uwlllllu- I nun 0115. As tho com-h stopped," Miss Edgeworth :-n_vs_ in d<=.-st-ribing the vislt, "we smw tho. hull liglxlml and the sounds 'l`hr- rnnm wnu lluhh-ll hv nnlv [He _]U_VUllS Sllllllll Ul_ IIHHI HIIIKIIIK. c-ourterms 11"!!!` nf Iliu 1-nnnlnn. vnn ' ' % , ' uutuh \V'cilllll5 LU! JUUD. "Is this what we have been ght- ` ing for? Because if it is we will ' have another scrap to alter it. The problem might be solved if ' I every controlled establishment should be in position. imn.\ediatel_v the order to Cease making shells is {given. to turn its attention to the ;-manufacture of useful things. "Then what is to be our artny of the future? If an effort is made to give us conscription I for one. and I think the great masses of the work- ' ces have been in vain: for in their endeavor to destroy German militar- i - v y I . . . ., 'jtar1sm In this country. ing people, will feel that our sacri-. -ism they will have perpetuated mili- A Illl, UULhpUKt`n _-.1I>:rl'u UK] In!` `zposmo,-, of B,-jtislx :_:r1r.-r Lhrm v 11 Jwar by .1. n. ` Sr-rvanf. +. at given ' Club. --Thu wunrnnnr than-o nu-r. hcnnn nn ` gotiations war ;_ will ; queues waiting for jobs. Lzlllll. 11!: menu. "The moment there are peace ne- work will (-ease, and when the men who for three years have risked death come back they ask if they have to '-T: rhic what \\`n havp hann ght- s-'tand in ' i Pew Held Two l`rexniers. Not since the State obsequies of Sir " iCll:\l'leS Tupper has st. Paul's. Hali- fax, shown snt-it signs of tuourninii ,as at the rst service after the trag- Eedy in tltat city. St. Paul's, some- illl11*`S called the \\'estu1inster Abbey `of Canada, was IP55 injured by the explosion than any _otlter public building in Halifax, only oue stained {glass window being broken, but sev- eral of its old monuments were over- sot on their fonmlzttions. Its rector, the \'en. Arcltdeacott AI'l11lIil9, a graduate of \\'_\'t-liffo and well-known `in Ontario. olliciutotl at twenty-four `funerals (luring the week the tlisnstm`. _ It is ittterestitm to I'`l1l9ll1bt`l` that onu pow itt St. l :tul`s (`lllll`(`h gave (.`:tnu two of its Prime Ministers ;in the persons of Sir Clutrles Tupper and Sir llobort Bordott. \\ l1en Sir L`-ltztrles left llttlifax his new was taken by Sir Robert Borcleu and Sir llibbvrt Tuppor. following 1 `.. ; 'l`l1.e capture of Jerusalem has led ' ito the discussion of a remarlmble linade his theatrical entry into the DI`()Dllt`(`_\' uttered when the Kaiser. `city on a white chm-ger, dressed to ~ [look as much like a crusader as l ipussible. It was said then, accord- 1iI1_:` to an ancient prophecy, that the liberator of Jerusalem would enter it, not on horseback, but Moot. and would represent Allah and God. I Now that Gen. Allenby has entered Jerusalem afoot. his name with very little straining, combines those of Allah and Nehby," which means God in the Islamic tongue. The dis- covery has :.'.i~\'en the necessary touch of fatalism to his victory to make it more impressive than ever to East- ern minds. The somewhat disconcerting in- ability of the Londoner to take things too seriously. especially when he is intended to. was aptly illus- tmted. the other evening, by a street market gardener in Westminster. The liurvest moon, resplendent in all her glory, was bathing London with . Iher unwelcome. light, when he, antl- '<-lnating that his hours of doing business might possibly be curtailed, (-halked above his stall. Shop early! The Bang Boys are coming!" , -an A STORY ow sc0'r'rL |-V(l ] lllll I5 L\.l bbokstore is here. l{0|n:ll'k:\blL` l`1`()plu`cy. ..I,.._. \ ,. r 1-... The Bung Boys. ,_.___u...; .1: _ _ . * . _. making II] attention L" 5111 9 of | P11 .--- `DR. sses the an Published from the oioc, 1'23 Dunlap Street, Barrie, in the County of Simcoo, the Province of Ontario, Canada, every Thursday morning. I`; 1-`inlayson, Editor and Manager 1.011115 U1 DLIIJBUIIIPIIIUII $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. 'Y._.'L-.1 t1L..4.__ t--L.._._:I___.... m1 zn -r_ } I heginrtrwugdvnnt} 7-..... .-...._v ---.-u--- --1 anal in-pavv United States Subscribers, $1.50 Ii: Advance No new mum. will be mldt-.d to the sub.~4t-ription list. until the money is- paid. Knhmu-ilu-ru nntu in nrvnnra fur Subs(-rib(-rs now in arrears for three montlns and over will be charg- ml $1.50 per annum. ! Atlvnu-Huinu rntnu nn annllnnnn "fj.__.__L"'j.'.T`-T :STl~`.WART & S'.[`EW'AR,TI`: BAR-` riufnv-u QnHnH>tnv;- \.'n9av-:n:: 1)nkHn }\i} 1-;*>{ 4A`.\'_m;i:, (:m{'\>:, SL~'(,'()ES- Makes :1 specialty of farmers business including the discount and collection of Sale Notes. blank notes being supplied f1;ee of charge on application. Loans made _to responsible farmers for pur- chase of stock for fattening or breeding purposes. icm;swuf;<. &BEI.7l'j!,;is. I*_'mA'rm' ac r;sTE.\:,*B.aRRr.=,-. TEES, Solicitors in High Court 0:`- J\l.iti(. f:, Notaries Public, C0n':e`_-:- no-.n;.u-a fI.`(iz.:. 1-_-O Hrxnv `Joann-:4 `DR. .\IORT1_\[ER LYON, 122 I B1001` St. \\'est, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St.. Barrie, every Satur- day. Discuses-Eye, Ear, Nose- and Throat. Consultation hot ' - - i 11 a.v.n. to 5 1w.u1., and by appoint- vnnn'r 'I)O.\'.-XLD LL. 8., BARRIA; A._ L'.J.'..1..... ..L.. \f......-.C,. 1",`.-.. THURSDAY, JA.\7.l 1918. ll `vlulll ll7l illllllllllu Advertising; mtcs_on apphontlrm. ).lIl" IIIIII J |).lJlVV {XIV}, ristersx, Soli~itrn`:~'., Nrntaricsi and ('muv(:ymnccr.<. Money I in any surns; at 5 per cent. .13 Owe-n St, Iiarria. 1 Stewart. U1: sor to Lt-nnox, Cnwan & Brown, l5arri.~itcr, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, gaiartliziiialiiyi anti 6`Illlrll!ll.'-'H`5l.i.l()Yl, and General Soli- oilor, .\'omry, Conveyanaer, etc. ()flivo.<,: lliml:~i Block, No. `S Dun- lop St. Mrirmy to loan. ' YEARS AGO. G. G. .\'.\11TI'I &~CO., PHONE 82. I-istahlislxod 1560. Undertakers. Open day and night. Mctgue and clmpel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. Pianca Tuning: :1-`HI~II) BIi(`HH{S---I`rnr3ti<-al Piano i T111101` and I{opnix'o1'. New pianos :1l\\':1_\'.< on hand for sale. 70 .\I:1plo .\\`enuo. Barrie. 30-yr. O I I I o . . CERTAINTEED ROOFING .-.-.-.--., tor. Solicitor, Notary Public &:4'.. ()ff'wr:, 1.=.t oor .\vfa.armic Temple lmilrlizxg. Money to Ma" 1: lowest. rates. ,-....__._---__. _-_-- _- V | guaranteed 5, 10, 15 years }Beaver and Bishopbric Wall Board (Cedar Shingles. Metallic Ceiling g Anytlling in the Lumber Line | Get Our Prices Before You Buy `|The Ball Planing Mill 00-. 'I"n'lnn'hmm 109 T.1'm1'f4u1 .. ,.--.-.-, ........ ., tars, Solicitors of the f~-.1p*~me Court of Jurlicature of 0`r.!.a' I`ro<.tnr.=, Notaries, Conveyanv/:13, etc. Moncy to loan. Office, Pmba block, Barrie. W.A.J. Bell KI - aultcn :1. Temple B to loan at H. Eaten: ,`~JA` JXIAIJ it`)-3. t6-T. Sohmtor. ple I-miltling. 1`) L .` `L J] L lL`,lLLn)\I-V'. )-\L|.l\Il.1" ters, Solicitors. Notary Public- Conve_vancer.+. Etc. .\[rme:.' to loan at lowest rates of irxtere:-Lt- Offices 13 Owen in the prem- ises forme1'I_v occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. El vale. Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.J.. MP. D. C`. Uurchison. Branches at Barrie and Allandale, Ill. `V n (X. ll\JI:~.7- K L1 I AJI-\J4L_'LL, .Q'.1r5_:c-0:1, ct:-.. I..H.C.L\.'., Edm., L. C.R.I .. Lon-ion. Office and resul- ence, Dunlap St. Barrie. Tele- nknnn 135 and residence comer of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. tuljt`, Ljunu. phone 165. Br .Eosanko%% J. cuiyuvu BARBIE, .-\. I{xI")E:\{fIlff{S'F, Terms of Subscription nun Atrtnilr 117 A'I'\1T LU JJCNIL ul. LCNIJLLIS 171111 \ Telephone 109 Limited lA1TDT'I`. (\'M"!'A`D`I ( W. A. ROSS. PHYSICI_-\N.. I `I ..._. ...` ..o _ `I D F L` L`. 1.. -H. 1`. ARNALL, OFFICE llllll IH" without & .\I_I,'RCHISO.\', B-\RRI`.'~Z (`Al .1 \`A..._.. l )..LlZ. . Lr;.{'1.< ;I.D.c._\z.', Surgery IJiCa>.C-,~' of Women especial- Oir-e .35 Collier St., Phone `-244 FOR If you have any guest: at your home, are going out of town for a visit, or know of any in- teresting news, let us hear from you. We always approc iate smh favors. , .V lJL'dC."$ I VXIIIIU, (4`)ll'lU"l` Office 1st floor Masonic Building, Barrie. Money lowest current rates. 0.. UNDERTAKERS W IE`H>'S?I>C7I.5.IS7: c IAIJ. L).y I)."\.LllvIal-3' etc. Masonic Term Barrie. lzfoney to RING 263 SCOTT S JJLUJIEU ONTARIO LDII I5` L Public,. to loan- ()ff'1ce,. Y\ X! H. A. SIMS, Manager l) ./Xlton .\Ir'(`:11'tl1)`, ;\l.l . l'01';\'0rtl1l Simcoc was tmxclercd :1 banquet by his constitulonts. The l`un<,-lion was held ilftlxe town hall `by 350 ro1n'c- sentuti\`(- men 01' the ('()l1Slllll(`ll(`)' i1'r(`s])(-cti\'(` 01' party. .4 \'01-_\' Rev. Dunn Borg,-`inn or St. Ma1'_\".s' l\ . C`. (~l1u1'(-l1 `has been trans- 1'erre_l to St. ._lo<('])l1'spa1'isl1, I.oslio- ville and Rm". lutl1or liurun. 'l`l1on1- hill, plzuzml in -l1u1`u'o of tho l :\1'1~io 5l)r:1n(-l1. for the 'I"m- Spr.-ak:r--- inf I am not rrrarly to >1 5 not _`.'(;t I->;11aIx;~tt:rl I 5 'I'}u: (,'h::irmun--T X }:uin1., vi)`. You hm : 7` :mrlioru-r:. I In Irel IMPORTANCE or GOOD. SEED`, GRAIN. It has been estimated that if 1'.s:1:l| class seed were sown on all farnnsl the vrop of the co1u1t1'_\' would be, i11c1'v11sol by Iifty per cent. This ('-annot be \'erilio(l (lef'mitol_v, 'but the :umuul loss cnusccl by the use at : F.(?C(l otluer than the best is lwyonull lull doubt su1'pr`ising'l_v ;'1'ent. l 'T`l-n -Run.-nu} cH-nnflnn \\'lHI llml `all (101101 $lll'1}l`1hlll':.',l_\ _:_.',1uiu. The 1`n'osent situation, with world S(,':l1'(`il_\ 01' C(`1'(.`:ll.\` and .~l1o1'tz1_-.10 of t':u'n1 labor, u1'g_,"cntI_\' 11mmIs that the lmst possible so` (ion hm` mzulo From our 1917 5.51` 1-1'01) 1'01` `semi. This will hr about 21 grozlt` i11vro:1so in prmluvt with :1 minimum i11c1'0as(' in la_ 1`('q11i1'o1no11t.~i.. The 1n`0p(`1` pm (lure i< for can-h im1i\'i l':m to nmko $1111` now. in cu1'l_\' win 'H1:1t]1(`1lIlS pun` sood 0|` sh` `vitality for his spring" .~'n\\'i|I;_". 'I`l.n nnnmuv -nu` \'HnlH\' nl' ~ T(~. 111:1_\' he xmulo at l1o111o, 01' will he (lone free of cl1argo. up to` -.wc-nt_\'-l 1\'o `in m1ml)c1- for one per- I I ] .~:011. :11 the Seed Lubox-:1to1"\`. Otta- wa. For 1101110 tests seeds are count- ml and sown in boxes or o:111.~: of soil. and kept in :1 \\`a1'1n place. For all h-. <-are .~'l1oul(1 be tako11 to lluvo thr-111 tl1m'011-_'l1l_\' 1'op1'esC11tati\'e 1):" the bulk lot. \\'l1c11 .~:ent to thel S1-(ml':1to1'_\' su1111los be om-105-, ml in .~t1-011'." manillzl 011\`0l0]1(`s o1-.i 1-rmon l):1-_'.~'. an-l \\|1r-1-- 1no1'(~ than 0:10 01' :1 1-(-M11111 kiml is sour. (-null .~l:o11l.] l1(- 1mn'k(-l with 21 tli.~.ti11f_1`-l 11i.ai1i11: 1111ml1(.-1`. F1'r)111 two to four l:m111M-,~ of ~.'1'z1i11 is . fur the :'-1`111i11ati011 test. S:1111plcs should 1101 ...l,1.... ,,..l 9r\ vlun Qnnrl {'rnnn1lc inn- ,.,. .... 4; -H>'1--- .. , , "_'"1'minatiou be} zxrlrhw-~. to tho Soc,-rl Cmnmis.~'irm-1 :r-1'. I)(~p:n'tmr>11t of .'\`.;'X`i(-l11tl1l'(`, Ot- fr:v.'::a. Thr-_\' aw r.-2n'1'i(er] f`1`M- in the `z;.ui}~ if not (-,\'<-4-(_-ding." t\\`(-lvn ..,....l.o I I `Ill '4-m|ln_\'.~ I."l I;-`III; >,l4)] In-1':~ n --n Iii. `\\'h:s1 From The .-\rl\'nm-0 of Jan. RU. 136$. "1 ' '7 M4111, nml `{il}:al1'ivk. Yv t|mn'l lAlA' A Point of Order. York tlt-pznrlnlu-nl, \mxmn r-la-vnlm` run l'l\\ll In Ix) M1 |u-i'm'I- zht. \\'m1|v| Ireland. Bookstore It 111.111` l\'iH(<-m Li] I I `KI ll Ill h1`in_::' 1 prmluctinn! 1* la_hm'- npor .]n'0(-v- . luul l':n'nw1' | u1'l_\* \\Kil1h\I'. ' .\.- John K0311, I\ c('\`(= 0t'0ri1]ia m\\'n- ship, was elm-tml "Warden 01' the countv. (\_.2 ' ..-A...` .u..-n1;nn- l':\\- A: null Hm! ._\'(1'0ll;_`.' LI_\ \|I" solm-- ~.1m'u- H 1| "-ll|l'w iwm. CHANGE SEE/QbL7B00KS Ontario Pul)lic School Aritlnnetic Ontario Public School History of |]~]nglnn(l and Ontario Public School `listory ol.' Canada, one volume.. Ontario Public School l*lyg_-'iene. ! l ()nt,a1-io Public School Composi-I I .`:r\I\ l'l)lllll_\. Orillia 1-iii /.c*n.< \\'m`o n'_:'itntin;' telc_;'1'apl1ir- mmnnnnicntion with outside world. 1 .-l ...A.Zl .n. I \/u Ition. \`l l`HHIllli1l'. Qlrtario High School Pllysi Geoj.,='raph_\'. 0ut.'u`i0 Hi_.;'h School Frm ~Rcn(Ic1'. Higll St-lmol G('1'man (h`:unm:u'. } Ontario l'Iih-_`;h School Horn `Reader. I\..L....Z.. U..l..`..l 'l)....I. 1.......!..... `l\L'il(lCl'. | ()nt:u'io Svhool B()0l\'-k(`(`[)i1I_'_", fond 1-om';=.o. l 'I`lios0 are the loxl-l`)00k.s' in lhol lPul)li<- nml `lli_-_:'l1 S(`ll00l.\` \\`hi('.l| will il)o (lis(-:u'dol this S1lllllll0l' l)_\' the Do- lp:n'tmc-nl. ol' l-hllivzitioti. As l':u' l)ll(`l\ ns Juno of last _\'(-ur tho Dc- purlnionl oi` 'l`llucalion issued :1 !])lll1l])lll(`l on toxt-l)0ok 1'0u'11lilli()iis. xaml sl1o\\`ml wlnivli hooks would he llis(':u'(l0(lll1is` _\`(':l!`. The lmoks. =ll()\\'(`\`(`l', will he in use till |n1ixl'su1n1n0r, 1918, and after lhzil,` now l)0()l\' will lmvv tn hv usml. VTVL ..-. .... 1'... AI.:,. 2.. 11...: Al... .I.. I \\lll ll1I\l' III In` unrll. Tho rezlson for this is Hunt the le- p:u'tn1on1 has had the books revised. as is <'ust01mu'_\' from timv to limo. annd tho)` h:1\'(' m)'u'<| tho pll1)li.\'h(.`l'S lo!" the (-olllonlplzllml l'll:l1lI.','(`S. 'l`hi.~' !-l1:|11_-:0 moans (hm mnn_\' thousznnls 0| hooks will he thrm\`n inln Hue dis- %-unl, and thv l(-xl`-book xl(-nlq-r.< :\I'l' nhiovtinu;. I 9m... ' llI( \\ Ul'UI\h} I {Ind .l....l....,. ..l.. 1... .....I.... `;.~`<'l100l hmu' an aim 1'(\1:\in nlnl ml -l_\'vu1'. and mm- 1~ 110 l_H1llC('(-..<.~`:lI'_\' gland nn c.\'t1':l hi !`!|pul)liv." '|'ho (tl'tll(`l`.s' vlzlim that umlvr tho 1p1'(*.~'m1t mmtition at` tho p:I]><-1' mur- ikot. tho s|In1't:1}_"(- of printers, pm-ss- Imon and 1mol<'l)imlm'.~`. it is not (In- -1'i~.:ht time to mztlur (`t1f!ll_`_,"(`S. .|`lw_v- talso claim that tlw <-lmn-.11 is almost uxnu-(-o.~`.~':11'_\'. and that it` is :1 _~_,-`want ~\\':Ist(` 01' m:1tc1'i:\1 and mom-_\' to -mnko <-hun_-405, csp(wi:IIl_\' wlu-n ('\ (`1'_\'l)lH` is ]n'(\:tvl1i11~_," Hn'it't. Hon. Dr. I .\'m-. .\lilli.s't(`l` at l'I cation has issut-ul :1 stntvlm-ut tn thot :'vt't'vu-t tlml 'l'hv quvslion 01' nv\\"| [|n:HHnn_- n|' I\\'n t|;Ii`lI hnnlzu `UU_]l'('l|ll_L',. ` |'\\'I.\I7lI|' Iu` "II'II\ IIIIIL" IIIIIII/u I Hu- 'vl'I'm-t m-\\" loxlitinns of two lni.-.311 .~`<-hqml hunks '\\'hirlI :1|)snl11lvly nm-I 1'o\'isim1 has `been under v0n.~aiulol':1lim|, -but shouhll .l.~'u<-11 m-w vtlitimls ho dm-i|(*l u|mn.1 :.~`(`1100l lm:u' m:\_\' pzlss r(-. Ho (-ulitinm for mmiln-r `_\'(`:\1'. will lw `Ink:-n Hmll ..._. .5 .. .31 uuux Illlillll.` nun. lrunn |r.V\I|IllIVlII.`l `In H1211 inn \\`u. ls im-urrml. !:1n1 hm-Ions plum-I on tlu-; !|puhli-." IUII. Ontario 0n t:u'io \,,-_ .... Ulllhlll|_' \\Ulll|. In1p1'o\'o:l mail .~`.m`\'i1-0 was also being <-.m1. by ()1-illia: at :1 publio moctiuzr :1 n10m01'i:ll xvas drafted for ]n'o.'m1tatio11 to the Postxmlstor-(}one1':1l my the subject. .-\n advt. appeared in this i.<.suo vallinq for the s11p]>l_\'in: of 900 t<-1e_-,r1'n1>1: poles. 2: ) {(-01 in length. to he delivcrocl along` the }1i:'x1\\':1}` between Bmmio and Orillia. I -` I Rules Prepared by a Food 1-Z'.xpert.! (hm u-an 0|` -om will .<(-1'\'v eight 10 ton ]>(~1-.<()n.'<. (mu mm of pmls will .s'vr\'o 1)(`l'.~'m1.<. Ono <-am 0| .\"0. `_ mnmtm-s I Unv- Hnzln 1 rnku-~;. | I` 'lll |'iI| \l'- I (luv prmm! ml` iluur will mu !.`1]y.'r1Il Hm |mnuI.< 0|" A-nul ' (mu pumnl ul lml`l'(-2' will :- Ymm l'm`l_\' to .~i.\'1)' r-|Iip. Um- pnuml ul` slmrtt-nin_;' will `)`MLIlil'(`tl for (-\'-r_\` t\\'(-nt,\'-li\`(~ lit yum !'m- vm)l\ill'_" ]n1z']m. Um--l1:ll|' pint u|' .\'.\'l`ll|l \\'ill xv)` I1'I'mn 1-i2'hl In H-n ]u~|'. I 1.. |"mn' (HlIH'l'~ ml" III:| {mun Finn` in lin- :n :1 ]nI'im'i|n:I| li~||. 'I'|m-c nun:-<-,~' ml 1 pm` -.I\ :1 [run '1']: H1` |'n!lI` 0| 1 A I I ........ 4-up (pl. ...L I \\ hm .\Ii.\: 1 r-mmlm, I I I . ..1 ' HH- A \\'0mun'.~. id!-:1 M one who will admit for :1 new _rov'n with mont. Slur Ym, .|:wl<. Joni`. mu:~'1 usk |'nllu-r s vnm Hr Yuu ml: him. You I In-lh~I' than I (In. Terrors of the Scottis 1 ll .. . , f I I III,.. ..... I II"\' 3'1lSS('ll:|l II-v \Vh_V not? lluusomzninl ~- 'I`l1m'P'.s' :1 body in tlw Imlh. ` -'I'lw |i;.-`ht 0|" thv .\'(n'th Sim` is (`S- tilnntwl to hp 190 tilnvs .-sh'0I1_;(-1' Hum Hull` of tho sun. A bullet. thro\\'in:_-' \\'enpon has been made in the shape of :1 wnttjh. Called upon to sunender your watch you may use it to shoot ltho tlliof. uuuu my U11(- 1 I ,.,, l .uLLuAn VI. llmnwnnuial H11", .11: Ill rt-zu-In-(I zlml iifri-iii >IH{WEL'i5S`. lIi_-.:h School Kendal`. n-High School -]'In Mock Mince Pie. In--4-H14-1' I (`up ( `, I t-up u|' |l',{`.'ll'. J .... " ( u|I)\ n|' \-Inn , _. ...,. _. wzuh-r. I 1-u]uI`vlm1>]w.| rais- vup ul" l)llH('l`. `.3 It-n.1m0ns 01' um. _ . lI'.'I\[m4III HI 4-Inn-.~' :|`ll(l (I nulxm-5; ::r:Il:-1|. | |:1m- ()\`('l' v, stir unli! llw h()ilIill`," ])0iHl `In-1! lmkv with two vrusls. I ' Opp. Post Office | 'I'\ All IIVIIIU` \'-I)` \\'lu-n lmlu-cl. '\ ml Iwzmr; will . \\`ln-n um-I `in x: 1h:-. Proposal. 4-up ml" \'lll("_,"lll', `_ -.'i -111 of vlnnlupml `anis- |.nH.-.- `) |a.u_ununu ml" |I|Il.` Hu- TEE NOR'1'HI'-RN ADVANOB unru 4. ( lll'l`.*uI' III! wlu-n \:_'_U\\' |.IU\l,'l" hut In room lu-I` II. I ll_\'si(-all THE BANK OF TORONTO |l.'l- - 1'I11g'lisl1 Inlull. | Hormzml i will >- \\'|u-H will \'.` i I l I Fmursh ('l` pa-r.~.n lI:I\'m'in' I Language. lloh,-l~~\"v :- knmv him hut. FIFTY

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