Administration `until smooth. then powder lust. '_l_.'l'3l put- potent renieuy. or butter Tightly closed rooms constructed *9 b""" for thelsolc purpose of retaining; ` b"" heat, soon become tilled with poison- MOWS: ons gases exhaled by the initiates. _ The remedy is, of course, better ml 1 ventilation. It can only be ":1 ques- tion of time when our g'overnments will insist that seientilic ventilating systeins be installed -in all, new `building's, where the only ventilation "' bk' is obtained from windows, the air may be `flushed by opening tho 11' oil. Hm dd windows at intervals torn few mom-_ cuts. This means a loss of. some heat, but, if the windows are not left open too lone", the saving in due- 1, I say, if tor's bills will more than offset the me whi1e'extr:1 cost of fuc-1.---A.D. ` 1nuL' _yuu u\.\,u ..u.........t, _ t1'i:!l .?" _ - ' Ye.~;. . and ex- Is the defendant as -bentltiful` ever make `as they say?" _ uumn ehn :.~ lrmnufnl mmnqh to`: "`" 6 the | :u'm_\' ` _`_1'00(l I Bm'I'io-- _Sh011ldicc's Shop Bc N0l:m's Store .. ' .\Ic1`Iucl1o1'11's Store Fire H2111 .. - . . . . . . .. I)0bsou .~: Shop . . . . . Walsh & Horsfield'~s. I Wl1itb_v'.~; Shop .. ' Lam-'Ior's Shop Hook's Store 01'nn_:o Hall, \-\7a1'd 6 Fire Hall, Wxml Six. H.otu1'nin_2' Officer J. J. D. Banting has furuislmcl The Advance with the official figrures of the recent Domiu-7 ion election in South Simcoo. Mr. Boys` majo1'it_\' was incrca..sod `by 26, the official li__:'111'o.~: being: 3908. One poll. I'lmnmoll'.s' School in Tc-cumsotlx, was Illissixlgr wl1en the rottlrns were compiled on election ui_2'l1t, the mnj0rit_\' only being ob- tainable. The only clmn_2'o in figures is in No. 4 V\'. Gwillimhury (Coul- s0n".~; Hill) where the Boys vote is (3ll1'ln}_'(`(l from 89 to 109 and Mit- chell's vote reducml from 16 to ll. Tho o'i(-iul vote is as follows: l -- `--7 I'}ssn-- l Mooney `s. School . . . .1126 I Brz1(lcn'.- School . 67 Ivy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 I An;_:us. . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 I Cookstown . . . . . . . . . . 79 Tllornton . . . . . 83 | Baxter . . . . . . . . . . (i-l Inuislil-- l Con. 2}, Church . . . . . .T~L ' Churchill . . . . . . . . 89 l Lefroy . . . . . . . . . 115 I Thornton . . . . . . . . . . .79 Stroud . . . . . . . . 94 Loona11d's School . . . 70 Holly School . . . . . . .. 57 l Pai11s\\'ick . . . . . . . . 73 12, 13, 14 Cou., School 33 Neill)` '5 House 45 '.I`ocumseth-- - 7I".......` ..L 7 . L'|.n.. RH omcm. mamas , FOR soum smcos .1 l'UllIllDL'l.ll`-` Pc-nvillc .. Hzu111`nell's School \Yilcox's School .. T1'nin s School . . . . Cookstown . . . . \\'0st Gwillimbu1'_\'- l l l ` Bond Head . . . . .. I Middleton I l l I `l I I 1 Cookstown . . Coulson s Hill . . i . Gilt'o1'Ll :\djaln-- Swan's llousu . . . . Koc-11un's Hull . .. Moram House .. Con. J. Division Tosso1'onti0- E\'o1'0tl' . . . . . . . . . (`lougxller . . . . ... . l ,. Shopl1ov(l's School. .. Tagga1't s Shop .. (50 88 .. 74 ..1'2T 100 . 105 Q59 S)? ..l0l ...109 -,) . .l.. 41 Meadow Brook School .19 ' .~\lli.~`t0u ' Bradfonl ... ..... 1`_ Baotou . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Totteulmlu . `.241 13110 g`l1tS .101` MIL` llLLl(` UHUB. The Ladies` Auxilia1'y seeks fur- ther interest and co-operation of the Barrie frignxds and the \V01non s Institutes throughout the r-ount`_v. $1.00 per annum. Single copiexi H. Free as the air we breathe IS not applic:1blc- to foul air. .Like most other commoumes the latter eXIl('ts a toll from everyone who ...-. : I,...-m.m1 \vH*ulH'\.' with a. uxiu-ts ton t1'o111 (.'\'1.'I`)Ull: uses it. Lowered vitalitv, with a. L-01`1s0q11o11t p1-o(lisposit'1o11 to such (li.<.ensosz1s colds, p11ou111oniz1, and. tuberculosis. is the p1-i1-0 that is paid for brent'111;: impure air. It is p1'obz1bl_\' t1'11e'thz1t 11 h11'_<.:o percent- u}_}'o.o1' the ho111(~;~'. 111 gou11tr'1es pos- sess111__-' :1 cl111111to 5111111111` to Can- ud:1. s are, to :1 ;,"1'e21tc-1' or 1053 ex- tent. b1'eodi11g: places for such dis- 011505. ospec-i:11l_\' du1'i11g' the winter 111o11ths. This is the outstanding reason for the 111m'ked provulcxmc of VI IIU such diseases 111 C1111mln, diseases for which f1'usl1 1111` is the most potent 1'e111ody. 'F:(1']1H\.' nlmnrl rnmns UVT1 :\Iujo1'it._\_v' for Boys, 3908. FOUL AIR AND DISEASE. ` Hawo unlovv ;Shop : 4 r,-'5 Qn-I-n Not Positive. you been following this"'f' Boys Mitchell . . .163 3.`) . .100 21 . .100 23 105 189 205 113 182 '. 109 Gifts of Money. Cllristums }Ian1b_l_`,' .. . .A Lady, Saskatch F01` Mrs. Plummer .. `Mr. Cheesmun .. .. . ... . . . . Quceusvillc. . . Mrs. E. `Oakley, lirs. Paton .. chem-, CWRD . . . . . . . 5044 )I'\hC` 1136 .1 `-36 -1| 60 1*. I) _1 -1 `.20 ill ! .a.ppro(--in t ml -,_ 4, Mrs. (D12) Lewis. -x-undies. `II .. . \.l ..I)\....-_-.... .` Jllb. .`I1L'L nunnun, .-uu..u...\. Lam} ('andie:s. .\h's. B. Smith. .-\1lumlu1(-. and vest. Mrs. Lin(*.~`. Allulldulo. 01 -I` I4- JYIJB. I illUlI - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Ca1's0n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jzliss K. `3to\`enson . . . . . . . . . . Other Guts. ID. l)ll|.u'1`_. .L uu.\ uuuuun, _ .;........ I Mrs. Noble, Barrio, '2 jars Fruit. Edenvulo \Vomcn's Institute. 10`! lbs. butter, 1 jar fruit. 1 can jell_\',1 2 quilts, 1 bag` stlgzll`, 1 jar pickles. 1 A Frieml, 25 vts. for trout. Mr. Dobson, bag,-` pofutm-.~', hug -carrots, bag turnips. IMitchell Square \\'omen'n lnsti-` into, one gir1`s ni5_"l1tgown, Ii cakes soap, 1 book, 1 jar fruit, 1 pkg . roll- ed oats, 1,pk_:;'. 511g-.11 . 1 do /.. apples. 1 Mrs. G. (,'mnpbell. (')m, 1. l)u_g"; ` I JILL r xfmit. `X .. . (30 mus, +,11n;;. .su~__'u. ; faun. ..l.L.....,. I G. Um, .apple.s. ' I A Friend, 2 Coats, 3 shirt.~'. [ Mrs. D. M. Stewart, 1 bag can-I --dics, 1 bag 01'{lH_L'(E.\'. ' Mrs. Ruinl'or(l, '1 dozen apples. 1, bag oranges, 1 bag` candies. Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair, 2 (1o'/..` -~_......\.. I) Ila. |.nunn-x_- 1 hut-1--1-:11)- -I I'll]! ` M125. .\'I(*.1'r'u.-,k, cake. -VVomcn s Institute, Tllorutoll, 1 'jars fruit, ] jar milk, 1 box cand_\'. lb. hl1tt(J`_. 1 box cundio:~:, `.2 skirts. ~-- `IV 1 ,LTL._L._ 111` A1)`. 1).l1(l .\\ 11`S. ooun nxuumu, .. uuI.. -oranges, 2 do /.. banana.~'., 1 baf__' 5.-'1'ap. -es, 1 bag nuts, `.2 pairs 1'ubbe1's. I _ M1-s.'J. `vVillin_~_{', 2 jar.~; mm. 1.] basket apples. I Mrs. Patton, 3 quarts milk. ` "Mrs. Fallis. ] basket C|n'istmas| AL. .~ . -tn, ; uu~1." ........, .. ,....... _._, _ Mrs. `J. ` rs. (`.lirishnas -811! 1': Mrs. Arthur Little, 1 lm_:_: turnip.-.l 1 bag potatoes. Guthrie l\'Iission Band, lpkgz. des- .sert raisins, 1 do /.. o1'a1ig'0s, 1 pair mitts, 1 pair woollen bootees, 3: small books, 1 doll, 4 ornmnents. 2`. `toys, candies. ' Mrs. Justice, il bug: potatoes. Mrs. \ :m(:c, `.2 cakes, 1 jar jam. Peter Sinclair, 1 (loll. ` Miss King, 2 lianxdken-l1icl's, 2` "boxes (.-:1n(l_v, 1 pencil box; ` u... n (!nHn-in, 1 sleiu-l1. toys. )l _ -oranttes a les 1,'a1'1'ruit (~.zu1(lie.s. I" 7 3 Y Peter bulel-.111", 1 uuu. x Mrs. R. (_lutln'ie, 1 sleigh, toys,` Mrs. Freek, 1 bag potatoes, 1 has- ket apples, 1 basket cabbage. Mr. Young: (Pz\rsons Fair) ll large box candies. l Mrs. A. \V. \Vilk'm:s`en. 1 (lo7...m'- =an,r_v,es, 1 bag nuts, 1 bag cakes. Mrs. Morton, 4 toys, :3 small books, 1 lucky tub. um Rneu. `Lbooks. 1 I.-`mm:-. '2 pair uuunn, .5. uu.n_, ....... , Mrs. Ross, `. ,j)ook;~:, gmno, pair .mqcc'asins, 1 pair boots, 1 cont, -candies. Mrs. Patton, 1 doll, 1 cradle. The Telephone Girls, `.2 carts, 3 rgzuncs, 5 books, 1 bag apples, 1 bag candies, 1 bag; oranges, -1 bag nuts, 2 hair bru-`nos, 11 hnn(lko1'- chiefs, 1 rattle. AIM w A Hrxss. 1 bn_-` on1119.'c-s. .1 chiefs, 1 rattle. Mrs. W". A. l{()ss, bag bananas. A Friend, 1 107.. ornngzcs. Mrs. Corbett, 1 bnby s rocker. Mrs. Grafton, 5. . jars fruit, 1 jar -`com, 1 jar pickles, 2 bottles sauce, `1 basket carrots and turnips. Mrs. N. Hart, 1 box cansdy. Mrs. Staploton, 1 cake, 1 jar fruit, 2 hm1dkc1'chio{'s. Mrs. Ford and .\h-;<. Richzu'd: ".10 hmidkerchk-t's. 7 hair ribbons. Mrs. A. J. Snrjc.-zxnt, 10 pairs stockings, 2 coats. `Irv: Dnnm-can 1.nl1 and crzudle. 1 bag` o1'u11,t,'c-s, ` I 1 stocknlxgs, '.: ('Uula. Mrs. Patterson, Idol] and crzudle, _ 1 box of nuts. ' Mrs. (Dr.) Little. `2 jars fruit. St..Gorgc s Club, 3 (102. o1'angos. ..\'I('Ph(!I'$()ll, .-\l1umlz1h-, ...l2,... DOX Caluluua. . . , E. lbooks, sins, quilt quill and Mrs. '\Vis1iiei'. S C.h1'istmas stock- ings for tree. ' Trinity Chu1'(-h, `_ chickens. 1 pkg`. tea, ] pkg. cornstarch, 1 pkg`. brown -stlgnr, 1 pk}.-'. white sugar, 1 pkg. rolled oats, `.2 do /.. o1'a11ges and up- pics. \:I I,1I11'1I-0 \v[:n-1.:H'mI. f0\".'\' illld .\Lill|lll.l` .v|ukAAuIL.An, .3. ...... books. .\'Irs. \\. L`1`1'_\', o1'm1-;e;~;. apples, ':m'd1e.s and nuts. ~~ . I?! .. I-nun I4` nunlnx-no.` .\|\ ends. \I. UIIUD. Mr. .\[:11'11i11. 1 doz. o1':1.11t_-vs. Goo. \'ickc1`s. 1: ) pairs sto(eki11g_-'5. Mrs. ;\IoA1'th111', 1 blanket. Mrs. M. Burton, 2 boys swe-.111.-rs, 2 boys toqiios, 1 'i):lf_" ouch nuts, 1-2111- Idios. raisins and 1'1;:s. ` Cline and Lyndon (7onno1', (711-0- iinorc, toys. 311's. )1. Burton, l111L'1- roast oi` lboef, 3 pork chops. .\Iiss Sz11'z1h Donne. I jar 1'1'nit. 1 box dominoes. _ P1'osl)_\'teri1111 (`1ll.l1`('11 (Edith Mer- rill). 9 books. 1 .\Iis.s .\Ia1'_\f Johnst0n,.I% hooks, pair stockings. Artlnu` I-Iiggs, 1 box 111-11.wi11;_: slate, l p11 /.7.1o, book, 9 small books. Mrs. Thomas, fern. Cl-11101-11 West, 1 book. ` Allan I"1 att, 1 book. .\Iis.s Dom \\'e.s'1', 1 1431110 of table 1) 1'ic-ks, 1 1 la1'g'c ` 1-roquotte. .\1is Doris Stewart, 1 book. A Friend, 1 1.1111110 of 1111111111. .\ Frioml, l doll. A Frieiid. `.2 pair stockings. i Miss T1l(`i1ll:1 Reid, 2 1nunlkor- chiefs. Pen"-_\' Lanibio, 1 toy. A F1'i(.-11d. 2 bo\v.~:. -\ F1'iond, 1 pair 1'11hh1-rs. 1 pair I or 11111 hose, 1 toque. Viki .\1a1'i0n and 1\l':11- box of Robin 110011 Outs. I1 `1 1.... Tlnkin T1.\n.1 ;\lissos oss, 1 n ,1. .1 \I',.....: (-:1n'(ne.s unu Hum. 'B1'o\\'n Ks Bnkm'_v l .mplo_\'ces. Christnms tree and t1`ix11111i11g's, 3 Ch1'istn1ns stockingzs, 30 gifts, toys, mitts, etc-. Brennan & Wiscxmul, `.2 clxiukt-us. .\-I1". Hinds. 01':1ng'cs. Q .\[1'.s. Drury. J: hair 1-ibhom. I yrs. ;\[_\'(-rs, 1. ba.~;kct odds and [(055, J uux (H nuulu uuuu uuL>. ) Robert .\[m'ril1, 1 box Robin Hood l0ats. I 1.1. {ha L`.....l ...,.,...:.-...l 11..-m...-I. .\I1'. Y0un_-4: Stroud Wolnc-n's Insti- ture. $5.(H); (`rown Hill Women's `Institute. $5.00; New L0\\'eH \\'o- ln1en'.- Institute, $5.00. `Report of Donations for Nov. 1917. I [ 1'0\'isi()11s. .\I1'.'~`.. I. .\Io1'f0n'. $5.00, ':1 Friolxdz \'e_ .\[r.~;. l)1'u1`_\', Dr. Little, llrs. Maxxvell, Mrs. Rot-\'i(~, Om. J. Patton, Miss Pz1rt- 1'id .\[1's. T. .\IcCullm-ll. ('.l0thin5_.-', Rev. -J. S. Stevenson. Dalston, .\liss ` l(':1t<-l1c1'_. .\llu11 I ` For (`at Fuml ;1'('('(`i\'(-(1 ll1m11t__v'l1 % HOW TO THAW IEOZEN WATER PIPES. ;\`lll('ll i-_-'no1'un(-0 h'0(`1ll.~i lo ]>1`o\`nil lnlioul t:1l t-are ol' wulcr wut(*.~'. .-\. ir:o0l tenant will look zil'I(.-1' pipes to p1'0v(-nt tlimn l'r(-o7.inL-.'. \\'nt(~1' in motion will not 1'11-07.0 unless the stroznn is \'(-1-_\' .~:inzill. ll` tlioru is :1 int-tor in the collar, and no 1'ni'nzu-0 llienl. the motor is ll:ll)l(` to frm-7.0 land l)u1'st if tlio \v:1lo1' is shut off or (l1(' i(`lIl])L'I':ltll1'(` goes below 53'. (lo-` L-,1'(-es. Allow :1 strcani ol` \V'{\t(.`l` the ilsizc ol' :1 lc-ml pencil (not sinallor) [to run when it is cold, and this will lprcvont t'ru(*'/.in: in the vellum: .. . . V..." .. I A Al ....A.... ".'.l`l'l.'.\. .`\uun i| nulnuxn un nun. nu. lsizc this '\\'he1'e tliccellur is limited, the motel" may be shut on`. This is so the pipe niay be emptied or it would 1'11-07.4: land burst. If the water is apt to} catch in the other parts of the house, it should be allowed to run t'1'mn both hot and cold water faucets, as the hot water pipes f1'eo7.e first. 'I`1... .v.n4.L-nu} nnrl hncf wnv in Hm\\'. Ill(' HUL \\illL'l' plpcn nut:/.1: lllhl. ' The quickest and best way to thaw out water pipes is to wring,-' out :1 l:n'__:'(.- cloth in hot water uml wrap .it m-ouml the fuuct-t to thaw it, so the lulmllo, can he turnecl, then slowly work m'ou1ul the pipe. If the pipe is caught in the cellar, hunt Hun Hm nrnf 1n\\'n-:1 alnwn nnd w1':m `H35. ;\~`[z1111'i(-0 .\lm-1.zn'on, toys ..,.1. . `]ll})(.` 15 L'iu.Ig:l1L HI Lnu I;\:uuL, llulll, .- for the point lowest down and wrap `the cloth around that. 11>`. it l'r(-ext-.~: nearest the ground first. V\'here ` tl1ere is n wuterl'ront. in a kitchen! rang.-"e, the fire should never be '41- 1. lowed to go out on In very cold ni;_-;ht, ` . as when it is re-built in the morning.-' `I the water in the w:tterl'mnt ma_v be h frozen. There is no danger from 1. the hot water boiler where the pre.~'.- t ; sure is indirect (that is, where thew water from the .~lIl`(`(}i tlows first to < the overhead tank in the b1ll.l11'0()IIll( and then to the boiler), but wl1ere.,I the pressure is (lireet from the street I L to the boiler, and the boiler mnkesl u.`po1111(lin,Lv; noise, water should he` (lrawn off and the tire eheeketl. ` l \ or_v. She s making such punk I Is your cook economic:\l`.? | I (:o'cc that no one over thinks 0 asking.-; for a second cup. The Experienced Hand. _ What was Miss Mcyfm-c (1/o'm'| with them cows this morn-in , 1_1_Aon ' I Hllll ll Jake?" I & `U !.. -JHKCY" I V\" _\' \'m`lno1', 5110 war d1'oivin'I of mu into th shade to keep '(-In` cool, so as thunder wou1dn t Aturu the milk sour. At the Government Shot and Shell Conservation. ___ Thlntuuu of Bu-riqtho Gunny of8iIeoo'sndthoDouinoaotOuuinour0r&ion. nu, X\'L The Union Bank of Canada not only inaintzlined but z1ctu11ll_\' in- ex'en.sed its recent ':1te of ]11'0g,"1'0.s'S|_ (lu1'in,<:_,' the fiscal year of 1917, which` Cl0S('(l on November 30 and for whieh the fi}.'i11'es are now available. As bein.-_:' the first _\'ea1' of the new general n1:1m1_s:er, Mr. ll. B. Shaw, and also the first _\`em' of operation of the bank's New York :\`:e11(-y. es- t:1blishe(l em-l_\' in l.`l1T with an ml- \'iso1'y committee inelu(linu' such prominent linzmeiers as Bless:-s. Sti1_\'vesu1it Fish, Cornelius Vnnrler-I hilt and (lillmrt G. Thorne, the pnstl twelve months lms been :1 speeia,l1y interesting one. and the slmreliolclers and clients of the bank have evoryf reason to be satisfied with the! ,,,.IL Assets Now Exceed $143,400,000, an Increase of $34,359,772 for Year Assets Very Strong-Re- may-bnlnln `Evnnnninn nf N'n1'.4:, Cir-i (`U35 l3Hlll.`, U1 nu lllu\IuuI \]I ..\.....l 0llt.s'l11ll(lll1_`_" over and 2ll)0\'(.' thr-{H 1-apital, is more than (-0\`(>1'(-l h_v tlmll-I deposit of gold and 1)on1inimi notes] in the C.`(mh'al Gold l{ese1'\'v. 'l`h('lh great stroiig-tln of tho l'nion I:}:mk'u in the west, \\'l1(`1`(' :1 1211'}.-`e voluniell, 01' cu1'1'enc_\' is lwin;' ('Ill]llQ\'l` ml,` the lll111l1(',l1lf," 01' the 1917 (~1'op,li` doubtless accoiuits for this l`Cll1i11`l{-lh able slio\\'im__-', \\'hi('h imli<-altos all once the st1'(.-ixygtli and populai-it_\' oI':h the hunk and tho ]n'nlit:\l)lo- mmirte of its (-om1(\(-ti(m. \ The lizthilities l0'1h(- puhlio total uhout 13:") millions, zlgzliiist which the h-.u1k holds :1 \-m'_\` strong 1'0- sorvo 0! (-:\sh and liquid assi-ls_i 2llll0lllllll1_L' to 77 millions, ur nhoutlll 57 per L'(.`lll.. :1 sliglitly lll`_:'lI('l` l'1j_-`i1rcj- than last vi-:u"s. 01' those nssctsl( 101 . ...:|I:.... ...... '...'.1 UNION BANK MADN STILL MORE RAPID PROGRESS IN 1917. [H1111 HISL `\l'ilI 3. \ll |.llk``I\` |I.`nV\.|.1-- no less than 191`/3 millions are ini` Dominion not<.-.<, CI\'(`ilL\'i\ (` oi` thu` ;:un0unt oi sncli I10t(-s ti(.`]Il)Si1(`li in the Central Gold i{(rsoi'\'o. and in ml- dilion to the service po1'l'01`niml by tho (:m'1'_\'inj.._-' of this 1:111`.-;o amount, of Dominion obligzltioiis tiio l'ni0n| Bank is also the i|0i(i('l' oi" $$),3(i1,00() of. Doniinion and I rovinci:11 s('(:u1'i- tics and of $16,244,000 01' Canadian municipal and non-Canadian public! i.-:ecnritios, the latti,-1' L-lass (`0l1.5`iSiil1`,',' lzmgcly 01` British 'I`rcnsu1'_v bills. '[`hus the st1`(ni.,-'11: of the Union` Bank is to no 5111-all extent mnplo_\'o(l| for the diro(~l support of the {inun- cinl operations of the linipircu l`hc-1'0; _ is :1 moderate il1(`l'('i1S(' in i-iirront I ~loans in Cunuclu. n..1:4_ ... ...:...I.9"1m nvnm-hul in Barrie, Gmnnty of Simcoe, Ontario, January 17th, 1918. voL. LXVII.-No. 3. -1.uqu.1u. Assems Vcxy uw.uu5--.wc- markable Exuansion of Note Cir- culation - A Valuable National Service. '~lm.1ns nu L2In1\(lll. l; Profits, as n1i;_;'M"bo oxpm-tml in.` View 0| this (-xpuudod businc-.~a.~; on 0 an unc-11un;:c(l capital, show :1 do-l L-idcd in('1'easc. an10unt'm_-_,-` to $763,-'. 4(i.'}.9'.2. Tho (li\'i und bonus] take $450,000.00, and am-25,000.00, is! ..,...........rl 'n.- O-|\'n_' a|rm:\Hnns_ nun-I U.lK(`* W7-)U,UUU.UU, iluu. `JV. -- -lI,U|.VU.\Iu, ..1..` "i'oqui1'L-(1 for taxes. donatimis, puu- I siou fund and the a1>1i1-opyizitioli ( for C0l1lillf.:`('llt .`u-count. 01' the 1 rt-mnin(lc1', $75,00().()() is written 011' Bank Preniises .-`\c(-omit, and the balance is u(l(lud to prots om-1'iv(i 2 fo1'wm'd. '1`hi.s bank has t|11'oug_-'hm1t. _ the war been able to maintain its,` "dividend and bonus and pay all : depreciation (-11n1'_L'os out 01' riirrcnt ` prolits, but this is the first year that "t has been ])0.~'.sii)1e to make u writ- ing:-off for Bank Pr(.-mirecs. 5 How difl'o1't.-nt it is." saws a writer in 11 London paper, for any- `ono to form even a faint idea of ix what a vast sum like .1,000,31'2,.`)50 really means! If it were possi'l)lo to collect inxgots of pure 5.-.'old to _mnn'/.in_ value, they would ll IL ' [line of trucks extomlin;-; along :1 mil- way for up\\`m'd;~'. of twelve milcs. lA.~`. :1 1nn.ttc1"ol' fact, there would be ' lin tlmt truill at loust hall` the gold 1 Lin the wo1'ld." this ' .C11ic:1_v_`0 ('ln[)l()_\'s 10 women to c-arry U. S. mail. TWELVE MILES OI` GOLD. 'lllhl| J u:unu|_\ unuq. 113.,-'11: i 'l`hc-1'02 . . I 1H('1'(`i1SL` lll | .L_ about 'l}Iut l'1j_~`1n`e ;.|oh:n :I.s`s(vts lul 1} mo in 1110 ) tl1u=la1'1n Lu-cl (lu<-1i :_-0051 no.1 hr 3 rnnlv The enormous and gloomy pile which they call in Berlin the Old Castle is :1 sort of mountain of stone, :1 third of :1 mile round. The first King.-.' of I r11ssin. Frederick, be- .gm its construction in 1699 to rival V'ersaillen', when Berlin was :1 rustic lburg.-' with plenty of space for g_:nr- {(len.~s, alleys and l'om1tuins, \\'hi(-,h no `longer exist. I I are tall and c1`L11i1bli11y_v vesti.5_"es of the yet older resi(len(-0 of the elect- ors of 'Bran(lenburg', which the first Frederick had intemletl to remove. It is the one legremlary and picture- sque spot in Berlin the motlern. I . I Backed up t\,`. ,`:llll. the Old Sehloss l 'l`lin lnl nilcfln lune lill 1-nn|n< The Old Castle has ($00 rooms, most 0!` which are not inhabited. ';'1`hc-1'0 is old t'ui'nit'u1'e in midlcss, silent suites; \':1st (*01'1'i(101's, dark, monumental halls of pillars. sculp- [t111'(*.s, 1'u4lii1}.:_ |'1'('s(90vs and slippery oors. ., .. ...l -`.ll|ll' -`IIJUL Ill 1JL'l'llll l.l1L' ll|Ul|L'lll. I Donations to Shelter at Christmas Time and Other Contributions. `\V (IN II\'ill`l IU Hi \ o L \\Ulll\l :_'IlllIl_\ Enum-_\` the widow it`. it \\'(-1'0 not for `I four (-_\'(-.~'. that hotlu-1' m(-." ;t .-\j_"n1~s in1n5_:'i110(l that ho nmzlnt V ' J101` (-hihlrt.-u. so she killotl them with I` u f_:`()I(l noodle. \\"h:It the .\J:ll`}_"l`:l\ (' 1 '1'<-ally m(-amt \\'u.< his own f'nt11(.-1' and | ,mn111o1'. who txmmst-(I the Hum-ll. On Elt-arninu` hm` mistake. the (`-ausv of Hu-r (1()11})|b ('l'illl('. lwzllltiful 2\g,"11e.s`| _\n-nt :r:1 /._v with 11-1no1'sv and killed 1 1 =h(r1'.~'(~H'. ':` I-I \r ,. .. . 1.. ...I.1 H... I 1 " I ' In this 'l`owc1' o|'(th(- (in-011 Hut lives the \\'I1ito I.:Id_v, tho fmnily, luluost 01' the Hohon7.ol1c-rns. ] I \; ...:.1..:...I.A .1... ...I:.|... u...-.....l.. lJ.lllI.`l U] lHl' llUIIl'll/:UlIl.'lI|-5. I At mi(lni_<;l1t she 3.-'li(los tln'ou;,~;l1 lthe 600 rooms of the 01d Castle, tlu'ou}_"h ;;'1':nul apm-tnnents. Hull 01' tlm Cl10\':lllQl`S, throne room_. wlnitc land yellow suites ol' f_:'2ll:1 and the .:_"1'oat and lossc-1' banquet ('llflllll)C1'S, `but never `(-1'ossin.:' the tllreshold of lthc royal :1p:u'tn1c-nts proper. oxcepl-- The Harbinger `of Death. I l i l'l.\'(-opt on the eve ol' the death of :1 i . Prim -0 01' the l':nnil_\'l The White L:ul_\' is .i1l])])UsL`(l to gluuml an uul room invisi-blc up all. and only \\':1ll;.~: or lucr- lsc-ll' \\'l1on u llolnonzollorn l 1'in<-(-. is I . ::ll)0lll Eu (l1L`. l \"`.:l.. L`.,...,. .... ...........` 'i|U\llll LU \lIL'. I \\'hil(.- there are s(-\'o1`ul vqrsions gas to the m'i_"in of tho app:n'iti0n :th(s l'oHowin_-_'; :\(-count is the 1n0st' '3.-'onor:1ll_\' an-opte.(l. I Sho was :1 b0:1uti|'ul _\"mu1_-' \\'i(lo\\`,i ;l1l0l h(`l' 01" two <-hihlrou. tho Coun-s Hess .-\}_"ll(`.'\' of'()1'1aIn11nd(>. :1 his-I H01'i(`:Il ('hu1'2u-tor. S110 fell 1m1dl_\-' !in love with On(- 0|` tho :l1l('(`.\`t0l`."s' 01' itho Hohon'/.0110:-n t':uuil_'. tho ;\l;n'- if.-`1`a\'o .<\1hm't tho H:mdsom(~. Ho {was hmn-I to s:1_\': I \\'oul(l j_-'lud1_\" .1 ,.__, Al..A l.A.I_.. ..., " WARNS Pnussmn KINGS OF DEATH 'll(5l'."('ll. : .\Inn_\' ]n'iru-vs who lwht-M the White l.:ul_\' n(-\'(-r told of it. | } What the Page Saw. i Q (Mice :\ szuu-`\' pug.-'0 pr-1'<*(`i\'(-d hm" {in :1 (*01'ri(l01' (-1050 to the (h'c(-11! 'II:1t (it \\'-as in the lays 0|` I~I1(vt()r- :J011:1llll('$-Sig'i5llllH|(l, t':11.h01'-in-|:1\v 1 gm` (}11s1:I\`(- .\lolpl1us, the Lion of: Xm'tl1) up1n'0:1clu~(l ll:-1', than}; his1 `arm round In-1' \\`ni.~:t and :'. so- I.. .:...,I.. unl ....,.I.. .l. ...1....... ltlllll IlI|III\l lll'I \\l|I-`ll. nIIl\l .x`l\l,Il -7`, (I111-li\'el_\'. "l.o\'el_\' 111:1sl<, 1\'l1ere :_:'oest ."' 'l`l1e \\'l1ile l.11il_\' (lid not 1'e11l_v. not see111 .\'ll(H`l((`(l, hut ipassetl 11:-ross l1is z11*111 iike :1, t'o3___-', :111 1>:1ssi11}_v*. til])p(`(l him 011 the l'o1'el1e:1 with :1 1:111.-'e key which she hell--t`l1e ke_1' \1'itl1 wliieli she opens the (00 (loors ol the Old (`,:1stl(-. I The l~Ile(-tor .Tol1:11111es-Sigis1111111(l (lied the next 111o1'11i11g_-' at (5.45, but the s:111(-_v 1111;,-e lived on to tell l1is |:1(|\`e11t111'e :1 h1111 times. ()11ly it 1|l)e5_-`111 to he ll0tl(f('(l that l1is 00111- plexiou, p1'e\'io11sl_\` so 1`11(ldy, was -i`l)eeo111i11_-.1` white like 111:11`l)le, and his 111:111l_\' l'(-:1t111'es took the be:111t_v of :1 [girl :111(l _-_-'1'e1v etliei-eul, t1'u11sp:11'e11t 1.u111l 1111e:11'tl1l)', like :1 ;:i1'l i11 :1 (le- 1 line, who \1'e:1ke11s :1111l must (lie. 1-. I He 5.-'1'ew willow_\' 2111(l sle11(le1', l1is ,1. '.ste11s 111:1le no noise, :1:1(l when t, sl111:1i met l1i1i1 in the twili;:l1t t`l1ey W slsl11'iel The White I411(l'!" and m ll('(l l"1'o111 him. U110 :l:1_\.' he just. U 11 (l~isz1ppe:11'e(l. I11 l1is bed was l`o1111(l t; e :1 l):1_~_-' of white l111111:111 bones. 5.` l1'\ 'l`l1(- lirst l\'i11_.,v` of l 1'ussi11 had :1 '1 e false :1lz11*111. This is :111tl1e11tieJ and (l sliows l1o\v li1'-111 was his belief in it the White Latly. For a sex`-oml wife .s he was e11}.-':1;__re(l to -.1 P1`i11ecss of V ll Nzissnu, but the inateh was broken it off bet-misc l1e insisted that the train 1t of her we(l(li11g 5.1'ow11 at tl1e cere- t- 111o11_\' should he (',l`l'lC(l by her own 111oth(-1". Fiiially he espoused Sophia 3 Lo11i.s11 ol' .\[(!Cl{l(?IllJ11l"}.\", who had no 111othe1-. so her t.1`11i11 was e111-ried by 1 six Countessos. All the same, she was jeuloiis and violent, :111<`l one v- (lay wl1e11 she s11spec.te(l the beauti- l'ul _\'o11113_,-' Coiuitess ol' \V'111tte111b11r;.-; 50 of hei11_ iii the l{i11__,-"s study she s1ul(le11l_v quit the 111:1i1l who was 1i.`s powde1'i11__,- l1e1_l1:1i1- and i11 thought-` less 1':1;:e, with the sl1(-et :11'o1111(l her ,il- shoiiltlers, 1-1111 down the ('.o1'1'i(l01' es. and s111asl1e1l iii the :;'l:1ss ol' the Ki11_g"s study. ` .14 m1... 'l. :.m- um.-.-ulnnn 111 'l\U\_`_',' S Sllllly. The Kin_;' \\`IlS~:Ll0llL`, slot-pin}.-: in his 2n'~m(-.hnir. He woke with n. stawt, ohokotl and fell in a fit h9I`01'c the appmition in the blood stained po\vdc1'ing' .=s1u.{et-becm1se the lady `I:_'l3IIIlI|I\|g Illl-ll\'I"llI`I(l\I [ - his5 Tllo -: Qnnr l\.'V l.i.- up... u. vAI\- u.......... U. -....... Being at the Schloss of Rudolph- statlt the l1l_Q`lll. before, Prince Louis icallerl certain ln'othe1- ol1'ic-ers and said: "Do `this and this for me when 1 am (lead. 1 lmve seen the \Vl1ite Lady!" They replied: How can lit be when the White Lmly walks in Berlin onl_\"!" He would give no other explanation saying; only. Oh, she walked there doubtless." And he clc-semnlml to the music room, where :1 lo\'ely _\'oun_s:: girl sat at the piano. - I pl-xv Innninlnnling " T):-in:-n |.nni_- -uuu nu Ll'IlIAuu\ uuvu. nlv .--. ... The Ladies` Auxilim'_\' of the Cotlxxty Child1'cn s Aid Sociot_\_` Wish to ackno\vled_Lro the g_~;cnorosity of the .f1'ieuds of th(V\C11il(1rcu's Shelter. ._. .n... .- l}lilllUn ` ` Play mt 1:03;;-.:'o(1 `her. l I `I I ..... ... 'llU:.";{l`ll HUI. How many. IIi_21l1ues.s".- 1 will `play one for ezwll F'1-one-h1nan," .~zh(` `said, who falls by your sword to- : 9 lIl(\I`I'f\l\7 .lIlUI'lUV\'. | Oh, to-morrow is nny busy da_\'." il:u1g_-;hod Louis wil(ll_\'; "make it; twenty. ` `, ! NV]... ..I__.....l ......Z. ....L:I .l.... iLwL-HL). , 3 The gii-l plu_\'(-(I music until (i:l_\'- ibroak. That nig`ht the dad body of` Prince Louis lay in the castle of tho` iC0i)l11'_:'.s', watchod with funeral |h(m0rs' b_\'_:;i'em1(|im's ofthe linpc-rial ;Gl1{l]'(i. But the -sti-aiigc timing: is that three months later, in Berlin, the story was told. inv(-s.tig'ate(l and. ivcritied that two uigrlits i)Cf01;(` tho ;battlv oi` Jenn, crowds of ci.ti7.ons thud seen a white Ii__-`um ] )i1.~i.5`ill}_" the idnrk \\'in(I0\\'s in_ the Old Sciilnss. I I had cut her hzmds. The nmicls clean- ed her while tht: King.-' was being: lbrought to. hurt. ._._ .\._ umu- r...) 1...! ....,..,.... ..,. I've seen the \-Vlnite Lu(L\_'!" he cried. I`m :1 lost man. He would not `believe them when they told him the true facts. He went down with t`ever--and' he acttmlly died the next day! The White Lady at Jena. One of the most authentic cases (he told it himself) was that orl Prince Louis of Prussin. before Jenn in the autumn of 1806. v` r\ . v\ The Great William. In his old (lays, they say, I{in_r_,v'| |\\'illiam 1., 0011que1'e1' of 1870. Ger- man l dreaded more and snmre, to see the. White Lz\(L\_` s111'}_"e I _up before `him at some unexpected- Imoment. Like :1 brzlve men he went `to meet her. One 11i.-_v;l1t, with an ai he repeated the fam- nus round of Frederick the (_h'e:It and \'o1taire. I The :1}.-`ed linxperol`, 'l'ati}_-'ue(l. sat. clown f1~eq11e11tl)'. He seemed not { _to notice that the aitle-do-emnp was 'whi re as chalk and 2111 but speech- less. \\'hen the trip was over Wil- liam si_"h(`tl with relief. ()ul`," no suicl. all is well that ends well. I 2'-.n'c her :1 f_"0o(l} vv llillll .`I:_'lXl'll 1: t-llznwc. ' ' VI`... .. ... ('ll3ll|('L'. .' Two \\'(-1-ks later. the 0111 p(n'()r b(\in_-.:' (load and l)lll`i(`(L guid0~(|(`-_-mnp ro.~'i__~'n(-(1 his : "rank. and tlt-\'o1cd his life to `works. . .1\.... L`... \\`Ul'KS. ()m' l'}n1p0r01'." suit! the (-0u1`t a\\'it1l t-1npln1.~'i.<. "(lid not st-0 tho \\'hite L:\d.\`." ! No, but I dhl." said tho aide-(lcn |(`:lln]). She was with us in e\'e1'_\' ,1-(mm 01: that Au-(:u1`sml trip and she ;wz1itcd in (lurk vornm-s when the old- :I\'ai.~'m' rested ! ' They are 5.-`1'a.tef'111 for the iue1'ez\s~ Eng interest. which the gifts indicatel and thank the donors for their Itlxongziitfilliiess which made possible for these little ones who had no -other home, 11. 'bright_. jul1_\' Christ- mas. Miss '.-\'IcCracken, the devoted matron, is niakixig the best of all the g'ifts.fo1' the little ones. 'I`lm T.n(]in:' .'\n\-iiinrv seeks .. . L2IUIL'h[lUU|l.`) n.)|ulI . 1/_: teaspoon salt`. ll 3 tmispooiis baking powder. K Add the milk to the potatoes. boat ( until smooth, add iiiolasscs, salt, and 1 fat, than sift in the flour and baking: ] powder. The (louyzh must be 1'at.l1o1' 1 still . F1-_y on hot _<,-'r0asc(l _ I l Buckwhealt Cakes. Buvkwh(-at flour can be pun.-lmse(l 1'nzuly `p1'0pzu'e(l. and all that is nccossai-y is, when mixiufg, to put 1 tablespoon of syrup in the l)a,ttm', which can be llllX(`(l with milk, halt` milk and half water or all wu.t(21'. 111 the latter case I would siiggest put- ting: :1 little melted butter S\ll)Sl.ltL1lI(` or d1'ippiu_'s in the L The syrup makes. it a rich I 01' it can be mixed as follows: ` 1 . cups buckwheat flour. 3_ 2 cups milk or hull milk and hulfl l water. ' ` 1 tablc-spoon melted fat or ' '1 tablespoon syrup. " 1 teaspoon salt. '.Z1'oun(lo(l or 4 level teaspoons ing; powder. ol M:\- nll until .~;moo1.l\. add In-,1 pl! N \Il.'l . M ix all the baking: 1 cup nwuslu-d potatoes 2 cups hm-k\vhc:1t flour. .1`/_: cllps milk 1 teaspoon m(.-lu-d fut. or oil 2 tablespoons sy1'L1]n 1/. fnnunnnn .*nH' ()l`t'ic0 um to (`.hiof-Oh, if`, :1 pm-col should come for while` I've gone to lunch, would you please take care of it`! It`s a new but fmm my mi1linm"s. | Mr. .1-l`eupeck--Reckless ex-` tru\'u_-_-,':1nt! I? When dild T :1. 11501953 purc-hare:-`Z \r.._. `nmmm-lz.._\Vlw.'0 :<. that truvn -_:'aut! 71 ? dild ` as they say?" 1 u11-c-haso? Well, she is beautiful enough tqf` Mrs. I'Ionpo(-k--\V'h_v, there s that be acquit-ted. If you mean to 831;": [ire ext'mg_-'ui.sher you bought {L year `if she is beautiful enough for vautleu, X.\-we never used it` once. ville, 1 tduuno. ) . Potato Buckwheat Cakes. WAR-TIME RECIPES. 1no|n(*l0 ' III!` Misplaced Economy. Ii 1). Mcl.EOD cor IN CHILDRENS SHELTER`.