(Ins. I)un(|:\s, Esszu, Alliston. -1. J. I). B:u1tin_-`, I`Is.~`n, ('0ok. .\n1os l`1'uin, ]<`l0s, Pholpstnn. _ P. A. Cong.-'hlin, F`10s. I 11o.11ston. I . R. \\'e.sf. \\'. ('r\vnillin1hu1'_\`, Gil- 4.-.....I 1'. 1|. \\L'.3l, \\. \I\\-uuun:un_;, xur f(ml. Eben Totltl, Innislil, C.l1u1'(-hill. I). H. Coleman. Inllisl, (`00ks10\\'n. J. S. ;\-lcI)ow0H, Midland " .Iolm T0019, Midlzuld Daniel .\lcLoun, .\lodo1xto,'.I:m`:xtts. "T. B. Shaw, Medoutc, Levering. John Bell, .\Io(l(mte, Hobart "T. B. Shaw, .\'lz1tchc-(lusll, R. H. ]. COI.(1Will(`.1'. 1 vs 1...\.:,...,... \'nu................ chm. \.`UI:llV\ill.lT1q J. E. Jnmioson, .\'oH:1\vzIs:1_-_:u. Sing- humpton. J:un0sJu1'dim-, Nmtznxxtsul-_:`:`\. Col- lingwood. "J. B. Johnston. Urillia P. McLeod, Orillia. C. P. Janos, Orillia Alex. McAi't11u1', Om, Sham}; Buy Donald Mg-Kinln_y, ()1-0, 'Ju1_-mtt s. ` A. Cunniug'ham, Orillin 1 ]'.v.,_ Hi` R. 3V0ril1i-.1. _ . \ ` '"Wn1 Gowzmlock, ()rillia' 113., RR." 4 Orillia _ _ V Q F. Yates, _I e11etimguisI1cne -`P:'stVrick' _J. "A-Ia1onc,,Port McNico1l. - Jo:~`_.' Spicl1_o1'. Suuninli'. Stnyncw. ' ilohu Conn. St'z1yncx' Forks, Spoons, Cut Glass, `*.-`\. A. ,\IvKon'/.io, Tottcnhmn. .S'i1np.+on 01' Robins, Tiny. / .\':1p. Be1r~ou1't, Tiny `Levi S. Taylm, T21)`, R.l{.1 \'. ]I:u'bo1" Ell. Dutton, T113 , l{.1\`. 1 .\lidl:u1d. Thos. Pulford, 'I`os::01'outi0, Everett \\'. J-I. Czwtor, Temlxneth, B0113 Head. 'I`]m.~'. Flc.-xuin.-_-', '.[`ccun1.s'etl1, T0tten- ham. Chas. Wzlttit-, \'o. Alutml Mills"..- ;\IO.\'. H. Wilson, \'-syn -.1, Anton Mills J(~)'onm Dm-k\\'m`t|1. \`i(-,lo1'in 1Iz1rbox" Port :\l(-Nicol Adjala Nalnes with an "" hol'01'u tlcllohj new mo1nbo1-..<. Socks will he 1.-ollectod on )Iou-- day, .l:m11n1'_\` Hth. Mm, Hem.--we .-~m+n{`n1l\~ swknnwz UU_\', ~lEUllUlI`_\ l`tlll. M1-:s. Htexvurt g,~'1'utof1111_\ aelulowl l0d_ the sun} of $()'.00 tl11'0u;_J,'l1 Miss Dousc o`i' Lefroy, to be spent` on tolmc-co for the men at the front, \ ... . . ...nI,.,\....\ ...:o'+ ....,m:um1+hix, I0lm(`('0 101' 1110 lH(.`l| ZIL um nuuu A rm-_v welcome 3,-`i1't1'coei\*ed thi5- wot-k was that of` two quilt.'~`. made by tho Stroud W. 1. and donated- by Mi.s'.~; 1 c1't1m 01'(-haul, Long? B4--.u-h, ('ulifor11in. v JJI\lu V .L\.I & \J.l\l 1: J.J.Lh.LIlL }1':ulunto of 'I'rinit_\' I ni\'crsit_v am? also _':1':\d11:\`.v of 1din|)111`gh and (}la.su0\\'. Sp(-cialty. . diseases, ffinn nnrnnr 11917501!` and W0!` (_x Ias;:0\\'. hp('('1:`uI_\'.slmn:1('x| u1.sL-an-.2. Office, corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance off Worsley, Office open until 8 pm. SUI! ` 13 quality. `Parcel S1-IALLEI) 'l`I`};\"I)I`3RS, :1dd1'csseiI to the l ostm:1ste1' General, will be re<:oi\'(-(l at Ottawa until noon, on Fri(l:1_\', the 221111 Fcl)1'1mry, 1918, for the con\'o_\'zmco of His `.\Iujcsty S-`- Mzlils, on :1 ]'>l'O])OS(`(l Co11t.1':L'ct for` fmtr _\-'(':11`s, six times per week on! the route Barrie R. R. No. 1 (via Hillsdnle and (`,raig_:l\u1'st) from the Isl .-\]'n'il, 1918, next. D:-inhxrl nnnnq nnnhninrr f111'Hln.t"l 151 .`\]')I ll, 119133, l1(.`.\'L. Pziintird notices containing further` `int'01-nmtion us to conditions of ])1'0p0s('d Contract may be seen and lblank forms of." Tender may be 1 obtainvd at the P651; Offices of _Bi1rri(-_. I'Ii11s<]nle, Cmighurst and. at the oce of the Post Office Ins1}ec- tor. Toronto. I A QnH1n|-Inna r_U-`Sl KJII HZU 111-`!!! l ` P0s`t Office I11s}wcto1"s O:'ice,. Toronto, Jmmary 5th, 1918. Mail Contract iiifi}1'-E>':?};.'}iARw FIELD COMFORTS. I A. Sutho1'lm1d, ~ Post` Office Iuspcctot r..._.......+....sa nm... io, th, # Ln fvnn 1' quality. Parcel No. 4--Thc \\'ost Halves of. Lots 12 and 13, C011. 7, \'o.s111'z1. About 50 acms clox11-011 :111 fclmed, quite a lot 01` \'z1111z1blo ti111l)u1' 211161. hard wood said to be 011 tl10s(` lands-a'consid(-1'z1hl0 amount of the ltmd said to be of ext-0110111 q1u11it_\'. Parcel No. 5.-_l10t 34, C011. 2,. Vespra. Is pn1'1l_\' f(l1(:(`.(L said to ho: oxcellc11t p11st111'o land. 1 mm-mu nf Sale.-10 1101` 1-0111. do\v113 (`XCCHCHC pl'l5Illi'(` |dIlU- \_-Ulllll'luUl.\-Il1. uununuru, yuan. Terms of Sn1e--H) pm` (10\V'H3I)0:1n. 1`). Lzmxbort, W. Giffen, A. .and the balanco in one month. but 1\[_ \\'o0(1m-(1 and L, 1>atp;-son_ should immediate possession be do- sircd `by a purcl1n.~u-r for cutting; of T0TTENHAM'_A13'matin~' >til'n`bC)"0l' COI'd'00(I iHU]10dit(`, ])OS- l{(\(\\*(u:A`\_ _\_ h{(}Ko)1ziQ` Sncc(\pd_l [session can be n\`1':1n.`%`L`(` ml` 0 ing J. J. Mn-I{n i;:ht, who 1'et.i1-ed. ` 1'mIso1mbl(- to:-r1`n.s. I Councillo1's-I\ . J. Wulkmn. 1). CL; For further 1>artiv_u1a.r=% W 1"-"';l\IcCurdy, C. A. Wcu\'c1', R. Gallag- Iters or apply to A. ()l'1'()!(tk,.}`4.*i([.l, 31,9,-. 0 {Th t , to '1. uncor:~up;nm -}vn`:,f,`;.S`IS0'c'ito,._ `cooKs'rowN POLICE VILLAGE ~n..o...1 HA4 AH: .lnnnm'-V. 1918. 12` `III ` "l`......+..M. .1... nan` n mnnm. , 110 0I1(101'S auuuuun . Dntrd thi.-5 -`.1 11 FIXTURES FOR SALE ;:Remember the Opening Sale at 2.30, Friday Afternoon \ ff! s. HOWARD LYON .::;T_! ,, t I 9:? Canada s Foremest Jewelry Auctioneer 3 :J 1 SOIICXIUIH ' ` W3 4` Ji'."v 1918-_ v Trustees, ~by ar:clnn1ation- F. G. A. RAi)I:ZXI-{1.'IlST~ - .!Robinson, C. H. Cmnpbcll, H. Vendors Solicitor, A Bgxxikt.` A Dunning. more Closvd Until Fridxy at 2.50, Jan. 11th Diamond Rings, Gold Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Knives, China, Umbrellas, etc., _etc. In _;order to sell out the entire stock within the short time at his disposal the auctioneer has been instructed to sell quickly at any price whatever. My loss is your gain. This will be an opportunity seldom Sales Daily at 2.50 and 7 .30 .~\.. lrownloo, So(:1'utu1'y ANNUAL MEETING Barrie Curling &Athletic Club ' Ma_\'o1'-Hobt. Cu1'1'nn. Reeve J. B. Johnston 1st. I)ep.-P. McLeod `_ nd I)ep.-~U. B. Junes. C011l1Ci0l'.\'--E. 1*`. Cooke. Sim-lzlir. F. H. Lewis, \V. H hope, J. A. 'l'u_\`lor, II. R. U .\Iu_v0r-\\'. I3. 11. Patton Rccu--I). A. Bell I)vp.-l{(-on-~-~Allun .\1uInt0sh Count-il]0rs~I . A. ;\I(':`\.11sln11. .1. R. .~\1'thur. F. A. H()d},-"5011, J. H. Stm1t(?nhL11'u'. 1). .~'\. .\l21ns0n. B. (4. Burxlcs, .\1uym'~I). 1.. White (21c('-I.) hm-`co--.l. S. ;\IcDowe1l (um~l.) I)o1).-R(`(3\'(3-J01111 T0010. C0uncillm`.~`.-.-\. VV. Bell, J. S. Mc- Mullcn, \\'. 1'1. I rosto11, E. I;ethc1'b_\`, J. ()'II:u-0. C. Webb (by noel.) By-l:1w to ])111'Ch{1Sc hospital sitv was defozltod by -10. AI.Ll'STO.\' Mayor, Dr. .1. D. Cunningham ` Rccvc. James Moore CnunI:il1ors--\V. I). Cunningham, T. } S. Graham, E. F. .\1urtiml:1l(`. \'V. \V. : Baird, \V. D. Lutimer. T. J. tlullughcr. BRADPOR.D-Acc1amation Rm.-v(--.I. I`). Coombs. (fouxu-il10rs--('i(ro. Oggilvio, .1113. A. Webb. 0. G. Ba1'nhm'dt, D. X(>l:I11. Net-\'o~\\". T. Sttw/\':1rt. C011ll(`i1lO1`.'\'--T. A`; Chapman, Ben I)o1`.s0_\', Ben Ilcuclmn, A. R. Pren- tivv. ` ! .\'I{1_\'()l'-T]l().s`. Ilolrbrook. ' Rot-\'v-.T0}n1 Conn. 1 C01u1cil1m's-I)1-. Johnston, C1 `Donn. `M. ]{co\'e--.T. R. L:1Wl`(`l](3(`.. (To1u1<*illm's--W. A. Hellllkay, VV. ` l)-..l 1) Y T..l Inn Alb. lnunn EOUNTY ELECTIONS L()llll<`Hl()l'5-~\\'. A. lll:u|n\n_\', vv. Boyd, R. J. Jolmston, Alt". Jones. The .-\1mual ;\-looting of the Slums- holders of the Barrie Curlin_r;- and Athletir: Club, Limited, will be lmld in the Rink prc111iis0.<, Clu])pe1'ton strcet,'on \\'e(lm~srla_\' m`e11ing__", Jan- uary 23rd, 1918, at 0iL-;ht o'clock, for the purpose of rm-(-i\'i11;_-` the report of the I)ix'(-cto1's for the past year, clocting' a Board of l)i1'octor.s for the ensuing _\'0u1' mu] (`mno1'ul 1 :11sinc.~'.s. ~ . A 1` I ' GREEMOR.}.`.-Acc1a.mation. STAYNER-Acc1amation. BEETON-Ac<;1amation. \\Y H` L`Jnu.n..$ COLLINGWOSD. ORILLIA. MIDLAND Special Sale Saturday at 10.30 a.: hr. n ll'U. \./UU H. Tud- 1) 11/1..... I I . | uu' Hohnos. ty had of securing the highest quality Silverware and Jewelry at your own price. SAVE DOLLARS BY BUYING NOW. THURSDAY, ; 10, 1918. I Chas. I PENETANGUISHENE | .\Iu_\'01`-C. E. \\'ri_g'ht. | l{ou\'(---Fm11k Yates. 1 I 'i S. Gundron, S. R. Gondron, J. Devlin, J. D. 1<`l_\'nn, F. H. Corheaum` l Cm1nci1lo1's-1. I)os1'0cl1os. .-\.|| P I l \JlIl|l|\'I .\lo1'(\:1n. burn. I\ oo\'o--C11u.s'. \\':1tti(-. I I)(-1).-Roo\'o--Ale.\'. 11. \\'ils0n. ` Coum-illo1s--(h'ant Knupp, Chas. llnrris, Goo. .\[. (7outt.<. l\"l,'\ L':i\.Il.'K. .\LL'.'\l Llllll , -`.l|U\.'L'L'Ll' 1 in},-' F. H. Bull, who 1-<-tired. 4 1)e1).-I{oo\'(`---I)0n:\Id .\IcKinla_\'. ('o11n(*illor.s--\\'. J. Scott, \\'u1tc-1'1 'I`l1mnp.~:on, J. _-\. .\{(_-Du'. E INNISFIL--Acc1amation Re0\'e-ICl)cn Todd Dcp.-Roovc--D. T-T. Cfnlonmn ("0ul1cill01's-\\'. II. M:11'tin, ( :.~\ll:n1. G00. Leslie. ESSA-Acc1amation ` ` lo(-\'v---.I:1s. 1)undn.~:. ` I)op_-l\`0m'v--I)1`. J. J. D. B-ant'u1g;.| (>701111(-i`HoI's-\\'111. ;\s:\pl1, Hit-ha1'(l| .-\.rlzun.<. Rnbt. Lm\'c1'_\'. 1 FLOS-Acc1amation. 5 Amos Train. Reeve. I . A. (,`m1gl1lin. I)oput_\'-Roovc. (follxwillnrs -- Joseph Drysclalo, Tho.<. 1'}. Smith, William .-\nslv_\'. (`olllu-,illor.s, R. E. Bayo1'0l't. 171; .1. .\I. lluth, 168; \V. T. H. Gilroy, `H8; A. E. Somc-1'\'illo_. 146. {`n..n..illnu-.__\V T4` 'RnnnnH \\'m i R at-\'(---J. Spickcr I10 IX. YA. KDUHIUL \ I111 , .l'KU. Cmlm-.ill01'.~`.-N. 113. Bennett, '11). Luwl-mute. Jno. R. Ilarvie. . Inulua u A. E. Staplctmx. 2-3 ' 1 rc:sirlm1t I ` TECUMSETH-Acc1ama.tion Hoo\'o-\\'. .11. Carter. I)(\.p.-Ro0ve--Thos. Fleming. Councillom-F. \Vi1cox, C. Dun- lhum, B. Jobb. ITIAYY 1{cov(`-~Lcvi S. Taylor I)op.-Rccv0-E(l. Dutton C0u11c.i1lo1*:a'-L. Archer. Cl1nx.G1'ct- rix, John Bcatty. I{ov\'o-.I. Dm-k\\'o1'th. Cm1ncil101's--- D. I{0h"f." It-\1o:\n|\ H ... \' I2-all .\ -u y----...-_.---_..._ __--_._.._..-_-_- { Rcevc-.T. Edg`n1' Jnmioson. S Deputy-R(!e\'c~--Jns. .Yn1`d-inc. Cotmcillors - Albert Anderson, \\ ultm' Shields, Angus Cnmp'bcll. Reevc-Tho3. Pulford. _ Co1111cillo1':,v'v.~.J. K-iernVnn_. T-1. Me-k `Crilc-lien, 1-I. Bennett, Jos. .~ &11dc1*so11.\ 0RO-Acc1ama.tion. I{(~c\'c-.-Hex. .\Ic.-\1'tI1111', .~:uccced- . L` I! [)..H ...L.. ...,.l...\,l NOTTAWASAGA - Acclamation vs: v TOSSORONTIO - Acclamation VESPRA-Acc1amation. VICTORIA HARBOR. 7u=.cuToR s SALE 01-" Timbered and Other Lands llIUl5` JJ. 1l\Hl' . W111. N. Ball, A. SUNNIDALB. TAY. '1'-`El: NORTEERN Anwmcii , G. C. Philip . 'I`hm'- , I ` Rvo\'L'--'I`. B. Slluw. (`oum-i1lo1's-Gvo. Iulkwell. Blake ;I)1n'nf'm' Wm. (ilmlnll, Cl1:1.s'. Rob- iiuson. I rrrl-1717 `WEST GWILLIMBURY -- Acc1au1a- tion. I{(-1-\`(*-I . h. \\"(-st Coun(~illo1's Compton J0l'l'.<. Hat. {.-`.. Bnmdon. Fd. Ri [('hit.`. F. 'l`h0m1\- ORILLIA TP. J H('(*\'('-;\. A. ('unni11_ I):-p.-lit-v\'(~, \\'m. C0\\':1nl0('k. I 'J`.h(- vote on the s01(1iv.rs" 1m-moriul ilnospital l)_\'-law g_';a\`o :1 umjol-it_\' of 31306 in t u\'01'. ' ----- For I{(*('\`v-J. '1`. Simpson and "W. S. Robins ouch 11-1-ei\'cd 263 `votes. 1 I301.-Roovt--~.\'. Belcourt. Councillors -Johu" Robb, '1`h0s. Raulkin. ()ct:1\`v P1101). ['nde1 in.-t1'u<-tio11.< l`rom the exe- cutors 01' the lutv Hobt-rt ()1'm<-`~.{, LE.~qui1'C, tllero will be olT(-ronl 1'01` sale by publiv :11l(_`UOI1 by W. .-\. McConko_\', mlctionm-r, at llw Sim- coe Hotel (J. .\l. No.45` Hotel) at the Town of Barrio on Satm*da_\j the 26th Jz1muu'_\*. 1918. at one 0 (-lock p.m., in scp:u':\to pa1'vvl.~; the follow- iu_.r: lots of land: Parcel No. 1-Thn East `/1; of Lot 2-1. Concession T. '[`o\\'nship 0: \'es- pm. This lot is closv to the Town 01' Bu1'1'i0. '1`h(-1'0 is said to l)(- u con.~sidc1'ab1o qum11it_V of timber suitable for coral wow! and owe)- p1irposo:s~-n mos:t desirable lot. , .1 17. n rrvx_,, xv,` 4 1/, ` nl MBDONTE-Acc1amation i (`C\`(`-D2ll1i('l _\l(-Lean. I I)0|).-H('C\`0-~-I01111 Bel` ` _ (`oum-i1l01`s - ('}(*01'_:_-"tr Bum .T0s(-1:11 Dunn. .-\l0x.'1nd0r Rubin: R:-L-vv-I- :1t1`ic,-k J. Malone. ('ouncillo1's--T. J. 'Belzix`._g'01', .-\. (I. (`.h(-\\`. `F. Duck, R. J. Wilson. New Nomination for Elmvale. Eleven n-:111didutos were nominat- ed for uu1n'i(-ipzxl ho1m1'.s in Ellnvale. All witlntlrow from the field, neces- |situtin:_-` unothor nomim\.tion. Below Zero For Twelve Consecutive Days. [Dec. 24 1917 FIE Q all Jan. 1 l ' Condensed milk is as good some- !times in coo'k'mg as 1`:-9.511 milk. U (_" belox;-`I .'1:c.x'o} ` THE TEMPERATURE PORT MCNICOLL MATCHEDASH. 1os:1 Parcel NO. 2--Thr- \\'c:at Lot 10, Con. 11, \'-spra. `nnrnnl `Tn 2_.I.n1 -`\'n ]')_ TINY Lowest lliglusst . 32 38 1 9 11.2 iii 41 -\ . H. Iiuttcry. `Bu1'nli(-Id, Robinson. .`..l 17` :1 ml 011") -STMCOE comm councn. FOR 1913 `i 'l`l1c1'c will be at least 14 new fact-s at tlic c01m1_\` council board ['01- 1918, . n10n1bc1's who have lJ(.'(`ll 1n-oniincnt in county all"-ui1's for :1 munbcr oi yc:u's are uhsc-11`t. Pos- sibly l'll(` oldest. face that will be ll1lSSlll_;' is l"1':ml< Bull, lute Kccvc 01' (h-o, who ll1`.$ 1'('l i1`L'(l from active municipal lil'1-. Lust `gt-:11"s \\'u1'- (l(!l1, D. 1101-1-01], will be :1b.~:cnt, ll(' also lius. retirocl. Then Rec-V0 Scan- lon or B1':ull'oul, an cx-\\ :mlc11 and an export on inunicipul law (lid not .R(`(lx` rc-cloctio11 in I:`1'.'1(ll'm'tl. J. H. -}cn11ctl's \\`i.'sc counsel and sound municilml cxpc1'i(-n(-'0 will he niissml lu1'in}_;' 191.8. '.l`hc i'c.~;ult in Tiny 1'01- tlm l'{(-c\'csl1ip is uncm'lain, .\`l,-ss1's. Sin1]n.~:0n and llolnins lJ(`lll:.;' tl(`.(l with 2'3} \'0tc.'~:. ;\(ljuln and Port Mc- Nicol are _\'ct to ho ll(`{'II'(l froni. As t'z11' as ll(':l1'(l l'1'on1 the new council will be as follows: J us. .\l001'c, Alli.~:t0n "'(lc0. B. .\Ic.Lc:1n, Barrie W. l . Soulcs, B:u'1'ie `(`ln'is llOl'Rll('l(l. l ;u1'1'ic 5.1. I`). C'oon1l)s, B1'n(lI'01'd. W. '1'. Stow:11't, Boc-t()n. I). A. Bell, (`.olling\vood .~\.. .\l.(`llll0hll, (".oIlin<;\\~'ooa`l P. l{. Lawrcncc, C1'ccmo1'c A. W. llolilzisoxi. (Tolll\\:11ci' Lot \'-spra. Parcel No. 3-Lut No. 11!. Con. 11. Vospra. These two p:u'cu1s in all .m`said to be well timborcxl and tho "soil-`is said to be 0! an oxvollcm ._....IHu