Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Sep 1917, p. 8

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Sarjeant& King, Limited New Autumn Autumn Millinery Another large shipment of NORTHWAY suns to hand this weelhi Also await your inspection. On Display This Week , ...... ...._,, FEIIJIIVI ....... , S St. Mary's church had ehanze Of: Qty the shop Saturday, Sept 8th. Net Ro- nd? ceipts: $72.11. St. Andr_ew s church will have; . ".*g.rrre Sat `rday, Sept. 15th and the` u.` 3? `~~ s Quday, Collier St. Meth-l lllllohu I The total cost of e:u=.l1 stocking should not 011 any account oxouodl $2.00. Do not put in sticky camlyl or flimsy packets of insect powder` or matches. Socks ready to be Til-p lled may be ohtainorl at the Red iCross rooms. II vs vllw ...v.......,.,. ' It is Sl1fl_'g.`CStO(1 that oaurh st0ckin,ri might cmntain one gift out of each; of the following` clusso;~': I '1 . ` --Upho1stc1'ing done by experienc- -efl men. W . A. Lowe & Sons. ` llIiL|/l`ll UU.\- K) .. \V1'itin_ pad and onvolopvs, `fun- cy post cards. 3. Cigarettes, tobacco. 4. Candies, chewing gum, maple su- gar. 5. Handkerchiefs, lwoktios. S0("1\ .'<. 6. Game, book; puzzle; mouth or- man `gnu. ` | . Toilet requisites such as soup; toilet powder; tooth ]):1st0; pin on- shion. ` 8. Packets of raisins; dates or 115.25,. nuts. ml... L..L..l ......L ~D .._...l. ...L-,.I.:.... \/A\lNJ|-I ---..... I The reg:,11la1- meeting: of Barrie; `Branch C. R. C. S. will be l\Ionrlay,i Sept. 24th and the monthly pzxckimz, I Thursday, Sept. 27th. I I cu. 11...... _ ..I._`_...v. 1.-,1 _L_....._ -1? I It is 11ig_~'hL\' do.~:irz1b1o that tho i stockin.-_r`s should he as uuilforni as possible in order that the men IIl:i_\' receive gifts of app1'oxin1-at:-ly Hu- samc value, but in 01'(i(`1' to main- each stockiilg; the gift of an indi- ividual, each person filling` :1 stark- ling` is asked to writv :1 pt,-rsouul Christmais letter and 011(*i0.~'v it in the stockixlg. ,5) UL LIll.' lUllUVVlll.`_'. l.'lilh3\'.`. I 1. Pocket minor, cheap stylo; pock-[ et pencil; pocket. knife; pipe or n1:1t0h box. or help fill one CI11'i. . o0ki11_;'?| 1. .... THURSDAY, SEPT: 13th. 1917. -1 SARJEANT & KlNG S Ovenden J. a. An. & Rooms. ewill he Epic, wiel 11- , |To the Editor Northern Advance: Si1':--l mn inl`orn10d by Mrs. Gal- lic, President 01' the \\'oIn0n s Aux- iliary oi` the Royal \"i('.to1'ia Hospi- tal, B:11'1`l(`, that the n10llll)Cl'S of this 01`}_ ,'al1lZ:1tl0l1 intend to appeal to the public very sliortly, by means` of 2: ) cont cnnipuigm for funds to pur- chase Supplies for their work. l`l\nen lntline vnnnr 1: 1-nnl enrvinn Cllilhll hlllllllllfb LUI l/lllfll \VUll\. Those ladies render a real service to the community, by the interest ltlmy take in the well':1re of the hos- lpitul and the valuable work which itliey do for it, in the provision of llinen and other furnisliings, and on behalf of the Board I earnestly be- spenk a .generous response to the up pool, which will be made on Friday, athe 5th October. ' Yours truly, Yours truly F. R. Porritt, Dru: nnnr (r? P. V T-T A, .~ .....-..., ..... Barrio Brnnoll will be grrateful for donations of.` pics, butter, or cream for T110sd:1_v, Sept. 18th I CAMPAIG_1`{ FOR Noxt week: .\I1's. King`, Mrs. Mc- l Martin. } ])on:1tions Sopt'.31'd.:Utopia, 7t11 flint`; 1 (I02. o:'u'.s; $:3.U() 1-`H _,- U A 1 r. . n.- , .- .-_.4, g Donations, .\':1t11rd:1_\' Sept. 8th.: St. P:ml'.~': tobacco; ]`_ tl1. Innisfil '2 (1022. 0-_-jg-s; vash 50 cts. Shanty Bay: Flowers; l\'_\': 2 loaves l)1'eud; 31/2 (102. (`L1'_;`S; ] lb. butter; cash; ; 75 cents. I Shop P21_\'11o. ' v v yuan... The Autumn Term begins on Sept. 19th for Boardc-rs and at 9 o'clock on Thu1's(1a_v Sept. 20th. for day pupils. Millinery Opening Committee this week: Mrs. .\lr.<. (?:11'\'in. XXL l.llL' 1' il|l \.I served 0011700 .n.~...,~ vn1\ ,1... .. Pres. Board of R. V. H. " E6s1>I'1'AL wom: 1 U uulln UIIULU sandwiclles, 5'3 .-v..-.......- 9 '3. ..-.._.. Miss V. S. Brownlce announces` the Fall ;\Iilline1'y Opening, Tucs- day and Wednesday, September 18th and 19th. The War Great Britain declared war on Germany on Aug. 4th, 191-1-three| years and 40 days ago. This is the! .1135tl1 day of the War. { --Splendid assortment sums mu Carpet Squares, Bros. Food Substitutes On page three will be found the first iii :1 series of war time recipes, which it is hoped will interest our lady rc-ud01's. Two Sergeants Home 11-: rv F1'ida_v 1no1'niug' Sc-1';'t. A. H. Pitt and Scrgt. T. .\1a_\'s 1'ctu1'ned to Bar- rie from I:`.nI_-'l:1n They went over with the 157th BIL, but were not :11- lowed to go to France. "STRAYED-f'r'om' Lot 12, Con. 2,! Sunnidale, a two-your old mooley steer, rod with small white mark- ings, and a small split in right can} Any information as to his w11o1'ea_-2 bouts will be 1'o\vzmle(1 l3y "con:-l u-n~nn~:nn+:nrr 1:441: {Inn T.nnl:lI-.1vf ! Pay Your Dog Tax ....._, _.....- _., _..... There are between 50 and 60 own- ers of clogs who 1121\'e not as yet paid their dog` taxes. Chief Iiiuy; inti- nmtes that p1'0ee(-tlimss in the police court will be started at once IJUULS W111 Ul: Luwuluuu uy v*(.1n|-: municajsing with Geo. Lock11:n't,! New Lowell, P. O. 3T-tf- .'unm.Lon1uu uuunn: J.\J 1_aL;;- And suites of three or four rooms furnished or unfurnished. Apply 1 Maple Ave. 36-3Sp I Attending Barrie's Big Fair Make this y o u 1 head- `*--2-:s.=;.'~,.-_ quarters. U s e o u 1 - store for your meeting place of friends. No trouble to us. We expect to have our usual Exhibit at the Fair, :with some New Special Lines to show you that will be inter- esting. Don t forget to call. H. H. OTTON&SON ?1EEc":E FOR SALE-T0n ])S$C!1f_',`01` g_;`as01i11e|; launch in pL-1'foct running: o1'(lex'.; may be soon at;.Tl1o1nas Boat] House. Apply to Mrs. Bu1'g0ss,? 113 Collier St. 37-37pi Five Points Hardware UL uuw llU'| at Dougall We invite you to leave your par-cels or wraps at our store. ( _! Klllll .1U].Kl. I111 llill'_CL`l5 uuu L"/Ultlab V I left there. will be taken care of f_\V']1(PthC`l` you purchase any shoes or !not. Wake Hurlburt's_\'ou1' head- g' quarters. t. Rev. Thurlough Fraser Addresses V; Presbytery Li Rev. Thurlow Fraser, a returned 0`. elmpluin, addressed the members of ..$ Barrie Presbytery and many citizens ta in St. Andrew s Church Tuesd21_v ht afternoon. His subject was the re- p`, 1i_ work an1on:st the men at the _i front. Rev. Hr. Fraser resigned his ,, 111i11istry_ in Owen Sound to go to the t` f10nt. I 9 ` Back from the War - The show window of the store on -` Collier Street, of the. late John V` Smith has been the centre of attrac- p tion the past week. Serg:.-1\Iajo1' -i Bob Smith has 1'otu1'ncd from 1- the war, on three months `furlough. ii H0 b1'0u`_-`ht home many trophies of 3` the f.i_g'ht, picked up on the battle- -[ fields, the most interesting one, per- fl hnps. is :1 Gornlan oice1"s r0vol\'c1', capable of 1'11-i11g' ten shots. AI'I'I1_`.7,'(` to meet your friends at Hurlburt Shoe Co s., Barrie, while ;attending Ba1'rie s_.Fair, Sept. 17, 18 izmd 19th. " K11 `parcels and coats i]r`H'I" flvnvn \`l';`l kn l'n].'nn n-J1-n np E if the taxes are not paid. I Barrio Business College reports an opening attendance 40 per (3. 3.-'1`eato1' than that of last year. The i'ollow- in}.1` _:1'aduates accepted positions as .teachers: Mary Card, Dominion `Bus. College, Toronto; Gladys Mal- loy, 01'1ll1a Bus. College. Last week` several calls for stenog'rapl1e1's, also one for 51101-tlunnl teacher, went un- filled. 1.- jjj-F South Simcoe s Member 1 Selection --- 1-. -rv IV 1 r 9.`) I716 U (mun. . \V'. A. Boys, K. C., M. P., has bee appointed to the Board of Selection under the Military Service Act. Mr. 'VVANTED--Small f111'11is11e;IW housc,:: with a11.conven'1onces. Apply ati` Advance office` 36-37p` The Centre Of ATTRACT ION I ion a Summer Evening is the `Ice Cream. Parlors! ioLYM1>1A CANDY yvoaxsi t 80 Dunlop St. Deliciously cool and refreshing after the heat of the day are the dishes prepared by our experts. Ice Cream delivered to any part of the town. OLYMPIA. ' on Board of Phone 303 _1TE"wm( IN BARRIE Boys is the only member of Parlia- ment on the Ontario board. This Board is to select the g'ovcrnn1ent s xncnlber on each local tribunal, the County judge selecting the other member. The Board of Selection consists of twenty-four lnexnbcrs, lmH 0|" whom were nanled by Sir \\'ilfrid Laurier. All eyes will be CC11t1'O(l on Bar- rie's two big` attractions next week. Ba1'rie s Big` Fair, which will be l)i`_"}.'.'(`1' and better than ever. And II11rlbm't Shoo C0 s. specials, which will he 0l'l'e1'ed to all Fair visitors. Shoes 1'01` the whole 1",mnil_\f, in some cases away below to-day s 'l'acto1'_\' prices. \V'0men s boots, `l'1'om $1.99 a pair 111). Men s hoots from $1.99` :1 pair up. Specials in child1'en s school boots at Hurlburt Shoe C0,, Carey '2; old stand. TORONTOjEVLBRS TTTE` Three rinks pf Toronto bowlers 1110to1'e to B:11'1'ie on Tl1u1's of llast week. The Visitors were 111e111- hers oi? the Queen City elub 111111 the three rinks (?0m])l'lSC(l the elub s best bowlers. i11clurli11: the eha111pio11 Rice rink. The visitors spoke \'e1'_v l1i5.`.`l1- l_\' of the Barrie _v'1'ee11s and 3111131`- e11tl_\' e11jo_\'ed the 31211110 and their trip from Toronto. The result was as follows: Toronto Barrie ('1. Kickelt M. MeLell:111 M. Love M. J. Frawle_\' T. MeLella11 T. T. You11 B. B. Rice 3-1 H. Stepliens 16 W. Sparks H. B131.-l~: H. Gray D. .\[oIu t.0sh 19 |soc1AL AND PERSONAL| Miss ] .1L:'0o(l, Miss Inf_):1'a111 and H110. Slnopoft will be at home at 0\'enden" to receive ymrents of present pupils and parents of pros- pective pupils on Mo11(111}', Sept. 17th. \r.. 1r..n.1 Ian:n++ ....,.m-:n4n.. an H... lll'L'l,lVK' llllllllh Ull A`1.U`li.l-V l)L'llla. .l.l LII. Mr. Fred Elliott, ]n'op1'iot01' of the Alliston Herald, paid the Advance :1 1'1'ato1'm1l call on Tlu11's(l:1_\' of last week. \T..,. TX'...I.... A...'I 1.-.. tn-A f'l\\\FI \\U\.'l`\n Mrs. '\Veslo_v and her two sons leave to-day to spend :1 couple of months with Hrs. G1'a_\' in Spring- field, Ohio. From there they expect to go south for tho winto1'. `T..- `W7 A D...... ...-.,1 n..\:lvv `an:-A Tour-1101-5 in the rural schools arcl 1'oq110.s'to to zlpply to Sem'0t211`_\' Flt-tclwr for the numhor of tickets 1'(-ooivcd by their scholars 1'0)" Bar- rio Fail` not later than Sah11'Ia_\' 01' this week. Fair dates Sept. 17, 18, 19-)Io11day. Tt1o.s and \\'m1I1os- day 0!.` next week. NOTTCE-I will not be responsible: for an)` debts cont1':1(3ted without` my written order or consent. Ar-' tllur Th0lI1fLS. 37-37p Mr". \V. A. Boys and family have rt-tunwd from :1 visit to New York] and Atlantic City I '\l'... A \\' `l'ZII.:....,... .....1 RI LU f_'U bUllLll IUI Llll` \\lllLLfJ. I illlil :\l.liUlLll' L/lL.\ I Mrs. A. \\'. \\'ilkinsnn and Miss .\Iz11'u':11'ot. have r0t111'nod :1f'tm' spend- ing the Sl1mI]l( 1.` mo11tl1;~; with Mrs. IFAIR T.1i<'n&'sF6:T 'I')'I TT) A `I In the rcr-ord spzic-0 of six wooksl from the time work was ho 011i the foundation, M1`. J03. H0wc1'0Et sI bzirn, to 1'cpl:1cc tho one destroyed by fire, was on1plct(- Lust Saturdayl ni_-_;*ht -11 lmuls of nuts hind hcenl drawn in. T]11`0Si1il1f1` l)eu'a11 on Tues- day of this week. The new barn is considm':1bl_\` la1'9;m' than tho old one, being 42 x 60 feet. FIELD DA.:t:'XI'~_(J_1;.;I-1; BORDEN} O11 S:1tu1'(l:1_v of` this week No. 2 Ow-1'sc21s A. S. C. T1':1inin.: Depot. Camp B01`(l(_`I1, will lmlrl :1 field (lay ol` sports. umlnr the pz1t1'o11nm of .\I:1_io1`-(}onm'al Logic, G. 0. C. Mili- tary I)ist1'ict No. L and Camp Com- niamlzlnt. The }n'o'.:1':1n|nm of sports cml)1'a(-vs 2; events, (',`0llSlSlCll1f1` of 111003 and the various military sports. In the ovonin;: :1 camp fire minstrc,-l Show will be fJ,`lV'Cl1. IL lull tailor. l Taxes amm1ntin to $10.00 and under are payable on or before the 21st day of Soptmnbor, 1917. 'I`n\'nu qnnnnnnzr in Hun urhnln 4n ullx |Hl`\ lll L7l'llLl'lllUl,'I', LULI. 'I`n.\'(*s mnonntim: in the whoh` to more Hum $10.00 nmy bo divide into two equal instalments, and 0" the pnynumt of` the first i11sta,l'~1*x9x1 or bofm-o the 21st 01' Se'pfL-..f.ber", 1017, nn oxtmnsion of` time will be al- lowed on the second instalxnent to the 21st of Novonlbcr, .1917. r\'nfnnn x-nu-u uVl\n nu-nI'n.. s-\nvr:\~:rv- Lll|' A-uI3L (II XVIIVVHIUUI" Jill`. T\':1to]>n_\'or.~'. who p1'oI'm.' pu_\iin$_r their tnxos in full on or before the `.31st. 01` Soptvnllwr, 1917 wiil be al- lowed a discount 01' one per rent on tho $000111] illstahuont. FT` .... ,,. ...... __-__-LI_ .1. LI , , .__ ___j.j_`___._..___.___ FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET-- A...?l null-.\n AC 4-`lnvnn nu fnnv 1-nrnnc |lI\' D|'l'l}lIll IIIHLIIIIHUIIIH Taxes are payable at either hrnnc-h of the Bank of Toronto, "AW or before the dates mentioned. `:8 A 117 r:u1|.r1'rn*r'r S 37-38 . PaH (`1`a'OXl . Catlc Gorria . Kc-lk 20 Clothes do not make the man, yet man Inay owe :1 _:rcut deal to his .1 NEW BARN COMEI:.T~ED Taxes 1917 TOWN OI` BARRIE LI) I\IL\I RURAL SCHOLARS B. Devlin `A. D. Simon A. C. Bricker \V. R. I{ix1g' 24 ....--......~ , Save your combings and have :3. Switch made out of your own hair by Mrs. D. C. Howard, 190 Blake Street. 6-tf n;;SIT BARBIE U3 lHUlIl4lUlll3llo '1' A. W. SMITH? H1..- _ ..__.. `rm: NORTIEERN A.nvA.Nc1: . \\'o1kor . Habbick '. Ness .B1'ownlcc 18 . . I) 31.1. 1. [1 Treasur -...,,.. \JI-Il\4l\4L n uuu. I The regular n1eetin,r: of Barrie Brunch ispostponed until Monday,` `Sept. 24th, and the packing until Thursday, Sept. 27th. .\'T`v-;nH'\r (hm-nl. hurl n`Inv-nun (.0 L1. I B:u'1'io Bi':un3l1 will h:1\'o an exhi- hit of` Red Cross \V'o1'k and fl. 1'ol'1`esl1- ment booth at Barrie Fair. There will also be an exhibit oi? the fruit` and jam donated for the coiivales-. cent homes. It is. l11'}_{`0Iltly requestecll that more donations of fruit and jam he sent '11, as there is great need 1'01` this. It is the intention of Barrie Branch to pack the fruit on Sept. 27th. It` those in the rural districts who wisll to donate will bring: dona- tions to tho l':1ir<;:'roi1mls Rod Cmss` booth. the fruit will be placed in the exhibit. Donations must have don- ors nmno on .|urs. ~.-. . .. 1:nm`s(my, DOPE. znsn. l '{I`rinity Church had charge of the shn}'r,\ Saturday, Sept. lst. Net Re-I ceipt,\ $93.00. | T'\.\..~..L!._.... C1_L,__,.`l___ P1,: IIUllIl.'-3. An allotment of one hundred Christmas stockings for the soldiers in hospitals overseas, has been as- signed to Barrie. Those wishing to fill or help fill the stockings may obtain information as to `articles needed etc. from the President, Mrs. Hugrh Calderwood. FOR SALI`]-B1'ick residence on Sophia St., seven rooms, bath and ldtchen, with every convenience and good garden. Apply H. G. i i I Bong, Barrie 3-tff u., .l.y,. .,..,.,.uv. Don`~ations Saturday, Sept. 1st.` Minesing, $25.00, Ivy 750. I 'T`hn r'.nnnn:"nn PAH (`J-nan Qnninlriv L\'1||ll.'Bl|I_L',, IDGIIJIU, l.\_V IUU. The Canadian Red Cross Society, has received a request from En;r1a11di ` to furnish 36,000 Christmas stockir for our men in hospitals overseaftl Barrie Branch is asked to contribut` 10 150 of these stoo` gs. Will You fi\I Barrie Branch also requests that e.\'hibitm`s of canned fruit, who are not exhibiting elsewhere, donate the exhibits to these convalescent homes. A.. 'lI,.A.__.,._L -1` , v 1 1| In spite of many obstacles We have succeeded in assembling a collection of Millinery which we feel assur- ed will charm all who see it. Miss Londreville, who has charge of this department this season, We recommend as a very competent milliner, and one who has managed so successfully similar depart- ments in larger centres, Will, we are condent, please our patrons here. RED CROSS NOTES We cordially invite your inspection of the splendid as- sortment of high-class exclusive Hats that were inspired by handsome models shown in New York. A woman of good taste will fairly revel in them, they seem to have been designed specially for her wearing. Simplicity is the dominant note. `It s the lines of the shape that count, the trimming is almost a minus quantity on many of the smartest models. . There are small hats, medium-sized hats and really large hats, all are charmingly simple and simply char-ming of the --\Vhen you want good dry h2.rd~ wood or slabs, call up 404. 45-tf

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