Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of the George Gore,` late I` of the Town of Barrie, in the County of[ Simcoe, soldier, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-third day of November, 1916, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the twenty-second day of September, 1917, after which date the undersigned ad- ministrators will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been receiverl. nlir A nmnnrnn rrvn l'Q'T` ('. T."\ I.`f`YT'I`f\`D 1\0l. J'('l1('11l'l1, 11s1- 01' his 1101151 111111 '_"1'0111111s 10 1111- 1:111i11.< 111' B:11'1'i1- 10 1':1is1- 111111115" 101' t111- 1 1'i.~#(111(`1's 01' \\'111' 01' Hi1111*01-1 C011111'_\'. As :1 1`1-$1111` $1(1(1.()(1 \\'21.~11 1111111111 to 11111 $;'10(1.11l1 ]1l'(*\'10l1.\`_\' 1':1'1.~'-1 011 1'01` 1111s w01't11_\' 111111 111111101111 ]1111'p0s1~. T1111 11111105 1\`i.~'.11 10 111211111 C01. P1-111-111-11 101' 1111- 11'0111111- 111` wont t0 t0 111:11 1111- 1_1:11'1_\' 1111- S111`- noss it \':l$`. . T1111 1.-'1'0111111s 11111-11 1'11.'1J. 011 with C11i111~so 1.'111to1'11s 111111 100k1~11 :1 \'1=1'itnb1o 1';1i1'_\' 5110110 111111 tho w1101o (~0111m011i011s 1101180 was t111'0w11 open for the use of the ,r_,r11osts. T111-y '.\'n11111 11150 1i1 (0 11111111: 11111 01111-o1'.~: from Cnmp Bordon 111111 Camp 1101111-. who `1111`111111 out i11 $11011 1:11'1;`1- 1111111- bars; the 11111105 who 11ct01"1 as hos- t1-ssos 111111 1111 those W110 in any way c011t1'i1)11t011 to the s111r'11ss 01' t111- (-ve11i11;t. A1111111111111 110111113 \v01't11 of r1ouris11ing food will mean m11c11 to our brave Si111coo hovs this 002:1- 111:,-` wi11tcr, 111 Ge1'm1111 1311111115. \\llU l\lllll|.\ lII|\l\\| Lin 1 ).. Illlllil. 6-l~H)4S T. I-`.. (`l1i1dm'ho11So. Orillin. i 64269? H. Kitson, Staynolz ' 643872 Roy Dudonhorrm-. Orillin. I (544437 F. J. Ch11l`Ph, )Iidlan 57916 G00. Rivh:11'dsnn. .-\H:1m1nIo. SUCCESSFUL PARTY Wounded F Janws Brook. Midland. r C. H. Ribbitts, Bradford. ; \V'. M. Youn_:. Co1d\\'uto1'. i J. J. D0_\'l(*. Midland. D T. \V. \V'1'ight, Orilliu. F J. P. Lzlwlor, Jz11'1'0tt's C01` J. Finn. Orilliu. _ H. M. Dnt`f_\', Orillin. Arthllr .\Inrti11, Orillin. ` Y. \\'. \\'rir_-"lit, Orillin. : Arnw .\I;n'tin. Orillin. L C. Et}w1'i11_<:t01\. Ba1'1`i0. (`V , II` T ,. ....... .1: a V\II:_'II|. L. Capt. J. S. Killed . Orr. Colwwator. I . \Villism1, C0]1i11f_\\`O0d . lfount, Victoria Hm`-I VA;PRECIATED TEE NORTEBRN ADVANCE We Have a Real Cream Separator Sensation At Our Store ___._ ._ , Tlie Ivinfer work is begnning in'. earnest. A large number 01: dresses j and shirts are rciuly tr` ""'-:-7111:11l(- 111. [- 1\I1's. Stewart bogs 2" .110 are int01'-I ostutl in this W01" .1) 1'o111(1111bo1' H11.-l< n1(`oti111_-*5 011 .\lm1(l:1y ul't('1'noo11 2111113: 'l`l11n's(l:1_\' ( \'('l1lllj_"S. Tlw. 11(~c1l isl` g-;1'o11to1' tlmn ('\'('1`. It is 1111111111 that 1 the B111'ri1.- worlu-1's will l{(`(`1) 11] tlmir s11l0n(li1l :1\'1-r:1_<.:c, 01' o\'e11 (,-1-.li11.sel last year's m1u'k. G111-lncnts are at-} ways ]'(`i1(l_\,' to 5.-'ivo out to l.llO .3(,' who are unable to 3.,-`ivc the ul`u-r11n111 111` evo11i11_g`. A11_\'o11(- wi.~'l1i11I,'f to ll('l]> may phone Mrs. St1-w:11't1-`1n' call :11, 1 the Circle Rooms, Owe.-n St, on )lon~ ' days or Tl1111'.=.(la_\'s. l I 1 Knupp-Don t lik `v to have 1 ` ;{:;'\I)-'Y0l1 To Leave Your Wraps arid Parcels Herj and We Will Look Afier Them For You COME TC) BARRIE S BIG FAIR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY These Comforts are excellen value. Some are stitched and tied, others are quilted and: stitched. You need an extra quilt or two for these cold nights. Comforters. sateen coverings, white batting fillep. sizes 60 by 72. Price $2.25. Sizes 60 by 72, Price $3.75,$4.50 Children's Comforters for Cots, nice assortment, Price. . . . 25 2md:'SI,00 Fine Quality of White Wool Blankets, 64 by 82, 7 lb. $12.00 60by 78, $10.00 Union Blankets. 6:, by 84. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .$5.75 Men's Sweater Coats, extra value, $4.50. $5.00, $6.00. Men's Grey Cotton Sweater Coats. very heavy. Big value at $1,913 and $1.50 With every Dollar purchase we will give you a 5c. coupon redeemable at our premium counter. See the nice goods at small prices. WE SELL FOR CASH. PHONE (653 MULCASTER ST . FRENCH RELIEF `A'_p(] . :15 War :1 t ivou think we are 2 p~ce before long? 11, V but I shan t; mt hr- `to the End (IVY 110 COMFORTS A` Headqgarters R1ght now? is the timel for a sweat} er coat. Slip: on one if its: cool and you; are proof against cold Ladies Sweater It has made a big hit in Europe and is making a big- ger hit in the United States. You will understand why when you gure up how many good dollars it will save you. Come in and look at it and see for your- self why it is the biggest Cream Separator Value` on the market. Coats, easy: priced . . . . ` , $5.00 $6.00; $6.50. 4' i :%H~H%%% H%%%%* %%++%%!%~ } '`a !-'3-}!'1'*3'l' small price. price Men's Heavy Lined Mitts, Pigskin, Calf. Mule- skin. These are big value, Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `I11 -2: C1: mm mm rrm Men's Big value .. Men's A'L\.IA .; Big value. D BLANKETS See these Ladies` Hand Bags, with mirror and ll purse. They are big value at 1.75. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....$I.I9 Ladies' Black Cashmere Gloves. Price 60 and 50c Ladies Heavy \Vhite Lisle Gloves. Special ..........5oc ; Buy Underwear now and save money. 3566. our lines of Men`s Ribbed and Plain ;.Shirts and Drawers. Priced 1.50, (.00, 75c Men's Combination Suits, white union zsuits, sizes 34 to 42. Penman s_. these are bigvaiue Heavv Pirrskin and Horsehide Mitts. 4 D . . . . . .. $1.0oand$z.25 \ Buy \Vorking Boots now and save money `See our lines of Black and Tan, Bluchcr ;Cut \\/orking Boots. Prices $5.00. 4.50, i 4.00, 3.50. Mocha Gloves, lined. WE SELL FOR LESS $1.00, 90, 50c. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13th. 1917. 2-> SIC.-\LI'ID 'l,`1-II\'I)l`II{.. :u1(11'(,-. to tho P()Stll1:IST(`!` ('i(-n(-1'21], will be re- ocivod at Uttzum until noon, on Fri- day, tho 5th Ovfobor. ]917. for the (`011\'(-_\':m(~v 01' His .\l:I,i<~:sty's .\I:1il.~. on :1 ]nr0p0s(' Contrutzt for four ; years, six tixnr-5 pm` week on tho route, (`rui<:\'n1o, H. H. No. 1. (via Stroud) fmm tho 'l. January, 1918. P1'int(- Ilotit-vs. (-n11tui11in'_{ furth- m' inf'm`m:1tinn as to onmlitiolls of p1'0}nns(- Colltmr-t may he F('(`ll and blank forms 01' 'I'(-nrlr-1' m:1_\' lw oh- tainod at the Post Omens of` Crui-:- vzllo. Stmlul. anul at tho nliinv 01' the I 0. fiix-0 ln. . 'l'm'm1`u). Post ('HIi<-(- 1:1.' flmvo. Tomnto, .-\u`_-11~'t 2151. IEHT. 35-37 .-\. Sl"I'lIT".I\ L.\f\']) 1),. Hmun |n.~..m.vnu~ 1 B110_\'.~a 11:1\'(- 11(-1-11 111:1<-1111 lH:1l`1\'11l`.."' 21 5110111 111-111111111 (}(~01'-_"111:1 111111 T1101`- :111 1311111415. 'l'11i.< .~'110:11 is 11110111 0110 mile 011' 1111- X01'111 $11011-. 01` (}(-01'_-'- ina Is1z11111 111111 (`Xt('1l 111 :1 N01111- E11.s1t-1'1_\' 1'01` :1 1113111111-(1 01' 0110-1111111 01' 11 111111-. T110 buoy 111111'ki11_1: tho S011111(-1'1_v (-xtrt-111i1y 01`! this 5110111 is 111111-1-11 '111 .16 1'(-ct of'| \\':1to1' and is 111111111-11 white. T110` buoy 111:11'ki111_* 1110 .\'01't11m'1_\' ox11*o111- ity of this 5110111 is 1111101-11 in 13 foot of w1Lte1' 111111 is 11211111011 11-11. The 1-1-(1 11-4111 1'01'111(-1'1_v cd in the 1i_:11t11011so 011 1110 $`o11t11 011- tranco pier to 1110 (`.1111z11 at G1u110- 1.__:,1...,. 1..._ 11.1.... .11.-,.m.HnunJ nnill I'D Easily Operated And Noiseiess f`.-.....-.n..,. 4l.n,-n lhnn-nu u-EH. 4-Ln- `LUIS snmu Ls puwt-u Ill .lU nu.-u, ul| water 1mintr- tho dis1)1z1_\'cd I bridgo has boon dis(~ontin11od and] }101'eni'tcr 21 I"i.\ <-'1 whitn ligrht will be 1naintain(-d in its stand. 7 ,~.,.,__ _-...._. ; DUE men HRVC D081) !'f`CC]\`(.`(l. CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR rvnunaxrv L.. h,......l.1 D ..; o1m:.- Cal. LI'll`J DL1'L`.l\l.\ 1 l`4.\ lJl'A.V 1, Trent Canal. Petorboro, Out, Au1:11.~,t `_"_ nd, 1917. 35-27: W.C THOMPSON "Nome T0 VESSELMEN Owen Street, Mail Contract NOTICE TO CREDITORS LAKE SIMC OE TH E SL'I 1C1lIX'l'l 'F.-nn+ (`anal 11 nuw. ,1.1IL' l)uu_\! 1 11.111. ,lnL'uuI'_'_ 1 Au (~xt1'vn11t_\' mm]. I r(-an-l1(-r, Rev. ( .\1. .-\._. B. 1)., Tm-onto. u nninfml \\'h1'fn '1`h(1 `m-.-....L...1.. "ml .'\. IVK IIlIAl|lA.\.VlI I 0. Uivv lll\`[I(`('1()1`. UHAK 1lf.Kl`.U LKL >1 N I`4.\['.\/U1|Jl\. I COMPANY, by Donald R: " their Sol- icitor, Barrie, Qntario. I Dated 4th Sc-ptenmber, 1917. 36-38 Come in and examme the VIKING Barrie, Apples l1:11`\'(-st, basket Buttc-1' lb. . . . . . . . . . . . Butterinilk. bottle . . . Beets, Z2 bunches .. . Cream. cofi:ee,_ qt. . . Cream, wh1ppmg, qt. Carrots, bunch . . . . . . Cz1ulit'lowc1', head . . . . . C11cuu1b(-rs . . . . . . . . . . . . Cabb:1_-'0, head . . . . . . . . Corn (102. . . . . . . . . . . . (`(-l(-r _\ , stalk, . . . . . . . . .. ('hi(-kvns, s1n'in_ lb. l.:'u*.< do /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foxvl , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ll-.1)`, ton . . . . . . . . . . .. Hilk, qt. .. Onions, }_v'roo11, bunch .. ('mion.-, b:x.<.kot . . . . . .. Potzltoos, peck . . . . . . .. W I 0t:1t0(-.<, hm: . . . . . . . . . R-a(li:s'1ws, bunch. .. . {\':1<:(`. bum-h . . . . . . . .. T0nmt0c.~'. ripe. 11). . 'I`0nmhw.<. b:1, . . . .. \'("_-'(*t'211)1o n1:11'r0w I \\'1.oat, New . . . . . . . . . ..: ..$-2.10: )--2.10 Ba1'l(*_\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00-1.10 Peas... 250 300 Oats, New . . . . . . . ...........55-60c I3l1('k\\'}l(`i1t . . . . . . . .. 1 :30 'I\`_\'o 150 H:1_\', per ton, new .. 10.00 to 12.00 Flour, \V'estern, bbl... 13 50 l 00 Fmnily Flour. bbl. .. 1?. 50 13 00 Potatoes, per bag . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 E per doz. . . . . . . .40--1`) Butter, pm` I1).\- .. .38-40 -1-) OH 1 ULlLU\`.1_. 11;; uub 'l:`._:_;'.<, . ('l1i(-k0n.~'. _ .\l11ttm1. live \vci_-:lT~.g Hutton, live \\'ei;:l1t . l.:uul)s, caclx Lmnb, per lb. illo-.".~'. livo soleots . . I Soxvs, live . . . . . . lBllt(`ll(`l' cattle Beef Hi(le:<. green Roof Hides, cured . . Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheep Skins . . . . . . .. !`nll' Skins Horse llitlos . . . . . . . . . I-lm's0 Hair . . . . . . . .. \\'o0l. \\'a. . . . . . .. \\'ool, 1111w:1sl1e . . . . . Lamb skins and pelts (Corrected by Jos. Marrin, market square.) 7 - -- OH ,. Dealers were paying to the farm- ers at St. Lawrence ;\[a1`ket. Tues- day. the following figrures for their 0fl'eri11gs :- Ruth-r. (`ll()l('(` (l:1l]'_\' . . . . . . ..-15-:')()(: I-l n(-\v-laid, do/.. . .. .. . .. .48-(i()v 'S]n'in*_" ('l|it-kl-11>`, ll). . . . . . . . . ..`,%'_ --100 Clu-(-so. ll). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-lo Fowl. ll). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..`f,._-Z3(l0 D11(-ks. l\'}n'in'_", ll). . . . . . . . . . . . ..`_ 0c 'l'i1notl1_\'. No. 1 ,ton . . . . . . ..$1J.-$15` .\lix(-tl nml C'lo\`r-r . . . . . . . . .$l(l-$l`_ l7:1ll Wlu-:11. ln1.~'l1. . . . . . .3":-"_ .l:')-$'_3.`_ 0l Goosr- \\'l1(~:1t. bush-. . . . . . . . . . ..$`2.l5 Burlc-_\', maltin}: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.2() KW:-nu` lnncn fnn , , _ A A _ _ _ has 1'o(-onH_\' nmdo the following: sa1(-s:-H0usc and lot. C01`. .E1i7.:1.- he-th and Williznn Sta. owned by the. Young: estate. sold to III. A. Meek- ums, Henry St, Ba1'1'io. Tlnnun nun] Lnf (`r 1.r`r`II"< nnd uu I u'.\ , Straw, .\lr.<. .\'i(*\\':1rt' $_"1'21t0l'1xll_\' nvl l(-(luvs the 1`o(`(-ipt` 0|` $lU l 1'mn Bliss Slmm. I r;1 and $135 l'1'01n l'lul~ (`ll\'Hl(` (`uzmlon l m't_\`. .v\l nl local men zit tho 1'1-mit will l)(- 2-'lmll_\' 1'<-('(-ivml by .\li-s. Sit-\\':1i`t or .\liss Gl:ul_\`s A1'(l:i_<.:li. .\lu.~'t 01' this month will be `_"i\`on up to \\'n1'l< for tho Cln'i. lmxt-s. Tho }n'0mpf S('ll(lll)`_." in of :ullI'(*: pm-tir~nl:n'l_\'0l'm(-n \\'l|0li:1\'o l)o(-n so- ]2n'ntr-rl fmin tlw l)i_-.5 11ni1.~. will mn- l('l'l:lll)' lI(`l]) the \\'m`l<(-1's. (`nutri- lmtinns 01' mom-_\' in ]m_\` for flu >'nmll(|1' :n'ti<~1(-.~' in tlw (`ln'i.~'tm:1-< 1:211`:-(`ls will lw nm; \\'(-lvnmo. _\lmiilil_\' ('()ll(`('ll()]l 01." soc-ks will lw on Smut. l-l-lll. and :1 ('0ll(`('l'l()1l :1 \\'(-(~l< Intvr for flu: Cln'istm:1.~' .~'0<-ks n.'~'. lli(- p:m-t-l.< mu.~'t louvc Hie lnsf \\'l`('l{ in . I M ARKET REPORTS I I.`7`V U Sr-rxnnn. t'h(-1', M. .. , , 1C6lli} SEIiflEihIa]Ii@[iurch l`;\ ('llll1_L' S(`l'\`l(.'(' ill. I U vlumx. nun- jvr-t A. .\Iu(*h Nt-1:lo(-ted Pnwm. I Pastor will p1'c:1(-h at both se1'vioo.~'.. Good 1`\h1si(-.. All welcome. Come `land bring; :1 friend. 15th Sunday After T-rinity 8.31) :1.n1.-TTn1_\' C'0nnm1nim1. ]0 :1.m.-Sund:1_\' Sv1`n"()l. 11.00 :I.1n. .\1<)1'nin'_" I m_\'(~1', Vs'(-1"mnn. T rvavh(-1', Rev. C. Y. -hm", A.. B. 1)., Toronto " ' 11,,,,.,,. n ____1 SATURDAY MARKETS Trinity Church Sundzly, Sept. 16th, 1917. I ust01', Rev. R. J. Fallis. .\I01'nin3_v' s('1`\'io(- at 11. 0 (-100k IV.._.., . ...... ..L '7 1\'n`I\n`v nonry m., mu-ru-. Hmlse and Lot, C01`. Ecclos and \Villi:1m ts- owned by Mrs. Brun- ton, sold to Mr. Jo.<(-ph Dosourdie OE the Gmml Trunk. H0usc- and lot, Pool St._, owned by Mrs. B:x11tix1f:. sold to Ur. Robe1'tson.. Mgr. of The Ball Planing Mill. PARMER S PRICES ..._. .1. .-., Everyrbody"-' ;;;.1come Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar. TORONTO Mt`-.RKETS lIlLllLIlI_`.; loose, ton .\'un(In_\'. Sept. Nith. 1017 FIELD COMFORTS HIDE 7 M.ARK1-1'1` - o'clock | at 7 0'<-lock. Suh- .\.1....L...'I 1).. .... .. 9? Sept. 1'2, 1917 n-.11: -)`1(\ . . . . . 0 8 00 835; Rez_a.l Esfate Agent L,1I`. ,_, ,-.,,. . . .$`2.15-2.10 .. 2 50 3 H0 . . . . . .55-60c ['il)'(`]' and So!`- C. V. Pi1('h(`1'. .....`....`.'.-.L(}2 . . . . .'_).0-3()(' .$1.-U-$1.50 En ......u' . 3 for - a.4.L``_1} . . .104-2 .$1..50-$3.5(n 0: ,")'Tn . . . . ..l.'..'l"I .. . . .57-600 .$U)0--",`1.T:') .-i()-.+`:')<- . . 44(- '1': %i?} .. .$9-$1o . )D'*:\v -70;) '\:n Sxze A, 160 to 180 lbs., $32 Size B, 300 to .'%:')U lbs., $46 Size C, 550 to (500 lbs., 9,575 The 160 to 180 lbs. nun-llinc-.<. without the stands, sell for $128. These are cap:1ble of lmmllinj.: all the milk of :1 Inodemtc sin- l`:u`m. Tln-_\' n V-n E11 .109 - tJL'v .40c 69c . .u}L' 3-100 10 3 n, ..`2.0c ' INC u,-3.. . ._u\. .440 .24!- nn 1 .500 .100 20(- -Inn and Yi'| uil.Vu .\I1's. John Brunton is \'isitinj_j; in Toronto. Mrs. Archer was called :1wn_\' last Friday owing.-' to the death of the little child of Mr and Mrs. Harold A ..,L.._. T)._I\_..\....L.... DGDIIJ V1101 G I/GKL 'L1l\L L` ULDCIUDJ C0mp.'n'(- those f_'1l!`(}S with those of other mn<, thou you will leave your order. r\r.H\'n1-\' nun hr: rn:n`.'\ f\l\{'f- 3| HI} XJ'l.'lIl'[', 1 illlIl\7L5LUU. Mrs. Hex-bc-rt Beggs and little dm1_;'11to1', of Toronto. are \'isitin_'_-' with .\I1's. J. P. )Ic)Ii11:n1, Cumbor~ ` land St. VT`l.- \f1,..._ '\I'..-... .-....'l "\l'..-.LL.. f..l l'LIlHl IUD. Tho Misses A-\[n1`_v and I\[m'thn Cul- ross loft on \V'o(h1esday for the lat- to1"s home in Vi1';1*inia. 11'..- TITALL -1.` 7..'I1-.`..L.-u. l/Cl B HUIlll.' lll Vllgllllila Mrs. VVatt, of \Valkc-1-ton, is visit- ing` her son, Rev. .\I1'. \Vz1tt, Burton Ave. '\I f`1_._.A.. 1..... 1. L,. 4.1. I 1 i gnu. 3 Hrs. Cluosnn has gone to u-I coast (`or a visit. Mr. and M1-s. John Clark 31-0 lmli-I (l21_\'ing' in Belloville and Ki11_9;.~:~t011. M1`. Bm't \\':1ll'ou. London. i< spc-ndin}: :1 few d:1_\'.< with his 5.-'r:md parents. Mr. :1nd Mrs. T1105. \\':11- fnu, \\'i1li:1m St. i M)`. and Mrs. \\'i1l Campbell and. cllildrmx. 01:` Fort \\'illi:1n1. are Visit- ing` 1*o1:1ti\'os in town. '\r___ '\rAr`1._..1~.. .....1 1... Jr... IILLJU Cllllkl U1. JVL1. ll A1'cl1m`, Pztlmorston. 1\r..e n,...1.....+ 12. I Dr. and Mrs. Hunter and Miss Dor- othy motored to Toronto last Mon- day. . Th-a ,Tnhn `Rvnnfnn in vicinw in VIII: l`l'1illI\l'-N III LU\\U. | M1". McC:1u1oy and hm" hm dz111}:11t(~1's, of Durhzlln, lmvo 1'(-tm'n- ed homo after Visitinq for two w(~ok.~'. with Miss Palliug`. T) -__ `(YT A `R I . 1.-.- ,.-4'-` 1K7...-.l.n ..-n \\'llH A1155 L/illlIll`L'.'. Rev. W . A. 1\[acka_v, of \\'21s11n5_~':1,| will take all the services in St. GCo1'_c:c's church next 311111121)`. LACL` (343814 ($433245 ($4337-L Bm'1'ic. I` 1 n-11 n (i4."`S] . (H4050 : 643814 ` 64-H19 ' SIMCOE COUNT-Y CASUALTIES L`iL\\.' _\UllI U1 HLI Dc-livery can he rnudv at rmr-(K and that Incuns S()l11('U1ln}_" just now. l)ill`1'll,'. 1 6592319 G. J. .\[o.=\1'th1n'. Orillia. I 643818 Ln11(-(I-Somt. R. L. Clark,` Orillia. I nclnco 7!` T,` I` f\..:1l.. `HOME MADE SOCKS . --.-um .\l1'.<. I)()lI_`_"1ilS .\'.1(*\\':11't 1'(w(-11i1_\' l`(`-I <'('i\'wl tho l'01l0\\`im_r 1vtt'('1' 01' u])[I]'('-I it-iation from (lrzmt Lon_:m:111, froml Tl`.. J` I'iUl(,'l' . D(-:11` .\Tr.<. St(-\\':n't-Y0111' \`(-r_\' }.L`(`IH`1'()l1.s' and us(-1 ul p:11`<-1-1 01' nin(-- It-on pairs 0|` lnonw-knit .~'()(-ks 1'e:u'-11-] 041 us our Inst` trip in tho` lint-, and (-:1m(- ulu1'in'_:' :1 \'(*1'_\' 1mul um] wot .~`1>(-ll, j_v`i\'i11'.:` 11i11(-tmm 111:1- (-hinv _ru1nu-1'.< :1 and (-mn1'm'tabl(- pair of socks. I have _\`(-t to svo the pair of homo- knit .<()(-ks that Im\'(- boon \\' by any (`umxt-k. and I can :1.<. _\'011 and _\'mu' (:0-wm'1<(-1*.~', Hunt H10 .~`]>l<-u-| did work you 2111* doing is 5.:1`(-:1tly` n]p1'(-~i:1f(-J and H` you omlhl only SN` tho <'mnl'm't that :1 (,'](':1l] homo- knit }>:1ir 01' stwks -_:'i\'('.~'. 0110--(s]u:- r~i:1ll_\' in thv lim--l. um .~'n1'<' it! would he an (-nm11rz1:_-'('n1(-1at in the` k1liH'(`l`.~'. nVI _ nd` ...- inn-ni-Inn` ;Vl\ 201242 C. 11101.! A K1lllI'(`l`.~'. l 'l`l1(-1'0 nrv l`i\`r- 01' us l()'.1'(`l.ll('l` in this t-nm]>:m_\' nut 0| um` nri-_"in:1l Bu. 11:14-llilw (hm Sovtion. Hull` llu-1 1'(-st of tho mt-l \\'(-1'0 {1lIl0ll'._".\'l tlm ntlu-1' f.1'lllll\(`l'.<. '0 all join in \\'lSlllll`_ .' you (-\'m'_\`| S11('f`(`S.\' in )'0l1I' \\'m'k mnl :1-.":\'n1` tllnnk you I'm tlw ]):1l'('(`l. Ynluax` \'(`I`_\' truly, 1'}. ll. l.m1'."m:1n. _'.II.;_ LR. 141814 \. 201650 C. Presumed to Have Died E 453708 R. S. \Va1ko1', Orillin. I Gassed ' G-I--19f2() J. E. M(*Don011_;'h. 01-i11ia.l 643025 \\'. C. C:1s(.-`\'_. St:1_\'11o1`. ` ($435623 766-175 875234 1 (S4-14-Hi . 6-14119 (i4-1()(i9 : -----~ . Lust. '|'hI11`s'l:1_\' (-\`(-nin-.5 :1 m0sl' .=.m`(-(*s.~'|'11l ]n:u'(_\' \\`:1.~' ht-Id n1` \\'0m1- l:1m1.<. Um bozllntiful summer homo 01` C01. I (-u<-lu-n, who kindly n1Tm'(- tlw ~I ...u| nu-nuuul_~ in Hu- D. C; 1T6wARD,} `I-u n `KY7? r1 A nrn'rI`n nrn