Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Sep 1917, p. 7

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, . AD VER TISING P16 1917 1 l \VZ1S_ it fluttered m'e1'he:u1. The .\'p:1shed :mmn'_-' the stones and some- times the shadows moved as :1 pn[`f\ of wind came up the v:111e_v: hut that 1; 1L Stl Fosnn'(pekened lstv \ pace; but it \\':1s some distnnec to the; -f villa .-'e where he knew of :1 good inn, '] mu] he wanted to get there, b0fm'e|} the people went to bed. He would ` not mhnit that he sh1':mk from be- 5 in-.:' left in the dark when the moon E sunk. ` By and by Pete stopped to relight _AA.-.....] nvnhxrnnnn f :- 1 . h(-l1i11 tho 111-(vs, W111-11 11, 1112111111 l'uu111 h1~ \`(-111` \\'l1('11 ho loolu-l hzu-k s01'1'_V ho 1,-o11l1l not .~'(-<- th1- li_'l1t.< ol` Gillfll.` looked He was on tho 1'0:11l to tho . was m1 1'1*111(*111l)(`1'(`(l that tl1(`1'(~ was :1] Still, t1':1i11 110111 the sm1tl1 in the 1-1'1-11111:. pig.-'(-01` 'l`:1ki11`-1 out his \\'11t(-l1, ho 1-ah-111211-` wl1(*1'0 011 that :111_\'lm1l_\' who `M: the . to tur on foot wl1(111 the train :11'1'i\'(*(l 111i;rl1t1 cautio l)1- 1-X111-1-{ml to 1'1-11vl1 tl1o(`r:11'tl1 in i111;1 thv next q11.'11't<-1' of 1111 l1o111'. l`his B1-11 \\".1s hut he s`.11w 11othi11f_; 11 mt` to (-311.40 h'1111 :1lz11'111 as ho \\'o11t. 011. lmn-`V Now 111111 thon. 11 1':1hh1l'., st:11'tl(-rl by utcs l his l'1)otst(-ps, 11111 zwross tho road. 1-1111 :1` 111111 01100 or t\v'1<-1- 2111 mvl hootml as of 11 1 Tho 1-ivm`: or it $01110-l 11111] 5 pllfflxvall that` instiu Fost1-1- 111111-ko11o1l l1is.wm-(1 1,,,1 :1. unnln 11:1.-+:111r-0 to fannp `when he put the (`rnrtli in 'l`hi.< it) .is qniekened his. ` \'il1:1'_-'e before mooni _ hi<: piiye and uttered an exelnmation his hand in his pocket. iiiia~,rix1:mon rem. Brneingx his ('()111'21_`_',`(`_. he went on. :1 little 1':1ster than hel'oi'e without li11i'i'_\'in3_z', and for two or three min- heard no i'1'e.~tli noise. The wood alon_-_" the rozul ]verl1:1]is 21 qilnrier of mile and he wns near the middle} . oi when there was a. slim]: report m1(lS()lll(!tllillL" flit-kedn_;'z1ii1st the wall behind him. He sprang: aside instinctively and then 1'nnnin5,v' for-i ward smashed tln'on}:h the rottenl fence and plnng_-`ed into the wood. The nervous sh:-inkin__r he had felt had gone. Now he was coni'1'onted with a. danger that was not imagin- ary, he was conscious of savn:_:'c an- ger and a fierce desire to come to`` grips with his treaelierous antu.5.:o'n~ ist. His fury was greater because of his previous four. The wood was (link. and thick. I I hue lost t11e quid iooeh \'e Lxuvel B1'a11cl1es brushed` - -,11inst him and 1 ~- 1. . I . . . me at He.\'h21m, he 521111. I 111111di111ndc-red his pro). =.~:s, e1'z1w1111}_-j I filled 1111' 11 )e h\' tl1e bie; tl1o1`11 brambles (`l1l_L'l1t 111., feet. He ~ . 1 . ~ 1 . . \\'he1'e tl1e w11`e tenee sto rs 111111 the= could hear 11otl1111"` e.\:ee)t tl1e noise 1 y 1: 111oo11 s 011 t11e road. 11 _\'e ll hide he made, and us tl1e tit 01? rage i or II.-`1119: on slowly, F11 1111 back. ( passed a1\'11y his ea.11tio11 1'etu1'11ed. 1 1 Never mind it. I'll 5_v'i\'e youl He was putting 1111115011` at disad- lz111ot11e1'. l\ ...age, hee1111se his l111'k111;_-_`; enemy 1 . . , . 1 1`11," Slfl Pete. I1 ye hadl could hear 111111 111111 would 11; doubt lbeen used with 2111 z1uld tin and hadl try a11otl1e1' shot it 111- c:1111e near 1 3 s111z1i1't pooch 1701: the l"11'st time, ye enougli. . Sto} 117i11g' bel1i11d 11' 1'11` wouldmt lea it 111 the road. Be- t1'u11k, w1t11 1115 11115.-`er 011 the t1*1gge1' 1` sides, it was 1'11 0 21 better tolmeeoi of the B1'ow11i11_ pistol, l1e listened. l1tl1:111 I often s111oke. 1 At l'i1st 110 50111111 e:1111e o11t ot' the .` l 11 I*oste1' would sooner l1:1\'e kept dark, but he p1'e.<,e11tl_V he111'd :1 rustle him, b11t \\`as 11111villi11g,r to :1d111it some distzmee 01.1". There was` 1'1t11z1t l1e did 11ot like to he alone. another 1111111 i11 tl1e wood beside tl1e l I 1 - After 1111, it was 11ot \'e1'_\' l z11' to the fellow who had tired at him, butiso '1 thorn tree 211111 Pet would soon over-l 1011:," as Foster kept still and the t ake him. He went 011, but did 11otlot11e1's did not know wl1e1'e he was, A - - - - 4. 1 1 l.,. 1.-.`! .... 1 ...'1...n.4-n1.-1. I\\'f\|C #1111111 VVIU . and` if tlloro - After ` flW:1_\', oould 1 ` I `r\I\L nl1 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE `i J zg (By HAROLD BINDLOSS) -,3 M+#%%%M*$+#PF C H APT ICR XX mind: hindered mom!` b1`a{1ib11c.~: cou< :0 mad " :1 \ hc had 111101 9, v ):1(`('()1 I kcnti dark. bl ea l1`\I[('1' .`_{'('I,Ll_'V U\L'I' KHU ll'llL'L' IN` l\\,'|ll Ion the wet grass, and hml nearly reached the end 01' the wood when he h(':ll'(l someone 1`u1n1in_" behind `him. The moon was now behind the firs anti their dark shaulow :stretched from 'f'(-nee to wall. -It looked as if Pete. who must have he:u' the shot, was e:nnin_-' to his help, hut Foster kept on until he \v:1s ne:11'l_\' out of the wood, and then stn1>])e :-;t:1nd- in}_," u.;::1in.~;t the I'en(-e, :1 _Vm'd or two back from where the 111o0n1iy_v'11t fell upon the road. 'I.`he1'e was no use in running,-- an 111111e(-essary 1'i2:'.k. rm.,. .+,. .. ...,,+ ..,..\...... I... lmm-.1 111 1'1lnI11I1_g' 211] UIlHl'('USilI"\' JCIEIK. The steps 5.-'0t 11(-211-1-.1', 110 I11-ard somebody b1'oz1tl1i11_ hard, 111111 :1 fig- ure z1m1e:11'(- i11t11o _-_-`Iomn. Then Foster thrust the pistol into his pocket, 1'01'tl1u 1111111 who c-211110 into had met at the Edi11b111-5.311 hotel. .\I1'. F(>.;';-1;1" ho exclz1i1n(`d |b1'eat}11cssIy, til`. Foster thought he Iuvnn unl- Lv1I|-1\|-:20!` nnzl uH'f;In1- nn fill` the mo0111i}_:11t was Go1'(l011. \vl10111 l1c| 4'lI'- 1` ll-`L '.`E \.'4\l;ltlIn|\\A II , was not s111'p1'isod, and sitting: on tho fc-m'(\. took out 9 (',i}.:u1'0tt(` as calmly as he could. He had G1`nhnn'1's cheques and must be careful. Yes, he said. I didn't ex- n__-,L L- . A _ . . . .. I!` IIU \}\ll(I\l. Ll` suit` * pact to see you. | T :vnnn';nn H< ' PUG`: LU SUI.` _YUll. I imagine it's lucky that you knew me, `Q11 1'mmu'ked, rather dryly... W, we`, `\,e1'haps we should _ have stopped / \3. the other and of Q , .... .. he , 4 the wood. You were w:1tchin{_r it then? Both ends. It s obvious. now that we should have watched the middle. H Al. :1 ...:,1 1D,...+m. +l.n.m4u+Fu1ll\v- U0 _\'Ull lllL'illl LU u:L nun gu : Gordon lam}.-'I1cd. .\Iy f1'io..d.~'; toll mo I'm gottim: fat, and I'm certainly not as \'is:01'0us as I was. I Besides, that is not my part of the business to chase :1 suspocte(1 person across the hills, and I. have men` able to do it better Hmn I cam. But. you stopped as you e11to1'od the wood. Did you expect to be shot at?" I I +hr\11(r}'|f if \'{`1'\r' HOS '1bl0. , II11(1(llC. ' Ah, said Foster th0u3.:htfully;l then you knew soxnoliody was hid-I ing a111ong' the trees? I \V'e t11ouf.:'11t it \'(-1'_\` possible. \Ve1l, you know I was shot zzt, but I imag.-;i11c the follow got a\\':1_\'. Do you mean to let him 310 1? flnrnn lnntrhnd ` ` `Iv f1-i(\,_d_:; It was 21 clear ni}_;ht and although the moon was low its Ii},-`ht touched the wet mm! as Fostt,-1' \\':11k(-, down thv duh-. [[0 held muvh to think about and tried to fix his mind on his main nhj(-ct. It wnuhl h11\'(` hm-11' de1ig'ht1'.'ul to (l\\`(.-11 upon .-\1i(~o'.-3 in- tc-1'pusitim1 on his ht-hull`, hut ht- must not uttzlvh too much in1po1'tam:(s` } l)1u (`XDOCB 10 no SHUE 111,: I ' ``I thought it very poss1ble, Foster :1usw(\1'cd dryly. I A` \ ....L.n+l Van u'1n-n .-hnf nf. 'J1'0SE(`.1` :111s\\'v1'L'u u1'_\'1`\'. A fair 1`0t01t! You were .~;hot at. [\\'(-,1'o you 11-m'l_v hit? (AT 1.-I:,...,\ H... o'..H..u.- u~.-mh1 1mvr\ \\(-,1'o 11-m'1_v nu`: ``I believe the l'cl1mv would have I got me if he'd used :1 5.;'un instead of in pistol; but the I.'m'n101' \\'nu1d, of (-,mu-so. Imus been :1 conspi<-.u0us thin`.-` to c:11'1'_\' about. AAIYVI .v A 97 :v,.... .. .......,.m1 I uuux :\'a 4 mm...+ ] tmnu` to :1D011E. ' I I That's true. Gordon d.j_1`I`('(`(1. iBut, at'tL-r (`sczxpixxg why did you [stop h(~r(- and run the risk u}_::1i11? Foster 1)011 There was no` sign of Pete. but he th0\1{_.-ht the: latter could be trustoxl to elude the polinjc. and did not want `to lot Gm`- don knmv 110 had felt. it 1n(-r.-oss-.11"\' to provide hims(-If with :1 bod_\'j:uzn`d. ` S01n0thin'_,-' of this kind \\'m11 be oh- vious if he stated that hv was \\'z1it- inf." 1'01` :1 (`0I)lp11lliOl1. u\\',.II H I... _-..;n *`if < :mnn\`iu In}: 101` u tfunlpumuu. . \\'c-ll." he said, it's z111110} i11:_'|` to be shot at, and when I h(-an!` s0m(-hotly 1`unniu "I thought I mi_<:ht catch the follow oh" his 5_-'um'd. You 5.00, I had z11roud_v u'0n(- into the wood to look for him. 1 I iK1')..L "nu v\\11L Mnxvn `.'III\!`l'Il Hmf H `to 100K 101` mm. But you must have known that it \\'011l lm\`(- boon \`(*1'_\' H1511 for the man who firvd the shot to run nois- ily down the middle of the roiu . HT unvn\nn T \\':\< rnmr o\'(-it'.(-(1 )l_\' (10\\'I1 Inc IHl(Hl1U UL mu 1uixu. I s11mm.<(s I xvas 1'z1thm' oxr-itctl and didn't 1'(m1(-.m.!.-:-1' that," Foster} replied. am-Ann mid nothing for :1 fowl replied. - Gordon said nothinr: for few moments and Foster saw that he had been 1'enc-ing` with him. He had Makes Y0l11' Skin Like Velvet admitted that he 1m1't1_\' expected to be attacked, and he other knew of skim One or two applications Wm the danger to which he had been ex- remove the roughness and by its i Has a marvellous effect on rough- `posed. This was puzzlin_ but it occasional use the skin acquires the was 1nck_\' the 1112111 had not asked smoothness and softness of a. baby's. his reasons for 1'eu1-in}_v~ an attack. Glycedonia. is not sticky, and gloves Foster `aelieved he had not omittedinmy be worn a few moments after to do 5 from <-u1-elessness. llusing it. Price, 15c. and 25c. Da- Then glordon said. I must find out '11 my men are doing`. \\'here rn-n \`n crninnr fn stnn tn-ni2ht7 lightful after shaving. G-E0. MONKMAN LU uu .1 JL\IILI \u.\..\..,....\~,.,.. find` are ye 3.-`oin; to stop to-night? FL. ' told him and he nodded. I know 0 inn and wil) call thcrci as soon as .L (-1111. Leave ;.'m1 a(1(l1'; iIiisTr4noasEcIs` T0 OPERATION I He went :1\\`z1_\' up the mad and Foster, who set. of! 11;.-'ui1x, had gone` about :1 mile when he hczml stops be- hind him. Soon mfter he stopped Pete (-zuno up. Ye re no llurt? he asked. Foster said he was l1ui!1ju1'L`(l, and} when he asked where Pete had been] the latter g1'i1111ed. n.'T'.. L`\1\ 1.:n ;:++:m.- in ex u-M `11 you 3.-'0 I)0101'(: 1 come. U10 1uLLt:1' _|__*,1`1uuL-u. Up the hill mul sitting,-_' in :1 wet 1)eat-l1a.g'. There was a polisman who run better than I tllougllt an it wnsna, a'tl1eg.:itl1cr easy getting clear 0 him. But why did the policeman run ..4'+.-H. rm. -7, ' 7 Duh \\n_y after you?` "Vnn `u n IIIEOI` V011`! ' * . . | Yon :1 thlng I (hd not exactly ken, but when 1 was coming (10011 the road I heard a shot and saw ye break into the wood. \\'eel, 1 \ thon_:ht the hack 0 it was the place` for me, and I was i.'ol1_yi11g' the dyke, quiet and saire11m. when :1 man jumped over and took the heather. He had :1 stairt, but the b1'a`e was steep, and I was th'n1kin_-' it would no he long; before 1 had 21 .:1`111) 0' him when the polis cam ower the dyke hohind. Then I Hl011f_"ht it n1i5_~'ht he better if 1 tlidnu interfere, and Innde for :1 hit _"1(-n that rins doon the fell. \\"hen 1 saw Iny`; chance I slippit not and found the peat-hagz. 1`n_~hu- L-nifh-J his h1`n\\'s. It look- I A tourist, calling at 2111 Irish cabin l to obtain a glass of milk, noticed on the top of it chest of dra\\'ors a glass shade under which was a brick and :1 faded 1050. Ho inquired why the owner of the shanty should cherish two such dissin1ilm' objects. HG1.....n .' Hun~rn e n1nnnn1~:nc nf- EWO Sllcll ulsmuuizu` uuJ1:L:n.a. Shure, S01`, there s memories at- tached to thim, said the Irishman. Feel this big dent in me head`! \Vel1, it was the brick did it. But the rose? said the visitor. The rose is off the grave of the man who threw the brick, replied the host. (To be continued.) The Rose !Monkman s J` Glycedcmnia DRUGGIST, I Des Moines, Iowa.- Four years ago I was very sick and my life was nearly spent. The doctors stated that I would never get well with- o u t; a n operation and that without it I would not live one year. My husband objected to any operation and got me some of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta- ble Compound. I book it and commenced ....... uni uynll urn.` THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING A .PA.Rl0R. _ . - nnnunavnnna A11 latest designs in Caskets kept i.n stock, including: Grave Vaults run! {in}; Chnilp _n .. .`..w._uw.5.5., uuonct-1 .u,,... 111 and Oak Shells. Night and Dan Calls Phone 43I W. D. MINNIKIN, Proprietor W.R. NEILLY, Funeral Director 1111: JAs- ARNOLD! (Successor to the late R. L. Barwick Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency Money to Loan A number of good Farms and Town Pto- pemee {or sale on easy Semis. |Bnnk of Toronto Building, Barrie T.Beecro Transact a Gemeval Bankbtg Busi mm. . . . . Notes D-iuconmlzrl at reasonable rates. . Collec- tion Q/' Notes and Accowrts gau.-m special attuzlmtz. . . . . Jas. Paterson vvaAaAa|J u -Lsuur Jolmny, wlmn I tell your father what :1 1m1L:l|t_V' hoy you \'o l)(-on to- day he will punish you severely. Have you _;rot to tell him ma`? Yes, and I shall tell him immed- iately after tlinner. Hurnn nun rv-:1'n mm .. 1m++,... .1:,._ lllLl.'l`V` H I L|_'l UIIIIIUI. Well, ma, r;ive him :1 bettm nor t11a1111s11al, wo11`tyou`l might do that much for me. f\lun's ha`...-; 01' Anlcricnn make are uml:in_r.v; bigmales in Guatemala. Auctioneer and Appraiser Orders left at A. F. A. Mal- comson s will receive prompt attention. I20 Bayeld Street BARRIE,Z ONT. 'Phone 191 Dzrcg/"ls Issued payable a,n_z,qI:I`zrcs Clceques on outside brmks caahcd at lowest 1`a'c3 qf easclrange. . . . . Sale Notes Cubed or Collntllsd on ntostfm-omblr: erme. T. B EEC F{OvFT' Mam'_agzr W. A. MCCONKEY Dunlop St., *'--' ' """` . It anu LUuuu::u\;cu l to get better and am now well. am stout and able to do my own housework. I can recommend the Vegetable Com- pound to any woman who is sick and run down as a wonderful strength and health restorer. My husband says I would have been in my grave ere this if it had not been for your Vegetable Compound.-Mrs. Bumcns JEFFER- SON, 703 Lyon St., Des Moines, Iowa. Before submitting to a surgical opera- tion it is wise to try to build up the female system and cure its derange- ments with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound; it has saved many women from surgical operations. Write to the Lydia. E. Pinkham ` Medi.c:ine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice--it will be condential. I Make BANKERS Oice Ho1:rs--10 to 4 If you have any guests at your home, are going out of town for a. visit, or know of any in- teresting news, let us hear from you. We always apprec- iate such favors. AUCTIONEER and Embalmcr. PHONE 346 farm 6:. CO. J ohnny s Plea a Specialty of Stock Sales. Wife Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound BARBIE, ONT. la 2 better din- won't you`! You rah {'nr 1110 Barrie 55 The Right Track The Advance is read in the best homes in Barrie and vicinity weekly; these readers patronize Barrie Stores. To get this business advertise in the Advance.

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