Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Jul 1917, p. 4

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Apples, b:1. . . . . Aspzu'z1._:u.<, bum-I1 Butter, lb... ... .Buttennilk. hottlv Cl1i<-lu-n.<, ll). Cremn. coffee, qt. Crozlm, \\'11im>i113.;, ("-n-.-n+_- lnnu-In AVAHL with NIH IFHI". v intirm. but; . . I. I, _. I11 .`\I|`r . I . (}i1'_ Hm \\'-st, .~pt~n1 :1 hm`.'h-r .TI`4'1 null In lnlti. I _..L v"r\ ixlnl (H'iHi:1 I t)]Jl(`~ :~.]n'-111 U15. (ll day. th 0ffe1`ing 1)..... .. ISN'T 1`.lH% ISHT and pllpils th scp:u'atio11 cannot but he felt. Mr. `and .\I1's. \\':11'd loft .\Jinosinu' S:1t\n'1:\_\' 1no1`ui11`7__-`. . Miss Ilzllston. t(-at-hm" 01' I110 ;n`im:n'_\` IL--,:u'tm<-nt. has :1(-m -ptml :1 ]IO. in Iavr lm.m- .~'r-hcml. amal loft .\Iino~'i:z'_: on .\`utu1'1z!_\'. I` ' .\x-.<. W. ' ilk,-!xno< of ' l.\Il'.<. J. E. V1,. 1: I -u ` 021 'I':1v .}unt- 26th, :1 very` 1:11`:-H_\' _\"'= quite! \\'r-dtling ~m-sing: m| {'hr- fm-1 Ihznr Ihv ln'itln'.< Lwu hmtlwr.~'] !:1l"- an who firing lime in Ir:mw.- um]! llrnuthwr in Iinglzmrl took plzu-0 at Ihvl .flmn)L- of \\'m. \\'-hlwr, lmlslrm. Um... -f\.\'hm1 his I1i('l'l5 Lillian. (`l(l1&:~:1 dnu;,:h-' rm` 01' .\h`:<. I`u_\'lm' of Exnlter. l<}n;;-` .iI:1nd, \'.'::s m2H`l`iw(] to H4-rnmn Arthur, _vmn1;,:t:.~`t sun of D1`. .2u', 01' ()snu- :`._., .__- `Ill:-ll `IS1r~,-ig` 11. jI:md_ vru _v hruvk. ( 11.. _-.1-nun,-.-x .~.uu -:1 Ill. lllIIlA'y Ill mu...- ||)1'll"k. Unturin. iivv. ii. \\'. (arr ()"i(`iZlllHi umlt-1' Hm arr}: ml` vwai'i.:i'me1i.~: (l(`,('1\'((l with` lhrmulifiii Iimw-x`.~'. 1 The hi'irlr- \vm'r- u whilv xnlin xzmvn mu-r whim silk and slmrlmv lame and :1 vr-il of silk r:mln'nir1ter(-.rl m-1,11 .H'll`ill;.{ of imurls. ;.',ifI of In-r m-nut. K'2lH(i- l`z1thr~r, :1 gold hmm-h sat. with univ- thyst. and |)(`iH'lh`, also platinum and riinnirmri ring. Lzifls of Hm pzruun. .1. .. ..- ..I..n.ul In '|`h 1. I|vlx1]t|;l \ n- "H. .,.. ...., ...... ... Two \'Pl'_\' 1 -4,-redr-I H11: I) 4-ulurt-(I (il'(`FS1 <'m'I'ir-41 the ri vith n1:u`a;m-r 411240 vm'l'i(:rl 1|Hn'.\'nx'.s'. . un ..`.. ...-, .. |I`.\\ . 1'ri'-ml.< int-lmlimz :1 <-Imqx humlrr-(I tlullnrs (`rum hm` The Immay c-ouplv hnv: \vi: of Vhn -m`.munit_v going In tln-ir hum:-, in I) will visit frimnels in 'l`m'u rm-hr~.<, unrl \\'ulv.-=. FOR SALE ON BIG BAY POINT 3 :wH-.~' lmul \\`il|I Hl'4`lI:ll`ll. |'r:lnw lmu~'v IN 2; `_ l It-1-I. ]:||':'r- i'r2um- hnrn. m-:1rl_\' m-\\', SHE \' -Hi I'm-t. Hv:Iu1il`IIl lnrgv . tlw-H, mk, wnlnlll um] llI:l)Ill' and :1 Hire f_fl`l)\`(', -14:50 In ('4-(luv Mmml. '|'wrn minuh-s \\':|\' frmn tlw .~'l|m'<-, of l\'.-Inlwnft-||l. Buy. For t'urtl1<~r ymrtic-ulm'.~`. upply tn Mr.~:. licbbecca Vernon, Pnin.<\vi~k. om. 27-2.0,.` v..'ith the rm Mrs. R. Boll. 7. AL. An, Thom pr 3.1 n 1' y ()l111 (`V }.'\ l{'|`i.l-I--'l'.\ Y I.( Hi uuuu ; tlnair 5`!!! 1H Fall x 1"r 1-2111'.< is 11 n.. pm-H_\' I I.-Lia. 4|.` trip vnrv lwuul il'ul .u:nn ul 1 and 'l`hom:1s .\Ii11m'! ' aunt in Smihury. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE we has 1'et111'ner.1i. Ilwouglx Peel and] mil) and ln-1'nra- in Hixun, ()nl., '|`m'mHu, .\lille- Illa- |'2l H:llll\\'il1 rel trimmc-:1 Ill Hultlwin |::I:;l\'*l, HI" L , l\Ii):w? ll]:- .' vuln- nml lmm:-| 0.4..-..;.. v v ~ 3:... :..g..;..,..,..;.....;..;..;..;..;..;..g..g..;..;..;..g... ..g..,..;..;..g..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..g..;..;. 5.. A I -Never Appcaled to in Vain--Thi3` Time It `Will Be `L1; Behalf of: '1 I -1? L1; 1"]! I IN I_>:H`1it'l1I:I Pl! Intvr. :\ ilHI1`I|iIl| l\l'Il \ [I155 H-<-<~i\`-I an u1'~_'1-Ht Lrrllclnll ('mmuil1-v 'IE(-I ('m.~`.`~' In 1:I|\'v lpirt-~\\'i:lv illnpvill |'u tlw sin-k uml \\` tthv l"r(-nu-I1 nation jtivv <)1>~1':ttim|.s` in l'lh(- \\'m`ll nml nlsu "||"l3 `VI \\l||y I lllll `ll -` fnrm _\'uu llml thv |'I.\'<-vu (luv l`f)ll.\`i(l(`l':IHlHI. has :1] uu1'Sm-it-1_\` lhmu-_'h it 1II|'()ll_'.,"lI()lli Hw Ilmniniu .~:u:-I1 .~`I('p.\' as nmy nppv.-11' :ul\`i.~':|l)|v \\'i1|Iin tln-ir st-\ nlicliuns for lhv pIn`]m.<(- l'unIs nu s Hm I- .lu|_\'. an I` ,.Z, r I Al .1 1' III v '|'lu- lIHl'(_\' um! um I. Hn'\' ]m\\'('I` In 1] (117011 the H L-quip: .` 1 :I\l'Il 1 \\ lmlv. '|'|w . IiHl.\. '|`lu- \|rl'2|lU'l' of l|n- (III_\' will Iw .\l. .v\. Hn|`.~1<)|i1'l, In-ml xlnlsh-I u|' Hu- Nun'Inn:nI .H'-lmnl. '|'m-nnlu. |'.'Y\' huml will I):- |II`l`.\'('I)l. '|'vn .N`l`l \'('(l |'rmu ~l..'l) p.m. ;\lIni.~;.~ 3.") H-ms 1'01` :u|ul1..s-, ('|IiMI't'lI `.. U-. .\`onu- wivc.-s.p1' prv|nz1r(:d11(-sa ,b,v x'iin:,r llwif lu1slmnd s puck:-,ts. France. uaI_\. .llll_\ |..lIl, Ill an ('I`n.~:a. '|`lu-r<- will l(I|ll'II1lIII('lIl In-l\\'t-1-n H In-:ulqIl:Irl-I's .x'<-lnml. 1 .\\i.-xlinn (':m1p um] H nu ,, `II I l. 'l`|u- ` `FRANCE ' S DAY " '|u- |':.\l(`(`llH\'l' ('mnmiH(-<- mdizln H1-I ('1'n.<.< .\'uri(-l_\ . 4-in-I :I])]>('&ll l'1': nlnn of tin- I 1' ~ A 1 I., . f. ,1 1- :1! I .~"n|' \\'.`ll`, l .I,;; llllll \llIl|lIl|l||'l' III Ill|` l'Il'll l purl Ill nu 1'} -~\\'i:l- fur :1.<. 'la*.:wv I \\'m11nlml mlnlit-1`s I. . , I ' I _ A , (lm M ARKET REPORTS III .|u|_\ . l)_\' 1 they um] IV ` l'l.\m-IIli\ - 1'1-1-I <-:11: lvp:-ntl upon 1`UH1lIIiH('(' ilI'_" r` m::l t||:- `:lII| Hill I nllll \\iIl In- l'Ixw-u1i\u- I`:-I-I llmi .~':1_\' lmu` '_:l`('ilt Hm AI .AC 77` I viii`/.4-11:4 n|' |\_\' u in \'i-luri_:I Park, urriu Hrzlm-11. .\`(wi('i_\'. I[|li'l' niwul . PICNIC AT IVY L"]UllHlll`HL. A patent has bvnn ':r:1 a.=h can to whir:h hand]:-.~: tar~}n.-d to ma]-V: it S(.-I`\'(- roller. n....-._. .1... -. '.'u-In-rmls l'l'.\']I1Hl.~'(` Hw [>4-mph 0|" (`nu ml" l-HI1 ('1' .~ I Iu_\ . uni \\`l1i-11 .u.v |'lIL .`\'m-I .\l:Il'.\'lI:l, |".\~vuli\`<` (`mun 7" \\l|l lH' I" I|iL`|'lHlII \\':-vn fvznns |'mm Hum 4-luml, (`nlnp Hnlwh-11.: Hw hmnv It-um. lIll|ll|)l`l` l)I'1'lIiIl[l`('II'.\" ....-_,.. ... llnminmn. - . , A truI_\', u an... _ 1 1mm_\` p:n'l..< Mi 1 for |"I'(-xlvll [>ri.<- un lt-sin`:-cl to in- - |'I.\<-vu1i\'c. :1l'1-r :x|npm\'-4! 01' uh its lmnu-In-s A |., In In '; \ rut Ill Hm! rum-1'. 3` 01 the man who apr;l0j_f1z<:s when hr Ines you a favor. xun I I " HH1 ` will In- will lmhl :1 can '|'luu'.~`~ Hill 0|` llw Pill ll luv :1 h:|>`I-lnllli 1- Al, I [HI \IPlII nu" :I|| l`:llIl|I:lI`.1 u1_\, .\. (`illtlv (':n1:n]i:1 Mn ........r....`l (ill. tnkin~_'; * tn hv nmsl ' .. __ I 3,, . nxn ill" 1' .ml_\' will the <- H14-_\ I I I :I |vl`u[u~l`- l'l)lI(!lll'1l'lli(` `II I I :l vr n_\ Hu\ un;'.} from thvi I. l.V.. ()|' 111(- Sizv .v\, H30 10 '1\I) lh.<.. $32 Him 1)., 1:00 to :;; m Ih.~., $46 Size (', .-;.'m in mm 1h.<., 'H1(,- N30 to 181! lh~. znaullxim-<. without the stamls, .~-H rm- .~j"_ w`. Those are v:1p::hl- 111' 'n:1n the milk 01' 21 mml<-r:1t(- .~ i7.(- !':1rm. 'l'h-_\' mxpaxiun H" .1111)`, l|I|l|l| urn will ht" 'l'\\'mnI, `I I muxnn l::_\' ml` mmil luu Hull ' um] .zPATRCK szwws WEEK lHl' |il|`l nll 1-1:-n The 81:! will no 1 .,,.l I'|"'| IK' Il|l\l |I('t| n'.m'(' Hum p:\. itlw p.-xrtiz-u|:H']_\` [tions is (luv l, . , .1 II` ,If g`. un- Easily Operated And B Cmupm'(- th(-.~'(- Ii:-z|1'<*.< ` of other muwhim-.<, tlwn leave your ()l'(l(`l`. I\.l:.` ... ,..... I... ......J.. m L;1k'iUll, \\ Ill"`7lIl`L5 \1\.a C:u'mt.~'. hum-h E}_"}_:'.<, (102. . . . . . . Hay, ton ... . .. .. Lettucv, bunch .. Milk, qt. Onions, ::1'c(*x1, lmnvh I ot:1tnv<, hug`. Pv}n]>(`1' vl`(-.~.~ , hum-h Rlmh:u'h, hunch Ra(1ish(-.<., bunol1.... Stmw, ton .. ..... I.` |lI\' IAI|`l \ ll|lI'.;\' (':lm\:!i:In.< at $1. .lulim1." nmw than i11t('rv.~"th1-_1ut thv iimv :15 it .~'lmw.< mm 01' HI .in<-iulr-nt.< HI tlw (':ln:Hli:m l'< `Hm \\'m-ld'.< \\';n'. Oflwr . l)i:1\':1ln'.< Nm'vlt_\' .~'|m\\'. HM mu. tlw I".-unnu.< fut girl. 71 ...1.. .: I ....I ..I . . I1 'x'{-ml`-i'.' I '|`h1- I`uHm\'in-_v' :'iI'i.~: :n'(' `_-'1`:m-l'11ll_\" :u-kIm\\'|wlu('ul: 1'. |mi1`.~`. 01' .~' frmn tlw ('r:1i~_-'lmI'. l :1h'i0ti(- l.v:1-[ 2111-; $5.19!! {min am :m0n_\'mm1.~'. don-! my .\|`ll1 in 2x 11-\\' \\'(*ul<>' :1-.111; $1'_ (I.lNl` V l(`]l'Xll'('ll |)_\' the .\lilit:n'_\' T021 Rnmn ' 1:151 .\'n-:11`: -":HI.(NI l`1'mn .\l iss I(~I`- .. ...........l .. . ._.' AI .. `I . ,.A` IIIIIH Illl \ Iill'.~'HllI-`l l KlllI\lll|' lAl'Il [ (I.lNl Miss uusmx, the proceeds 0|" tho ruI'I lin_-_-' 01' lnn 1-|nln'nidv1'ud tmu-l ,wm1 h_\' Mrs.` ' it-n |A:l\\'l'(`ll('(`Z $ll)(i.(HJ frmn .\l1'.<.` l lumnu~r, the sum mmlu at lwr `_":11`-! In-n p:u*t_\' on Jmw thv `JTH1. .\|:m_\` ',:1':1tcl'l1l lu,-ttt-rs lm\'(- l)('('I' lmmni-.-ml I :-nun Hun IIH-lIl|bl-l`: 111' Hut. I .\Ii|II`\ 'r"IlllL'|lII I\,'l||'I~\ II(l\l' I}l'\ I 1'1--(`in-I [mm 1111- |ll('IIl[l(`l':~` 01' M10 ITTHI |mH:lHrm. Tlw B:lI'l'i(' t':11`(--' \\'.-ll -_'.iH 50-ks were di.s`trilJut(-ml nhnui :1 munlll .-nun and \\'m'(- nmst u`l:1:l1)" I.-nml :|)p1`vri:xlin-|_\' 2H`l'(']ll(`(l. .\| rs.` (Hit-\\':u'l \\'uul(l |l(` ghlwl to '_1'('1 the "n.-um-.~' um! :ull1`n.-,<.~;(-s nf all who lmwi |\-nit-(I IIIU 01' '_ ()H p:1i1'.< 01' am-ks. 'l'ln~ xmnl 1li.~'l,riln|tm2< are :1.~'kml tn .. I ' . II... -1` .l. l...2H,.... I I III nu urnunn Ill nu :uuu_ _-nun |\\'m'l<.-rs in .\ll:m who migght \\`i.~:h In In-lp tlxis. 3,-'nml <-nllsv, um - nu-nis. rut-out. romI_\' for nmkin-_-`. may lw pm(~urod Yrmu .\[r.~'. J. Brun- hm, Burton .v`\\`(*. .\|r.<. Brunton has | t-,nnsm1t(-cl to keep th(-.~'o _::n'- nwnls and will ;:ln('ll_\' }_-`ivo tlwm out. Thorn. soon: tube Inisdoals in the nmno \\lFI Ill 3 \\ill. `7|II"l \Il\l\\h ill\'[ |\':1ln'_< H:1l)_\` 15111-1 . Zmnn. tho: `lw -_:`irI :m 0| l'0lll'>`(' HH`l'l` will} Hw .\lvI'1')'-20-round and F(`rri.< ,,,I in rm" 11-! (11:11 -nu-nt.< ,l,t` lhv In-nolit of` H10 m:m_\` cum] rs wh mi;_-`ht! A, I...1.. ALI. ..I ........\ l(.'M\ l' _VU1II luurl. ])(~h\`t-r_\' run he mudv at unm- that nu-an.s' . just Imw. FIELD COMFORTS I)| _.\I" IHIIIF VII 3\'VI\-`n 0| the names of sock Imiltr.-rs us p0.~`.sil.)1c. FRENCH RELIEF ~[Il`l'll (Ill The 4\1'hIv V I O V 9 . .. ..,..9..;.....`..`..g..`. v 4 ... ..g..` 0 J LADIES COLORED OR WHITE SILK CREPE BLOUSES Sizes 36 to 42. Special ' 1 Mcn s 2 l i(:cr.: 2/! I.i_L;ht Grey ..urn~)J `Cy mer Suits, (,`<;at\,7"I 5%: unlined, pinch A` )/ back style, tr`r_;1x:-'.-Ly ."3/ crs with cuffs amllv belt straps $10 '\ .35 c1 0 :n U : Imlivv. inm-n-. ,1. AH. ... Men s 2 Piece Suits D-. 9 H.YYARD| _- ---.- AlVl'fI'l'I'I'I nrn \l'Il`- 1'l\'\('I .`Hl'\\, mu` all. but will il. \\'nnt1(\1'in'." `low (I.-mlvn 01' .\H:IhI (M-pi<"t.< 01'iv1tinl <(' in 1'o:1lif)'. Thv` rs. with Ms .~'h':m:'(~ 5 :1l\\`:1_\`.~' :lt'Il':1('1.< . r\,,, ,1 Men s 3 Piece Suits I|'T'\ (`| |lI\' |'II'~`K II\I HIO j.L`1'(*:I1i :ln:nli:m l' in! . V shows art- .I I).`l... T}... IL 3\Itl l.`l 1 $12.50. |Ill il|'l`v m- that :11h1(-tiv .... I .. ---_ l a y_:om1 manyl ` of n1z\h'u':10ny. ..._ ........} .\'llm\' nlsni :1:-1-mxnt 01`: .A. _I...I x .-uuu..\ - 0110 of :11 1 mar- A1.| prnsont .,. ..-.-....4 ! PHONE 653 MULGASTER. ST .' b('(`I` 1' H10` nll ll\`.\ m1'M. I , t 114`: 'I`lll7l{Z-`MAY, Jl.'I.Y m.1., 1017 -`--c- .; .;..;..-,.4..-.:--:-2--:-v:--'.~'.-~'.~4--'.-+-'.~'.~:~:-:~~:~-2-9:5 1 :IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF ` THE COUNTY 02'` SIMCOE. >`\`|1\.l\l7I.\ ||'l lIl|' -\|llIlll|l-`ll\5KlI.\- .\li.<~' Hlivo Lt-:1 on or In-I'm'4~ lhv. It-mi`. of .lul_\', 19,17. Iln-ir n:nno.< and :1lln-.~`.-~'c<. and :1 H11] . oi" 1n:1:'1ivx11;11`s ml their vlnixus` zuld. Ilhv I1:1{m'u 01," the .~wu1'i1_\' lwld by lhvm. !uI_\' \'-1'iH<-I. and :1I'1v1' thu .<:1i (13110 the .'\.(lIllilli.~ 11'i1{1`iX will 1-1'(m'wl to di.~'11'iI)111L- the ;\.~. UL lthv said (l('('(`:l>'(`ll :1m(mj_:` tlw ]n:n'1ivs }vntiL|(.-I Hut-win, lm\'ing,{` ]'(_1'2ll'(1 onI,\=` Ho the (-Inims of wlnich she . `Linen Hmw haul notice. % Ilutml :11 B:11'riv. this :1-lth Iz1_\' 0L` :.hn1o, 1917. EI11 the Estate of Alexaxlcler Graham. late of the Village of Hawkestone,. 1 I in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, I Deceased. I .\'n1i<-0 is lwn-h_\' }m1`. in 311`. S. U. 101-L. ('l|:1ptv1' L], that all -pt-1-.-(ms ]m\`in'_-' z\n_\' claims z1g`:1i11st {AI I,_L. I l..`......l. 1'_...1 ..... ...l... .l....1 3`. \V. I?/I'K` \ II1ll7|\'I 1:./y llltll (|ll itlw lute .-\1(`X:llId('|' (h':111:1m, who died `on thv 153th day 01.` April, 1917, are n-qlxin- ml or hofnro the '1'_!t|| (lay 01' ,-\llf.,"l1.s`I. N17. to .~'on(1 by post pre- paid. or to Ll(`\'(`l' T0 the ux1dm'si_ ml. 5()1i('i101's hurt-in for .\ln1'_\' (ira- Hmm, .-\dn1ini.s`t1`u`.1'ix oi the estate of tho Silill .-\lvx:n1(lm' (irzxhmu their n:nn(*s and zuldwssos and full p:u'ti fulan-s in writin_,-` 01. their x-luims and st:1t(-nlvllts 0| their a('cn11nt'..s' and the `n;1tu1'(- 01' the 50-1n'iti(-.<. it.` any, hold by thvm. \ ..I A..I... ..... .. AL..J .. "L,... A1.,. U`\ llH'U|. .-\.n1 take nnticv that :1'"to1' the ]`_ th day 01' .-Xt1 1917. the .<,nid `.'\(hllilli.\'H':l1l'iX will p1-m-m-I to dis~ `tribute tho zlsst-ts 01` the said do- i~(:1.<<- :1m0nL:' the }m1'>'m1.~` ontit l(-(1 tllc-r(-tn, ll:l\`ill_'1' rt- only to tho ulninls 01' \\'l1i(~l1 shv shall thvn h21\'(2 Iuul nutis-0. nml that the mid .-\(lmin- istmlrix will not Iw liuhlv for tho .<:Iil n.<.s'(-is or any part tl101'(*nl' to `:m_\' pa-1'. 01' \\'lm.~'(- clnim 5110 shall nut Ihvn hn\'<- 1'om-i\`vl xmtivo. I):11(- at BiH'l'i(', 1110 .'h'd (1:l_\' of i I..l.. 1411".` We Have a Real Cream Separator Sensation At Our Store I . T_- I `Some mco _~.rxrls mac if \`ho_\' were \\|lll\a "\\'}mt \\':1.~` the trouble?" ``:\I_\' h11. . r(-l'usod to 0:11` the (-old frivd 0:12` that was left. m`m' fmxn HM` d:1_\` 1)<~l`m'<`." \\'m'k.` u A \\' \I\\l'll . Tm thv .~:1il trix. I llnl 9.! '. I ul_\ 11 the matter of the Estate of Ben- jamin Parker, late of the Town of B:-.r1`ie, in the County of Simcoe. Ealzer, deceased. ])`7,l I` Q,\' .\l L-l\\ IIIt`\I-V` .\'n1i::1m1's 101' 1110 .>\ ` 1-`n:u'1'i-, Hut. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ;\I'(` `IVY 'II|\'|| All Jl(lll|\', lHl' V. 1017. .\"l`l:.-\'l`IlY .&- 1~:.<'1`1-:1 n\...,.. n Ll,` Jun! Dvma Ryan : Inn (Mn `I tried it out but it didn't B<.I,Y.\' & 1lLTl{('lIIS()X. . ..... .1. \.l...:..:.-4.-..a.: Not an Economist p1`:1ct`i. mm! econo- \\lll lVl\V|'l'l'lI l\' (ll5` 1-15 entitled to clln _-lmll Hum hum. \ ln`ll Owen .3 I V '._|\\'||q : lll-`k|||||L . ('l1:11m>1' L'_ 1. >`(*c. nu-.< u:,' UnI:11'iL)_ 1': -\<:1.<. that all f ` , ,_f. 11 ,1, $2.90 ea. would be just as. sensible. } u.~'i'. 1m.-1:1il. ms n'vl:i.~un. I`;11'1'i)- -\:hnini.~11';m'i.\'. m I17. n:mw.~' ; I .1. . . I It has made a big hit in lzuropc and is making :1 big- ger hit in the United States. You will un why when you gure up how many guud dollars it will save you. Come in and look at it and see for your- self why it is the hig_{gc:t(.'rcu1n Separator value on the murkct. ..V u 81.. Barrio. .\ -)" -\.\ I1.`|l-l- 137-30 5. 9.1 SATURDAY MARKETS FARMER S PRICES TORONTO MAF.KI-ITS \\'h(~:xt. B:1l`](') HIDE MARKET Noiseless ol.,..... 4...-...-...~ u-EH. Hm. , In. H 11. irh1.: hhl l);1;;'_ . . .T0s. .\I:11'rin. ._ ..~ \ {t. lb. Come in and cxamme the VIKING L tun Oats Ll1vl{\\'E; 1).... .Iu1_\' -L ` U1) LJlI1Wl\3DD \\`il'n 1im~'c u 5m1 will .'ll-I 1"! I '1" ill.` H lawn 1917' 2 Mil . We 40:: J30 v-.r.n __l' .40c 60c .it)(; 1|) t` . 1'I:\_\', 1~L-1' 1910111`. \\'v 1'.` _ , . . I,` ` (ll) 5|) . u\. ;_.';I) n.\, 10 mnl Tin` T110;-.l:1 I _._ (`H ill1I| t`\vl`I.\UHk' 1\`]HIxLL'u a ;_\IL I timt-. All the u<-i;'l:bm'in:,-' towns \\'m'v well 1'L-p1'<~sm1tvd. .\Ii.<.<(.< _\I:n'_\` I"1'a\\'l(-`V med Axmio `Fir/.:('1':1M l1z:\'<- 1'(-'r1n'11od homo I'mn1 St. .lo.<(pl1'.~'. (`o]lv:'(` 3'01` vxxuzxtitm. Mi.<.~' (`mun-I SI:-.111:1'1;=\11 has r`_-tu1'x10 1`1'um Tho [ i11o.<." ('h:1th:nn. \\`h(*:'v .~h(- has h(-on :!It(`ll<]i1l.:' ('()1!(`:('. .\I1`. and .\[1'>'. Lulu-_\' anal .\In.~'t<-1' 1'im':IlI I.:1h(g\', .\|i<.~'. I"it'/.'_"v1':1I zmrl thv .\Ii<.~ u< H. and A. .\Iund.\' 4:1` Pon- (*t;m'_'ui~h(|m- \\'c~1'(* ':`.2a' :11 "(irr- 2:I!\'iil:I" 1u.~1 .\'11mI:x_\'. l T"i1;'.'_*m':'.Il. who hm! . , ' ..1-Z. M1`. -Y:unv~' I 1.. uzounn ABOUT 3AR.}ms .VI|`- X\llI-`l' in- Irit-min XII`. .\'m'm:x '~ln'uthv1'.<, 1| .-` .\l1'. Nautlxzl ix` l1nIiI:n3'ir1u \`iuiniI_\'. 1:` .\I .7. Pom What Our Correspondents Find Worth Recording .\II 11'! HI(.` \\'n1'km ll Xlll"\\"II will 2 <-mn1nunit_\' pm} 01' 1111- 1 his \\'i)'<-. vl`l,, .....,Z Ill.` \\lI|'. T110 ptxpils of H10 ~'umnl ]u'(~.~`<-x1i- ml l :'im-ipnl \\'m'd with :1 pair of :_-01:1 I-u:"f 1ink< (]l11'iH,`_" tho e1o. 1-x4-1`:-Ems/(J1: F1'i alu3n1o0n. .U'tc-1' four y a`.~`so(:iation as teacher .Vll. dlnll .711-`a `I .\l1'. and .\lr.~. \\'. .~]u~nt Hm xvwk (-1 n....... ..n.I \\' l`. .`.li~~ .\'i1~i- .\'r-Iwll synvrnl n !:1_\' with 'l'm' m Hit-1nI<. .\l1'. and .\l1'.<. (1. M. .\I mul l:nr_-Mt-r, .\I:u"_':I1'(-1, 0! -all:-I on .\I:'. H. .\.I. .\Ini1`, I: I'll"- .\l1'. x|IV\\ll .\I rf. .\1 IA I;`IIIU Illllll`. Ill Il4llIX" ."H Ill. M213` with Him V. l' "_'h-_\'. Ir H. .\I::lr-_\' and mu, H2n'1'_\', r('fu1`m-I to 'l'm`un1n :nI IM` 51101111- twn \\'(-r-kw" with frit-nds ht-rv. _ A . [Il'1 In- Butu-1'. 1-01` 1 Clzin-Iu|n.~. : Mutmu. lire .\\`4- L:nnb.<. mu`: Lamb. pi-1` i ] I01'~. 1i\`_- .~ S0w.~. liw . 11.: x \ Presentation to Teacher !\~:1-hm`. .\{i.~< _\l.-_-\`.x1_\'. LWIOUNT ST. SUNNIDALE C-_0P.NERS A;`\\'ll .\7x:mu-1' n\ .uI;I\ u'n `{{-)'.n_'.'-5 ['1|'Z!Hl \lll'liIl \\il` lI"HI Ill nmn'.' Hall. on I1'i!:1_\` <-\'- 'l`h<- x'unvtim1 wzu p:n'H_\' I -_::11|u-rin-_' tn vxprt-~'<, Hu- :ml unml \\'i.`_;:-s uI' Hu- .' tn\\':1rcls tho. 1:210 ]n'in(-i- ` puhlir: .'<(-1100] nml 10wm~l.~' `UH:-_~ }I]f`.~ I. llnml I) Y4-How H111 A`I'l]l' .-\urm':1. ' ! l| L)\'L 1. 11uu_.'~. Tnllmv Slx(-op .\`l;in..~ Calf .\`ki1:< Horse Hides. I Hm'. Huh" `I . 1 ... . MINESING-rm HOLLY l'..il1i11LliH1u11 H1 .1-1111.:-`R mml quite well 11111:; xiv--vI:\"" n:~,nmn I'\'1IV'I`\~'. 1: we of Stu_\'n~ \'.'vk \\'I11x 1A(l' " .\lr. V\. I "(l""\ k <-ml will: . (3. Mai) . ~ (':1H'm'm-rs` .\(`\\`ilIIl:`k('t. ' mu! .\I1'.~'. .\ \I' I. `lllllilu it-I I):1l(-_\` of with I'1`i4-nuls 1` Min;-~ .\'~h(-ll 1- IHI >`-UNI IJ_\'v1' ul (Co Juno 2!), ISHTI u-1' hold `m-rv last "as l:u':<`1_\' u'tt'vul- 1'c-1mx'tL- It u-i:l:bm'in;' XIII 1|]-bl` Inn \ LOUIS \ `|l4i- and .\1 r~ .!,. HI it \\al h_\' 1): . llll'}I|l`. \ 2. .\I-'l`:1-_~.-:u-`r _':I|'(-1, 0!` 'l'nmntu, . lust \\'('l'l{. `("(`])[ Hf nu-:.;.;-11; W011. .luI_\' \u.1 1.11 luI\' J)l'L`L 1LLHK"- Bc-of HiU.L~.< m H,,..

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