Apples, lm. J\spa1':1`_"1l.~', bum-`n " .`{ hm HOLLY LEFROY UTOPIA ,I,,_ `_-irls 01' this \'iIl:1`_r`<- 0| }):1.\'(-hall with Un- ,.,, 3.. ,, I , :1 (':11`p, w(*i_-'l1in_:: r:x.~: mu'_"11t r(~oont]_\' tho I\'ott;1\\':x;x':1:.-`:1 : wv h:1\'(> some {is}! t. Tho (':lI(`]l was , A` Ll '. 11:, -_ I )I:1_\' 28th, 1917 .\la_\' 28th, 1917 .\1'a_v zsm, Jen? _\Iz1_\' '_ H'th. 1917' ut L(`1'1'0_\' is Im- .\lIEh 4'1. L)llll'|l|ilH 15 \|NIllll'_L brotlnor, Ch:n'l<'. at \\ 0ml.~:tm:k. Tlw zmnu:1l .'s'llIllIll(`1' lH(`('H1l2' 01' \\'. I. will be In-ltl in tlw hull, :1 p.m.. on _\Io11(l:1_\'. June 4th. )1 Janet l x`r':stm1 01' N:n_>;111('<,- will ht` speaker. The m(mt'hI_\` nu-(-ti11'_;' 01' the \` will he hold at the hmnw n1 .\I1-.<. H. B('. on \\'(-h1<-. , .l11m- 1.` .'\ -\A| lil\ Q` l'Ul Lil'_Ll'5 I ht-I10 1')w:u*1. I ;>.s't1., 1917: ||I\II 3: - l)vn1p.;t(-1' frionds. found on A Illl Lnr uml :1.< })(`:l1('Il. lnim-tl l tlw_\' 1 1. Tu- H-\v Sun- .\| LONDONERS MISS ` SINGING CANADlANS_ Rise too Late to See Ch going Units-Hote| Gu the Cheering The movement of troops through London has become such :1 common- .plaee event that the man in the street [hardly noticed the passing of :1 com- pany or battalion. One tliorouglitare which connects two of London's great- ' est railway terminals is used more ex- tensively than any other for troop movements. As a rule the biggest du- ltuclnnents pass down this avenue in the early hours of the morning while the scrubwornen are polishing the door handles and the wheel traffic is just beginning its daily rumble. nwinxr tn the fnot that Londoners .\Ii.~'.s-s [Cm ton. zuul .\l:1~_~: ..`.. .. . .. II. .. Owing to the fact that Londoners Ins a. rule are late risers they miss these early morning troop movements, but there are many residents of hotels along the line of march who never fail to turn out no matter what the hour and watch the columns of men until they disappear in the distance. The men begin a song the minute they get out of the trains and keep it up until they break ranks for the outgoingf rains. lneginnxng us many ruxume. ,.......,. | Cocksure Airmen The heavy tramp, tramp of the ser- vice boots can be heard far up the street. Windows go up with a bang and curtains are pulled aside as the voices of the men precede them, the rhythm of the song punctuated by the clump of the boots. A company of Royal Flying Corps mechanics, youth- ful looking. clear eyed boys, is the first to pass. They carry a lighter kit lhan'the other branches of the service and march with a quicker stride, and their little caps, smaller even than the Scotch bonnets, give them a cocksure iir. 3. vu--nu-nu... vu . - . - u `nun: Following them comes a battery of Canadian artillerymen, apparently vet- erans going out for another go at the Huns. A sonorons bass voice that rises above the rest can be heard lead- lng the singing of 9. song that was popular in Canada when the troops left in 1915. It is a peculiar fact, but the troops usually stick to the songs that were popular when they joined up. This Canaditui unit was `singing \Vay Down in Tennessee" with as much enthusinms as when the balliul first became a hit. The Sll(.'('-"S.-~ of 1e (,'l!l{1(li:".!1 fish ratioms 1`ecentl_'_' is. to the home troops in .En;xl2~.ud is n. moot , if may were 11eeLiel. of the s:1lut;1r_v u>i"`eet, of such :1 diet. szxys: the Lomlon lxlily Mirror. This fish. cleaned and dress- ed and 1'x'o::en \'.'ithiu a few Iniuutes [of leaving the \'.".1te1', was sent over in steamers specially litted with refriger- iators. This scllemo for the troops |was lirst instituted by Sir Sam Hughes, and has been cordially adopt- ed by our own authorities. Our Tom- mies," whose hard work in the open air makes them capital trenchermen, heartily welcome fresh lisll every I'-`1'i- day and cured haddock 0(:cz1:~:i0n:1lly instead of hucon. Difliculties of get- ting 1`reight:1ge for the practically in- exhaustible supplies of cod, hake, hali- but, haddock and salmon from Canmla. and, further, the lack of cold storage I in this enuntrv nrnveut snnh imnm-rq __ , ` Tommy in Trenches Likes Staple from [ the Pacific | lltllu, J.Lll'Lllt!l, LHU lZ1.l.'R\ UL CUIU 5lUl`ilb'U Iin this country prevent such imports [for the civil population. But these `difficulties may be overcome. Then `it wou. he possible, even though the freight be many times higher thzui the normal rate. to sell fresh Canacliav halibut in Lomlon at 6d. per pound. An officer writes: Mostly it is si- lent work. In the old (lays, when one had to drive a stake into the ground with heavy lianimer blows, it must have been nr.-.rve-racking work. But now your strike is just 1. giant scrcxv nail. You can make it wind its way into the earth with less noise cw,-11 than a corksmew in :1 bottle. Putting on the first coil might be regartled as easy. But wliozi it comes to fastening on the sixth row. so that at every step ` you are cm-lose(l waist high in long- pronged liurhr-(1 wire, it becomes a {eat at which the inexpcrt can only gape.- The vicious barbs pass through their gloved hands like cloth; they twist it to its picket-like string; they step through the lines in their way as if they were lines of light. And all this on the frozen ground and in the (lim- cult twilight. of L1 veiled moon. Not a bleeding iin',:ui'; not a tunic torn. One of the Thrilling Jobs of the Ad- Captain Lionel Corkins. oi" Okin- homa City, had an interesting career in the Serbian service. (Inptnin Cork- ins, who is -.1 physician, at the out-' break of the war went to France, and hoped to obtain at connnission in the Medical Corps there. His knowledge `of the language was not suiiieient, however, so he went to Serbia, where he received a. commission. From that time he saw continuous service with the Serbian troops. During the re-` treat oi` the remnants of the Serbian" army to the Grecian border, Captain Corkins said, his regiment, the Twen- ty-fourth, lost all its line oiiicers and he took command. He took three hun- dred survivors of the regiment safely back. CANADEAN FISH PLEASES auv rpm }mn1(-s W1`. .1._... f. '- :--` 4 Doctor from Overseas had Unexpect-g ed Chance to Serve N Often Mlstakcn for V.C. It is the custom of men discharged from the Army to wear their regi- mental badge on their coat lapel. Some of these badges, notably the Queen's Westminster Ries and the King's Royal Ries, consist of a cross with a. piece of red cloth as back- ground, and it is odd how many people when passing a. discharged soldier wearing one of them, will remark: Did you notice that fellow? He's cot the Victoria Crosal" SAVED SERB. REGAMENT Canadians Join In Song .... n.,..`. ,.,....n,. .. huff` DANGERS OF WlR!NG THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Cheerfu| Out- Guests do 1I3:`3-:~--:~::-:::-:-:-:o-:-:-:~~::::-:-:-2-::-:~-::-:-:-a:-oz-oz-:-M-2:-:-z-::-z ::::--:~:.: ':::: ...:..:..:..:..;..:..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..,~..g...~..;...~..;.:: O DEVLIN & MURCHITs7dN% DEVLIN & MURCHISON 3.4.4. afoofoooio>!Y!!oo!!!!?YooYoo!! !?!n '..'..!..'..'..'..'..7..'..v..v..0..v..v..v._o. .o ....... .\I1'.~`. J. 'l`. ICll. . :1 da_\:~`. of lilat \\`(`('k in 'l'm'(mto. Q 5* '8: vow 0 0' 000 090 9 9". ,., .;.....,.... ,.` . ` ...,....,..;.....,.. ,..;..............;...........;..;..;..g..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;....;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..g..;..g....;..;..g..;..;..;..:..;..;....:..g..;....5..:. _,....., .,.\., -.-..`. W, Tho 1i1'.~:t .~:ittin_; oi. the Court ofi hvvisiou 01" the .-\.\`$(.s'$1ll( llt Roll 1'o1'| 1917, was hold here to-day at clown! Ink-1<)(_-k. All the 111on1h(-rs 1>1`osm1t. and lm\'i11_~_-; tak(-11 the oath 1'(`(11li1'C(1 hy Statute \\'(-re 01'_~_-zxnimul us :3 Court. the ]{v(-\'(! ])1'('n`i(Il`_.". Tho Clerk .~:tz1tml that he had _;'i\`- on all notices 1'oq11i1'ml'it1 vonm-<'tinn with the Court and haul 1'(-voiwxl but one :11p(-:11, that of Sh:n't1'n-ml I3r().<.,8 Ii. hall` 4, C011. 8., at $S)HU. M1 . !\'l10rt1'(-ml I ..A'4.... \\`:x.< ht-:n'(l at l('n'_'th. and I. .I .,...II... | IA: I|(lll '7 \.U| \)-V (ll ';'Il"`7. .\ll.` :m4H :1t'1o1' II1ll('ll ro1n]m1'i.~'0n and t-(n1sidt-r-I ution, on motion of (7z)u11<-i1lm'.w' Mn-,-` [I)ul'l' and .\l<-Kinlt-_\'. :1 1'('(lu(-timl oi . , _ I, 3., AI , , , I _:.Hu| __. _ ,_ 4 1 Kllllll il|Hl Jl\'l\lH|\'.\. ll ll'llUl'll\}H (II $`_ (HI \\':1s m:1 in the 11.\'>'(`.i>'lIl('llt. The I`oll0\\'in_-,-' (-hang.-'(-s were made nt tho 1'(.-q11('.~:t 01' ]m1-ties (-m1('(-rm- SJ`). cor. 253, Can. ]`_ , :1.iS(.`.s`."(`(l to Dr. P. J. Brown as ()\\'llL'1` and T1105. 14:1- i('I':1.s" name sh'11<~k off the ...... ' I` all \7 \\' ll.` 1 1 VI 1|-7 roll. .10 1 \x LU 13011`; I, ., :Y(llIll\'.`lJIl H Ililllll B:|1'rilliu I ;u'k, Comlie, as own In I'.... .1 1II:, ` .lnnv.< .~;m-k. ()1: motion 01' ("m1nvillm'.~'. Svott l and 'J`!.02nps Court :ul_im1rn(-(I In :m<-ot :r_"uin (H1 .\Im1dn_\`, 1110 28111 IllSt. I 1! I rI`l'l\llt\I)lV ru 1 S1355 )In>tor dn}' hx PKIII Kl-7 L 1110 mll, . '.l.`0\\'n Hull, L\[:1_\' '_ :')th Tllv ('m111t:il nu.-I pu1'. live. All the rm-nnhvrs ]H`(` I. 1'<-.~'(-nfvd pt,-iitirm 01' H. and T4 ()Hl('l'.~', :1.~kin-_~' for :1 3$`_ (H) on line roll. 7 mnl S`, L l... I 1| 41.. ..r .`lllIU'lk`lll I ! llll'll l`l'l ,_ I'm` (-u|\'m'1 mm" tile 1'01` <-ul\'L-rt. at C1`: son jug`, and 0111M l for this _\'cm'. ()11 motion of _\[<-I\'inl(-_\' amzl .\I-- Duff an-('vptc'l and 1'O])()1't zltloptml. I r\,. H... .._. _.,.. _..;. 1 _ .1,L. ill! l'.\i|lllllll'\l Ul'l(l`Z.'\,' IKH; .L`t lllH' ('Ull.l 13 and H and mum! :1 Il(`\\` hri was r(*qui1'o('l. U0 rcoonmlt-mlml that :1 new b1-id_,~`<~ he put in at lot H, lino con. 13} mu] 1-}, as Soon as labor and material can be p1'0c1n'~:`d and that $`_ 5.()0 be _;'rz111ted on townline for rc-}mirs there and to cut scrub cedar g'1'o\viz1g; on road bed. n.. .....4.:._._ .1: mm ........ .. ..-..1`1r- .-~-~ ---- - - -~-- . I)o}mt)'-1'(`(-\`r- 1`(-pn1't(-I :1:`1`(-(-u1)lo: to uppoi11tn1(-nt at lust 1m>(-ti11:_". H0] had oxunxilwd b1'i lot 14 line <=on.l `I `) .....l 1 I ....1 L I .. ....... \_..: I ,. I... ..... :.,.vn.u_g, uu ;u-nu uv\A- ` 5; no 3 On motion of Thom wsou an(T Z\[c- ' mm on v..w..m..v. ~..a..9~ -..v H D1]f`f 1-Qpn]-t ;\.(`1n],t0] uud um I)(.l,uf`- -_ ';":"t":":::":"4o"("0":":"}":"`:"o"ao": :":":`t o 0; .`!~M'~x 4 `4":":o o'4">`o` L OR0 COURT OF REVISION ?r:I.'I I Ladies \Vhite Silk Bl0us(-es, in sizes 34 to 42, made in the newest styles, at -`$2.50, $2.75, $2.90 and 33.00 each. W.C.T.U. COUNTY CONVENTION Ladies Silk Crepe Blouses, in Maize or \Vhit;e, sizes 36 to -12, at $3.50 and $4.75 each. Silk Sweater Coats for ladies, in Alice Blue and Rose, $7.50 and $10.00 each. Chi1dren,s Kid Gloves, in Greys and Tans, in sizes 5}, 5.'- 5:} and 01., at $1.25 pan`. ,1: Black and \Vhite or \\'hite and Black Silk Gloves, extra heavy quality, at $1.00 per pair, Town Hull, 1`,..,L .'ALf.. 01-0, P May A1, _ Plain White or Black Silk Gloves, double tipped, at 60c. and 65c. pair. Boys 2-piece D. B. Suits, with bloomer punts, sizes 27 to 33. Were $0.50 to $7.50. Special at $4.50 and $5.00. -\. il(` l'('.\` 17 in \V. at .;_1 \_'Ul . .LU, .$'_>m). (`nn 1 L uu. .1. I , :l>`s(`s'.~1('(1 . J. Scott as o\\'n<-1' and (iilln-1'1` | s 11:nn(- plm-x- on .\l.F. list` . I z11'k `.-...-...,l lllg l\} l'\\l`\ lIIll' Ill III!` X'.'II\'\\' \':1,< .~:t1'1u-k 01'1": M. Hull, S. V. . .1-Ill /.:1l)-lh Mills and Sum Kis- 1. _. unnx I A U-nzmt. Miss (i1'n(-r- M01`)-i.~:on has 1'(.`tlll'll("L1! homo l'1'mn t11(- \\'(-.~t`. .1 LU _-r, .`\tk111. m\'m~1' at $:')U. S.l'I. 001'.` 2. :l.~`.\`('.~2>('\[ to .l:un(-s 'l`hom]:- Uno t-x1t(-red on . to ('\'(`l'_\' unv 0|" 1lu- l'ullm\'-| .< , I L` , .1 `.r'Il 1,. "'1' L3EL}{iiil_)i31}:,'&}}1,-1;?` A Large Assortment in all sizes in TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS SQUARES at the lowest prices. New Silk Blouses Just to hand ORO COUNCIL lull, '_:')th, 1917 l pu1'. l>|II||`\1|l'_' in 111':-guru` I LI-W \l\\I|l'I Llllll IIL)IIII ' >'l)'ll('l\' 011'. Lot 10; . $5041 10 ('lI:n'lv.~'. 1| LI IV , _. I .. R , u.`nI'.`,>l'\I | um! John i I ..A 11'-) ' : btrnchzlln 5 . , ,,,. cl D11t('-.I1H1(` T3 and 13}. I l:1<'('--("cn1ml ',\I(-H1. ('lnm-ll. ('m1\'-nliun .\'p(-:1]<~1'.<~--.\I1's.(inr- don \\'1'i:'1It. Dcmxinirm I 1'v~il-111. Prmnim-n1 local .~1u-:1l will talu- part in the . Mu. p1'(v_~'1'uxn und(-1' the leader- ship 01.` .\h-.<. I.:1idm:1n. .\Icdul C0x1t(*.~'f., '['u(-s 131.11. at 8 11.111. Motor Drive for D('I("_',`;li(-s` 5 1.m. \\'(-dx1o.~:dn_\'. Hcfot-ptinxl 100:1! (It-l<",':1t(-5 6.00 to 7.30 \\'cdn0.'s'd:1_\'. lr1=(-\'c- :11>p0i11tod to lmvc new b1'idgo' put in at lot .14, line con. J3 and 14,` as soon as (-i1'1-11111.s`t:1111*1-s will 111-1-unit. ` 111111} of 511011 cn11.st1'111-tio11 and 111:1t1-1-- I121] as he finds most suitable for the 11112100. I n -n ` , , Conncillms Scott and .\[(_-Dnft `ro- 1I01't(*(l ]1:1\'in:-,' (-.\'mninvd IIu\\'k(~. l)1'id}_-'0, lino con. 11 and ,1`_ . and woultl 1'(-<'mnm(-11d tlmf ('(`lll( 1lt walls he put in, and tho (-0\'('1'iu}_:' be 01' .~:u<-h 1m1t<-rial as vnum-il thinks bust. 011 1110111111 01` M('D11J'1' 111111 Tl10111p- >011 C01111vil]m'S1'0tt \\`:1.< 111111011111-11 to I111 011cc 111'0('(-(- fr) l1;1\'(` :1 111-\\' b1'i11u*c 1111! 111 011 line 1:011 11 111111 1; , .~1011Il1 .01 1'11il\\':1_\` 111111 tI1(- \\`m'k 111- 11115111-I with 1111 110.~:sibl(~ .~'}>o1-1|. :1.< the (I. T. R. (`0'_\' \\'(*1`<- 111-1-11111;-' H10 I'l11'(`(- sh-1-I mil.-.' 11111111-cl tlw T()\\'11.~`l1ip W111-11 tho ln il~_'(* `:15 \\'::.~'|1(- 0111 11111! tlw ("lv1'k 11:11! 1>1'0111i.s'1~d to 1'(*t111'11 5111110` by tho U111 01` Ju11(-. I1~11n1't 01' F. "H. H1111: .\'i11<-0 0:11` I...-1 1.... .. .. .4 :1 ,1. .. - ....1. Itvpnrf ".\'in<-0 Inst 1nu(*tin'.:' I met tho <-l:Iim.~' .'1:`('11t`w fol Hm (I. '1`. It. C'0'_\', J. )1. (till. ro- _';u1' timb('1' 2111:! (-:n'th hm'11(-(I on line l)(-t\\'(-mu (-011. S and S), south of ri .\.t't(.-1' (-.\':1n1in:1t'ion 01' the 's:l2n<- , an (-stinmtc thc1'mt'. .`\n otter 0| .:`(`tU(.'lll('1)t \\':1.~` lnndv b_\' tho ('l:li1Il.\' :1'_"('1lt for $52.01), \\'|Ii('Il I .,<'(m.~1ilo1' is s:1tist':1<-t01'_\' and \\ m1ll 1'(`-' '(-mnmt-ml m'<'(-1)tz111<'(- 01' .<:1m(- 1).\' this zmunr-il and that tho (`lo1'l< 1mti2'_\'t tho vluims zluvnt to that (*l't'(- (111 nmtinn of .\I<'Kinl(-_\' and Mc- iDul'l' H-p()1't il(`(`(`])t(`(t :!.~'. s:1tisl'21<-- tm'_\`. ` ("In motion of Mr-Ki11lo_\' 211111` 'I'hmn}x. tlw t-Iork to writv Lnrmx-2 7.0 and lh,-m'_\' I{nhinsm1, :I$]{ill'..1' tlwm for ]>(-1'n1i.~'.~'im1 to <-It-an out npvn gditr-In on their 1u'0]w1`1_\' 1'01` 1 ]:u1'p0.~:vs. T`1vi1A . ..f E Fro: P:Ittm'. wmto 1'0 <-I<':1nin~_".l `of aiihh on mud linv mm. -1 znul 5. ("l<-rk to :1r-]\'1m\\'lmI;'(- and ii Hu- 1-l~:n1i11 is 1wv(-.~'.<:1I'_\* I'm' the lwm-lit`. of tho maul it will he done but not `oihr-1'\\'i.~'(`. H00. Om _... . I ,, The Gents Furnishings which have been placed in stock, include up-to-the-minute Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Ties and Belts. NEW STOREE; NEW STOCK; ing our work gloves and overallq. See our raincoats. Mrs. Gordon. VV1'i2'ht--\V('d110$(11l} , 13th. at 8 pm. A II 15,3. . 1.. __.V. ..` _..ZIl __.L..,.L ,f,, FIVE POINTS There is an individuality about Craig's Custom-Made Clothing. OF IMPORTED WORSTEDS AND TWEEDS J. F. CRAIG Your garden duties become a pleasure when wear- Station F:n'nw1"s Club. 1:! .\'(|(. II:1\\`l<(~. Club 01' \\'i1'(` 1'(-Iwo h(mu< I'm` C11ild1'cn's plain Black 1-1 ribbed Cotton Hose, sizes 6 to 10. Special value at 18c. and 20c. pair. Boys extra Hose, sizes 8.`_, to and 28c. Children's Silk Lisle Hose, in 1-1 ribs, plain Black or \Vhite, sizes 4; to 9, at 25c. and 35c. pair. Ladies Fancy Silk Hose, in Black and White 01' Grey and White, sizes 9 and 9%, at 90c. pair. (Hove Silk Hose, in Grey and Black, only $2 00 pair. ' Black Silk Hose, in sizes 9, 9.13 and 10,111: $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Lliilb . . . . Bu( r.... u) IllIll\'|l\-3 I Beans, whitv, ll). Butter, lb... ... ... .. Butte1'milk, bottle Cl1i(-k(`11s, lh. Cream. coffee, qt. . . Cromn, \vl1ippi.11g, qt. lggs, doy... . Hay, ton . .. Milk, qt. .. . Mm'(*ll(-s, qt. ... ... ... Onions, _'_r1'o(-11, bunch . .. Potatoes, has.-' ... Potatoc-.~:, pcck.. . Pigs, }`ou11{:, live, each Rlnubzub, bunch .. Straw, ton .. . . . . .. Lzulles Black or \Vhite Silk Boot Hose, with Silk Lisle top, 8}, to 10, at 75c. pair. Ladies Silk Boot Hose, with Lisle top, in Palm Beach, White, Putty or Black, at 50c. pair. Ladies plain Black or White Lisle Hose, all sizes, 250. pair. 7`/zc (jzzzz//`z ; S/arc ::~~:~~:~~:~~:~-: 3` KEAEREEE -UNION CEMETERY. THURSDAY, MAY 31st, 1917` The uitt-11ti011 of Lot 0\\'1101's is d1'z1w11 to the ;\1m11nl .-\s.sossn1e11ts 1'01` c:11'1- 01, lots, \\']1icl1 are 1>11y:1b1e 115 11511111 to the H(`('1'(',ta11') -T1'011s111`01` at his 011100, -11 1)1u1l0p St, Bz11'1`i0, "'i`.:_..1.1 .1-I. `1,1m 1 \lllI.- ()\\'n01'.s of lots are 1':-n1ind(= that `un}>:1il :1.s`.<('S.\lll(`Ilt.s` `l'1'm11 1913 m1~ \\`:11'l, bv(-onm :1 <'l1:11'-.10 :1-Jzlixlst the lot and shmlld not be :11l0\\'(- to ac- vumulznto as m1d(-1` the Act they must be paid In-t`nro the lots can he used. 1'......:.I ...-.-...-.-.......4.. 1(n'.': 1014, UL` [HIIU H('IUl`l.' lllL' IULS (`Kill I) U.`1('(l. 1'111>:1itl :1.s'.<(-.<. for 1913, ]9l,-1-, 191:") and _'I9']li m'(- 1r:1_\':1bI(` now and 111050 1'01 1917 on m` l)('l`m'(* July 1st. ;\.s`m`('.\'HIll('llt 1':1t(-5:--$'_ .()U pm` nu- num for one lot and $,1.(N) for ouch ;:uI(liti011:1l Int`. 0\\'m3 by the same I}w1'.+on. $1,110 for 112111 lot. ].nf .nu*nnv-u -n-n -llun 1`I\III:I)11lu1 fl-1C~ 1|l'l.\U|l. -F.l."\7 JUIV llilll IUI. Lof -0\\'x1m':~; are :.~'0 rolnindt-d that `with the new J*In(lm\'mont .\`_\'st(-nu !nm\' n\':1il21bl('. tl1<-_\' 111u_\* oli111in:1to, Iii UK-_\' \\'i. .l'xu'tl1(-1' :1ss<-. by 1 ]no1'n1:1xwntly (-11d0\\'in}_-; the lot to pro- {vidv for ]1o1']u-tx1:11 02111:. 3 .5`. Mu.-\.D.-\.\l', Faor-"\'.- I`1'v:1.~:. 't`_l-'_ 13 41 Dunlap St, Bu1'ri(*, Out. `W17. Both laid n\'(-1'. I Cmlm-ill01' Tlmnllrsoxl 1'(*p01't0d 1111111 John B1'u1nI()n, slnvop \':1111:1to1', did not wish to at-`L in that 1-zlpm-ii_\' :1l't'm' to-d:x_\' and that :m0th(*1' be ap- i}`()illT( ll. Mr. I"r:1mlon '5 rt,-.x'i<."11:1ti(n1 `zm-optvxl. Aplmixmxnr-nt of an0tl1e1' ,l<-H nvm`. 4 1., A:,, H '\1 I ! I , , 1 1r All {friends who` will ont(*1'tnin delegates kindly (!0mm\1niczlto with Mrs. John Clz1.\:t0n, I hom- -124. Full prog1'a1u next week. l\'I | (urn. 1 I (m motion 01' '.\I<-I\'in]('y :1n (mm:-il w<-r(- m` ]:1i (`mmvil :ul_imn'm-I 10 nwvf on l:l_\', Hw `_ 8`tl1 inst. :11 10 gun. 11 1 I)n!'I', Hm .\`('\'(`)':ll :u-mln11>' In-1'0 . ( An :1vi:11or ll`\`in}_-` mm` Thm'ntm1 0m- l:1_\' this \\'(-ck (l('\'('1()[)('Il (*m,"i11(3 trouble and c:nnv in (-:u'lh with :1` 1-l':1sII. I):xnmu<- \\':1.< (10110 to thv mn- vlxinv but the l1.\`v1' L'.<(`:l]i('(l unhurt. heavy 1-1 fibbetl Cotton 10. Special value at `.25c. PLANE FELL AT THORNTON Annual Assessments H. J. '.l`l'I)JI()P]`}, Clerk. o 9 `.5: 9 9 q 9 .oo``. 00.04 v 9 a 0'0 0 . 9 `c o 0... r v u". i on" Mon- and Mo- u-1'm'(- the --Picture framing 0. specialty by W. A. Lowe 65 Son. M ARKET REPORTS .) '30. SATURDAY MARKETS TORONTO MARKETS 1 . l'lIUll'L' uxu1_V now-laid, doz. n H. PARMER S PRICES P(`:u'l \\'I1it0, Miss ]'}l.~tie and ` ('l|:1.~'. L.`In'i.+ti(~ spclut Thurs- .\l|i.~1m1. ll .\Iil'. '-mlin: I .,..- Wheat Barley . Peas .. Oats 1').\,.l.... 1. EkIDI-J MARKET . -V(ll.\ I-` 'l`m'0nt0. c1+.A`m1;uRsa.% UUHVH --. ... 3 hullvhvs for IL EDGAR >2p('Il(1iI1_'_'.' May `B111. 03?, f70('y I ill 11 Ul (12l\'.s' .l\v_yU o - . . - . . u - Hay, per ton, new Flour, wo. 1'11, bbl.: Faxnily Flour, bbl. Potatoes. ]l( 1' lwzlq Eggs, pm` do`/.. . .. Butter. per lb. Cl1ickcn.<, drt-. Ducks Turkeys Mutton, live \\'(:lj._"lll. Lmnb:~`. each Lamb, per IT) ]'l0'_".~`, live st-lot-ts Sows, live But(-hex` Cattle 13 00 1: nu . ...L'... . ` I .10-11c '..$1.ou-$:s.rm 25-27c '.'. . . . .$5-$7 '71-'\,'lQn. . . .-J.`vJ`q'.H . .13?)-I380 - . .60-($2c 4:3-47 ..$1.5n.$:$.n() . . . . . . . .~)_L' .. . . .33-35c '_ c . .. :')1l-(i()(' " ;)-.'~'2,(i() Q`) '\'\ Hdll, ill `.74 4th. Miss ~ Ilu-I 28th, 1917 - .lJU .'.~::4-f1sJ,.5<> "/Rn 0 Thom- 'l'm'm11n, L . I I .. 4} ` .42-45c . 41-5--ht Beef Hides, green .. Beef Hides, cured Tallow . . Sheep Skins . . . . Calf Skins .... Horse Hides .. Horse Hair .... VVOOI, \\'a.~'}1(-d \Vool. 11l1\\'{1.'~'il('I.i Y .....1\ Cl-2.... 14 65 us no 1: nn E`-V`t.~)u . .75c .$7.00 Kn .1917 300 .100, -X-. .. _u\.' .150 In `.40cl 60c! .40c .$15 ..10c . 100 1917 .209 \`1 0') ouu .$s ,u\J .50 {VIC \\ UU1. LU1\V 11> Lamb Skins ` I 1111- % 18 on Mr. Blordon Kaiser and Mrs. \\'m. .\I:1u`('(* \\'(>1'o called to .\I.i11vsix1,g' m1_ .9nnd:1_v momin_ 0\\`in_:j tn the lowl condition of their Iliooo, Miss Pearl (11-amt, who lune been so1'i011.sly ill for some months palst. \r 11 n ,.- \' _. TTl_, ._.._.L I .\I1's. B01], 01' New F105, spout :1 "few days with 1101' daugl1te1', Mrs. J. C. Buic. Mrs. I. Miller, 0|,` Ivy, is visiting: her si.~:tm', Mrs. H. .\1cQ11d_\*. .\I1'.<. Dan Stone, Mrs. L0nno.\' and. Miss A\'o1'ill 01. T01'011t0 are visiting.` lat K. Gibbons . --. w. 1'\ at '1 1) Misses Flora D_vo1', .\Io1'il Roy- nolds and Rota Cz1II1pb(T`1I, of the Qll(`('Il City, spent the \\'0(-k-end at. Hl('i1' h(mw.~' lwrc. M1`. Fl'(`(1 Brown sp(-11t 21 few (lays in Toronto. I - W`\ ,. . In ;. u; uu pu. S(*1{4't. A. W . D_\'o1', of Toronto. \\':1s homo on a few days pass. 1: r '\r - ,. 1-\_`_ NHL! V___, nu) uuuu. \.1|A || l\4Il \ . ,. - Mrs. L. .\Iai1'n of Pzllmerston and .\[1's. Cz1n1(*1`0n of l:`.11n\`a1(-. 2111.` visit- ln1g at Mr. Jas. Brown's. Dc:1lm':< were paying to the l`:11'n1- ers at St. La\\`1'o11ce .\[m`k(~t. Tues- day, the 1'o1lo\\'ing fi_-_;'t11'(.-5 1'01` their of1'or1ngs:--- Buttor. chemo dmrv . . . . . . ..4`3-45c 1:~,-,_. . 1....1 .1,... 1.11.3, N0 pit-niv 011 tho 24th of Way, ow- ing to u11I'a\'o1':1l)lo weather; cold \\'ind.<. t-hillly rain and lack of 51111- .I:.... .421 1.. .. ' . 11... ..A'L, l`I... \\Ill(l.\. |'HllI|`\ lillll il|l|l XillZl\ UL Dllll` tehinv until 1:110 in the :1l'to1'11o011. The ('0l1C(`1't at night \\`-as \'o1'y .~:1u3(-ossl'ul. The I0_\':1l \\'01'ko1'.s (Iosm'\'o ]n':1i.~`o 1'01` tho . ]n1`0u`1';m1nw so well 1'('I1- (`nt-1'(~d, ]n'0r('0uls \\'o1'0 1'01` 1ut`1 int'i<~ [mrpo. \\.', 1, ;I .4 . . __._. ,,....,. , "0 11031 that (-low-11 pnllllds \\`:x.~: at the 1'u]Iid.~`. on I\'0tt;1\\`:1;x':1:.-': I{i\'(-1`. J-IVil(-nt]_\* in our 1'i\'(*1's _\'vt. Jmldv h_\' nu-mhm's of tho .\1ino Fi. Cluh. 5 : Th1'(-(- 0t'l1(-1' sons of Mrs. )I01'm\\', Ht-1'l)v1`t. \\'nlt(~1', and HL-o1'u'(`, have (-Illistcd i11 the :n'tillm'_\'. Ptv. D011}.-"Ins P110 is in the hos- pitnl. with an :1h('(`.~`s on his arm. Little .\I_\'1't1<- 1{hi1wlm1'1' hurl Hm n1i. tn lnnnk 1101' mm last week, H-t1n'nin_~' 1'1-um .\'(']A0()1. V, ..........._ .. .. .-\.II who went to the ]1i('l1i( on tho `_ 4t11 hm! :1 \'m;\' niro tinw. .'11th0u'."I1 thv l:1_\' was volt]. Thv ('itix(-n.<, pit-niv for the 4th 01 June, p1'o1ni.~"vs to he :2 \`m'_\ 1>l<-;1. nun I .\I'x'.<. Hull and .\Ii.<.< \':111slm1 arr.- !\'i at T110 \V W1: nml Hrs. Rnht-rt Ht-x1r_y and .\I1'. amul Mrs. 3215. Pz1tt(~1'sm1 01'; 'I']xm'u10n .~:pv11t Sl111(1uy at the 110m(-' 01' Mr. mul .\[1'.~:. (}:1\'in ,-Xllzm. 311's. 1*`. I{0'_- (`I'.~',n11 and l:1u:'I1t-1'. who I1z1\'t- bot-11 \'isitin l'1'i(-ml.< in T0- mnto rt-tlmu-ml home on ;\lond:1_\'. ll|\'ll. `HI I`tllllllli1`\ K'\l'HIH'_'y illlll il.`l 111511211 thv mm: \\`('1'- hzully I-3111 (-hv(-1' up. 0141 l'(-ll0\\'s. S(n'1'y to 1':-port` he d(-nth 0| Mrs. (i1'("_"'_". Tlw 1'o1n:1ins \\`o1'o intt-1-H-I at 1111- . lino H-nwtm'_\', _\Irm .\I;u' 29111. | -----n-..-._.-.n-.-~.... ......_ .._..... .. . . .., LoI'rn_\' .~'v<-Ins to ho :lH1'2u-{inn 11:!-50 or_\' train In-in-_"s 21 mm {mm tho (-it_\' who 11:` II)(,- (ir:1s. Point and ` '.l'h(- (.'J`.I'I. station :1 in-1 1'(-m0d(-llt-d. I Tlw h*.1.<(-hall i pI:1\'wI :1 _;`:nm- bah .... ...I.... L` . , . Pte. Cuznmings, Ivy, Killed in France J.) , 1u'\\-lulu, uun. . . . . . . o.7vl`7'Il | Cheese, lb. . . . .3`2c T111'1c(-.\'.<. lb, d1'o.s.<.cd . . . . . Fowl, lb. . . . . . . . .'_ D11(~k.~', II). . . . . . . . .`_:)-300 ! Sp1`in`_-' ('l1i<-k(*21.<, 11).. . ... ...:')1l-(i|)(- ` Full \\'h(-:11. now, bush. ..-'7"_ ..-J.)-$2.(i() Goose \\'hr-at . . .. .$'_ .:'):3 'Timoth_\'. 11(-\\'. N0. ]. t011..$l:'>--S16 Mixed and C1o\'(-1' . . . . . . . . . .-$11-$123 l`.\'!('ll(l 1 l"H\" llll\" \"`l| -`]"'`||'~' I` `zI:!}'s wiih I\ _\' l`ri-mls am! on 5 day tlwy \'i.~'it(- t`m-ir Ptllhill, \\'. .\. _\lill(-1'. 'l'h(- `.3-H11 .\Ir.~'. lilphit-k 1-ntu-rtn nmrv than lnrty ('hil(lI'('H anul rt-port :1 '_-,(>ml timr-. (Jn S:nf11I' . .\lr.<. (,`ummi I I , I,AA.,_ ...4 ,.. , .... .. . . C'u1n1niz:'_-s. Ivy, rem-i\'-I :1 l(-Hm <-unt:1inin'." Hu- .~:1l 11(`\\'.\' of H10 th-nth 0| lwr hus- hnml in Fnulm-, who has In-(-n light- in-.-` for our (-nuntry. Hhv is nmv left to _imn'nv_\' Hn'm1j_'*h this life alum-, with tlm-u small vl|il .\h-.<. (`11nnnin was 1'm'm(-rl_\' .\[i.<.< I\I:u'th:l l'IHi.~`, slw \\':\s horn in tlxis. nc-i and spent the nm. 01' her life lwrc. She cc-1`t:1inl`\' has the . of her old n(eiu'hb01's. \I`.- .....1 \I.-_. \\':n:.. n........._+...- 11412;` Join Dalston news will be page st`.\'. 3) |ll|lilLll_\ UL HUI UUJ IHTIKWH Mr. and .\I1'.<. \\'1lho . Sumlny with A11__v'us ROUND mm BARRJEI What Our Correspondents I`ind Worth Recording .\Ir.~'. unto. .\I .n.:.;.;4.: a.u..-...u.u... .. (Corrected by J05. .\In.1'1'iu, market square.) this I`2H(`I :1. `T I \Ix'.<. J. H. .\I was in Bo<-inn] \'\'-lm-. :1tt(-mlin Hm mur- uv ul In-1' .~'i.~t-1', tn .\Ir.'\\'. J. 'l`l..`. l .A! .....II `I... .I SUNNIDALE CORNERS .\[:1y `_ 8th. 1917 `ll ll _'_'illHl' UI on .\':1tu1'lu_\ 1511: Ivllull u'1 lI| lI|'l -`I.`lK'|y Ll .\II. \\a '7. 'l'lw_\` :n'(- both \\`('lI knuxvn lnv:xlit_\', as h(- .~`p(-llt tho.- 1' p:n'tm'l1i.~' liI'r- ht-H-21ml .\IiS.\' _-':m \\':1s :1 .~:11<--vs.s'I'x1l tt-:1<-hm` - wlmol 11] till ln.~:t lC:1.~'t(-1'. \\'v I <-un'_'I`;1tHl:11i)n.< zlml j.'.'()()d and .\li.~'s .\[vI'I:u'|u-1' h:n`(- hm-n .<]u~mlin;- H1. Irv I`.-m..l.- -uml SHANTY BAY to the <'<-ntr(- 0L` 1 21>` :\hn0.s1" (":- nmnb(:1' 01' 1n-01:10 r-itv h:1\'o (-<)tta`_-"vs utl ' T) ..l [).,H. . MINESING Miss R. Kins _\' 01' Toronto \'i. 1101- (-nusin. .\[i.~:s B. Luudmu 1'(wo11tly _\Ii. L. .\I<-Lt-:n1 is \`isitin'_-` I'ri(-ncls at Kirkficlxl. Miss A. l*}I11(*m:m is `.'isitinL:' lur l_..Ll, /L....I. . ..; \\'.\.\ l.LN.l.