Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 31 May 1917, p. 3

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_?_: Vol. LXVI.-No. 22. Thompson Ore w,_ Publisher. i'I_\' pm` (-(-nt. 01' the (`ll.~'{- (`alnmlu in Into an 01' m 1.~1w.. but (-.~`tit_n:1t<-.~: AV `|,. ..A , 1 * Cent. of Canadian En- Are British Born 'l'o1:1l 1Il:1l('$ Hil1'.'h* 3.31 .'_ -H .'H(i.-? .5) .'l>\'7).?5;'):3 I}IH',!)'.". 370.-1-$34 '._).U.'3.(|1 I .`H().."}5) " .\--' _ Ul U\ 111(- l'l'l5l\||A'l'-L l\l los will he as l'n1l:m'.~a: . I ](i.8(iS S)9s'.~S)I . 65.71 .`%`)(>.H5)T 1.111` oloooooooooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oaooooooo o"o ooo"o'o"ooo"oo ~"oo>:`~"oo~"o`o"c"0" oo"o ooo":oo o"o"b"o"o"o'o"oo" .,o L \1] J.uuax. uu\:uu,v ucpcuuuuc uu. ulcL. (2) Those in which diet may not be the cause but in which it is of capital importance. (3) Those in which diet may be an indirect factor. Pellagra. beri-beri, urticaria (hives), and toxic erythema are examples I of diseases which are perhaps largely due to diet. n..n.....-_ ... _...L . . _ _ . . _ -_.M_ .-.. n..:.. ..-....a..-. `H :. 1..-.HnnnA `:1 kn Ann 0 0 005 o oooooooo oooooooooooovooooooooooooooo 0000 O 90.00..oo.,oo.u.oo.oo`n.n.n.oo..oo.o.oo.oo.o 09 00 oo.oo.u.u.oo.ov.u oo.o.u.oo.oo.oo.n.oo. `oo.oo.oo.u.n..u u; unanzuacc vvuu,u (LIV lrcnuuya xuxbcn; uux. Lu unuu. Pellagra is not very common in this country. It is believed to be due to a diet largely of Indian corn. It is associated with dementia or a form of insanity, and is very fatal. It is common in the Southern United States and in Italy. Urticaria is a common disease. Some people cannot eat shell sh or certain forms of food Without having an attack of hives. Beri-beri is a Japanese disease due to the use of polished rice. Tho Invin inamnmnnnn nl` H19 Q1.-in (I<`.1'vfhpm:a\ are nf Hie snme `7II\ll(I;_'l(Ill|l lln` 0| '..\l\IlI Ill\\ Ill `F. tlllll that lw l)('l1(`\`(`s tlw . In tho inl'm'm:1tmn :m- ('()l'1'('\'t. lino .<(`('l'l`tI_\' to avoid milit:u'y ser- vir-(| ho is liable to :1 line of 01` vo _\'(-a1 s' i|np1'i. , or E K I I 11' >'\1('1l ]v<-r.~'(n1:1tt(~1|1]nt.< tn(-mss tlu-l 'l'i(-kvt :1'_"v111.~' and postxn:1.~'t(-1'5 can prm`id(- the inxtvmlixniz t1'n\'(-llvr JZLDZIIIGSO uxsmnse uue L0 me 01 pousneu nee. The toxic inamnmtions of the skin (Erythema) are of the same nature. 1.. 41.- .... ...x ..1....,. 41. ,1:n+ ...1.:1,. ..n+ r\nnnL~L~n1~=1\v fha nnncn nf fhn elrin Il21LI.lI'C`. I11 the second class the diet while not necesszlrily affection, is still of practical importance. Illustmtiu Iseen in eczema, psoriasis. and rosaceae. I In fhnup nffnnfinnr: fhn hnef dinf is: A lihoral 119.! iseen ln psoriasis. and | In these affections the best diet is 21 liberal use of Well-boiled rice. milk, fruit, and vegetables. Meat, fish, and eggs should be prohibited for :1 time. Tea, coffee, and alcohol are, of course, not to be used. . n!u'Im,m nun mum .-.mmmn Tn {kn (1-nnfnunnf Hm diet will mmrl para- 1 time. `Lea, conee, and aiconol or course, IIOL [0 no useu. Children often have eczema. In the treatment the diet will need care- I fnl selection. In psoriasis, meat, cheese, milk, and eggs must be replaced largely by :1 vegzetable diet. The same with rosaceae, (the red chin and nose so ahhorre-d by delicate skinned women.) In this affection both the l starches and the proteins require reduction. Arnn nnrl qnhnrrhnnl nrn'mH1i arn dis.nnsPs_ nrobablv indirectly. U19 starches and the proteins require reduction. Acne and seborrhcal dermatitis are diseases, probably indirectly, result of the too extensive use of starches and sugars. \\'0rn1s. Most of the symptoms applied to worms are due to faulty digestion. The only sure way to diagnose worms, is to see them in the movements. They (threadworms) look like small white threads seen in a recent movement. These are the only ones which occur in infancy. If worms are discovered, wash out the lower bowel thoroughly with a solution of borax---one tahlespoonful to a pint of water and inject one-half pint of infusion of quassia daily for several days. An injection of limewater is useful. Wash the parts including the labial folds carefully to prevent re-infection. These are rare in infancy. Swallowing Foreign Bodies, Such as Coins, I-`.tc., or Poisons. If the former, they are usually passed without any trouble. Watch the movements. If poison is swallowed give a teaspoonfu-l of Wine of Ipecac and plenty of warm water. This will cause vomiting and wash out the stomach. In the meantime get the doctor as quickly as possible. These need not cause any anxiety. Most children grow out of them. and if they do not the doctor will advise the best treatment. -,. . . F Circumcision. .. Some boy babies need to be circumcised, most of them do not. Vaccination. All babies should be vaccinated in the first year. Vaccination does not cause any injury unless dirt is allowed to get into the wound. Vaccinato all babies, including girls, on the left arm. It is a splendid badge of your nivilizqfinn 911: : rrnnd vannqn 3111 UE.l.U1Ub ILIUIUULLI5 51113, U civilization and good sense. Medical Ofcers of Health and Local Boards of Health are notied that the Ontario Health Ofcers Association will meet in the Medical Building in Toronto, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 29th and 30th of May next. nm: nF Hm foa+un~ne nf Hm nnnf:n-pnrn will hn an address hv C. E. A. the (*.\'pm'io11(-0 off the pm-:<(-111' \\':n' shoxvotl that s11]>1l(-1w. 0| limb um} l_\'011111 uro o.<.s`(-11ti:1l to the bust :40}- ll1i(`1'. nnakos th(- 1ir.~`t' ('l:1sili<,-1111011 l`x'mn 15 to 30 _\'(-:n's I'm" .~'in'_-`lo mm. 'l':\l tho c-3:111 mi1ii:u`_\` 'li.~'t1'i<'t.<.ll Hm l`nHm\'inu' .s`l|0\'\'.~' thv mm! pro- .~um(-cl (-li2`iblv mr-11 :m i"nv n-<-n1'd(-l' ('Hli.<(II1('Il1.~ 01' ull :1=;(=s:- ! Overwork, lack of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness disturbs their functions. Stubborn coughs tear and wear the sensitive lung tissues. ` 111 '1'oronr.o, luesuay and weanesaay, the Zulu (1110 .ULu 01 1v1u._y 1.165! One of the featuws of the conference will be an address by C. E. A. Winslow. Professor of Preventive Medicine, Yale University, on Sale- guarding the Health of Infants and Young Children. lrmll Tu`; ir:1\'(~l.~;. IF`. A.... llU\|'l.`.. I '.l'hor(' is n0HIinu' lik. knm\'in-4' how in do :1 1l1inj_;-~-u11lcss it id. the fav- uhy 01` In-inf," able to do it when _\'mx| 1-:nm\` how. ' N REFERENCE to skin affections, one might divide them in relation to food as fo1lows:-- (1) Those directly dependent on diet. In\ rru__.__ __ _..\.:..I. .::,.A. ......-. ..,.L 1... 4|... . a . u an kn! n vi-nk {4 In II. HOW TO KEEP WELL BY JOHN `V. S. MCCULLOUGH, M.D., D.P.H., CHIEF OFFICER OF THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF HEALTH. Yark and Simcoe Foeresters LUMBERMEN VVANTED AT ONCE TO JOIN N0. '7 FORES- TRY DRAFT, C.E.I`., FOR THE PURPOSE 01" LOGGING AND ."3. LV.7;WIILLINGr IN FRANCE. NO FIGHTING. FULL SCALE 0}` PAY, ALLO"5fANCE.`3 AND PENSIONS. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN OF IHTERY TRADE, FHYSICALLY UNFIT FOR ANY OTHER BRANCEI OF THE .`3ERVZCE TO DO THEIR DUTY J".'0V.7ARDS THEIR COUNTRY AND HELP V/VIN THE VIA . COME`; AND TALK IT OVER WITH US AT: DUNLOP ST., BARBIE; ORILLIA, MIDLAND, COLLING-W'OOD, ALLIST-ON ' HEADQUARTERS, 860 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. - I lie 1m< no lcgrs, but it 11(-\'L-r ; tho 11-ml oi` Uwxn \\"nilL- on its .l OUR !.UH3 ERE m=;:;.mA@ { RECRUETING DEPOTS : Straight to France I'Ili*_'ib1(- ' .n-T nun 1:; I .\unv `_ ts.~')_mm 1i4,mm :N.s3 1T.s',v11m .v--: ',`'`u DIET IN SKIN DISEASES. xx. __.A) ')H .-IHI .-IHI .`. 1i-1 I~Inlis1- mcnt .<. ;'}I%.(`>;'>!) $)-!-_H:ui 4li,s.`H 43.1157 537.844 TS)..'H1) 237,2}-H) Bow-L $1.00 per annum. Single copies 3c. should be taken promptly for hard coughs, unyielding colds, I - z$- or when strength is lowered from any cause. Its high 1 nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sicl:- ness. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality l of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is l soothing and healing to the lung tissues. l Refuse Alcolioliesubstitutes Which Exclude the Cod Liver Oil. .a 5 HOW A HOLD-UP VVAS STOP- FED ` Tho \\'.-11km'tm1 Timt-5 .<:1_\'.::--The l:H]:l`_"(` 01' "Mm-'11 \\':m1.< mm'v and 105- lr-< all." \'.':1.~' ext-rxxpliiiwl hlst \\'ook in tho <':1.<(- oi :1 Brant i':n';n(-1' who drove !with :1 hmcl oi" ];0`;utn(\.< in C':n'_'_"ill, hut on h<-in: nl;'c-rod i't~`4.lili pm` ha_r__: : l'm' thv .\I1n'})l1i(~.~: um] w:m1in-.-' $:').0(), `rvt111'x1(~J hmnv nzniu with tho tnhors `in tho llmms 01' Hm hold- up prim the next lay in \\'a1ker- ton. `mt Hw p(-nplv h('I'(` no\'m' saw `tho color 01 his potntm-.< nm` ho. the si-_-ht of mm` min. H)!` the 11i`.-ht smxw li'."ht tin)-_-`m'(- :n'ti. visit lml tho hnnm of tho Potato Kin}: and snmh-r m\`(-1' ml" the lift- ivd" tho C-Miro loafl. D0 yam` duty buf01`o I }oHw1's Tm` not dninzr th0ir.~".. r`1- M .. ALA .... .. n 0'... UlHI`l'.\ IIH nul l|IllH`.L LnL'n`. (`lo.~'in'_' the c-yes :1 row minutes (`:H'1l l:\_'v will .\'t`.'L'll`.,`HI(`l1 them and is 22150 ]1(~l`,I'1'.l tn wc-:1`.< nm'\'o=,. ecessznily the cause of the skin Illustrations of this class are }>1:12ning ['ndv1' an m'l(-1'-in-<-omwil, \`(- on and :1 I'M-1' .\l 21_\' ` - I ' Ill . 1; _,. Dntv 01' birth. .\':utimmlit_\' and It-11:1 `I1(`(' 111 [I1'('>'(`Ilt 21(ll1l'1".~'.~'. .\':1mus and :uld1`n-~' A Crackers and milk! My goodness," you say, it's a long time since I have en- joyed anything like that. But of course you remem- ber how good it used to taste-the crisp, crackly bits of golden-brown bis- cuit oating in a bowl of sweet country milk. And it -was nourishing. Children thrive and have always D(`.\'till21l . , A , I..... .l`lx]um-ted ]('ll'.:`H| llvi-_"ht. \\`-iuhi. - MUST HAVE PHOTOGRAPH T0 CROSS BORDEEI ()<-vup:1ti:m. I I Ijlzu-ll .<-ht-(l(11<~ Makers also of McCormick : Fancy Biscuits |IlI\,n 1'0!` General Ofcea and Factory: London, Canaidn. Branch Warehouses: Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston, Winnipeg, Calgary, Port Arthur, St. John, NB. THE MCCORMICK MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED n :m rt-:\. (':mmlu. h of 11})S('ll(`L'._ vulnr ul' (-5'1-.~ It-11-_"1h .. | ('1h`('i- , frmu Males Between Eighteen and Forty- Five Years Come Under Reg- ulations :11 ,\\`Im knn\\'n 17.04 tlu-I _ 1 l tho ('1 l( thrived on it, because it is a natural pure food. Vi/hat is good for wee folk will, as a rule, be found good for grown-ups, too. The condition of scrupu- lous cleanliness under which these biscuits are baked corresponds in effect to the cleanliness of your home kitchen. 57 I"..\ ('-tor 4\I\'nr-;\t(~~Tn U:L`.~L' whn-11 tho pri<:-.< m" :1hno. L-\'(`*l`_\'- thin`: are ml\':1nr-in-_". the 1vub1i.~:`m-1-. hn.<. to li.~:('o1'11 .~'h:n']>l_\' hL1\\'m~:1 the! 1it(-xns ho shnuhl in.~1-rt I'1'L~L- in his`; 11:11:01` uml what shmxhl he paid :'n:'.1 1I ('()}>l(* \`(-r_\' nftvn i'n1~;\'-I that thv `vohlmns m :1 HL`\`.'> ]|:I]I(`l' are Ihv pub- lli. .~'t0(-L: in t1':1 and he mm [um mm'(- *.- i\'(- :1\\'::} hi~' 1_>x'm1m-t than (`H11 H10 21'0('(`}' `_"i\'( :`.\\'i ,, r .. LI. _ . \' hire f;'0n \\i|I l1l.\ illlll `_'|\l' |l|lI .`H|ll|' l-I (Hl`- tl1:1t 111111 tho 111111-1' 111111;". H111 51111112 11.4 01111-1' 11001110. 111 1111111111111 10 _. it is 1-11511112" c\'1-1'_\' 1111\\'.~1-11111-1' in 11112 :1'n1111t1'_\' :15 11-1151 1iI`t_\' to . 11111` 11-0111. 111o1'1- to p1'ml11<-1- 1111-'11- 1111111-1', ,11m\' 1112111 l)(-l'01'1- H111 \\':11'. m\'i111.: to` H:'.11\'1111(-(1 i11 1111111-1`. ink, t_\`1n.- 11.1111 M11111` 1 1n:1t1-1-1:113. I | 1'(*:u-lml $31) :1 ton at stmns are bc-in taken {mm Japan, where the nno-t(-nth as '_'1'1-at. Tho 1>ri(-0 01` 00:11 is .-:1iv.l to Imu- Romc, umla tn ln'in;: itj cost is just! I RIG~H'.I'.' l`m'm.< 01' 2111>li-;\tim1 \(` UH illltl 2IIu'l .uu_\ _.-nu. coast in vozrst, it is illc-_"u`. 12 Jnulu ])L`l'.\'()ll \\'ithin the :u_'t-. and 4. ) _\'(-:n'.<. im~111. in lv :1ttvm1st to lo:1\'L- tlw (-mnm'.\`. nu - p , .,,,_ 11.1 .<... -\|. u I|\. :`1'o(qu(-nt - : * ml\':mr-in-_' . ` ,_, I ,... L. YOU ARE, \\ lHU.`i)L`. \\HU llilll_\ l:u-(-.~` in Hm Yniu-ll [')e11'nit. ('01nm01'-i 1y have thvir <-(-1'ti-. : that l`;1.'-_\' m:~._\' not sh ]>(1`1:1it IN!` rzu-'11 Il`iI~,~. ` 1 The Interests of Barrie, the County of Simcoe and the Dominion of Canada our Criterion. 4 ETHE BLIGHT OF THE AGES- HISTORY REPEATS ITSELI` v I I\'othinr_-' is so ll1lSlCdllll1'-_" as i_ once. Our :~:ell -anointed public men are in many essential respects woe- fully ill-infoiwneil; they know little !of life or people outside the nei hood in which they are horn and -1'0:1l'(`ll, or else they seldom have the e:1pneit_\' to di_~:est the s(-a.nt_V know- le that h:1.~: come their way. To most of our ])0lltl(,`lz1l1.s _. (}ei'm:in his- tory (-onnneneed . nhont the perioil of the last F1':1n(-0- l 1'n.'- sion \\':11'-lSTl)-]-o1' that nt l)L`,<.i the histoi-_v 01." (1'ei'n1:my (luted no 'l`n1`tlie1' back than the Nupoleonie ei':1. nml the_\' seem to eon.~'i1l(-1' them- :el\'e.~' deep stiuleiits oi (,i(`1'Ill:111l(` 1`('("Ol`(l$ when they prove t'nein.~'el\'es l':1mili;1i' with the fzivt that the '.1'1`(`{1l ('m'. once plantetl his . in the (lernmn vupitnl. Th(-_\' tnlli \`z1v_-`nel_\' 01` u prim` period when F1'el- (-1'i<:l( the (i1 L`:`.' (-u1'. with his l)li::l1tinu' 1u`e.~'en-e on this planet. ll`.llL'll :14 \\'illimn llohen7.ol- lern is (loin; to-tlz1_\'. ;\11)'i;llll1`;' ear- lier than that 1*(.~l:1ti\'e to (lei'ni:1n_\' is to our S:1(ll)' lll-('q11ip])(`(l l nrli:1- lxnenlm-i;i1i siinply nehulns eonjei-I 'lm'e-h:1l it heen ol'liei'\\'i.-e, `ihel -on:-. of the pi'e.-em mu`. uml even ` its l)'."_"ll1lllll`_" \\`oul have been \'e1'_\ ilil'l'e1'ent. I aim .~':ull_\' nl`i':ii len` 01' `our }>()llll1':ll or militn1'_\' peuple .~eln lll.~lUl'_\'. Yet lll.~`i(H'.\' is the 4.-rzulle nml the 1l1l2`.<('1'_'\' oi \\'i. lot` hi.\- lory ete1'n:ill_\' 11-pe-n1~' i!.~~~'-ll]. nnul he wl... l u-ln-H -1 I-|:l'V'll!l 1'- {Hi IL.` ` lllllll; an 0111- m` 1mz'.<(-1' N I.., .... .. .1 `UH `\ I.'u'1n.xn I wlm lum\\`.' })('0]>1(' Imu- nnu Mn) hx In-nuuu: \-r t'm'm u t :1i1'1_x' :xr(:u1`:11(` ( .\\'h:1t that .~:nm~ pt-nv wi umlc-1' .~'nmo\\'h:1t . v 7l`I... .. ' ..l......- -x11 The inl`m'm:xtim1 culled fu ::)>}nli<':1tim1 ;: is: Name and :1l1(l1'('~`.~:. lL.'|\' lIIl||l'll|`lI| l1:ml-:11'i\'~11 :1 in l(*\`nt(- linv loriv prohlt-m~ nu 1-nu] n\'-I14 ` FU~`l'3 Al` (I l\'(UI\I l.|I|\I u \unu.\.. he (1-`ms not mnl~:L- :1 . 01' 1111' Im'_\' 01' the \':11'i0u.~: n2`.1inn.~'. um vquip 11in1>(*lt' to lvml his own plv p1`n]n(-1'l_\.'-h(- is nut \`-slmt ht hvlw-~'v11t.< him.~r.`l1 to hr: ho is 1m '.-1 vlmrlaxtun. i Things Caesar Found Out C.':v.~-tau`. \\'lm.~to !'("[H1t2lU01l inr fnunrl milit:u'_\' skill and .~'i:m-~-=1 like .~'n~_":u'it_\' lzus c-zldurl.-41 11):` `two t1mns::1~.-.1 _\'(-:u'.<. km-\`-.' 1 about the (`r(-r1n:m.< own in H1111 mi lav. Hum :m_\' 1 riti.<'n . .. 1111!. cu. 1... 9' ....`1.& 1 ' I ll:_'l|ll (llI\I llglllll llklkllk A|\ \'z1 Britain. Ami \'. lx:2 la-:n'n1` ('0lH.`L'l'l1ill`." Hm (`:w.';-. |[v1';`.r`1`i<-:11 (`Xp(`!'i(`Ill`(* 1)!-.1'n t})2|1I]('lit'1 ' and in the :!1`a*:: 1>lo;na<`_\'. he left to pn. -in the 1m`m 01' \\'1'iHa-:1 12:: `luvixl and .~impl(- that (~\':~1a tivth or-11`u11'_\' l :11'liznn-c1`.t:u'i: uznla-1'.~`;;111 p1'm'ir.l<`. he \\' ms) .~t1'.',-id or ton (,--_-oti~".iv laud l:.~:1.r2I.. A`: :3. mutlt-1' oi - x . . ,r \l\'|XIXt||I I.` bilinus 01' .21 brutal 1:2 `:1 1`:1\`i:~'lw1' I 1.... -i1'(-\11::~1:m:--~' :u".l ummx'I1mil_'.' mm-t, HKlI('>'.\ we ('1'll.-h their px>\`.'('l' for M'- vr. Tht-ir histm-_\' <'nnh".11n.~' tln-tn for what they :1rc-~:1 1'il(`(` 01' mt- tiotl-L-1".1.~'lw1`.~`. .-\s Hwy lid in thv \\'0mon of Belgium in 1914 so they di_d to the women 01' the Bolgcv when they found that they had them thn-_\' will am: it 1:: :\Ii:w1< :1 \'.'1:L-x~.| I i I I (1 IIXV I:`XK\'I \ i \\ \JLZL\'||. 1| l'X\l . :1'.:`r-, l:1\\'l(--=~'. l:1. devil. who .~'hm\'.~' no 1nm'v_` \\'(`:ll{ :mv1 In-1-ps faith on1_\` ::lr011~_"~-\\'ho are .~t(-:uh':1. v !n1:11{<- him rt-[r0111 h1'uk<-:1 1'l!H1 dislxom-.~'1 tn-:11i(-<. `CV l(':v.<:n` l(':11'll all this? 11 I1n11rC1(-ri11_- 1m1`<`.(-.~' of them i.-\i. cm the .\I:1rI.w :m1 iI\`llil1(". and in (`u-1'm:'.n_\' its. lthv ]H:inL*. Thn.<(~ 1`.:umn< .'.. .CH.... 4 I1. ` .4.......... 1.. I\V uthu-k lnin Ahml him :` ithcy 4 _.. CAESAR AND KAlSER Barrie, County of Simcoe, Ontario, May 31st, 1917. -3lI||.V timl. eace,, We h;1\' 1:1`-zml I1:<- 1-<~ I I 1' . . x'.. ll] mm. 'l'hm'(- _ A I.Ll'I.\ ltllll H` 1'011`,-`ht. 1'nw_'11l. (- s,_ ,. _\. [HUN UH) l)1IlI. in 191.4: 1'01` 110 1' and :1-411111 l)vi'm'v 1),,:A_ \...l . (IIIII 1|1(_\' : him (- is :xlw:1_\'.~ :11) <-.\:cu~'(- 1'02` 1-1110-- lw is 10:: 1 his (1:\il_'.' Iwz-ml lime to tho . 01' his- (-m~'. Tlwrc is. l:0\\'(-\'(-1'. L`l1.~'L` for the p(-:'sm1 who It-mlor and :1 thilxlvw. it t his- o and so elf pm- l_\.'-h(- hv rc- im.~r3li` 1m-1'4-`l_\' . J I|IL`l 1'-.xmiIi:n* .,.I. \. |1_\ IVI" what done 1 1.. l , Unv Ln jmI . ....,.n.. G. IL \I;l'I.< Ill 11:11:`. .lHll Ulllul he pn1i~ha \'".::> c-omgu n. .1: \~ruu`n'. X Xl'|'|VI|l lllii txxrhttlotnt. and 0.912111 I I 1 fur- '11 .~`t:m~ i'm1~.-`ht {hem Peace! --1\II . in thi.~ .4! It .VlI|ALl wlu-1` MM i11 l'l1oi1' ]1m\'(~1' bo1'01'v (`ln'i.~:t \`~':ls` (-1'11(-iliml at J1-1'11.s':1l(1111--l 111011- 11011 this to (l1'i\'o 1101110 H10 21111111- 111t_\' 01' their 111iq11'1tio.~'. As tlwy wore, l'l1o}' are; :15 tl1o_' :11'o. tl1o_\' will be 1111til tlwy :11'o c1'11sl1c1l o11t olf (*.\'isto11(-11- :1 race of spies, bullies. l)1':1\`0s and 1':1\'isl1o1`s, but :'1'i111 !i'_:l1t- era` wl1(-11 their l)z1ck.s are to the wall; .. \I(\rA:\ nl` ..r.l\|\n.._. ..n.1 lnnhn... \\|-(1 `fl \\ IIL'Il |.lIL'II IJLXCH-3 illlf Ll} LI|L' \\ (Ill, :1 race 01' 1'0b|)(31's and lootors, pro- f'0s. Ch1`istia11it_\'. 1110)" would small the tl1m'n:: i`1'om the crown of Christ to :u1m'n :1 l{:\i.~'or's triumph! Vain Boasting T110 Gcwmams \\`L`1'L` :11\v:1_\ s 'j_-'1'(?:1t boalstors and lnvml to t111'0:1t0n tor- rihlv liI)`_"S, even as tho_\ do t0-d:1\'. 4\..._ 1..._I ....\ L.. .l...l ...:u. ., |llUl(` lIIl|l`_'.. l.'\l.'H H5 llll'.\ \lU LU`ll(l_\. C:1'.<-.11` hut! 0(":l\`i0l1 to (lunl 'ith 0119 _`_"1'(`:lt ("ve1'111:111 (`hivl'. 11111111-I A1'iu\'is- 115. who had c1'()s. tho lihilw 111111 t111-11011 tho (`o11(111on-(I t('1'1'itn1'_\' into 1111 (-:11'thl`\' hull, :15 B('l_'__ [illlIl is nt thi< 110111`. il1-11si11u` the \\`o111o11 until tht-_\' 1>('1'i>`l1(* 0!." (list-:1se, 111111 (`11sl21\'i11_:' the 111011. (`:1->111` out 111 1111011 this foul 0011111101`, and the (it-1'111:111 h:111u'ht_il_\' 1'vpli0(L 'l`hL- t1'L-:1t111v11t. of 1-o11q11o1'e1l pooplt-.< rested (\11ti1'(-- ly with thu c011([111-1'01'.~:." \\'hL-11 (E1-- .<:11' this and hintml :11 15:11 with 1101110, tho t}u1'111:111 T(`t'()l`1(`(l that No l(m11:111 1_:v11(*1':1l had 1.x'nx4 nud l.-n nu Hun Hnl.1 u~H.nn+l m'.1.~t h:1\`v :11 011 Hl(`l'L`I() :1 ]h:'()I()'_"1`:l11l1 t!::'.t ~__'()ml lil<(~1w.<.< 01' the :1pp1i(-:n1t. 'l'lw 1<`('l:1r:11in::s ;11u.~'t bv .-;i and sworn in by him In-1` :1 I1: 1>u1)li(~. jl1. 01' 1110 ]w:H'(` or lnI_`.':I\I\lu- Fill lll.\1Vl1lL'|l llll iXll\l IlIl|ll'|l ill Vail] ('\'C'l` mvt him on the iivhl \\'ithm1t| _`_"0illL' to nml (':vs:1r haul] only to sot-I; him in h:\Hl:- tn l(`:X1`H| the m(~Hh- 0! the (it-1'1nun.~u who haul I!L'\'('1 1:l.\t(`(1 (It-fvalt and haul h(-on| 11'-.1i11v l'1'mn inhuu-`\' to :n'm:-`. and for l'01u'1(\o11 _\":11'.~' haul 11L'\`(`!` .~-h-ml IJL-iwnth :2 I'm)f'." \\'hon (':r.~':n hzull Iini.~hwl with this man :1mI his host. the)` all sh-pt hem-:1th thv .~.uil: in] .o 1...nI.. .-me` nr Hnmm H...-_l nun : l.H\"\ ilu EIUIH II|'IIl'1l|x one '_"l`(`2`.[ hnttlv. out mama who \\'L-1:1 into than :1 Hxnu.~':'.nl \'. (`l'L` tho limunn }u:1'. l . 1'! A` I... (inn :I'_"nin.~'I (im'm:111_\' is 1'(-n1i11is('o11t| ml" Ilw Hmmu1 :1lI:1<-k on thn.~;L- h:n'l;z11'-l inns. Um` \\':n'1'im' L-]1ivi', Lrml Kit-` :!m11(-J`, 111:1-\*.' :1 lmmlful 01' 1-`.rih>n.< A, L` _..,I l,,. .... I.. I (1., I|`l I-(-|*_"inm: 1-111-pow ` L-ipliiwnl uI\l\I'|IIl'l\ r l'UHl u|:_:.l' l will Ii\'L- nu... lU.`l' lulu xxulu llltll In this tht-_\' lmvv <~.11':c lho \\'m'l:l \`\'lIlI xnilit:u'l. .\ll tln'm1'_"h the :lL"(-.< Ilw}: h:1\'(- lx-ml :!l.`l'.1(',l\'ll1'_" smut`- nno \\'-:1l~:(`:' than 1'lu-m. it was their lwpmt. nml l.lH-_\' mount it, that if tht-_\' 2'01 lwro they \\`()lll(l not l(*:1\'(- :1 \'ir:'in m` :\ .\'()\'(')'l`lull l)L`lllll(l th(-m. (l(`Nl `_1'l\'L' Hi :1 >LtL'L`l-('lllll('(l m;1n-- .~wil`l nl l)1`2llll nml :1<-tinn :15 (`:1-5:11` 01` N:11ml(-on. (l:11`inu* :1.~: .\'(-l. ('()l(l us l\'itvl1(-1101', uml as ]'\ltlll(`.~'.\` :15 l)-.-'Iin_\'-u mam lmhl (-110u'_:*h llr.~tt to m'n.~'h tho spies within 0111' 5,-'at(-.< who are tlnixxu 0:12` ll`."lIllilf." lauls to l1".~:u-ln-1'm1 `.h(-n-m1 lo the 1.-1~.l_\' end that will vount. the (lis- m:1ntlin'_" 01' (`u-rm:m_\ , lhv ullt-1' :1ml 1*m|1(u'solx-.~.~' wiping" out ml` l ru.~`sim1 }m\\'M` 1'01 ('\'('1` nml 1'01` (r\.'(-1*. 01' the \\'m'hl-mn' wn:'l(l-will within ten _\'(:!x'.< lw u'.:':1in tlL`l`.l'._"('(l in hloml`. 1`:1]<-. IHlll'll(`l'. 1ill:1`_'1-. c:~.. will n`_':1i11 lJ(' 1':1111}n1nl. ll;L'_\ n|_'1lll|, uunu ELIGIBLE FOR COl`?SCRIPTIOl`~T| About 50 Per 4 listments .\1mnl iii`t_\' mt-nts in (`:1 `n'iIi.~:|1-lu-rn 1 mauiv In` the . I 1.. .. ...... iv-< .<'nm\'.~: that 11I1(1('1` (~onsm'iptim1 3I|.HHH to 1.lI1I() nu-n can I)(- '.':`.i.<(-41 without .~'-1'i<\.'.L :I1'I`(-r-1in~_-' t'n:- in-I l'.x.~'t1'i1.~` 01' the x-ount1'_\'. ilnll H\ .I A. lHIIl\'l an lIl\' nu_'.xL |IL" The t'01lm\'in;" tnhlo .s'h0\\'.< the mnnht-r of mm h(-t\\'(-(-n vi`.-`Mo. -11 :m:l I'm't_\'-Ii\'<' 1n v:1<-h of the Prov- So good that butter seems unnecessary. 55125 CREAM illlll l` l'llH"l', l|.\l \l LlI\,' il:l' Ill lHl' ilrul`! u: lb to 25. there is c2\'c1'y likelihood that the C.:mmli:ui (l1':1t't' will `follow the same lines. The militia act, franicd, of cou1'se,`bn1'n1'e Prim-(~ lCd\\`n1'd Isl. X0\':1 Scotia . f`{<='.v Bl`ll1l.~".`. iL'l\' ;\,. .\\'u\ l)ll(|l.`I'-Ik'l\ (..)1`m'hw- . . . . . ()nt:1rin .\l:mitnh:1 ... .`-`\':lt<-1w\\':n1. . .\Ilw1't:\ .. } :'iIi. ("nh1mhin n. .gl(\( . I W '1 5 \\ [Ill \\L'lAl Kill`, |.1|l' llll_\ 1' \'.'(-1'0 lvft :1livv v-."m-1. ct-21-~ml. Yes, :11` l\'m-\\' lmw tn h:1!nll<- Hm`- .<: 1 110110 Hnig (1005! 0111' posi- 1'(-n1i11is('o11t \ .1. I, ,, m , I ,,,I 1 .`l.'\VlI the mm 1114- '_"m111mi11j." :1('('0!`(l1 the numh(~1' ml" m:1l(~.` \'.'i to he :1mn'0.\'inI:\t(-1_\ 1'01] '1` mill lHA'['\'I U 1l|'.lHll|(l KI] Jllllllll.` t'1w.~'(- people I'm" i11\`:1 1: (`::'.<:1x' \v(`-nt` tin` tho . ` with only :: lbw lni-_v'l11_\'~li.- I 1:.-jim1.~'--:1ml the d:11111`(i--.< ` 011' both I}1'iti.s'h and I{(m1:1n.< 0 for L`\'(`1'. Cu-s:11' <-m`~.'(*(l 111(- Is; he did not c1`u. t1w1n- M` :1-_":Iin, and frmn that hum` 1i1itzu'i.~'m. |,,,., L. ,.A.l. I... ll \ |lIllI\([l l\' `|(||KV IIIIV III um Dominiml (im'(~1'nnu-n1 \ !1`.1Illh(`]` 0| tho ln1'j_~'(-1' vit- r in- .v ;,,, -\])1)li(`llti0Il.\' mn.~`t hr 5"- !:(~ >pun who nn1.~t he :1 lnmk :1-_"(.-r. vhit-l' ul` lxulix-(-, ('I('l't1'}'Ill:1l Dmnininn(}m'(-1'n1n(*I1t nir-i:1l must .\'t;'.t(' how 1011: he has kl tho :1ppliv:1n1, Halt ho 1'('('(I;:`lIiZ(' photo.-_-mplu us `.1 *_-`owl likvn('~'.<. staxtvnwznt inl'm'm:1tim1

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