u . 1-Ilm\`:1l(A r<-tm'11-! an week's wail wxtlnl )[:u'uh 5th, 1917 .\I:11'vh Sih, umi `.\[:11 r-11 5111, 1017 CORNERS .\;:xr:h .3111, `I91 7 l'(1llI'll' |l'|l "Ill thou` hmnv ml \\`1.~h(`.x' 01' Hwir` llJl|Il' TH`, II-_\'1mI(I.< I \I 1 ._ Jlood \'isi'u- I. Bur-k\\`hv:1t .... . Rye . . . . . . . . . . . 1121) . pm" ton, new Flour. `.\'~stcr11 .. Famil_\' Flour, per bbl Potzlloos. pm` bag." . . . . E_`_"'_>'. per 1107.. .. Buttt-1 , pm` Ih (`hir*l<(*1x.<. (1]`(`.<.~'L'(1 .... Ducks 'J'm'ko_\'s Mutton Iuunhs. um,-ll Lamb, pm H ) Hn'_"s. livv .\'(`1('1'1.< . . . . .\'0\\'.<. Ii\'(* ..... I-ut<-lwr ("dttl(- .. I1, lIill.~'l:1l(-. .\li.~`s .\L\'1'll1- ml l'un1il_\` 5' of imm(-rl- of MI`. and , ml .\I:H'<'I1 o 4.. It time. (121111.-'hlv1' lll I'm'0ntn 5 . I _. . 101115 0| 1.n1x'_-luwl I 5th. 1017 'l'm'm1i nl |'l\' llIl' . :1I1| .< w`. '.\h-. .\H'1'.'- to illv lnlttvr \\'(-vk I ([|lLllL' Bot`-1' llidi-.<, _"x'noI1 .. Beef Hil(~.~'. (,'ll1`(.'(i Tallow Sheep . i H Calf Skins .... Horse Hides . . llorso Hair .... \\'0nl, llll\\'2l>'il('li \\'0nl, \\`:1s1ic . .. . Lamb Skins . . . . with .\I rs. \1.V` Jno. thcr, M1`. Herb. Gugzin. 7 1 1' -..~.., __-. _-.,- Miss Annie the week-end D. J. llillcr. I Mrs. \\'. J. L(`Hl10.\ has 1'vt11r11L' ihmno :1l'1(.-1' ]m\'inu' >`]l(`llt .~'o\'cr:1l \\'(`(-ks with lwr d:111;:'l1t(~1', .\I1'.<. \\'(-.~s- Icy .\lz11'tin, B:n'1'i(-. W0 :11`(' :_"l:nl to 1'opm't that I'll- `\\ oo(l .l(-nnvtt is [r1'(M_-'1'(`~'.~`.iIl'_',' l'z1\'m`-, E (Ton 1:110 1'01` last week.) I I I :1|)l_\'. Xln'.~'(- ,\lill(~1' 1'(*tu1'11cul to I-3211*-` ric lust Szmmluy. .\I1'. Tlms Jo1111ott. S12, who 11:15: .~'.p(-11L tlw <.-r('nt(-1' part 01," the \\'i1ll('l'E with his in B:u'ri(- In-as 1'v-l turned. '5 h v\'. 'l`ho.<. J. I)(-\\' slwnt purl ml [lust \\'(`('I{ in (`,ulli11_-'\\'0n in the 111-; lI('I`(`\1.\` 01' \\'_\'t-lil't`v (`0l1(`j_;`(*. 'l'(n'(n11o.` 1 I\'(`,\'. II. ("ol<'1m1:'h 0|` Ll0_\ (H()\\`1l vis- ilwl I\`_\' an tlw .~':1nu- m1ssi(m. .\Iis.s' .\l:u'_\' Jmmt-11 umlvr\\`rnl :m np(-r:1lion in llw H. V. llu.~']nil:1l. H;u'ri(-, Inst \\'(`('1{ and is (l0iIl'_'_' us wvll us H111 he 1-xpw-it-G. . 11111-1-11 13111. 11117 1I 1'1-, ('.l1111' will, I).\'.. 1 1 `W. J. .\l<-IA-1111 011 'l'l1111'>`1l:1_\`. 1 I I .\l1:<. l)`.-\1'1-3' .l(-1111011. 1111551-11 :1\\':1_\ >11 \\'('1l111-. 1:1. l'm111 :1 .~'1:\`v1'o :11- \\'1n-n I-111| in mud in 1111- \I1H'H1-2111 'l`l1<~ 01`-_'.:111ix(*1l bible l`l:l.\.~'(`5 ul' 1110' 11-111' :11 H10 1101111` 111.` .\I1`. 111111 .\l1'.<.v The iI1l':1I1t 1lz111_;|1{('1' 01' M1`. 111141} 1:11-k 01` 11111-11111011111. Tho 1'o111:1'111.~"1 'lill'l\ (Yl lHl\'llHllHllil. I ll|' \\'or(- laid to rest in Hue c-vxm-t(-r_\' on I1'itla_\'. at 2 Pic. Jloy \\'il. who is for on-1'.~:c;1.< spoxxl Hm with his }>:n'(-nt.<, M1`. uml I Wilson. ' Mrs. Lo\\'1;\' and Mrs. wm'c in l~'w(-tun this \\'('(`I{. {Iw I'11n(~1'nl 0| llu-ix` l :1tlu>1'. . u\\':1_\' .~:ud1l(-nly 011 Sam 1-ninw I-1! y l 1 Dealers were puyilig to the t'zu'1'.1-| ers at St. Lawrence _\Iark(et, 'I`u(-.s- day, the following fi_furos for their: offerings :- Buttor, (-hoico dairy . . . . . . . .-1`_ -459 Egrgs, new-lz1id, doz. . . . . . . . .5 )-(if)<:! 'l`u1'ko_\'s, II), d1'cs. . . . . . . . JH Ii.")c| Fowl . . . . . . . .`_Z`_ -`.2.-')<~ (ieoso. .s]n'i11g; . . . . . . ..`_ U~'.2`_ c- I)11('klin__-s. . . . . . . ..'_ 5-`_ T- Sp1'in_-' <-hit-I-;v11.~' . . . . . . . .2.")-'_ T(' Full \\'hmt, 110w. hn.~`l1 . . . . . . . .$l.S:') (}00.s(- \\'h(-:11 . . .. .. . . ... .81.-`$3 U:1t.<. m-w. lm.~;h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7531: I%:n'l-`\`. mulling . . . . . . . . . . . .. '['inm1h_\'. In-\\'. No. 1, tun ' }\[i.\:ml nml (`Inn-1' {\`.t1':x\\', bundled .\'t1':i\\', lmuw I . The <-I0\`m' nluchixlc is l)\1.~;y in this \'1<-in1t_\f at 1:11-.~'(-xlt. .\'(-15011 Ncvo s hu.~"_\' lmling timber [for Ins new burn. .-\ numlu-1' ml` I':nuili(-5 are <-onfinwl to their lnmnus with (it-1'm:111 nlczlslcs 121 this 1xvi2l1h(n'lmnI. .\I1'.<. J05. ]". is i1u1u'o\'in;_;' .>lm\`l_y. I (II 1 A ,,,fII I -\ Sllulzllxwrli it-:1 will ht! g'i\'C|l mnl(~1' the :111spiru.< 01' the J~'.1n\\`m`th _I.c-:1-41:0 on St. I :ltri:I;'s t`\'(`_. in the lhaz.-vlnunt M the ML-Ll10(,li.~t (.`]l\H'f"l. .\ 3_w.~ml 1-rrr,-r:1xnn1v is being` pm\'i by local and m1t. t:1l(-111. !A1\ u.,u\.' nu Avg. 1 u\.IH.l\ n of bciu_u` .\Ii.~'.~' Imru \\'u1. uml `Hurt xvorn quit-1l_\' zn:u'1'1ol 11:-.~'(l::y, FL-ln'11:11'_\' 38111, H] -nnl 1-um Ivlilln in 'l`nv-nnfn I` .\lrs. .'\1l:llIl 0!, Thornton itin-_~' at H. .\1. l)o:1m2's. .\1i.~'m` Jennie Quinlan, oi.` 'I'01'o11tn,` shout the \\'uvl;-(211 with her pzumlts h(-re. ! Mrs. 'I"1'0d .-\v\'(:1'.s`t 01` Tho1'ntm1 is the j_"ll(`>'t nl` lwr . Mrs. Chap- | In-ll. ' '\|.., u 11 n....4..:.l...-. Z. .,.1,....1Z....- }\l1'.<. \\'. II. P:11'tri is spm1<]iI1;__r :1 short time with her brothel`, .\[1'. (}ilr'h1'i,s't :11 lI:1\\'k(-.~'t0n(*. ... .. . I 1 -nu-nun; um nnunu-.vu..... .\Ii.e.~: Tu(lh0]e x-,l0so(l school and went 1101110 lust \\`(3(,-L owin~_v' to lllness. Wu Impv slw nmy soon be well :1<.:zun. Mr. and .\[1'.<. (l_nu (-ntm'tui1md :1 ft-\\' I'1`i(rnds on 'l'11<`sl:1y v\'(-nmj_-` 0|" lust \\'(-ek. .. ~.. . ... .. . .. u \r' .\Ir. 'I1'(- \\'. :n*t1'ixl-_"(` and .\[i.~'s I.~'nh(-H11 Ro1)in. \\'or<- r111i(%tl_\' man'- riml by the l\ (-\'. )1)`. Harmon at Un- {vr-tn1'_\'. ('mi}_rlu1|-st. on 'l`l1n1'sdny. :1f'tm'\\`n1'd~' 1C&l\`illL:` for :1 short hnm-_\'- moon in To1'm1to. Silu-m'(v -_v;nm1 \\`i. for :1 1m[}:_\' liI'(- are t-.\'t<-mlr-(1 In Mr. um] .\lrs. I :n'h'il-_-'0 from lm.-`ts 01' t'1'innd.s'. '|`lw_\' will 1'(- :1! -rm-r:l1\\'0()l lTOIm(*. .\li.~.< .\| .'~')\(`I1(lillg' hm-n (Co1'1'octml by Jon`. .\Im`ri1I. 1n;xr1~:< squarc-.) T-Inn!` L1:-.~ rrrmn `)( 1l| `VII. `|\'U. \ (ilgilll Ii UH l'lHHl_\ night. .\h'.~'. Wm. Hlwix-lxl and 5011 131'- m-sf. spvnt S11n(l:1`\' with 1'(-|:1ti\'v.' at .\Iit<-hell Square. .\l1'. and Mrs. J. (iillvqniu hzu`t.' n\n\'4u1 nnnv T]I||\"l In lI\'nl. h|l('lll k`.llllllil_\ \\llll uml Gilles} moved mom` T-llnwult-. V1`. and Mrs. A. (`oak 8])` day with Coulson ['x'im1ds. `;\[r.<. A. Moran is in Elmv I101` sister, who is very ill. i Mr. Stzmden, Kindersly, Sask., has recovered sufficiently to be re- moved to the home of his daughter, Mrs. J I Lennox, Ivy. 11.. 1) t'1.I1:__._ _. ......:......'I.. ll] _..!LI`_ m: J. u. a.n.auu:.\, .a.vJ Mr. R. Collins is seriously ill wil_;' ;\ l"(`\\' |`rom ht-rv i()(lk in 1ln- 1:m<-(- Mr. (Ron. ('01-_-'.-m':4 on 1"|'id:1_\' .I.4 ' CROWN HILL CRAIGHURST DALSTON MINBSING Jack rot" L(\l'1'0_\' spout with 1101' sistor, .\[1's.. Monkman s Glycedoniai - |li'_'Lins I :-\\' IVY \`ll_\ znnmnxu llll \\\'It'` .1:11'_\' '_ Sth, in B:11'|'iv, to 'l'<;1'm1tu 1'01" :1 You` then` _'_;n111_;' to tht-11' THE NORTHERN ADVANCE 'l'|mmp.~'on s :1tt(~mlin-4` :Ithm'. who ])il:s`- .\.:\tur ov- .\['.n'cI1 5111, 1917 , spout E 4 Elnlvale, * vnvv HI .\1:n'c11 5th, 1917 Van-I1 Bill, 1917 March 5th, I r Makes Your Skin Like Velvet; J 11:15 11 m:u'\'<-Ilous (-Hm-l on 1'o11:`h1 skin. (Duo or two :1ppli<-utiuns willl 1'omn\'<.- H10 )'011}_',`hI)l!:4.<. and by itsl 0cczLsi(m:|l use the skin :1(.'(;11ir('s the; sn100tl1nns.~; uml s0|'h1c.~`s of {L ba.b_\".s.' Glyt-odn1n'a is not stit-ky, and .l0\'v.~' mm be worn :1 few m0m('nl.~'. uftt-1* n .4 l),,:,. 1.-' I ;\-- 1` I 01.` I%:n'ri(- is at In,-x" home ID \l(IXI||Il'_' \\'(`(`l\'-(`I141 ,\l,1'.~'. (ion. l\'Hlil|ll.\ .Xn'_"l1r-;m 11.11]. A _ . .\l 1'. urn` '\\x-`.1- Sun- , with , 1017 ploux-isy and \'a.1'ious colnplicatiolls. \ 1.. \l'..T ,....l 1).. h?\ ` , A IL _ I ,,.\.....,_, .....u...) ...,...,mw...,..a. .-\Ie.\' McLeod, I:`.111p1'css, .>',Llt:1.,' is on `his way home, after spcxulillg two months with l'1'ic-nds i11 this l0c:1lit_\f. John R. Standen, Pcntioton, B.C., :1t'tm- 1'o|1ewing old zu-q11z\i11ta11c0s,, lms taken his (h,~p:11't1x1'c. I ,. .n.. .l li H0\\'a1'd Priest is S])Clldi1l_g' :1 week with l1`iomI.s' in Toronto. The ('}1':1x1'_-'(-111011 haul :1 ple:1.~':111t. mt,-i:1l l'u11vtim1, .\l:u'cl1 1st, in hon-l 01' of St. David, tho p:1h'nn szlint, oi" U-nH:n\1 H14: \\'-`In; " -nu] \\'-:ln.'| U1 Ul l7l. lIil\1\l, LIll' llilllllll Nilllll, Ul 5_::1ll:u1t little \\'u1os." mu] \\':1l0s' |_-_':11lunt son. David Lloyd G001 alirst ('iti7.cn 01' the British l']m]Ii1'u. | W... .. . I\`' Al... `I.`._ . I |\.. .- .. -..- -,,....-.. .....,...-. , Tho mc1'it.s of the 1"01'('ig11 and l)0-I 'lllC.\`1.i(` .\li.\'si0ns (`111ill1(:(l tho zltten-3 ;tion of 0111' .s't 1u1o11ts tho other own- {in_u; and the supe1'io1' (flilillls olf thee ||1*'01 vi-.-'n }\Iis.~:i0ns \vm'(-, :\('kl]()\\`[( \l`."(*11 ah)` one poini, when the question was i(l(`('id('(1. l Hockey (Imm ulmthcr um'1'v.<]:o1nl(-nlJ mm-h 5111. 1917' \\'(- are pl(`:1s(- to Iw nhlv in l'(`- pnrt that Mr. Collins is ]'L`(`0\'(`l`ill'__'_' l'1`0m :1 \'('I`_\' S(`\'(`]'(! uttm-l< nI' plum`- l.\`_\` and is able to be up :l'_':1ill. 1 Minesing Defeated Elmvale at ` I I I ~.\Ii.<.s' .\l21_\' Urn-l1:ml is visiting- I'ri(-mls in 'l'm'0n10. `I I 4 .\!1-s, .l. Y()llll`_" is .\`[H`ll(]iIl`.1' u lv\\ =:i:1.~'.\' with hm" . in .\l1l't)l':l. "l'|I(- "Bo:1\'(-1' ('|uh" .\'(`l'\'('(l Inuvhl in its rink .\[u1'cl1 23, 1mm-ml.< went in HM (`m.~'.~' luml. : _`\h'. \\'m. ()rr-lnml and .\Ii.-.< l v:u'l Iimlultl spulut S1111(l:1j.' with l`x'iL'11l.<! in l\`_\'. 1 H1! N _ .. L, ,. 1,. I 7.. , l,.. ill I\_\. I `lirst of its kiml hold in }\Ii11(-sill: l'm' . . I 'l`l1v l:mv_\` (4:!1'n1\`:1] '_"1\`-11 by, tho ,I())'Sl()ll ms.. nu Jul)1'u:u'_\` `_ 1st'.? \\:1.~' :1 lvmtlml .\'ll(`(`('.\'.\'. It is Hu- ;1 nunnhvr 01' _\'(.`d1'>'. The prizo \\'in- llCl'S \\'c1'c as 1`0lln\\`s: l: (~. (In-.'sml~ l...I.. I.A \li_ l)..l.4.\.. ~)...] \I2 L`! il, ll|lIll|Il'I lll .\ l'ill.`. J II|y ['1 l/;\' \\llI'i (*. l:1 Jst Miss Rulston, `_ m1 _\liss S. .\`<'l{inIc_\'; lwst (l1'(:s.~'(-Ll _:vI1t. 151` Mr. W. Young.-'. `_ ml .\I1`. IL .\'t`o\\':11`l': 1)v.~'1 -omi<-, lst .\l1`. _\1u1'l';1_V Ronald, `incl Mr. H. ()1'vh:u':l: host I:ul_\' SI\".1t' or, l.~:t Alisa` E. Tcssier, `_ u(l Miss H. (,`l1:\p1)(-I: host 2-out sk;11(-1'. \\'. (LI L0cl host <:0u])l(*, Miss ('. I{1n1])]> uml Mr. 1'}. Cr;1\\'l'm'(l. .hulI_,"(-.< ~--\\'. .~\lmus, H00. Johnston, .\. Arm- >'fl'()11_`_`,', jr. . \\',. ...\+:,..\.1 '... 4111: \1;.u......-4 ....u-.-1 .\|IIu|_`_;, _II. 5 '0 ll()H('(`l] in the .\1i(Hm1'si n(:\\ s' dntorl F('hruar_\' 2151 that tho lmmn team tl(-l`cnt(-rl .\Ii1w.s`in3_-' lnmvlu-_\' {mun by the score 5-1. We xvould like our l'1'ionds to 1u1d<.-1*st:m that it \\':1.;' \lZ........ .. Udall...` `L |I_\ L|l|' EUKHC I}'.L. \\ U \\UllHI IlI\l' .\Iinv.`in-_v' Station team and not .\li11e. tn-zun who \\`L-Ht (1()\\'ll to It-I'(*:1t. 'l'l1<- lm-:11 toum _i0111'm-_\'ml to l`Ihn-| \':xl(- nu Mnn(l:1_\ . Foh1'11:n'y '_ (i, In ]l:1_\' thoir ri\'ul.~', l'01' ]l0('k(.`}' lmnm'.<, thv I".lm\'nl(2 st-Von. :1 :':un(- uI' lmr1<- (-`\'. with 1111- u1n1vr.~t:11nlin_~_r' that 1".lm- \':1It- woulml return the g':nn(- wt am 4-:n'l_\' duh-. .-\l'tm' thv '_-`amt-, \\`v are .- 10 .<:I_\' tho Iilnnvnlv .<]m1't.~'('. ,) u-h:1n-_-`(H1 their min untl Hmu:'ht run`. '_"z1n1(- (-n0uu'h. '|`l1(- ])I:1_\' s1:1|'tml with -I I-null u'H'l| |`I|n\`-uln :.(\|-;n.r Huxl The Advance is read in the best ilorpes In Barrie and vicjnity weekly; these readers patronize Barrie Stores. Ty get this business advertise in the Advance. CI.:\O.`l`i\/;:B3.1'&K1\dAN AD VER TISING the means with in its highest sense is the crvzttion of 21 new wztnt and provitlin which to apply that want. The aim of advertising is not to spread the name of 21 rm so much as to get business for that rm. The ad. that counts is the one that makes the inxuries of to-day the necessities of to-mori'0w. A great many people advertise as they give to charity--mere1y to get rid bf the solicitor. Then _ . . . . .... A` l L . V the advertiser says it doesn't pay and when done in that spirit it does not. Ad- vertisers must put brain and selling force into their copy, and when this is done they nd that advertising is not an expense, but the finest kind of an investment ` -S. C. Dobbs, past president Associated Advertising Clubs of America. n. .. J 1. .11 .4 V1,. l`()l'(` 01] H ])l.S.\'| 10 first period L . all. In tho had the ('(12`(' ..1 ~) <-vntrv I\ i1<-lliv. ll. wing .\lu.~' win: Simplv 01 .\li(ll:u1l, l\ (~I' |(im'('11\\`<)ml (>|' l'Ilm\':x1('. } The Seattle H0('1\'('_\' tvmn. u =t|:<- l(-:Id<-1-.<|Ii1 0|` their ('um.. I ';;l"ny.s1()11. urv <-l1:nnpi(ms of J :1<'i<- ("nzlsl L021-_"11o zuul 1uI:x)' \\'inm-rs of the N. H. .\. I'm` \\'01'l(l'.~: (,`h:11npim1.~'hip. '.I`l1i.< _lw tlw .<(\(-oml \\'m'lrl's sm'i<-.4 `I1':1nk 11:19. pl;1_\'0 in. Who that lnm-k(\' pl:1}'('1's don't thriv .\Iine.~'in<;"`. |l`.'I'l'il~\l"I IIIKII I1` .\ l'(ll3 (1:11. I II`!-VI` lot ! to nnourn his loss mm tlmw lzm-_"h1m'.< and min son. .\lr.~'. Hurti- h(-_ ml` Urilliu. .\lrs. '.\I. Burkv 0! I vIwl:m'_-'. ;\'_-"_~'iv and .100 at lmnlu. 'I'1m.~(- frmu :1 ulistzlm-v :1Hmnlin'_" tlw t`um~r:al \\'('1'(`. hm`. (I"utlw1') Hm-hv .\h'. :m:l .\lr.<. Hobt. llm-k(~1'.\'. .\l1'.~'. _\lv('::lw. .\lil<(- I 1n'l<(- nml .lm- I-`.1 - \\`iu. zlll 01' 'l'm'm1l(>. Tho Hm`. l":u1:t-1' Hm-lw mntlm-tml tlw l`unm`:1l ..4 Al... I) {' l`1......l. ..o .`I'I \ |l'l' ll` ` I'M:-l1:.~1m1 `I-.i.l in 1'1-4 [NIH '-` .\II'. .~]ut':1I .\l 1`. : IIXl'I]llH II I .\lr.~'. 'l' visiiml I1 l<|n_\' 121:1. DRUGGIST, I .\I:n*r'h G, 1917 I Mr. Thos. Thompson spent at l'o\\" dznys last wool: with M1`. and .\h'.-:. l'Irnost' Thompson in 'I`nrm1t0. \f.- Qiflnnv (`nv lm Hm mi J';l'll(?hl lllulllphull HI Jllllllllll. M1`. Sid110_\ Cox had tho n1isl'm'- tune to lose :1 wry -.r0ml work lm1's<- :1 week 01' so 1120. U1`. Ax'thn1' Dohson and Miss V0- 'L(-an nf T\'_\' spent Sund:1_\' with Mr. and Mrs. \\':Iltm' 'I`hnn1ps0n. 7\f.. nu.-1 \fu-.- 11`nnn]| rintrnnr mmni :H1(l1\l1'S. \\illll'I' l_llU|l|[!.\Ull. Mr. and .\T1's. Ellcwln Dmzoor . he \\'ook-end With 1101` :'i.~;tm', .\lr.~'.. I 1 (,':1Il(-r at l`} ' ,. ...1.u1 4,. nu. ol...+ NHL. .\ll : .\l rs. vp .\li.<.~'. l'1'ivml.< `In . `L:1111(-1' :11 1`.uo11\':11v. ` \\' 1-2111* Lrhld to 11010 that hith- `1".dwz11'(l Gossli11g,' is 11111011 i111p1'ovod [in h(~:11th :1I't(`1' his t1'c:1t111(-11t 111 1110 R. V. 'H0spit:1I. B:11'1'i0. | M1`. F1'('1l Pratt. (`11110 11]) f'1'm11 'l'0-| 1`011t0 :1 wook 01' so 1120 to 3110111] 11 1"(-\\' h0li1h1_\`s 1111(h'>1' his 11:11'(`11t:1l I 1'00`: 1).... \ Q`|1I\.r\1t,~ .>nnn' ..1'..u~l IUIII. Rev. A. Strnilmrs `(lays in this vir-im1_\' A. F. GARRETT, of the Barrie Music Store, has moved from the old premises on Dunlap Street to his A o'fi6 E New Store, Corner of Mary and Elizabeth Sts. TWO BLOCKS WEST MARKET REPORTS EXPIRATION OF LEASE U`, |`('.\'.. l`Ir\\'in I riv. 01' ("amp 1-'n1':1vn uvvr Suml;l_\ :11 his hmnv In-1'0. and .\I|'.<. -\n l utts and John Blnin Sumlu_\' :11 lIv_\'1mll.<'. 01' 1111- l":1t1v:u1. Is in B:n'I'i(`. '.~'. Tom Sc-ulxton 0|` (`mwn Hill I hor hmm'- lw|'u on \\'(*lnv.~'- I,A . . . . | .~`.~'. l'r.~'11l:1 .\Im'l-_\' 1s \'1s|t1|I'_'| 7th LINE VESPRA llll` \\'l1<-rv .1 {ll ..\ll(|lillHl, it-an (`up v . \ TI \ VIGO um; JIZIFUH, 1.. 1(H:u1(l, (~I'<'|'<-0. 1.. '.\1 ll {lu- M:u'rh (i, 1017 NH illr lllll'\' I. I ;urI<<' [.`..4l.....\ I3...l... ulllllo \ lIk `Fl \V' (ll'll|I"Il|NJH.\ \\Illl 1`onm\'<,~tl1(- iL_<| of and _:lows ma) worn llsillg` it. l x'ir-1, 15c. and `. 5-, [)0- lightful after slnuving. FI?% I hltbuun n g -- spvnt :1 fvw 1)vI'o1'0 tukin: HIHI >IU|' 1:1` l 1 unm`:1l (`lnm-11 :11 ! m1rI<-1' l"I':1nl< 1' 1111-. :x_\' Hm` n` Hw: is will $ vs tllzlti 0 snitli THURSDAY, MARCH 8th,191'T Mr. 'l'l;mm1.s J. (`ll1li(Z`]{ of Utopia. .<|-(-nl Sunln_\' with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- '4:n- Iimnxnivlc. Mr. and .\l1*.~'. (t'()l"_"(' $011105 and. llwir son (:1mvH. .~']u-nt h'un(l:1y }\\`ith _\h'. and .\Ir.'. John .\Im'1'i.~;0n. up his (`.~.;.v..m- I Hr. J\'.---lIu Plowlnzlll. Jr. l\'--IIm'0l(l Sllunlxml, Clarice l*'(-1'1'i.~', H:11'r_\' \\'ri}_'h1. Ruth Forbes. III I\ I` II`_'ll`n Jr. llI.-----ll:n'nl l mn'sm1. Etlncl \\'1'i:_"l:l. lit-{:1 Ponlv, Ht-in \\'in.,"1'0vC, h;\_\' .\l:1lkin. l'l\'ol_\`n lllIlll(`1', Willie )l(-l{vL-\'m'. 'l'l1('0 BI'0\\'n, l"01'11 \\'in- _;'r0\'({, (`evil l ln\\'muu. Hr. ll.-~,l"rz1nl; .\'l1:umnn, Frzlnkie .... I)... ... .\ \.....~l.-.\....- I nWI . I I \\'riu'11t'. Ill I7]. |.*'||Ull ()li\'v llmxtm`. '.. I .' \ l\_. SATURDAY MARKETS FEBRUARY REPORT S. S. NO. 9, ESSA IWUII. 1 \ .`-\ IIHHI S011. IH~-h't-no Jun. JIl~~l\'(-ith lit-l .\|-Q11;1_\' T8, 1",.` DHIIUII. S1`. ]I.-L. 'J`hom:1.<, A. Rzmds, H. .\ L. Bessc, E. Rzmds, C. \Vig- |{:ix1.<, M. l,.aws011. I .1 1- 1| __.T ].:n\' x\ prlfnl-Qnh, tlllll. Jll *`l\|'llH l'4lIll`lLv I34? \|U,lV ('l(l l".li7.:1h<-1|: Dunn 77. S911. Il--'|'l1('hn:1 Hrul<*_\' T4, Hm`- ()](l B1'nl('_\' U5, lIu}u-1'1 (')1'r0<`l\' :38. Jun. ll---B<-:1t1'i<-0 .\I<-(Quay 79, Lottie Dunn (SS), .V()x'z11:1 ()rr0ck (55. Jun. l---\\'il.son Elliott GT. Pl'iIllill`_\`~--L( ()llI` .\I1l(`(l0l1i|1(l 78, I -mvv .\|:u-donula 75. John I)u1m 69, l`.\....}.I I.3....... :1.` \'.......x.. \r,.{\...... J IIlllll|.\ "IAl'IHIl' I .\|:x<- 1(ivr:1M Hn\\'v 50', I IL) I ll:_'H, 1' . I Ull'I-`UH. V` . llrillllla (`lass lIl.-~R. Yam Normzln, T. Wilsnll, \\'. T uck:11'd, J. \Vi_[_ 3gil1S, C. Sutton. k`_. 1 I I 'l`I...._... . A T3.....l,~ TI l l\y .\ '1' -uolnor. Class ]V'.--Tl. Robertson, M. .=\d:nns. E. Fil1i11_';l1a1IIl, A. Campbell, (}. Bull. 0. I :1(-km'(l. V. Hart, C. P1121], F. Peterson. W. liands. (`lugs I11__.R \'nn \Tn1-rnnn '1` |:.'Hl.\, .\l. l,Ail\\\UIl. | Jr. H.--J. L;1\\'s0n, A. I ('.tc1'sen, B. .\Inir, IL I{z111d.<, I. \Vils0n. I J1`. l.~-.-'\. Mr-I)ox1:1ld, J. Martin, \I. C:1n1pb(~]1, .\I. B(!sso, R. \Vif,"f_',`i11S. ` ;1`ri1n(-2--.] l.:1\v. P. Hart, H. H n znn .. Ill` I07... II, 3|'1'1m(- Ix obsrm. IV]. II.'J`IilH|\ .=\1'xnsh'011::'. lluurz Jr. ll.-I{;1tic \\':1llm'. N(>1'1:1:111 1 S1`. 1.-(ioIIi(- (|lI.... ll....A. . /u\\' I|llI|l\'I. 1'. L5 .-\--~l) 13-ll. .\H<-n Bm\\`11. 1. Htuult-_\', _\l:1Il I 1'imm'--|lnmld ('u1`tis, Alice `lick. .\'m'm:m 'l'Iu-k. Ii. \\'1'i_-`ht, '1-:1 r-Iwr, Jo A\'(`1':I T I` xis ]1(,`\\ :1p]mi11tnwut 111011 (-irmut. NO. 1, VESPRA _- | -uuu 1I1.-i)omz1.- l3l:1<-k, .I~ .VIiH"UllIilIIl 1'`. "(H111 \'v1'n0n u;_-'- u1t<-ml:1m<(- in Fob1'11m*y T, .l. .\'])(-Ilvo, 'l,`c:1('l1(*1'. `(-5 nlmmiv p(~1'(:v11l:1;_'(`. 1\'.~-\`im1u Elliott, S3. l]l-_Im-nn \{1n(]n:I\' RI TORONTO MARKETS Ill I l',llllJ-W ~ ;\l'l}l.s`U'()llf_'_', Brown. FOR FEBRUARY SCHOOL REPORT Pooh-, H:1_\' Poole, S. S. NO. 1, ORO .\l|'\.`:llil_\ `ICHi0tL 8; , `I2. .l...4 I. l\.. IAIIIKILL, LL). .\I<`Qu:1_\' 8|. I-`HinH .\) Ullillll H), I)111m .\I<-Qllay 011 the Kit:-L IlllI`l.`, [IF 11:4. ll). (`ul'I'(`(*. (1 ` \\'hi]]uin'. <. h:1. .~'. hunt-H .l._.. FARMER S i RICES If you have my guests at your home, are [E-ing om of Lown fox 3. visit. or know of any in- teresting news, let us hear from you. We always apprec- iate such favors. HIDE MARKET BARRIE, ONT. - .\[:11-('11 T. N--- .7 -..--_ _ _.______.__ , 'l'h(-rv was :1 slump on tho m:n'k('t Sat111'dz1_\"i11 (":-_'`s and low]. Toronto mm'k(-is \\'(-1'0 1'op()1`tml us h:1vi1|-.5 Itakon :1 drop, so \\'ll()1(`.\'ill(`1'.s` were 0ff(`1'in'_" as low as 35 counts :1 dozen fior -'_".".s`, in oonsoqmlm-0 thv prix-4: droppml (-on.~'idvr:Il)l_\' from last \\'c(`k. n1tlm11~_-'11 no 0]1:1n:`(- in prim-0 1-:nn(~ to the ]l()ll>'(?h01l](*]' for his I'o\\'l. HOH1 (--_v`:'.~' and hllttt-2' \\`(-1'0 lull,-ntiI'ul. Po- tatoes. of whit-I1 lhv1'(- \\'m'o .<(-\'(-H11 farnu-r.< oIY(-ring` thom,I'm' sulo. drop- pt-al "330 pm` lm`.-,' silwo tho ])1'(*\'i()11s3 Snilmln_\'. :\ . \\`:1.< lw:ml on tho m:n'kz-I \\`hi('h uovs to show that 1}u-1'0 m:1_\' not he ihv l1(\1'{:1'_"v in 1mt;11 that is npp:\rm11. .\ 121:1) \\':1.~ In-zml 1.- I ..1. .I.... al....- I nnl 1!.'ml: "r 11)` K ._-I 5) (H) E) (m , _ .111-.)_|'] I . .si.50-$2.50 U0 (III (H) .17 -1 (7) lg :16.` Hull 15 :Ip|1:n'H11. .\ mu_\ \\;x.~ m-mu to Hm1:11'k tlml Hwy (IM not think u-_\' \\`rml<| haw n1m'<' pntulnr-s than wmxlml . for their own n:"~(-. hut` linully had conw to thu mxxrlllsinzli tlu-_\' wnulzl hnvv nlmut IUH hn-_"~1 I'm` snlv. :\n0thm' ruse` \\':1.< . 1111.! \\".wrv HM` 1':n'11Im' haul '31"! h:1u'~' .~'tm`-' ml in :1 pit. and nynvninu l'mnnl 1114-3" u-...-.. ..H |v- .1: I'riun\ |'nl1I :1` 1. .1111 1:; mi 11 on; 10 001 2} (NH 44)} 141 `I917 .1-Ir 1!` 1.11 145:; 3 <,7_1nr u.-zn-i I-\I. gill 'l mol ivr-pl ')-5581-. 3'-401' .-:\. . -'|' MN} | . I \\('|l' illl ||-I4'4l|l umlm-: .-\mnl<-.~'. lm. R11tIm'. ll)... Buttc-rmilk. qt.` -`pm-1'. I'mn1.<. ll Bout". hil!!.<, H) l`I ' I, ., . .`_ O(: ....l olU ! ()0 5 my! 1n| I Mr. I"rc(l. \\'ri'.:`ht has 20110 to .-\l- lborlu to suck his l'01'tum~. .\l1'. \\':ml znnl .\iis.~' _\Inb(-1 \\'n-hh Hw \'i. 1'rit-11 in 'l'hm'11hm'_\' this \\'('(`1{. I l(-:u.s'(-cl to rr-}mx'i that .\I1',~'. Lniinm-1' is in1pm\'inj.: :1l'((-1' hvr ill-| I nncu .\I1`s. .\I. l)_\'vr who has lwt-11 \ i. in-.1` l'rivml.<. in .\1]:1nd:1lv has 1'(~t1m1- ed home. .\li.<.< \\'il .\I:n'1in 01` Kllm,-l< vis- lh-al I'riun lwro !'(`('(`llH_\'. ` lw_"1'ot in report that Mr. Allwrt e 1 Sprix1g' is ill with pxwumonin. ('m1-.:'m1ulnlirms 10 )1)`. 2ll`\`(`_\' Fm'l)(-s of '|`m'unt0 and .\Ii. J(-.<. :\\'(`bl) 0|` Hlis phi A 1 I , , 7A: .1- vv. who \\`m'(- tho I 3.. L`A I)....I`.: |n1:lvo firsi in be In:n'1'i1- (`hu1'<'l1. on '[`1u'. 113...... I`l.,. l._...... i I \'lI \. I Ill ||1A [Illa -\'x-nin: (mil 'l'm'onto. Tho T ;I`ri(>x1d:~' -_:n with I i .\hm1l two Intlmlrod 01' tho 177th `mm--lml out in .\'h:mt_\' ``-:1)' last 1\\'(~:I11(*s .\'(-:n'l_\' ('\'l'1'_\'h0(L\' turn- "ml nut to 1m_\' 1101101` to them. The i :('(`\`(` '_-zwv them :1 \\'o1(-unm in :1 Iv\\'[ |('hn. \\`m'd.=, tho I{vct(1' ('11d01`. [um] . tho .<;nnv . The g1:nli-s . their :xp]n1`(-(-iution by I I '_-i\'in:' Ihvm :1 . 01' ])i(`.\', whirl: Al... ..'lX ....I.\ I :l'\II!`_', lIl\'Hl ll .`[l|I\\('l Ill l ll'5, \\ HIVHI tl1(~_\` :11! (\11_in_\'ml. .\.II who W(`1'(` :1h.<(-nt from Him :1I`iM'n0nn .`~(`1".`i(`(` at .\'t.Tl101nu.<" C`h1n'oh. rm S1md::_\`. 111i:<.~:o not only xx ht-amtiful and h<,-1])1'ul st-rvioo, but llzllso am 2:]rp(`:11iI1'_:' and p0\\`v1't.'11l 501'- : 'lIl\`I .IH`K'I. nu (V'11i(-km1:~`. Ur. nnd .\lr.<. H. Ln11'_"l10(-I \'i.~'it(=lK Mr. .\I:1tv \\'il(A_\' nI' .\'tI'm1l mm Jay lust \\'(~(-k. `C. .\I. .\'riL:`h-_v \\`n ilust \\'(`('k. 3 M.-. and .\[1'.<. n. 1: ;I{nn(~l< \'i~'it(-I Mr. ll. Emm l!il_\' Inst \\`wI<. .\Ii.~'.< I. (*;1I'l 1`; (211 11411110 111101 `1'1'i(`111Is |1(-1'1`. i .\li.<.- {nth .14. I I. .\!i.~'.s' B. .\'1'i`.'|(-_\` .\'11mlny. I \'i. r A, 3, .`IL`.\ -IUHHIU .\lI('IH'X|. l1 I`Ul_l|( .\Ii.~.< (ion1'ui:1 l\'i1'kp:1t1'ir-.k. (Tu ispt-nl tlw \\'<-<-k-cml with tho 3 ~ Thu1'lo\\'. | .\Ii.~',< (-`]1H'.`l .`~'ni:1(-1' \`i.~'iIr-(1 .\li.~'< 1":-llv Jnllnstmx l'(`('(`llI1_\`. I .\li.-:.~'.l:u1(~t .\'mi1I| mu! .\lr.~',. I I <-:n2~nn. |C1m\`:1l(- <-allml nn I...` l`.... ...L1.. l\'i1l.\IllI, l'4l|H\illl' ('illl('ll UH .\l|'.`.| Jun. (`nn1min'_: rt-v<-ntly. ] .\Ir.~'. Tom \\'nl;1<-v. lClm\'nI(' .~:p(-11! ,\\'(-lI1(-sulzxy with .\l.iss L. ThIn'l0\v. n .- . . . i .\l'1'.<. I130. J{01')', 1'Ilm\`ulo, is him." with hm` .\ ix`t('l`, .\[!'.~. 1.l01n1stnn. I Mr. \\'i1l Thurlow s] v(-nt lust \V lwilh .\llistm1 l'1'i(-Ilds. ill l' \ \'u1(`. I Mr.` spr-nt 1 }uiL-".~'. \ X\'I|lHu (hrwns Curns L`. 1 M1`. (irmlnn Huilx 0|` \'i~_ 5111114121)` :11 his um:lc's here. Mr. -T. J. C:n'1'ut.h(-rs visi `ling-\\'nol friomls last` week. .u|>. -121.`. .\|I'lAl'1lH, l\_\, (HI JHH` I51 nml H-port :1 }uh~:1. tnm-. .\lr. In':1(-1101' and his (121111.-"I11 Viola. .<}u-nt an few in 'I'm'm l'('l`(`llll_\'. :1t,t(-mlin}_-' tho l u11(-ml Iliis sistt-1-. .\l1'.~:. (I. Anlold. A. number 01" our _\'0un-_" nu-n m-mlml In-rn l|:1\'(- hm-n \\'n1'kin_: ut ('nmp BU1`(]l`ll. but mw by one are rotnrnin-_~' homo with bad <-old.<. .\h'. and .\lr.<. .T:un(.`.~` A. .\Iill0r are in .\'nnni:l:1lv \`isiti1):_`,` tlu-ir 1-ou.~'.in, Mr. Stm\'zu't .\lcQu:1_\', who is spr- liously ill. I I The 1':u'I11Cr.s um l1z11'\'vstin_-,-' thc11' j nn I .\Ii'~'.-5 .\[:11-iox1lSpz'1f1'ord 01' Angus .s})(*l\t Sunday with her friend, Miss Vinln }\1`(-Master. .\Iiss (h-ace `Willoughby of Allis-I ton 1.~: around renewing old acquain-I lancos. 1r. .1 n..-._... \[,.f`...... :- z.. m........;.. li1ll('L'5. M153 I`Iu1'1-y .\IcCann is in Toronto at.teudng' the 11'2a1-riagc of her bra- li\ll' ` .\|r.<. I I ROUND ABOUT BARRIEI What Our Correspondents Find Worth Recording l4'_"_l`- }W)1. l1u)z llk. 1). L..A. .\I1'.<. Jznm-s Ruiv , rv \'i. her sis ..l.. 1'. x.~.< .ImmiL- .\li<-In-1|. T<)I`1)l11n and! (7z1lj;'21I'y. 1 .\1i.<. SUNNIDALE '. and 311-5. -Ins. l'rin Inst \\'(-vk. `. \\'. I . C:1lI1])})('H, 0|` 9 t the \\'(-ck-1-ml at Mr. FBRGUSONVALE .lnl111.st0n, l:x \\'(-vk wth .\ [III T110 .. . 1.. SI-IANTY BAY .\llH\. Ill. . I ut:Itov<. bu-4` Pork. 1'1'0nt.=. 11.1.. H I m'k. hind.<. 1b.. . .. Strzuv. `um . . . 'I`nr11ip_<. basket 'f`m'n1ps . . . . \\'00d, muplo, .d 1'._\'-, C RAIGVALE ` Ill lI|l' .\Ir-Lt-an. lHll'I'll'(|. ll] >`l. I 'l`1w. |)_\' l\'(`\". 0 h:1m>_\' mmplv lvl `.:':1in F01` thoir hon `I L. .A ...` I... . ,.A' .\. Millc-1' znnl in\'i1<-T p:n't_\' 0: ~ :11 tlw lmmv \l._T ..... l .... ._ .\I:u'0l1 5th, 1917 ['3' and two children .s1.sto1- in 1(*1'j_:11.~'n11- HOLLY UTOPIA I1 Lino {ln11:1t(w1 .\'nI1ml:I_\", 1 ll). L \ Hut-In. \'iu`0 spt-nf ; .7:n'1'\1t.h(-r.< visitml (Tul- I. I. L ,.1. \\'l1o:1t' Ba1'l0_\' 1).. .