Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 22 Feb 1917, p. 5

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\ I\'T\ \\ Il'|\l'. (irnhzun. I (}:nul< '. II. _ . ` \ .. 1 ml 1:. .1. Yzlnmlul on :E <-<-rtalinlv \'m'_\' '_-nod} and (ml_\' :1 .<()H1-r ' 1-h tllt-so ;_"n0 1hin_~_'_';~ a Heal. '|'h(- rr~. 01' Um 111:` (>`1l'i])ll1('Il to iiw nus v.'l1<-n- our anmw \V'(`. 100. (-xptwi TH`) " :iHm'_\' 1'iu'?1t. :x\\':1_\' amxli I :I11zwl1:wl tn I`.u~ lT.'rl' Iilinn. Um" Im_\`_< :11`-` nvm` but 01` r=rn1r.~'-'* '|[w'.l \\:1E1t- \`:`r.\` mm-h i . 1 3 I . Z- bulullzt In an i'.1. ...u| THE NORTHERN ADVANCE 1 syn-:i:11t_\' by: -.-\-ll(`*n. H J .\ u<'11'(`_\` \|, _. .. :1 ]n'oxnin'.u av 'l`l.-n-.~.l-av! .\Lill'_Lul'I Ill" \\'in11il`n- H121 ()'('uII-E I I`. .... . In`.-gnu: n't l)ml: [`m1. I.` ..`.A /.. ';'1'u!(~- '_\ III"` _ \ uvrltt` ` ..l .\Ullll' Ul||_\ In'|u'.; -' J I 1011:`. Sm,-k.-; : h:\'.`v 1'1-M nishr-I not Irma: Hmn 10`; i and not x:1m'(- than H`I_- i1wlw.~' Head (iivv la21.< rt-rgur-. thi-: also {hut .~m-ks .~1muI1 not hv ri L1... ...L..l.. 1 . . . . ..AI. .4` cl... |.... ....`.,, 'l'h0~:0; Lun-. | J,Ul'UllHl. M1`. Jan-k Paxton has been appoint- oal to :1 position in the m:1<-hinv slmp ,m the ]'0llIl(l0lI.\'(`. ! 'l`h(- Hmnilton \\`u_\' l"r0i;'ht has `howl! 1:\| OH ['01- Hxv ]n'e. in ur- }(I(-1' to use the ])O\\'(.'l` <'l.~'(.-\\']1m'o on ltlw \1.. I) I)....1.. .. 1... . .\..../J... .,..I ll... I 1']:n'I_\' .\l4)11d:x)' lll()1'Ilill`_" :1 l|(-:ul-(mi collision ()(~o11r1'(| at (}(-01'}_wtr)\\'11, when two Hui}.-`Int t1';1in.s' mnnv tu- getllvr. Two '1'. & N. U. 0nI_"in(~.~' :'.mI mm H. T. 1%. 1-n~_-"inc \\'(-re haul- Vly .<.nI:1. up :1.~' \\'(-H as other ml- lling S10('1{. Tho imin frmn ll(,')'(` \\'us `in (*l1:11' ol` C'0n .\l0111-rt-ill`. `Tlw \n'('ol \\`z1s (:1L`&1l'['(1 by 110011! thy the :m.\'ili:n`_\' from here . ' Mr. '11:. I <~nn_\` has :1('r:(,-phul :1 position with the C. P. R. :11 \\'<-st 1 lTm'0ntn. I I 1\l.. l..,1. 111, .,._2..L ._ I .. . 1...... Cream. with Blue and Black stripes. Some liigli%3"/7 collars, others with convertible collars. They are big l value at $2.75. Clearing price only $1.89. Q KH:\I\'I YARN, good quality. big value at $183. Clearing price, $1 25 lb. You shou`.d not miss this Wool. LIH` ll|\l.`llllI. I M1 . 11. l n1'1 has ]\11rvh:1. Hm} ilmkixx-_-' hu. 01` Mr. S. Hm-hm|:m and took pn.<. an .\ln11 i 1st Sunday in Lent I I 9.30 :1.m.--IInl_\' Communion. E I 11 :1.m.--.\lm'nix1j_:' ]n':1_\'t~1'. 11t:m_\`i "mu! .s'(-rxnon. <-nntinuingg` 5('l`i(`~` on} i i ivpistlv tn H10 Ilmmms. ] 3 1).xn.---Sx1m1:1y Scllool. HIBU `,Colligr `St. [1eth9djtmCl_1ur ch %I zn`i.~ Hull. '7 `hill. Illlll I 17... \\ 0l'S("a" ' Good Music. All welcome. Come and bring a friend. i 7 p.n1.--Ii\'(-11i11_;' .~;m'\'ico. `Sermon -Is the \\'m'l(l (.i1'0wm-_-' Better or \\"0rso `I F1-..) '|f....2- A1] ||vl\I:;r\vu'\l\ (`Anna LT` I L4\_)|\ g) l).'\L ll 1."\llL4L4.I ;J\,,I.\l , Jrllllb quality as Infants I)elif:_ht, A large cake. Special, 10 each, or $1 0-0 :1 dozen. 1 .`\ 1 l.\JI\ 3 L :u-\,\_ .\L 1 \ I \\ LJ1'.1x, U uz..| glass jars Blue Bird, Infants Delight Powder, \"al1c_\', Violet. Special price, 25c. m::j: T.~\LCU.\`I PO\VD]7.R, I ll). tins, LiIy-nf-the- Valley and Violet, Special, 15 each, 2 for 25c. IA-ntt-n . on ].m. anul I"x'1lz1)' :11 x I ll,Il vv--v- nan: nu-vs-av--av- v---_ `-- Pastor. Rev. G. R. Turk. Sun F0b1'um'_\' 25th, 1917 ]1 sun. Morning Service. Sunday School will be held at 3 sm With Every Dollar Purchase we will Give You a 5c Coupon Redeem able at our Premium Counter. See the Nice Goods at Small Prices. ...__ I..... In In should Rev. Herman Moore. Pastor Sunday, February 25th, 1917 11 n.m.-Morning Service. Sunday School at 3 pm. 7. p.m.--~Evc-ning service. Centramethgdist (_Ihm'ch Trinity Church ['15]! IHHI. E\'er_vbod_v \\'('1(-omc Rev. II. D. R.'1}'r:1011(1, Vlcm`. .T. ~\YLOR'S BATH T.-\I [.I?.T SOAI same _ 1 .l,,.L_ '[\AI:._.1_L `\ 1-.., .....l.,\ C.`..,..`..1 I '1`_.-\YI.OR S T.~\I;CL .\I P()\\ DEI\ .. 6 , 1n,_ 1`.:,,.I l.-r.~,.:... l'\..l.'...l. l),\..,I,... \7nH WARD SIX NEWS FLANNEL SHIRT WAISTS DJ`; \\'(-Ino. LET THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HELP YOU :111 ml? ` XXEPROPERTIES FOR SALE [N X BARRIE E Here is a Big , Bargain in I MVo;en s Hip Rubber sizes (3, 7 only. They are big \-a}uc at $6.50. Special price nan -In Boys Rubber D....L.. nav, u nsuw-qu- Boots 2 pairs only, size 1. They are good value at $175. t Clearing price A- AA ' _ ill'l'l'.\ Ul |ll'.\l'(`lH.".` f_'[lll"IL'Il|llU; lluml: (S-mmn hun:_v'ulo\\'. burn with] hm'.~:o and cow stable and M-nu-nti oor; drive h0u.~:(-. in-0 h(m.~'(~. poul- try house ]8xTU. 50 bom'in u1>1>lo| tr(,-(`.<, \v(-ll 1'om'(-(1: 0\`(-1'l00kin;' 1110` b:1y-u ht-u11til'ul lmn1o-p1-ioo $1331). $5(l() cash, bz1I:1.n<-0 6 `nor t-Ont. 1n _, _,, L__,,1,',, L, , , , r ,II,_l l~1xistin5_-; \\`n1' mmlilions l(-mam] that you .-_-ivo tlw quoslizni of` seed special attention this _\'c:11'. SI-(-(1 0|` \'ari(-lios and lnigli -_:(-rmination po\\`m- will he l':u-tors influencing; _\'l0l(lS. ]l' you lmvc not .3'(`(`lll`(`(l your S('(`(l ' *------- -- - -------- ------ I?"'IT>!\ .,.,.... `...v.., .,u...`..\\ .. ]0-1'o01n b0:11'din_ ' lo(,-nit-(1, with town ligrht. privu $1500. [v|A<\. ~,.~.\.,. , (5-room bun_-.::1]mv in (-:1Hin dis-1 trir-t 01` (}1`:1m1 Trunk. 0\vin;_r wvlli \\'z1.f(*x`-1hi.< p1'0pm't_\` mm be bn11}_:`]1f; with small 1m_\'m(-nt down and ::1(mth-; ily p;1_\`1m-11ts t]w1'm11'1m'. Prior $.`1.")(). x L,` I, ...:u. A...._.' .`~`-room hrir-k watt-1'. (-1(wt1'i(' I:n*_-`(- lot with 0n. it-runs. T-mnm hrir-k lulwth St :1 Hit 1... .. A \Inr\||| -v... .. ...._\. ...... l\` I... on.~'_\' it-rnus. Puultr_\' l*`:u'm. Z; :1<')`(~>. 1 !lm11.~'(-. 200:! m-(-luml. Irw E('](`('fl'i(` light" uml fnrn:1r--. in l)<-:mtiI'ul 1>1i1(`(' zmzl r`:::'. 1 011 <-:x.~_\' twins. ! }{()ll.~'(' mu! Int. `y:1.\'!'1c-1:! i`_ l`nlln(1.~` wit]; 4:11)]:-. ;-1 i>'Il'::!H p:1_\'m(~n1 l1(l\`.`!1. E .`~'1(n'i` \\`it1I 1'(` (- iuml (`ollit-1' Sta. with hr-mi Qilltl` and ]1u1n}>in__". Slu- tr-m1ntm'.~' in s`m1'(-. .\ good i. h11.~'in(-.~'.<. \\'iH take 4 lporty in (-.\`-l1:111:'e 01' >1-1 ! :\]J]1_\' 3 '\V (3 THOMPSON FOR SALE 1 {WATER FRONT PROPERTY! l \ V. U. J..L.LUJ.u..L uvvl, Hon] Est:1tr- ;. ; Phmw 289. Uiro 15 Owen St. -`.:1x`rivf I The East Boat Lot, belonging to John Carley. This is a valuable water front pro- perty situated on` east side of Mul-j lcasti-1' St. _ ' ` _ - 7 1 ,-' I Can be purchased at very reason- able price. i i Apply $4119} Farmers Having Seed Grain or Potatoes for sale nm_\' for- wmnl sanlples to this oice, st:1tin'_:' \':1l'i(`li( >', prir-c and qlmlltity. Farmers Wishing to Purchase Seed are also invited to com- Jilunit.-uto wiih this nf'I'1t~(- , v:1ri1_\' :m qu:1uti1;.', and :m 0!1"01't will hv xumlo to put them in touch with l'zu'm(~r.~: h:1\`i11:-,' seed 1'01` 5:110. $11.99 VV. C. THOMPSON . n-..1 l.`.o_4.. L. GEO. E. CA Boots uvu can sraoaucnna -5; care W. H. Gillamd & `Co. ' Hamilton, Ont. I ........\.. ...`. ,...,.. . lmu.<(- with imvni ]1u'ht' amnl t'm'1uu~<--- | .s'tu|)1(`. } 1'ir-o $]4'.')U_[ 1101150 and co 1101111`. 1111 1i1's1-(~l:1.<.< nrI(~11i11u' rr .- L . AV I` (-m', H hr-min-_. lit 13.". Slwl\`in'.." 0. plzm "111 mhl-1' ` 7 an .11 ' W. H. HEARST, [.lNE.\3 TORCIION LACIE and Insertion, 2 inches wide` Good value Ioc. Special price, 5c.- I2 yards {or 50C. I.I.\`IZN THREAD. 4 spools in a box. V\/orth to-day 15c box. Spccial price, 10c box. A\Ll_4.V `W IXAVIJ lull/lI4\} \ALl\L l`L 5.11411.` PERS, with carpet soles. Big value at 40c pair. Clearing price. 29c. House and Water} Estate of the late` Buy Sutc'.ifTc':sSpecia] LA UNDRY SOAP. 7 bars tor 25c. You shouki not miss this. LA FR`-\N'ClC CAS'l`I1.IC SO;\l ,1arge cake. Spa-cia1,5c. Oil of Cucumber Soap. Oatmeal, of L. Soap, made by T;-.LyIm'. Special. 5c each. 'D\\'L(.)I{'S TOOTH 1 (j)\\ l_)}7.R. vTAY- LO}-L 5 TUOTII I AS'I`Ii. These are good `inn: P.-{rm 9`::~ r:u~h L f\. I l4\J l\ -) Special price 1 5c. y o :...........v_... pr.` ., `..`..`. ..._...... 5.5.... ./A\\I .LLI\./L11. 1;! lines. Pricu 25 each. mm csmsss 3&3 NOTES - - 11011.90. (-m1fmH_\' \vat(*1', t-11-('irir* ME.\"'S AND I.;\I)IIiS' CARPIZT SL1`?- IWL` ._.f;l_ --...\-L .. A l).',.. .....I..,` .. W ? .-\ Y 1.0 ?m' (`)-1-{_I;wSI I.-\_\_%'-1.Tu'_c:-s. 1` I C KS. ....',_- 1 E- .m1 Int. px'i--0 r I\(' '-HI .~'('1l u-.. n. h1'.i<'l; Eli /.- -;.~1n;'m_ '_"ht.` Xt)tl<'c is lu-H-lwy 5.-,i\'0n p\11's11uI1t ,tn thv 'l'1'u>t(-0 AM. that ull pm'snn.~; |lm\`in_- vluilns :!'_"ll1|st the estate of =.-\h-.\';1n \\'21tt. lntv 01' the 'l"0\vu- =. 0| lnni. `in tho (`10unt_V of Stun-m-. 'l:1rxm-1`, (l(-r-o:1.s'o who (lied on 01' uhont tho t\\'(~nt_\'-li1'.s't; (lay of M:1_\'. 1910. :H`(.' 1'(-quim-(l to soml pm - t.ivul:11's 01' their I'li1llH.~'. to tho un(le1'- . on or l)('t'0x'o l"(-.l)r11m"\' '_ .Tth, llS)lT, al`t(-I` \\'lll('ll (late the adminis- t1':1t01' will (list1`ilu1t(' the assets of the ostzltv mn0n_-_-' those entitled utlwrolo. l1u\'inu' 1'(*:_v':ml only to the vlzlinls nt' \\ hir'h . shall then have notiz-0, uml thut . will not he re- . to any pt-1-5011 I'm` the as- >`l`l.\` nt snitl (~~'tut- \\'lm.~'(- claim shall not tht-n lmvo l)('(`ll r(w-i\'(' l`):1t(-l, Fvln'um'_\' tlth, 1917. . . . . .. . . .\ u.,... - Minister 0| -...v ----u..-` wu Iran`: _-vau-uuvavw - -Tho` `Advance is on sale at the bookstofes :of Walter Scott, J. G. Keenan and Roy Stone, price three cents the copy. Also at the olce of publication. $1.00 9. year delivered in town or mailed to any address in- Canada or Great Britain. To U. S. Sl1l).'4:1'll'.)C'X:S $1.50, strictly in ad- vnu_ce. ' ` .._:.. I T___ ___, [The Advance at the Bookstores .i.E@m2et t War Bonds Government, Municipal and other Securities NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bxish, Angla-French . - 1m.\'-\1..n 1: U 34.. .`..`. \ For Investments in I".\ .'\llII V .\'()li<*it0r U [Hill .\l ` \\'lmlv 1 - r-lninu-a : p|:Iv(*.~' l.. L. .1 THURSDAY, FEBRU. Y 22, 1917 and Russian CONSULT n, .-\tlmini.s'h'z1tm' H:u'ri(.-, Ont. .ll'll1ll`\ \nu1\'n, 1.: 5 tics. T1'init_\' (`iirl'.< `om -1`t_\' 1):`::`.<. (S ]_\`j:nn:\ )1't b;1u'.:. 1'. svultn-1u.< hr 5. Bu1tis1 ('Inn'(-h, ti 1 sc-art . 4\ll:ml'.1lv. N5 5. 5 p_\'_i:1mn . 1 1 St. .\I:n'_\"s C]1112`\'1I. ~'. LS`1n'upm't_\' h:1'_">'. rs. Co;::'1'<-:'2x1im1:11 '1; :1 ,1. 1\ ONTARIO FARMERS ! .`Ul'l\ llilll lU U\' ll'I\ Illll. . 1w(-zu1.<- 01` ion . only ht-mu` `~' ur HR; 1 ; I .. A1..... 1I\| 5In'I\.\ 1('II`.`. ll. (-$1112`. 4 Im.~{Hlzu .`llll>. . 1 pm-1<:1'.:v 0!. nt_\` R-.1_\` 3 }1_\'j:e!1::1 . mtotl). .*'~trmul 7 N'- 'l 11211121:-1 . `.3 hos- `3 lies. Ytnpia, 10 ]>_\ - mnol .~'hi1't.<. 3 p1'opo1`t_\" 1' . ("lm\'(-.<. 21'. I :1nl'.~'. U ]I_\'j:nn:1.<. (i1 .<. 1'I.<. and Innislilu 4 }v_\'j:m1:1.~'. I quilt.` ::1im1). `_ T p_\'j:n:m . ehirt. 1 quilt. T ]>iHn\\'s.` )n<.".~', (S (101. month \\'i1u-.~`.| '\ Hn; i DGMENEDN 3|`: EANAM DEBENWRE STOCK h_\' mth `.- ht-0:: _'\_`_j'1'i(`ll11il1`(!. .ll'l\. l"r [I`\.|-unu.` '.\Ii 18' p_\' lm_ . ..- \ ..-........ .un_- Tho 1n0nth1_\' 1>:1<-1 and slnippml Ft-I). 1:')1h ` i'01lows:- tlll II the \\';1s ]>:1( k('(1i and was us) IV)`. 13 p_\'- ()m 91:1- ,! I. C) .s1un>, _ 2 pill0\\'.< 1u_\'j:m1:1.<, I N" 1\' l\\'-I \I|lI |'|4 s11i1'ts, .) ..:II. :) [ulna ('Iun~vh. .\llnl|`\: \\'i1h THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF -....\-...u...\`...,..~.v -.... v....../~-, --..-... Interest. payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st. October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of ve per cent per annum from the date of purchase. rr 1 u n .- - . 1 -u 1 _ .I,_ _,,9_'I_._._ -1 __.____.l__:.__. -.}mir.~* . 'l'm:l1 \':!Iuu 0! .=I1ipvnvx1t JUIAIIHD ."" 468 suits 1>y_i:xx1x:1s. 1Uh0s1it:1l! stlits. 3} pzlirs h0. .~'Ii])pm'.~', 4%! ]n'oport_\' lm-_~'.<, "I38 L!`1'('}' tlzmnoll shirts , .`:}(i hospital neol 1 1nul'l_ -I 101'. 1 h'(`ll('l1 rap. 1'_ quilts 12 .\'l`lll- tctus ]):Ul(l:1`_"(*\` .3 yum-k:1'.:'v.~' olxl mf- `L011, 9 lmt \\'u1(,-1' 1101111: ('0\'(`x`$. T ])ill0\\'.~:. IS` ho:+]ni1:1l .x'ui1<. `_"_ .~'l1(~vt.<. 18 c0ml 01'ts h:1-.'.s' `l'o1' lm. 48432 0 I I a , ->n --.- --v- v. ...v r.. ..v... `.-- ..-_..._ .--* V-- ---r- . - Holders of this stock will have the pnvege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made undo` any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cant,-will be allowed torecognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. .1, ~s\- ,.A,, 11- - . a ---.--~- -~ --rr--~-._...-_ ...- --. _~--.._ ..._ For a plication forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Filgance, ttawa. ' DiPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA. M V OCTOBER 7th. 1916. J1. u-;- I`ih'm-1 AL. TO INVESTORS Inn in. \\'ll('l I... IL un- l`v(-f. I)ist1'i1-: IIvp1'v,<(-1x12\ti\'(` ("0lllnj;'\\'nml S-1] J- \\'1'i1(- to J. LAUGHLAND, Principal repaynble 1st. October, 1919. u 1 1 up _ I 4,. A___V Pill! N Burl $1()S5.'_ U. 11' 1 1 .\li.~<.< B1u'1'is< of tho . ilzmtlvtl Hw tn~:L~-.11` l_(~r(m.~' stun 0| .~Z:~i. l.(N). I) l n':nu-11".; shzlro nI' {'11 [>1:\}' sin}.-'(*rl l)_\' l`.('.l. . rnv , ,,... .....X .l H ~! `E 1 I -1 pnirs socks and the Soldiers with 536 pairs . 'l`lm .\'nl:|nn-< .\i4` hm} Phil!" \\I|H 0 [H1115 -\ll[)'l\'l~`. The .\'oltlio 1's' Aid haul (`1lill'_`_"(` 0! the shop in S:1tm'I:\_\'. I"ol)1`u:n'_\' 17.` im-ludml in 1'(-(-oipts. .":~'(f-.|.)(|. '_"I'(~'_":1tio11:1l and N(*l'01'm<-I I".pi.'<-opal (.`In1r<'h(-.< \\`iH 11:1\'4~ (`I|:1l"_"(' zuul Hu- l`nllm\'in';' !~'.:1t1n'u1:i_\` .\ll:md:1lu- (`llll1'L`ll(`\`. .. -. ..- I 17 Not I'M-(`ipts .*}4I37.S0. :\I(-n1b(-1'ships S:1tur(l:1_\'. ]"(\})1'11:xI'_\' `_ ~Hh H10 (',`xm-' I Sl10p("nn1n1iH<*c :1. .\I1'.<. kin Ii `.\1r.~'. Bzlrht-1'. .\Ix'.~'. . I x E `. I Hl` :11 .\I1'.~`. II. (":1]u1:-1'\\'uml >'0('i(`1_\' -'*}< _ T.5(l. .`|nU\\'r-n\I\ (A1114 .~ I)m:1tinn.<, $:1t11wl;1_\'. 'lT1h. 1'tn1ni:1. (`21. $3.72 The H<)l<]it-1'5` Aid will nu-(-1 u.~u=.1I for .<(-\\'in';' on 'l`uv.~` F `_ T1h. :11 5% n'<-lm-k in the R041 ('1': mmn.~=. H is lm}>(-xi that o\'mg\' nu` In-r will 11-.:t(~ 1'41- 'I'11(-.~'cl:1.\' mo ixms zuul vmlo-.1\`m' to he ]n'v.~'(-nt. i ` 'l`\\'o mm'(- Ivth-r.< nrv here L,-`lvmn; frmn (l.'l`.l{. mun \\'l.n lmvn 1'(--(-i\'m'1 tlwi1' Chx'1.~'tn1:1s p:n`v0I.<. .<(`n1. out by the N. R. .-\.<.~'m-intnnnt |G.T.R. MEN RETURN THANKS: To _\[1'. \\'. N. I)u1`l'. .\'(-(-"\' B:n'x'i(\l 1)i\'i. T'{:1i]\\':\j.`u1on .< I :xh'i0ti<-.| ;\$S0('i:1ii()Il, -\l1:1mlu1(-. (mtalriu. I D0211` Six':--- It is with great pleasure that I` \\'1'ito tlw. .11-w 1ino.~' to z1(3k11n\\ Iod-41: 1'v<-vipt 01` _\'nm' 1n:n'<-(>1 you so kin `.<(-ni mo uml T (`ll ;1.<. you the vnxnv in .um-2-'11 :'.H I' ll _ \`(`]'.\' 1x.<:-ml us 1:411 `.`~Hl'.l l1:lH`_"~ "gr-ult ll` I to 0ht.:mI :1 :1p}1'w'i:1t(- _\'mn' gnu ma. n I" I"1'lx!I f` Jillllxl. Lu lllwlvx I|_' slippms. (0;:2'1'<-: 1 quilt Mounted.) "HH ll) llllblllll illlll l Illll-`I. Il\'Il ;:1ppn--i:1t(- 1{ill It . 01' gm-:11` <'(ms01:1ti0n to 11 I l{lln\\ \\'(- :l1'(` hlt-.<.<(-:1 with sut-h ~ l'm t>' and lmvv the >'_\'n11>:1th_\' l.~`\1]n]m1'1 0|` thnsv at lmlnu. 1 nu-<.<(-u mm anvil liu1'l.< am . (`Ul|l` : l As no ll()lll)l you nrv :1\\'m'(=. \\ ( are not :1ll0\\'(-l to 1-mi1m0n't on any, war (,-\'(-nt.~' but _\'nu nmy rely on us to In our \'(`l'_\' hi-.~'l llll wlwn 110$-l tilitios lmvo vi-:1.<(-ll and tlw ])('()pl(-. uro nllowoil to l0:l|'ll all the dt-tails. I think the 1-nmlm-1 01' our (_`:1nmli:u1 I lm_\`.< will In-:u' ro1n]n:1ri. with an) ()ll1('1' troops I13,-'lili1ig in our nnblr. ('2l1lS(`. and tlw qnml p(-uple in (`:1n-l mln wlm urv so u0l)l_\' :1.'.,': us will l1:1\'o o\`m'_\' rt-a. to lw |Il'()ll1lI 01' 0111' 1`(-n01' uu \r||| l\\ \\'(-H, .~ir. no doubt you` xvould like to kn0\\' how we are |i\'-l 111: . well at p1`e.~:('nt we are out MI 1110 tr(*11rl1<~.~' on a well c:n`nm`l rust} nml it is well :1]>p1'e<~i:1t(-I1 :11thm1'."h{ mu` hillt-1.< :n'r- not \'01'_\` r*onv(-ni(-uh? \Il u. `\\'<- l::1\'r- to }w t-n1|1(~nI<- Hll(l('1' lhv: virr11n1.~`t;1:1r-r=< and T '_"l1('.~'. \' \\'(- :n'-, `liable to strik(~ \\'m`.<(: h(-l'm'(- \\'r- -_-'<-1.: l||l'm1'_:`h. \\'(- are m :1 lilllv 1*`:-mu-h; Villa- :1\\`;\_\' In-hi11 the lhw mm? .. L...... 1.. . . . . \ . . . .. I 4 ....4 \\l' IIll\l' [II II\ lIVlI|\ lL|\V| IIIll|\| 1|: 111- :11` `1i:1l1I1- . (~ 111- -_-'(I jll11'n11'_-`I1. '0 I"1' .\`ill:1-:1`, 2111 1. 111 :1 l):11`11 11111 \\'11 111114 1111 1_:1`11111l1I1: for 1111- lwal 111:111 that (1111 flin-11 w:1.< 110111 in :1 11:111. \\'11 1111'. `had quitt` :1 bit 111' 5111111` 1111111 \\'hi- `11:1.s put H10 1'11:1 311 :1 11:11] 1-11114111111 .Q01no\\'h(*H- Soldiers Aid |i|l\7 1! K I l`.l(".l. v-. um! .":n lw (`()ll(`u'i:| .~'.n'('1' 11w 2' . Irving` Burr the .~'l1t'<-v.<.~`l' . _< \\'v(31\': .\I x'.~ N4-.\". \\'vvl;` I. ..... ll 1` li\l||`?' Jun. '36. WIT Dalston. 1; ]n_\',i:nn:\.<. Ivy j:nn:1.~'. 5 annel . ( tion. 15 ]>`\'j:un:1.<. 4 zlnm-1 ho.s1)itnl suits. `l quilts and 1 (doxlzltml). T ni11.<\\'ir-1;. 14 1 4 h0s1it:11 suits. '.\Ii janms. .\Iin'(-.~'in:`. T lmspit 1|) p_\'j:1n1n.< pm-k: <-nltun. .\'h:mt_\' }n_`.'j::2 1 quilt (tlmmtocl). ."~t1't-21:1 jaxml . . pita! suits. Ytnpin. j:`m1:1.~'. 5 nulwl 1):1 _'.'.<, 1 pair ('1: nu-I-nun; Rf P:n|I'< H In`? ntiny.-` p:n'\_\` xwttwl Hu- L`.~`(1:!)' nu-(-t- ll` 1' Il'lI\` I arm`; H01 '3 L` .A `. I \ l'1(':| I lll H.` ' (lifti- `-`u.'til_\` \. l F1 I `,, `IQ. ;\i([ ` and made it (lif'cnlt to get about. `V011, dear fric-n(l, what is the public opinion over tlu-ro aliont the Will`. 1 5411055 they are looking` l"o1'wm'd for an om'l_\' I'n1i.-sli, an_\'w:iy it is 21 grout ]r1'ol)lom to know ('.`I11Ctl_V when it will Iinisli, but I (`I111 a;s`.~'1n'<- you the boys arc pr(~p:11'('(l to go tln'on}_:'l1 Hm \\`01'.~`f aml Got it over, and I, Furl one, mu just lon'_~'in.-' to rmit-w 1n_\' 2l(`([l11ll)l:11l('(`$ with :2. }_v`ool l)('(l and -:1 l'(-\\' o\`vr. :1m;(~ti7.ii1-_" mt-:il.<. t'n(- smno us one is am,-11ston1(- to at ll0ll1(' but I ;:'11(-.~:s that is jlist :1 nul- urnl l0l1,"1l1.'.'. \\'c-ll, I lm\'('n'1' nnv more nx~\\`s to` toll \'0ll so I will (-losv. lllillllilllg you for your L-ll'o1'ls on our lwlmll. . . 4v'1--|if\- I ...\ 4. I-Innnin \-n1-\- EIKJI .\ Ulll \'l|Ul|1 1 B(~1ic\'e mo tn i['ul1_\~ N>111's. . Y\ rn 1 ` \':ll'iml$ m':1msnuu, 1121111.. .l:\n111:1x'y 31st. 1917 Battalion (`:111:1di:11u J<`..\'po- t|1t1on:n'y ]0r<=(-. To Mr. \\ . N. DHIT. N-0')` Burriv I ! 157th Hivisiml l\ ni1\\'u_\`m(-H's | :1t,1'io!'1o A.<.s'()ui:1t1011. .-'\ll;u1 (mi-.\.1`1n. D0211` .\l'1'. Du[T:-- Just 21 Iinv to 21-`.{110\\'loJ;;v um}; thank you I'm` (i.'l`.l\`. pu1'v('!s 1'-(-<-1\`- (-4! h_\' n1.\`.<(-ll mu] .\inml:1_\'. H of` 0\'(\1"})():L\' ~oH1m. l hmv mm-h a; ix" ram lw a1pp1'u-i:xtwl. ]):11`t-(-ls :H'(` bt\i11::' (> 1l'i])ll1(`Il lmH;1li haw hot-n st-ht". uvt into 1110 :u'tiHr-1'_\` ::|'<- :2`; pm-~'(~|1t Hm lT.'rl I11, -~ I! 41.... 1...... ...~.: _|itlllil.`. -J nu:11u'| .`IIllI..`. 1):1`.-'.<, p_\'j:1n1:1<. St`. P:1ul'.<. l:1=.m(-1.~'l1il't.~'. : (tlnnuit-:1). }v_\`j:m1:1 Run:-k ( }>_` 1 lxospitnl shirt. quilt '2 p1'n])('1'l)` bu<.:`.~`, 1` C`ont1':1l School <-hi]h'(~n. `llEl\ .\lm.:l;n H0)`. Hr .xH' all `rm "\ ux .Hl1.. Hum Ha :s(`JH('1`0(1 all ('()l'.|ll no: h<- 1 1'("_'l'(`H(`ll. IA`, I 4 .;-llu For H10 an II'I.`lVl\ . 'l'h- in-1 |n'm~i-mls {1l:101llll('Il In $l5I.l)() \\'lll('ll 2'1) 10 swell lhv llumls 0| lhv Fii-hl (`mnl'm*t.=. the int(`1'mi.<.~'i0n Imml. on l)t`l|:Llf 0|` .\Tr.<. and tho "Fioltl ( m11l`m'l.< l.ll{ll]l((,`(l ll10S(` who hml 2l.<.\`l.~`sl'(-tl llll1l\'l1]`_" the (`()l1( (!X'l :1 .'~'|l('(`(`S$. (rs- pot-i:1ll_\' 1nonti0nin;' l.\li. -l()11(`.~`. llv l`('l'('l']`L'll to the lll(`l'llll`_" lH'l(l lhv pn-\'im1.- wovk on h(-hull` of tho hr-l l)lll'lll'_ .' Dr. \\'01'l<<-i'.<. (`ros.<. This int-utin}: was on hc-h:1l1` of an :1ss0r`iutml l)0d_\' of \\'m'l<(-r.~`- the Ii(-hl C01nl'0i't'.~'. Mrs. I). .\l'. and on- work 2111'- Hl`0\\':11`t,\\'li0s(- :u -ti\'iti0s th11.~*i:1.~'m in this _!_()0ll known to all and l1:1\'(,~ l)(,`('1l :u~kn0\\'-' l(`(lf_."(`ll and npp1'e(~iat(-(1 by the oilin- mx-; uml sohlivrs and b_\` thv m1thm~ ilivs :1l)1'0:1(l, r(-ports thv socks sup- pliml up to (late ]0,;')()0 pairs; ship- mnnt for F(`l)1'11u1'_\' S(`1lt on tho 1511:. 62: ) pairs. The ;:I1z11'a11to(>d zunount 01` money pm` month for this work is .`{~`90~--th(* unimmt 1101-(led is $3101). .-\1i nmwzil for lll(`l'(`:lS('Il and (-m1tin um] s11ppo1`t Wm: nmv. Dr. .\Ir:- Lvoal ]>()int(-11 out how f_"1`l"`{1l. :1 .~'(-1'- \'i4-u- was 1'1-mh-rod I ) tho nu-n at flu- fmnt by this \\'m`k. )l'r.<. .9lv\\`:1r1~ r(~m~i\'(-s :1 l:'1l`f_'(` numhcr of loltori lrmn tho . (`X[)l`('\`.~ llI'_" ll1(l(` to ll(`l' and hm` folln\\'-\\`m'lu-rs 1'01` tho .~`m-l\'.<. ll I vl `.\l(-- Sl(*\\':11't ` in; a 1 r 'x \xnnn.' nu. ...u .... .1'i0(iv 1-mu-1-rt ;'\'<~n `of Miss (}\\'1:uL\'.< .Tn . .-nu i W: lH'_' III .`|'I > [or (`:1l1('illu' :1 of` .I:1p:111(~.<<- . (-1-iul . i211 part V nox. .\li.~'.'<-.~.' I) , 1`IIA! I HUI. V xrnmu ` \'(-lmu \\'i: Ins. um-01:1 I :1l1iu'_". ` .\'ln`uh. SUCCESSFUL CONCERT -I iu1In'(- f'r:11nins' A. Lowv & Son. Hn<-Ls: Cnllit-1' FL. US }mi1'.~': .\Ii.-.<| Bontls ("l:1.<.< 17 ]u:1i1-st 51. An- h`(*\\".<, 3: ) p:1i1'.<; 'I`rinit_V. .15) pairraz, Trinit_\' (iirls. 24 p:1ir.<; B:1])ti.~`,t'. 1-1-2 pairs: .~\.l1:md:11o. `L7 1:1ir.<: St.` .'\[:11'y s 38 pairs: ('.m1'.:1'(*-_-':\tiounl. '_ :'> `pai1'.~'.: Mi.~:.< Scott, :30 pairs: Dul- ston. 6 pairs: I\'_\'. `2 pairs: Um Hm- fion, 12 pairs: .\TiHn1r.~'1`. (S p:1il`. ;\Ii11o>:i1Lu'. 1.`) pain: Ytnpiu. 3:3 pnix'.~=: G)'enf`(*I Khaki ('i1'vl(-. Hi p:1i1'.<: 15.: S11 and Innisl town linv. 4 puir.~':' Knock. 19 p:\i1`.<: Soldiers` .~\il. 1` pairs; B. C. 1.. 1.3 pairs: Total M33 lmirs. . mm M, .1: `Kl\':A]I|l .1.. B1`:11n.sl10tf, IT:1x1ts. lnunn. - '21;-4 wl I.`.\l'.`. M11111 1 l".ll1(~l .`.l:1}w| 1-mnp:nn.~'t ', \`i0linis1. 1 . lilllI`l \IilllI\'_\. \\ llllll I. lmvlln .\l:1rI'. Him 0'` :'ml<-H1-(-VA`.13-uI1'i(~v In: 'i.<(~m;m. .\Ir. .\'1(-\\".n't I) 1np:1ni. _\li.<.< (`oust .\II'. IC4_*( IVUUIH \'\il` ill ll l'l\'llIlIlIlI: -m lX()ll>'(` last 'l`!1a11' tlw nz-rn. 0|` the p:1t-'; 1-rt l)_\' the pupilx s\'1:uL\'.< .Tmn(-.<. The ]n'u-' us :1. \':u'iL-ml out-, consist- ' in m.~'tn1u(` nnrl c|):11':1<-- _-' nml :1 |':1.~'vi11:11i11'_" `v .~in`_"in-.1` 1.-'irl.<: :\l.<:>.` us by Miss J<>1m.<. 'l'h0<(* . , \r \ Y` I I"l`I .. H. ']`( ))[l.lZ\'. L h('l]w~. H! (I|luI\ laxnlilima HI [.~':1h`(*l.I`:1 h_\" \\'(~1'(`: .\T1'.'< T 1 .I1 . luau. Thom won` '21 pairs lw. u-< 1n:1kin*.." tho total of -L*~'(i. l"h(-sv '1 pairs SO('k.\` had to ho loft until :1 torod. I1-0 unlnn nnl\- hznh--~ `u ur `UL. 3|):-In

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