Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 22 Feb 1917, p. 2

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.\l.\... Il'XUI'lH'll I`, l'm'lnu_'_-h. I. 15)Hi~-].")Tl'n H11. . I ... A 111: 191-0 zur -* I14 1'o`.u1'1wul .1. ll \,llI||IlPH. lill'.' lzllv in I)(n':-h(-s- .:1u1'i(-1' t~n 111 as .\I_\' dun" `(fr _\'(~t`. nllhou-_'h ml lli.\'lli.s'1().\".1I ml 1110.4` 1\\`<) -. tho . ` Ur. .\[i<:l1:lL-I , I ., . A A _ A` ._ .1 _-_"1'asp -0! the subjvct mid the :lCCl11'- at-_\` with which he liumlles dates, li5_"u1'es and other detail. Contemp- m':n'_\' p:11'li21n1m1t:1rizms (-annot recall one inst:111(-0 01' i11(lis('1`(=(`t 11tt01'u11oc upon his p:n't--t;l1:1t too is the 1'(-- sult not only of smlntl t'hi11ki11g_:* but 01' the unti1'in3_-' i1ulu.'tr_\' that nml{v.~: 1'01` l1('(`l11`2\('_\'. '.l`:1l{0u all in all, it is it there is :1 u'1'(':1t- 01' 1mm in 1)11bli(e t0(l:i_\' in this or any other v0unt1'_\ . Cort:1inl_\' Cam- auhi. may he prowl uml }_"1':1tcl'ul that her int('i'('sts are in the hands 01.` >20 safe and same :1 statosnimi. 'l`h(-re are Lll)( !'i1l 1ll(`llll)(`l`.s' who think so.` 'l`ho_\' know his worth and \\'o1'l<. ['11- l`m'tun:1t0l_\' tho orito1'1n'isin_;' :u1t`lmrsl, 0| (lotrzlctinn ll:l\`(`, mmlo other lJll)`[ (`Fills \\'l10':n`o l1i1z1<'q1mi11t(.' with his \\`(>rth :111l \\'m'k, skvptiozil as to this. 'l`h(-ii" is llHl(l(` :1ll thv m1.~;-| -im- luv Hm 9'-,1:-i H:-if lil.~n Hm.- 1.6..-I 4 4 lHl'lI Cilllllhllull lh HIil`ll' H11 lH(' VH5`! `IN by tho l'z1(.-I` that. hkv oflmr h1_-_-'1 mvn. ho (loos not :u{\'m't1.~t(*. l .\ If` 1111x0110 lms had :111_\' doubts as; to the j11s111oss of 0111' 0111150 i11 tho 1111-so11t \\'z11'. 01' as to the 114101] 01".] I s11p1>01'ti11-_-; it by all 1110 1110:1115 111 nnr nn\-.'n1- Hun u-1-nunfl rnv Hunan Uul EH) ('1': lH\' d0'.`.ht s" has now the lust (lay 0!` i.`~'s1Iod to tho \\'m' 1'(-ct` that all shi] r-onI]>]_\' with 1-(-rt` nunln` lm_- 1.13.1 Al. !lU\\('l', '_'.l'UlHl(l IUIV lI|UNl' (t0'.`.t)ts' (ttS{l])])(`.`ll'(`(]. (`hi .t21iiii:11'y. (}m`n1:1n_\' \\'m'l n0ti(-(- tn thv 0!"- shippin'_* that ttnvs noti ('(`1't':lill 1'i1tcs that (`xi-1'7 m:11x_\` has hiid will tim`o:it'tm"~_ he sunk withmit \\':1l'lltIlL". 'l'his tw- tra_\js thv truo nnt1~.r(- 01' the nxzulm~.-<,t v.`it,h whivh thv (}m'ni:1i1< t')(.1'21l1 the! \\'.'11' in tho Iirst. pl:1(-0. 'l'hz- real point: at i.s'.\'l1(` is maulv mm` as <-lam` :1.-:. the sun. it is h:1rh:n'i. nziinst. oi\'i1i7.ntion, nml nh'(-:ut_\' m:m_\' |mnt_< have boon sent to thv hnttom .'1n 1n:m_\' tivvs 0| llOll-(`Onlt):lt2!l1t.\' hnvot hr-on t:1t\'(.`1l. The (-2111 to siippnlt. this (-111150 has. _t11m'vt m'v. h(-<~mm- mu1'(- in.-'i.-atvnt than ('\'(`I'. and (`\'m'.\' 0110 who \\'i.~'h(~< to 1`('.\`]u`('t lIim. mu. Fm-r` his .v\t Ottawa ON! the Tth 0| F`ohi'i1:1r_\`. whvn thcl itoilso ni" ('<)ix1!|1i)i1s :\:tjni1i'i1o:l. tho. T 1'imo1Iinintm':1n Sir \\'i1h-id L.'ii11`i(,-1' both (*xpi'(-ssmt this 1mint..4 Six Itnln-rt B0l'(t( 1l sziiil: iiititli` 1'0- iwwal nl' th<- Ti`-Iitmi suh1:m1'inr* r-nm-' 1:1if_-"ii with all its h:n'h:n'mis mirth- mi; and tho ]H':\l`ti(`:1t ('I1~'t.'l\`(`!1t(`lItk of tho I-`-01'.-'i:m Stlllttt nu-ro1_\ stow! nmt . (`:m:irli:1ii I'('.x`()tHtt0l1. C:i11:1 s \\'m'k in tho W211` is not, v(m<-tiich- Hit` \\'ilt'rit I.znn'im'.` Lomtt-1' of thv ()]qm. (-_\:]i'r"~:.<<`ii tho .<:'1H1(` .~(`HtiIH(`IltS uml .~':1i that ill 1't`1'ti1'(t t0 itI(` \\'tH'. ht` StII'(`(t Ti 61... a`..H J1. . ... . ...| l...i C s`. ll! llH' Jl('l`_'|ilH F ( wntin ..I A. A` I The big` ohimm-_\' at thv [)nu'_-1111!` Fu1'nitm'(` Fan-tm'_\' xvus The fzu-tox'_\' \\':1.~` -ln.<(- and \\':1s tn be c0m'm`tod into (l\\ (-11ilI*_'.' houses. `IV . v` l('._LlllI| ll! lHl' \\ill. H\' .`[IilIl'\I ll!` H11` 111]] 1111' . 1.< 1-xp1'1,-<.<(-11 hyf 1111- 1.0111101` 01' 1111` C0\'m'11111(-111. T110} 1-_\`11i<':1ll_\' 1'11tl1l(-ss \'i0l:1ti011 01' R1-1-] 2111111 11111! 1111- :111'0<-itit-s 01' 1110 H1112} 11111115 11214! .~:11i. the \\'01'l<] H1111 , `.11v1'o s'11011M be but 0111- 111111 10 Hm` . ~-".\'11-I1 :1 \"11-101'_\' I01" 141-` ili7.z1ti011 as will 111:1ko 1'1-m11'1'1~111- 011 ;\`1l(`]I 011t1':1f,-`(*5 1111k110\\'11 111 1110 :'1~11-I v1':1ti011.~' to 001110. The 11001110 0!`: C`:111:1d:1 :11'(' -.1 unit in tho o011\'i<-110111 tl1z1t:1 1'(*s]1(111`si1)ili1_\' now; 1'(-sts` 1111011 us, 111111 the ponplo 0f'| ('1111:1d:1 1111` 100ki112' 1'01" tho 0111.-'i|)l11; _A, 1 ...... 1.. 1.. lL-I.. .I..1.. L. . If 1| ll`L` |I|7IHl UH. KIIHI men to In their (lut for tho 01' tional ozmso tlmt any will over be able to .~ I A Philadelphizl. Servant sou_:'ht: hm` }n1ist1'oss with the mlnounccment that her mother was sick and that she therefore desired permission to 5.50 home for a few days. ($111-fn;n]\v 7 Q!'l;(` fhn uvnunnn u numu 101' :1 ICW (lays. Certainly, said the \v0n1m1, but do not stay longer than neces- sary, as we need you. I A wnnl: nnecn nn nnl- n um--:1 umuy, uh` wc nccu you." A week passed and not :1 word from the n1a.1d. Then :1 note came wlnch rend: (tn--- `ll -.- 1*,...-_ 1 `II I I I WHICH IUIIUZ Dear Mrs. Jones: I will be back next week. Please keep my place for me as my mother is dying` as fast as she ean.-Hnrper s jj------ , I Argwntinn is spending: 35 0,000,000 on an irrigation system. Dm-tor, M1211" 5001115 to be the numb for with my lu'1. He has :1 (1iS(`:\5(` po(:11li:11' to 1:011 nlnvm-u pl:1_\'(-rs. \\'11at is it?" An itc-hing` to }_-'0 south for the wlntclu l\IIhl\ ll\l,lIIlIll nr __`\I|| Call and get our estimates for Plumbing and Heating your home. \V. A. Boys \\':1s one 0|" thv (-rz1vl< pl:x_\'01'.s' on the ().~'_"()()d(' Hull hm-l;v_\` team. Sole agents for Pease Economy Furnace, also Gurney-Oxford Stoves and Ranges. J. 3. Nee`ands Galvanized Iron work and Eavetrou_qhing.. Phone 180 Dunlap Si. PLUMBING Political HEATING Hurrying Matters It |)_\ illl llll tho '_*'1'ound His Ament From The Advnm-0 of Feb. `ll, `I867 AND l|'.`llllll.\l|lllll_\ IIU\\ ( :in<: ' duty and to vnlis: H10 j.-'rr`:1t(*s1 1151-- : any one now li\'in;' -, support. IHUHHD HI ' Fm` Hmao . 1 ;`\._ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917 :-j: `no Published from the oioe. 123 Dunlap Street Barrio. in the County of Simcoe. th9Pro- Vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning. by ` itc@urtI1n:rn gtlvmm vuu . lvn s1.m pn?e7"X1~r3z{nI m ADVANOB Iwumnu-n am A mm .-n...r...-...__ _ v.. -v nu rt-vir\II\II-i 3a'No new name will be added to the sub scriptlon List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months I and over will be charged $1.50 per zmnum. |sT WART & STEWART, BAR- RISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries ` Public, and Conveyance:-s. Money 1 to loan in any sums at 5 per i cent. Office, 13 (Dwen St., Bar-1` ' rie. D. M. Stewart. ` i Ai1aXA.NDrz COWAN, SUTL ..m~..,... - T..-.....__ n M1". Ri('hm*d Supple, dry _:'0()ds merchant, died suI.l(lcnl_y in his store. Fenian \1p1`i.~;ing in Irolzuld. Bill for the ('onf'odoruti011 of the British provinces in North Anmricn given second rt-ading' in pur- liamcnt. } oREs``5v71c1:E'`* E'` 1i$'.[`R7ATIINY ESTEN, BrARRI-S.- EDONAJLD ROSS, LL.B., BAR- } rister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money ; to loan. -._-.. -_- -u-v.a-- nu vu -u -1`! colnr lltlndlcu. Metallic com.` I Lnwnlnu In Oh: Y.-u-.k-_ II..- \ \ E iiovs "_&*.\`1i:f{ci1`1'sd:+,` 1}C11%T. {nu-c Rnlh-it nu-2 Nam.-u D..m:.. _. -. __..-_--w-n nsvlnihl L.R.C.P. 8.: S. Edinburgh; M.F`.P. 8: S. Glasgow 1 --SURGEON--- | ,, .,. .. .. .... __.,-. _._-, -11.--ma w nnnlmnllig E Having spent! years Post Graduate work in British Iluspimls and having served as Clinics. Assistant in Golden Sqlmre Ear, 'I`hrou.L&Nose ` Hospiml, London; Royal London Ophthalmic I-lospiml (Moox~clds); for :1 term us Resident S\n'g.:v.-on in Jioyul London () mthalmio Hospital In-i.~tu1 E) c linspilnl, Brislo znnd Birminghaul 1 [Eye Ho.-xpnnl, Hirn|im.:hun1 :1`o1'me1' I\lcmbc1' of I British Uphlhulmologiuzll Society. i 0l~'l~`lCE--78 .Ul'.\`l.()\ '.~"1'm-:r"r. BARRIE. I I l hun(-,:')l l . 0. Box. 96, CERTAINTEED noormo A Ruacnteod 5. 10. X5 VQAII. lvIWr\-llI8 $3 "-' T,n._-1-nu-5- the Lumbar mo our out rules: IIFORE You Y __- _-- - _.-v-- - `THE aim PLAuTuE'"Mi1T c'. Telephone I00 Llnmed IAIIII. OIITAI 0 . Almost :1 whole ;:'_\'I]1l]Silll`l`. is con- tained in 11 new chair in which :1 seated person, py pulling straps over his shoulders. manipulates hovm-5.: and wnirrhte HUN . nvm-nien I _ __j___.__T (DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, ev_ery Saturday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. OonsuJ.ta.1:`ion hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appoinhment. % M jP1i7rIi1r__-m- W. A. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., surg and Diseases (VF Xvnrnnn peanm-{a'|- 1 K |_ ,_., , L G. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 32. F9.fn}Hehnr1 `IRAQ TT...,1....4...1-___ IUNWIN. MURPHY & ESTEN: I Ontario Land Surveyors, En- ` gineers, etc. Established 1852. , Oflice, Medical Building, S. E. } comer Richmond and Bay Sta, I I I Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1386. Instructions left with Strathy I Eaten. Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Buildinvg, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. vv vv ALL`, DU \}' cessor to Leunox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlap St. Money to loan. ,.,- ___.- _.......__- -.1 `a.nnIvufIuI.`\J U'N4I'I`ED STATES SUBSJRIBEBS $1.50 IN ADVANCE yaw-M- ....__ ._-__, _,,, ,,- _ .. _.V..... .. ;.r44J.JA.1, .u risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Pi-actors, Notaries, Conveyancem, etc. Money to loan. Office, Rosa block, Barrie. TV. A. J. Bell, K.C. }. A. RADENIIUR_ST, 'BAI_iRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, 530. Oice, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at `low- est rates. to u nunULV- Eye. Ear. Nose 5 Throat. Y.'1.rir.1z.s:nr-ntl (`nan-a Dune !1....i....o.. ...-,:-`;., |]r.wBosanko Accuracy and Efficiency in Banking main` 5 ruin` I lulill l\\l\II' Il`\.I guunteod 5. 10, 15 young. Ieavernd Blshopbrk: Wall lowd- Ipsdgn Qlglga Il.4_un|. . , g.. . ,, 7 _ vv -4--v4A4\, JJAILUAULIJ7 hers. -Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Pxvblic, Con- veyancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten. Juno w .uL;uL,1unUl\, 1).-\1\'.11Lb- tors. Solicitors, Not:1r_v Public-, (`o11\'0_v:n1r3c1-s, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of inlzcrest. Ollices ]3 Owen St, in the prem- isos f'o1'mcrI_\' occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Brm1cl1 Ofce, Elm- \':1lo, Ontario. \\'. A. Boys, K.C., MI . D. C. Murcllison. V. A. .l11 _1S, 1\I.D.C.M., Surgery Diseases of Women especial- ly. Office 58 Collier St. Phona'_ m '== M` o urgeon, L.R.C.P., .-nm',L... lil\ .L;.;\..\4.J: ., resldence, Telephone l_l\a. VV . 11. Surgeon, T. T? F` D ,-... ..;. ;.- ALLULVALJJJJ, \J.L'1.'.L\J'E and residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposito Elizabeth St. Methodist Chumh.) Telephone 167. I. U. DA`1lJ.I1 Established Open day and chapel i rie. Ontario. QVTQRQNTO Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS D (V I) 9. C 1:v.::........._u__ II. n r\ .. Thompson Crw, Publisher I-I. T.jEN.kIJLjFFIOE I ....,.:.1........ .. . '7` Tums or Sunscxzmrxox FOR {m+b}::zT.{kE1{sI: _ SUR.VEYO13.$q ROSS, PHYSICIAN, etc., L.R.C.-S., Edin., London. Ofce and Dunlap St.. Barrio. ` 165. e? Ll. u. u\;., rn.ULVJ.'; 52. 1869. Undertaken. '\ and night. Morgtlt in connection. Bar-' Tlw <-I1. 01' The Bank of Toronto are ns.s111'ol 01' m-our- :1r_\'. proxnptnu-ss and c-ll'1<-low-_\' in all their t1'u11sa(-tions. This Bunk pays . to this pllusc of lI1()(l(`l'll l%:n1kin`_r !\'(~r\'i(`(*. Your l)l13lIl('.\'.~2 and privzlte :1o('0unt.~: are invitt-(l. Complt-to l':1<-iliti(-.< at all l%r:1l1( Capital . . . . . . .. $5,000,000 Donna-war} r'unr1n QR FJV7 O90 RING 23 j"i.EiiT`_EZiC BRANCHES AT BARRIE AND ALLANDALE FIFTY YEARS AGO The quesiou of :1 site For the C01- legiatc soniowhero near the centre of the town is mm 01' the utmost im- ]')ortancc not only to tiw nionihors of the Bozml of l`)(lm-ution but to those having cliildron :1tt(-mlinj,-' the st-hool. 'l`h(*1'(e sot-ins to be but 0110 r-ontml site \\'il(`l`(' >`uiii<'io11t _`.:'1'()l1l1(i is avail-_ able, and that. is the ]n'(-sviit ;\_-;ri(~11l- tum} _-_"r()i1mis, \\'hi(-I1 is 0\\'n(-I h_\' the town. This \\'0lli(i um-x-.~:.~'itz1t(' the rt-n1()\':1l 01' the fair })uil(1in_"s Io :mot]i(z1' lovzitimi. But one 01).~'1u<-I0 is in tho \\`;I_\', tho cost of t1';mspl:int- ing; the fair. iv`: .- _. -, -H Municipal I LUIS UIHI IHl' ; ro:u1(`1'.-'. to Unis. 1'(-.~'p(-M 2 (-o\'('r as \\'i(l(` : I1 Al -1... - ill illl I7l'illl|'lIl_'.\. Reserved Funds $6,507,989 " that lllll: l'l'l| `ll Ilsunl IH'`.\ 111;` (Incorporated 1855) live Board of Trado. Lust _\'v:n' the smne was hoped 1'01`. but u11l'01'tun- ntoly the ])1'0si(l(-nt. J. H. II;u'n})l_\'. was awzly from town \'e:'_v much at.` I-. Hnln There are only :1 ft-w tmvus wl1m'(- :1 li\'(- B02111! 01' T1':ul(' Oxlsls, Bmwio has not been one of thmn. The an- nual n1(~('tin_:' of 1918 will tell the story 0|` .\`x1<-<-,(-ss 01' 21 _l0_`.1_lll_`." :1l0n<.: in tlm sunlv rut. Tlw m.~\\' px'vsiloI1f ix` an (-Int-1'21-tio <`1ti'/.011 and as tho l1(-ml of ("mo of the lin:1n<'i:1| institu- tions 01' the lawn, ho is ]>o('11li:n'l_\' situulml in that he mn_\' exert an inlluvm'(' llw 01'(lin:n'_\' htlsinoss mun lu('k.~`. (`0min :1\\';1_v l'1'0m the 1ll(`(`l- in-4' tlw m-\\' [)l'('.\'l(l(`lllr rmn:11'k(-ul thnl` llu-_\' \\'()lllll lmvv to put _`_"lll`.l'(`l' into llw \\'n1`k tho v0min;_-' _\'(':1r. . . .. .. . .- aiuuu W db his time. mug, mu. nun T110. qiwstioii 0!" :1 site will no (]o11ht lw soul 10 (hr 1':11(*[1:1_\`(`|'s I'm- ll(wisi011, 211111 tl1(- qiunslinii Slllllll lu- 1:1k(-11 up :11` mi v:11'l_\' late by U11- B0:11'1l. H, is :1 \'m'_\'_ onsy 11121tt(-1' to s:1_\` build 011 :1 111111` slit`. hut \\'l1(`1'(` can :1 1-011w-iiiviit mo lw |'o1111 ex - (-11 if the vast \\':1.s not :1 (-m1.~:il(-1':1- tion. '1` this 01141 'l'l1v .-\. in- Za ... 6,. .. Il'{| _-n..~..-n., Pt-1'l1:11s mw of the <-:111.~'(~.< lvmliny.-; up to ]2H`1\' 01' i11t(-rust in :1 Hozmi 0|` 'I`1':ulv in 1%:u'riv has hoon tlw Imp- |1:w.:ml plan of 1I1(*oti1x;_,-'~-j1x:;t when ii \\'5I< .hl\IlII"I` l|nnrI<":n`\' !`|l` \'HHl .~|u' :\I() lll'_'_ lHl' \\llll|'I montlns. tho dntx tho ilxini I*`riln_\` l'(_1'llI:lI' mm-1in'_' < \\ :n' mm'(- intt-1 . I l(7 Hli` ('(`.<.~'l'l1l : h(-rs is . 1 h1`:uIt`h 4 llll|ll ll IH |II\\n -u'||\1|u'.` nu l||'\'Il\' mo night :1 month tn 1H.s'1'll.~'>`iI!'.`,` town :1lTui1`s \\'lli(`|l aw (mt. 01' [mm It-:i.~'l:1tiun uml mnrv r'ln. zxI'I'('r_t tho })ll.~'ill(`.\'.~` illtt-1'(-sis. ;\1 Hu- mvt-1iI1L:` lust J"1'i4l:l_\` v\'(`1|in tlwrv \s'('x'(' t\\'(`11t}' ]n'(`.<(-n1: of this num- hvr . \\'orv ('(Hll1(`I'1(`Il with H19 !iI1:1I1<-i:1l i1m*r(-.~'1.<. II nth:-1' lim~.< ml hllsixu-s.< haul ])('('H as \\'1-ll l`(`])l'l'.~'(`llt- ml. tho mom \\'ouM not h:1\'(- oun- hlilwtl tho rm-(-ting`. 'l'I1(- l1('.\' ml" traulo :1l).~'vnt or nut l'l']H'(.`.\ (`llll'll :11 :11! .<]I(Hll1l b(- as \'it:1ll_\' ixIt(~1'(-st:-J us the m:n1:1u`v1's of thv lm-:1l I).-1nl<<. |l('I l.\ \\(']|' l'|Hllll'l'{ \'it I11 \\'hilt- 1'(~\'i(*\`i 11`_-' The .\ l`_\'l(-s 0!` 2:3 )'(':ll`>` 2121). u l1'u.xti- plan 01' r-n11o<-ti1Iu'~m' zlttomptin-_-`-tn v:|- lvvt 1-(-m1n1.~' mvinu` Hm }n'into1` 0:11:10 to light. It \\':1.< no loss :1 plan Hum ll ..6 .\I` ....l\|Z (`I ll1.'l~ II \\II.` III l\'.`.` il IVIXIH IH-Ill that 01' ]ul>li. thv n:nn<-<, nul- uli'(a<.s'(-.~`.~' and amount 01' 21-u-mmts, with tho statmiit-lit that Ihv \':n'inu.< itmns \\`v1'(- I'm` .~`:1l(-; :il. that th<- list wnnhl he mhh-(1 to \\'<-(-lily. .\n (-xzunixintimi ml` .~`l1i).\'(`([l1('lIt lists 1'(`\'(`:ll(*ti tho st:n'tIin~_" fan`: that nom- 0t' thnsv }>1'(-\'i(m. :Hl\'('1`ti.<(-I hzul ]:1i their :1(`('()l1l1t>'. in t :u,-t the list vontinllml to -_'m\\' \\'('('i{i)'. \\'hut kiml n1` :1 1`u1n]m.< wnuhl ho 1'ui.<(-cl it" ihu ]|'.'('.~`t'llt. pro}n'i(-tor 01 this ]u:1]w1' \\'(mh| t':iH0\\' .~'u<'h :1 ]>l:1u} 'I`:i|\'(- it J....Al. .1... l..4 ..,.4 ....l.A ... .. . imn 177th WINS CHAMPION-? 1 SHIP i .\t llw linul t-u1np(-Iitinn in }):1_\'- I i Imam ti*_'I1tin|_: and p|:_\'. Irzxiniw,-"I for Ihv t-l1:11n1:im1.~'|1ip 01' H10 `lml `;n.iliI:n'_\' li\`i. lwltl in H19 trains- |pm'1:1tiun lmillin'_-' :11 l~'.xl:il)itm1 "(':un1, 'l`m'ontn. on I"ri(l;x_\`, I(-hruzn-_\' S)tl|, the 177111 lmttulion s11<'(-(-s.~'h|l- l_\' uplwltl the hmmr 01' Sinwno ('01mt_\' by wilmin-.1` tho ('l1:1mpionship (in l I|_\'. 'l'mi11i1I<.: zmrl \\'('ro only `(left-atml by one point in the Iinul r-0nt('.s`t for tho Bayoxnot I".-.."l1ti11g' honors by the team 01' the r-rm-k 198th (Canndizm Buffs). '|`o:uns frmn all the h:1tt:1lion.s'_in .\Iilit:u'_\' I)i:s't1`i('t No. `.2 were c-utvrt-I, and in tho Hllli-X11115, the Hi-{tin Butt. champions of the City of Hzunilton, the 198th, clralnpions 01' Toronto, uml the 177th for the uo1'th01'n lmtntzlliolls um... 41. ..,...L..,.L2..... h...... A-._.. u. IL lII\' \\I.`l \\(l'~V ll`lt To \`il(`S its I Hons; in 2: 3.-'(~.s'1i011.< : siblt-: Should ilw swim on tho OH site ('\'(`H H" ( the ]n'(-svllt \".1Il.s` ]I:1\'(` 011:. If it is l'uuml thr- 1.,. ' ..l ...,,,.1,1 Il|' il |lH1'_' I xmnld l)u_\' L:1.~'t wm-k :1 . who nwml H\`<- y(~:11's I'm` his ]m]w1' muno in and paid up and for 21 _\'(-:11` in :\ Hv was }n'(-p:11'(-nl to ]):1_\' i11t(-1'(-st`. as luv hm] tlw use 01' the nmm-_\' for tho _\'(*:1r.~`. whit-h `us by 1'iu'l1t the pro- pm'ty of the printt-1'. T00 m:u1_\' for- Llllf .l.llLll IUL LIIU |lUllIll'/Ill Uil~l-LKIIHJHD \\`('I'(` the coxltcstinp; teams for the t-hmnpi0n.s`hip. In plnysicnl trnin- ing contest, the 177th won the semi- nals from the 164th Butt. (Hum- ilton), and then carried off the bronze medals of the chmnpionship by dcfox1ti11g the 198th team. The champion team consisted of: Scrgt. G. Clayton (instmctor), Lieut. J. H. McVean, Sergt. W. H. Hogg, IV|".`l'lll lII{`llll|'l| I Ill IIILV Ilal 'l`: :1 truth, tlw list not 0111)` :1 lm1v_v' mm but 1111- . 111! :1 \'(-1'_\' liuv hmxw in The Editorial View-Point HA. SEMS. Manager llK'\, lnkv l`ll()ll`.:'h 11111`:-(`st in thi< nl town :u-t1\'iti(-.< in <[(-\`r;1<| .`u_\. 1n|.`uu'.*n Hl|iL uh! I ' , , . IA' I .| 1.. lHl ll'..'.Hl Hl'|'l'.\,`ill_\ `ll .\(lHll' u[l1v.~'ti was to ho di.~'c*I1s.~'(-(I. y lIl(`l,`Hllu`.\` aw in he In-ld lur- * \\'int(-1' and (*:u'l\\' .<]n'in'_-' . (late of n1eeti11g_` hviu-_" rd 01' thus month. 'i`lws(- (l:1l(`s sl:n1ul tvml 10- i11t-n~. |)(,-in : m:mil'(-sl- mkv 1111- Ilmml 1 :1 l:Il_"l' :1ttonl:1 . . .- I l1l(*('Hll`_"s 4121'- lum-v 0| mom- Bll.\'ll1(`.<.\` nwu ..: A Ali. lu llllK'l |'(llIIU Il!IYIIl`< ill]- i|I\\' ll \\'null tom] 1) _ .. _:(-t their p:1])01' s11b.~'(`1'i1tio11 h00:111.~'.o xt ls but :1 (l0llm'-thc r-ht-npest lul- I:11"s worth in tho \\'0rM. Osl1:1\\':1 B02111] 0|` l*I(l11(-:1ti0n run (rlcotiolns on tho h0:11'l on political lin(~.<. Yo:11' about ~_-`1'it 211111 t01'_\' sc- .~'l1l'(`.\` the cl1:1i1'111:111.s'l1i11; this _\'o:11' <:1m(- the turn of tho '_"1`iis but th<- v:111 1`0l'11s<- tho position ho- :-uusv ho was oppnst-I to ]10iiIi(':; he- in-_-; int1'0d1u'(- A vote \\':1.~; 1:1kvn 211111 i11 the first ballot: out of :1 livid 01' tlm-0 01' F0111` 1-:111(lil:1t(~.~', he \'.':1s lhv low main. Politics h:1\'0 110 11111: -0 in such hmlic.~:. The 1111111 :1- (i0|)i('(i i11 B:11'1'io (-11111101` lw imp1'n\`- ml 11110)), the ol1:1i1'111:111ship ;_"(w.\' in rotzltion to H10 nu-mho1' h011ii11j_-' the l0l1f_:`(`.s`t ('n11ti11uo11s 111(-1nb('1'.~'hip. This y(~:11' tho (-11111li next: in 01'- did not \\`:1nt tho 1-h:1i1'n1:111.~*l1ip, pr(>l'o1'1*i11}_,-` :1 m1111nitto<~ <'h:1i1'1n:111s'|1ip d111'in thv 1'(--h11il _\'(':11'. tho . 0114! in .~`l1('r'(`sxi0l1 [vii lil:(-\\'i.<(-. tlu-1'(-l'm'v lust .\'m11"s ~l1:1i1`1n:111 \\`:1s (`i(`('i(~ti I'm` :1 .\(`('()ll(i 101111. 'l`m\'n r-ounvil ])l'()('L`(`(H`.{'.\' in Hu- stmw tmvn nl` St. M:n'_\"s are mn- rlm-1(-I 1110112 .<|>(--1210111211` Iinvs if ()H(' mm .i11<|u'(* frmn thv H-pm't in HM` .l0m'nzIl 01' :1 l'('('(`llY. lll('('Hl1u'. 'l`h<- I'ulIm\'in-_-; 1>1'(-hulv 21-1-mn1I:1niml H10 H-]nm't (pf 21 1'wv111 mv(-1in*_:': "'l'11(* movtin-_-' n1>(-nml unulor the nlmt I':1\'m'21hl<- :u1s]>ir-v.<. 'l'h(-rt` \\':1.~; uni` 2| vlmul upon the |m1'i7.m1. Tho .\l:-._\'- m' um! o\'(=r_\' nwlnlu-1' :11 1110 luhlv \\'m'(- his . . Hut 0\'(*1' llw lnill-(n1.< :1 .\'mI1h<-rn 1 \`[rlmun \\':1.~` :':1llw1'i11u'. .\nl Iwl u1'v 1110 hour was far .<]wm it ln'()l{v upon Hm lu-:x<{.~' 01' the :\.~'.~(*1I1hlml `I"nH1('1`<' with :1 its \\`nnt<*(l l`1n'\'. unwl \\'m'(ls ....I .. ll..... ..1 ...J I. .I. ....I1_..l.1. \lI IIIIWI \'\\'|.\ lIll'llI| l'l ill llll' lil|Ill' l`1n'}'. nml :Irm.~' (low nhnui in iml(-.s'(-rih:1Mn <-on1'u. in tlw . :11- nm. 0|` thv mmn. .\ qlilligmxt . 211 th("v|n. oi" the lll(`('iiX!`J' I':1ilml tn (li$(']().<(` :m_\' alisnwnnlwrml l)l)((`S or 1I1is.~`i1I:' limhs but tho Ham` \\`:1.\` . \\'n luwt-- with lulu--'II.-urn " (-011 1'u. l:1I1u lmu'v. ' Corp. 'l`. Lzluuhlin. Lam-0-(`0r}>. .\Ir-Bridt-. l ri\':1t(-s H. Boll, H. Both- wnitv. L. B1-ll'r`\', I). (`m1, \\'. (*`1':u\'l`m'l. J. Fmloski. 1). I*`m'1'is. J. L('(:l]'(l, J. 'l'nn1]n R. S:unp. j'|'. Linton. H. Hnhhs. H. Saxon. H. `IA....l `K7 1_'_.]I.. I1 I)._.. 1 l`..... [VII 'l`l1(- l`()lln\\'i11 is I n1:u'k('t ]:1}wr: "T110 :1 in: 01' the .\`]l:l1`('|I()1(l(`l`.\' I'.. . II" .I ..A \'.. \l(`Ul_'_'l' llUll'l ill .\\'\\IIlHl'l\('l, l'|'I'(`lll` l).' lu-ll. \\':t.< an 0<-msimi 0| ll1ll('ll l`('- joic-in_-." 0\'c1' 1110 s11(*('os.< 01' Ilw (-11- tm'p1`i.~*(- 11ml(-1' pmliiliilion. Tho linum-iul .~'till('llI('lll .~'lm\\*v that. 2101- \\'i1l|.~'l:m:lin.:' llw l1l`_"ll ('0Sl oi living" :mtl tlw \\'1'ilinu' 011' nl` lil'lv(-11 pm" wont. n` (l(']Il`('(`l:1l.l0ll 0! hnlvl fur- ni.~'liin'_".<. llu-1'0. was still sullit-ivnl pmlil to \\'2u'i':1nl the usual :li\'il(-ml 01' six per cont. Tliis ll0l(`l is 011(- nl` thv In-st ]ml)li:- :1S:'(`l$ 0| llw town. l"l:1n.~' l1u\'(- lwvn ]>!'(']):1]'(`tl for :1 m-\\' l:1\':1lm'_\' nml wlwn tlult \\':1'l< is ('0lI1])l(`l(`(l \v<~ will lmvo :i lmiol \\'lll(`lI. for IIl:l112l`.'(`lIl(`l)l. 1-ulin;1r.\' nml (`()ll\'(`lll('!](`(`.\`. is not (`X(`(`ll('(l in tho Dmninion I'm ll1(' .~`i'/.(- 0| the town it .<<-i'\`(-s. uml is :1 Il'lIlLIl]lll for l(`Hl]I('I`- -In:-n L101]. 10 ;*.u\i1nI'\' ni- m:1l<(- su;:' tionsz make the 5.12`- _L'( 5i.i0l).\' :1 HUM :l.< Inns- S(`il()()i lw H-lmill ('\ (`n ('\'(-r_\' [\i(`('(` n'.' to he rmn0\'- ml`? if [n`('.~'l`IlI walls van be uiilirmi. \\'0ull il be \'.'i. in H10 1':u'o 0! what Hm future may luau`-" in s1(n'v l'm' Ezirriv. to :l'.12lill v - lish it` at tlw 0.\'ti'(-m(- <-ml 4:1" Hu- tnwn? \\'ith tlw :1:l<|<-I (`U51 0|" :1 m-\\' site will the ('()IIlIl1lllliI_\' not ` .w in`!- tt-i' .<.(*l`\'('i by an n}>-tm\ n .<\-lmol. - - . . . . u NEW PLANS FOR 3 HOUSE or REFUGE BARN `NIH! I . l . llllll'\'l (Tl lHl' Illlll I)Zll|.-[ \\`:\s in vl1:1r 01' th(- }>:I1'l_\'. and I4- .\('I`\'(`.i :1 unml slmro 01' thv (-rmlil I'm` Hm to:un's silt-voss. 'l`lw town has been trnim-I by Sent. I:1i11hm\' 01' tlw (":1nzuli:1n (iymnzlsimn . Tlw party 1`vt1n'm- on S:1t11rl:1_\" `n1o1'nin'_:' with tho lmn01'.~; thv_\' hxul. lso .\'})l('l11}i(_\' won. 1 This is but zmotlwr in.~'i:u :1 hotel 1>1'0]w1'l.\' l`m'ni.-lwtl : atcrl bt-(nines an :1s.~'vt to mu11i'L_\'. At 1110 Bmml . annual lIlL`('Ul]`," 1:151 \\'(`(`l\'. 1 1 IAll'lll. II. II. and I .'l'. nftit-(A l\\`:\s H1 When the llnuso ol' R0l"11j_1'o Com- miltvn met in Benton to l'(`(`0llSl(l(`l' the tomlors for :1 new burn tl10_\' do- :-idod not to accept any of the ton- (lors l'(`(?(`l\'(`ll, und to elmn_2'0 the plans and specicntiolls and have new plans drawn. The new speci- cations will be for n barn some- what smaller in demensions than that first decided upon. As soon as the plans are ready _tcnders will a.g'ain he vallod for. The United States yearly spends $100,000,000 in building public snhnnlsz. I qu.vU,uUu schools. |. |`il.\l|II. \ . \ .. ~ ,. Inlulpkllls anal Lit-ut. H. II. N ..l I) VI` ..lL lI('i|l|'lI Il.\ lH|(' llllllll N that \\':1.~z :m_\'l)0d_\".~' last minute. Hm win l)Hth (I%ul'1's) 1<-um. thv ('l().~'(-l1(|.<.< 01' this l\1.A..2.A \Al..I..A'. |Ill' -`IIilI('|Il l`ll'I.\ III lH(' l\lH: Hvtvl at .\'(~\\'n1n1'k1~t 1'(\r~onl'- .... . ._`. . ,_ ,1, ,A ,. NIH` \\|1l 1l|\' \'IH|lH||Illl\\ 11111 In In 1111 1\'(-1111-1111101`. \\'11011101' 1110 >1-1111111 1'0-1111111 1111 1110 11111 .-110 111' 1111 11 111 101-2111011. 1110 1i1'I'01'01101- 110t\\'0011 1 11111011111 01' 11-11011l111`0.< 111111 1110 111~ -. 111100 1110111-_\' 11:15 10 11101. 11' 1110 .<(-110111 11:111 110011 01001011 :1 11101'0 001111111 S111` \\'11(-1'0 1110 11. 1110 p1'0~'s111'0 \\'0-.11 11:1\'0 1>1-011 .5001 0:1. it is lilu-1`\' 1110 1110 \m1111 11:: 110011 .~'111-00.<.~'I'1111_\' 1011-_-111. '1'11E.< 11ut 0110 '_-'0011 1'(-115011 1'01` :1 111000 01- 11111 .-itr.-. I III\' II. I. lI'tllH. Wl'I`_'I. il- Ptt-.~'. H. Hnl)l)s. I. I"mln:;|{i 1. ('. ()'lI:n'z1. S. l)um-li1'I'v, {ins .1. H. .\':nnp. I H0h(-)'t. tho I'M. nHi('(-1' of H10 1771]: 134111.. 1.. ..A` Al... ......a.. ....l .l.. I THE NORTHERN ADVANCE ; I'1'mn :1 .\'v\\'- zmnunl 1m-(-{'- 4 01' the Kin: .L..I. . A lI]t'(' \\'1H-1'(- zmzl n}wr- thv (-01:1- 01 'l'1':1du no 1`(-port was presellted from the special ho- tel committee. 1`fI\'ide11tl_y the com- nlitteo have an hotel is not \\`:1nte or Barrie people not loyal enough ('0 their town to sllhseriho in :1 4nnnmn\' 1]e:\'n Hun fnnunnu-- VIIUUSII (U LHUIA LU LI LU -3llUbl'll|Jl' to :1 mmpz1n_\'. I1:1\'o the 'tm11pm'- anvv 1)('0pl(` no l'u1'tho1` 111,tm'v.~'t in hotel :1m*mn:n0d:1h011 than tho clos- ...~ ...4` Al. 1. .....l l..4 .L ..L llllllil il\'I'LIHlEll\}liilKIKIII lllilll [KIN V1155` in},-` up of the bar and IM it j__:'()-- :11 that`? L001-Is \'vr_\' much likv it. Oth- er t.m\'ns xvlwro in1pr0\'od nc<-ou11nn- dution \\'u.s' H-q11i1'vl tho p:1.~: ()l' the bar was the siglml for uvtion in ill1])l'()\`(`(1 hotvl p1'0p(-rtics. Y .\ The people 01' ('o11in*_:'\\'o0d are th'i11ki11};'('h101'i11:1t('(l \\':1t(-r 1'1-mu their \\':1t<-1' i'u1v.<. '0 don't hlzlmv the li]`>1_`.' (mos. up H|('1'(- it tl1(*_\' vio- late tlw t(>1n]w1':11wo :1<-t. \. Police $211-.11'i(`s in ('70lli11_-_>'\\'0nI \\'or(* ix1(*1'v:1.~'ml last \\'0(']\' by the town c-nunoil. The (-him" now 1~<-roi\'o.4 :-}`l.(NH) pm` _\`(':11`, vn11. \\`-1'0 u'i\'- vn an inorv;1. of $3.131) per month. A, n(-\\' r'hi(*l' has boon a}npnin t(- l'u1' l :u'1'_\' 50111111 at :1 . oi` $1 MI) :1 `\'o:n'. all H-vs going to town. B2u'ri(- ]m1i('(` nrv \'(-1'_\' mm-h undvr paid. Thu Hnwna-n t:r\n|I||H`fnt\ nI' flan nnun- \ Dr. .\Ii'hnv1 ('l:11'k. Lih(-ml 0! HH- I~`riti.~l1 school, with tlm-v .s(nus ::` Hm !'1'm1t. H-p11 lhv li.~'1n_\':11 . : 01' Lum-ivn Czxmmu. Iutv nix-i.:i Lilwrzll vumlinlzltv 101'. Sir \\'ill 1'itl I.:1u1'i(-1' (':mnm1. :ull1'(-.<.~'(- him 1(-an" Lu<-ion," um! I1-.1.~: 1w\'5i' rh:1ll(-11'_"ml_. \'o1:'.x(li:\to his (li.s'I().\'&1I it-n1im(-nt.<. \\'l1i-h. l:l.. ...I I..... .... ...` ' ..A. AI.. Tho I'I1l11(`:1tim1 I)<-pt. :1l 'i`m'm11n is 111111hlo to z1s. tho I ;:11'1'io I-}<>:11' of IC1l11o:1tim1 111 z11'1'i\'i111_:` :1L :1 1lo1i.~- i011 11:; to tho \'z1h1o nl' tho . Cnllouizlto \\`:1ll.' 1'01` 1'o-h11ihli11<;' pur- post`. The D1-pt. . tho so- <-111'i11-.- 01` 1111 :11'ohi10r-t for tho work. The ;1\`o1':11_"o :11'oI1ifo<-1 is not :1 suit- nblo ]>o1'. 1'01` 1.-`i\'i11~_" . :1 1'o]>m`1. his \'i, is that of . :1 joh to plan and . tho \\'m'k 111' 111111111112`. This ]):1'.:`(` wmlhl .~'l1`_"'.'.'(*>1' to tho lnr-:1l B11111-11 that tho) }_"ot into tour-h with tho |)111`h1i11-1 1lo1>:11'1111o11t of tho 'I'n1`n11iu I m:11'1 112' l':tll11':\Ii()II`. 'I`01'n11t has lost t\ 1 or throo .<-lmol huil1li11-_"s I15 liro H111 that in \\'o:1H1o1' 5111111211 10 what 111%-\':1ilo1l whon l :11'- ric ('0lh"_:`iz1to \\`z1.< o1l. \\'h:1t `as (l()l](' in 'l'm-nntn 211111 who 1'o}m1't- ed 011 tho 1-u111litim1 0| tho ruins 1ho1'o 111i'_"ht ho of \':1h1o hon-. `PH l 111<-H1 men! (`In rk. ill. EH1 ('4\'HlHlIl` lu}`21lt_\'? 01' Sir pm1rlv1'iw_" tn thr- 1110111` in Qllvhmr, : XXXXXXIXXIIIIXXIXXIXXI .\ ' '|'|1m`0n2 hI:(*ssv-th:11 is thv li. ui.\hin'_" cl1:11':1rt(-1'isti- ml the l |'imv .\!ini. H(- has :1 lI1:1`.'\'('()lL<. nu-m- m'_\`. uml this. vnlxplwl with his pun!- iuinus im1u. mnkt-.< him lll21.~'1(`l` of his \\'m'k. .~\lthm1'."lI tho .~'(>.~`.~zi()1) \\'2\\' <-:IlI(- c:u*Iic1' than was ('X])('('l('tl :m<| :1lIhnuu'h the month 0|` l)--(-1nh(-1' xvus hrnkcn In` his mm` in ninl 01? \'..l:. ...I k'.. .\ I... I... I L: . .... .. 1 (IlI\'|l l.'tl{lXL'l lllilll \\H5 l'.\lH'|'ll'll illlll by .V:1tir)1:z1l .\'t-1'\'im\ ho lmal his. 1n:n'li:1~ mv11t:n'\' bu.~'in(-. well in luuml. Ht` ' I. . .. ._ . 1.. .`..A. .t.. Al...1 ll|l'l||lIl`\ IJ||`IIll'.` \\l'Il Ill HKIIIWI. Ill" zlzntivipnttzs v\'(*1;\`1|ni11g' that may l;<- l(-mumlt-cl h_\' thv H0u. and is 1'(*:1 Tho })1'(`]h:ll'('(lll(`.\.\` whim-h ht- 111"."ml |'01' thv nation he has (-\'w: [vl`:lv1i>`('1l 1'01" him.~'vII'. .\.<'0111':u>_\' of . 1'01` whit-h ho is Imtml is the 1'<-; not so mum-In 0|" :1 \\'mu`1(-1= Iul 1'(-1(nti\'(- nwmm'.\' us it is of <`(*:1>'(*l('.~`s in nml 21+-i!1xit_\'. (Mir-i:2l.< who sit`. in the *_-'z1ll(-1')` and lwnr him 1m-.<(-111 {0 the TT-01150 :1. st:1t(-rm-111 with 1`(`Sp('('t to lIl2lIt(`l'S with which they nrv l'umilim' huvo often 1-x}>1'(-ssctl :1st011isl11z1(-111 at his A patent has been granted a New York inventor for It guard to pro.- vcnt the fingers of a: person l1i11,'_" :1 sewing machine hc~ing_:~ pushed under the necdl. B:n'1'i0 1%m11'1 nI' I'I .\l:u'<-h l`_ th. Council Meetings V 'l'0ss01'011tit) tp. . . . . .. Iw \:H!I]-.I \I-I XHIIV-I` Hl`ilHll|HHll`l'.`i [U l'.'\ . buiMin`_-'. I"('|). _'.. . 1!H(i-v'l`. .\. S11-\'- <-n< ]uu1'r|m~<' 'J`h (`l`(';1IIl- vx'_\' }n'r)pm'l_\' -ITTih Bu. up- mu-(I Iw:1rlqu:u'1(-Ins` in Bi1I2"n:un blot-k. IQ-h. `.33. 1S)[(i-J. (1. Kt-(~n2m in r-hm,-k(-1' -unto.s'1, with viuht . mmlo 7 wins and 1 -~-M1`. and .\l1'.~:. Noah Urnst-. Iml'rn_\'. N-l(-h1'nt(-1] -1(Hh lHllli\'(`]'.\ :ll'_\` 01' their n1m'ri:1_-'0. BUBLUU PCIBUII, U.V shoulder levers and weights most of his muscles. Chief Event in the War a ` Year Ago Fob. 30, .l9].6-Th0 Ollhlrin }\lilit:11;\' 0.\`])i{:ll at ()1'pix1},*'- ton. '1'I115_-`land, was opened. L`;-h `)1 mm __ r2.\+H.. f\.. \ l'I\llll| l'(HlllIIL'll(.'U(l. Feb. `.32, 1916-The Czar 1'01` the first time attended the op- ing of the Duma. |lI\'IlL.`. \\ llll'H. Ill ll1L'.`l' l\\(| ml It-:ulo1'.< ]'(`]>]`('>'(`l1t.V' ('z111;1tli:111sL |<. bowling" 21 I, >ritis`h 1102111 to 1110 and <!(~xm'.u1vin-.:' ('unn(m's dis- lty? \\'ilI'1'i lm1n'i(-1', lvrin-_" 1m-:m(-st rm-1:11 (~10- E and (`ndm' (E111- ) un. r.uj_"lzu1(l, was O})(`I)('(l. Feb. 2], 1916 Battle of VnI'1`nn nnnu II\nI\nn:1 WEEKLY CALENDAR 01' 'l`r;1 3111! s month. _.l. |37lU*"1 hl`:l1(]ll:lI'1(`l'.w' )4.- Events this week a year ago Moon's Phases 15;. _\..\I.('. I3:11'1`io Bnzml of 'l'1':11lv 111-I1] H11- :111111111l 111111-ii11`_-' on l"1'i1l:1_\' 1*\'(-11111;" of last 1\'1~(~k. It is 1-11. to _-'1-1 MT 10 :1 1.10011 . on . 01-1-:1.`-im1.<. and tho 11511111 20011 .~t:11't \\':1s 111:11l1- 011 this 001-1151011. .~'m111-11011` it Innk- L-rl as it" tho 11211-0 will he m:1i11t:1i11- ('11 and B:11'1'io is to 11:1\'1- at last :1

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