. Midland Town Mu,yor-E. Leth'c1'by. Reevc--D. Hm'1'cll. Dep.-Rccvc-J. lT(:T)owcll. Counci1l(:1's'-D. L. \V'11ite, W". E. ':\3Presto11, Alex. W. Bell, T . Devitt, 'lJo}m O Harc and J. C. Mcllulleu. . Men s Grey Flannel Shirts, with collars and separate collars, sizes 141:0 16%. Special price, $1 50. Men's Grey and Navy Blue Flannel Shirts, sizes 14% to 16 1-2. with collar attached. Price. $1 50. Men's Khaki Drill Flceccd Shirts, made by the Deacon Shirt Co., sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1-2. Special price, $1 00. Men's Black and White Stripe Duck Shirts, sizes 14 1-2 to I 17; Price, 75c. All the above lines are underpricecl. You should lay in your stock now. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FULLERTON--JOSLIN. ~.`m'17.` "I (`hl & I-`.1-21.1.. f\'(,)'l`l(`l'I is 1|<'1'(\h_\' j.:i\'(-11 that the .-\.11uuuI .\I.('(`1ill`_" 01` the Sh:11'eh0ld- lcrs of the -:11'1'i(- T;11n1in_2' Com- pu11_\i, (Limi1(-(1), will take place at tho oice 01' the C(nnpz111_\', Brad- 1'm' Street, in the Town of Bzn'1'ie,. go11 .[`l'l')SI).\,.Y. the ],()'th day of .lAN['.-\l\ Y, 15117, at 3 o'clock p.m., 1'01` the ])11l'p()s(' or recc-i\'i11g_:' the re- port 01' the I )i1'oct()1's 1'01` the past _\'(-an-, (-I(-('tin I)i1'('(*t01's 01' the said C0mp:m_\' for the (`llSl1il)_`__," _\'e:u' and t1'u11.<:1<*tin-." >`11<'h other business of the (,`(nn]>u11y as 1n:1_\' be expedient. By (mic-1* 017 the B()m'd. (Sif_1'll(`(1) \\'AIj.l`l~,)I{ SCOTT. Scc1'ct:11-y ABARREE UNION CEMETERY Thv .\nn1;:1l }.1(--`.ixi'.:' 0|." Hm SlIar0- 1nr)ldm|`.~' nl 1110 Slrmul 'l".:1vph011c ("m|1]mn`\', Lim-Eh-:1, will hv hold in tho ()runu<- Hull, Stroud, on \\'(-.d- 11(~s J:um:u'_\' 21711:, 1017, at 3. o'clock, ]).m.. for tho p|11`1no.sc of electing` lin-:t01's 01' the said com- 1):11l_\` and tm11s.z1(*ti11_'_" such other business as nm_\' he o.\'])edie11t. By Order of the Board. riv, ( HI I 7 I "` zlrrit-, l)nl.. I)('<~.' 30, "1016. 'The'a'mmal meeting of the Barrie Agrimlltural Society will be held in the Council Chamber, Barrie, at 1.00 p.m., Thursday, January 18, 1917. D. QUINLAN, R. -J; FLETCH` ' `P1-nulrlrmii. S(`C'1'C`t1X" ll"llllllLUll' .1 Czunpboll. ANNUAL MEETING AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. J. VgUJ.LV un.` President. l "r U ('lIl\'!\ Ir. 1'v(-(-i\'in'.: the (-lovllml 01' m-\\` hy-!:\\\'.~: NOTECE { N0CE[ oocoocoooao oooo< R. A. SUTIIERLAND, _ President W. LENNOX BLACK, Qmn-ni :1 1-1! .`~'. U<'.\I).\.\|I. L',. Rc-(-\'o--J21.~'. I')um|:1.~'. ` D01).-Rvo\'0-D1'. J. J. I ). Ian1in'_-`.2 C`0u11(-i1Im's-\\'n1. .\.<:1ph. Iliclxzmlir .Ad{1lllS. HUM. Lm\'(-1`_\'. Flos Township l I R(`(*v(*-.-\1nn< 'l'1':xin. \ Dep.-I\`0('Vo--P. .-\. (`mlu'hlin. C01n1ri1lm'.~"-'.l`. H. Smith. .T0.<. D1'ysdz1l(*, \\'m. .=\11slcy. ` Innisl Townships , Rce\'o-1'}bon Todd. Dep.-Roc\'o-D. H. C'ol(-man. l I I C`0un(=i1lm'.<-\\". H. .\f:n'tin, G. C. Allan, Geo. Loslio. _-. . -n qt H. \\'.\.l.`I.\`~.'l.\'. l).... . ; 1` JJLULL/J Soc-1-etuj" 1.11. Sm 1'01 :1 x'_\'. 1: 1-) IIJILKJLX, Secretary `o v. .--v~n...~-. _ .. .. _...._-`. Roe\'o-I):1ni(~l ,\I(=Lo:m. I Dop.-Roo\'e~Jo1n1 Boll. ` Councillors - G001";-'0 Bumfic-Id. Joseph Dunn, .\l(,-xnntk-1* R0bin. Matchedash Rco\'0-\\'z1ll:u-0 B01'x'0\\'. Counci11m's--Blatko Dnnl.'m' .l:1s. Raven, Tlxos. B. Shaw. J03. 'I`a_\'lm'. Nottawasaga Township '1 i I I Reeve--F. J. .Tm11iosnn. Dc-p.-I{oovo-J:1s. .Tm'din(~. Coum-ilors --- .-\llw1't .~\m](`1'. 'u1to1' Shields. .-\nL:'11s C'umpbvll. Orillia Township I"\ (>o\'o--H(-1n'_\' I-Illiuit. ,, I_..., Y....... 1"\ `N11 ]\ (`(`\'(-~.lu.~'(-1:11 .\'pit'h('1'. CounviHm-s--.|nhn llntlr. oxnorvillv. W. T. H. tiilmy. croft. , o I\'(-ow-v- I5. Dmtmn. ]st I)(']).-1\'(`(`\'('-~lA'\`i S. 'l'u\`lm'. 211:1 l)(-1:.-Iim-\'v~-L(-sliv .\n-11m'. (`0un(*illm'.-'.~-.\. l :z1`I<(-1'. (":1 Grah-ix. Juxus; Llllilh. Ilunm. u w. nu. lBa.1'ri(-7. G00. 31. (`0utt.~'...\[ibh111'st. Roo\'o---H'(-111'_\' I-Elliott. Dop11t_\'-]I(-<~w~-.lmm-s .In_\'r'(-. Coum-illnn-,<-~I):1vid 1 . Thu V111. ( I0\\`z111l0vI-t. A. A. (`u1mi11~. Ree\'o--P. R. West. I Councillo1's-Compton Jeffs, Fred. Ritchie, Frank Thompson _nnd Matt. ~ Brandon. ` .`.r:~;:!: -:.t.'.1`-r- I Ree\'e-H. \\'. C`;n'tor. I)(`|>.-lh'(`\'(*--T1105. l"l<-nxin-_*`. Cotnu-illm-s--~('. I)nnh:1m_. \0l)m. .l"r:mk \\'11vo.\'. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1917 (Continued from page one.) Carss, Neil McPhaiI, E. F. Cooke, Wm. G. Thompson, John 1\[cI1venna. TIT D nnil D (`.nmnuiezinnm-Q--.T:I. Tecumseth Township Roo\'o-I|'. A. (`:\rt(-1'. Dep.~R0o\`o-'l`1ms. :llmnix1'_". Couuci1lo1's-C_\`rus I)unh:1m, obinson, John \\'ilcox. Tlms. ee\'e--Clms. Wattio, .-\ntv1I..\[ills. D01).-Re0\'c--Alo.\:. II. \\'ilsm|. An- n Mills. Co1u1c.ill0rs-F1'a1nk Kuupp, Anton ills; Chas. Hzu'1'is, R. R. No. -`.2,l "Rom-hm {Inn \I (`nnH.- \Hh]n11' . Tiny Township I{ecvo-J. T. Sinlpson. Dcp.-I{eo\'e--I\'z1p. Bolcourt. Com1ci1lor.`~'.--Jo1m hobh, (). Pilon. . Mzulricc-. COUNTY ELECTl0N S W. Gwillimbury Township Thornton Police Village Tecumseth Township Goldwater Village Sunnidale Township Medonte Township i\r'r Wm. Ur. 10I11])S()Il, uunu menu.-mm. W. P. and P. Comn11ss1oners--Jas. 'B. Tudhope and Frank H. Hm-no. Vespra. Township Essa Township Tay Township V.\ "1'. 'l`hrm1srm. n1m1*_"h:nn. |\'I . ("n:1.<. T1105. ,E'lec'ord-of How crops Thrivgtnd Make Money Together Walter Johnson writes in the Mari- time Farmer as follows: I have been interested in the method my brother in Vermont used to grow his market garden crop of green peas. He plows his sod ground in the fall for potatoes, .harrows in cow and horse manure. [The next spring. just before planting time, he marks the ground 3 feet apart each way, dropping one piece of potato with two eyes to each hill or c1 ess mark. He then has a man follow with peas`, which have been soaked` for a. day in soft water, dropping not more than two peas at each two hills apart, fertilizer having been dropped before the potato. The hills are now covered by drawing the loose dirt E I over seed with the hoe and giving each hill 21 tamp with the hoe to pack dirt onto seed. I '1"!-an none on nnfnfna r-nmn 1111 i (HIT. ULILU Beau. The peas and potatoes come up together, a little in peas favor. He goes through twice with the cultivator and once with the horse plow or shovel plow. If the peas are not of extra late variety. and season not too dry, they come up enough ahead of the potatoes so the cultivator and shovel plow do not cover them while going through. For spraying the po- tato vines he uses a commercially pre- pared liquid of the bordeaux type, which does not hurt the pea vines in the least. LIA nnnn Hu-nuah hfn rnuvr: twine R He goes t-hrough hte rows twice a - week gathering peas for market, mak- ing a good revenue from pens to the acre. The pea vines do not choke the potato vines, and I believe help them. because in the hills where pea vines grow the loam seemed to be much lighter and porous. At potato digging time in September I measured the marketable potatoes; they aver- aged :1 bushel to 18 hills, or 268 bushels to the acre, which, considering the season, showed up much above the Ve1'age. Tho xrrnnn wnu rnfhpr light. receiv- IIIB 183.51.. % I Stayner Town Mayg1'-Tl1os. 11. Holbrook. Rcevc-Johu Conn. Co11ncillo1's-VVm. Giin, Archie Watsoxl, Dr. J. A. Jolmston, E. J.` Lambert, '\XY,..\ .1 n-.,1 D. J. Gartland, A. M. I BVEFHBB. The ground was rather light, receiv- ing only a light nianuring in spring, fertilizers put on at the rate of 600 pounds to the acre. I`he peas did 21 double service, giving it money crop and at the same time helping along the potatoes. The tubers were the smoothest I have seen harvested. It seems this method should prove pro- table to those raising potatoes by the drill or furrow method. A pine forest is one of the most beautiful features of nature. Of all quiet scenes it is surely the quietest. The harsh sounds of the bus_v human world, and even the dreamy murmurs of summer, are hushed there; no song of bird or hum of insect disturbs the solemn stillness; and only at rare intervals the mournful coo of a dove, making the solitude more profound, is heard in the deeper recesses. The `weary. (are worn spirit bathes in the serenity of the silence, and feels the charm and refreshment of its highest life. The trunks of the trees have caught the ripened red of many vanish- ed summers. and are bearded with long streaming tufts of grey lichen, which impart to them a weird, savage ap- pearance; but they are touched with grace by the wild flowers growing at their roots; childhood sporting in iineonscioixs loveliiiess at the feet of old age. They form long drawn aisles and vistas, like the pillared halls of Karnalc, or the I`honsa.n(l Columns of Constantinople, wliieh are indescrib- abiy attractive. for they appeal to that love of mystery Wliltfll exists in every mind; they reve:1l~ only enough to stimulate the imagination. and lead it onward to Iovelier scenes beyond. Life itself \'.'ithout these vistas of ex- pectation would not be worth living. -Re`v. Hugh 2.IacZ\Iillan. I1 . -. ....-uu (jamphor is the motive power which drives the device shown in the illus- tration, and it will cause the whirli- gig to revolve for several days. or until the camphor is consumed. The Whirligig is made of a piece of cork, 1, inch square, with 21 needle stuck into each of its four sides. Smaller pieces of cork. to which pieces of camphor have been xed by means `of sealing wax, are attached to the . ends of the needles. Care should be taken to 1-"--op the needles and cork free from oil or grease. as this will retard tlwir movement. As soon :11; the device is placed in :1 dish of lwater it will start whirling and con- ` tinue to do so as long as m0t.iv<-, power is supplied. A small llng or other Iornament may be attached to the | centre cork.---From Popular Me- ; chanlcs. ualvvvlus -`noun.--u-nu | There is nothing to equal the nas- turtium for brightening up corners. and the more you cut it, the better it will bloom. There is such 21 delightful fragrance about the foliage and ow- - era that it is almost impossible to! have too many of them. They will bloom during the hottest midsummer sun, and on cloudy days you will appreciate the gleam of gold. or crim- son. Even during a. drouth, 9. num- ber of owers can be gathered daily. The owers should be cut every other day. as qeeds are produced at the ex- I pense of the owers. The nasturthim. ' unlike most other owering plants, will grow the nest owers in a rather poor soil, that is. the owers will be brilliantly colored. Each plant should be given a foot of room. This In one 0! the most easily cultivated I l I snnuals. x_ l ms IN P0'TATObFlELD TO A PINE FOREST A Perpetual \A/hirligig \_~.. .1... ...,\a:..,. ............ Growing Nasturtiums ~ I. ....n.(.... on nrvlin` H Old Tires Are Good Material to U` 1 For This Purpose 1JlUIlUL'l'Lg \Vo0dard. tions of automobile or other tires worn considerably, may be readily made out of old tire casings. The tool neces sary for the trimming of the casing into a. reliner, with a feather-edge all around, as shown in the sketch, may be made from a table knife. Nick the surfce of the knife blade with a cold chisel on a diagonal as at AB. Grind the edge along this line smooth. after breaking the blade by striking it a` sharp blow as the point end of the blade is held fast in a vise or clamp. The _1a.ws of the vise or clamp should be even with the line AB. Now grind a V-shaped nick into the back edge of the blade as shown at C. Grind the edge BD as sharp as pos- sible and smooth off the other ad- joining edges. 'I`hn inntnvinl fnr H11: rolinpr,-`< in Reliners, with which to support port ` Juuuug uuges. The material for the reliners is obtained as follows: Cut out the bet- j ter portions of an old casing, In such N a way that the cut edges would be l in direct line with the spoke nearest. them, if the tire were on a wheel. Then cut off the tire beads by which it was held in the rim. Rip off the more badly worn outer layers from the casing. Lav HM: cor-Hrm n? the maeinrr at! Luv: casing. | Lay the section of the casing flat on a bench, the inner side clown. \Vith a pencil, or a piece of crayon, mark off the steps" in the several layers of the casing by the cutting of which the feather-edge is to be pro- duced, gradually thinning out. Insert the point B of the knife into the top layer and trim along the chalk line, cutting the smaller of the oblongs shown. Repeat this process, tearing away the outer portions of each layer. around the oblong for that layer. The reliners may he made of various lengths and breadths to meet the re- quirements of tires of various sizes and worn portions of similar range.- From Popular Mechanics. Although considerable capital is in- vested in fur-farming in Ontario. the industry lacks the encouragement and : legal security which it enjoys in East- ern Canada, especially Prince Edward Island. A case before the Middlesex. County Court, occasioned by the kill-} ing of a valuable fox which had es-i ` caped from captivity, illustrates the` i difficulties that will constantly arise` , until fur-farmers secure the necessary l legislation to place their industry 1112-` on a recognized legal basis. In the case referred to. substantial damages, were awarded to the owner of the! animal but such litigation should bel ' avoided by laws specically limiting the application of the ordinary pro- visions of the Game Act to fur-bearers raised in captivity as a denite branch of husbandry. "Print-9 T<`.dv;:n-rl Yqlnnrl hm: hm:-n fnrn. Legal Protection For Industry Needed in Every Province Ul'H.ll(.'ll UL uusuunury. Prince Edward Island has been fore- most in fostering the fur-farming in- dustry. Fur-farrners are adequately protected with respect to the owner- ` ship of animals and to freedom of ranch property from trespass, while the Act incorporating the Prince Ed- ward Island Silver Black Fox Breed- ers' Association should go far toward establishing reliable pedigree records and providing protection for both vendors and purchasers of breeding stock. Legislation for the same pur- poses must be provided by other provinces which desire to encourage the development of a successful fur- farming industry. The Selkirk tunnel on the C.P.R.-- I tunnel six miles through a mountain whose peaks pierce the clouds-a. tun- nel which presented engineering dif- ficulties almost unique was designed to give the public an alternative route through the mountains; to save six miles of snowsheds; eliminate danger and minister to the comfort and con- venience of the public. The cost is $12,000,000. The C.l .R., since its in- ception, has spent over $200,000,000 in the development of the West. " Canadian Pacic Railway Makes Great Outlays In West .............. . . . . . . ....... ..,....-au According to {L Commerce" Report the values of the various classes of wtimber produced in Canada in 1914. I together with the values of the forest }products, total $176,672,000, being divided as follows: Lumber, `lath and` ; shingles, $67,500,000; re Wood, 360,- ` 500,000; pulpwood, $15,500,000; posts` j and rails, $9,600,000; cross ties, $9.- , 000,000; square timber exported. 3 $00,000; cooperage, $1,900,000; poles,. .` 700,000; logs exported, $850,000; tan- ` ning material, $22,000; round mining `timbers, $500,000; miscellaneous ex- | ports, $300,000; miscellaneous pro- ducts, $10,000.000. Can the totals he kept up year after year under a waste- ful regime? Alliston Town l Mayor--J. H. l\Iitcl1c-ll. 1 Reeve-~Jas. Moore. ~ Councillo1's---F. B. Elliott, Jolm Dunn, F. F. Mzwtimlnlce, J. .,T. Cain, VV. J. C111mi11g".uun, \V. \V. Bo:u'(l. Penetanguishene Town .\Iayo1'-C. E. \Vri.<.-'l1t. I Reeve-F1'ank Yates. Councillors-J. E. Dcsroolncs. J. P.i Devlin, J. D. Flynn, A. S. (f}o11(l(-mu. .C. A. Mc-,(`ribb0n, S. R. (`xon(le1'(m. Bradford Village Rccvo-A. I`). Scnnlon. CoI1ncillo1's-Go0. 05.-'ilvi0, .T. 'l".. Coombs, P. Holt, J. A. Wt-bl). Creemore Village Reeve-J. R. La\\'rencc-. Councillo1's-\V. C. B0_\'(l, \V'. A. lHelmkny, R. J. .Tol1nst0n, Alfred _Tr\n nu CANADA S FUR=FI\RMERS ! Protect Cream in Transit E The cream should be kept in the cooling tank until it leaves the farm. While being hauled on the wagon and waiting for the train at the station, i. should be properly protected against put in RlIl'l1YY'IP2I' and nnld in wininr I BIJUUIU DI: [.ll`U[)Ul'ly LJFULCULUU 55313.5` est in summer and cold in winter. This can be done by using a covered wagon for `hauling, or by hauling the cream in insulated cans, or by alip- ping a jacket over the cans, or by covering the cans with a. wet blanket In summer and.a dry blanket in win- er. I! the cane arrive at the station on: before tram t a. 3 often the base. a. cooling ta lth water nd located in th i rovlded. ould be GREAT SIX-MILE TUNNEL MAKING RELINEEE Canadian Timber Values THE NORTHERN ADVANCE I. 1H 3. VIEW: UL e e . 5 ; I 1 The l`(`f_"l]h1l' m011th|_\' ]:1(:kin_n_-4 will` be on 'l'1nn's .I:u'.'.w.1'_\' JHH1. All \\`m'k should he at thv 1`00n1s on \\'v 1wsda_\'. .Iz11111:1ry 17th. The 5110] will ho opvn S:1tu1'd:1_\'.i .T;1nm11'_\' (ith. All:111(l:11(- ( 7lmr<-ht-sf will h:1\'(3 ('hu1'_"(*. The l 0ll()\\'in*_"` I H ..l...... n . n n,.. A1,: .1. .`...l u..l I Jill mm]! \\l|l Ill uln-n muuu-u-_m (7lnm-ht-s cln11'_"(*. 0ll()\\'in*_" S:1tu1'(ln_\' tlw l3upti.s'l. <-l1u1'('l1 and Full- Vntion ;\1`lIl_\' will l1:1\'(* (-l1:11."(-. ... . ,.. ` `I, 1LUlHU\l Jones. \\':11kor, Mrs. P:1_\'no. Noxt wet-k: Mrs. F.:1st1n:1n, llrs. I{i115_1_'. Soldiers Aid. Tho 1'03.-'11l:11' bt1si1m;~'s um-(-ting: xvus adjourned on Tut-sdz1_\`, Jun. 2nd, tol Tuosda_\', Jan. 9th, at the (`lose ol` the sc\\'in}.: meotin_ \\ l1iL`l1 001111110110-I vs at` 2.31) in th(- hml Cross 1'oom.~:. The 1101]) 01' (*\`('r`\` 1m-111'u01' is x11'_;'(*x1t- 1)` r(-quostt-(I. ` .L...._. .. .. .. \ i ` Shop :(mnnit1(-(3 this week: M1-.<.i I `NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE FROM I I THE ., GOVERNOR-GENERAL t ` ()ttz1\\'z1. D1-1'. .'3()--Uis I`].\'(*('1lo11( `tho (Alon-1'1101'-(101101111 as ]11'(-.~'.i(lo11t 1 1111- ('.z111:1(li:111 T :1t1'i01`<< ]3'11111l has i '.~'11(wl tl1I- 1'nHn\\'i11-.1` New Y<':11".~: :1 111-:11 (111 110111111 01' N10 1111111: m,._: . 1.:. 17 , . . . ..1 11:...1,..,.-.. H '|'\\'i-(- his Hn_\':11 ]`_"lll1L`.\`.s` T)'.1I;- of ("mm:1u<.-`ht :lm:<-:I](-(I tr pt-n;I<~ 0|" (":m:ul:1. in .~'uppn1't 0| (':m:`. I :1trioti<- Fund. ywrnnlrt um! 2'1-n(-mus 1'v. nan-II nm-n<}nn lH'lI\'(`~` hn\\' lI'IIl\' (` \ illlllillilll I (|Ll|Ulll J ||IIlIa lll\ . 011: (`:lK'll nu-:'..~in1: ]>1'n\'(*.~` how t1'ul_\' (":'.l1-:' nalzx :1pp:'(~<~i:1tn,' thv It-M \\`hi(-11 slwi (>\\'t-.~' to 11m` $0115 who are l'lu`l1tixI'_"3 for the liungnirv. Hv:1\'_\' us Hw .~':1<'-{ rilic-vs lH1\'(` zllm-;n|_\' lw(-n. Hm Immin- inn is as (IL-1m'xnin(-I as o\'m' to r':1r 1'_\' the \\':n' to :1 s11<-('v.~`.~`l'1x1 mm-Iu.<- ion um}, lm\\'v\'(\r onvmus hv hurdt-n mu_\' In-, shv is ('qu:11l_\' 7,j)'111i11(-d to 1101}: Hm falnlilin-s 2" ...u)so \\ Im :11`:* .<(-1'\'in2' in tho u1'n1y and in Hue n:1\'_\'. 'l'lx(- i1(1Illilli\i1l`il1iOll 0!` H10 l'un 11215 hm-n most slxwcssl'x1l and (-conomio and .mh:~:c1'ih(-rs can he lul1_\' assured that their (-011tx'ib11tions are being.;` ex- pomlod to the host nd\':n1ta_1'e. Fit't`\'-five thousand families, (301117: pl'i.s'il1}_" one hundred and fty thous-I and indi\'i<'l11als, are depcnd- ' out upon the fund and it is estimat- ed that t\\ c-Ive million ve hundred dollars will be required to meet the requi1'en1ents of the next twelve { months. v , L_.;. ...1.....' IUUH Luau v. I The sum is :1 1zu'_.:e one but whe the (3il'C1IDlSt12-COS are fully realized I am confhlont that the people of Canada will willingly contribute the amount necessary for the fund to continue its patriotic and benecent work. Ifqu 1\ 1~u-u-r\\*n1r1n-m Men s Penman s Cashmere`Socks, sizes 9 1-2 to II. Special prices, 25c, 40c, 50c. Men's Grey Wool Socks. . Special value, 25c, 35c, 50c. Men s Heavy Luinbermeifs Socks, worth to-day $1.50. Special price, $1 00. Men's Heavy \'Vorking Mitts. Special prices,50c, 75c, 85c, 906, $1 00 pair. .. Men s Dent's Fine Lined Gloves. in Cape and Mocha. Price, $1 50 and $2 00. Men s Black and Khaki \Voollen Gloves. Special price, 75c. Boys Leather Covered Mitts. Special prices, 50c, 35c, 25c. ;"\Ien s Keck Scarfs. Special prices, $1 25, $1 00. 50c, 25c. Make your money save you money. Use Sut- cliffe s Special Soap, 8 bars for 25. Eldorado Toilet Soap. Special, 5c. cake. Mt-n'.< Fine SI1i1't.<.hlz`.:'k anal whin- and blue and white . 1n:1<'w by The ;\1'1'm\' and h(`~_::1l shirt o(m1p21n_\'. Six s 1-! to 18. p1'iv(-.~: $1.25 and $1.00 `l..\..l.1 rn of 1'etu1'ning' ofccr. Councillors--\Vm. Patterson. T. Blaney, G. I*Ii5_v_gri11s011, E. Haskell. ' Victoria Harbor Recvc-J. Duckworth. Co1mcil]o1's--\V. N. Ball. E. Stod- dnrt. A. A. T11o1'bu1'n, Jno. Prolltico. n Q]un1l;`u'n]` Reeve-A. \V. I{o})i11s(;n, on vote" T]l('.~'(` are his vuhu-, sue them. V\/ith every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices. :53 RED amass EQEIE NOTES - - (Si_:;`nod) DEV ON SH] RE -. 1 am. -a...... :51;()1l]l1 Hm ) H10! 1' thef The 5 (lllflx. I1. 21.. L1 0. Sllollswell. up- i The 1n:n'i'in`_-_v 01' .\li.~:< illu /.1-I .l0~'- ;lin, l:1u'_- |uI(-r 01' Mr. nml .\l1'.~`. '|`hnm- us .lu. ll:1\\`kv~'lmw. to Mr. ('h:i.<. Ii. l"u|l-rlnn 0|" Hi-nl lliw-I . .\li1.<- lmlui. \\';1.< .\`()l('llllll'/.(`1l h_\' the llm . \\'m. Irwin on \\ l)vr'(-m- hm` 27th. lfllii. at noon. The l)]'l(l(! -'llool \ ('l`_\' .~:\\'e(-l in her \\'ml(lin-_-` a`i`_['l)\\'ll of white silk (`l'(`])(` (lo chino ?':n1<'l l)]'lll:1l Veil, with lil_\f-0l'-tl1('-\ al- l l(*_\'. Al'l('i' lnnr-heon h:1 l)('(`ll .\`(`l'\'- - ml. .`.l1'. and ;\li's. I<`ullertm1 left For ":1. short` trip to 'l`m'ontr> and Strat- ii ford. the bride \\'(~ni.'iii;: :1 he:111til'ul _ll)1'o\vn brmulelotli suit opening.-' on .butter(.-up silk crepe waist, and black velvet hat with touch of hnttercup. She also wore the ;.-'i`l't of the gzrooni, a set of black fox furs, The numer- ous .-gifts received show the esteem in which the _Vouni_-' couple were _held.. ' Their many x-ieifds wish them every happiness-fox` the future.` ' ' I " l l 4 `I | , Iurvu .1` ui'1m'r, Jll`l'('il.\l'|l. .\'0ti-v is lwn-l).\' *_"i\'<-n pur.~'l1:u1l lo the li('\'l.~`('(l .\'tnt11t(\.< ol'()i1t:1z'in. 1914, Cliuinlt-1' l`_"l,:mlAim-mli1iu;\r-Is. that all }I(*]'.~'()llH ll:1\`lll`_" :1n_\' olilims or (lo- .lll&Hl(l.\` il`_"l1lll.~'l' the Stlltl Jnlm B..Clill, i(l0r'(~:1.<(-(l. \\'l10 (liml on 01' uliout tho l\\'(-nt_\'-lil tli (lay of D('(`("1Hl)(`!`, 1916. at the Silltl l`m\'n ol Bm'i'i(-. :n'(- 1'0- ([l1i1'(`(l lo smul by post }nl'(`]>2llll, or to < l(-li\'(~1' to I). M. Str*\\'m'f, of the said 'l`n\\'n 0l' Bz11'1'i('. S01i(-itm', one 01' the 'l..\'o(-utnrs 01' the said ]`l. at his ollioo, ()\\`on strot-l. Bil1`|'l(, tlwir nmnos and :1(l and full pm-- lic11lm's in \\'ritiny_" ol` lll(`l1 (~l:iims land stzlloiiiuiils 01' their 11('(`0lll1lH and tho 1mlm'0 of tho s(-m1'iti(-s, if :m_\'. ll(`l(l by them. Aml lulw !l0li(`(`, tluili zillr-1' lll(.' tliiwl (lay nl` F<-ln'u:n'_\', 1917. the Ex- (`(`Ill()l'.\` 0|` tlw >`Hi(l John P. Hill. will mom-(-ul to (li. tlm :L ol` tlm suit] (l(`('(':l.s'( lll :llll()!1`." tliv ]l('l`.\'()Il\' ontillotl `rlwrr-lo. lm\'in:_-` ]'('L'lH'(l only to lll(' olziims of \\'lll(`ll llw_\' slmll n.....1...1....AZ... l|...6 4|... .5`? 1 In the llHl11(`l' 01' t11r- 1`]. 01' John B. (1i11..1:11(- 01' 1111- 'J'0\\'n 01` }I :1r1'i(>. in 1110 (`m1nt_\' 01" Hinu-00, No- i 11 1 |'(`41 :1*`m'm(-2'. 1)or~(-:1.~'(*(1. \'-1: ,. .. ... .......-......4 {n1 (`IlLlll(`(I llll'l`l'lU. llil\Hl`.' Il".:ilH1 unx_\ 5 t]w11h:1\'-`h:uI n0ti<`(*.:nultlmt tht-. tt`I.\'(-(-11trn'.~' will not he liuhlv for the] `said :1ss('ts or any ]>:n't` tht-rt-nt' tn |:m_\' ]wr.~`nn rut` \\'lm. r-htim th('_\ .~'h:xll lzmt thvn l::2\'<- rt-I-t-i\'<':t mrti:-(-. t Imtml ut ";1rri<-. tlw Ilnl lay at` ;.I:um:n'_\'. 1E)'lT. . Snlic-i1m'.~' for tho I"..\'o(~l1tm'.' 0: Ha!` .<:lid Jnhn I ). Hill. 1-4. Several French lig'litl1ouses have been equipped with lenses that en- able tlieir lights to be seen fifty or si.\'t_\' miles at sea. 1/ 1 '%0ufS:hiriS Have a Widespread , Reputation Swit'/.er]m1d has 796,909 cows. . Mcn s Khaki Flannel Shirts, with collar and two pockets, 517165 14, 141/5, 15, 15%. Special price, $1 50. Officers Khaki Flannel Shirts, with two collars and shoulder straps, made by the Deacon Shirt C0,, sizes 14% to 17A. Special price, $3 25. Tmstc-os~-\\'. C. Henry. J. \\' Thompson, J. A. Corlwtt. Adjala Township Room---Th0s. \\':1l. Co11ncil1o1's-.T. J. ,\[111li2'm1. J. .\I. Hamilton, J. J. Lawlor, '11). _G. (`-1 nn`\1\n