:~.`;..::ao:fa`a:, $1 133. Timb er `and pastuj land for sale j--lots No. 10 _and-11 ,f_-oncession 12,` VVespra--400 acres _fo1j.;l200; or will `sell separately brie ;h d ed acres for $400. - Apply W5 % THOMP- SON, Box. 462, 1honq MI. xuexanaer Newman. WEARING-- in Oro, on Thursday, `December 14th, 1916, Peter Thom- a.s Wearing, aged 61 years and 15 days. , 'the R. V. Hospital, e Barrie, `on Friday, December 15th, 1916, Elizabeth, beloved Wife of Mr. Alexander Newman. W.1:!A12Txrr1 .-- n--- - rm - ' DIED 3'HALE-At Orillia, 011 Wednesday, December 13th, 1916, George Hughes Hale, aged 70 years. For. 46 years one of the publishers of the Packet. M '\T'l'.\'I"lT'|rA\`r -r '-- - -- W [ % MARRIED 'EXELL-VVAKEFIELD`--At Trinity Church. 011 Iwnndnv nnnnv\=1=n-- 1 'DEGEER--In Barrie, M1'.- and Mrs. `Earl; `HOGAN{- At the if "[J ,.,....ZJ._I U ` -v:I.u ;.ucuua ` Minneapolis. fsocuu. AND P1-:IioNAL ;.u.', U111? uuy It ll. ,'IlE \Vlna S which, by three o clock in 110011 had T clearedh the Around the head of the b: other points the ice remai .u_v uuuxac. ' The funeral took place on Friday afternoon of last week from the falnily residence. Service was held {in "St. James Church, `the service iwas in charg_,>'e of the Rector of_ the! I Church, Rev. J. R. S. Boyd, asslstedl :b_v Rev. Canon Greene, of` Toronto] [and Rev. H. D. Raymond, of Barrie. i I vters, Ma1'g:a1'et Go1't1'udo and Doro- thy Louise. rn1,_r- 1- - - *` ...uuu-- vv nxxnr u:.uu-At '1`rm1ty Church, on AMonday, December .18, 1916, by the Rev. H. D. Raymond, Frank Exell, to Hetty VVakee1d. )EGEER-In on Dec. 12, to Ea1'l;Degee1', a son. IOGANT- Royal Victoria Hospital, on Sunday, December V 17th, 1916, to M1`. and Mrs. Albert Hogan, Bayeld St., a dau_r.rhter. ' BORN Chi-%ren's B I a c k Hose, enman s, sizes 5 to Prices 35c to 60c.3f Ladisf -Black Hose, eeced. Special, 25c. Egan:-nanuau Asvabo LJIJCL` T 311, 60c. Ladies . Black Cash- j__re Hose, Penman s. gadics Silk Hose, co rs black, sky, pink, gol}, mauve, , Price, $2 pair. Wgitc Silk Hose, Spccggl, $1 25. a_V_ Fi'ida_v x11o1'11iQg' b1'ig'11t and early the bay was f1`-`oxen over comp1ete1_V from the north to south shores. Dur- ing` the day 9. light wind sprang` up, wluch. bv Huron n nlnn|: 1'-1 Hm n*'*~- {December 13th. 1916 .K;ngston court house- 'e_n to the mili ry hospie sxon for` the use of com} diers. `~ ! December 13th. necessarily .--accept` For further par [ JAMES A._` 1:;ullCl. u_y , V1Z.I The North W Number Ten in by the uI1_d_e,rsi noon, of Satu January, -1917, ' I property, viz.: Sealed Tng i FARM FOR SALE BY. ' p.m.-Evgni.ng service. Good Music. All welcome. Come and bring a friend. 'ColHemSnt:l1![ethodist Church -.fV'|"""` , unuasumas uay 8.30 a.m. Holy Commumon. 1 W1] a.m. JM01`I1illfJ,' prayer, Holy Comn111nion,oand sermon. ' Everybody Welcome . Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar. I 3 p.m'.-Sunday School. 7.00 p.n_1.- Evenmg prayer !ca1'ol servlce. I 1 .:~41 - - - First Ice P T1011. __..... ...v...u.vu.D auu. J 11 a.m.--Morning' service. Sunday School at 3 pm. 7. p.m.-Evening service. THURSi5A, DECEMBER 21, 191 Centre}! T Melh_o_dist Church Rev. Herman "Moore, Pastor Sunday, December 24th Christmas Sermons and Mu.si 1.` K 1:- _-- _...---vuuuvs Vlllll Pastor, Rev. G. R. Turk. Sunday, December 24th V - Special Christmas Services 11 a.m.--Mo1ningf service. , Sunday School will be held a .m Si111da)', -December 24th_ Fourth Sundayin Advent `8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion. ll a.m.-\Iorning prayer and 101]. Tripity Church on court house-1s be 'l"ta % h 't 18 <" g.""' `*1 mn ospx a .comn;1s-_ V :he of conva.Iesce;n,t:"'{ `I $1 \-/V A ..i , ____ _ - v-rvn.V|VA\IL Campbellfo1'd News-.Gol.de11 Rule `Lodge, No. 126, AF. & A'.M., at -a recent meeting` "presented Rev. G. A. Brown with :1 handsome g;old_cl1am and Masonic charm in app1{eciation is his services as an ofc_1' of the lodge. ALU- Christmas Da , | T-Tnlv A-~u------I gany tenger n o4t . 4-a..L4L}\JL` Elton P. l`lt\1-Iv - `- uUWAN, _ .Barrie, On * 50-52p , . apply SON, 3 uvu an(.1' Ser- at 3 and --When you want f;`omd1'3,' hard- wood or slabs, call up 404%: 45-tf Entextain Soldiers . T Last Thursday evening` the choir of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church entertained some 60 Presbyterian Khaki men. An oyster (supper was `provided followed by an impromptu progranlme. A delightful evening was spent by those present.` Masonic Presentation CAre Yo j Leami A. LESLIE, Each mm: `should have -count in thu `with .0}:pm'1=.: Fly, and hfzliwxi money \\'i.~-'1_\. `in thrift an-1' `Valuable-ill 1:4 gtiiungnsvai MRRIE `C "U'I')`FFFi*-%'M: cijl zvgpany, (Limi E- the oime 4 ford Stu-(-t. lvlvvu-1:. _ -vv--cu The 'p-i'_ctures of ``B Co. ordered by parties in town are now at this office. It is requested that they be ' called for on or before Friday evens ing of this week. Orderseare still solicited. L- -';ttent"1-<.)-x`1`. J "oe Phone 1 TUESDA Y If for the pm'}m~ rt of tlw 1 ' 3 held last ' pronniso .1101`, then- x hoose from Wishes everywhe. 200 (is; Cloth ; 500 is). Extr Au kindi 1, ceiling; ad trim, It '8! and _jm. mg and 2:1 _ If all the ('2: d. their inh- |... `IT, I I - _.. -...-... .-w vonw The Salvation Army will hold their Christmas serenade on Friday and Saturday evenings of` this week visiting` the homes of the citizens, singing Christmas carols. ` `B 00. Pictures uVr' l'(`,lI '.'A.??..'."` `.".3 pairh {list `rm: V ' .coM won _.__,_-... --no n-51:55:11.5 .On Saturday the electric light men replaced the two burned-out lamps at the P. 0. square. The two lights replaced are the same as the ones in use, 500 candle power. Christmas Serenade Band at rink every week night durmg the hollday season. 1 . 0. Lights All Burning This. the 871st day--two years and 141 days -sincc the British Em- pire declared war with Germany. The `war Pictures framed lat Dougalil`-:;_]3r ,4 The Shortest Day ' To-day (Thursday) `December i is the shortest day of the year. I Decetphgr . ~ SWITGEEQ; _ . Save your combings Switch made out of :youi ;q by Mis. D; C. Howard, 191 Street . FOR SALE -"- 30.g:~!_2cr gbod lami, suitable for n1a1'kBg- en, inside town limits. Will"-g gig! ;;gvl1ole or part. Cheap if taken3:t;`Vt`on`_2_~3_e. Ap- ply 1\IacLaren s D111g;'z;`;>Store Vor wrxtc Box_ 226, _Barr1e. " .0-52p ..'FOR SALE -4 Brf ':3i&%i&b "an" -ixx -Bayeld st., 9 rod _a31;d4bath; A ievery convenience, o `Ifiicre with orchard. Good ga.ra;, ' '1;-E Applv -orcnard. Good gara' " _ 5 `.31.; W. J. Fowler, Barrie vi "7 connnnsnn .._____--....- vv AlA\.L QJIILI-Lllcy-3. ll], ack 1n the after- A ice out. bayanxd I11 remains. MKLcusss1%r` cams? ;WVill open on Tuesda)?"W.f` n`:\aA A- L`- Lsii'3;?f*b." have ll luau V Blake >6[-tf Appb: 4 28-tf um, :.aaJ.1..l.6. - ~ ~ Remember there is a speci' 1` prom- ise in God s word for tl'{;se who ".`Did -it unto the least, '_e ,did it unto ,Me._. Requested .on half of -the~Won'1en s County A: 'iliary _. of 'C1%i1dr.=iniSf,_i ,5 . -u- -. - - -- .. v-.v.-- uvnanv Il\lJ L), V1 lbLl.Ll_. ULUIIIILLL s:u_1_1d -some};svyeetAs, .cakgts_. and ,r,ujt. Axldxgess Miss ` McCracken, Wdrsly St., Barrie. - A . ` ' `I).........-_`L___ L` , - ' " I e In the many claims pressing' for recognition permit us to remind the citizens of Barrie and the County that there. are fourteen children at present in -the Childrei1 s Shelter. We would like to provide these lit- tle, folk, who are deprived of home ' jo_vs, with some of the little `pleasa- ures that delight the heart of the young` at Christmas "time. There . are eight boys and six girls. \ Please send them some- toys, warm. clothing an ',.euranfa hnbna nvrt` ~Pmn:4- IEEMEMBEE THE rEIENDLEss E CHILDREN ` E All day Monday was takenup by . the police magistrate in a prelimin- _` ary hea1'ing' of the charge against ' Jos. G. Fitzgerald that on the 10th of Sept., 1916' heset fire to a house A and ham, his` property, `with intent to defraud a certain insurance com- pany. -A number of witnesses were ; istrate decided the evidencewas suf- be held in June, 1917. A trial.b_v jury was demanded. Bail was xed `at $600 in two suret'ies.` No bonds- men were forthcoming sorFitzgerald was committed to the County jail. Owing to pressure. on our columns the report `of the trial is heldtovertill next week. ., . x `examined -in an endeavor to place the V crime agzainst Fitzgerald. The mag-` cient._.to .send the `accused to stand . trials at the next session which will 3ros. ,< _-_.---u_' vvlllllll Tuesday:;f e$t'sv EelE and.c1os<;_on-the fd_ wing` . - ` V Saturday ._ T I\ -~- 21; LSENT FOR TRIAL CHARGED . BURNING nous}: AND BARN , ____ -ly impressed with -vvwAV,\/\| jolt. If there were 110-n'10l'e' It LLALIU knock- ers in -town quoth he, than there are in the hardware stores this would be a peach of a town to live in.iChorus of An1ens ~ from the knoeker gallery. ' ' Reeve Bennett at ' Washington Reeve Bennett returne_d -.home on Friday last after a trip to Washing`- ton, D.C., as a delegate from Canada to the International Horti_cultural Convention. Mr. Bennett was great- the beauties of the American capital, which he was .vis- iting" for t-he first time. Not only is it a beautiful city, but one of great historic `importance. While in the capital he was one of the delegates to be introduced to `Champ Clark, the Speaker of the House of Represen- tatives and later occupy a "seat in the Speaker's g'aller_v and -witness the opening of a new session of Coi1g1'ess I I in ( '1 .,.... _au.u nu consequence ms ` 111 Barrie" motto rece_1v.ed a no I1i0l'e'kL` t u.,,,,],1 Ln .. -\._.__L uvvl-VVII A Barrie citizen who has [been buildin_q' himself a newhousc "the past sun1n'1er waso desirous of ` having an old-fashioned brass knocker on the front door. Such `an article was not .to be obtained in town, so noth- ing daunted, hersent to the'cit_v for one. and in consequence his buy in motto 1-nnnivn n un,1n 5 * rie Business - ronto, L. `Rynolds, A. Sevigny as_ M teacheres -The following {graduates of Bar- College accepted 'o"1ce_ positions since September :--In To- iti. Sl1aw s Business Schools; G. Hoglgson, I. Irving, L. Rankin, D. Lan`don, F. Wilcox, E. Pearson, P. Ancfqrson, C. Minnikin, "R. Minnikin. M..T3' M. Connell, F. VV e1, 0. Wallace, L. Bone, H. Armst lg", J. Reid, P , Lotlx, E. Sn1ith,."G..~VVardman, J Robb, I. Canning-:, .- McMackon. . London, M. Parr, Lawrence. 3 Elmvale, D. Keelev. itreal, R . Elliott. `Collingwood, ' . Detroit,. J. Edwards. : ford, M. Connell.. .Winona, M. Wil ' ton, H. Speers. ` `*3 ` Heard on the Strcet V _,__ __,.....uu vvuu.uuI7v.VU. It will- be recalled that during the boat season of 1915, the Otonabee on a trip_from Barrie up the Trent Can- al, struck one of the draw- bridges, injuring the bridge tender and badly" damaging the bow of the` boat. 'An action against the Lake Simcoe Navigation Co., for damages has nally been awarded. The ibridge tender J. C. Freelen, of Iara [township receivingt $1,800.00. tax 111 one lump sum, instead handing out a copper every 1 they` g'o.fo1'. a skate." If a see ticket is Worth $3.00` the owner I 30 cents-ten per" cent. of the p of the ticket-and thisv-settles the whole season. Damages Against Otonabee .00; if uv:" L- ...__ll 1 -1 - _` ,__ .__...-...a ovAAlL\ J-Lvlhlil - _ Arrange1ne.nts have been made by_ the Ontario Government by`w}nch holders of season tlckets for skat- mg rmks can pay thelr fassessment tax in lump instead of halldinfr nnf n nan.-..... ..----.-A I` Tax on Skating Rink `Tickets Let us makevyour Christmas "Candy this year;`$_"i just the same .as_ home-made, andfij cheaper, with .no work. V ' ` `4 __ ____.v-v-- .v.--... V. gayysvu ' A Vespra farmer was `charged in the police court last VVe(lnesday with having sold apples on Saturday 9th that appeared of good grade onthe top While the centre was lled with Vlculls. Two parties 'purchsed'apples from him to ndthey Were culls'in the centre of the barrel. It cost the farmer in all $14.00 and conscation of the apples. - . , v y [ Fined. For Dishonest `Sale of Apples "A 1v__,, v wLa\au.oJ i\Ii1ia;i-3? Fund Bf "19 "1"3xIE.A.' be. in the hands of the local Treasurer, A. "Leslie at the Union Bank of Can- ada, Ba1'1'ic. as early as possible this Week as the acco1'n1ts:will be` closed up and remitted to headquar- ters on Friday next. V ' i ;:..`;;s?*fg;ara;,;;1.;,2 i all conuibutioxas to the Overs Military of the Y.M.C.A.' tn +1.- I......J.. -2 1.1.. \.._I m I A, 0 .L.l-Ill: ` .:?3!;?1` J69` V uuuauct Ull .-, I/ll\J ~ 2 ng the` 1 nwnivrlnn-1 min (KY!) %Ba1iri?~i! Stibscr'ip- -Up!1olste1ihg dohe by ex V_ ed men. W. A. Lowe. & Sons"."' vuti. v Overseas . ff1A"I nu. rude ! Thr ar 149 men at the prset ,time `serving terms _at the Ontario Reformatory for desertion from the var_i6us` of . the Canadian over- ` `Iu*Ru ia there are enough people to popula e Great Britain, Germa_ny and France, with a considerable [number left over, ' ` ' ~. ---When yoti` think` Tthinkof W. -A. `Lowe & sonsg An innch/of"rainfaLll rpresehtgg tons of water t9 i-the acre. ' OUV -....uu`v \/Anuxull uu .'u.Uuv_.1a_\' llluljll` ing, when Miss Hetty Wakeeld be- came the bride of Mr. Frank Exell. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. D. Raymond. The bride was dressed in blue satin and was given away by Mr. A. Baxter. Two nieces of the bride, the `Misses.Mayes, act- ed as attendants. The choir sang O; Perfect Love? during the~sign- ing of the register. The happy cou- .ple left on a honeymoon trip to To- _ronto on the noon train. A pretty wedtiing was solmnized` at Trinity Church on Monday morn- :v\rv ...l{...: `M':,... 1'.]'-LL_. 1Ir_1__n :1 1 FL LUIS for Christmas] "out-door life we live here and the I muses 111 but: want mat 1 was in was] a Canadian who had been living in' Boston and s11e said sl1e would. not have missed coming" out here foran_v- tliing, as she got experience out here that she `would not have got :1n_v- where in civilian life. She said it. was marvellous` how few of the wounded died and the same men in civilian life would not stand a chance at allwith the wounds they get out here, which is accounted for by the training received before coming out,_ which will put any norn1all_v` healthy man in good shape. If it were pos- sible to keep dry when `in the tren- ches I think sickness would be a` thing` almost unknown. 1 `YEDOQ ['- I ; , _.-\, uuv-J. - . I received a few scratches. and a piece of shrapnel in the back. cut- ting my equipment and tearing a hole in my tunic and shirt but did not cut the skin. although it gave me a rather bad bruising. but I consider rmyself Very lucky indeed asit iii}, me on the spine and would have per-. manently a deep wound. I am afraid the pains in my legs are rlieurnatism al- though the "doctor does 11ot say so andas I have had no previous ex- perience with that ailment I cannot be sure about it. After goizig through last winter out here (when we had much more rain than we have had this fall) I thought that I_ was proof..against rheumatism. But "perhaps when I leave this country and the dampness and go back to Canada, Where the atmosphere is very much dr_V.er, especially in the west, Imay be able to get rid of it; The hospital_I was in was an Ameri- can one and most. of the doctors and nurses were Americans. One`ot' the nurses in the ward that I in was It - ' 9 nQhnA;n11 l\(\:J L..- ' '1. I\ disabled me if it l1a i 1 1 q 1 TREATED" IN AN AMERICAN HOSPITAL `IN FRANCE M1`. and Mrs. Robt. Bucllanan, Ptq. W . J. Buchanan writes of the wotuxdg he received a couple of months ago "when `his battalion took part in the big push. He says: [17 In a recent Iettor to his p:u`onts, V I unnulcul . ` VVe adilrc the courage oi two yo11n;>,' men, not 100 mlles from Balf- rxe, who adnnt that they are too yellow (to use their own words)_ to enlist. uuulu o, uoiungwood 3, Midland 1. A Recruiting Otce has been open- cd in Barrie, near the Five Points. This office will also be used as 177th Bn. Recruiting Headq11a1'te1's for the County, with Major N. M. Young` in charge. `KY,-. .-;.12_.. 11 _ _ . _ . . V V . . `nu./A uct: uuu iH.3.JOI' Rodgers visited Collingwvood and O1`- illia on Tuesday for musketry in- spection of_ the local companies. Seven recruits were added to the strength of the 177th'Bn. last week. Orillia 3, Collingwood 3, Midland A Rnm-ni+iim- nmnn 1..;,. L--.` V nev. ueo. brown, 1tev.'Dr. McLeod, : the Minister Emeritus of the church; . Capt. Hawkins, Capt. (Rev.) Frank Harper (Chaplain); Lieut. Robert- son, Sergts. Leatherdale, B-ryan, Tes- key, Q.M.S. VVaite, C.Q.M.S. Clay, Sergts. Nesbitt, Boag, Black, Oliver, McFadden`, Tideman, Graham, and others of the 177th. Addresses, songs and some games in which Miss Burroughs was a leading spirit made -a happy `even'ing s programme. ` Lieut.-Col. McPhee and Major for in- ` `companies. _.--............-J uvullllls zany. 1118 531119 evening the choir of. St. An'd1'ew s Presbyterian church provided an oyster supper in the lectureroom of the church at which about seventy officers and N. C. O. s of the 177th Bn. were present and enjoyed true Presbyterian hospitality. At the head table were seated the minister, . Rev. Geo. Brown, Rev. "Dr. the i\/rinigfnr 'lT'.mm.+.m -9 4.1.- -1.-'... v uuu. U111, J.i7.Ll. V ` ' _ ,Soc1-al functlons have had then` place 111 battahon routme. The An- _gl'ica11' men were entertained very happily by the cong1'egatioz1 of Trin- ity church, in the Sunday School A Thursdayevening last. The sam evenina-, Hm .~.Im.'.. Ac Q4. A_-'.1,,, v ,- __.- ._.._-- -nu vuv JJVVBQUVLUD The i5.d\'.ance _is on sale at the bookstores of Walter Scott, J. G. . Keenan and Roy Stone, price three cents the copy._ -Also at the office of publication. $1.00" a year 'delivered in town ormailed to any address in Canada or Great Britain. To U._S.' subscribers" $1.50, strictly in, ad`-' `Vance. ' T Major N. M.._Y-o11=11,g* was in E1m~ vale on Frida)"_ f_o2":.1'ec1'uiti11g pm`- poses. A - "'"j"` , The two coillpanies of t11e`1T7th B11. in the armouries will -divide" up for Xmas pass and New Years pass. Leave will be enjoyed by the respect- ive sections from Dec; 22nd, 3 pm. to the 27th, and from Dec._29th to Jan.`3rd, 1917. ' .Ql\n;n' `-`......LI_.__ ` ` " La.l.o ` _ ` Capt. (Rev.) rank Harper was in lstayner on `Monday on rocru1ti1_1g bus1ne_ss. [ `II ' \-v `I p- `- yum: W Cline Corporal A. Lines has returned I after completing.a course 111 B.F. and I P- I` ' . Liexit. J.(I;I.' McV.ean is `attending a course in B.F. and P.T. in Toronto this week. _ T ` fV_____, I A Y [177th%VBAnAuoN VNTVVS] jEX'ELL-WAKEI'IELD um NoR'rni:R.N'# ADVANCE ' [IL 01115 IAICIL L.Y IJLIDCIIIDII DCI V LDC. \ `,`In. 1873, Mr. Hale married Mar-I `ion Gow, daughter of the-'1ate James Gow, who , survives him, togetherj; `With two sons, Charles Harold and James Russell, [who V have `been as-'5 sociated in the business since they 1 ..u~..:.....?l ........I......;.I' .....J 4...... .1....'...L- S Q\I\/.l.(EII,`4\l. Ill IJLIG III-LDLLICDD D1-I-l\ attained manhood, and two _ ___-__..---v-. _ V` ` Up to noon Wednesday Treasu1'ei' Leslie had on deposit $1429.00 Aas Barrie s contribution to the work of the Y.1\I.C.A. at the front. _ The 'selistran1in emfwy shrdl etaoin hrdl elivsts renrain open till Friday. Next week the ha1ng=.s of cont1'ibuto1's will be published. ' The Advance at the Bookstores A vvy\|\a, uuu. LU uuu 1U.l' ii WCCK. Mr. Hale_ was a native of Ome- mee. where he was born on the 14th, of December, 18-16. He began his connection with the printing; trade -as anlapprentice to the late Joseph _t Cooper, at that: place, subsequently accompanyin_g' him to Lindsay. Af- (: tcr spending a short time at Ottawa, . C0b0l1l`f. .` and Stratford, he came to E Orillia in 1868, with the late Peter )'Mu1'ra_v, who. established the Ex- L positor," Orillia s rst paper. He became associated with his brother,` t Mr. \Vm. M. Hale, who survives him,l 1' in the founding of he Packet in 1870, `)3 and for well nigh half a century ' he labored with unwearying indus- {- try. conscientious care and ncver- ' failing` fidelity to truth and honor ' on behalf of his -paper. To him, 1 ', journalism was primarily an oppor- ' tunity for doing good, and for ad- -vocating the principles dear to his! heart. It is not _for this pen or this` medium to appraise the value of the _ work performed, but it may be per- mitted to express the belief, as well as the hope, that the influence-which he exerted upon the community in many directions, notably in incul- cating temperance reform and -a;I spirit of loyalty to British connec- tion, will not soon-be eaced. He took a deepfjnterest in military matters, and` was" a member of the Lindsay company in 1866, and of the Simcoe Foresters after coming` to Orillia. He carried on for many years a wide correspondence extend ingto all parts of the British Em- pire, in connection with temperane, postal reform, Imperial ` Federation, Canadian `history, Canadian nomen- clature and other. subjects in which he. was interested. Faithful `to, duty: -"-' landiglibyal to friends, h.=-lifegvaqne- `of singularly unselsll semhce. ' Tr: 107') `M - TJ'..l.. ..........:...1 `ll -.. Flfolll The Packet 7 H l `Mr. George Hughes Hale, one of] the_ publishers of the Puckett, pas-I sod away yesterday mornillg, at the} age" of 70. He had" been {in poorl . health for some time,`but was 0011-, ned to the house for only threeit weeks, and to bed for a Week. ;\,f.. ITAI- ---_., _ -I' " 5 I\ l One of the Founders of the .O_ri11ia. Packet Passes `Away ,White Wool Scarfs. Special value, 35c. 1 Men's Black Plush and Corduroy iCaps. Special price, 50c. See ourlines of nice Reading Poooks `by good authors. Prices, 25c, 20c, 15c 2 for 2 5c. Children's Picture Books. Prices, 10c, 25c. ' Hanclsome Dolls at small prices, 35c and IOC Imperial Silver non-tarnishable Photo Frames. Prices, 50c, 45c, 50c. ' W'ith `every dollar pnurchase DEATH OF G.H. HALE ery purchase we give you a Sc Cotjpon redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods atsmall pfices. wish e1fy:.Merry cm-istm%f llll\4J U:iau'gh- Children's Bootees, ne vlines. Prices, 20c,25c. .358, 40c. --Picture framing a spec] VV. A. Lowe -& Son. Mi1itary ` `Y Contribution