Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Dec 1916, p. 4

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Tlids. Nightingale lost a valu- able horse recently. '* uv vv .I|UlI Jo Sorry to report that Mr. Wm..`Lat- imer is ill at the time of writing. Mr. Lennox and Miss Mayme Black visited at Mr. Reuben Lucas home, Lefroy,. on Sunday last. Mr. Ben Meredith of Bradford is our section boss on .the railroad now. Miss S. Robinson is very ill at `present. -` `Mk. A-`.4.L.--. -n:_1,-,,-u, ' .. -. - 11; vault vs ` Mr. Arthur.Richardson' attended the Fat Stock Show at Guelph last week. In: \v5- 1 .- J.&1UL1\.lDo . Sorry to`1ose Mr. and Mrs: `Oak- ley, our much esteemed station agent. Our best wishes go with them in their new home. ` CV _, A ;_ uu tau ;1 Acuua Icuuu My . Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Gordon have returned home after visiting Concord. friends; - , 1 -r * .. __ CRAIGVALE `W December -1, 1916' A Mrs. Geo. Richardson visited"lfo`- 1_'onto friends recently. Mr 0111] `[115 Tan f`-u-J--- "~A--~ Harold Broloy 51, Robert Orrock 46. ` T o Junior II-Boat1'io_0 McQuay_. 52;! Lottie Dunn, -.17: Norma O1 i'ock 45; I---\Vilson Elliott, 65. _ , P1'imary--Leona MacDonald. 71; Bruce MacDonald, 70; John Dunn, 67; Vernon McQuay, 63. Avrag-e attendance for November, 16. E. T. J. S13c11ce;'tcache1'; u_n7_uuu .11-"'.lIlUlHliL D1'01C_V, 0+; and Mrs. [Leonard Hill- ac- ...........'2...1 I... 'II'..' `I ... ......'I `III... `II ._ Fi}_v'u1'os denote po1'oo11tag'o. I Senior IV---'Viona. Elliott, 78. Senior III-Ironc McQ11a_\',77.. Junio1'III-Koith Elliott. 80; Eliz- abeth Dunn, 67; Gareld McQuay, 65. ' - " The` annual meeting of -.......`l. -2 4.1.. I`! ,w market Saturday, perhaps the scar- -'city--there were only a couple of of- `ferings--was in a measure respon- "Eggs continue to climb, 55c on the , sible for the price. Still- there are towns worse off, for instance on the Wellalid market the other week eggs were as high as 65c a doz., butter 48c 1b., chickens 20 to 250 lb. Local prices were: T Apples, spies, -bbl. . . . . . . . . . . ..$5 Apples, Tolman sweets, or Pee-" ' tnonllnna 4` l s 7 the Institute will be held on Tues- lpday. December 12th,. at 2.30 o closl< axuuucsu. ` l The regwllar montl1l_v meetin: of at the home of l\I1's.Jas. Quinlan, when Mrs.` J. B. Fielding` will 5_,v`ive 2 paper on Bravo .Bel}.ria.ns-Tl1e ` Coulitry, Its People, Miss E. A. Rix a Christmas reacline: and Miss Alice Quinlan a 1'epo1't`of the Insti-l tute Convention in Toronto. Hem-' bers will please b1'ing.1' nished socks -and contributions for Cl1ild_1'on s Shelter to the meeting`. scHooL?I:1=o1z'r nnnvt a Dr. `(Mrs;) S. L. Fothe1'in_:ham, of Toronto, then `rave a most int_erest-- I ing address on Child VVeIfare, be- fore the close of her address she spoke for a short time on Medical Inspection in Schools. The meet- ing; closed with singing the National Arithem. On \Vc(l11osday, November 29th. a special meeting of the, Women s In- stitute of Crown `Hill was held in the ['basement of the Methodist cliurcli. The nicetingr was opened with sing'~ ing` of O Canada and after read- ing minutes of former meeting, .\Iiss Enid Pa1-trid.:e rendered an instru- mental solo- in a'vc1'_v pleasin-3.1- man- ` mer. III` \ N - -- .- ' "iii-'. Will and Miss Cassie Baker ofl Batteau were guests at Mr. G. M. Moir s on Sunday. _ \.uuu.u.4_y auu ,nu.-.3 1a_-Lt`.3c1_Y i1bl.L`l.l(l8Ll. l Quite a numbe; J from this congre- g'ation' attended *the ordination and induction of Rev.-/K. McLean to'his new c11a1'ges of Stayner and Sunni-6 dale Corners, on Thursday of last week. V `II YYVOII -u u-I /\1 . .- CROWN Hm? I.s(~uA1v\.L 4.u.;o. vv ca-uu\:.Lau. . Mrs. Flora Shaw passed away 0 -Friday after an illness `of _less than -took place on M_onday * to Stayuerl a. week, She leaves `to `mourn the loss of a loving` motl_1e1', three sons, James of Swift Current, Sask.; Hugh and Donald and three daugl1te1's, Kate, Annie and Mary at home, her husband havinge predeceased her twenty-six years ago. The funeral cemetery and Vwas la.-1'ge1_v attended.` (\n+.-. n `mus.-nlnnm`-C`......- LLI- ,., % yisfthe,A $13>ett1is"i}1A"h" ::prsni:aE Mrs`. John Powers, who passed [awgy [last Week-. x Besides her husband she leaves to mourn ' her loss two. sons, Geo1'g'e and Jonas ' and one daughter, Mrs. Weatllerall. ` . M..- 131..-... m...... ........n _'..-__ LI Senior II--Thohm1 Broloy, Tnvnlfl R1-nlnxv K1 Dnkn--l A AQIIIJIUU, J. uuuau 'waukees.. .. Apples, basket Beets, bunch .. Butter, Tb ` Buttermilk, qt. Beef, fronts lb Beef,shinds, lb . Cabbage, head . (`l.:..Im.m ,...-..'.... conwnu. _ MINBSING WSMEN- s INSTITUTE S. N0. 8, ESSA 1von.'rnn.1}t- A-m'rA Nc : n the _Es_sa 64; Inn`: Upholstering a d furniture repair- ing; done by" com: tent workmen at Dgugal} ;Bros,` 't_n'i-er Store. Mr. D. J. Reburn, who was Agen- cy Hanager for thevFedera.l Life In- surance Company in Barrie District' for a number of years, has been ap- cy of the Sun Life Assurance `Com- _ pany of Canada, Canada s greatest Life Assurance institution. Mr," Reburn has had a `very suc- cessful career as an insurance`ma'n, and when Mr. Ball," the former, Dis- trict Agent of the Sun Life Assur-I pointed Manager of the Barrie Agen-I ance Co., retired on account of ` ill- health, the Sun Life Assurance` C_o_., was very fortunate inxsecuring has its District TMa.n'ager,_; Mr. Reburn. REPORTS uL|LILAIl.\; Ill .l.UJ.l;Uu`l In retiring frqm the active busi- ness, Mr. Ba1l m'onnnends to the in- suring public noltflonly the great Sun Life Assu1`ance~T-Company, but his successor M1`. D,jJ.` Reburu. xv u, wnu xur so many yell;'s has- ented the SUN LIFE A . ALLA] . ASSURANCE;.j.`OMPANY OF CAN- `I ADA, is retix-" om` accoimt of ill- health from" t_ active management t of the Ba1'rie", gency_of that Com- pany. Proba no msurance man in Barrie has better oknown.for the past fteeli"yea1's that has Mr. Ball. His \vo1'l for the Sun Life has been of \*e1`y{;sa.tisfacto1'y nature. He has seen t}li`t giant Company grow-from tlxirljr has 1'eacl_1ell the enormous g`- ures of over $2E5,000,000.00 of in- 1 . surance in forcyjf -rm ,.- -, n- :. . million dollars un- _ PRoMIN1:N1f?:'NUIANc1: MAN IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT DEVLIN 4 Ladies ? black and grey Suede Gloves, guar- anteed, $l 5.0 pair. The latest in glovedom is WashablelCapc Gloves. We have these. in white and putty only, alt $1 50 and-$1 75 per pair. TLadies Kid Gloves, in blak. white and tan. guaranteed. put up in fancy boxes, at $1 25 per Iyair. ' Gent1emen s. in tan or yellow, at $100 per pair. ` ' ' Ladies , in per pair; ' Ladies Silk Anl in black, `whitej putty and grey, put up in separate boxes with ` I. 2 or 3 pairs, at 509 per palr. 7 Ladies all black Silk Hose, put up in fancy bogces`, at 75c, $1 00, $1 25 and $1 50 per paxr. A ` T '- J '.l'9RON'.l`O V MARKETS Shep eafly and? get best sele .Below we Awill mention only %a few the many Gifts to be seen here. 1 _D_EyLlN & MURCHISON. Ladies or Gentlemen s Kid Glqves [KID GLOVES. CHRISTMAS DRAWS. NEAR tan and black only, at $1 '00 The above are a. breedy captle and wi reserve. 'I`.rh1"nf .QnTn_1=) '-x uuumlu UUWS, DIME 1 LOGO! YU- Terms `of SaTe-12 ` `hs credit will be given to arties , ishing ap- proved joint: 5 cent. per a.nnum_ofI.for cash. . ` Sale :9 cpmxnence` at mg I2:t22*5:cEussn{sI 1"'ARMER S PRICES - The undrsfned- has received in-I i lstructions fro . B Fielding to sell by Public Auct _, at the Barrie Ho- ltel Yards, Barr H n . AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE; - v This pro tv is situated in one of -the best res ential parts of the Town, and would lake an excellent block of land fo_ `subdivision purposes, or ' residence. A beautiful is situated thereon which g'ive's the ame by which the proper- I ty is- gen rally designated, -namely, ` ` McCart y, s Grove. The property will be offered for I ten per- cent. at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days there- after. H _- n sale subject to a reserve bid.V Terms` 1 I M51. ' I I For further particulars apply to I STEWART .& STEVVART, I . V _ Vendors" Solicitors, - -19-52 T Barrie, Ontario December 5th, 1916. eighteen, 11 , according t \IL guts uuu wu, Lnree and tour a11d the VVest h of Lot ve all 0'11 the South side East street, according to registere ' Jlan N 0.. 13. Of Lots six-teen, se teen, eighteen, nine-_ ots sixteen, seventeen, teen, twenty, twenty~ one,` twent _vo, twenty-three, twen- ty-four, tw,1ty-ve and twenty-six ` _ ide of Clapperton street registered plan No. 37, as amended registered plan N o. .148 Of Lots sev nteen, eighteen and nine- teen on e West side of Owen street acco '11:: to registered plan No. 31, `all, the said Town of Bar- 1'10. rie. TI` twelve on v`:- ovxccb, uccu mg to registered Plan No. 13. Ots nine and ten on the South side 3' Grove street, formerly ccording; to registered Of Lots eleven and `North side of East! street, ace ing to 1'eg'istered plan` No. 218.` ` 5:" Lot one on the South side of Gro street, formerly John street and rth side of East street, according t jregistercd plan No. l3.l Of Lots one wo, three and four a11d teen. twmit Q f7nnf\r_nnn mu! ------Lu u a three and ` Lount str street, acco ` V. 1 0 rm" U}l(l(31' and by_virtue of the powerl of sale contained in a certain mort.-; gage which will be produced at the; I timeof sale, there will be offered for `sale by Public Auction, by \V. A. '.\[eCo'nkey, Auctioneer, at the newi [Barrie Hofl, in the Town of Barrie, `on Saturg '3', January (3th, 1917, at twelve 0 ck, noon, the t'ollowi11{_;' propertyi, _i1el_\':-- \ 3 All thos' _certain"parcels or tracts: of land a ` premises situate, lying`- the Town of Barrie in V Simeoe, and being; com- ws: Of Lots one, two, 1- on the East side Qf' , formerly Charles acco ing to re_r_:isterediPlan Of ts `South ` registeredl n4-or..+- ..1..----A , 1 MORTGAGE SALE 01" VALUABLEI ` RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN A THE TOWN OI` BARRIE, IN THE COUNTY OI` SIMCOE. \.<'."--' SATURDAY. MARKETS W. `A. ,Mc:4C0NEY, _4;i9ner_.~ each. Fancy nczn Tom;-ls, embroidered on one end only, 75 each. $1 so, 52 :1 - - v v '_.. Fanc -a}llYl'inen' Damask Tablecloths at $9, $3 50,$3 75 and $5 00 each. n -with Na ncy hemstitched Damask Tablecloths. in a wy white satin nish. Each $5 50, N apk'i _-to match, $6 50 per doz. Fawy hcmstitched all linen Tablecloth. ins to match. I dozen Napkins and Tableclo J ft): $5 50." Isklways appreciaitedn Where is the woman w would not delight in a ne Linen Table- clo with Napkins to match, . or ne Linen To .-. ,5. Ladies a`nd_Childx-en : Fancy Handker- chiefs, in all styles and qualities, at from SC `each to 75 each. A Gift from the Linen 5 Department Fahy Linen Jgemstitchcd Towels at 40c aoxce dairy . . . . . . . . '-laid, d_oz. . . .' . . . .; b, dressed . . . . .. spring . . . . . . . . o ' I t u o 0 0 --l" fra. " 55 - S011- E 48-50V {INDUCTION AT -_-_.,. 1,. uiunuxu. , And that the said By'- &w of the Corporation of the Conn of Sim- coe was registered in th V Registry ;Office of the County of imcoe on the 28th day of Novenibei`, -1916. I Any motion to quash or set aside |.the same or any part thereof must. `be. made Within three months` from the first publication of thistVNotice- i and cannot be made t_hereafter._ 1-. -r -u- _.__.k/ `Notice is hereby given that a By- law was passed .tl1e.Council of the Corporation of t County of Sim- coe on the `2-1th y pf November, 1916 authorizing e County of Sim- coe to guarantee` bentures to be issued by the Co` oration of the Town of Orillia to the amount of $110;000.00 under 4 ` of the said. _Corp_ ment at the Electric. ,of the Town nf' min. . 1u'\n1.... .. "7. W P `yer Plgnt; l;u\.A1I.v an DVHU .l:J1B(3El`lC of Town of Orilh tercst at the rate of per cent. per annum ' A.-.1 Ll,'_A -1 "' - 1'` Lfoyver Plant. lyiaring in- dud a-half BY-LAW No. 1216 or THE CORPORATION or THE COUNTY or smco}: 48-50 dressed . .' o -00-` on}: can an -nun EH .. Ib .....I..-A.- -/up auun uu._y UL lVU\[ HDCT, 1310. ! Any motion to quas or set asxdo 'the `same or any part -`thereof must |be made within three months from" the .1'_st publication of `-`this N0ti('(} and cannot be made thereafter. R. J. FLETCHER, F Clerk of the County of Simcoc. \ 48-50 H A1i(V1-"t`i1;l'1:tiiti.-`Said$By-IaW of the Corporation of the 4 unty of Sim- coc was registered ' the Registry Oice of the County f Simcoe on the"28th day of Nov 1b81', 1916. Any aside `the same -,hereof lbe made \Vif.i1in fhrnn l'nr\'r\+Iqm Fun...` E Notice is l1e1'eb;g_;i\'exi that a By- ! law was passed b)tl1e Council of the Corporation of t1 = County of Sim- coe on the 24th -3- )` of Novenlbcr, ' 1916 _ a11tl1o1'1z1ngr e County of."Sim- ,coe to g'ua1'antee benturcs to bc_ issued by the C - oration of tlfe T Wu of Orillia W $395 the amount of ,O00.00 under :- '-law No. 649 `of thosaid Cor 'ation of the {Town of Orillia fo _the rcconstruc~ ' 'tion and improvcmc' of Mtlnicipal bu1ldin,9;s 1n the said (3 own of Orlllia, beanngz mterest at 5 {BY-LAW No. 1215 {or THE CORPORATION or THE COUNTY "or SIMCOE 'THUiiSi)AY; -DECEMBER J 1915` R. :i:.FI:i;]."i`ACHER;. V Clerk of the County of Simcoe. i0 ' GOLLINGWOOD specialty by` All vuu \lIllAl H The 1'0Hu\'.e' sed: M. kc-:1~T .eon. 10. .+1J..'_"!: \)`m'k on mm. 1. grading: $43.31. ; vert, SJ`. 3 in : Parr, g'ra\'-"I : . .~ Dunn, work pr: J88. .\I(`(`l':h".~;(-:-L Chas. M('1\'r1': :1 ` `$3; Fred. Hun: $5; Geo. H. Ym us $16; A. \\';.! $13.60 ; Wu}. P The (`mm `pur ant T It the m( hm- _in the ohzm H11 ,. u I\rIO'\'(`l] }r~\ carried : ,\ pointed :1 mi H. \Vil.~'nl1 Tcc1nn.<(-th :1 . ,. ., 4 \-mununx | In 1| Counvi1 mi Thornton :11 15th. W. .\l. Jonas Slmv. Jas. M. .\`;=. Jacob Huh Herb. G1-i! z J35. ,..\. I.(`.' 4V(ILlll JIIO. Eniul Thos P:m; Q5. C'n1'h T. Il('It"f Leonarrl Hm Lorne ('h:I}v S. VJ.` }1ll})}H I Us lllllll Leonmwl I, Frank Hut? W. J. DPIII `T [N Y\ ' \ lnunun $6.50. wvouu .011 um! I. Qthc. follmvi: were paid: N:1xx1- 1- TVII` ' p.1"ep.. bux;ch . . . . uunng 1|` nun H. B(']]. 3': for \\'m. I}; son for \\'. Gibson, rm An rn .1. v.y;..n-r. ` `s}1in'_" hili VVri_rht. .\$ ety $15: '\ Agrioultnr. for work i: $150: Fm -!` son. rm-1 11' 1*; II vvo \.I. .1- _2, $7.35: `\ con. 8, $1! ment, .<-(-l:; _llin_ \\f:1~ ing. using }I11lll('i]ml .Erwin Mi! Jno. \V21H<- 1'. $1.10: . .|.vvvv\. All n, 1916. A 11 Minutes H? and ('0n1'm. and _L0w.1'i. mg a('(`()ilI!`.~ `Jno. I)u1t..- Vbert $5: \\'_ account hn_ gal`, rep. TIT (1 \ . . 2. . ". COUIIA7 Reeve in '5": 'I-'Il'l . n EGWNSHIP `V \ Includi Tea SIM IDA - Regular 1; Pocket In Ill: Bami VBSPR. $11 Des am slag? - .. _ -v-v--Iv Dec`eniberT6, 1 60 ..'.III 110 . 200 1:81;`! ESSA" A 1 55 '_1 37 12 00. 16 . 18 , 23 9 oo 10 oo 6 oo 7 00 - . 10 10 75 ; 7 75 5 50 6 50 . .25, 3:01 .75 45 38 15 I C u o ov.Ll\J . $12-$12.50 . . . .10-15c . . . . . .5cl .40-420 . I55-60c . .20-25c .25-28c . . .15-17 . .15-17c` . .12-15c 17-20c Ann I-A . may % s using. it. V-~F_"rice, 4 ;` Makes Yourskin Like Velvet` - Has a marvellous `effect on rough skin. 0 e or two `applications will remove , e roughness,:, and` by its occasional use"the skin acquires `the smoothness and softness of a baby s. % ' Glycedoniai, is" not sticlgy, and `gloves be, worn_ a "fewv;4~.s.`zn9mezft 7:2< aftr V And.-25eL De- I no one oUU[ .2 for 5c-[ .. ..50c . ..T..5o markt 1916 1 25 1. -:10 13 00 11 O0 10 00 1 80 50- -10 18 'If\ u o Q_L!J\l .23-25c . . , .40c . .15c ..18c .25c 0 ..50c. ..5c. '.'..Ii3E u uJ.UU `to 20c .17-20c . 150 (IE. 1'30 . . .5c 70 '* The Home Department of the Farmers Sun, Tpronto, i-s specially edited and presents the'lat_est ideas in `every branch of the home work, in- which the farn1e1 s wife or tiaugh- [ter is interested. _'YourA reading is _not complete without The Sun. V` ._ _ 1 IJIIJD All LU1'Ul_1"0 WEEK-, Mr. A. Hart,has_ returnbd fromj the west for the_ wintr. - V ` % `V _De1ath. . ha_zs_' 7; laimejd, -andtxlgejj HUV 25c 'II\ _ van: will llllllo Mr. Jas.wMcMurray. who? has been here for the past`few weeks hgs re- turned to_Severn "Bridge.-' _' p I" ` . Mi miifh mhnrnn n n o u nv.J- `A .c...... vuxuyu DU` D8Vel'l1 Drlqge.` I > M1s_s Edyth Thompson spent "a. few days 111 Toronto last week. V. . n My A 'D -..`1. 1.-- .-,_ A1 n Iii; a .l..J.\J . 13c 1110 DC V U! U lllllU3n Miss Morrison the teacher of S.S. N o. 1 is a victim of appendicitis" and Donald McKay will ll her position `till Chr'stmas. V 'Il'_.`I ,1r-In-' I`- -' . Decen_1ber 4,.1916 Mr. Lou Atkinson s little"-boy hap- pened wi-tl1 an" unfortunate accident `last week when he was kicked by` a horse on the head and died a few llours later. 4 " ' We are pleased to report little George 'Buie steadily improving _after `his severe illness. Ill..- '|l __.__3__ :1 1', 1 :1 ha ha uuo. uuuvvu an .Iuu\:u u.u1J1UVCuo The S.S. scholars "are busy prepar- ing for their Xmas concert. ` v, vunva JJGJLIC IJIIID VVUCI\n Mr. and Mrs: Henry " Pratt `of Stroud spent Sunday at Robt Rey- nolds . = -. 1 `ll -v1 11-` -\ % Nl0nkn\an s lycedonia` Wl`\`I`;.'and. Mrs. `W. Peacock of Stroud visited friends here recently Your. Cor.` is glad to report Mrs. Jas. Brown as much improved. rplmn nixlxnlnsun -nun `r\11n1v sr\s|l\|\a\wc Us;e;11be1' 4,. 1916 I Miss J. Jago is visiting herssistcr Mrs. Geo. Young; of_Grenfe1. J-`an wlnun T\.}.... .n --:.-.'J:-.'... _L 'I'\_. .Lu.J.s3. .uCUo .Luuu{.f, UL IJIUHLUL * Mlss Flora Dyer 1s v1s1tm'g at Dr. Oakes , Barne tlus week. LL. ....,1 'x.r_...- 'n'-___.__ ' 'rL.-u n Mrs. Ed. Harris 25c, James Brum- ; by 1.00; Frank, Orr 50c, Thos. Ford 2.00; Albert McFadden 25c, Dan. Mc- ; Fadden 25c,'Jas. Ross 25c, H. C..$2, `W. J._ Cole 50c, Wm. Parr 35c, Elsie Cloughly 10c, Mrs. R. A. Muir $1; Mrs. J. Hockzridge` `10c, ,Mrs. W. Muir 45c, Mrs. J. Muir 25c,v Mrs. Mc- -Bride `25c, Walter Thompson '25c, AMrs. J. Porter 250, Mrs. G. Ritchie 25c, `Verna Ritchie 10c, $1-, Miss G. Laird $1;, Chas. Harris $1; Thos. Harrison 50c, A. Hewis 25c,_ Mrs. Quinn 25c, W.J. Quinn 25c, Jno. Murphy Miss Ross A 25c, J. Coupland 50c, a J. W. Walton 25c, Mrs.- A. Parr 50c, ` Mrs. E. Degecr $1; W. W. Scott.$1; Norman Scott 50c, Hy. Harrison $1, . Thos, Murphy 25c, Alfred Harrison 50c, Jos. McKernan 50c.- Chas. Mc- Kernan 50c, Ed. Howard $1; Wm. Howard $1, Albert Ford $1,, `E. Greeneld 25c, Grenfel School $1.50, Herbert Gifford 25c, James Travers 50c, Thomas McFadden 25c, Ivy Rit- \] chic 10c---VTotal $27.20. - `I ;.u1 a LUV-V uaya. 4 ' _ Wesley T_racy of Mrdhurst 1s ploughmg onAhi.s farm in this burg.` G-RIJNPBl_'.u S CONTRIBUTION I FOR BRITISH RED CROSS nu;n yuan WLIILCL. Mxss Pearl Doane is home agaln for a few` days. `vnclnt; mnnnvv ..-0 `|fZ_`l1_,_,,,1 ' \ICoIJO Herman Osborne 1s home from the `west. T -u--nu ... - -- Vcrnor Hickling: and Harold Os- ho1'ne_'a1'c go1ng* to Co11n1g._,~'wood to work tlus winte1f.' l`-:___ 1-.__V` 1-, - . f\ 4.u.uuua_y~ .l1.l&',lll: Luau. ~ ' `W111 Luck and 'fa1m1y of Crown H111 called on Jos. Edwards on Sun- day. Dealers were paying to the farm- ers at St. Lawrence Market, Tues- day,,the following gures for their oiferings:- s Butter, choice dairy Eggs, new-laid, J55-60c Turkeys lb, .- . Turkeys, spring Fowl _' . 5 . . . Geese, spring _ . . . . . . -Ducklings . . . . . . Spring chickens T V .; .17-20c Squabs per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . .$3_.50 Fall wheat, new, bush . . . . . .$1.75 Fall wheat, old . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.70 "Goose wheat . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . .$1.75 Oats, new, _bush . . . . . . . . . ..`.68-70c Barley, malting . . . . .' . . .$1.18-$1.20 Rye....,.., . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.40 Timothy, new, N 0, 1, ton . .$l3-$15 ` Mixed and Clover . . . .- . . . . . .$11-$12` . Straw, bundled . .v.` . . . .$14i-$18 Straw, `loose . . . . ..,.....;....`..$1O . Straw, Rye .... .......,.'.$17-$18 j .furnace in his house. I 1 1 rrxuuslllllso V I Harvey Baldwin b111'ici his infant! child on Saturday last at Cr-ai;:'l1111'st. W. A. Coulteri is installing; a_Ia1'g"e YIVL- l`|-.._.. , V _A.u1uuL;U>.llVl IUD Ilullbl`. _ The Grang'c elected new oicers on Monday night last. 1 '\Vi T'.nnL' any] "pnvmavlluv AP 1` ------ -- .Dec(nbor 4, 1916 .Our snow has an disappeared agaln and the farmers are busy ploug'hin0'. T T-Tn ..u.n. `D..I..]-_.:._ L,__,,', 1 1 - .uuuvc;_oa1_y ac1'vu:t,'b' UUWH IHCYC. Mr. Joseph Jennett, S12, has ` on the sick list, we hope he will : be restored to his_usual health. _ u.{.- uuu D113. .lJuVl(l '1\11llClf V at Lefroy yesterday attending- amnversary servlces down .there. WT`: `Tncun-J. T.-..-....J.J. CL. 1 1 11 1; AVLLLIUJ. ` ' The P1'esb3;te1'ia11 Church, Ivy, held their anniversary` services yesterday, December, 3rd, There was a great fering was `a decided success. ` `crowd of people "and the vfreewill of- .was quite 2} few" from this vicinity {attended the services. 5, Mr. and Mrs. David -Miller were of TA.n'p1vn17 u,m4....,3..-- ..u.-.~., 4A.tLlD U\J|llo ' I -Mr. James Arnold of _AAngusr called recently to see his sister, Mrs. `Wm. Miller, Sr., at the home of her sen, W; A. Miller. IN` - -v - -- ;; Avuuo 111 JJCCUUII. - Miss Euphemia. Ellis is visiting in Allistqn. .`M'-.. T...... A-...-IJ -11` A_.,, n 1|- av Mrs. Harry McCann has 1'eturned home after an extended v1s1t w1th ,fr1ends in Beeton. ` . ,.... . ..: `1`iiiss' Etfy Shields of Mcaford' is visiting` her cousin, Miss Bella Mil -_ ler. ` 11- up A _ - wuccp DKUIS. . . . Calf Skins ;.. . Horse Hides. . Horse Hair . . . . Wool, unwashed Wool, `washed .. . . Lamb Skins, . . . . uu: .n.u. V. LLUDIJLDGI .I.)u1'.l'1\f. Saturday, the 2nd was the seventh li'ne s turn to contribute for the Red `Cross. At time of writing` there has just been $1.35 sentin to the treas-I urer: . ' `vino. nun -:1 .\ -- A - -I 4a\.o- Mrs. J. Dobson her daughter Mrs. fecently. II: on Tun I\ II- -... w `IJLIDI vluslu ` Mrs. Wm. Adams is }1omc- from the R. V. Hospital, Barrie.` ` .Q..+....A.m +1. om: .....,. u ._.;._.u! -LVVQIIUIJI ` _ Mlss Irene Harms left last week for Toroto, where she has accepted a\pos1t1on. 2 T `\f...-. TIT... A.J....... :- 1--..-- .D,____, 1;: Va VUIL-I .Mr. Wm. Jones V has "rented his farm to Mr. L. R655, and intends g'p- ing to Galt. 1.1:. 111.... 11:11.... :. 1.......-. 1: .... .- 1.1L Sorry to Tport of Mrs. Randolph gprsent in the R. :1.-~, 1' 1\ I T V . . December 4, 1.91_6 I Born t8 Mr. and .Mrs; Wm. Nor- gate a `young soldier (William Dau- iel Cavell.) T M .. ur... Tnvtnn 1...`. -..,...;...1 1_:... Illa VII `AA DIIIUO Mr. \Vm. Miller bert. V SUNNIDALE CORNERS BARRE V LJUUUIJ Wheat .. * . . . . . . . . . . Barley . . . . . . . . ., . . . Peas . . . . . . . . . . . .. Oats .., . . . . . . . . . .. Buokwheat . . . . . . . . Rye .. Hay, per ton, new .. Flour, [western Family Flour, per. Potatoes, per bag _. . . . `Eggs, _ per doz. Butter, per lb l. . .... Chickens, dressed DUCIKS .... ....v- `Turkeys . . . . Mutton .. Lambs, each ...... Lamb, `per . .. . Hogs, live selects . . . . Sows, live . . . . _Butcher Cattle . . .._, _o.. ;v 7_--6-.'_'?: on.Hrsp3pa n'ts:I'i_nd Worth Recording U"1 OPIA HT DALSTON yyaulatno I <':l_a.imed `, an6t_%l_1_e;'._ the serious illness` Jennett who is at V. Hospital, Bar- is home from Eg- has been visiting . West, Stoneham,l been soon the Zuni cl AIIJILUIDCI L (Corrected by Joe. Martin, square.) 'n....4' u:.:.._ -_.-H - ` |.l JILL u LJUULIIIIL ll .l..I.l.ll` GU" gcdiffxniud by Mr. Leon and Miss M. Rfowe motored toqcraigvalg on "Sun- DJ lIlJllLlll?IVo -, Mn :WilfriVd Parr has returned -from.4s'pe_1_1_,ding the summer in Alber- ta. ` ' -'\ 1 . `ll `'1' `V 1 Y'T'II VS. Rowe spent Mondy in Sunnidql. * .'n'.; 1rr:m..:L| 'n..._. 1.-.. '.....|.__......A.'J . l)-e;eimber__5, 1916` Mrs. vWm. Black of Allandale spent the week-end with Miss S. Utlcll II III] I Black ,. `III -n n g .:.xu': auuuiu mco:uu}__',' 01. VEHC _l1JSS branch of the Conservative Associa- tion will be held in the Orange Hall, `Ivy, on Monday, December 11th, atl -2.00 p.m., for the election of ofcers, appointing delegates to attend the _convention for the choosing 0P a candidate in `succession to Hon Mr. Du, and other business. Mr. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. will address the meeting. - V . ESSA coNsnRvAT1vE ASSOCIA-` 7 `HON % I 7 mI3e-c;2_r;11;e1' 4, 1916 \_Rev. M1'.eStrother, who has just returned from England is now pay- ` ing a short visit to his former parish' in Minesingi He preached in St. _Peter s on Sunday evening`, from the text, My_Fa.ther s House. The large cong1`eg`ation was very" atten- tive, and the message of 1'eve1'ence. hope and love will bear fruit in the future. 1 1' 1'1? (N: -I -- w1u\i;'.~c'Wm..Stande11 [paid a. flying` visit to Minesing.`_ L uuuuagv, ucuu . . o u o . Chickens, spring`, IT). Cream, coffee, pt. Cream, whipping, pt. . Carrots, basket . Citrons, each . . . . ... . Cauliower, head .4 . Duck,lb . . . . Eggs, doz.` Fowl,Ib . . . . . .. Hay, ton .. Horse radish, prep. bo1 ~ Horse radish, bunch .. Honey, lb .-. . . . . . . . . Honey in comb, lb . Lamb, front, lb . . . . . . . Lamb, hind, lb . . . . . .. Onions, pickling, basket Pork, front, lb . . . . . .. Pork, hind, lb . . . . Potatoes, bag Pears, small baskc P_ears, large basket *. . . . Sage, bunch Summer savory, bunch Turnips .. .. ; Turnips, bag` Thyme, bunch . . . . I.

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